
It is an utmost pleasure to transcribe my deep sense of indebtedness and sincere appreciation
to my respected mentor, Dr. Shital S. Panchal, Assistant Professor, Department of
Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University for initiating and suggesting the
theme of the work, her valuable guidance, supervision, creative suggestions and meticulous
attention, sustained interest and everlasting support throughout the course of this work.
I express my profound gratitude to Prof. Gaurang B. Shah (Principal, K.B. Institute of
Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Gandhinagar) and Dr. Shrikalp S. Deshpande
(Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, K.B. Institute of Pharmaceutical
Education and Research, Gandhinagar) as a panel of review committee set up at university for
the regular assessment of the progress of my research work.
I express my sincere thanks to Prof. Manjunath D. Ghate, Director, Institute of Pharmacy,
Nirma University, for providing the facilities required to complete the work and for his
support, encouragement and precious words of wisdom.
I sincerely express my gratitude to my teachers Dr. Anuradha K. Gajjar, Ex. Professor,
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Institute of Pharmacy, Dr. Vimal Kumar,
Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacognosy, Institute of Pharmacy, Dr. Priti J.
Mehta, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Institute of Pharmacy,
Dr. Tejal A. Mehta, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical
technology, and Dr. Murali B, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology,
for their relentless support and encouragement throughout the course of my research work. I
am equally thankful to all other faculty members of the Institute of Pharmacy for their timely
assistance and cooperation.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Lalitha Poluru, Mr. Sandeep Patel, and Mr. Virendra
Goswami for helping me in the maximum utilization of the library. I wish to acknowledge the
strong support, and sincere cooperation of all the non-teaching staffs of the Institute of
Pharmacy, Nirma University, for their help as and when required.
I am extremely thankful to Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad, India and Biochem
Pharmaceutical Industries, India for providing me with the timely gift samples of
Glibenclamide and 5-FU respectively.
iii I owe my deepgratitudeto the SophisticatedAnalytical Instrumentation Facility (SAIF) at
PanjabUniversity,Chandigarh,for carryingout the NMR and Massspecirometricanalysi5,
Prime Path Solutions,Ahmedabadfor render;nghelp during the histopathological
Dr. Vipul. P. Patel, Asst. Professorand Head, Deparment of Biotechnology,ShreeS.K.
PatelCollegeof Phafmaceutical
Education& Research,GanpatUn;versityfor the t vtlro
cytotoxic;tystudies,and Mr. Alok Pandya, ResearchScholar,Departmentof Chemistry,
CujaratUniversitylor the particlesizeanalysisofmy formulalions.
(INSPIRE Fellowship: JRF/SRF
I ackflo,'{ledgewith gratitude the financial ass;stance
Prolessional)and contingencygrant from the Department ol Scienceand Technology
(DST), Govt. of lndia for carryingout this entirework. I also gratefullyacknowledgetheir
supportfor providing me with the International Travel Grant for presentinga research
paperat The International Conference& Exhibition on Cancer Science& Therapy, held
in Las Veges,USA.
I am especiallygratefulto Mr. Neeraj K. Sharma,not only for his pricelessfriendshipand
invaluablemoral supporl,but also for extend;ngimmensetechnicalhelp in performingthe
formulationexperiments.I am than-kfulto Mr, Omkar D. Sherikar and Mr. Kuldip Barot
analyt;calwork with precisionand accwacy.
for helpingme carry out someindispensable
my skilledcolleagues
in the field ofPharmacolog: Nihar, Rajiv,
I alsowarmly acknowledge
Vinit, Surender,Ravi, Ujjval, Samir, Sameer,Vishal, and Devrasfor alwaysbe;ngready
to helDandbeins accessible
for technicalassistance.
love and suppon.Not
Sneha,my soulmate,has beenan immensesourceof relentless
forgettingMa andmy dearest
sisterTitli, the othertwo mostimportantpeoplein my life,
even in the most
unfailingsupportand encouragement
mein everystepoflhe way,
Finally,I would like to thank everybodywho has beeninstrumental
to the successful
of this thesis,eitherdirectlyor indirectly,andwhosenanesI haveunknowingly
nissedout in makingthisprojecta worthyendeavor.
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Soms-uvrfB- charak