Appendix 3 - TRL for HW and PMLH 20140425

Appendix 3 - Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for Hardware/Systems (HW/S) and
Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, Lab Capabilities & Human Countermeasures (PMLH)*
1. Basic principles of
technology observed
and reported
• Scientific research begins to be translated
into applied R&D activity
• Examples include paper studies of a
technology's basic properties
• Maintenance of scientific awareness, and generation of scientific and
technological knowledge base
• Scientific findings reviewed and assessed as a foundation for
characterising new technologies
2. Technology
concept and/or
• Invention of practical applications begins
• Applications are speculative; may not have
proof or detailed analysis to support the
• Examples are limited to analytic studies
• Intense intellectual focus on the problem, with generation of scientific
"paper studies" that review and generate research ideas, hypotheses
and experimental designs
• Develop new/improved concept/platform/method for approaching
• Hypothesis formed, preliminary studies to define parameters.
Demonstrate feasibility
3. Analytical and
laboratory studies to
validate analytical
• Active R&D activity initiated
• Includes analytical studies and laboratory
studies to physically validate analytical
predictions of separate elements of the
• Examples include components that are not
yet integrated or representative
• Proof of concept
• Research, data collection and analysis begin in order to test
hypothesis, explore alternative concepts, and identify and evaluate
critical technologies and components
• Initial proof-of-concept demonstrated in a limited number of in vitro
and in vivo research models; device candidates may be demonstrated
in laboratory models including animal studies
• Validated hypothesis. Understanding of scientific processes
underlying problem
4. Component and/or
basic sub-system
technology validation
in laboratory
• Basic technological components integrated to
establish that they will work together
• Relatively "low fidelity" compared to the
eventual system
• Examples include integration of ad hoc
hardware in the laboratory
• Non-GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) lab to refine hypothesis and
identify relevant parametric data required for technological
assessment in a worst case experimental design
• Proof of concept demonstrated in defined laboratory/animal models
• Safety and toxicity problems, adverse effects and side effects
identified and assessed
• Proof of concept for method/platform for analysing specific targets to
understand potential and limitations
5. Component and/or
basic sub-system
technology validation
in relevant
• Basic technological components integrated
with reasonably realistic supporting elements
for testing in a simulated environment
• Examples include "high fidelity" laboratory
integration of components
• Intense period of non-clinical and pre-clinical research studies
involving parametric data collection and analysis in well-defined
systems, with pilot lots of candidate pharmaceutical produced and
further development of selected candidates
• Determined that sufficient data on the candidate pharmaceutical exist
in the draft technical data package to justify proceeding with
preparing Investigational New Drug (IND) application
Medical Devices
• Further development of selected candidates
• Devices compared to existing modalities and indications for use and
equivalency demonstrated in model systems
• Product Development Plan drafted
• Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) prepared and submitted
Lab Capabilities
• Test critical analytical components and protocols for performance,
sensitivity and specificity with simulated specimens
Human Countermeasures
• Lab testing of potential countermeasure in subjects; initial
demonstration of feasibility and efficacy
6. System/ subsystem
model or prototype
demonstration in a
relevant environment
• Representative model or prototype system is
tested in a relevant environment
• Examples include testing a prototype in a
high-fidelity laboratory environment or in a
simulated operational environment
• Phase I clinical trials conducted to demonstrate safety of candidates in
small number of subjects under carefully controlled and intensely
monitored clinical conditions
• For pharmaceutical, IND application is prepared and submitted
• For lab capabilities, retrospective study on real (clinical or
operational) samples in lab; interpretation and correlation of results
for accuracy, validity with results aggregately reported
• For human countermeasures, lab/clinical testing of potential
countermeasure in subjects to demonstrate efficacy of concept
Taken from Ministry of Defence Singapore: