AMH.LD Division Staff Briefing – Issue 1: May 2014 Dear colleague, Welcome… to the first of a new bi-monthly series of divisional staff briefings under the banner of our newly joined-up Adult Mental Health and Learning Disability Services division. The formal joining up of our services on 1 April presents us with some really exciting opportunities to build on and maximise our strengths for the benefit of the people we provide care for. We have a new opportunity now to draw on wider bedrock of knowledge and services – as individuals, in our teams and together in our expanded, shared divisional ‘home’. Closer affinity between AMH and LD services will make it easier for each of us to share ideas and benefit from the experience of others – to share best practice and lessons learned, and to support innovation to help us achieve our ultimate goal of developing, delivering and sustaining high quality, person-focused services. We can draw on the benefits of our newly joined-up ‘synergy’ almost immediately, as we begin the detailed work to develop our two service development initiatives (SDIs). We’d like you to consider how you want to influence and contribute to this work, and help us to create effective, more integrated pathways – for adults with acute and enduring mental health conditions and for people with complex learning disabilities respectively. In April the former AMH senior management team dedicated a day to looking at the overarching SDI for adult mental health services. A project board is being set up, a project plan developed and once the work-streams are confirmed we’d like your input to help us fill out the detail and deliver this vital work. In LD many aspects of the work will be similar. So please watch this space for further updates and information about the part you might play in making these two crucial programmes a success. Thank you. Teresa Mohammed Teresa Smith Acting Divisional Director Dr. Mohammed Al-Uzri Clinical Director oooOOOooo Staff survey results – now and next Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the 2013 NHS staff survey. Your responses are invaluable in helping us identify areas where we can work to improve the working lives of staff in AMH.LD services, and where we can build on success to do more of what already works well. While, as a whole, we continue to focus on improving four key areas – effective leadership and management support, effective team working, communication/engagement and staff health and wellbeing – your feedback has helped us identify some common themes in our services and this is where we are focusing divisional work for improvements: Driving up the numbers of appraisals and improving their quality – each of us has a right to a PDR to support our development and performance Acting to cut bullying, harassment and discrimination Improving communication between senior management and the rest of the division We have already begun rolling out work a new approach to appraisals (your manager will have received a PDR pack outlining the key changes which include new paperwork aligning objectives to Trust values and our service development initiatives) and a pledge to ensure you have your appraisal within weeks, not months. Your manager should be arranging a date for your appraisal soon – if not, please ask them to. Increasing the frequency of your divisional newsletter to ensure you get regular updates on news and initiatives in our division We’ve launched a programme to recruit equality champions in the Bradgate Unit Pledge from the senior management team to increase contact with and visibility in your teams All new interventions will be monitored by the divisional working group We also want to hear your ideas for improving communication with senior managers in our division – if you have a suggestion for positive change please share it – by emailing [email protected]. Please mark your email ‘Positive change’. The full staff survey results from adult mental health and learning disability division are available to download from e-Source. We ‘meet all essential standards of care’ at Gartree - CQC Congratulations to our prison healthcare service after CQC inspectors confirmed we are meeting all essential standards at Gartree Prison where we provide a range of physical and mental healthcare services. Gartree is a male category B (long-term) prison in Market Harborough, housing up to 707 prisoners. Prison governor Ian Telfer said: “Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust has excelled here at Gartree and is a credit to the National Health Service. They have worked tirelessly to continually improve on their high standards”. You can read our media release on e-Source and the full CQC report online at Our national pilot boosts criminal justice support Our criminal liaison and diversion team has launched a £450,000 pilot to provide round-the-clock mental health nursing cover in police custody suites, and boost support in youth and adult courts. Funded nationally by the Department of Health, through NHS England, our new allage liaison and diversion service is a partnership with Leicestershire Police and the probation service. The service increases specialist support for children and young people; people with learning disabilities, particularly autism, and older people with mental health issues – in particular those with dementia. It also introduces specialist mental healthcare support in Leicestershire youth courts. The launch attracted positive coverage in the Leicester Mercury and you can read details in our media release. John appointed national LD professional adviser to CQC Congratulations to LD consultant psychiatrist Dr. John Devapriam on his appointment to a national advisory role with the CQC. Dr. Devapriam, who is based primarily at the Agnes Unit, has been named the commission’s national professional adviser for learning disabilities for England. He will be involved in the development and implementation of the new regulatory model for learning disability services. Read the full media release. New LD role for Carole, Andy continues to cover in complex care Following the joining up of adult mental health and learning disability divisions on 1 April, we updated you on changes to senior management posts in our newlook AMH.LD division. Now we can confirm that Carole Robson (left) has joined our learning disability services as service manager for a trial period. She took up her new role on Monday 28 April, working part time for the first month and switching to full time from 2 June. Carole is based initially at OSL House with plans for a later move to Mansion House. Carole, whose career includes inpatient, community and offender health service roles in LD, said: “I am really looking forward to joining the teams and feel there are lots of exciting times ahead. I hope to get out to as many areas as possible in the near future.” Andy Watson (right) continues to provide service manager cover across complex care services. Getting ready for RiO – are your IT skills up to date? RiO goes live in LD services next month – and will start rolling out in AMH services later this year. The training and roll-out schedule is tight and it’s vital everyone is ready – so if you are not up to date with computer training literacy you need to act now – speak to your line manager or for information about courses, contact ([email protected]) or call 0116 225 5485. Therapeutic risk-taking form live from 14 May: The Therapeutic Risk Taking Assessment form will be available on RiO from Wednesday (14 May) and will be located in the CPA and Risk Assessment folder on the patient case record. A printable version of the form for recording signatures will be located in l the letter templates (you will find these in the correspondence/ Uploaded Documents folder on the case record.) A paper version of the form is available on e-Source for those people not yet on RiO. For any RiO related queries please contact application support on 0116 295 3500 option 2. End of formal PbR project programme As many of you know the formal programme on PbR closed at the end of March. Major achievements included developing all the care cluster pathways, website, e-learning module, using i-Pad for patient outcome measures and a tele-psychiatry pilot. Work is also underway to develop e-care pathways. Our Trust will take forward the implementation programme through the divisional service development initiatives. Clinical lead Dr Girish Kunigiri and project lead Jules Galbraith want to thank everyone who has supported this work. Quality Improvement Programme The implementation of our Quality Improvement Programme at the Bradgate Unit, instigated as a response to inspections by the CQC and serious incident action plans, is now almost complete. Work is already underway to start rolling out some of the new tools, initiatives and best practice across other adult mental health inpatient areas and community services. The QIP programme will also be shared Trustwide, ultimately. A QIP staff briefing will be circulated within the next couple of weeks. Reducing pressures to send acute patients out of area An intensive programme of quality improvements across our acute inpatient wards is already working to reduce the number of patients having to be placed out of area. While demand for beds has been and remains high, new initiatives including more efficient bed management processes and a reduction in delayed discharges and transfers has seen significant results and more recently we saw out of area placements halved between March and April. Our new service development initiative will include further work to increase access to timely, effective care in the community, avoiding unnecessary admissions to acute wards, and to enable early discharge. Support with stress Sickness rates in our division stand at 5.9% in adult mental health services and 3.8% in LD services. Stress remains a feature of a large portion of absences. We want to ensure you’re aware of the wide range of internal and external support mechanisms open to everyone to help with stress-related sickness. Your line manager can help signpost you to these and much of the information is included in the Your Working Life section of e-Source. Support includes (but isn’t restricted to) Stress risk assessment tool to help identify causes of stress and interventions that can be used to help – this is included in our Trust stress policy Occupational health - management and self referral can be provided for work-related and personal stress issues. Amica – provides support and emotional resilience training - details of dates have been circulated to teams Support during investigations – we’re boosting support for staff, eg mentoring, Mediation – we have increased the number of trained mediators available to staff Bullying and harassment service – advice and signposting service provided by and for colleagues Staff-side – if you are a member of a union you can access additional support from your union representative. Fit for Work scheme – Leicester scheme via GP referral helps staff on long-term sick leave. If you are registered with a GP in Leicester City you can also self-refer to our city Open Mind service’s stress management course. New referrals hub for city CMHT teams We launched a new referral screening service for our three city community mental health teams (CMHTs) on Tuesday 6 May. Our new Referral Management Service (RMS), based at Braunstone Health and Social Care Centre, aims to speed up responses and will screen and assess all referrals to: 1. City Central CMHT at St Peters Health Centre; 2. City East CMHT at Merlyn Vaz Health Centre and 3. City West CMHT at Braunstone Health and Social Care Centre. There is no change to the referrals criteria or established process but forms should be sent to the new fax number 0116 295 3280. Questions? please contact Tim Colman, team manager on 0116 295 70707/3322 Full contact details for the service: Braunstone Health and Social Care Centre, Hockley Farm Road, Leicester LE3 1HN. Tel: 0116 295 3326 Fax: 0116 295 3280 Mental Health Act Office move to Mansion House Our Mental Health Act office has now moved from Bridge Park Plaza to a new base at Mansion House on the Glenfield Hospital site. Telephone and fax numbers have changed. The new telephone number for the team is 0116 225 5425. The fax number is 225 5426. Existing practices for the use of ‘pink envelopes’ for the processing of section papers continue for now, but the delivery address must be changed to Mansion House. Mandatory training up to date? If your mandatory training is due to expire this year, you’re advised to act now to book your place. Course dates are now available to book for the next 12 months For a list of all mandatory topics please see the Mandatory Training Register on eSource. For details of courses and dates please see the course directory and to make a booking call 0116 225 3669 or email [email protected] Don’t forget fire safety! You should also complete the fire safety checklist every year in conjunction with your manager or someone with delegated responsibility (e.g. a fire warden/coordinator). Once you have completed your checklist it must be kept on your personal file and you should use the form below to let Learning and Development know it has been done. This will be logged on your learning record and you will show as 'in date' for a period of 12 months. You can download a copy of the annual fire refresh safety checklist and find more information on the intranet fire safety management pages Important reminder about security of personal information Following last week’s AMH.LD briefing which you should have received via email, please ensure you’re aware of your responsibilities around the security of personal and confidential information away from your usual base. Please make sure you are familiar with and follow our Trust’s information lifecycle management and records management policy (March 3013). Appendix 1 states: “If the member of staff does not return to base at the end of a shift, records must be removed from the car and care taken to ensure that members of the family or visitors cannot gain access. Ideally, records should be stored and carried in a secure case, and kept out of sight. Staff should ensure that they place the secure case in a cupboard or similar, as soon as they enter the house. If they do not have a secure case, notes should be stored in a locked cupboard or cabinet with access only by the member of staff. “ You can find further guidance on the information governance pages of e-Source. Safe parking at Bradgate site – a reminder Recent service moves around the Bradgate Unit, including the current construction of the new pharmacy and the move of more teams away from The Towers, underline the importance of safe and considerate parking around our services on the Glenfield Hospital site. Please remember parking management arrangements are enforced around the Bradgate. The measures are in place to ensure visitors and staff park safely on the site and don’t block approach roads and hamper emergency access. Fixed penalty notices will be issued to any vehicles parked on double red or yellow lines, in red or yellow hatched areas and on grass verges. Causing an obstruction, including obstructing fire doors, and parking in disabled bays without a valid blue badge, is also prohibited. To avoid penalties please park only in authorised parking areas. Training opportunities 1. HCSW workshops: A new two-day LPT training programme provides the opportunity to develop fundamental skills and knowledge in line with the national minimum standards for healthcare support workers. Topics include the 6Cs, the culture of care, patient experience, how to raise concerns and delegation, responsibility and accountability. Dates run through to March 2015 with the first sessions on 9 and 10 June. Details of dates, times and venues can be found in the learning and development course directory on eSource. To book call 0116 225 3669 or email [email protected] 2. Health Education East Midlands is providing funded training opportunities in the following areas: Recovery-orientated practice Recording with care Leadership for patient safety Decision support tool The links provide details of dates and venues. If you would like to attend please inform your line manager as soon as possible. Bookings should be emailed to [email protected] Support around ‘reasonable adjustments’ to attend training Our equality team has developed a helpful resource to support you if you need reasonable adjustments when attending learning and development training events provided by our Trust or external facilitators. It’s available to download from e-Source (log in using User name: LPT password, staff). For further advice and support contact the equality team [email protected] or 0116 295 7680. Your hard work is making headlines! Hard work and dedication of staff across AMH.LD services has been making the headlines in the local media and radio recently, and so it’s great to see your efforts recognised publicly. These include the launch of the new criminal justice liaison and diversion pilot in courts and custody suites, Dr John Devapriam’s appointment to the CQC, our International Links work in Gondar, our arts in therapy project work specifically among young BME men, and the CQC’s positive report on healthcare standards at Gartree Prison. Service users have been having their say too – here’s one example shared with the Letters Page readers of the Leicester Mercury last week: Thanks to staff at Bradgate Unit: Having reached the age of 71, this is the first time I have ever felt compelled to write to a newspaper. I recently spent quite a long time in Watermead Ward at the Bradgate Unit at Glenfield Hospital. I am sure most people know that this is a mental hospital. I was admitted with depression. When people say they are battling depression, that is exactly what it is – a battle. For anyone who thinks it will never happen to them, think again – it can happen to anyone, at any time. Remember, but for the grace of God go I. The real reason for writing this letter is to pay tribute to the excellent staff who work on this ward; consultants, nurses, students and cleaning staff. Nobody ever felt they were being a nuisance and staff were available for any queries and a chat at any time. For obvious reasons, I do not want my name printed, because in this so-called enlightened age, there is still a stigma attached to mental health. The staff should receive an award for their excellence. This letter is send from the lady who read a lot – they will know who I am. Name and address supplied. ___________________________________________________________________ More news to share? If you’d like your news included in the July AMH.LD briefing, please contact Sheila Ashton, communications manager, at [email protected] tel 0116 295 0042 Follow us on Twitter Did you know our Trust is on Twitter? Updates, news and useful information are provided @LPTnhs Feel free to follow. If you’re accessing information on the staff intranet e-Source please remember to log in first with User name – LPT and password - staff
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