1 Government of Karnataka BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, BELGAUM TU TE OF ME D IC L SCI ENC ES B E LG A U M I ST A IN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTE (Registered Under Societies Registration Act) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Road, Belgaum – 590 001. Phone No: 0831-2420320, Fax: 0831-2420173 e.mail : [email protected] TENDER DOCUMENT For HOSPITAL SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT, NETWORKING & MAINTENANCE OF HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE. The tender documents can be downloaded from our Website: https://www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in/ TIME TABLE Commencement of download of e-Tender Form 18-01-2014 at 11:00 a.m. from website- https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in Last Date for pre-bid Queries on or before 28-01-2014 at 4:00 p.m. Pre-bid Meeting Last Date for Uploading of Tender in e-procurement platform on or before Opening of Techno-Commercial Bid E.M.D. 03-02-2014 at 11:00 a.m. 19-02-2014 till 3:00 p.m. 21-02-2014 at 3:00 p.m. Rs.1,00,000.00 Signature of the Tenderer 2 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, BELGAUM. PHONE NO: 0831-2420320, Fax: 0831-2420173 TENDER NOTIFICATION No: BIMS/GNL(2)/05/2013-14 Dated: 16-01-2014 INVITATION FOR TENDER The Director, Belgaum institute of medical sciences, Belgaum, hereby invites tenders under e-tendering system from eligible tenders, as detailed in the document of this Tender, as per the Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurement Act 1999 and Rules 2000, thereunder (Under Two Cover System). The Tenderers should have Annual Turnover for last three years i.e. for 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 of not less than Rs. 50.00 Lakhs per Annum certified by Chartered Accountant, are eligible to participate in this Tender. a) The term ‘Authorized Signatory’, means a Proprietor /Proprietreix, or a Managing partner or an whole-time employee, in executive cadre, in a Proprietorship Concern / Partnership Firm or a person who is working as Managing Director / Director Finance / Director Marketing / General Manager / Assistant General Manager / Manager / Company Secretary in the Tenderer Company, who has authority to take decision on the spot with regard to all the aspects of the Tender. b) The term “PURCHASER” for the purpose of placing the order, accepting / rejecting the goods, payments and sending samples, for testing by the Director, Belgaum institute of medical sciences, Belgaum and any other agency authorized by the Institute, who are bound by the Contract in pursuance of this Tender. c) The term “TENDERER” means one who is participating in this tender, as per the eligibility condition. d) The term “TENDERER” refers to the successful Tenderer who has entered into an agreement with Director, Belgaum Institute Of Medical Sciences, Belgaum for the purpose of providing service as detailed in the tender document. e) The Director, Belgaum Institute Of Medical Sciences, Belgaum shall be the Tendering Authority for the purpose of this tender. 3. Tenders of only those Tenderers who fulfil the Terms and Conditions of this tender will be considered for evaluation. The tenders will undergo evaluation at every stage of processing and any tender found at any stage, not in conformity with the stipulated tender conditions including specifications / found to have uploaded defective and incomplete documents / samples of formats found not in conformity with the specifications or found defective either physically or analytically, will be rejected. 4. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from the Office of the Director, Belgaum institute of medical sciences, Belgaum. Ph: 0831-2420320, Fax: 0831-2420173. Signature of the Tenderer 3 5. Schedule of Events:- Commencement of download of e-Tender Form from website- https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in Last Date for pre-bid Queries on or before 18-01-2014 at 11:00 a.m. Last Date for Uploading of Tender in e-procurement platform on or before Opening of Techno-Commercial Bid E.M.D. 19-02-2014 till 3:00 p.m. Pre-bid Meeting 28-01-2014 at 4:00 p.m. 03-02-2014 at 11:00 a.m. 21-02-2014 at 3:00 p.m. Rs.1,00,000.00 (b) Venue: Office of the Director, Belgaum Institute Of Medical Sciences, Belgaum. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Road, Belgaum. Ph: 0831-2420320, Fax: 0831-2420173 (c ) Opening of Financial Bid/Commercial Bid:Price Bid of only those Techno-Commercially responsive Tenderers will be opened on a date notified or on any further date to be notified/ informed to the TechnoCommercially responsive Tenderers. Validity of Contract – On Contract basis for a period of 12 months extendable by 6 months from the date of issue of Award of Rate Contract. (d) (e) Validity of the Tender : Tenders shall remain valid for 180 days (One hundred and eighty days) after the deadline for submission of tenders prescribed by the purchaser, a Tender valid for shorter period shall be rejected by the purchaser, as NonResponsive. 6. Completed Tender document shall be uploaded through e-tendering system using their user ID and to be addressed to the Office of the Director, Belgaum Institute Of Medical Sciences, Belgaum, in the manner described under instructions in Section– II, on or before the last date and time stipulated. Signature of the Tenderer 4 Clause Topic Page SECTION II: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS TABLE OF CLAUSES A. Introduction 1. Eligible Tenderer 2. Cost of Tendering B. Tender Documents 3. Contents of Tender Documents 4. Clarification of Tender Documents 5. Amendment of Tender Documents C. Preparation of Tenders 6.. Language of Tender 7. Documents Comprising the Tender 8.. Tender Form 9. Tender Prices 10. Tender Currency 11. Documents Establishing Tenderer’s Eligibility and Qualifications 12. Documents Establishing Goods Eligibility and Conformity to Tender Documents 13. Earnest Money Deposit 14. Period of Validity of Tenders 15. Format and Signing of Tender D. Submission of Tenders 16. Sealing and Marking of Tenders 17 Deadline for submission of Tenders 18. Late Tenders 19 Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders E. Tender Opening and Evaluation of Tenders 20 Opening of Tenders by the Purchaser 21 Clarification of Tenders 22 Preliminary Examination 23 Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders 24 Contacting the Purchaser F. Award of Contract 25 Post-qualification 26 Award Criteria 27 Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award 28 Purchaser’s Right to Accept any Tender and to Reject any or all Tenders 29 Notification of Award 30 Signing of Contract 31 Performance Security 32 Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices Signature of the Tenderer 5 SECTION II: INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS A. Introduction 1. Eligible Tenderers 1.1 Tenderers should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Purchaser to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods to be purchased under this Invitation of Tenders. 1.2 Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka 2. Cost of Tendering: 2.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender, and Director, B.I.M.S. Belgaum, hereinafter referred to as "the Purchaser", will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tender process. B. The Tender Documents 3. Contents of Tender Documents 3.1 The goods required, tendering procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the tender documents. In addition to the Invitation for Tenders, the tender documents include: (a) Instruction to Tenderers (ITT) ; (b) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) ; (c) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) ; (d) Schedule of Requirements; (e) Technical Specifications; (f) Tender Form and Price Schedules; (g) Earnest Money Deposit Form; (h) Contract Form; (i) Performance Security Form; (j) Performance Statement Form; (k) Manufacturer’s Authorization Form; and Equipment and Quality Control Form 3.2 The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the tender documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the tender documents or submission of a tender not substantially responsive to the tender documents in every respect will be at the Tenderer’s risk and may result in rejection of its tender. 4. Clarification of Tender Documents 4.1 A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender documents may notify the Purchaser in writing or by telex or cable or fax at the Purchaser's mailing address indicated in the Invitation for Tenders. The Purchaser will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the tender documents which it receives no later than 15 days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders prescribed by the Purchaser. Written copies of the Purchaser's response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective tenderers which have received the tender documents. Signature of the Tenderer 6 5. Amendment of Tender Documents (l) 5.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the Purchaser may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tender documents by amendment. All addendums and amendments will be notified in the e-procurement portal. 5.2 DELETED 5.3 In order to allow prospective tenderers reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their tenders, the Purchaser, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of tenders. C. Preparation of Tenders 6. Language of Tender 6.1 The tender prepared by the Tenderer, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the tender exchanged by the Tenderer and the Purchaser, shall be written in English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Tenderer may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the English language in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Tender, the translation shall govern. 7. Documents Constituting the Tender 7.1 The tender prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the following components, which are to be uploaded in the e-procurement portal. (a) A Tender Form and a Price Schedule completed in accordance with ITT Clauses 8, 9 and 10; (b) Documentary evidence established in accordance with ITT Clause 11 that the Tenderer is eligible to tender and is qualified to perform the contract if its tender is accepted; (c) Documentary evidence established in accordance with ITT Clause 12 that the services to be provided by the are in conformity to the tender document; and (d) Earnest money deposit furnished in accordance with the conditions of the e-procurement portal. 8. Tender Form 8.1 The Tenderer shall complete the Tender Form and the Price Schedule furnished in the tender documents, indicating the service to be provided, a brief description description of the service etc,. 9. Tender Prices. 9.1 The Tenderer shall quote for the complete requirement of the service specified under schedule of requirements at Annexure – I on a single responsibility basis, failing which such tenders will not be taken into account for evaluation and will not be considered for award 9.2 Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall be uploaded as per the format of the e-portal. (i) the price of the service quoted should include all duties and sales and other taxes already paid or payable. a. DELETED b. DELETED (ii) DELETED (iii) DELETED Signature of the Tenderer 7 (iv) the price of other incidental services listed in Clause 4 of the Special Conditions of Contract. 9.3 The Tenderer’s separation of the price components in accordance with ITT Clause 9.2 above will be solely for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of tenders by the Purchaser and will not in any way limit the Purchaser's right to contract on any of the terms offered. 9.4 Prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed during the Tenderer’s performance of the Contract and not subject to variation on any account. A tender submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and rejected, pursuant to ITT Clause 22. 10. Tender Currency 10.1 Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees: 11. Documents Establishing Tenderer's Eligibility and Qualifications 11.1 Pursuant to ITT Clause 7, the Tenderer shall furnish, as part of its Tender, documents establishing the Tenderer’s eligibility to tender and its qualifications to perform the Contract if the tender is accepted. 11.2 The documentary evidence of the Tenderer's qualifications to perform the Contract if its tender is accepted, shall establish to the Purchaser's satisfaction: (a) that, in the case of a Tenderer offering to supply goods under the contract which the Tenderer did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Tenderer has been duly authorized (as per authorization form in Section XIII) by the goods' Manufacturer or producer to supply the goods in India. (The item or items for which Manufacturer’s Authorization is required should be specified) [Note: Supplies for any particular item in each schedule of the tender should be from one manufacturer only. Tenders from agents offering supplies from different manufacturer's for the same item of the schedule in the tender will be treated as nonresponsive.] (b) that the Tenderer has the financial, technical, and production capability necessary to perform the Contract and meets the criteria outlined in the Qualification requirements specified in Section VII. To this end, all tenders submitted shall include the following information: (i) The legal status, place of registration and principal place of business of the company or firm or partnership, etc.; (ii) Details of experience and past performance of the tenderer on equipment offered and on 2 those of similar nature within the past three/five years and details of current contracts in hand and other commitments (suggested proforma given in Section XII); 12. DELETED Signature of the Tenderer 8 13. Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid security1.The Tenderer can pay the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.1,00,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh only) in the tender (Exclusive of Tax, duties & other charges) in the eprocurement portal using any of the following payment modes: Credit Card Direct Debit National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) Over the Counter (OTC) OTC Designated Bank Branches listed in Annexure-II can be obtained through website http://eproc.karnataka.gov.in in bidders section where a bidders section where a bidder can make a payment. The Tenderer’s Bid will be evaluated only on confirmation of receipt of the payment Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the GOK’s central pooling A/C held at ICICI Bank. EMD amount will have to be submitted by the bidder taking into account the following conditions : a. EMD will be accepted only in the form of electronic cash (and not through Bank Guarantee) and will be maintained in the Govt.’s central pooling account at ICICI Bank until the contract is closed. b. The entire EMD amount for a particular tender has to be paid in a single transaction. c. The EMD money received for all the tenders floated through the e-Procurement platform will be collated and maintained in a central pooling account. REFUND OF EMD The EMD money will be kept in the central pooling account until the tender is awarded to the successful Tenderer. Based on the instructions of Tender Accepting Authority (TAA) the EMD amount of the unsuccessful Tenderers will be refunded to the respective Bank a/c’s of the Tenderer registered in the e-Procurement system. 14. Period of Validity of Tenders 14.1 Tenders shall remain valid for 180 days after the deadline for submission of tenders prescribed by the Purchaser, pursuant to ITB Clause 17. A tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non-responsive. 14.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the Tenderer's consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing (or by cable or telex or fax). The earnest money deposit provided under ITT Clause 13 shall also be suitably extended. A Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its earnest money deposit. A Tenderer granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its tender. 15. Format and Signing of Tender 15.1 The Tenderer shall upload all the documents original / notarized copy in the eprocurement portal. Signature of the Tenderer 9 D. Submission of Tenders 16. The Tenderers are advised to upload all the corresponding documents, which are necessary for establishing their eligibility for the award of contract in the eprocurement portal. 16.1 DELETED. 16.2 DELETED: 16.3 DELETED 16.4 DELETED. 16.5 DELETED. 17. Deadline for Submission of Tenders 17.1 Tenders must be received by the Purchaser at the E-PORTAL not later than the time and date specified in the Invitation for Tenders (Section I). In the event of the specified date for the submission of Tenders being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the Tenders will be received upto the appointed time on the next working day. 17.2 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of tenders by amending the tender documents in accordance with ITB Clause 5, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Tenderers previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 18. DELETED 19. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders 19.1 The Tenderer may modify or withdraw its tender after the tender's submission, provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Purchaser prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of tenders. 19.2 DELETED. 19.3 No tender may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of tenders. 19.4 No tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the Tender Form. Withdrawal of a tender during this interval may result in the Tenderer's forfeiture of its earnest money deposit, pursuant to ITT Clause 13.7. E. Tender Opening and Evaluation of Tenders 20. Opening of Tenders by the Purchaser 20.1 The Purchaser will open all technical bid of the tenders, in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend, at —— hours on ——, in the office of the Director, B.I.M.S. Belgaum. The Tenderers' representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. In the event of the specified date of Tender opening being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the tenders shall be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day. 20.2 The price bids of the technically approved tenders will be opened on the dates to be notified. 20.3 DELETED. 20.4 The Purchaser will prepare minutes of the tender opening. Signature of the Tenderer 10 21. Clarification of Tenders 21.1 During evaluation of tenders, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Tenderer for a clarification of its tender. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in prices or substance of the tender shall be sought, offered or permitted. 22. Preliminary Examination 22.1 The Purchaser will examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the tenders are generally in order. 22.1.1 DELETED. 22.2 DELETED. 22.3 DELETED. 22.4 DELETED.. 22.5 If a tender is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Tenderer by correction of the nonconformity. 23. Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders 23.1 The Purchaser will evaluate and compare the tenders which have been determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to ITT Clause 22 for each schedule separately. No tender will be considered if the complete requirements covered in the schedule is not included in the tender. However, as stated in ITT Clause 9, Tenderers are allowed the option to tender for any one or more schedules and to offer discounts for combined schedules. These discounts will be taken into account in the evaluation of the tenders so as to determine the tender or combination of tenders offering the lowest evaluated cost for the Purchaser in deciding award(s) for each schedule. 23.2 The Purchaser's evaluation of a tender will exclude and not take into account: (a) any allowance for price adjustment during the period of execution of the Contract, if provided in the tender. 23.3. The tenders are evaluated as per the prices quoted in the price schedule as per the e-procurement portal of the technically qualified tenderers. (a) DELETED. (b) DELETED. (c) DELETED. (d) DELETED. (e) DELETED. (f) DELETED. (g) DELETED. 23.4 DELETED. Signature of the Tenderer 11 24. Contacting the Purchaser 24.1 Subject to ITT Clause 21, no Tenderer shall contact the Purchaser on any matter relating to its tender, from the time of the tender opening to the time the Contract is awarded. If the tenderer wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the purchaser, it should do so in writing. 24.2 Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the Purchaser in its decisions on tender evaluation, tender comparison or contract award may result in rejection of the Tenderer's tender. F. Award of Contract 25. Postqualification 25.1 In the absence of prequalification, after the examinataion of the technical bid, the price bids of technically qualified tenders will be opened as per the e-portal the Purchaser will determine to its satisfaction whether the Tenderer that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive tender meets the criteria specified in ITT Clause 11.2 (b) and is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. 25.2 The determination will take into account the Tenderer's financial, technical and capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Tenderer's qualifications submitted by the Tenderer, pursuant to ITT Clause 11, as well as such other information as the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate. 25.3 An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the Contract to the Tenderer. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Tenderer's tender, in which event the Purchaser will proceed to the next lowest evaluated tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer's capabilities to perform the contract satisfactorily. 26. Award Criteria 26.1 Subject to ITT Clause 28, the Purchaser will award the Contract to the successful Tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest evaluated tender, provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily. 27. Purchaser's right to vary Quantities at Time of Award 27.1 The Purchaser reserves the right at the time of Contract award to increase or decrease by up to 25 percent of the quantity of goods and services originally specified in the Schedule of Requirements without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions. 28. Purchaser's Right to Accept Any Tender and to Reject Any or All Tenders 28.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers. 29. Notification of Award 29.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the Purchaser will notify the successful tenderer in writing by registered letter or by cable/telex or fax, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that its tender has been accepted. 29.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract. 29.3 Upon the successful Tenderer's furnishing of performance security pursuant to ITT Clause 31, the Purchaser will promptly notify the name of the winning Tenderer to each unsuccessful Tenderer and will discharge its earnest money deposit, pursuant to ITT Clause 13. Signature of the Tenderer 12 29.4 After notification of award, the PURCHASER will promptly publish the grounds on which the tender is selected and the reasons for other tenders which are not selected. 30. Signing of Contract 30.1 At the same time as the Purchaser notifies the successful tenderer that its tender has been accepted, the Purchaser will send the Tenderer the Contract Form provided in the tender documents, incorporating all agreements between the parties. 30.2 Within 21 days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful Tenderer shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser. 31. Performance Security 31.1 Within 21 days of the receipt of notification of award from the Purchaser, the successful Tenderer shall furnish the performance security in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, in the Performance Security Form provided in the tender documents or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser. 31.2 Failure of the successful Tenderer to comply with the requirement of ITT Clause 30.2 or ITT Clause 31.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the earnest money deposit, in which event the Purchaser may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Tenderer or call for new tenders. 32 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 32.1 The Government requires that Tenderers/ Suppliers/ Contractors observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of Government financed contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Government : (a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth as follows : (i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and (ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Government, and includes collusive practice among Tenderers (prior to or after tender submission) designed to establish tender prices at artificial noncompetitive levels and to deprive the Government of the benefits of free and open competition; (b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; (c) will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Government financed contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a Government-financed contract. 32.2 Furthermore, Tenderers shall be aware of the provision stated in sub-clause 4.4 and subclause 23.1 of the General Conditions of Contract. Signature of the Tenderer 13 SECTION III: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TABLE OF CLAUSES Clause 1. Definitions 2. Application 3. Standards 4. Use of Contract Documents and Information; Inspection and Audit by Government 5. Patent Rights 6. Performance Security 7. Inspection and Tests 8. Packing 9. Delivery and Documents 10. Insurance 11. Transportation 12. Incidental Services 13. Spare Parts 14. Warranty 15. Payment 16. Prices 17. Change Orders 18. Contract Amendments 19. Assignment 20. Subcontracts 21. Delays in Supplier's Performance 22. Liquidated Damages 23. Termination for Default 24. Force Majeure 25. Termination for Insolvency 26. Termination for Convenience 27. Settlement of Disputes 28. Limitation of Liability 29. Governing Language 30. Applicable Law 31. Notices 32. Taxes and Duties Signature of the Tenderer 14 SECTION III – GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT General Conditions of Contract 1. Definitions 1.1 In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated: (a) "The Contract" means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all the attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein; (b) "The Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations; (c) "The Goods" means all the equipment, machinery, and/or other materials which the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract; (d) "Services" means services ancillary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services, such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training and other obligations of the Supplier covered under the Contract; (e) “GCC” means the General Conditions of Contract contained in this section. (f) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract. (g) “The Purchaser” means the organization purchasing the Goods, as named in SCC. (h) “The Purchaser’s country” is the country named in SCC. (i) “The Supplier” means the individual or firm supplying the Goods and Services under this Contract. (j) “The Government” means the Government of Karnataka State. (k) “The Project Site”, where applicable, means the place or places named in SCC. (l) “Day” means calendar day. 2. Application 2.1 These General Conditions shall apply to the extent that they are not superseded by provisions in other parts of the Contract. 3. Standards 3.1 The services to be provided under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in the Technical Specifications in the tender document. 4. Use of Contract Documents and Information; Inspection and Audit by the Government 4.1 The Supplier shall not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, disclose the Contract, or any provision thereof, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the Supplier in performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. 4.2 The Supplier shall not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, make use of any document or information enumerated in GCC Clause 4.1 except for purposes of performing the Contract. 4.3 Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in GCC Clause 4.1 shall remain the property of the Purchaser and shall be returned (in all copies) to the Purchaser on completion of the Supplier's performance under the Contract if so required by the Purchaser. Signature of the Tenderer 15 4.4 The supplier shall permit the Government to inspect the Supplier’s accounts and records relating to the performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Government, if so required by the Government. 5. Patent Rights 5.1 The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Goods or any part thereof in India. 6. Performance Security 6.1 Within 21 days of receipt of the notification of contract award, the Supplier shall furnish Performance Security to the Purchaser for an amount of 5% of the Contract Value, valid up to 60 days after the date of completion of performance obligations including Warranty obligations. In the event of any correction of defects or replacement of defective material during the Warranty period, the Warranty for the corrected/replaced material shall be extended to a further period of 12 months and the Performance Security for proportionate value shall be extended 60 days over and above the initial Warranty period. 6.2 The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier's failure to complete its obligations under the Contract. 6.3 The Performance Security shall be denominated in Indian Rupees and shall be in the form of Demand Draft of Nationalised / Scheduled Banks, drawn in favour of Director B .I.M.S. Belgaum, payable at Belgaum, 6.4 to 14.5 DELETED. 15. Payment 15.1 The method and conditions of payment to be made to the Supplier under this Contract shall be specified in the SCC. 15.2 The Supplier's request(s) for payment shall be made to the Purchaser in writing, accompanied by an invoice describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered and the Services performed, and by documents, submitted pursuant to GCC Clause 9, and upon fulfillment of other obligations stipulated in the contract. 15.3 Payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser but in no case later than sixty (60) days after submission of the invoice or claim by the Supplier. 15.4 Payment shall be made in Indian Rupees. 16. Prices 16.1 Prices payable to the supplier as stated in the contract shall be firm and are valid for 12 months (extendable for 6 months) during the performance of the contract. 17. Change Orders 17.1 The Purchaser may at any time, by written order given to the Supplier pursuant to GCC Clause 31, make changes within the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following: (a) DELETED; (b) DELETED; (c) DELETED; (d) the Services to be provided by the Supplier. 17.2 DELETED 18. Contract Amendments 18.1 Subject to GCC Clause 17, no variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties. Signature of the Tenderer 16 19. Assignment 19.1 The Supplier shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under the Contract. 20. Subcontracts 20.1 The Supplier shall not sub contract all or any of the services mentioned in the Annexure – I. 20.2 DELETED. 21. Delays in the Supplier's Performance 21.1 Providing of the Services shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the time schedule specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements. 21.2 DELETED. 21.3 DELETED. 22. Liquidated Damages 22.1 Subject to GCC Clause 24, if the Supplier fails to perform the Services within the period(s) specified in the Contract, the Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% of the delivered price of the delayed Goods or unperformed Services for each week or part thereof of delay until actual delivery or performance, up to a maximum deduction of 10% of the Contract Price.. Once the maximum is reached, the Purchaser may consider termination of the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 23. 23. Termination for Default 23.1 The Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the Supplier, terminate the Contract in whole or part: (a) if the Tenderer fails to deliver any or all of the services within the period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Purchaser pursuant to GCC Clause 21; or (b) if the Tenderer fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract. (c) DELETED. 23.2 DELETED. 24. Force Majeure 24.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of GCC Clauses 21, 22, 23, the Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that, its delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. 24.2 For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the Supplier and not involving the Supplier's fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of the Purchaser either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. 24.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. Signature of the Tenderer 17 25. Termination for Insolvency 25.1 The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Supplier, if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser. 26. Termination for Convenience 26.1 DELETED. 26.2 DELETED: 27. Settlement of Disputes : 27.1 The Purchaser and the supplier shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract. 27.2 If, after thirty (30) days, the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or difference by such mutual consultation, then either the Purchaser or the Supplier may give notice to the other party of its intention to commence arbitration, as hereinafter provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect of this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given. 27.2.1 Any dispute or difference in respect of which a notice of intention to commence arbitration has been given in accordance with this Clause shall be finally settled by arbitration. Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after delivery of the Goods under the Contract. 27.2.2 Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure specified in the SCC. 27.3 Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration herein, (a) the parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless they otherwise agree; and (b) the Purchaser shall pay the Supplier any monies due the Supplier. 28. Limitation of Liability 28.1 Except in cases of criminal negligence or willful misconduct, and in the case of infringement pursuant to Clause 5, (a) the Supplier shall not be liable to the Purchaser, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of profits or interest costs, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidated damages to the Purchaser; and (b) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Purchaser, whether under the Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not exceed the total Contract Price, provided that this limitation shall not apply to the cost of repairing or replacing defective equipment. 29. Governing Language 29.1 The contract shall be written in English language. Subject to GCC Clause 30, English language version of the Contract shall govern its interpretation. All correspondence and other documents pertaining to the Contract which are exchanged by the parties shall be written in the same language. 30. Applicable Law 30.1 The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Union of India. Signature of the Tenderer 18 31. Notices 31.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this Contract shall be sent to other party in writing or by cable, telex or facsimile and confirmed in writing to the other Party’s address specified in SCC. 31.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice's effective date, whichever is later. 32. Taxes and Duties 32.2 Suppliers shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, octroi, road permits, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods to the Purchaser. Signature of the Tenderer 19 SECTION-II SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT. 1.1 The Tenderer shall be uploaded only if the Tenderer is agreeable to all the Terms and Conditions of this Tender, which includes the Description and Specifications of the services / items mentioned therein. The Tenderer shall upload the tenders through e-tendering system using User’s ID and Digital Signature Certificate for Techno-Commercial and Price Bids. Services / Items required are listed in Annexure-1. a. b. 1.2 Irrespective of the terms and conditions the Tenderer may have specified, only the terms and conditions specified in this tender shall be binding on the Tenderer and the tendering authority. 2. The Tenderer shall upload the tender in the manner described here under: - A. TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BID SHALL CONTAIN DOCUMENTS LISTED UNDER TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION CRITERIA. A.3. Original Certificate of Incorporation signed by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in case of a company/firm. Original proprietoryship Certificate in case of a proprietary firm, place of registration and principal place of business of the company / firm. A.4 Copy of Sales Tax/VAT Registration Certificate along with Commodity Description of the Tenderer is to be uploaded. A.5 Copy of PAN Card of the Tenderer is to be uploaded. A.6 Sales Tax Clearance Certificate Sales Tax cleared up to 31-03-2013 of the Tenderer as per Annexure-III or in the valid format of the Commercial Tax Department, for preceding three years i.e. for the years 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 is to be uploaded, A.7 Annual Turn over Statement. For preceding three financial years 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 i.e. for 31-03-2011, 3103-2012 & 31-03-2013 of the Tenderer should up load the copy of Annual Turn over Statement along with his Annual Turn over certified by Commercial Tax Officer/Charted Accountant as per Annexure-IV is to be uploaded. A.8 Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account. The tenderer should upload the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account for preceding three financial years 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 i.e., for 31-03-2011, 31-03-2012 & 3103-2013 of the Tenderer certified by Chartered Accountant. Signature of the Tenderer 20 A.9-a) Tender Offer Form Tender Offer Form with an undertaking to abide by the terms and conditions of the tender in the format as per Annexure –IX-Part-I, of the Tenderer is to be uploaded. A.9-b) Declaration From Declaration from the Tenderer in the format as per Annexure-IX Part II of the Tenderer is to be uploaded. A.10. Seal and Signature The tender document shall have Seal and Signature on all pages including the Annexures by the authorized signatory [Vide Section I, 1 (a)]. A.11. The Documents/Certificates should be:- a) The Documents uploaded should be clearly visible failing which such documents shall not be considered. b) The documents uploaded in general documents should be named individually. A.12. Solvency Certificate: The Tenderer should upload the Solvency Certificate (addressed to the Director, BIMS Belgaum) from Nationalised / Scheduled Bank in respect to this tender in original equal to 10% of bid value or Rs.5,00,000 whichever is higher. A.13. Submission of Original Documents The original documents uploaded under Technical Bid should be produced before the Tender Committee on the date to be notified later. B. PRICE BID SHALL CONTAIN THE DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREUNDER: B.1 (i) PRICE SCHEDULE a) Price Schedule format shall be furnished in the e-procurement platform. The rate quoted for the service detailed in the tender document as per Annexure – I, which shall be inclusive of Excise duty, and local Sales tax / VAT and any other taxes etc,. b-1) The rate quoted in the e-procurement platform format should be for the service. The Tenderers are strictly prohibited to change/alter specification or unit size given in the e-procurement platform format otherwise the rates offered will not be considered. b-2) The services mentioned in the Tender Document should be taken into consideration, while quoting the rates. B.2 Both the Technical Bid & Commercial Bid for providng the services shall have to be uploaded under appropriate headings. a) In the event of any discrepancy with respect to the rates quoted the Purchaser reserves the right to accept the lowest rate. b) All pages of the Tender except for printed literature if any enclosed shall carry the full signature of the person signing the Tender. Signature of the Tenderer 21 Annexure – 1 HOSPITAL SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT, NETWORKING & MAINTENANCE OF HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE. 1. Services to be provided along with efficient personnel for the following counters. a. Causalty – 3 Shifts. Round the Clock b. Maternity – 3 Shifts. (i) Billing Counter– 3 Nos. (ii) OPD Counter – 3 Nos. (iii) IPD Counter – 2 Nos. General Shift 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (iv) MRD Counter – 2 Nos. (v) Medical Store – 2 Nos. (vi) Laboratory – 2 Nos. Works to be carried out and reports to be generated for the following. I. Registration & Medical Records Department: A. Out Patient Registration 1. Out Patient Registration Castewise New 2. Out Patient Registration Castewise Old 3. Out Patient Registration Report 4. Cash Receipt Details 5. Medico Legal Cases 6. 108 (Ambulance) Help Shifted Patient 7. Any other Schemes subsequently implemented by Govt. 8. O.P. Agewise Statistics (As per WHO pattern) 9. O.P. Sexwise Statistics (As per WHO pattern) 10. Patient Alpha Index 11. O.P. Service wise Statistics 12. O.P. Geographical wise Statistics 13. New Government Schemes 14. O.P. New & Old Department Statistics wise 15. Yashaswini 16. Rashtriya Bima Yojane 17. Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya 18. Senior Citizens (Giriatric) 19. Defence ECHS Scheme Signature of the Tenderer 22 B. In Patient Registration 1. Castewise New I.P. Registration 2. Castewise Old I.P. Registration 3. Renewal admissions 4. Change of ward 5. General admissions 6. Daily In Patient Registration Report 7. Daily Cash Receipt Vouchers 8. Death Registration Enquiry 9. Daily Discharge Report 10. Daily Hospital Deaths 11. Daily Medico Legal Cases 12. Daily I.P. Ward Details 13. Daily On Diseases Group 14. Daily On Diseases Name C. D. 15. Daily Yashaswini I.P. Details 16. Daily Rashtriya Bima Yojane I. P. Details 17. Daily Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya I. P. Details 18. Daily Senior Citizens (Giriatric) I. P. Details 19. Daily Defence ECHS Scheme I. P. Details 20. Daily 108 (Ambulance) Help Shifted Patient Details 21. Any other Schemes (implement) subsequently 22. I.P. Dept. wise Statistics 23. I.P. Agewise Statistics 24. I.P. Sexwise Statistics 25. I.P. Patient enquiry 26. Ward side Bed Management Loan Register Details. Census (midnight) 1. Remaining patients 2. Admissions 3. Transfer In 4. Discharges 5. Transfer Out 6. Deaths 7. Total Signature of the Tenderer 23 E. Daily Discharge Entries 1. Relieved 2. Cured 3. Unchanged 4. A.M.A. 5. Worse 6. Total Discharge list with details 7. Expired 8. Others F. Daily Accession Register G. Certificate Module. 1. All types of Certificates, Monthly Reports & Issued Certificates. H. Monthly Report & Issued Certificates Statistics (As per M.C.I. norms) & Government Requirement I. Hospital Re-visits 1. O. P. Details of daily Re-visits 2. I. P. Patients Re-visits details II. Patients Billing 1. Cash Receipts 2. Cash Payment 3. Account Settlement 4. Daily Inward Vouchers 5. Daily General Cash Ledger 6. Daily Cash Collection Summary Investigationwise 7. Viewed off Summary 8. Doctorwise receipts etc. 9. Monthly Cash Receipts Statement III. Birth & Death Registration 1. Birth Details Register 2. Statistical of Birth Census by Sex 3. Statistical of Births by Method of Delivery 4. Hospital Death Registration 5. Statistical of Death Census by Sex 6. Birth Report from Entries. 7. Still Birth Entries 8. Death Entries 9. Birth & Death Certificates Signature of the Tenderer 24 IV. Casualty / Emergency Registration. 1. O.P. Registration Statistics by Sex / by Caste 2. I. P. Registration Statistics by Sex / by Caste 3. Daily Cash Receipts 4. Daily Casualty Process 5. O.P. Details statistics 6. I.P. Details Statistics V. Labor Ward Registration 1. Patients Management 2. Births 3. Deaths VI. I.C.D. 10th Edition Coding 1. Surgical & Diagnostic Coding 2. Diagnostic Index 3. Operational Index 4. Physicians Index VII. Diagnostic Departments - Central Lab 1. Pathology a. Histo pathology b. Haemetology c. Cytogenetic d. Cyto pathology 2. 3. 4. 5. Microbiology Bio-Chemistry Blood Collection Centre a. Requisition / Reporting b. New Requisiton Statistics c. Test Requested Details d. Requisition by Departmentwise Details e. Tests Conducted Daily Report f. Pending Requisition Report g. Test Confirmation Report h. Print new Requisiton Format i. Print Test Requested Format Lab Investigation statistics As per M.C.I. Signature of the Tenderer 25 VIII. Yashaswini / Rashtriya Bima Yojane / Defence ECHS Scheme Credit Billing Statement 1. Day Book 2. Inward Vouchers Daily 3. Print Beneficiaries List 4. General Ledger Department wise 5. Monthly Statement Department wise 6. Monthly Statement Branch wise IX. Radio Diagnosis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. X. Dialysis XI. Blood Bank XII. Diet X-Ray Ultra Sound CT Scanning Mammography Daily Reporting Diagnostic wise Monthly Reporting Diagnostic wise Radiological Investigations Statistics as per M.C.I. 1. 2. Dialysis Registration and Report Monthly Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Donors Registration Daily Voluntary Blood Donors Census General Reports Statistical Report on Voluntary Blood Donors by Sex Blood Group Inventory Blood Collection Details Lab Test Reports Blood Requisition Ledger Blood Issue Ledger Expired Blood Group List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Daily Diet Requisiton by Ward Process Diet Roll Process Diet Articles Process Admission Statistics Process Discharge Statistics General Stock Ledger Diet Distribution List Daily Query Patient Diet Roll – Daily by Ward Query Patient Diet Roll – Daily by Department Total Diet Monthly Total Diet by Ward Monthly Diet Articles Monthly Signature of the Tenderer 26 XIII. Drugs & Chemicals 1. Stock Register of Drugs & Chemicals 2. Daily Expenditure 3. Daily Local Purchase 4. Monthly Expenditure 5. Requirements 6. Supply from District Drugs Logistic Society 7. Daily Indent 8. V.I.P. Kits etc. XIV. Equipments / Instruments 1. Stock Register of major and minor equipments / instruments 2. Repair of major and minor equipments / instruments 3. Purchase of major and minor instruments / equipments 4. Annual Maintenance Contract of major equipments XV. Consolidated Report 1. Daily Consolidated Report 2. Monthly for respected wards XVI. Administration System 1. Set-up of Hospital Information 2. General Master 3. Department / Unit Details 4. Doctors Details 5. Set-up User Charges 6. I.C.D. Disease Codes 7. Set-up Statistical Heads 8. Set-up Voucher Type XVII. Waste Management 1. Colour Coding 2. Daily Collection – Solid waste / Bio-waste 3. Daily disposal 4. Monthly disposal 5. Monthly Report XVIII. FORMATS 1. 2. 3. 4. Out Patient Record O.P. Follow Up Sheet Cash Receipt Admission Record Signature of the Tenderer 27 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Maternity Admission Sheet Neonatal Unit Ophthalmology Cross Reference Form Consent Form for Anaesthesia, Operation Etc. Case Summary & Discharge Record History Doctor’s Order Progress Notes Nurses Notes Treatment Chart Tablets / Injections Culture for A.F.B. Requisition for dept. of Pathology Requisition for Dept. of Radiology Requisition for Dept. of Pathology - Haematology Requisition for Dept. of Microbiology Clinical Bio-chemistry Laboratory Requisition for Dept. of Radio – Diagnosis Requisition for Dept. of Surgery Requisition for Dept. of Haemodialysis Record Discharge Order Any other formats suggested by the authorities. 3. The following expenditure should be met out for the maintenance by the tenderer: a) Maintenance and repairs if any of the Computers, servers. b) Maintenance of Hospital Software c) Network repair and maintenance. d) UPS including batteries repairs and maintenance. e) All Stationeries for printed forms, printer ribbons, cartridge, etc., 4. Pertaining to any Hospital management, permanent software as described in Annexure-I a permanent software installed & facilitate for all networking in full pledged. After completion of tender period the software will not be returned. They can be coded. The tenderer will have no right on the installed software. The software shold be of following specification. a. The solution must be built on Client Server Technology with 3-tier architecture. Signature of the Tenderer 28 b. The Database platform should be Oracle 12i or above. c. The solution must have cleared tests on Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows NT. (Install latest version if required) d. The software should integrate activities of all the Depts. 5. Software and server managements are to be looked after by the tenderer and he is solely responsible for its maintenance. 6. Skilled and qualified computer operators are to be provided for work. 7. The management and operations should work for all the 24 hours. 8. After completion of tender period the tender may be extended for 6 months. 9. The personnel engaged in the hospital management and software and networking services must be provided uniform and identity card. 10. The personnel should work under the directions of Asst. Medical Record Officer or other higher officers. 11. The tenderer is responsible for any problematic deviations or lapses for that tenderer is only responsible and liable for any losses. 12. The tenderer should make the arrangements to carry forward the existing data of our hospital management and make available the same as and when required. Signature of the Tenderer 29 TI TU TE OF ME DI C L SC I ENC ES B E LG A U M S A IN FORMAT-1 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Road, Belgaum. Phone No. 0831-2420173/2420320 OUT PATIENT SLIP O.P.R. No.: Date: Name : Dept.: Address : Contact No.: Age : Sex: Unit: Category (Caste): Occupation: BPL Card No.: Others: Reg. Charges: Defence / Sr. Citizen / Yashaswini / Rashtriya Arogya Beema / Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya Signature of the Tenderer 30 IT UTE OF M E DI C L SC I ENC ES B E LG A U M ST A IN FORMAT-2 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) OP FOLLOW UP SHEET Signature of the Tenderer 31 IT UTE OF M E DI C L SC I ENC ES B E LG A U M ST A IN FORMAT-3 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) Cash Receipt OP / IP No.: Income Group: Name: Age: Receipt No.: Counter No.: Sex: Sl. DOA: DOD: Date: Days: Description Amount No. Rs. Ps. TOTAL Rupees in words: Cashier Signature Signature of the Tenderer AL ENCES SCI BELGAUM I N 32 OF M UTE ED IT IC ST FORMAT-4 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM SYMBOL (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) ADMISSION RECORD Name of Patient Service & Unit Age Sex Marital Status Hospital No. Ward Bed Religion Income Father's / Husband's Name Address Occupation Door No. District Street Village State Town Post M.R.D. No. Readmission Telephone No. Address Telegraphic Head of Service Date of Admission Nearest Police Station Emergency Address Date of Discharge Status Hospital Days A. General B. Staff Defficiency Checked by C. Staff Dependent D. Student Provisional / Admission Diagnosis FINAL DIAGNOSIS Write Principal Diagnosis First (In block letters) International Code Secondary Diagnosis & Complications (In block letters) Date CREATIVE PROCEDURES POST-OPERATIVE INFECTION Consulations RESULT *CAUSE OF DEATH Cured Relieved Unchanged A.M.A. NIL / PRESENT / TYPE OF DOMINENT ORGANISM PRESENT Otherwise Autopsy Signature of Registrar Worse Expired* *State the disease, injury or complication which caused death. This does NOT mean the mode of dying, such as, heart failure, respiratory failure etc. Yes No Signature of Head of Unit MEDICAL RECORD DEPARTMENT USE ONLY No. of Sheets in recors Lab. Reports Biopsy Reports Admission Order Hosp-MRD No. Admission Diagnosis X-ray Reports EKG/EEG Reports Discharge Note Checked by Hosp-MRD No. Admission Diagnosis ADMISSION RECORD Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 33 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) M¦àUÉAiÀÄ £ÀªÀÄÆ£É CONSENT FORM (gÉÆÃV¬ÄAzÀ CxÀªÁ CªÀ£À ¥Àæw¤¢ü¬ÄAzÀ vÀÄA©¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ) gÉÆÃVAiÀÄ ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄ Name of the Patient : £Á£ÀÄ ................................................................................................................ ¸ÀAPÉÆÃZÀ«®èzÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ £À£Àß ¥ÀÆtðeÁÕ£À¢AzÀ zÉÊ»PÀ gÉÆÃUÀ «zsÁ£À ¥ÀjÃPÉëUÉ gÀPÀÛ ¸ÀAAiÉÆÃd£ÉUÉ, ±À¸ÀÛçaQvÉìUÉ ªÉÊzÀågÀÆ CxÀªÁ EvÀgÀ, ¤±ÉÑÃvÀ£ÀUÉƽ¸ÀĪÀ aQvÉìUÁV ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð ¸ÀªÀÄäw PÉÆqÀĪɣÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ EzÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀ ±À¸ÀÛçaQvÉì ªÉÊzÀågÀÆ CxÀªÁ D¸ÀàvÉæUÉ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀ ¹§âA¢AiÀĪÀgÀÄ EzÀPÉÌ ºÉÆuÉUÁgÀgÀ®è. I ……………………………………………………………….. the under signed and in my full sense, give my complete consent for my diagnostic examination, biospy, transfusion or operation under any type of Anaesthesia and I agree that no reposibility will be attached to the surgeon or hospital staff. ¢£ÁAPÀ: Date: gÉÆÃVAiÀÄ ¸À» gÉÆÃVAiÀÄ (¥Àæw¤¢üAiÀÄ ¸À») Signature of the Patient Signature of the Patient (Representative) INCOME DECLARATION I………………………………….……..…… hereby declare that Sri / Smt ………………..………………… is my relative and is wholly dependent on me and my annual income is Rs. …………………... Date Time Signature of the Patient / Representative AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE Ward No…………… Bed No……… Pt’s Name……………………………………Age…..…..Yrs. I am responsible for taking the above patient out of hospital against the advice of the Doctor In-charge of the Case. Date Time Signature of the Patient / Representative REQUISITION FOR SPECIAL WARDS Recommended for admission of Rs……………. Special ward. Name of the Patient……………………………... I.P. Reg. No………………… Dt. Of Admn………………….… Name of Unit….………………………………. Provnl. iagnosis…………………………………………………………………………………………………... Note: Please mention the name of the Doctor in Block letters Signature of the Unit Head ALLOTMENT OF SPECIAL ROOMS (WARDS) Alloted special room (ward) bed No…..………… of Ground / I / II flor of Rs……………. per day on……………..….. at…………….….. Date Collected Time a sum Rs…………………….. Superintendent BIMS Hospital, Belagavi (Of the use of hospital office) Rs……..…………..… advance towards on…………………………..vide the special Receipt room (Ward) of No…………….…….. Date………………….. and entered in the register against the serial No……………….. of 20 . Date Time Asst. Administrative Officer, BIMS Hospital, Belagavi Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 34 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-5 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) MATERNITY ADMISSION SHEET Name Age Service Sex Ward Mar. Status Bed Admission Date In Pregnancy In Labour L.M.P. Occ. Time Religion Examined on admission by Post-natal Hosp. No. Income Student(s) Reason for admission E.D.D. Maturity on admission CLASSIFICATION OF PRESENT PREGNANCY: Antenatal Period Delivery Puerperium Infant Classification History of present pregnancy / Antenatal care received: (P.T.O.) Signature of the Tenderer 35 PAST OBSTETRIC HISTORY: Pregnancy Month Year Health Facility A.N. Health P.O.G. Personal history Labour Duration in hours Puerperium Type of Delivery Marital history Infant Alive or Still birth Weight Sex Present health Family history Bowels: Micturation: Previous illness / Operations: On examination Anaemia Oedema Varicose veins Breasts R.S. C.V.S. At Discharge: Mother Obstetric Examination Hight Weight B.P. Baby Signature of Doctor Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 36 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-6 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM SYMBOL (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS NEONATAL UNIT MOTHER’S DETAILS Name: Age: Hosp. No.: O.G. Unit: BABY’S DETAILS Type of Delivery: Indication: Consanguinity: Date & Time of Delivery: Booked / Unbooked: Apgar at 1’ Immunized / Unimmunized Resuscitation: Para Gravida: Suctions / O2 by mask / Mounth to mouth: Previous Still Births: Intubation and IPPR: Mother’s Weight: Bicarbonate / Lethidrone: L.M.P. Sex of the Baby: E.D.D. Maturity: Hb: Congenital Anomalies: Blood Group: Anal Patency: V.D.R.L.: Oesophageal Patency: Other Tests: Respiratory Distress: Toxemia: Cyanosis: Hydramnios: Any Other: P.I.H. Cord Blood collected / Not collected: A.P.R. Investigations on Blood: Any other illness: Gastric Aspirate ME - 5’ 10’ Birth Weight: Presentation: Culture - Time of Membrane Rupture: Any Other: Liquor Quality: Diagnosis: Term / Pre term / Post term Quantity: Male / Female Drugs to the Mother: AG / LGA / SGA Any evidence of Foetal Distress: ADVICE: Problem: 1. Keep the baby warm – Covering / Warmer / Incubator 2. Umblical Care 3. Inj. Vitamin K______ mg. I.M. stat 4. Transfer to Nursery / Mother’s side 5. Feeding – Oral / Intragastric / I.V. Fluids 6. Drugs Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 37 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-7 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM SYMBOL (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Name: Hospital No. Complaints : Present History : Past History : GENERAL EXAMINATION : PALLOR: OEDEMA: SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION : Cardiovascular system : Respiratory system : Respiratory system : Alimentary system : Central Nervous system : B.P. PULSE: [P.T.O.] Signature of the Tenderer 38 RIGHT EYE Position of Head : Position of Eye Ball : Ocular Movements : Visual Acuity : Retinoscopy + BCVA : Eye Brows, Eye Lashes : Lids : Conjuctiva Cornea : Anterior Chamber : Iris : Lens : Pupil : Pupillary Reactions : Ciliary Tenderness : Introcular Pressure : Lacrimal Sac : Fundus Examination : Silt Lamp Examination : LEFT EYE DIAGNOSIS: Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 39 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S SYMBOL FORMAT-8 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) Cross Reference Form Referring Unit: Referred Unit: Name: Age: Service Ward Bed Sex: Mar. Status Hosp. No. Occ. Our Findings: Our Problem: Your Findings: Your Advice: Income Note: 1. Reference from and to Head Units 2. No formal correspondence permitted please. Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 40 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-9 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM SYMBOL (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) CONSENT FORM FOR ANAESTHESIA, OPERATION Etc., I, ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Hosp. No……………………………………………… in my full senses hereby given my complete consent for …………………………………………………. or any other procedure deemed fit which is a / an diagnostic procedure / biopsy / transfusion / operation to be performed on me / my son / daughter / ……………………………………………... age …………………….. my ward under any anaesthesia deemed fit. The nature and the risks involved in the procedure have been explained to me to my satisfaction. Date: Guardian Signature / Thumb Impression of the Patient / Signature of Witness: Guardian : Name: Relationship: Designation: Full Address: Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 41 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-10 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM SYMBOL (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) CASE SUMMARY & DISCHARGE RECORD NAME AGE SERVICE WARD SEX BED MAR. STATUS HOSP. NO. OCC. RELIGION INCOME PRESENTING SYMPTOMS PHYSICAL FINDINGS CLINICAL IMPRESSION INVESTIGATIONS TREATMENT OPERATIVE FINDINGS BIOPSY REPORT COURSE IN HOSPITAL Including Post-operative FINAL DIAGNOSIS 1. Primary disease 2. Complication 3. Subsidiary disease CONDITION AT DISCHARGE RECOMMENDATIONS Other Side: CASE SUMMARY & MR-2 FOLLOW-UP DISCHARGE RECORD [P.T.O.] Signature of the Tenderer 42 FOLLOW-UP CLINIC Date Notes Signature Note: It is suggested that notes on follow-up of hospitalized patients be recorded on this form in addition to or in place of notes etc., on the Out-patients Record. If further treatment is indicated as an ambulatory patient, then Outpatient Record should be used. Other Side: CASE SUMMARY & FOLLOW -UP CLINIC DISCHARGE RECORD Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 43 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S SYMBOL FORMAT-11 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) HISTORY Name Age Ward Bed No. Sex I.P. Reg. No. ____________ Marital Status: Occupation: Date & Time PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ON REVERSE SIDE [P.T.O.] Signature of the Tenderer 44 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Pulse: Resp.: BP: Weight: GENERAL SYSTEMIC PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS Note: Kindly use only prescribed forms meant for the use of doctors to write about the patients progess and treatment. Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 45 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S SYMBOL FORMAT-12 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DOCTOR’S ORDER I.P. Reg. No. __________ Name:__________________________ Age:_________ Ward:____________ Unit:_______ Date of Order Date of Discontinuation INSTRUCTIONS Note: Every days order should be signed by the medical Attendent with Date & Time. Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 46 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S SYMBOL FORMAT-13 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) PROGRESS NOTES I.P. Reg. No. __________ Name:__________________________ Age:_________ Ward:____________ Unit:_______ Date of Order Every days notes should be signed by the medical Attendent with Date & Time Note: Please write only notes on the progress of the patient Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 47 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S SYMBOL FORMAT-14 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) NURSES NOTES I.P. Reg. No. __________ Pt. Name:_________________________ Age:_________ Ward:____________ Unit:______ Date INSTRUCTIONS Signature of the Tenderer 48 FORMAT-15 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Unit / Ward : ____________ Sl. No. 1 LG AU M : ____________ BE I.P. Reg. No. O F M U T E ED IC IE N C E S : ____________ T TI SC Date of Discharge S L : ____________ A Date of Admission IN Name of the Patient : ____________ HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) Diagnosis: TREATMENT CHART NAME OF THE DRUGS DATE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Signature of the Doctor Signature of the Staff Nurse Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 49 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-16 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) TABLETS / INJECTIONS Name: Countersigned Hosp. No.: Signature Date: Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 50 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-17 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) CLINICAL DETAILS PREVIOUS REPORT REF. NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF DOCTOR NAME AGE MAR. STATUS M/F HOSP. NO. SERVICE WARD OCC. REL. INCOME BED DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF BACTERIOLOGIST NAME & DESIGNATION IN BLOCK LETTERS CULTURE FOR A.F.B. FORMAT-18 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) SYMBOL DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY REQUISITION FOR LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Name of Patient Ward & Bed No. Age Sex Hosp. No. Date Income Examination Required Signature Stool / Urine Date REPORT For Professor of Pathology Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 51 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-19 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY REQUEST FOR DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY Name of Patient ………………………........ Age ……………… Hosp. No. ………………………. Unit ………........ Occ ……………… Income …………………………. Ward / OPD …………. Diagnosis (For Departmental Clinical History & Salient Findings Use) Radiological Investigation X-Ray No. Size & No. of Films Information desired Date Tech. Signature of Requesting Doctor Designation Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 52 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-20 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) SYMBOL DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY – HAEMATOLOGY REQUISITION FOR LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Name of Patient: Service: OPD/Ward/Bed No. Age & Sex: Hosp. No.: Date: Income: Clinical Diagnosis: Lab No.: Examination Required: Signature of Doctor: Hb: ………….…gm% RBC: ……………. mill / cumm. MCH ………………..pg WBC: …….../cmm MCHC ………………. gm% N: ……….% E: ……….% PCV: …………….%, MCH ……………..fl, Retic Count: …………………..% B: …………..% L: …………% M: ………% Others …………………………………………………………………..…………….., AEC: ………………../cmm PLATELETS: …………………………………./cmm ESR: …………………mm/hr Peripheral Smear Report: RBC: WBC: Plt: Parasite: IMPRESSION: Date: For Professor of Pathology (P.T.O.) Special Investigations: Acid Elution Test : LE Cell: Alkali Denaturation Test : BT : ………………..min / CT : …………………Min Hb Electrophoresis : Paracoagulation Test for FDP: PT : Cont : Test : INR : APTT : Cont : ………………. 1/2 pt + 1/2 cont Test : …………….... 1/2 pt + ½ f VIII : ……………… 1/2 pt + ½ f IX Sickling Test : HAM’S Test : G6PD Test : Others : Osmotic fragility: Cont MCF Test MCF For Professor of Pathology Signature of the Tenderer AL NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N 53 TE OF ME DI TU TI C S FORMAT-21 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Investigation for Bacteriological Culture Urine / Exudate / Stool / Blood / Anaerobic Culture Name: Age: Sex : Service: Ward / OPD: Bed : Nature of specimen Date and time of collection Investigation required Previous Report Ref. No. Provisional Diagnosis Details of antibiotics given if any Duration of illness : : : : : : : Hospital No. : _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Signature and Designation of the Doctor Signature of the Tenderer 54 FORMAT-22 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BEGLAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) OF M UTE ED IT IC ST AL CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY NCES SCIE BELGAUM I N SYMBOL Name : Age : Hospital No. : Sex : Time of Receipt : Biochemistry Lab No. : Name of the test Blood Glucose Values Normal range 70 - 100 mg/dL Name of the test Hepato-biliary profile Values Normal range (Fasting) Blood Glucose 70 - 140 mg/dL T. Bilirubin 0.4 - 1.2 (Random) mg/dL Blood Glucose (2 hr. postprandial) <140 mg/dL OGTT Direct 0.1 04 mg/dL Indirect 0.2 0.8 mg/dL Total protein 6.3 - 8.3 gm/dL Fasting <126 mg/dL Albumin 3.5 - 5.5 gm/dL 2 hr. postprandial <140 mg/dL Globulin 2.5 - 3.5 gm/dL Renal Profile AST 0 - 40 IU/L Urea 15 - 40 mg/dL ALT 0 - 45 IU/L Creatinine 0.7 - 1.2 mg/dL GGT 1 - 50 IU/L Serum electrolytes Na K + Alkaline 135 - 145 mEq/L + 3.5 - 5 mEq/L CI Lithium (therapeutic) Calcium ionic # 30 - 125 IU/L Phosphatase Myocardial profile + 96 - 106 mEq/L LDH 60 - 200 IU/L 0.6 - 1.2 mEq/L CK total 20 - 170 IU/L 4.5 - 5.6 mg/dL CK MB <6 IU/L Calcium total 9 - 11 mg/dL Troponin T* 0 - 0.1 ng/mL Inorganic phosphorus 2.5 - 4.5 mg/dL Troponin I* 0 - 0.4 mg/mL Magnesium* 1.8 - 3 mg /dL Amylase 28 - 100 IU/L 1.5 - 6.0 mg/dL (F) Acid phosphatase 1.5 - 4.5 U/L Uric Acid 2.5 - 7.0 mg/dL (M) Prothrombin time 15-40 mg/dL Glucose 40-70 mg/dL Chloride 116-130 mEq/L 12 - 18 sec (INR: 1-1.2) CSF Protein + OTHERS Lipid Profile Total cholesterol <200 mg/dL Triglycerides <150 mg/dL HDL – Chol >40 mg/dL LDL – Chol <100 mg/dL VLDL – Chol <30 mg/dL The reference ranges of various analytes in blood in adults (until otherwise specified) are reported. Please discuss with biochemist on duty for any clarification. # Separate sample to be sent to EMS Signature of the Tenderer *Subject to availability of reagent kits + Collect sample to in special tubes containing sodium citrate Signature of Biochemist ENCES SCI BELGAUM I N 55 OF M ED IC AL TE TU TI S BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM SYMBOL (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) B. R. Ambedkar Road, Belgaum CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY – REQUISITION FORM (For assays of routine investigations) Name : Age / Sex : Hospital No. : Marital Status / Occupation / Income : Referred by (Unit / Ward No.) : Provisional Diagnosis : Treatment given : Date and time of sample collection : Anticoagulant : Added / Not added * Please carry out investigations ticked on reverse and indicate results against each * Please fix a date for the investigation(s) indicated Signature of Doctor Signature of the Tenderer TE TU TI S OF M ED IC FORMAT-23 AL ENCES SCI BELGAUM I N 56 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF RADIO – DIAGNOSIS ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY / ULTRASONOGRAPHY REPORT ECHO No. : Date : Name : Age : Sex : Hosp. No.: Address : Mar. Status : Service : Ward / Bed : REPORT : DIAGNOSIS : Signature Detach Here REQUISITION (To be filled by Referring Unit) ECHO No.: Date : Clinical Details : Relevant Lab. Data : Echo Examn. needed (Parts) : Clinical Diagnosis : Signature Signature of the Tenderer TE TU TI S OF M ED IC FORMAT-24 AL ENCES SCI BELGAUM I N 57 BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY REQUISITION FOR UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Name : Age : Sex : Hosp. No.: Address : Mar. Status : Service : Ward / Bed : Brief Clinical History : Physical findings : Investigations : Radiological Investigations : Indications for Endoscopy : Requested by : Designation : TO BE FILLED UP BY THE ENDOSCOPIST Date of procedure and time : Preparation of Patient : (P.T.O.) Signature of the Tenderer 58 ENDOSCOPY REPORT : Premedication : Date and time of procedure performed : Endoscopy Number : Photograph Number : Whether Biopsy taken : Performed by : Designation : Follow Up : Signature of the Tenderer 59 ST IT DI C A SC I B E LG A U M L IN FORMAT-25 OF M UTE E ENC ES BELGAUM INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES HOSPITAL, BELGAUM (Autonomous Medical Institution, Government of Karnataka) HAEMODIALYSIS RECORD Name : Age: M/F O.P. No.: Date: I.P. No.: Pre-dialysis assessment : Dialysis No.: Pre-dialysis Weight : Dialyser : Dialysis Machine : Weight gain Hours of HD : Accesses – AVF R/L Ultrafiltration : Bicarbonate : : Heparin-Regular/Rigid/Free : - AVG R/L - IJC R/L Blood flow rate - FC R/L Dialysate flow rate : - SC R/L Post dialysis weight : HBsAG + / - HCV + / - HIV + “Weight Loss” Blood Transfusion : Dialysis started at : Time Diagnosis B.P. Blood flow Heparin Remarks Dialysis closed at : Medications given during HD : Post dialysis Assessment : Next Dialysis on : Doctor’s Signature DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN RECORD 1. Identity of dialysis & tubing checked by : 1) 2) 2. Dialysis Machine & tubing primed by : 3. Dialysis started by : 4. Dialysis closed by : 5. Dialysis machine checked after dialysis by : 6. After Dialysis, Dialyser and tubing washed by : 7. Dialyser re-use No. : 8. Blood tubing re-use No.: 9. Bundle volume of Dialyser after dialysis : 10. Time of wash of Dialyser and tubing : Complications of HD : Signature of the Tenderer 60 UTE IT ST DISCHARGE ORDER OF M ED IC AL ENCES SCI BELGAUM I N FORMAT-26 To, The ward staff-Nurse (Incharge) Please discharge the patient viz. Sri./Smt. _______________________________ from the bed number ____________________ on ____________________ at_____________. Date___________________ Time __________ Signature of the Doctor -------------------------------------------------------------The patient viz. Sri / Smt. _________________________________ has left the bed & ward on __________________ at__________ AM / PM. Date___________________ Time __________ Signature of the ward Staff Nurse Signature of the Tenderer 61 ANNEXURE – II. (ref-Section – II Clause No.A.1) LIST OF ICICI BANK AS PER e-portal. Signature of the Tenderer 62 ANNEXURE – III (Ref. Section II Clause No.2.A- 6) SALES TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that M/s ………………………………………………………who is a registered dealer under VAT Act with regarding …………………………… having VAT TIN NO.…………………………& CST TIN NO. ………………………………has fixed Sales Tax return and tax cleared up to 31-03-2013 and no dues are outstanding for the said period. Signature & Seal of the Commercial Tax Authority. Signature of the Tenderer 63 ANNEXURE -IV (Ref.Section II - Clause 2.A-7) ANNUAL TURN OVER STATEMENT No: BIMS/GNL(2)/05/2013-14 Dated: The Annual Turnover of M/s. ________________________________________ for the past three years are given below and certified that the statement is true and correct. _____________________________________________________________ Sl.No. Financial years (Rs) Turnover in Lakhs _____________________________________________________________ 2010 – 2011 (31-03-2011) 2011 – 2012 (31-03-2012) 2012- 2013 (31-03-2013) _________________________________________________________ Total Rs. _________________ Lakhs. __________________________________________________________ Date: Seal: Signature of Commercial Tax Officer/ Chartered Accountant (Name in Capital) Signature of the Tenderer 64 ANNEXURE- IX PART-I TENDER OFFER FORM (Ref. Section II-Clause No. 2A-9 (a) No: BIMS/GNL(2)/05/2013-14 Dated: Affix the Aaa photograph of The Director, the person Belgaum Institute Of Medical Sciences, signing the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Road, document Belgaum-590 001. attested by a Sir, Gazeted Having examined the tender documents in connection with the Supply of Drugs, Officer/Notary Chemicals And Miscellaneous to your department under Bulk Purchase with staggered supplies for one year (Extendable for three Months) called by you, I / We, the undersigned offer to supply and deliver the above said items in conformity with the terms and conditions of the tender at the rates quoted in the Annexure if the contract is awarded in my / our favour. To, I / We understand that the quotation offered shall be valid for not more than 12 months (1 Year) from the date of award of tender and may be extended for 6 months. I / We undertake if our quotation is accepted, I / We will enter into contract to deliver the goods in accordance with the delivery schedule. I / We agree to abide by this tender for the specified period. I / We undertake to submit Security Deposit amount in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender if our offer is accepted. I / We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any quotations you may receive. Date: Place: Phone No: Fax No: Name and Address & Official: Phone No. of the person signing the tender form: Ph: Signature: Name in Capital Capacity *: Seal of the firm: Residential: Ph: Signature of the Tenderer 65 ANNEXURE - IX PART-II TENDER DECLARATION FORM (Ref. Section II-Clause No.2.A-9 (b) No: BIMS/GNL(2)/05/2013-14 Dated: TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND MISCELLANEOUS FOR THE ONE YEAR FORMAT OF UNDERTAKING TO BE FURNISHED BY THE TENDERER FOR HAVING ACCEPTED THE TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT. To The Director, Belgaum institute of medical sciences, Belgaum-590 001. Sir, In accordance with the terms and conditions of tender document for supply of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND MISCELLANEOUS for one year, I / We have gone through all the terms & conditions and hereby agree to accept and undertake to abide the same. Further stating that firm is not Black Listed with any Government/Quasi Government Organizations & the documents submitted in the Tender are not false/erroneous. Date Place Signature [ ] Name in capital Seal of the Firm/Company. Signature of the Tenderer 66 CONTRACT FORM No: BIMS/GNL(2)/05/2013-14 Dated: THIS AGREEMENT made on the ................................day of.........................2014 between ........................(Name of Purchaser with full address) of ..............(Country of Purchaser) (Hereinafter called "the Purchaser") of the one part and .....................(Name of Service provider) of .........................(Full address of Supplier) (Hereinafter called "the Supplier") of the other part : WHEREAS the Purchaser is desirous that certain Services viz., Hospital Software Management, Networking & Maintenance Of Hardware And Software (Brief Description of the work and Services) and has accepted a Tender by the Service provider in the sum of .................................................... (Contract Price in Words and Figures) (Hereinafter called “the Contract Price"). NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to. 2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.: (a).The Tender Form and the Price Schedule submitted by the Tenderer; (b).The Schedule of Requirements;. (c).The Section-I Invitation for Tenderers. (d). The Section-II Terms and Conditions. (e).The General Conditions of the Tender. (f).The Special Conditions of Tender; and (g).The Purchaser's Notification of Award. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as hereinafter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods and services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. 4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the goods and services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 5. Items described and listed in detail in this Tender and in which awarded to us, on Contract basis for a period of 12 months extendable by six months from the date of issue of this Contract Form. Signature of the Tenderer 67 Brief particulars of the Service which shall be supplied/ provided by the Tenderer are as under: Sl No Total Value: Schedule: Brief Description Services Total Price Refer Delivery IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and said........................................ (For the Purchaser) of:....................................... Delivered in the by the presence Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said ..................................................... (For the Supplier) in the presence of: ……….................................................................. ...................... Signature of the Tenderer 68 SPECIAL CONDITION 1) Tenderers should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Purchaser to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods to be purchased under this Invitation of Tenders. 2) Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka 3) The Bidder shall ensure credit of Tender Processing Fee and EMD into the respective receiving bank accounts of e-Procurement on or before the last date of bid submission. 4) The tenderer is required to ensure browser compatibility of the computer well in advance to the last date and time for receipt of tenders. The departments shall not be responsible for nonaccessibility of e-Procurement portal due to internet connectivity issues and technical glitches. Signature of the Tenderer
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