AUGUST 2014 NEWSLETTER TWENTYNINE PALMS ARMED SERVICES YMCA IN THIS ISSUE: New Operation Hero and Parent/Child Interactive Program School Year 2014 Summer Camp Ball Gown Donations Needed! Volunteer Spotlight: Pat Dunleavy Volunteers Take On Summer Projects Summer Programs Conclude Thrift Store News UPCOMING EVENTS: September 6 : Bag Sale, 8 AM – 12 PM September 11 : 9/11 Fallen Heroes Flag Memorial, 10 AM - 12 PM September 20: Bag Sale, 8 AM – 12 PM October 4: Ball Gown Giveaway, 1 PM – 3 PM CONTACT US: (P) 760.830.7481 (F) 760.830.8797 twentynine-palms-ca AsymcaTwentyninePalms Bldg 192 Mineral St PO Box 6002 Twentynine Palms, CA 92278 ASYMCA FALL PROGRAMS! The ASY is excited to start another fun-filled school year with our Operation Hero after-school enrichment program and our Parent/Child Interactive Program. Operation Hero is open to rising 2nd through 6th graders and meets twice a week during the school year at Condor Elementary School. The program emphasizes community service while helping military children build resiliency and develop the tools they need to take on the challenges of military life. The Parent/Child Interactive Program is an early childhood education program that recognizes a parent as a child’s first teacher. Program facilitators guide parents and their children in activities, crafts, and games each day. Both the Tiny Tots class for 2-3 Kinder Time/Kinder Ready class for year olds and the 3-5 year olds run 4 days a week for one hour. For more information about enrolling in either of these programs contact our office at 760-830-7481. SUMMER CAMP! The ASY and 62 excited campers had a fantastic time at Summer Camp in Big Bear, CA August 1016th. Story on Page 2-3. SUMMER CAMP PAGE 2 Camp Oakes also had some exciting additions to the activity line-up this year, including the Zipline, which allowed campers to speed out over the lake on a harness, and the Mine Chute, a giant slide built into a hillside that campers raced down on sleds! The Twentynine Palms Armed Services YMCA, with the help of our generous donors, was excited to be able to sponsor 62 military children to attend our annual Summer Camp at Camp Oakes in Big Bear, CA from August 10-August 16, 2014. Having a great time is our number one tradition at Summer Camp and we carried it on proudly this year. Many other favorite activities made a return appearance at camp this year including raising and lowering the colors every morning and evening, singing songs and performing skits around the camp fire, special themed dinners, a masquerade dance, evening games of “manhunt,” gaga ball , and more! The Campers had a chance to try all the activities throughout the week ,with two scheduled programs in the morning and the afternoon. In addition to the Zipline and the Mine-Chute, the campers got to tackle the high and low ropes courses, riflery, archery, slingshots, the climbing wall, fishing, canoeing, swimming, drama, dance, hiking, lessons in wildlife, Indian Lore, and the night sky at the observatory, and much more. FACING NEW CHALLENGES AT SUMMER CAMP Throughout the week every camper was challenged by facing the unknown. Whether a camper was spending their first night away from home, taking on a fear of heights at high ropes or the zipline, performing in front of an audience for the first I am going to time at the campfire, or just trying to make miss camp so friends with a cabin full of strangers and new much when I faces, each camper leave! --2014 was forced to confront a challenge head on Camper and find a way to solve the problem. Even when campers struggled or weren’t able to overcome the challenges they faced, they all were able to come away with a sense of pride in giving it their best effort. One Camper said “I liked canoeing the best because we had to use teamwork to move together and afterwards I felt like we really succeeded!” (story continued on page 3) SUMMER CAMP (continued from page 2) Although the activities were unfamiliar and a little frightening to some of the campers, the biggest challenge any of the campers faced during their week at Camp Oakes was coming together as a cabin. The Camp Oakes and ASY staff worked on encouraging team-building throughout the week, whether it was the tasks the campers had to accomplish at the low ropes course, or getting creative with their cabin cheer during meal-time roll-call, or relying on their group to overcome a fear like stagefright during skits at the campfire. As the campers got to know each other and their chaperones throughout the week they came to rely on each other and understand each other more and more, and to realize that even after camp they will always have a special bond with other military children. One camper said, “I learned that military kids have many things in common PAGE 3 and they’re going through the same things, and its not so bad being a military kid.” The campers also worked on their team work by participating in daily chores with their cabin. The campers always kept their chaperones on their toes with their comments about having to do chores when they were supposed to be having fun at camp. While cleaning up after dinner one camper said “ I didn’t think camp would be like this! It’s just like Boot Camp!” By the end of the week, though, even those that struggled at first, whether it was homesickness, making friends, or something else, had made camp their home away from home. Parents and campers alike are already telling us they can’t wait for next year’s camp. It is an opportunity that our families look forward to year after year; the unique challenges that face military children make Camp Oakes a much needed retreat for our military children and their families. Thank you to our 2014 Summer Camp Donors: American Friends of our Armed Forces and Fort Sill National Bank. This year’s camp would not have been possible without you! BALL GOWNS WANTED! The Armed Services YMCA is seeking donations for its annual Free Ball Gown Giveaway, which will be held at the O’ Club on October 4, 2014. Dresses, shoes, jewelry and other formal accessories may be dropped off at the ASY office between now and October 3, 2014. The ASY will again partner with L.I.N.K.S. for this year’s giveaway. Ladies who participate in L.I.N.K.S.’s Belle of the Ball Etiquette class immediately preceding the giveaway will be given priority appointment times. Spouses and Active Duty Female s who are E-6 and below will As a mother of 3, I do not get receive first priority. much time for myself. Thanks to Above: A 2013 participant shows off her new dress! the Ball Gown Giveaway I had a opportunity to pamper myself. I am so appreciative to the ASY for the opportunity. -2013 Ball Gown Giveaway Participant For more information about the giveaway or making a donation contact Laura Scotto, laura.s@militaryymca. org or call our office at 760-830-7481! VOLUNTEERS Each month this section of the newsletter highlights one of the Twentynine Palms ASY’s outstanding volunteers. Pat Dunleavy is an ASY Board Member and has been working with the ASY since 2007. VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT When did you begin volunteering for the ASY and what made you want to get involved? I first got involved as part of a Christmas project for the Ladies Golf Association Board that I was serving on in 2007. We wanted to put together something special for the young families in 29 Palms. Pat (2nd from left) accepting a grant to the ASY from That’s how I the H.N. and Frances C Berger Foundation with ASY Executive Director Anita Neu-Fultz . met the ASY’s Executive Director, and the more I learned about the ASYMCA, the more I felt that I wanted to keep helping in any way I could through the Golf Association and my Homeowner’s Association. How has your experience been at the ASY and what projects have you been involved with? I’ve worked on the Soap Box Derby and the Holiday Meals Programs. Just to see the smiles on the faces and hear a “thank you, ma’am” makes my day! What is something in your life that you LOVE? First and foremost, my family including two daughters and their husbands, and two grandchildren, both of whom are serving in the U.S. Cost Guard. I am so proud of them. I also love volunteering at the USO in Palm Springs and visiting family and friends. I love this great country of ours and I am so grateful to be living here. PAGE 4 ASY VOLUNTEERS TAKE ON SUMMER PROJECTS Volunteers from Bravo Company, MCCES have been hard at work this summer making sure that the ASY is ready to hit the ground running this fall. The students have taken part in a number of clean-up projects throughout June and July, helping the ASY get cleaned-up and organized in preparation for our fall programs and special events. Collectively the students have contributed more than 120 hours to helping the ASY this summer. They have done everything from playground cleanup and filling sand bags to organizing our garage storage areas, sweeping walkways, and sorting donations in the Thrift Store. The students plan to make it back to the ASY for one more project before they graduate and move on to their permanent duty stations. Their instructor, SSgt Ismael Esconde, said of the class “This is a really great group, and this is something they really wanted to do.” The ASY has been so grateful for their assistance and willingness to take on any task, great or small. It is the hard work of volunteers like them, working behind the scenes each day, that make our programs possible! B CO. MCCES STUDENTS CONTRIBUTED 120 HOURS OF TIME NEWS&EVENTS PAGE 5 SUMMER PROGRAMS CONCLUDE The Armed Services YMCA’s two summer programs, the Parent/Child Interactive Summer Fun Program for 3-9 year olds and the Summer Day Camp for 1 st through 6th graders concluded on July 31st. Participants enjoyed four action-packed weeks of games, crafts, field trips and fun with friends. The Summer Day Camp and the Summer Fun Program also teamed up for a number of events including a very special project to make a struggling little boy feel loved. Danny Nickerson is a 5 year old boy living in Massachusetts who is battling an inoperable brain tumor. For Danny’s upcoming sixth birthday all he wanted was birthday cards with his name on them. The Summer Fun Program and the Summer Day Camp joined nearly 15,000 others in making handmade cards to send to Danny for his birthday. Fostering a sense of compassion and service is the foundation of the ASY’s educational programming for children, and our Summer Programs, despite the fun and carefree activities the participants enjoy, are no exception. The ASY’s Summer Program participants braved the desert heat throughout the month of July so that they could get a little messy outside the classroom. The participants spent one day creating their own tie-dyed t-shirts, they also enjoyed a banana split party on the playground and had a sprinkler day to cool off – squirt guns and improvised swimming pools kept everyone comfortable despite the triple digit temperatures. In between the fun activities, crafts, games, and snacks, the program facilitators still managed to sneak in a few important lessons to keep the kids’ classroom skills in practice before the start of the academic year. Taking turns, using proper manners and showing respect to teachers, parents, and other students are always emphasized in the classroom, and that emphasis is something our parents have come to expect and value about our programs. Operation Hero Summer Day Camp Facilitator, Sheri Cheung, said she noticed a huge amount of growth in her students from the beginning of the program on July 7 th to the end on July 31st. “Their manners and respectfulness in the classroom really grew as time went on” she said. The ASY believes that instilling those skills and courtesies, even when the kids are having fun is so important, and is something that our participants will carry with them their whole lives. We are excited for our program participants continued growth this upcoming school year! THANK YOU CORNER The Thank You Corner is a place for the ASY to highlight all the notes of gratitude we receive; we hope that all our donors get a change to see these notes and recognize how much their support means to the families of Twentynine Palms! On the ASY’s Summer Camp: “Thank you for providing such a fun opportunity for our kids!” – The White Family “Thanks to all the team and volunteers who worked at the camp this year. My son really enjoyed his time there” - The McBride Family “Thank you ASYMCA 29 Palms, staff, volunteers, and donors that made the camp possible! My kids talked all night about camp and woke up this morning talking about it. They learned so much about themselves during the week! My 12 year old said "I had to learn to trust myself and not get scared during the high ropes course. It really made me grow". Both kids are talking about the possibility of next year and hoping they can go! Thank you for everything!!!” – The Caldwell Family On Thank You for Your Service: “Thank you so much, I can’t believe I didn’t know about this program sooner, it helps so much between pay checks!” - Anonymous THRIFT STORE NEWS Did you know the ASY Thrift Store offers books for FREE? All of our paper-back and hard cover books are yours for the taking and our collections covers a wide range of topics from popular fiction to health and wellness, cookbooks, how-tos, pregnancy and more! The lifeguards at the municipal pool in Twentynine Palms have been taking full advantage of this great resource all summer long. Thrift Store Assistant Manager, Kristin Kear, has helped them start their own paper-back exchange to give them something to do during the down-time during long shifts on slow days. Each week Kristin brings the pool a new batch of books to keep the life-guards entertained at work. They swap out the books they’ve finished and dive in to a new round of summer reads. The entire staff has been loving it, so much so that they have come to be known as the “library pool” with Kristin as their “book lady!” Kristin, who was a lifeguard for ten years, is an avid reader herself. Those two loves are what gave her the inspiration for the book exchange, “I’m happy to help out the local pool and give them a change to read a little bit more, and find out what we have to offer at the ASY!” HOURS OF OPERATION ADMIN OFFICE Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:00PM THRIFT STORE Tuesday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:00PM BAG SALES The Thrift Store will hold a Bag Sale on September 6th from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Customers are able to fill a 13 gallon bag with clothing items for $8. VOLUNTEERING If you are interested in volunteering at the ASY, contact Volunteer Coordinator Laura Scotto at laura.s@militarymca. org for more information or to pick up a volunteer application. BIRTHDAYS The ASY would like to wish a very happy birthday to Operation Hero Facilitator Yeseida Ramos and Business Manager Dawn Clark. ASY NOTES
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