May 18, 2014 - St. Paul of the Cross Church

May 18, 2014
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May 18, 2014
St. Paul of the Cross Welcomes…
In an effort to promote and encourage Catholic Education, SPMC will award a $2,500 scholarship to be utilized at any approved Catholic High School Institution in the Chicagoland area.
This scholarship opportunity is open to any 8th Grade male parishioner of St. Paul of the Cross.
The Rising Star Scholarship will be awarded to the deserving individual demonstrating the key
Ella Grace Norman
Daughter of Nicholas & Elizabeth Norman
• Maintains a grade point average equivalent to a B or higher
• Demonstrates aptitude for extracurricular activities and contributed to his
Noah Edward Hyrc
Son of Michael & Teresa Hyrc
• Completed essay of 300 words or less titled, “What I will gain from a Catholic
Sadie Elyse Brandt
Daughter of Michael & Heather Brandt
Mason Alexander Serrano
Son of Scott & Rachel Serrano
Emma Lily Anderson
Daughter of
Christopher & Whitney Anderson
Cameron James Jarosch
Son of Timothy & Kristine Jarosch
III Daniel Hejza & Madeline Young
community through philanthropic opportunities
All entries must be submitted by
12:00 PM Monday, May 19th.
All applicants must contact Steve Bachert
from the St. Paul Men’s Club at [email protected] (312-399-9531) for complete
details, eligibility requirements, and submission information.
Best of luck to all applicants!
Apostolate of Women Scholarship Award Contest
St. Paul of the Cross Apostolate of Women are accepting applications for its
annual Catholic Education Scholarship Award, open to young women in the
parish in 8th through 11th grades that will be attending a Catholic high
school in the Fall of 2014. Two winners will receive $1500 scholarships to
be used for tuition at any Catholic high school in the Chicagoland area.
Our new pope has been setting such a wonderful example of humility and
faith. To honor his example, please submit a typewritten essay of 300 words
or less addressing the topic:
“How will a Catholic education deepen your faith?”
The next Music for Weddings
will be held on
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
at 7:30 pm - Duffin Hall.
Please call (847) 825-7605 to register.
The Golden Wedding
Application Due Date: Friday, May 30, 2014, by 5:00 pm.
Please submit your essay, and the following information on a separate sheet:
¾Name ¾Address ¾Telephone ¾Name of selected high school
Applications should be dropped off at the Parish Rectory in an envelope
marked: “AOW Scholarship” by the due date listed above. Essays received
after this date will not be considered.
Questions? Contact AOW presidents:
Sue Knight [email protected] 847-323-5136, or
Ellen Paloian [email protected] 847-909-8706.
Winners will be notified by phone on or before June 20, 2014.
Anniversary Mass
will be held on Sunday,
September 14, 2014 at 2:45 pm
at Holy Name Cathedral,
735 North State Street, Chicago.
Saint Paul of the Cross Salutes Our Men & Women Who Serve
Couples married in 1964 interested
in attending this celebration should
contact Pat Adlaf in the St. Paul
rectory no later than
Monday June 9th to register
(847) 825-7605.
This Memorial Day weekend we will be presenting our new
Military Bulletin Board thanking those who serve this great Country.
It will be located in the Vestibule of the Main Church. Please stop by and visit.
If you have family or a friend that is currently serving and would like to have
their name or picture posted, please contact Mark Miller at 773-908-5730.
God Bless America
5th Sunday of Easter
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Dear St. Paul Parishioners,
You have done it again! Once again you have proved beyond doubt that St. Paul of the Cross
is an extremely generous parish. Whenever you come to know about the conditions of the poor and
the suffering anywhere, you come to their aid in full force. I have seen it firsthand in the last five
years. When that devastating earthquake hit Haiti, the poorest country in our part of the world, you
reached deep into your pockets and provided over $40,000 to help the Haitians rebuild. Last year we
went as a group to Arizona and handed a hefty check to support St. Jude Mission that serves the
Navajos. This year we embraced the “untouchables” in South India as the beneficiaries of our Lenten Sacrifice. As of
May 4 we have raised over $60,000 and the funds will go towards the building of a community center.
In the name of Fr. Val and all his people, I would like to offer you my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of
you. I can guarantee that God will abundantly bless you. When we help His poor, we really help Him. The poor of our
world have nowhere to turn except the Lord. When we come to their aid, we become the helping hands of God!
I would like to thank in a special way, Adrienne Timm, who has been the driving force behind this effort. I am
also grateful to Anna Mae Parkhill, our DRE, who encouraged both the catechists and the students in our religious
education program to work hard to make this a grand success. They responded tremendously and raised the greatest
amount they have ever raised in any Lenten season. I am also touched by what our school students and teachers
accomplished. Both our school and religious education students rallied around this cause and their enthusiasm has been
palpable. I was moved to hear that our first graders in the school collected over $300 by doing chores and making
sacrifices. A couple of days ago two fourth grade girls handed me a Ziploc bag filled with coins and dollar bills. They
collected the money by selling soap which they made at home with their own hands. There have been many projects
initiated by many groups and individuals and they have all borne abundant fruit. I will be remiss if I did not thank the
Servants of St. Francis who have been the catalyst in the parish and in the school. They even came up with a creative
slogan for the campaign: “Give to Gingee! Don’t be stingy!” We have no idea how we have changed the lives of these
people living in far away Gingee.
When I called Fr. Val a few days ago and gave him the news, he was beside himself. He could not believe it. He
asked me to personally convey to you the gratitude of all his people and assured me that they are praying for us. He told
me that as soon as he gets the money he will break ground. Hopefully the center will be completed within a year. I am
including an artist’s rendition of what the center could look like. (Rendering is in Adrienne Timm’s column on page 5).
On the ground floor it will have a couple of offices and a large hall which will serve as church on Sundays. The children
will use the hall as their study hall. On the second floor, there will be two halls which will be used as dorms for men and
women when they have to stay over at the center. There will also be bathrooms and showers. It is a modest building but
it will serve the needs of over 200 people. The total square footage of the structure is only 2,200.
Our original target for this campaign was $50,000 and we have exceeded it by $10,000. In the past Fr. Val has
been at a loss as to how he would fund his ministry. He has no source of income and depends on the kindness of people.
Year to year the future of his ministry is uncertain and our contribution will make it a little more stable. Once he finishes
the building, Fr. Val will deposit the surplus in a CD. In India one can get an interest rate of over 9% on CDs and the
income will fund Fr. Val’s work at least partially. Thus we have not only helped him build the center now but also enable
him to continue his ministry in the future.
What we have done this Lent is a source of satisfaction and pride for all of us. It should serve also as an impetus
for more action because there is so much need. The poor are always with us. I shall leave you with the words of Pope
Francis who is constantly calling on us to serve the poor:
Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed
everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many hungry children, that there are so many children without an education, so many poor persons. Poverty today is a cry. We all have to think if we can become a
little poorer, all of us have to do this. How can I become a little poorer in order to be more like Jesus, who
was the poor Teacher?
May our parish become more and more responsive to the call of our Holy Father! Let us remember that when we
choose the poor, we choose Jesus Himself!
Please know that I pray for each and every one of you in my Masses and daily prayers. May God bless you
abundantly for what you have done for the poor of South India!
Yours warmly,
Fr Britto, Pastor
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May 18, 2014
Deacon Bob & Kathy Bulger Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary
For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, these words have never rung more true than they
have for Deacon Bob and his wife Kathy, who will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary this Sunday, May 18.
They were married at Immaculate Conception church in 1974 and started a family shortly thereafter. In 1980, Bob & Kathy
joined St. Paul of the Cross, and quickly became active members. Over the years, they have been involved with many different
aspects of the church. From Eucharistic ministers to the organizers of the Saint Benedict the African annual clothing drive, they
have dedicated their lives to serving others while raising their family. It wasn’t until both their daughters were grown that they were
able to truly devote their time to the Catholic Church.
In 2002, Bob became Deacon Bob, finally fulfilling a life-long calling. As a couple
they continue to serve God and the St. Paul of the Cross community on a daily basis, preparing
young couple for the sacrament of Marriage through the Pre-Cana program, and organizing the
ministers of care who bring communion to the sick and the homebound. More than a year ago
when Deacon Bob joined our pastoral staff full-time, their commitment to ministry has grown
even greater. They are an inspiration to many families in the parish. So, on this day, we wish
them a happy 40th anniversary and pray for numerous blessings on them and on their family.
Deacon Bob and Kathy, your love for one another throughout the years is a continuous
reminder of the love God has for all of us.
(847) 692-6767 [email protected]
See the parish website ( for more details
and to reserve your spot for these events. On the home page,
click the link for Volunteer Opportunities.
Save The Date!!!
♦ Please join the Service Sunday group in the Parish Life Center gym on Sunday, June 8 after the 9:00 am &
10:30 am Masses in a project to help feed the hungry. More details to follow in the coming weeks!
Bernie's Book Bank - June 21, 2014 - 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Join us at Bernie's Book Bank in Lake Forest as we assist them in their mission of collecting and distributing
children's books to at-risk children throughout the Chicago area. We will help Bernie's Books sort,
sticker & bag collections of books for low-income children. It is a fun family volunteer opportunity,
& teaches the importance of reading at a young age. All ages and abilities are invited to volunteer.
Volunteers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required.
♦ Tornado Clean-Up Mission Trip to Washington, IL, May 31, 2014, 10 am, starting at Bethany Community
Church, Washington, IL Join the Servants of St. Francis for our first US mission trip! We will be traveling to
Washington, IL (150 miles outside of Chicago) to assist Bethany Community Church in their clean-up efforts
around the community from the tornado damage last fall. We will be performing jobs such as clearing basements
and yard debris or assisting in the donation center. We will connect with Washington residents and make a
significant contribution to the town in a short amount of time. For the age restrictions associated with the cleanup activities, please see the parish website. Registration is required
Donut Sunday! Donuts and Coffee after Mass!
Join our Hospitality Committee for complimentary donuts and coffee following Mass!
Please stop by the school gym (or outside, weather permitting) on June 1, 2014 after
the 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Masses for donuts, coffee and to socialize
with fellow parishioners. No sign-up required.
5th Sunday of Easter
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(847) 692-6767 [email protected]
Lenten Almsgiving
Set My Children Free!
Thurumbar Emancipation Movement
We surpassed our goal!
To date, we have collected $60,707.51 for the
Children of the Thurumbar Emancipation Movement.
Here is a rendering of the center our almsgiving will build!
Praise be to God!
Our St. Paul
Food Pantry
could use the
following items:
→ Cold Cereal
→ Pasta Sauce
→ Jelly
→ Rice Side Dishes
→ Noodle Side Dishes
This month, we are currently
well-stocked with
canned vegetables.
Thank you for your generosity!
Bring joy and fellowship to your loved one
Who is in nursing care, hospice or homebound…
Have a family gathering with music and prayer!
For a family hour of love, smiles and song:
We sing everything from hymns to old-fashioned love songs,
From country and folk, to ballads from long ago.
We can plan around a theme,
Or just “play it by ear.” J
To plan a gathering that will minister to your loved one,
Call Marcia at 847-825-5046 (evenings and weekends)
Senior Singles will not meet in the
month of May, due to the
Memorial Day weekend,
but will resume again in June.
Meetings are held on the 4th Sunday
of every month, from 3:00 PM to
4:30 PM, in the Kinane Center.
For additional information call
Loretta Fleischmann, 847-696-3061,
[email protected], or
Helen Roppel, 847-823-2998,
[email protected].
or email [email protected]
And fill your family’s hearts with song!
(A parish ministry ~ free of charge)
Marcia and Don Morman
Voice, guitar, autoharp, mandolin
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May 18, 2014
The root reason for human dignity
lies in man’s call to communion
with God. From the very
circumstances of his origin,
man is already invited to converse
with God. For man would not exist
were he not created by God’s love
and constantly preserved by it;
and he cannot live fully according
to truth unless he freely
acknowledges that love and
devotes himself to his Creator
Gaudium et Spes, 19
All women are invited to attend a
Women’s Evening of
on Wednesday, May 21st
at 7:30 PM, directed by a
priest of Opus Dei.
For more information,
call Julie Koenig (773) 631-7711.
St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, prayed for 20 years that
her son would see the evil of his lifestyle and return to God. She did
not give up hope during all of those years of prayer and continued to
plead with God for her son. This is the perfect example of what
“perseverance in prayer” means. In answer to the prayers of his
mother, St. Augustine came back to the Church and become one of
the greatest thinkers of our Catholic Faith. Many say that God
may not answer your prayers, but that is not true. He answers all
prayers--- the answer may not be just exactly what we might have wanted, but
it will be the best for what God believes we need and time will show us that
He was right.
Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D. says, “God is hearing and answering you, His
beloved. How could the Lover not do so? God is answering you now.”
When visiting and praying in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at St. Paul,
one can feel God working with us in our prayers. He gives us hope, peace and
resignation to His will. We can ask Him to help us to understand the need for
patience and assurance that He hears us
and will respond to us according to His
will, no matter how long it takes. But we
will also assure Him that we will not stop
praying or “bothering” Him with our
petitions. For when we are visiting Jesus
in the Real Presence in the Chapel, we
can be intimate with Him in our prayers,
as we are so encouraged to be by our Catholic Faith.
“Now, will not God see justice done to His elect if they keep calling to Him
day and night even though He still delays to help them?” ( Luke 18:7)
St. Paul of the Cross
Respect Life Meeting
The Respect Life Committee will
be meeting on
May 21st
7:00 to 8:00 pm
in the Morello
Parish Life Center
Meeting Room.
All are welcome.
Should you have any
questions, contact
Sue Murphy at
3 am
1 am
6 pm
1 pm
6 pm
4 pm
4 pm
Night Morning Afternoon Evening
5 am
11 am
1 pm
11 pm
4 am
9 am
4 pm
7 pm
1 am
12 pm
7 pm
3 am
11 am
12 pm
7 pm
4 am
9 am
5 pm
7 pm
2 am
8 am
1 pm
11 pm
3 am
6 am
12 pm
6 pm
9 pm
If you choose an hour
which already has one
Committed Adorer, this
enables the Committed
Adorers for that hour
to have some flexibility,
if they are unable to
be at the Chapel
for their hour.
*All hours have 2 committed Adorers
Can You Share One Hour With Our Lord?
Please contact Bob Maszka [email protected], or call 847-825-1869.
5th Sunday of Easter
Page 7
Day Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
Site of Official Church Approved Marian Apparition
Sponsored by St. Theresa of the Little Flower Guild
Friday, May 30, 2014
The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help is situated on six acres of peaceful farmland in
northeastern Wisconsin approx 3.5 hours from Chicago. The site preserves the spot where
the Queen of Heaven appeared to a young Belgian immigrant woman named Adele Brise in
The message of the Blessed Virgin to Adele was simple: Teach the Catholic Faith to
the children and people who were losing their faith through neglect. Adele took this message
to heart, and for 35 years, dedicated her life to this mission. Over the years, while Sister
Adele and her religious community suffered trials, persecutions and set-backs, there were
also the means through which miraculous events and healings were manifest. One of the
most spectacular of these events occurred in 1871, when the Chapel grounds and buildings
were left virtually untouched by the merciless fury and devastation of the Great Peshtigo Fire.
In 2009, the most Reverend David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay, opened a formal Church investigation into the
Marian apparitions that occurred in 1859 on the site of the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. Based on the findings of this
commission, on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception, 2010, Bishop Ricken gave official Church approval of the
apparitions that occurred at Champion, Wisconsin (previously known as Robinsonville).
In his decree, the Bishop stated, “I declare with moral certainty and in accord with the norms of the Church that the
events, apparitions and locutions given to Adele Brise in October of 1859 do exhibit the substance of supernatural character, and I do hereby approve these apparitions as worthy of belief (although not obligatory) by the Christian faithful.”
Details: The limit is 56 people (one coach bus). Meet at 6:30 am sharp in St. Paul of the Cross Church parking lot
for a 3.5 hour bus ride to the Shrine and Mass at 11am. Leave Shrine at approximately 1:30pm for
approximate arrival back to St. Paul at 5:30pm.
Cost: $32 per person (includes sandwich box lunch/soft drinks at Our Lady of Good Help)
Please make checks payable to ‘Apostolate of Women’ and Drop off envelope at St. Paul Rectory
marked “Our Lady of Good Help Shrine” by Friday May 23rd at 5pm. Please include phone number. For additional information:
Questions: Ellen Paloian [email protected] 847-909-8706.
Apostolate of Women – Start a New Guild
The St. Paul of the Cross Apostolate of Women is encouraging women of the parish to create new
guilds. By starting a new guild you (and a group of your friends/colleagues/acquaintances) will have
the opportunity to tailor your meetings & activities to meet the specific service & fellowship goals of your members.
What does it mean to be a member of an Apostolate Guild? It means that you are a woman of faith who embraces our parish mission by engaging in social, spiritual and service opportunities in service to our Pastor, our parish
and our community. Membership rewards include the development of lasting friendships with women who share
their energy and talent in the spirit of fun and commitment in bringing full life and meaning to being a Catholic
Interested individuals can email (see contact information below) or drop off (in the Rectory) the following
information to begin the process:
¾Name and desired focus/objectives of your guild
Please note, if starting a new guild does not appeal to you, but you are interested in contributing your time and
energy to worthy causes supported by the AOW, please consider joining an existing guild. Call or email (see contact
information below) to find out which guilds are currently looking for new members and might be a good fit for your
specific interests.
Questions? Contact AOW presidents: Sue Knight [email protected] 847-323-5136, or
Ellen Paloian [email protected] 847-909-8706.
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May 18, 2014
From the School….
Candidates for the St Paul of the Cross School Board
At this time there are two openings on the St Paul of the Cross School Board.
Please review the information submitted by the candidates for these positions.
Directions for voting will follow. Thank you for your attention to this material.
Phillip Spagnolo
I am currently serving as a member of the St Paul of the Cross School Board for the last three years.
Most recently I have held the position of President, St Paul of the Cross School Board. I am seeking to
be re-elected to the School Board as there are several projects that I have been involved in that I
would like to continue to see through to completion. I have been a member of St Paul of the Cross
Parish for fourteen years, I have two children attending St Paul of the Cross. I have been very
involved with the successful “Future City” teams attending three national competitions in the last five
years and the development of other initiatives within the school. I also lead the Parish Facilities
Committee overseeing successful completion of required and elected projects. During my first term, I
was instrumental in organizing the long range planning and development sub committees to supplement the previously
formed finance committee. I am looking forward to continuing serving the St Paul of the Cross Parish Community in
the capacity of a School Board Member.
Jennifer Stanisic
My name is Jennifer Stanisic. I have been a member of St Paul of the Cross Parish for eleven years.
I have two children, who are currently enrolled at St Paul on the Cross School. My children have
been enrolled in St. Paul since preschool. During this time, I have volunteered and participated in
the various activities held at St Paul of the Cross. I care deeply about the school and want to see it
continue to grow and succeed. I am a financial analyst at Colliers International, a commercial real
estate firm. I feel that my analytical skills would assist the work of the school board, and more
particularly, the Finance Committee of the School Board.
Carol Welton
My name is Carol Welton and I have been a member of St. Paul of the Cross for approximately
fifteen years. Presently, I serve the parish as a lector and Eucharistic Minister as well as participating
in the new parishioner registration. I am also a member of the Mystical Rose Guild and have been
for five years. My work life consisted of forty years as an accountant/controller of a manufacturing
company. I was also previously a school board member at St Julian’s Parish where I also served
as secretary of the School Board. Before becoming a member of the School Board at St Juliana’s
Parish, I volunteered as a teacher’s aide in Kindergarten for 9 years. I love the sense of community
at St Paul of the Cross. I have two grandchildren that will be coming to St Paul of the Cross and am
interested in securing the ongoing academic excellence at St Paul of the Cross School.
Please visit the SPC Scholastic Book Fair
after Masses on
Saturday, May 31st and Sunday June 1st
Books make great
gifts for birthdays,
Graduation, or just to
say "I love you!"
Every sale helps
provide books and
resources for our
parish school!
Luck Be a Milkshake
Tonight ♫
to benefit
SPC Fine Arts Department
Potbelly will donate 50¢ from the sale of
each shake to Fine Arts Department at
St. Paul of the Cross School
April 28 - May 22nd
Park Ridge Potbelly
107 S. Northwest Highway
5th Sunday of Easter
Page 9
Strong Catholic Family Prayer Corner
Let us follow the example of Pope Francis and St. Josemaria and
other great saints to honor our Blessed Mother in the Month of
May, month of Mary.
“It would be beautiful if, above all, during this month of May, we would
recite together in our families, with our friends, and in our parishes, the
Holy Rosary or some prayer to Jesus and the Virgin Mary.”
“Praying together is a precious moment for making our family life and
our friendship more steadfast! Let us learn to pray more in our families
and as a family!”
Pope Francis
Stroller Parking Available!
At St. Paul of the Cross we are very
fortunate to have Masses on Sunday
that are filled to
Because of this,
we would like to
ask that families
that bring strollers
to church, please
park them in
designated areas.
For your convenience we will have
signed areas in the entry ways for
stroller parking.
The Power of Faith
Religiously involved teens are more likely to not drink alcohol.
Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers
From the School….
Congratulations SPC State Science Fair Gold Certificate Winners!
On Saturday, May 3rd, six 7th grade students exhibited their projects at Northern Illinois University for
the Illinois Junior Academy of Science State Science Exposition. About 1400 students from all over
Illinois exhibited their science projects. All six SPC students earned a gold certificate for their projects.
Determination of Gold Certificate is based on scores on a rubric filled out by judges who listen to the student's
presentation, read their papers, ask them questions, and look at their triboard.
Also, because our
school did so well,
SPC also received a
certificate for "The
Dr. Lyell J. Thomas
Memorial Award"
for "Supporting
Outstanding Student
Research in Science,
Engineering, and
Mathematics at the
IJAS State Exposition."
The students are: (Front Row) Jared Lombardi, Molly Gannon, Arianna Cozzini
(Back Row) Kelly Rose, Angelica Lorenzo, Laura Downey
Page 10
May 18, 2014
May 2014
Office of the Archbishop
Dear Father Berchmans,
It is my pleasure to congratulate you, your parish staff and the entire St. Paul of the Cross community on your
generous response to the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. Your efforts have resulted in pledges exceeding your parish goal
of $109,694.28 for this year's Appeal.
The theme of the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal is taken from Saint Paul's first letter to the Corinthians - You are
the temple of God. We are God's temple when we serve others directly and stand for justice, reconciliation, truth, and
respect for all life. The people of St. Paul of the Cross have demonstrated their recognition that the Annual Catholic
Appeal is a way to give to others and transform the world and so be God's presence. Their dedication is an inspiration to
me and all the many beneficiaries of their generosity.
Please share my gratitude with your parish community and know that all the people of St. Paul of the Cross are
remembered in my prayers each day as I count on all of your prayers for me.
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
Archbishop of Chicago
St. Paul of the Cross Seminar Series - “Where Work Meets Faith”
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 - 7:30pm–9:00pm - Holy Family Chapel
You are invited to the St. Paul of the Cross Seminar Series-“Where Work Meets Faith.” The Seminar Series is about
using the gifts that God gave you to build up community. Each series will feature presenters who will tell real life
stories and how their faith played an important role. Hearing many different stories in our Seminar Series may increase
connections among us that will bring us all closer together increasing our sense of community. Each presenter will
answer questions from the audience at the end of their presentation.
About our Presenters:
John Wojciechowski, a Registered Investment Advisor Representative of Edward Jones, will share a heart to heart
story about helping a couple with financial planning. See the grace John receives by starting each day with the
Memorare Prayer. Hear John’s approach to the couple with one working a night shift and the other doing
physical labor. Learn how John explained basic strategies to save for future needs. Hear financial planning tips
including passing wealth from generation to generation.
Rev. John Chrzan, newly appointed Pastor of St. Gilbert parish in Grayslake, Il., will share mysterious learnings as
Associate Pastor at St. Paul of the Cross. In our high volume, vibrant, energetic parish, he had to let some things
go while remaining welcoming, gracious, and inviting. Hear how this happy priest learned to be more expeditious,
attentive to personal details, ever more looking into souls, like Christ did, and being shaped for his new assignment
not yet known. Hear tips we all can use about taking better care of ourselves.
Celebrate Fr. John’s life! Immediately following the presentations we will be gathering for a party to honor Fr. John
in the Kinane Center at about 8:30 PM. We will honor Fr. John with wine, cheese, and soft drinks. He has been helpful
in editing St. Paul of the Cross Seminar Series videos -“Where Work Meets Faith.” All tax deductible donations
collected (payable to St. Paul of the Cross) will go to Fr. John. To come to the Kinane Center party, enter the main
Adoration Chapel entrance at 215 Ridge terrace and enter Kinane Center door opposite the interior chapel door. All are
Go to www.Loquate.TV to hear all these “Inspiring and Practical” talks. If you have any questions, please contact
Mary Ann or Jeff Liautaud 773-594-9234. We look forward to seeing you.
5th Sunday of Easter
Page 11
Who wouldn’t want to explore a tropical island, with its glittering turquoise waters and cool ocean breezes?
But this is no ordinary tropical escape! There is treasure to be found here. More precious than gold, it is the
greatest treasure of all – God’s love! We will be making fun crafts, singing songs and playing games! The
week will end with a concert for family friends! Don’t wait – sign-up for the fun today!
June 23 through June 27 8:45 am to 11:30 am
St. Paul of the Cross Campus
This adventure is $35 for one child / $60 for two children / $85 for three or more children
Students entering 4 year old Preschool through 5th grade this coming school year 2014-2015
Materials and Snacks ARE INCLUDED in the price!
CHILD’S NAME________________________
CHILD’S NAME___________________________
BEST PHONE_________________________
BEST PHONE______________________________
PARENT NAME______________________________________________________________
PARENT EMAIL___________________________________________________________________
PLEASE make checks payable to: St. Paul of the Cross, 215 Ridge Terrace, Park Ridge, IL 60068
QUESTIONS of any kind? Call us! 847-692-2758
Return by May 30th
Registration for the 2014 – 2015 school year has begun! Go online for information and forms.
Our website: (then click on the Registration link) Registration is on a first-come first-serve
basis. The website details information on Registration, Service, Deadlines for registration as well as other important
information. Most options begin with 4 year old preschool although registration at this age is optional.
Catechesis begins formally in 1st grade and goes through 8th
We offer many Catechesis options knowing that each family and child has individual needs.
The options are as follows – see website for details:
Regular Classroom~Family Program~Catechesis of the Good Shepherd~Directed Study~Liturgical Based
Each grade focuses on a different aspect of our faith which when participated in over the eight years, forms a whole.
For this reason, it is expected that the child attend Catechesis at each grade level.
If a grade has been missed, please call me. All are welcome!
We are always in need of catechists/teachers to work with children. Please consider this wonderful opportunity!
Call with any questions or concerns. Anna Mae Parkhill, Director of Catechesis, 847-692-2758
Page 12
May 18, 2014
Summer Catechetical Youth Program
St. Paul of the Cross - July 20—25
A week long “parish mission” for 1st—12th grades where seminarians and college students proclaim the Gospel
through Catechetical instruction, Mass, the Sacraments, skits, games and more! Totus Tuus demonstrates that
one can be a faithful, practicing Catholic and still have fun!
Students Entering Grades 1-6
Monday to Friday, July 21 - 25 from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm—out door fun at midday
$40 registration fee per child
Please pack a lunch, including something to drink
Students Entering Grades 7-12
Sunday to Thursday, July 20 - 24 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm
$20 registration fee per teen
We ask each participant to donate a box of cookies or crackers to share—please bring on Sunday
And we need help!
1. 1. Host 2 team members in your home for the week from Saturday evening thru the following Saturday morning (only breakfast needs to be provided), Or
2. Have the team for dinner for a night, Sunday thru Thursday at 5:30 pm, Or
3. Help during the day/evening sessions. For the evening sessions we need adults but for the day sessions students entering 7th grade on up through adults can help. Students in 7th & 8th grade can earn service hours!
If you are interested, see volunteer form below.
Totus Tuus (TT) T-Shirts are available for purchase!
They are $10 each and come in youth and adult sizes. They will be ready for pick-up the week of Totus Tuus!
In order to bring Totus Tuus to our parish we need help! Here are ways to volunteer!
We need two families to each host 2 team members, in your home, for the week. Your hosting would be
from Saturday evening, July 19 through Saturday morning, July 26 (or possibly Friday night). You would
need to provide only a continental breakfast & possibly a snack plus regular overnight accomodations.
We need up to five families to provide the team dinner (there are 4 team members) from Sunday, July 19
through Friday, July 25 - one night there will be a large TT dinner. Dinner has to be at 5:30 so that the
teams can return to St. Paul’s for the evening session.
We need help from parents/teens/college students with the day & evening sessions.
Evening session helpers need to be 18 and older.
Day session helpers can be 7th grade on up.
This can be applied to service needed for Confirmation!
I want to volunteer to do:____________________________________________
BEST PHONE:______________________________________________________
I AM: _____ AN ADULT
5th Sunday of Easter
Page 13
Summer Catechetical Youth Program
St. Paul of the Cross - July 20—25
I WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE CONTACT ME! ____________________________
Grades 1 to 6
__________ x $40 =
Grades 7 to 12
__________ x $20 =
Totus Tuus T-Shirts __________ x $10 =
Adult Size
Youth Size
This authorization constitutes permission for my child(ren)’s participation in Totus Tuus & in videotaping and/or
photographs. They may be used in future promotional efforts, including Archdiocese of Chicago publications.
Registration Forms will be taken on a first come, first serve basis with the following exceptions:
1. Volunteer’s families will be placed first 2. St. Paul parishioners are placed first and then other parishes,
you will be notified of your registration status.
Page 14
May 18, 2014
Is your to-do list doing you in?
We’ve got a crew that can bail you out!
May 31st, 2014 is
Work Day
On May 31st, you can hire experienced teens
from St. Paul of the Cross Youth Ministry
to get your to-do list done!
From cleaning the garage or staining the deck, to organizing playrooms,
and washing windows, the possibilities are endless!!
All proceeds will benefit our Youth Group and our two summer service trips!
Work Day Work Request Form
Please Fill this out and Return it to the Rectory by May 18th, 2014
Phone #:
Address of Work Site:
Please provide a brief explanation of the work you would like to have done by our work crew:
Please mark the shift you would like our work crew to come:
Shift One: 9:00 AM to Noon ______ (Minimum Donation $150)
Shift Two: 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM ____ (Minimum Donation $150)
Shift Three: All Day Work Crew: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM ______ (Minimum donation $500)
Donation Amount Enclosed: $_________ (Please make checks payable to St. Paul of the Cross Youth Ministry)
AND TIME BY MAY 20th! Questions or would like to volunteer, please email Caroline Hopkinson at
[email protected]
5th Sunday of Easter
Page 15
Hello everyone!
Every year at this time, I look forward to many things and one of them is the
coming of fresh, delicious cherries; the lovely reds and the Rainier from the Pacific
northwest. Rich in nutrients and tasty, cherries are reputed to help tame inflammation
that is associated with arthritis and perhaps gout. Gout is an inflammatory and painful
condition associated with arthritic problems, characterized by an excessive accumulation of uric acid in the
blood stream. The big toe of the body is a common target for this problem, but gout can manifest symptoms in other
joints as well. Because some folks claimed that they experienced relief from the pain of arthritis and gout symptoms,
researchers tested some people who are prone to gout using cherries alone and some were given cherries and a well
known medication usually prescribed for “gouty arthritis.” Both groups experienced some relief from symptoms.
Consuming cherry juice offered similar results, but there is no formal declaration that states that consuming cherries can
offer some prevention and/or relief from symptoms (like pain). However, these studies and word of mouth appear to
indicate that cherries can help (deliciously!).
Speaking of delicious, healthy munching: the old standby celery, appears to be more than just a crunchy snack
for dieters. Research indicates that a component of celery, celery seed extract or 3-n-butylphthalide (3-nB) is capable
of helping to relieve arthritis symptoms and may help to lower blood pressure. China is studying celery and they are
making a synthetic equivalent of 3-nB, but with the availability of celery during most of the year, we can consume some
fairly frequently. We know that salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, helpful to our cardiovascular system
and helping to tame inflammation. Popular in Japan and available here in some markets and restaurants, is another fish
that is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids: black cod or sablefish. It’s reputed to have a mild flavor and a buttery
texture and more omega--3s than salmon. As an added benefit, it too is not high in mercury or PCBs. It can be grilled,
steamed, broiled and is possibly available in some Jewish delis as smoked sable. Another fish that is beneficial to our
health is the sardine. For those who don’t enjoy the canned type, fresh sardines are available and coated with some
olive oil and a sprinkle of salt before grilling and served with lemon, can be quite tasty. They are quite high in omega-3
content and low in mercury content. Another inflammation fighter (perhaps one of the best) is the spice, turmeric. It’s
popular in many cuisines and it’s what gives our mustard its yellow color. Curcumin is the part of turmeric that is the
potent anti-inflammatory agent. It’s reputed to help thwart Alzheimer’s disease. In India where people enjoy curries
made with turmeric, often, the rate of Alzheimers is quite low. It can be added to casseroles, stews, soups and stir fries
as well as curries. Ginger is another spice that has anti-inflammation qualities as well as possibly helping in morning
and motion sickness.
Now as we tip toe through the tulips and possibly sneeze due to all the pollen around in spring (grasses, etc.
too!), we may want to consume more apples and onions because they contain high amounts of quercitin, a substance
that helps to block the release of histamine (the cause of our stuffy nose, itchy eyes and sneezes).
Until next week, let’s remember that, “an optimist is the personification of spring.” Have a lovely, faith filled
Fondly, Linda Burk, Your Parish Nurse
From Our Neighbors
On behalf of all the Site Directors, I want to thank the members of the community for helping to
make this past season at the St. Mary PADS site such a success. Without your continued support, it
would not have been possible. May you all be blessed for the compassion you have shared with the
During this past 7 month period we were able to house 773 overnight guests and prepare 2,319 meals. It was
an unusually long Winter. These numbers are higher than previous seasons. During these difficult financial
times, your generosity is so much appreciated.
We are all looking forward to opening our doors again in October and hope and pray our guests are safe during the off
season. Thank you and have a wonderful Summer with your families and friends.
Brian Brodzik, Site Director
Page 16
May 18, 2014
Monday, May 19 - Weekday
Robert French
Ettore Giovannetti, Mary Ann Nelson Goebel,
Ralph Bradel
Tuesday, May 20 - Weekday
Julie Lattyak
Edward Urban, Edward J. Kaczmarek,
Mary Anne & Cathleen Novak
Wednesday, May 21 - Weekday
Lamacchia family
Michael Schultz, Bob O’Neill,
blessings on Maria Rocio Telinski
Thursday, May 22 – Weekday
blessings on Mary Kirwan
Donna Joy, Judy Almeroth, John DiMeo
Saturday, May 24 - Weekday
blessings on Cthy Burke
2:30 WEDDING Daniel Hejza & Madeline Young
4:30 UP Joseph Sisko, Michael Fontana
4:30 DN John Zelic, George Spaniak
Sunday, May 25 - 6th Sunday of Easter
7:30 UP Dr. Joseph Strzyz, Arthur Breir
9:00 UP Linda Lehman, Mary Fran Kurtz,
Phillip Adams, blessings on Ann Masterson
9:00 DN Katherine Semptimphelter
10:30 UP Earl Jarzombek & family, Filip Junkovic,
Antoinette Pareti
10:30 DN Rose Gorglione, Elwin Hageman
12:00 UP Angelina Pecoraro, Rose Mathews,
Lorraine Murphy
Friday, May 23 - Weekday
Eleanor & Hillard Telinski,
healing of Robert Budnik
Helen Stack, Frank Walsh
Our prayers go out
to all who serve
our country.
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule for the weekend of May 24 and May 25
Day &
Fr. Muraya
4:30 up
Eucharistic Ministers
Nowak, McGarry, Peters, Loftus,
Komornicki, Mulcrone, Silkowski
Fr. Smilanic
4:30 dn
Altar Servers
Spiewak, Stanisic,
Fr. Muraya
Ginger, Hennelly, Orzada, Orzada, Mueller, Wolf,
Skadow, Holmquist, Dickerhofe
9:00 up
Fr. John
Ahern, Bull, Swoboda, Fuller,
Kahn, Battersby, Garvey
9:00 dn
Fr. Marshall
Fr. Marshall
10:30 up
Nicolau, Smith, O’Neill, Cichon,
Andrews, Naples, McDonald
Fr. Smilanic
10:30 dn
Fr. John
Fr. Smilanic
McCarthy, Bachert,
Kaminsky, Ranker,
DePaul, Leahy, Meehan, Cornille,
Cornille, Kamienski, Heckman
Hetzer, Pembroke,
Those Who Are Ill:
Robert James, Tom Meehan,
Veronica Gabriel, Jim Springer,
Dennis Domanchuk, Nick Milazzo,
Madalyn Carrol, Lucille Jansen,
Ernie Komornicki, Peg Basile,
Ed Sloper, Christine Sloper,
Sr. Josephine Berchmans,
Eileen Fitzsimmons, Julie Koenig,
Jean Zurawski, Brenda Prince,
Jimmy Rancich, Peter Faraci,
Baby Jayce Conley, Midge Smith,
Joan Ziomek, Mary Kedzie,
Jim Smith, Madelyn Pukal,
Theresa Olsen, Donna Stefanovic,
Kathleen Coyne, Mary Pat Maier,
Iryna Rymar, Dolores Hester,
Rev. John Cassidy, Jim Cassidy,
Phyllis Knirko, Julius Sivori,
Shirley Van Ornum.
Those Who Have Died:
Anne Zielinski
[email protected]
REV. JOHN P. CHRZAN, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
REV. ANTHONY MURAYA, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
[email protected]
320 South Washington
Phone Number
(847) 825-7605
Fax Number
(847) 825-5186
Web Address
Joan Macpherson
[email protected]
Parish Office:
Patricia Adlaf
[email protected]
Joanne Stewart
[email protected]
Michele Yarbrough, Communications &
Pastor’s Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
(847) 825-6366
Lorelei Bobroff, Principal
Web Address
(847) 692-2758
Anna Mae Parkhill, Director
[email protected]
Web Address
(847) 825-7605
Deacon Bob Bulger
[email protected]
(847) 825-7605
Edward J. Eicker, Director
[email protected]
Andrea Bartolomeo, Assistant Director
[email protected]
(847) 692-6767
Adrienne Timm, Director
[email protected]
(847) 825-7605
Caroline Hopkinson
[email protected]
(847) 692-6727
Linda Burk, R.N.,B.S.
(847) 692-6024
Judy Kaplan
[email protected]
Thursday by Noon in the Rectory
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Up & Down),
10:30 AM (Up & Down), 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM
Monday - Friday: 6:25 AM, 8:30 AM
8:00 AM, 4:30 PM (UP)
4:30 PM (Down)
Monday-Friday: 8-8:15 AM
(Reconciliation Room in vestibule)
3:30 to 5 PM (Opus Dei Priest)
3:00 to 4:00 PM
1:15 PM ceremony every Sunday of each month.
Please call the rectory to register for Baptism.
An instruction class for parents provided.
(Baptismal Preparation Class - 4th Thursday of
every month at 7:00 PM in the Morello Parish
Life Center). Please call the rectory to register
for the preparation class.
Arrange with priest or deacon at least 6 months in advance.
First Sunday of every month in the
Morello Parish Life Center from 8:30 AM to Noon.
First Saturday of each month: After the 8:00 AM Mass.
Call the rectory and leave a message for Kathy Bulger
Monday - Friday:
Prayed after the 8:30 AM Mass.
Prayed after the 8:00 AM Mass.
Open 24 Hours a Day
*During the hours of 6 AM to 9 PM, enter through the
Mother Cabrini Garden Entrance.
*During the hours of 9 PM to 6 AM, enter through the
Kinane Center front door.
Visit us on the web: