THIN FILM SEMICONDUCTOR INSTRUMENT Why measuring carrier diffusion length LD? Materials with Higher LD lead to solar cells with Higher PCE (power conversion efficiency) by achieving higher Fill Factor (FF) Case of PIN junction in silicon thin film: a-Si, µc-Si, … Case of bulk-hetero-junction Organic PV: P3HT:PCBM, … (BHJ) in + + Mixture of Hole transporting layer and electron transporting layer Intrinsic layer (absorber) - - Absorption of photon and creation of an electron-Hole pair - Transport and extraction of charges through the intrinsic layer towards the electrodes - Absorption of photon and creation of exciton - Dissociation of exciton to an electron-Hole pair - Transport of charges through electron transport layer and hole transporting layer respectively - If the internal electric field is strong enough, the charge transport is field-driven (drift type). In this case there is less charge losses - this is the case in PIN junction with thin intrinsic layer (< 150 nm) and also in the short circuit regime of PIN - If the internal electric field is weak, the charge transport is diffusion type and the charge loss depends on the diffusion length compared to intrinsic layer thickness: - this is the case in the open-circuit regime and if the diffusion length is smaller than intrinsic layer thickness - Conclusion: - if the diffusion length is smaller than the intrinsic layer thickness, the Fill-Factor (FF) of the PIN will be reduced due to carrier recombination near the open-circuit regime - Similar behavior between thin film PIN solar cells type and Organic solar cell types (especially the BHJ types). àThe FF is highly dependent on carrier diffusion length à NEW: TFSC-Instrument has proved for the first time that SSPG is suitable for Organic BHJ to extract LD : data publication ongoing TFSC-Instrument SAS 3 Rue Léon Blum, 91120 Palaiseau France, Tel : 33 (0) 1 69 19 43 48, Société au capital de 30 000 €- R.C.S. Evry-Siret 794 759 795 00014- code APE 2651B-TVA N° FR 94 794 759 795 Which materials? 1 0.5 b - Photoconductive semiconductor layer - Layer deposited on insulating substrate - Layer with minority carriers diffusion length between tenths of nm to few micrometers - Layer absorbing at the laser wavelength: 633 nm is the standard value, otherwise a change of laser is needed (option) 0 L = 80 nm -0.5 (a) a-Si:H -1 LD of organic layers (P3HT:PCBM) 0 5 10 15 20 L (mm) 1 1,2 0,8 (d) 1,0 Equation béta béta L Phi 0,14643 0,66068 Standard Error 0,00332 0,00693 0.6 0,6 0.4 0,4 b 0,4 béta Balberg Plot 0,99634 Value 0,8 0,6 0.8 y = 1-2*Phi/(1+(6.28*L/x)^2 )^2 Adj. R-Square 0,2 LD=146 nm 0.2 LD=146 nm 0,2 0,0 0 L = 115 nm -0,2 0,0 -0.2 -0,4 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 0 2,2 5 10 15 20 Sb S 25 2 3 Pas du réseau (µm) Pas du réseau (µm) -0.4 0 5 10 15 20 L (mm) Examples of materials 1 (c) -Organic layers: Bulk-Hetero-junctions, polymers and others 0.6 b - Silicon thin film and its alloy: a-Si, a-SiGe, µc-Si, … 0.8 - Perovskite layers: Hybrid perovskite layers used for PV 0.4 - Other 0.2 layers: according to transport and absorption properties L = 995 nm Poly-Crystalline Si 0 0 5 10 15 20 L (mm) Which parameters can be extracted? - Mobilityxlifetime product <µt> for minority and majority carriers - LD of minority carriers - lifetime of majority and minority carriers if the mobility is known Other products and services - Quantum Efficiency and Solar cell simulator - Applied for small area PV cells - Fast and reliable system To contact us - - Services: - [email protected] - Sampling - Tel: +33(0) 6 59 26 06 02 - LD measurements on customer samples - Free tests on customer samples - Please contact us for more details TFSC-Instrument SAS 3 Rue Léon Blum, 91120 Palaiseau France, Tel : 33 (0) 1 69 19 43 48, Société au capital de 30 000 €- R.C.S. Evry-Siret 794 759 795 00014- code APE 2651B-TVA N° FR 94 794 759 795
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