Curriculum Vitae – Dr James M. McCaw James McCaw is mathematical epidemiologist and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the University of Melbourne. After obtaining a PhD in theoretical physics in 2005, he turned his interests to a recognised needs area in Australia – mathematical modelling of infectious diseases to inform public health policy. Since that time he has been instrumental in developing a vibrant research group in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. James’ interests range from the application of mathematics to problems in basic biology through to multi-scale integrated health policy analyses. Date of Birth 1st June 1977 Quali fications 2004 PhD, The University of Melbourne, Quantum Chaos: Spectral Analysis of Floquet Operators 2000 Bsc(Hons), The University of Melbourne, 1st class honours (Physics) Prizes 2013 Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Award for Excellence in Knowledge Transfer 2012 Australian Institute of Policy and Science Young Tall Poppy Science Award 2009 Public Health Association of Australia Aileen Plant Memorial Prize in Infectious Diseases Epidemiology 2005 Lindau Nobel Prize Winner Interdisciplinary Meeting 2005 attendee, Australian Academy of Sciences Employment Jan 2012 – Dec 2015: ARC Future Fellow (Senior Research Fellow), Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Nov 2013 - ), previously Vaccine and Immunisation Research Group (VIRG)), Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health (MSPGH), The University of Melbourne June 2012: Visiting Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford Jul 2005 – Dec 2011: Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, VIRG, MCRI & MSPGH, The University of Melbourne Dec 2009: Visiting Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford Aug – Oct 2008/9: Lecturer, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne Feb 2007/8: Assessor, Graduate Program in Scienti fic Leadership (Defence Science Technology Organisation), School of Enterprise, The University of Melbourne Mar – Jul 2005: Mentor, Partnerships in Physics, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne Feb – Apr 2005: Teaching assistant and lecturer, Physics (Honours), School of Physics, The University of Melbourne Oct 2004 – Jul 2005: Project O fficer, 2005 International Year of Physics, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne Mar 2000 – Jun 2005: Tutor and laboratory demonstrator, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne Dec 1998 – Jun 1999: Summer student and Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Dr Iain Collings), The University of Melbourne Research sta ff and student supervision Research sta ff supervision Current: Dr Nicholas Geard, Dr Dora Pearce, Ms Patricia Campbell, Ms Emma Thomas, Mr John Gilbertson Past: Dr Mathew Da filis, Dr Kirsty Bolton, Dr Robert Moss, Mr Alireza Ashamahky Student supervision Current: Ada Yan (PhD, 2014 – ), Shrupa Shah (PhD (Maths & Statistics), 2014 –), Emma Thomas (MSc (Maths & Statistics), 2013 – ), Stephen Petrie (PhD, 2010 –) Past: Patricia Campbell (PhD, 2010 – 2014), Chelsea Brown (MPH, 2013), Talia Mota (MEpi, 2010), Kris Forbes (MEpi, 2008/9) Grants and Funding NHMRC • APP1004094: Understanding the likely population impact of new and improved in fluenza vaccines, CIs McVernon J, Nolan TN, McCaw JM, Kedzierska K, 2011 – 13 ($346,299). • 628974 (Urgent pandemic in fluenza research): Determining the appropriate distribution strategies for antiviral agents in the 2009/10 human swine-like H1N1 in fluenza epidemic in Australia , CIs McCaw JM, McVernon J, Wood JG, McBryde ES, 2009 ($75,250). • 630779 (Urgent pandemic in fluenza research): Optimal use of vaccine to mitigate a second wave of H1N1 2009 in fluenza in Australia, CIs Wood JG, Newall A, McCaw JM, 2009 ($78,050). • 640931 (Urgent pandemic in fluenza research): The role of NA inhibitor treatment and prophylaxis in reducing disease severity and spread of A(H1N1) swine origin virus , CIs Hurt AC, Middleton D, Barr I, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Kelso A, 2009 ($252,812). • 606975 (Urgent pandemic in fluenza research): Impact of an in fluenza epidemic on the Australian economy, CIs Harris A, Dixon P, McCaw JM, Rimmer M, 2009 ($117,750). • 566908: Understanding in fluenza mortality and the e ffects of vaccination, CIs Mathews JD, Kelly H, Skull S, Nolan T, McCaw JM, 2009 – 2011 ($420,000). • 454645: Modelling the e ffects of immunity on in fluenza transmission - implications for prevention and vaccine development, CIs Mathews JD, Nolan T, Becker N, McVernon J, McCaw JM, McBryde E, 2007 – 9 ($89,338 pa). • 400588 (Urgent pandemic in fluenza research): Modelling the biology and transmission of in fluenza virus – learning from 1918-19 and other outbreaks, CIs Mathews JD, Becker N, McVernon J, Nolan T, McBryde E, McCaw JM, 2006 ($113,829). • 410224 (Urgent pandemic in fluenza research): Assessment of interventions for controlling pandemic in fluenza and determining data needs to inform these assessments, CIs Becker NG, Glass K, Mathews J, Dwyer D, Nolan T, MacIntyre R, Barendregt J, Barnes B, Caley P, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Philp D, Wood J, 2006 ($183,040). ARC • ARC Future Fellowship (FT110100250): James McCaw, Developing mathematical models of infection and transmission to link biology, epidemiology and public health policy, 2011 – 15 ($646,628). • ARC Linkage (LP120100116): Networks, neighbourhoods and newborns: de fining household and local area in fluences on social connectedness, to understand pathways to health, CIs McVernon J, Pattison PE, Nolan TN, Bentley R, Warr DJ, Mouat CM, McCaw JM, 2012 – 14 ($154,000). • DP110101758: Developing an 'ageing household' model for assessing medium to long-term vaccine impact in populations, CIs McVernon J, Korb KB, Glass K, McCaw JM, McBryde ES, 2011 – 13 ($120,000 pa). Department of Health and Ageing • Mathematical Modelling and Research of Personal Protective Equipment for use in a Health Emergency, Jodie McVernon, James McCaw, Philip Clark (Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne), Geo ff Mercer, Kathryn Glass (Australian National University), Joshua Ross (University of Adelaide), June – September 2013 ($88,055). • Short-term Enhanced Epidemiological and Virological Data Collection in the Event of an In fluenza Pandemic , Jodie McVernon, James McCaw (Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne), Geo ff Mercer, Kathryn Glass (Australian National University), Heath Kelly (Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory), Joshua Ross (University of Adelaide), May – June 2013 ($79,740). • Mathematical modelling of antivirals for a public health response to an in fluenza pandemic, Jodie McVernon, James McCaw (Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne), Dec 2012 – Apr 2013 ($99,220). • Development of options on how to de fine the concept of pandemic impact for Australian purposes, Jodie McVernon, James McCaw (Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne), May – June 2012 ($49,855). • Mathematical Modelling to inform response to the H1N1 In fluenza 09, Jodie McVernon, James McCaw (Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne), Emma McBryde (Royal Melbourne Hospital), James Wood, David Philp (University of New South Wales), Kathryn Glass, Geo ff Mercer (Australian National University), May – December 2009 ($97,480). • Modelling the strategic use of a finite stockpile of antiviral agents during the 'Contain' and 'Sustain' phases of the response to an in fluenza pandemic, Jodie McVernon, James McCaw (Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne), May 2008 ($10,000). • Using mathematical models to assess responses to an outbreak of an emerged viral respiratory disease, Niels G. Becker, Kathryn Glass, Belinda Barnes, Peter Caley, David Philp (NCEPH, Australian National University), James McCaw, Jodie McVernon (School of Population Health, University of Melbourne), James Wood (NCIRS, University of Sydney), 2005 – 6 ($79,335). International contracts • International Technical Assistance on Risk Modelling and Vulnerability Assessment of Avian and Human Pandemic In fluenza (Epidemiological Modelling), The Avian and Human In fluenza Control, Preparedness and Response Project, National Emergency Management Agency, Mongolia, McVernon J, McCaw JM (Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne), Wood JG (University of New South Wales), August 2010 ($20,000US). Murdoch Childrens Research Institute • Networks, neighbourhoods and newborns: de fining household and local area in fluences on connectedness, to understand pathways to health, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Geard N et al, 2012 ($20,000). • First do no harm – exploring possible implications of Australian pandemic policy for future in fluenza virus circulation and impact, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Mathews JD, Bolton KJ, 2009 – 10 ($45,000). The University of Melbourne • 'Brainstorming sessions', Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Gateway Early Career Faculty Members Pilot Project, McCaw JM, Hamilton B on behalf of the Research Working Group, 2014 ($14,600). • Mathematical and statistical methods for in vivo pathogen dynamics, Melbourne Research Grant Support Scheme (near miss), McCaw JM, 2014 ($45,000). • A user centered design approach to communicating complexity and uncertainty for the formation of infectious diseases health policy, McVernon J, Geard N, McCaw JM, Duckham M, Bleisch S, Martin-Sanchez FJ, Lopez-Campos G, Ross J, Firman J, Melbourne School of Government Incubator Research Project, 2013 – 14 ($19,000). • Building an evidence base to support planning for socially connected, equitable communities, McVernon J, Badland H, Bekessy S, Cubis J, Day J, Geard N, Mavoa S, McCaw JM, Mouat C, Prawer S, Robins G, Sturup S, Tomko M, Warr D, Winter S, Carlton Connect Initiative, 2013 – 14 ($18,000). • Computational infrastructure to enable new inferences on the mechanisms of pathogen transmission within the host and from host to host, FMDHS Equipment Grant 2012 ($10,000). • Understanding in fluenza infection and transmission to improve public health interventions: mathematical analysis of competitive-mixtures animal experiments, Melbourne Grants Support Scheme (near miss), McCaw JM, Hurt AC, McVernon J, 2012 ($42,000). • Understanding in fluenza transmission: mathematical and statistical analysis of animal data, FDMHS Faculty Research Grant Support Scheme (near miss), McCaw JM, Hurt AC, McVernon J, 2011 ($41,005). • Exploring potential inequality of pertussis infection risk to vulnerable newborn infants, based on social determinants of disease spread, FDMHS Faculty Research Grant Support Scheme (near miss), McVernon J, Nolan T, McIntyre P, Pattison P, McBryde E, McCaw JM, Bentley R, 2011 ($41,005). • Estimation of parameters in multi-wave stochastic disease transmission models, Melbourne Research call for seed funding for interdisciplinary research projects, (VLSCI theme), Wirth A, Mathews JD, McCaw JM, 2010 ($50,000). • Validation of contact information in studies of respiratory virus transmission, FDMHS NHMRC near miss research grants scheme, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Nolan TN, Pattison P, Robins G, Beckett S, 2008 ($24,000). Other • Infectious Diseases Modelling and Simulation, VLSCI Resource Allocation Scheme, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Geard N, 2013 – 14 (highest category ranking, full allocation). • ARC Future Fellowship support grant, Defence Science Institute, McCaw JM, 2012 – 14 ($45,000). • Networks, neighbourhoods and newborns: de fining household and local area in fluences on social connectedness, to understand pathways to health, VicHealth ARC Linkage grant, CIs McVernon J, Pattison PE, Nolan TN, Bentley R, Warr DJ, Mouat CM, McCaw JM, 2012 – 14 ($75,000). • Characterising networks in geographical and social 'space' – integrating tools for network analysis, The Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network, McVernon J, Robins G, McCaw JM, Rolls D, Geard N, 2012 – 13 ($138,201). Peer review, service and a ffiliations Editorial boards BMC Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (2013 – current); BioMed Research International (2013 – current); F1000 Associate Faculty Member (2013 – current); PLoS ONE (2013 – current); Tra ffic, University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association academic refereed journal (2004 – 2006). Grant review Australian Research Council (ARC); National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC); United Kingdom's National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme; United Kingdom's Medical Research Council (MRC), Hong Kong SAR Food and Health Bureau's Health and Medical Research Fund. Peer review Australian New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, Bio Systems, BMC Infectious Diseases, BMC Public Health, Communicable Diseases Intelligence, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Infection, Food Technology and Biotechnology, Future Virology, Geospatial Health, In fluenza and other Respiratory Viruses, International Journal of Physical Sciences, The Lancet, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Medicine, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLoS ONE, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Theoretical Population Biology, Vaccine. Committees, Faculty Dentistry, Medicine and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne 2014 – : Member, Research Training Committee 2014 – : Member, Graduate Research Scholarships Committee 2013 – : Chair, Gateway Health Sciences Early Career Faculty Member Research Working Group 2012 – : Member, Gateway Health Sciences Project Early Career Faculty Reference Group Committees, Melbourne School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne 2014 – : Member, MSPGH School Executive 2014 – : Chair, MSPGH Higher Degree Research Committee 2013 – : Chair, MSPGH Research Computing Working Group Sep 2013 – Dec 2013: Acting Chair, MSPGH Higher Degree Research Committee 2012 – : Member, MSPGH Sta ff-Student Liaison Committee 2011 – 2013: Member, MSPGH Higher Degree Research Committee 2010: Member, MSPH Career Development Committee 2009 – 2010: Member, MSPH Research Capability Committee 2008 – 2010: Member, MSPH IT Committee Committees, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne 2001 – 2005: Student representative member, School of Physics Committees including School Meeting, Policy, Finance and Facilities, Computational 2002: President, Postgraduate Physics Students Society 2001: Secretary, Postgraduate Physics Students Society A ffiliations International Society for In fluenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases, Australian Mathematical Society, Australian New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Institute of Physics (UK), Australian Institute of Physics In the press, interviews Tall poppies loom large at Melbourne , The University of Melbourne Voice (The Age, Melbourne), December 2012. Blue sky future for R&D, Australian Financial Review, October 2012 ( ) Nothing to sneeze at, The Advertiser (Adelaide), June 2009 (,,25625291-5018662,00.html) Antivirals considered best chance to minimise bird flu impact, ABC Science Interview, March 2006 ( Publications and Presentations Refereed articles 1. Thomas EG, McCaw JM, Kelly H, Grant K, McVernon J, Quantifying di fferences in the epidemic curves from three in fluenza surveillance systems: a nonlinear regression analysis, Epidemiology and Infection (accepted 10th March 2014). 2. Butler J, Hooper KA, Petrie SM, Lee R, Maurer-Stroh S, Reh L, Guarnaccia T, Baas C, Xue L, Vitesnik S, Leang SK, McVernon J, Kelso A, Barr IG, McCaw JM, Bloom JD, Hurt AC, Estimating the fitness advantage conferred by permissive neuraminidase mutations in recent oseltamivir-resistant A(H1N1)pdm09 in fluenza viruses, PLoS Pathogens (accepted 28th Februrary 2014). 3. McCaw JM, Glass K, Mercer G, McVernon J, Pandemic controllability: an concept to guide a proportionate and flexible operational response to future in fluenza pandemics, Journal of Public Health 36: 5-12 (2014). 4. Howard P & McCaw JM, Richmond PC, Nissen M, Sloots T, Lambert SB, Lai M, Greenberg M, Nolan T, McVernon J, Virus detection and its association with symptoms during in fluenza-like illness in a sample of healthy adults enrolled in a randomised controlled vaccine trial, In fluenza Other Respi Viruses 7(3): 330-339 (2013). 5. Petrie SM, Guarnaccia T, Laurie KL, Hurt AC, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Reducing uncertainty in within-host parameter estimates of in fluenza infection by measuring both infectious and total viral load, PLoS ONE 8(5): e64098 (2013). 6. Guarnaccia T, Carolan LA, Maurer-Stroh S, Lee RTC, Job E, Reading PC, Petrie S, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Hurt A, Kelso A, Mosse J, Barr I, Laurie K, Antigenic Drift of the Pandemic 2009 A(H1N1) In fluenza Virus in a Ferret Model, PLoS Pathogens 9(5): e1003354 (2013). 7. Klonis N, Xie SC, McCaw JM, Crespo-Ortiz MP, Zaloumis SG, Simpson JA, Tilley L, Altered temporal response of malaria parasites determines di fferential sensitivity to artemisinin, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110(13): 5157-5162 (2013). 8. Da filis MP, Frascoli F, Wood JG, McCaw JM, The in fluence of increasing life expectancy on the dynamics of SIRS systems with immune boosting, Australian New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal 54: 50-63 (2012). 9. Geard N, McCaw JM, Dorin A, Korb KB, McVernon J, Synthetic population dynamics: a model of household demography for epidemiological simulations, Journal of Arti ficial Societies and Social Simulation 16(1):8 (2012). 10. Da filis MP, Moss R, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Drivers and consequences of in fluenza antiviral resistant-strain emergence in a capacity-constrained pandemic response, Epidemics 4(4):219-226 (2012). 11. McCaw JM, Howard PF, Richmond PC, Nissen M, Sloots T, Lambert SB, Lai M, Greenberg M, Nolan T, McVernon J, Household transmission of respiratory viruses – assessment of viral, individual and household characteristics in a population study of healthy Australian adults, BMC Infect Dis 12:345 (2012). 12. Zaloumis S, Humberstone A, Charman SA, Price RN, Moehrie J, Gamo-Benito J, McCaw J, Jamsen KM, Smith K, Simpson JA, Assessing the utility of an antimalarial pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for aiding drug clinical development, Malaria Journal 11:303 (2012). 13. Mota TM, Murray JM, Center RJ, Purcell DFJ, McCaw JM, Application of a case-control study design to investigate genotypic signatures of HIV-1 transmission, Retrovirology 9:54 (2012). 14. Bolton KB, McCaw JM, Moss R, Morris RS, Wang S, Burma A, Darma B, Narangerel D, Nymadawa P, McVernon J, Likely e ffectiveness of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions for mitigating in fluenza transmission in Mongolia, Bull World Health Organ 90: 264-271 (2012). 15. Bolton KB, McCaw JM, Forbes K, Nathan P, Robins G, Pattison P, Nolan T, McVernon J, In fluence of contact de finitions in assessment of the relative importance of social settings in disease transmission risk, PLoS ONE 7(2): e30893 (2012). 16. Verikios G, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Harris A, H1N1 in fluenza and the Australian macroeconomy, Journal of the Asia Paci fic Economy 17(1): 22-51 (2012). 17. Glass K, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Incorporating population dynamics into household models of infectious disease transmission, Epidemics 3: 152-158 (2011). 18. McCaw JM, Arinaminpathy N, Hurt AC, McVernon J, McLean AR, A mathematical framework for estimating viral transmission fitness and inoculum size using data from a competitive mixtures animal model, PLoS CompBiol 7(4): e1002026 (2011). 19. McCaw JM, Moss RG, McVernon J, A decision support tool for evaluating the impact of a diagnostic-capacity and antiviral-delivery constrained intervention strategy on an in fluenza pandemic, In fluenza Other Respi Viruses, 5 (Suppl. 1): 202-229 (2011). 20. Bolton KJ, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Exploring alternate immune hypotheses in dynamical models of the 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic, In fluenza Other Respi Viruses, 5 (Suppl. 1): 202-229 (2011). 21. Mathews JD, Pearce DC, Bolton KJ, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Proof of principle for an immunological model to explain mortality variations over the three waves of the 1918-1919 pandemic, In fluenza Other Respi Viruses, 5 (Suppl. 1): 202-229 (2011). 22. Pearce DC, Pallaghy PK, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Understanding mortality in the 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic in England and Wales, In fluenza Other Respi Viruses 5(2): 89-98 (2011). 23. Moss RG, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Diagnosis and Antiviral Intervention Strategies for Mitigating an In fluenza Pandemic, PLoS ONE 6(2): e14505 (2011). 24. Hurt AC, Nore S, McCaw JM, Fryer HR, Mosse J, McLean AR, Barr IG, Assessing the viral fitness of oseltamivir-resistant in fluenza viruses in ferrets using a competitive mixtures model, J Virol 84(18); 9427-9438 (2010). 25. McCaw JM, Forbes K, Nathan PM, Pattison PE, Robins GL, Nolan TM, McVernon J, Comparison of three methods for ascertainment of contact information relevant to respiratory pathogen transmission in encounter networks, BMC Infectious Diseases 10:166 (2010). 26. Mathews JD, McBryde ES, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Prior immunity helps to explain wave-like behaviour of pandemic in fluenza in 1918-19, BMC Infectious Diseases 10:128 (2010). 27. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Nolan TM, Modelling strategic use of the national antiviral stockpile during the CONTAIN and SUSTAIN phases of an Australian pandemic in fluenza response, Aust NZ J Public Health 34(2); 113-19 (2010). 28. McCaw JM, Wood JG, McBryde ES, Nolan TM, Wu JT, Lipsitch M, McVernon J, Understanding Australia’s in fluenza pandemic policy on the strategic use of the antiviral drug stockpile, Med J Aust 191(3); 136-137 (2009). 29. McCaw JM, McVernon J, McBryde ES, Mathews JD, In fluenza: accounting for prior immunity, Science (Letters) 325, 1071 (2009). 30. Mathews JD, Chesson JM, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Understanding In fluenza Transmission, Immunity and Pandemic Threats, In fluenza Other Respi Viruses 3(4); 143-149 (2009). 31. Wood JG, McCaw JM, Becker N, Nolan T, MacIntyre R, Optimal dosing and dynamic distribution of vaccines in an in fluenza pandemic, American Journal of Epidemiology 169(12); 1517-1524 (2009). 32. McCaw JM, Wood JG, McCaw CT, McVernon J, Impact of emerging antiviral drug resistance on in fluenza containment and spread: in fluence of subclinical infection and strategic use of a stockpile containing one or two drugs, PLoS ONE 3(6): e2362 (2008). 33. Mathews JD, McCaw CT, McVernon J, McBryde E, McCaw JM, A biological model for in fluenza transmission. Pandemic planning implications of asymptomatic infection and immunity, PLoS ONE 2(11): e1220 (2007). 34. McCaw JM, McVernon J, Prophylaxis or treatment? Optimal use of an antiviral stockpile during an in fluenza pandemic, Mathematical Biosciences 209(2), 336-360 (October 2007). 35. McCaw JM, McKellar BHJ, On the continuous spectral component of the Floquet operator for a periodically kicked system, J. Math. Phys. 46, 103503 (2005). 36. McCaw JM, McKellar BHJ, Pure point spectrum for the time evolution of a periodically rank-N kicked Hamiltonian, J. Math. Phys. 46, 032108 (2005). Government reports 1. Martich L, Glass K, Mercer G, Ross J, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Final report on estimated PPE usage and stockpiling requirements, Final report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (December 2013). 2. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Thomas E, Geard N, Kelly H, Mercer G, Glass K, Ross J, A methodology for short-term collection of enhanced epidemiological and virological data in the event of an in fluenza pandemic, to be entered into an online outbreak management system. Final report following Phase II consultation to the O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (September 2013). 3. Martich L, Glass K, Mercer G, Ross J, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Mathematical modeling and research of personal protective equipment for use in a health emergency: Initial findings report on estimated PPE usage and stockpiling requirements, Phase II Consultation report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (August 2013). 4. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Thomas E, Kelly H, Mercer G, Glass K, Ross J, A methodology for short-term collection of enhanced epidemiological and virological data in the event of an in fluenza pandemic, to be entered into an online outbreak management system, Draft Final Report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (June 2013). 5. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Thomas E, Kelly H, Mercer G, Glass K, Ross J, A methodology for short-term collection of enhanced epidemiological and virological data in the event of an in fluenza pandemic, to be entered into an online outbreak management system, Phase I Consultation report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (June 2013). 6. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Mathematical modelling of antivirals for a public health response to an in fluenza pandemic: Final report (Deliverable 3), Report to O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (April 2013). 7. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Mathematical modelling of antivirals for a public health response to an in fluenza pandemic: Interim report (Deliverable 2), Report to O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (March 2013). 8. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Mathematical modelling of antivirals for a public health response to an in fluenza pandemic: Interim report (Deliverable 1) on simulation modelling, Report to O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (February 2013). 9. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Development of options on how to de fine the concept of pandemic impact for Australian purposes: Report on Simulation Modelling, Report to O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (June 2012). 10. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Development of options on how to de fine the concept of pandemic impact for Australian purposes: Literature Review, Report to O ffice of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing (May 2012). 11. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Wood JG, International Technical Assistance on Risk Modelling and Vulnerability Assessment of Avian and Human Pandemic In fluenza (Epidemiological Modeling), Final report to the Avian and Human In fluenza Control, Preparedness and Response Project, National Emergency Management Agency, Mongolia (October 2010). 12. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Wood JG, International Technical Assistance on Risk Modelling and Vulnerability Assessment of Avian and Human Pandemic In fluenza (Epidemiological Modeling), Interim report to the Avian and Human In fluenza Control, Preparedness and Response Project, National Emergency Management Agency, Mongolia (August 2010). 13. McVernon J, McCaw JM, McBryde ES, Wood JG, Glass K, Mercer G, Mathematical Modelling to inform response to the H1N1 in fluenza 09. Final report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (July 2010). 14. McVernon J, McCaw JM, McBryde ES, Wood JG, Glass K, Mercer G, Mathematical Modelling to inform response to the H1N1 in fluenza 09. Interim report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (October 2009). 15. McCaw JM, McVernon J, Modelling the strategic use of a finite stockpile of antiviral agents during the 'Contain' and 'Sustain' phases of the response to an in fluenza pandemic, Commissioned report to the O ffice of Health Protection, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (May 2008). 16. Becker N, Glass K, Barnes B, Caley P, Philp D, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Wood JG, Using mathematical models to assess responses to an outbreak of an emerged viral respiratory disease, Commissioned report to the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (2006). Other articles 1. McCaw JM, Stone L, F1000 Prime recommendation on “Does homologous reinfection drive multiple-wave in fluenza outbreaks? Accounting for immunodynamics in epidemiological models”, F1000 Prime, DOI: 10.3410/f.718253037.793490206 (30 January 2014). 2. McCaw JM, Stone L, F1000 Prime recommendation on “Inferring the causes of the three waves of the 1918 in fluenza pandemic in England and Wales”, F1000 Prime, DOI: 10.3410/f.718074534.793482068 (28 August 2013). 3. Verikios G, McCaw J, McVernon J, Harris A, H1N1 In fluenza in Australia and its Macroeconomic E ffects, CoPS/IMPACT Monash University Faculty of Business and Economics, Working Paper G-212 (December 2010). 4. McCaw JM, McVernon J, McCaw CT, Mathews JD, Modelling the biology and transmission of in fluenza virus – learning from 1918-19 and other outbreaks, Victorian Infectious Diseases Bulletin (March 2007). Refereed conference presentations 1. McCaw JM*, Guarnaccia T, Carolan LA, Laurie KL, Within host in fluenza infection dynamics: modelling re-infection to understand the role of immunity, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: ANZIAM Annual Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand (1-6 February, 2014). 2. McCaw JM*, Zaloumis S, Simpson J, Developing new pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models of antimalarial activity, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MODSIM 2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia (1-6 December 2013). 3. Da filis MP*, Frascoli F, McCaw JM, Generalised multistability in a SIRWS model of infectious disease transmission, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MODSIM 2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia (1-6 December 2013). 4. Geard N*, Glass K, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Modelling the impact of vaccine coverage on maternal measles immunity, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MODSIM 2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia (1-6 December 2013). 5. Petrie S*, Butler J, Hurt A, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Quantifying the relative fitness of two di fferent in fluenza strains, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MODSIM 2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia (1-6 December 2013). 6. Campbell P*, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Modelling to improve understanding of pertussis epidemiology in Australia, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MODSIM 2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia (1-6 December 2013). 7. Thomas E*, Shamakhy A, McCaw JM, Grant K, Kelly H, McVernon J, Estimating in fluenza incidence across time, space and population age from routinely collected surveillance data, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MODSIM 2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia (1-6 December 2013). 8. McCaw JM*, Guarnaccia T, Carolan LA, Laurie KL, In fluenza infection dynamics, rapidre-infection and the role of innate immunity, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Epidemics 4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (19-22 November 2013). 9. McVernon J, Nathan P, Geard N, McCaw JM, Shamakhy A, Robins G, Pattison P, Mouat C, Warr DJ, Social encounter pro files of primary carers of young infants, relevant to infection risk, Poster presentation: Epidemics 4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (19-22 November 2013). 10. McCaw JM*, Bolton KJ, McVernon J, Mathews JD, The in fluence of changing host immunity on 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic dynamics, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: InDiMo AMSI Workshop, Newcastle, Australia (25-27 September 2013). 11. Petrie S*, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Disentangling within-host and transmission fitness in competitive-mixtures experiments, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: InDiMo AMSI Workshop, Newcastle, Australia (25-27 September 2013). 12. Geard N*, Black A, Ross J, McCaw JM, McVernon J, A microsimulation model of pandemic in fluenza surveillance strategies, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: InDiMo AMSI Workshop, Newcastle, Australia (25-27 September 2013). 13. McCaw JM, McVernon J, Reassessing antiviral distribution strategies for future pandemic events based on new conceptualizations of impact and controllability, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 14. Petrie S, Butler J, Hurt A, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Quantifying the relative replication fitness of oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 in fluenza variants, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 15. Butler J, Hooper K, Bloom J, Lee R, Maurer-Stroh S, Petrie S, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Reh L, Guarnaccia T, Baas C, Xue L, Kelso A, Barr IG, Hurt AC, Recent A(H1N1)pdm09 in fluenza viruses encode permissive NA mutations which improve the fitness of oseltamivirresistant H275Y variants, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 16. Bolton K, McCaw JM, Brown L, Jackson D, Kedzierska K, McVernon J, Potential population-level action of CTL-inducing vaccines to mitigate pandemic in fluenza, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 17. Guarnaccia T, Carolan LA, Maurer-Stroh S, Chuen RLT, Job E, Reading P, Petrie S, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Hurt AC, Kelso A, Mosse J, Barr IG, Laurie KL, Antigenic drift of the pandemic 2009 A(H1N1) in fluenza virus in a ferret model, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 18. Komadina N, Quinones Parra S, Kedzierska K, McCaw JM, Hall R, Leder K, McVernon J, A comparison of human in fluenza A H1N2 nucleoprotein T cell epitopes with circulating in fluenza A viruses from 1918-2003, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 19. Geard N, Black A, Ross J, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Using simulation to evaluate enhanced pandemic in fluenza surveillane strategies, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (5-10 September 2013). 20. Campbell P, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Using a compartmental model to improve understanding of pertussis transmission in Australia, Poster presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (19-20 March 2013). 21. Geard N, Campbell P, McCaw JM, Korb K, McVernon J, Using an individual based model to compare pertussis maternal immunisation strategies, Poster presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (19-20 March 2013). 22. McCaw JM, McVernon J, Pandemic impact and controllability: Guides to a proportionate and flexible operational response to the next in fluenza pandemic, Poster presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (19-20 March 2013). 23. McCaw JM*, Frascoli F, Da filis MD, Intriguing nonlinearity in a SIRS model of disease transmission with immune boosting, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: ANZIAM Annual Conference, Newcastle, Australia (3-7 February, 2013). 24. McCaw JM*, McVernon J, De fining pandemic impact levels to guide a proportionate and flexible operational response to the next in fluenza pandemic, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 8th Australian In fluenza Symposium, Canberra, Australia (4-5 October, 2012). 25. McCaw JM, McVernon J, De fining pandemic impact levels to guide a proportionate and flexible operational response to the next in fluenza pandemic - modelling studies to guide Australia's pandemic policy development, Poster presentation: Incidence, Severity and Impact Conference, Munich, Germany (5-8 September, 2012). 26. Geard N*, Dorin A, Korb KB, McCaw J, McVernon J, Modelling household dynamics for epidemiological simulation, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: WCSS 2012, Taipei, Taiwan (September 2012). 27. Da filis MP, Moss RG, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Assessing the risk of antiviral drug resistance for pandemic in fluenza control: in fluence of drug delivery constraints in the health sector, Poster presentation: Epidemics 3 Conference, Boston, USA (29 November-2 December, 2011). 28. Petrie SM, Hurt AC, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Estimation of the relative replication fitness of a drug-resistant H1N1 in fluenza mutant compared to a drug-sensitive wild-type in-vivo, Poster presentation: Epidemics 3 Conference, Boston, USA (29 November-2 December, 2011). 29. Bolton K, Forbes K, Pattison P, Robins G, McVernon J, McCaw J, In fluence of contact de finitions in assessment of the relative importance of social settings in disease transmission risk, Poster presentation: Epidemics 3 Conference, Boston, USA (29 November-2 December, 2011). 30. Pearce D, Skull S, McCaw J, McVernon J, Mathews J, Can the SCCS method estimate in fluenza vaccination e ffectiveness in the elderly?, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 7th Australian In fluenza Symposium, Melbourne, Australia (6-7 October, 2011). 31. McVernon J*, McCaw JM, Howard P, Richmond P, Nissen M, Sloots T, Lambert S, Greenberg M, Nolan T, The role of children in facilitating respiratory virus transmission in Australian households during the 2008 in fluenza season, (*presenting author), Oral poster: 7th World Congress of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Melbourne, Australia (16-19 November, 2011). 32. Petrie S, Hurt AC, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Measuring total and infectious viral load in order to more accurately estimate within-host model parameters, Poster presentation: 4th ESWI In fluenza Conference, Malta (11-14 September, 2011). 33. Verikios G*, McCaw JM, McVernon J, H1N1 and the Australian Macroeconomy, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 40th Australian Conference of Economists, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (11-13 July, 2011). 34. Verikios G*, McCaw JM, McVeron J, Harris A, H1N1 In fluenza in Australia and Its Macroeconomic E ffects, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Western Economic Association International 86th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA (29 June-3 July, 2011). 35. McCaw JM*, Wood JG, McVernon J, Epidemiological and modelling analysis of the in fluenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic in Mongolia, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (4-6 April 2011). 36. Howard P*, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Nolan T, Richmond P, Nissen M, Sloots T, Lai M, Greenberg M, Lambert S, In fluenza-like illnesses in healthy Australian adults: epidemiological and virological perspectives, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (4-6 April 2011). 37. McCaw JM, Arinaminpathy N, Hurt AC, McVernon J, McLean AR, A mathematical framework for estimating in fluenza virus transmission fitness and inoculum size using data from a competitive mixtures animal model, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VII Conference, Hong Kong, China (3-7 August 2010). 38. Hurt AC, Nore S, McCaw JM, Fryer HR, Mosse J, McLean AR, Barr IG, Assessing the viral fitness of oseltamivir-resistant in fluenza viruses using a competitive mixtures model, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VII Conference, Hong Kong, China (3-7 August 2010). 39. Hurt AC, Lowther S, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Kelso A, Middleton D, Barr IG, Investigating the e ffectiveness of Oseltamivir treatment or prophylaxis in preventing or reducing Pandemic A (H1N1) infection in ferrets, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VII Conference, Hong Kong, China (3-7 August 2010). 40. Moss R, McCaw JM, McVernon J, A decision support tool for evaluating the impact of a logistically constrained antiviral intervention strategy on an in fluenza pandemic, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VII Conference, Hong Kong, China (3-7 August 2010). 41. Bolton KJ, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Exploring the e ffect of alternate protection hypotheses in explaining regional variations in multi-wave in fluenza pandemic outbreaks, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VII Conference, Hong Kong, China (3-7 August 2010). 42. Mathews JD, Pearce DC, Bolton KJ, McVernon J, McCaw JM, A biological model for morbidity and mortality in the three waves of the 1918-19 pandemic, Poster presentation: Options for the Control of In fluenza VII Conference, Hong Kong, China (3-7 August 2010). 43. Bolton KJ*, McCaw JM, Pallaghy P, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Alternate immune hypotheses to explain the three mortality waves of the UK 1918-9 in fluenza pandemic, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MISMS Historical In fluenza Pandemics, Copenhagen, Denmark (3-7 May, 2010). 44. Verikios G*, McCaw JM, Harris A, H1N1 In fluenza and the Australian macroeconomy, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 15th Australasian Macroeconomics Workshop, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand (8-9 April 2010). 45. Mathews JD, McBryde ES*, McVernon J, Pallaghy PK, McCaw JM, Prior immunity helps to explain wave-like behaviour of pandemic in fluenza in 1918-19, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MISMS Oceania Regional In fluenza Meeting and Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (15-19 March 2010). 46. Mathews JD, McVernon J, McBryde ES, McCaw JM, Pearce D*, The ecology of human in fluenza helps to explain pandemic mortality, seasonal mortality and long-term trends in mortality, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MISMS Oceania Regional In fluenza Meeting and Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (15-19 March 2010). 47. McCaw JM, Bolton KJ*, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Alternative immune hypotheses for explaining the three mortality waves of the UK 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MISMS Oceania Regional In fluenza Meeting and Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (15-19 March 2010). 48. Moss R*, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Considering the in fluence of health services capacity when developing antiviral deployment strategy, (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: MISMS Oceania Regional In fluenza Meeting and Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (15-19 March 2010). 49. McCaw JM*, Pallaghy PK, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Explaining the three mortality waves of the UK 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Epidemics 2 Conference, Athens, Greece (2-4 December 2009). 50. Mathews JD, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Modelling three waves of the 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic – imputed e ffects of asymptomatic infection and immunity, Poster presentation: Epidemics 2 Conference, Athens, Greece (2-4 December 2009). 51. Pallaghy PK, McCaw JM*, McVernon J, Mathews JD, A dynamic model of the three mortality waves of the 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Communicable Disease Network of Australia Conference, Canberra, Australia (scheduled but then cancelled, May 2009). 52. McVernon J*, McCaw JM, Forbes K, Pattison P, Robbins G, Nolan T, Determinants of heterogeneous social contact patterns in fluencing respiratory virus transmission (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Communicable Disease Network of Australia Conference, Canberra, Australia (scheduled but then cancelled, May 2009). 53. Mathews JD*, McVernon J, Pallaghy PK, McCaw JM, Modelling population immunity over three waves of the 1918-19 in fluenza pandemic (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Communicable Disease Network of Australia Conference, Canberra, Australia (scheduled but then cancelled, May 2009). 54. Pallaghy PK, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Mathews JD, Understanding mortality in the 191819 in fluenza pandemic in England and Wales, Poster presentation: Communicable Disease Network of Australia Conference, Canberra, Australia (scheduled but then cancelled, May 2009). 55. McCaw JM*, McVernon J, Pattison P, Robins G, Nolan T, Ascertainment of Contact Information Relevant to Respiratory Virus Transmission in Encounter Networks (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: The Interdependence of Networks and Behaviour Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (November 2008). 56. McVernon J, McCaw JM, Pattison P, Robins G, Nolan T, Validation of Contact Information in Studies of Respiratory Virus Transmission, Poster presentation: Population Health Congress, Brisbane, Australia (July 2008). 57. McVernon J*, McCaw JM, Hall J, Nolan T, Modeling strategic use of the national antiviral stockpile during the CONTAIN and SUSTAIN phases of an Australian pandemic in fluenza response (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 4th Australian In fluenza Symposium, JCSMR, Canberra, Australia (October 2008). 58. Glass K, McCaw JM, Pallaghy PK, McVernon J*, Considering the impact of demographic change on long-term vaccine schedule e ffectiveness (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 11th PHAA National Immunisation Conference, Gold Coast, Australia (September 2008). 59. McCaw JM, Wood JG, McCaw CT, McVernon J, Strategic use of two stockpiled antiviral agents to minimise development of drug resistant in fluenza strains, Poster presentation: 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Graz, Austria (May 2008). 60. McCaw JM, Wood JG, McCaw CT, McVernon J*, Impact of emerging antiviral drug resistance on in fluenza containment and spread: In fluence of subclinical infection and strategic drug use (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: 3rd Australian In fluenza Symposium, JCSMR, Canberra, Australia (October 2007). 61. McCaw JM*, McVernon J, McCaw CT, Mathews JD, R0 , asymptomatic in fluenza, and heterosubtypic immunity – implications for pandemic planning (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (March 2007). 62. McVernon J, Wood JG, McCaw CT, McCaw JM, The impact of emerging antiviral drug resistance on in fluenza containment and spread, Poster presentation: Communicable Disease Control Conference (CDNA, PHLN), Canberra, Australia (March 2007). 63. McCaw CT*, McCaw JM, McVernon J, Nolan T, Mathews JD, Learning from the past - An on-line historical database to inform mathematical modelling of in fluenza (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Australasian Epidemiology Association Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2006), Australasian Epidemiologist, 13, 3 (September 2006). 64. Mathews JD*, McCaw JM, R0 and In fluenza (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Australasian Epidemiology Association Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2006), Australasian Epidemiologist, 13, 3 (September 2006). 65. McCaw JM*, McVernon J, Optimal use of an antiviral stockpile during an in fluenza pandemic (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Australasian Society of Infectious Diseases Annual Scienti fic Meeting, Wellington, NZ (April 2006). 66. McCaw JM*, McKellar BHJ, An analysis of the spectrum for a periodically rank-N kicked Hamiltonian (*presenting author), Spoken presentation: Australian Institute of Physics National Congress, Canberra, Australia (December 2005). 67. McCaw JM, McKellar BHJ, An operator space approach to quantum chaos, Poster presentation: Australian Institute of Physics National Congress, Adelaide, Australia (January 2001). Invited Presentations, Seminars • McCaw JM, Controlling infectious diseases, Trinity College Global Leaders in Science Program, Invited Lecture, University of Melbourne (22 January 2014). • McCaw JM, Infectious disease modelling: biology to public health policy, Mathematics for Biomedicine Invited Lecture, University of Melbourne (23 October 2013). • McCaw JM, Reviewing the contribution of modeling and quantitative analysis at the within-host scale, In fluenza Program Retreat, University of Melbourne, Australia (15 October 2013). • McCaw JM, Infectious diseases modelling and simulation, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Infection & Immunity Theme Retreat, MCRI, Australia (11 October 2013). • Pirkis J, McVernon J, McCaw JM, Morrow M, Diversifying our funding sources: Opportunities associated with contract research, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia (28 August 2013). • McCaw JM, Mathematical and Computational Models for Infectious Disease Spread, Defence Science Institute Seminar, DSTO, Port Melbourne (5 July 2013). • McCaw JM, Infectious disease modelling: biology to public health policy, Mathematics for Biomedicine Invited Lecture, University of Melbourne (29 May 2013). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, One size does not fit all: Tailoring country speci fic pandemic in fluenza intervention policy, Global Infectious Diseases Symposium, University of Melbourne (19 October 2012). • McCaw JM, Infectious diseases modelling: from biology to public health, University of Adelaide School of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium (24 August 2012). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Planes, trains and ponies: How H1N1 spread in Mongolia, and implications for future pandemic prevention strategies, Burnet Institute Centre for Population Health Seminar Series (7 August 2012). • McCaw JM, Using the Research Cloud for Infectious Disease Modelling, Melbourne Research Cloud Forum, University of Melbourne, Australia (18 July 2012). • McCaw JM, Mathematical Models of Infectious Disease, Workshop on Agent-based Modelling and Simulation, Monash University, Australia (9 – 12 July 2012). • McCaw JM, Infectious Disease Modelling and its role in Public Health Decision Making, Joint DSTO/University of Melbourne meeting, The University of Melbourne, Australia (20 April 2012). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Complex systems, epidemiology and social heterogeneity, Carlton Connect Conference 2012, The University of Melbourne, Australia (2 – 3 February 2012). • McCaw JM, Hurt AC, Petrie S, McVernon J, Quantifying in fluenza viral replication fitness and transmissibility using data from a competitive mixtures animal model experiment, In fluenza Program Retreat, University of Melbourne (4 November 2011). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Planes, trains and ponies: How H1N1 spread in Mongolia, and implications for future pandemic prevention strategies, RMIT School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences Seminar, RMIT, Australia (19 August 2011). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Planes, trains and ponies: How H1N1 spread in Mongolia, and implications for future pandemic prevention strategies, Melbourne School of Population Health Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia (9 March 2011). • McCaw JM, Quantifying fitness in transmission experiments, Invited presentation and panel member, In fluenza Program Focus Group Meetings: Determinants of In fluenza Transmission, Victorian Infectious Diseases Research Laboratory and University of Melbourne, Australia (14 December 2010). • McCaw JM, Online collaboration tools for Australian infectious diseases researchers, VeRSI Online Collaboration Spaces Workshop, University of Melbourne, Australia (16 November 2010). • McCaw JM, A mathematical framework for estimating viral transmission fitness and inoculum size using data from a competitive mixtures model, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Mt Eliza, Australia (September 2010). • McVernon J, McCaw JM, International Technical Assistance on Risk Modelling and Vulnerability Assessment of Avian and Human Pandemic In fluenza (Epidemiological Modeling), Presentation to the PMC, National Emergency Management Agency, Ulan Baatar, Mongolia (29 July 2010). • Wirth T, Mathews JD, McCaw JM, Bolton K, Estimation of parameters in multi-wave stochastic disease transmission models, Poster: Interact 2010, University of Melbourne, Australia (20 July 2010). • McCaw JM, Assessing in fluenza virus replication and transmission fitness using data from a competitive-mixtures animal experiment method, Workshop on modelling and simulation of infectious diseases outbreaks, diagnosis, and response, University of Melbourne, Australia (13 April 2010). • McCaw JM, Moss R, McVernon J, Implications of real-world capacity constraints at laboratory and drug-delivery level for the e ffectiveness of antiviral drug interventions during in fluenza pandemics, NSW Health Epidemiology Special Interest Group meeting, NSW Health, NSW, Australia (9 April 2010). • McCaw JM, Considerations for antiviral agent distribution during an in fluenza pandemic, the risk of emergent drug resistance and insights from experimental ferret inoculation studies, Department of Zoology Seminar, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (9 December 2009). • McCaw JM, Using mathematical models to inform in fluenza pandemic preparedness policy, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia (29 September 2009). • McCaw JM, Complex models for the spread of infectious diseases: linking biology, epidemiology and social network analysis, Life Sciences Computation Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (21 August 2009). • McCaw JM, Complex models for the spread of infectious diseases, Bio21 Cluster Symposium on Computational Biology, Bio21 Institute, Melbourne, Australia (19 August 2009). • McCaw JM, A response to DSTO's BioDefence Preparedness statement, DSTO/University of Melbourne joint strategic meeting, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (3 August 2009). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Preparing for a pandemic: Building an evidence base for policy through modelling, epidemiological research and vaccine clinical trials, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Population Health Research Seminar, Melbourne, Australia (May 2009). • McCaw JM, Dynamics of in fluenza infection in ferrets, International Workshop on Modelling & Data Analysis for Infectious Disease Control, Murramarang, NSW, Australia (9-12 March 2009). • McVernon J, McCaw JM, Planning for the possible: exploring feasible strategies for the e ffective use of the national pandemic in fluenza antiviral agent stockpile, Presentation to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet AUS-US Collaborative Research Forum, Canberra, Australia (October 2008). • McVernon J, McCaw JM, Strategic Use of Antiviral Agents During the ‘Contain’ and ‘Sustain’ Phases of an In fluenza Pandemic, Presentation to the Scienti fic In fluenza Advisory Group, O ffice of Health Protection, Sydney, Australia (June 2008). • McCaw JM, Pandemic in fluenza: models of pharmaceutical interventions, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Sydney, Australia (February 2008). • McCaw JM, Simultaneous model-fitting to disparate data sources, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Sydney, Australia (February 2008). • McCaw JM, Antivirals, Presentation to the Department of Health and Ageing Workshop on Pandemic In fluenza, Canberra, Australia (October, 2007). • McCaw JM, Modelling the Impact of Vaccine Schedule Change on Pertussis in Australia, MCRI Work in Progress Seminar, Melbourne, Australia (October 2007). • McCaw JM, Network Models for In fluenza, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (September 2007). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Infectious diseases modelling, Guest lecturer, Masters in Public Health, Melbourne School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne (2007). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Eigenvalues, Emerging infections and E ffective Health Policy, Presentation at the Future Directions in Biophysics workshop, School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia (May 2007). • • McCaw JM, Fitting an SEIRS model to incidence data: An analysis of error estimates for the data and the impact on model fit, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Canberra, Australia (December, 2006). McCaw JM, Public health resource usage during an influenza pandemic in Victoria: A proposed collaborative project with the Department of Human Services, Victoria, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Canberra, Australia (December, 2006). • McCaw JM, Pandemic In fluenza: A history and preparing for the future, Presentation to Maternal and Child Health Nurses, Monash Medical Centre and School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Australia (October 2006). • McCaw JM, Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases and how it is helping to inform Australia’s influenza pandemic preparedness plan, School of Physics Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia (October 2006). • McCaw JM, The McModel, Presentation at AEA Modelling Workshop, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Australia (September 2006). • McCaw JM, Work in Progress: Using mathematical models to inform Australia’s influenza pandemic preparedness plan, Work in Progress presentation, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Australia (September 2006). • McCaw JM, McVernon J, Infectious diseases modelling, Guest lecturer, Masters in Public Health, Melbourne School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne (2006). • McCaw JM, Mathematical modelling as a tool to explore e ffectiveness of interventions during an influenza pandemic, Presentation to Japanese scienti fic delegation, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Australia (March 2006). • McCaw JM, A multi-class extension to the targeted prophylaxis model, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Sydney, Australia (March 2006). • McCaw JM, A mathematical model examining the likely di fferences between prophylaxis and treatment strategies during an in fluenza pandemic, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Sydney, Australia (March 2006). • McCaw JM, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Presentation at CBG Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (October 2005). • McCaw JM, Four Geo ff Opat Seminar Series presentations, School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia (2001 – 2004). • McCaw JM, Six internal group seminars, School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia (2001 – 2004). • McCaw JM, Presentations to 1st year physics students during orientation week, University of Melbourne, Australia (2001, 2002, 2005). Workshops (with role as a convenor and/or presenter) • Residential Indigenous Science Experience, Workshop organiser and presenter, discussion panel member, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (25 – 29 November 2013). • Engagement & Design Workshop, Gateway Health Sciences Project (MDHS), Coordinator and speaker, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (October 2013). • InDiMo AMSI Infectious Diseases Modelling Workshop, Sub-coordinator and speaker, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia (25 – 27 September 2013). • CDNA CDC Satellite Workshop: Understanding Infectious Disease Modelling Workshop, Keynote presenter, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (March 2013). • ANZIAM Mathematics in Industry Study Group, Workshop Moderator (Estimating Incidence and prevalence of sexually transmissible infections), Brisbane, Australia (29 January – 2 February, 2013). • Understanding Infectious Disease Models Workshop, Sub-coordinator and keynote presenter, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (November 2012). • Infectious Disease Modelling Workshop, Coodinator and keynote presenter, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (February 2012). • Brains, Guts, Plagues and Death: Applying Mathematics to Biology, MCRI, Melbourne Australia (24 August 2010). • CDNA CDC Satellite Workshop: An introduction to mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, Coordinator and keynote presenter, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (March 2007).
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