0022-3565/95/2742-0937$03.00/0 THE Jouiuu OF PHARMACOLOGY an Copyright © 1995 by The American JPET 274:937-942, EXPERIMENTAL Society for Vol. 274, No. 2 THERAPEIYFICS Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Printed Coichicine and Cytochalasin B Enhance Accumulation Via Postreceptor Actions JEFFREY R. JASPER, Department of Pediatrics, Diego, La Jolla, Accepted in U.S.A. 1995 STEVEN R. POST, Stanford California University, [S.R.P. for publication KAVIN Stanford H. DESAI, [J.R.J., K.H.D., PAUL Cyclic A. INSEL and D.B.] and Department AMP DANIEL BERNSTEIN of Pharmacology, University of California at San and PA.!.] April 19, 1995 ABSTRACT role The of cytoskeletal modulating cAMP vestigated using microtubules in S49 generation the and microfilaments lymphoma cells was in in- agents colchicine and cytochalasin B, to disrupt these structures. A with 1 0 pM colchicine typically enhanced maximal isoproterenol(3-adrenergic receptor) stimulated cAMP accumulation by 100%, whereas cytochalasin B increased isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP by 30%. The combirespectively, which are known 1 -hr pretreatment of S49 cells nation of hanced agonist-stimulated cAMP A synergistic increase served in cells treated in cAMP cholera otide colchicine toxin (which regulatory not ablate (Ge) protein). Cytoskeletal and For been example, ity ofhormones variety of cell ulation as have multiple effect system. on lymphoma components ofcytoskeletal with components Kennedy, Received 1 Affiliate by model grants and adenylyl October from abil- cyclase of this cytoskeletal in a regdrugs an 20, the investigating the drugs 549 that cells, at the G5 protein imply that regulation may and/or alter and of this pathway contribute to the action cytoskeletal elements. microtubule assembly of whether affect with Association, of Health (P.!. and California D.B.). that colchicine and these cytoskeletal gest microtubules the in the in cellular alter and results interact function cAMP of these vinblastine (Insel that ponents of microfilaments and regulation of components microfila.ments of cAMP disassembly facilitates in of either cytoskeletal interact than component to The data and microfila- of postreceptor formation of determine might microtubules interaction cAMP to accumulation. of both a greater involved is sugcom- observed by alone. Methods lines cell and culture. Wild-type cells and 549 clonal variants were in the pathway ofreceptor/G,/adenylyl tein kinase. All cells were grown heat-inactivated Heart 3H- These can increases of drugs 1978) Kennedy, Cell and disruption generation. microfilaments and that 549 them (Insel f3-receptor-stimu- of isoproterenol-promoted (a measure of Gadenylyl via cAMP microtubules interac- system on cydlase coupling). Thus, colchicine and cytochalasin B appear to enhance signaling in the Gjadenylyl cyclase pathway by alterations of components distal to hormone receptors, most likely disassembly 1994. American Institutes for transduction cultured treatment enhances expression binding in intact cells ments including signal that treatment, forskolin inhibitors function, effects, cyclase in wild-type (D.B.) and the National ABBREVIATIONS: stimulatory Thus, 1990). the of adenylyl adrenergic indicated structures for publication Supported have a useful of the 1978). to influence toxin with cytochalasin B (Insel and Koachman, 1982) enhances agonist-stimulated cAMP accumulation. In our study we assessed the effects membrane et at., pertussis of lated cAMP accumulation, indicating that these cytoskeletal disrupting agents do not enhance responsiveness in S49 cells via alterations in the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein pathway. Moreover, colchicine, but not cytochalasin B and response to sympathomimetic may be mediated by colchicine’s of the studies are plasma pharmacologic micro- of surface Rasenick influence B did and the mechanism 1983). Antiinflammatory (Zor, which ob- E1 or nude- or the stimula- regulation the 1985; activation of the clinical enhancement tions of although additional cells also cytochalasin microtubules appears to regulate Previous and in the cytoskeleton colchicine, enhancement agents. This as et at., systems, defined is poorly such such Marsh the values. was of somatostatin components 1987; en- over control accumulation implicated other et at., B synergistically to 225% Colchicine effects structures, have proteins cytochalasin with the agonist prostaglandin activates the stimulatory guanine the inhibitory filaments, (Eide and effect tory (Mahan growth horse and conditions Insel, serum 1986). (0.3-1.2 in (24.3.2) S49 lymphoma used, the variants having lesions cyclase/cAMP-dependent proat 37#{176}C in DME containing 10% a 10% C02; 90% air environment Cells were maintained in x 106 cells/ml) and viability logarithmic was >95%. a-receptor, f32-adrenergic receptor; CT, cholera toxin; DMEM, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium; G,, a-subunit of the binding regulatory protein; Gja, a-subunit of the inhibitory guanine-nucleotide binding regulatory protein; HEPES, -piperazine-ethanesulfonic acid; [1251]-ICYP, [1251]-iodocyanopindolol; IBMX, isobutylmethylxanthine; PGE1, prostaglandin E1. guanine-nucleotide 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1 937 938 Cell number Jasper et al. and viability Vol. 274 were determined using a Coulter ZBI cell counter/Channelizer. Stimulation accumulation in whole cells. Wild-type were pretreated with either 10 p.M colchicine, 10 B [concentrations of these agents found prey- ofcAMP 549 lymphoma cells p.g/ml cytochalasin ously to be Kennedy, optimal 1978; cytochalasin for Insel enhanced and B together cAMP Koachman, for 1 hr responsiveness 1982)1 at 37#{176}C.In (Insel or both some and colchicine and experiments, cells were treated with 10 p.M vinblastine, another inhibitor of microtubules. Cells were then stimulated with 1 M (-)-isoproterenol or 10 .tM PGE1 for 15 mm (unless otherwise noted) in the presence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (100 iM Ro 20-1724 and/or 100 .tM isobutylmethyl.xanthine). Superoxide dismutase and catalase (10 j.g/ml each) were added to prevent oxidation of drugs (Mahan and Insel, 1984). The reaction was terminated by centrifugation for 20 sec, aspiration buffer” of reaction xanthine, described (Darfier media, addition of 150 ml of ice cold mM previously sodium (Brunton and Mayer, of approximately in a dry further as 1979). 5 x i0 ice-ethanol disrupted centrifuged at bath, in cells/mi. The to fracture thawed a Dounce cells homogenizer. x g for 4 sec to remove 12000 were the then cells frozen and then Disrupted cells were nuclei and unbroken cells. fi-Adrenergic receptor binding assay. After treatment of S49 cells with colchicine or cytochalasin B, intact cells were centrifuged at 900 x g for 5 mm at room temperature and resuspended in DMEM containing 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4) and 1 mg/mi of bovine serum albumin. Replicate tubes (three or four) containing 0.6 to 0.9 x 106 cells were incubated with the radioligand [‘251]-ICYP in the presence (nonspecific binding) or absence (total binding) of 1 M (-)-propranolol in a final volume ofSOO l for 60 mm at 37#{176}C. For saturation binding, the [1251]-ICYP concentration ranged from 5 to 150 pM. Binding reactions were terminated by dilution in 10 ml ice cold wash buffer (5 mM potassium phosphate and 1 mM MgSO4, pH 7.4) and then rapidly filtered and washed with an additional 10 ml wash buffer over Whatman GF/C filters on a Brandel cell harvester. Filters were counted number ofbinding ICYP saturation Koachman, 1982). Adenylyl cyclase in a gamma sites per isotherms counter at cell and Kd were as described assay. Determination -80% efficiency. The determined previously from (Insel of adenylyl cyclase [125J} and ac- in plasma membrane fractions used the method of Salomon et al. (1974). Briefly, membranes (20 mg protein/20 ml membrane buffer) were stimulated for 15 mm with various agents at 30#{176}C in a buffer containing 50 mM HEPES, pH 8.0, 5 mM MgC12, 5 mM tivity f3-mercaptoethanol, 20-1724 (to inhibit of creatine HC1, 10 mM MgCl2, Tris 100 mg/ml bovine phosphodiesterases), phophokinase, serum 10 mM 1 mM cAMP, albumin, 100 M buffer. Cytochalasin B and D and colchicine were purchased from either Aldrich or Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO); prostaglandin E1, isoproterenol, isobutylmethyixanthine and vinblastine from Sigma; [3H]-CAMP from Amersham Corp. (Arlington Heights, Reagents. IL); and cholera bell, and pertussis toxins from List Biochemicals (Camp- CA); Ho 20-2724 was a gift from Hoffmann-La Roche (Nutley, NJ). All other chemicals were purchased from standard sources. Data analysis and presentation. Data shown are either representative or average of at least three separate experiments (unless otherwise noted) and include ± 1 S.E.M. Results Isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP accumulation in intact 849 cells. Cytochalasin B (10 .tg/ml) or cytochalasin D (10 .tWml) pretreatment of whole 549 cells enhanced isoproterenol-mediated cAMP accumulation by 22 ± 8% and 32 ± 8%, respectively (fig. 1). Colchicine (10 .tM) pretreatment resulted in a 2-fold increase in cAMP levels (98 ± 26%). The combination of either cytochalasin B or D and colchicine synergistically increased isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP accumulation more than 3-fold (218 ± 28% and 239 ± 33%, respectively) over control values. Inhibition of microtubule assembly by 10 M vinblastine instead of colchicine yielded similar results (data not shown). Although disruption of the cytoskeleton increased the amount of cAMP produced, it did not alter the length of time required to elicit a maximal response (fig. 2, top). Cells stimulated with PGE1, which activates adenylyl cyclase via a different G-protein-coupled receptor, demonstrated a similar increase in responsiveness with either colchicine or cytochalasin B alone, and a similar synergistic enhancement of cAMP stimulation (fig. 2, bottom). This in- X0 .. L 4-, 0 .1 -a) L E0 4-, OC CO w4 Ro ..--- creatine phosphate, 400 pM ATP, 1 to 2 10 U/ml x 106 cpm of [a-32P}ATP. Incubations were performed in the presence of 100 M GTP, 100 M Gpp(NH)p, 10 mM NaF, or 10 p.M isoproterenol + 100 p.M GTP. [3H]-Forskolin binding in whole S49 cells. [3H]-forskolin binding was determined as described by Alousi et al. (Alousi et al. , 1991). 549 cells were treated with 10 p.M colchicine, 10 p.g/ml cytochalasin B, colchicine and cytoshalasin B or ethanol vehicle for 1 hr at 37#{176}C in growth medium. The cells were sedimented by centrifugation and resuspended in DMEM containing 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, and stimulated for 10 mm with 10 p.M isoproterenol in the absence (total binding) or presence (nonspecific binding) of 10 p.M unlabeled fors- at 22#{176}C. The cells were rapidly with 5 ml ice-cold wash buffer (50 pH 7.4) and washed with an additional 20 ml cold acetate Preparation of cell membranes. Isolated cellular membranes from 549 lymphoma cells were prepared as described previously (Insel and Kennedy, 1978). 549 cells were pretreated with drugs or untreated and washed with Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline. The cells were resuspended in 40 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 2 mM MgC12, 1 mM -mercaptoethanol, 10 mg/ml bovine serum albumin to a density mM “stop containing 100 iM isobutylmethylpH 4.0) and boiling for 5 mm. cAMP was assayed by the method of Gilman (1970) with minor modifications et al. , 1982). Extrusion of cAMP was measured as described (50 kolin and 40 nM [3H]-forskolin filtered over Whatman GF/C filters , (; - . #{149}0 f’ \“) c; \? ( c#{176} c,#{176} ‘P #{231}O0 O#{149}” Fig. 1. Effect of colchicine, cytochalasin B and cytochalasin D on isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP accumulation in S49 cells. Cells were pretreated for 1 hr with either 1 0 p.M colchicine, 10 p.g/ml cytochalasin B or 1 0 p.g/ml cytochalasin D to disrupt the cytoskeleton and the cells were then stimulated for 1 5 mm with the 13-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol and intracellular cAMP levels measured. Shown is the average of four independent experiments (± SEM); isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP accumulation control was 260 pmol cAMP/107 cells. Treatment with colchicine, cytochalasin B or D, colchicine or combinations thereof all yielded significantly (P < .01) elevated levels of cAMP. Cytoskeletal 1995 939 and cAMP Disruption #{149} CB+COL 1IIIIII 750 C so 500 00 250 ‘C 0 log EC50=-7.24 I log EC50-7.23 0 15 30 Ti.. 60 wfth Iso.ncl 45 75 105 90 -8 120 (mn) -7 -6 -5 -4 (N) Log [Isoproterenol] Fig. 3. Effect of colchicine and cytochalasin B on the isoproterenolstimulated cAMP dose-response relationship. Cells were pretreated with 1 0 p.M colchicine and 10 p.g/ml cytochalasin B (#{149}) or vehicle (0) for 1 hr and stimulated with varying concentrations of isoproterenol for 15 mm. Shown is the representative of two experiments. TABLE 1 Effect of cytoskeletal S49 cell membranes inhibitors on adenylyl cyclase of activity Membrane Adenylyl Cyclase Activity (pmol cAMP/15 mm/mg Protein) 30 Fig. 2. Effect of colchicine 45 60 75 Ti.. with PGE and cytochalasin 90 105 (n 120 5) = Pretreated (.) cells (n Control B on the kinetics of hormone-stimulated cAMP accumulation in wild-type S49 cells. Cells were pretreated with either 10 p.M colchicine (A), 1 0 p.g/ml cytochalasin B (#{149}), cytochalasin B + colchicine (S) or ethanol vehicle (0) for 1 hr and stimulated with 1 p.M isoproterenol (top) or 1 0 p.M PGE1 (bottom) for varying times, and cAMP accumulation was measured. Shown is the representative of three independent experiments. dicates that these cytoskeletal inhibitor-mediated increases in cAMP accumulation are not receptor-specific. 3-adrenergic receptor density and affinity and receptor activation. Specific binding of the antagonist radioligand [‘2511-ICYP to whole cells demonstrated that treatment with coichicine and cytochalasin B did not alter either receptor number (control: 2755 ± 172 sites/cell; treated: 2569 ± 239 sites/cell, P = NS) or affinity of the fl-receptor for l25ICyp (control KD: 22 ± 1 pM; treated: 21 ± 1 pM, n = 2, P = NS). Moreover, the increased responsiveness to isoproterenol in cells treated with colchicine and cytochalasin B occurred without a change in the EC50 for isoproterenolstimulated cAMP accumulation (fig. 3). Adenylyl cyclase activity of S49 cell membranes. The data presented thus far involved intact cells. To eliminate the possibility that cytoskeletal inhibitors act directly on plasma membrane components to enhance cAMP accumulation, we GTP ISO + GTP PGE1 + GTP Gpp(NH)p Right Col 116±20 4) = + Treated membranes CB Control 123±37 186 ± 48 166 ± 25 193 110±13 269 229 ± 47 217 ± ± 42 166 ± 49 31 236 ± 47 181 ± 44 Col CB 106±7 206 ± 49 175 ± 18 196 ± 92 109 ± + columns: cells were pretreated for 1 h with either 10 p.M colchicine or 10 p.g/ml cytochalasin B after which crude membrane fractions were prepared. Adenylyl cyclase activity was measured in response to various agents [1 00 pM GTP, 100 p.M Gpp(NH)p, or 10 p.M isoproterenol + 100 pM GIP]. Left columns: Membranes were prepared from S49 cells and colchicine and cytochalasin B were added to the membrane preparations. Adenylyl cyclase activity was measured in response to above stimulatory agents. required for expression colchicine and metabolism. cAMP or ofthe cytochalasin deplete cAMP accumulation in enhanced response produced Inhibition of processes that extrude could explain the enhancement S49 cells treated with cytoskeletal To examine of decay of intracellular cAMP levels in cells stimulated the (3-agonist isoproterenol, followed by the f3-antago( )-propranolol. The decay rates of cAMP levels over we measured the a - 15-mm cAMP mechanism, cAMP inhibi- rate with nist treated potential in tors. mm) this by B. period and were colchicine cells was (fig. not + identical cytochalasin 4). In addition, different in cells in B- (tv2 we found incubated control 5.4 (t#{189}= 5.3 mm, n that extrusion = with = 2) of or without which cytoskeletal components are mechanically disrupted. When colchicine and cytochalasin B were added to intact 549 cells and then a crude membrane fraction prepared, agonist-dependent and independent adenylyl cyclase activity was not enhanced (table 1, left col- B (“0.7%/mm, data not shown). These results are strong evidence that processes that extrude and degrade cAMP are not responsible for the enhancement in hormone-stimulated cAMP accumulation observed with colchicine and cytochalasin B. Cholera toxin-stimulated cAMP accumulation in wild-type and mutant 549 cells. The bacterial exotoxin from Vibrio cholera activates the G8a subunit independent of umns). hormone assayed arations, added again (table adenylyl a cyclase system Similarly, activity in isolated membrane prep- in when after membranes failed to enhance 1, right columns). colchicine and cythchalasin B were were prepared from S49 cells, they stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity Thus, the milieu of the intact cell is and virtually colchicine receptors (Cassel and postreceptor found cytochalasin by inhibiting Selinger, 1977). We site of action of the a synergistic enhancement the GTPase thus used cytoskeletal activity of G8 CT to test inhibitors. for a We of CT-stimulated cAMP 940 Jasper Vol. 274 et al. activation OfGsa. Treatment with colchicine and cytochalasin B did not restore responsiveness of UNC cells to isoproterenol (data not shown). However, UNC cells did show enhanced CT-mediated cAMP accumulation after addition of either colchicine or cytochalasin B and a synergistic response to C1 .2., ‘.o . 2o simultaneous 0 5 10 15 20 Time with Isoproterenol Fig. 4. Rate of decay of intracellular blockade of isoproterenol-stimulated treated with 10 p.M colchicine and 25 (mm) 30 cAMP levels after propranololadenylyl cyclase. Cells were pre10 p.g/ml cytochalasin B (#{149}) or and stimulated with isoproterenol. After 15 mm, 10 were added to block isoproterenol-stimulation of a-receptors and the decay of intracellular cAMP measured. Shown is the representative of two experiments; the mean half-time values for the decay of cAMP in the two experiments were: control = 5.4 ± 0.45 mm., colchicine + cytochalasin B = 5.25 ± 1 .7 mm. vehicle (0) for 1 hr p.M (-)-propranolol accumulation in S49 cells by colchicine and cytochalasin B (fig. 5a). Moreover, the cytoskeletal inhibitors did not shorten the lag time required for CT to increase cellular cAMP levels. The mutant 549 cell line UNC has a point mutation in G8 at g372 that uncouples G8 from hormone receptors but does not interfere with normal coupling of activated G8a to adenylyl cyclase as (Sullivan et at. accumulation cAMP treatment with both of these agents (fig. 5b), to that found in wild-type S49 cells. These results further demonstrate that the synergistic effects of colchicine and cytochalasin B on cAMP accumulation are at sites distal to hormone receptors. Both the kin S49 cell mutant, which lacks cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and the cyc S49 cell mutant, which lacks G5a protein, were also pretreated with colchicine and cytochalasin B. In kin cells, isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP accumulation was enhanced similar to the enhancement demonstrated in wild-type 549 cells (fig. 6). Importantly, colchicine and cytochalasin B pretreatment of the cyc 549 cell mutant did not alter forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation (data not shown). Taken together, studies in mutant 549 cells indicate that the effects of colchicine and cytochalasin B are at sites distal to receptor, do not require cAMPdependent protein kinase, but do require a functional G8,, protein. G1-mediated inhibition ofcAMP accumulation in S49 similar CC isoproterenol , 1987). in response or PGE1, These cells to hormonal but do respond do not increase agonists, such to CT-mediated Cu, NO J 00. U 0. <C U cells. Somatostatin cells, acting inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity in 549 via the inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding regulatory protein, G1 (Jakobs et al. , 1983). Inasmuch as our data implicate a postreceptor site in the observed synergistic effect of colchicine and cytochalasin B, we next determined whether these agents could block activation of G1, thereby enhancing f3-receptor-stimulated cAMP accumulation. Coincubation of wild-type 549 cells with isoproterenol and somatostatin attenuates isoproterenol stimulation of cAMP; pretreatment ofcells with colchicine and cytochalasin B failed to block this attenuation (fig. 7). Furthermore, pertussis toxin enhancement of isoproterenol-stimulate cAMP accumulation (Jasper et at. , 1990) was not affected by pretreatment with colchicine or cytochalasin B (data not shown). Thus, cytochalasin B and colchicine do not enhance agonist-stimulated cAMP accumulation by blocking G1-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Isoproterenol-stimulated 549 cells. [3H]-forskolin Binding of [3H]-forskolin binding to intact 549 in cells is a Cu) . N C 0 00 so U 0 I- lie <.5 ‘CE U ‘C 0 30 60 Time 90 with 120 cholera 150 toxin 180 (mm) Fig. 5. Effect of colchicine and cytochalasin B on cholera toxin-stimulated cAMP accumulation in 549 cells. Wild-type (top) or UNC (bottom) 549 cells were pretreated with either 10 p.M colchicine (A), 1 0 p.g/ml cytochalasin B (#{149}), cytochalasin B + colchicine (#{149}) or ethanol vehicle (0) for 1 hr and stimulated with 1 00 ng/ml cholera toxin and intracellular cAMP measured at varying times. Shown is the representative of two independent experiments. Time Fig. 6. Effect hormone-stimulated of colchicine cAMP 45 with and 60 75 Isoproterenol cytochalasin accumulation 90 105 120 (mm) B on the kinetics in 549 cells lacking of cAMP- protein kinase activity (kin). Cells were treated with colchicine and cytochalasin B and stimulated with isoproterenol for varying times. Shown is the representative of two independent experiments. dependent 1995 Cytoskeletal mone 1250 receptors, the or G1, or the oa At the 1000 receptor altered 5,.’. E0 ity 750 ‘-4 for PGE1 I 500 0E a-receptor and response variant 0. 0 c__ and were had B In both a synergistic of colchicine ated inhibition of cAMP and cytochalasin B on accumulation somatostatin-medi- in 549 cells. Cells were pretreated with 10 p.M colchicine and 10 p.g/ml cytochalasin B (right bars) or dimethylsulfoxide vehicle (left bars) for 1 hr and stimulated with 1 p.M isoproterenol for 15 mm in the presence (cross-hatched bars) or ab- sence (open bars) of 1 p.M somatostatin. three independent Shown is the representative of experiments. as CT on GTPase the inhibitors distal proximal not measure of the interaction of activated (Alousi et at. , 1991; Barber, [3HJ-forskolin binding as a means toskeletal inhibitors might enhance ment interaction of 549 cells nol-stimulated cells kolin 10 p.M , assessed effect by and B decreased binding on compared G8-adenylyl by to cyclase B have a interactions, as binding. study, regulation S49 lymphoma of plasma cyclase system microfilaments. were used components to examine of the of cytoskeletal the adenylyl microtubules time of G,,/adenylyl colchicine and cytochalasin B fail for inhibitor activity, cytoskeletal cytochalasin indicating components D exhibit similar these effects are that and not nonspecific. In gard, the inactive isomer of colchicine, p-lumicolchicine, not enhance agonist-mediated cAMP accumulation and Kennedy, 1978; Leiber et at., 1993). When cells cytochalasin are either may be simultaneously B, hormone accumulation with treated and alone. regulating adenylyl cyclase whether this filament inhibitors increased This suggests different, but pathway. synergistic We action is related the interactive, have site cyclase activity by appear to to colchicine with our and results: ef- in the and and have phosphodiesterase of transducin. life- disruption G5. A brief (1992) Bownds a does of G8 and perhaps We propose three interaction, molecule 7), nor assessed enhancement and Simto be binding, compatible the GTPase (fig. of S49 cells of receptors follows. effector appear interaction, of regulation inhibitors? be do of cAMP. not inhibitor Arshavsky the does must 6) and of discus- demonacts Similarly, to Ross and colleagues have found that the effector phospholipase C acts as a GTPase activating (GAP) protein for its cognate G-protein, Gq (Berstein et at. , 1992). We speculate that one C2 U) Ct- ‘no L. ‘.,. rLiO :EC 1’) ‘.. re- does COL CB COL CB and cAMP that two found inhibitors steps attempted of microtubules to their this colchicine above that cAMP specific (Insel nonhormone-stimulated is synergistically agent with metabolism hydrolysis/exchange, cellular “compartments” sion of each of these that be (fig. or to enhance adenylyl cyclase activity; thus, their effect on adenylyl cyclase requires the presence of an intact cytoskeletal architecture. The microtubule inhibitor vinblastine and the microfilament enhancing would effects of at and The addition of colchicine or cytochalasin B to intact 549 cells produces a dose-dependent enhancement in both hormone (isoproterenol, PGE1) and nonhormone(CT) stimulated cAMP accumulation. However, in broken cell preparations, that GTP effect of action is kinase G., cyclase be the sites by cytoskeletal agonists. site these protein response agents of cAMP inhibitory one [3H1-forskolin might cyclase these microfilaments cytoskeletal synergistic B. in in the UNC ofG8 to the receptor its that and G8-adenylyl on enhance cells membrane by inhibitors the Recently, Discussion In our of fects strated suggest However, isoproterenol-stimulated possibilities Leiber , of either facilitation What adenylyl [3H]-forsof cells with (c.f. of action explain via G protein, colchi- accumulation cells, with data by potenti- stimulation seen in cellular inhibitory cytochalasin control our alterations the UNC G8 directly of microtubules involve site isoprotere- instead was stimulated colchicine and cytochalasin [3HJ-forskolin adenylyl accumulation cyclase. Pretreat- In contrast, isoproterenol-stimulated was not inhibited by pretreatment colchicine, but 1993). Therefore, differential cAMP adenylyl cytochalasin [3H1-forskolin (fig. 8). binding et at. of G8a with and 1988). We thus measured to test whether the cy- cyclase increasing G8a that the G8 protein. to cAMP-dependent to ilarly, to activates activity, their Moreover, on CT-mediated similar Inasmuch enhanced that cAMP and affin- Furthermore, in both wild-type and is defective in coupling wild-type effect accumulation Fig. 7. Effect toxin (which B their was specific. enhanced G8 cytochalasin nor [‘25I1-ICYP. a-receptor B to cholera of S49 cells nor B, indicating not proteins receptors, accumulation cytochalasin 941 cyclase. colchicine antagonist cytochalasin f3-receptor). cytochalasin neither of cAMP and effects cine 250 <0 the binding of adenylyl of -adrenergic stimulation ation 0.0 I- number nucleotide component level, the colchicine guanine catalytic and cAMP Disruption to and of action in the discern micro- on hor- Fig. 8. Effect of cytochalasin B on isoproterenol-stimulated rHJ-forskolin binding in 549 cells. 549 cells were pretreated for 1 hr with 1 0 p.M colchicine, 1 0 p.g/ml cytochalasin B, colchicine plus cytochalasin B or vehicle. lsoproterenol(10 p.M) stimulated rH]-forskolin binding was determined after a 10-mm incubation at 22#{176}C in the absence (total binding) or presence (nonspecific binding) of 10 p.M forskolin. Data are presented as isoproterenol-stimulated rH]-forskolmn binding over isoproterenol + unlabeled forskolin-stimulated rH]-forskolin binding averaged from five separate experiments performed in quadruplicate. 942 et al. Jasper site of action of cytoskeletal is via system Vol. 274 functioning the as GAP-like exchange. Thus, filaments intrinsic not activity of GTP/GDP of the or microfilaments decrease the GTPase stimulation necessarily G8a activity of adenylyl be reflected subunit, by colchicine or ofGsa and cyclase, in enhanced for a period mechanism of to block time after activation; stimulation ofthe a active G-protein a-subunits (Bourne and Stayer, 1992). If cytoskeletal proteins were to play a role in holding inactive a8 and adenylyl cyclase together, then disruption ofthe cytoskeleton would decrease the time that the inactive a8 is bound to adenylyl cyclase and thereby increase the activation state of adenylyl does cyclase. not cyclase Because, enhance to the this rather possibility concept colchicine, [3H]-forskolin interaction), microtubules A third unlike binding mechanism cytochalasin (a might of G8- measure be operative for action of components in the and adenylyl cyclase “sharing” of proteins would increase the cell, but it would also mains in the precision from another system (e.g. , PGE1). between different signaling dototal amount of cAMP synthesized of responsiveness Although no data destroy the to external are available normal the three mately possibilities that we have proposed, each should ultibe amenable to experimental testing. We have at- tempted study preliminary studies G5 and G in 549 cells itors. However, such studies. high levels However, using treated immunofluorescence with cytoskeletal of autofluorescence the current have findings lead to inhibimpeded us to hy- pothesize that microtubules and microfilaments act at distinct but interactive sites along the pathway of cAMP generation. It is possible that colchicine and cytochalasin B act to alter this pathway via lin and actin, respectively, the present microtubules previous components other than the most likely explanation data are is direct regulatory of the adenylyl cyclase have components effects and cellular but perturbed by colchicine tubufor that microfflaments and effects on the membrane system, and that these and F., DARFLER, cytochalasin B. L., KoAcmwi, MAHAN, target A. r sets the tempo. of cyclic AMP from Nature 358: pigeon eryth- 1979. AMP and protein kinase 10233-10239, 1983. ofcycic Chem. AND SELINGER, Z.: Mechanism cholera toxin: inhibition ofGTP hydrolysis Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74: 3307-3311, 1977. 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Send reprint requests to: Dr. Daniel Bernstein, Stanford University, 750 Welch Road, Suite 305, Department Palo Alto, of Pediatrics, CA 94304.
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