The Control-Volume Finite-Difference Approximation to the Diffusion Equation ME 448/548 Notes Gerald Recktenwald Portland State University Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering [email protected] 21 January 2014 ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation Motivation Numerical solution of the 2D Poisson equation is the next step in developing our knowledge of CFD technique. • Introduce the Finite Volume Method . Naturally deal with material discontinuity . Can naturally enforce conservation of mass and energy . Core idea in many (not all) commercial CFD codes • Extend analysis to two spatial dimensions . More interesting practical applications . More complex data structures . More complex procedures to solve the Ax = b problem ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 1 Overview Goals for this unit • Introduce the Poisson equation . A model of steady heat conduction with a source term . Form of the pressure equation for incompressible flow . Precursor to the generalized advection diffusion equation • • • • • • Use the finite volume method to obtain discrete equations Allow for non-uniform mesh, diffusion coefficient, and source term. Introduce a set of Matlab codes for 2D Control Volume Finite Difference (CVFD) Demonstrate solutions for three model problems. Measure truncation error for a model problem with a simple solution Apply to fully-developed flow in rectangular ducts ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 2 Model Problem The two dimensional diffusion equation in Cartesian coordinates is ∂ ∂φ ∂ ∂φ Γ + Γ +S =0 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y (1) where φ is the scalar field, Γ is the diffusion coefficient, and S is the source term. Example: Heat conduction in a rectangular domain Γ = k, thermal conductivity or Γ = k =α ρcp S = volumetric heat source ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 3 2D Cartesian Finite Volume Mesh xu(1) = 0 x(i) xu(nx+1) xu(i) yv(ny+1) ny nx ny y(j) 3 yv(j) Interior node Boundary node 2 1 y j=0 i=0 nx+1 nx+2 1 2 1 2 Ambiguous corner node nx 3 yv(1) = 0 nx x ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 4 Finite Volume Mesh: Compass Point Notation Nodes are labelled with their position relative to the typical point “P”. N, S, E, W are the names of north, south, east and west neighbors. N W E y x S Capital letters designate node locations. φN , φS , φE , φW are the values of φ at the north, south, east and west neighbor nodes. Use of compass point names simplifies the algebra. For example the value of φ at point N is φN or φi,j+1, but φN is simpler to write. Compass point notation is an historic convention that does not extend to unstructured meshes. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 5 Finite Volume Mesh Detailed notation for a typical 2D control volume xw ∆x xe and xw are the x coordinates of the east and west faces of the control volume around P xe N δyn yn P W Lowercase letters designate the interface between the nodes. E yn and ys are the y coordinates of the north and south faces of the control volume around P ∆y δys ys δxw δxe Similarly, φn, φs, φe, φw are the values of φ at the north, south, east and west control volume interfaces. S ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 6 Finite Volume Mesh Detailed notation for a typical 2D control volume xw ∆x Regardless of whether the control volumes sizes are uniform, node P is always located in the geometric center of each control volume. xe Thus, N δyn xP − xw = yP − ys = yn P W E ∆y ∆x 2 ∆y yn − yP = 2 xe − xP = for uniform or non-uniform meshes δys ys δxw δxe S ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 7 Finite Volume Mesh Detailed notation for a typical 2D control volume In contrast, the distances between the nodes is not assumed to be uniform δxe = xE − xP 6= δxw = xP − xW xw ∆x xe δyn = yN − yP 6= δys = yP − yS N δyn yn P W E δxe = xE − xP 6= δxw = xP − xW δyn = yN − yP 6= δys = yP − yS ∆y δys ys δxw δxe Note the use of upper and lower case subscripts: Upper case refers to nodes; lower case refers to interfaces. S ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 8 Convert the Differential Equation to a Discrete Equation Integrate over the control volume xw Z yn ys Z xe xw ∂ ∂x Z ∂φ Γ ∂x yn = ys ∆x xe dx dy ∂φ Γ ∂x N δyn − e ∂φ Γ ∂x yn P W E ∆y dy w ∂φ ∂φ Γ ≈ − Γ ∆y ∂x e ∂x w δys ys δxw δxe S φE − φP φP − φW ∆y ≈ Γe − Γw δxe δxw The final step is obtained by using central difference approximations for the derivatives at the interfaces. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 9 Convert the Differential Equation to a Discrete Equation Integrate the source term Z xe Z yn S dy dx ≈ SP ∆x ∆y xw (2) ys Note: The Control Volume Finite Difference (CVFD) method treats the source term and diffusion coefficients as piecewise constants. This is a rather crude approximation, say, compared to allowing the source term and diffusion coefficient to vary linearly within the control volume. However, piecewise constant profiles of S and Γ allow the method to be conservative, i.e., conserving mass or energy, automatically. The conservative nature of the CVFD method is one of its primary strengths. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 10 Convert the Differential Equation to a Discrete Equation Putting pieces back into the model equation gives the discrete system of equations −aS φS − aW φW + aP φP − aE φE − aN φN = b (3) where aE = Γe , ∆x δxe aW = Γw , ∆x δxw aN = Γn , ∆y δy n aP = aE + aW + aN + aS b = SP aS = Γs ∆y δy s (4) (5) This is not a tridiagonal system of equations. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 11 Non-uniform Γ Continuity of fluxes at the interface requires ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ ΓP = ΓE = Γe ∂x xe− ∂x xe+ ∂x xe material 1 material 2 E P Use central difference approximations Γe Γe φE − φP δxe = φE − φP δxe = ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation ΓP ΓE φe − φP δxe− (6) φE − φe δxe+ (7) δxe- δxe+ δxe 12 Non-uniform Γ Equations 6 and 7 can be rearranged as material 1 φe − φP = φE − φe = δxe− Γe (φE − φP ) ΓP δxe δxe+ Γe (φE − φP ) ΓE δxe material 2 (8) E P (9) Add Equation 8 and Equation 9 δxe- Γe δxe− δxe+ φE − φP = (φE − φP ) + . δxe ΓP ΓE δxe+ δxe Cancel the factor of (φE − φP ) and solve for Γe/δxe to get Γe = δxe ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation δxe+ δxe− + ΓP ΓE −1 = ΓE ΓP . δxe−ΓE + δxe+ΓP 13 Non-uniform Γ Thus, the diffusion coefficient at the interface that results in flux continuity is Γe = ΓE ΓP βΓE + (1 − β)ΓP (10) β≡ xe − xP δxe− = δxe xE − xP (11) where An analogous derivation gives formulas for Γw , Γn, and Γs. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 14 Solving the System of Equations Regardless of uniform or variable Γ, the discrete equation has a five-point stencil, and the discrete equation for any interior node can be written. −aS φS − aW φW + aP φP − aE φE − aN φN = b (12) To set up the matrix for this system of equations, we need to re-number the unknowns. Important: i and j subscripts for the mesh are not the same as the row and column indices in the system Ax = b. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 15 Solving the System of Equations Order the nodes: xu(1) = 0 x(i) xu(nx+1) xu(i) n = i + (j − 1)nx yv(ny+1) ny n is the node number (row number) in Ax = b. i and j are the mesh indices corresponding to xi and yj . nx ny y(j) 3 yv(j) Interior node Boundary node With natural ordering the neighbors in the compass point notation have these indices np = i + (j-1)*nx ne = np + 1 nw = np - 1 nn = np + nx ns = np - nx ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 2 1 y j=0 i=0 nx+1 nx+2 1 2 1 2 Ambiguous corner node nx 3 yv(1) = 0 nx x 16 Solving the System of Equations This leads to a vector of unknowns φ1,1 φ2,1 ... φ nx,1 φ1,2 φ2,2 ... φi,j ... φnx,ny ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation ⇐⇒ φ1 φ2 ... φnx φnx+1 φnx+2 ... φn ... φN (13) 17 Solving the System of Equations The coefficient matrix has 5 non-zero diagonals A= ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation aS a W ap aE aN 18 Algorithm for obtaining the numerical solution 1. Define physical parameters: Lx, Ly , Γ(x, y) and boundary conditions 2. Define the mesh: nx and ny if uniform 3. Compute the coefficient matrix 4. Solve the system of equations Aφ = b, where φ is the vector of unknowns. 5. Post-process to visualize the solution The Poisson equation is steady. Each step is performed only once. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 19 Structured Mesh The CVFD Matlab codes use structured meshes. in size. • • • • • The cells in the domain are topologically equivalent to a rectangular array The cells need not be uniform in size. Each cell not on a boundary touches four other cells Each row has the same number of cells Each column has the same number of cells Uniform Mesh Block-Uniform Mesh Ly3, ny3 ∆y Ly2, ny2 Ly1, ny1 y ∆x Lx1, nx1 Lx2, nx2 x ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 20 Boundary Conditions (part 1) Boundary type Boundary Condition Post-processing in fvpost 1 Specified T Compute q 00 from discrete approximation to Fourier’s law. T − Ti 00 q =k b xb − xi where Ti and Tb are interior and boundary temperatures, respectively. 2 Specified q 00 Compute Tb from discrete approximation to Fourier’s law. 00 xb − xi Tb = Ti + q k where Ti and Tb are interior and boundary temperatures, respectively. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 21 Boundary Conditions (part 2) Boundary Boundary type Condition 3 Convection Post-processing in fvpost From specified h and T∞ , compute boundary temperature and heat flux through the cell face on the boundary. Continuity of heat flux requires T − Ti −k b = h(Tb − Tamb ) x b − xi which can be solved for Tb to give Tb = hTamb + (k/δxe )Ti h + (k/δxe ) where δxe = xb − xi 4 Symmetry q 00 = 0. Set boundary Tb equal to adjacent interior Ti . ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 22 Matlab codes for obtaining the numerical solution A set of general purpose codes has been written to facilitate experimentation with the CVFD method. Algorithm Tasks Core Routines Define the mesh fvUniformMesh or fvUniBlockMesh Define boundary conditions Compute finite-volume coefficients for interior cells fvcoef Adjust coefficients for boundary conditions fvbc Solve system of equations Assemble coefficient matrix fvAmatrix Solve Compute boundary values and/or fluxes fvpost Plot results ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 23 Model Problem 1 Choose a source term that may be physically unrealistic, but one that gives an exact solution that is easy to evaluate " 2 2# 2π πx 2πy π + sin S= sin Lx Ly Lx Ly The exact solution is φ = sin πx Lx sin 2πy Ly Main code to solve this problem is in demoModel1.m ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 24 Model Problem 1 The exact solution is 2 φ = sin πx Lx sin 2πy Ly 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 0.5 0 x ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 y 25 Solutions to Model Problem 1 Show Correct Truncation Error kek2 = N qP N e2i √ e¯ N e¯2 ∼ =√ . N N −1 10 Measured Theoretical error ~ (∆ x)3 −2 10 −3 10 Measured error The local truncation error at each node is ei ∼ O(∆x2). Since the exact solution is known we can compute −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 −7 where N = nxny is the total number of interior nodes in the domain, and e¯ is the average truncation error per node. 10 −8 10 −3 10 −2 −1 10 10 0 10 ∆x Since ei ∼ O(∆x2), N ∼ n2x, and ∆x = Lx/(nx + 1), we can estimate 3 O L2x/(nx + 1)2 kek2 e¯ O(∆x2) 1 3 ∼√ = = ∼O = O(∆x ). N nx nx nx N ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 26 Model Problem 2 Uniform source term: S = 1. 0.08 Analytical solution is an infinite series Code in demoModel2.m 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 0.5 0 x ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 y 27 Model Problem 3 Heat conduction in a rectangle consisting of two material regions. • Inner rectangle with high conductivity • Outer rectangle with low conductivity • Inner region has uniform heat source Ly 0.5Ly Γ2 = αΓ1 Γ1 = 1 S2 = 1000 S1 = 0 0.25Ly 0.25Lx 0.5Lx Lx The discontinuity and difference in material properties can be used to stress the solution algorithm. Γ2 α= Γ1 The analytical solution does not exist. Code in demoModel3.m ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 28 Model Problem 3 Solution with α = 100 35 Ly 0.5Ly Γ2 = αΓ1 Γ1 = 1 S2 = 1000 S1 = 0 30 25 0.25Ly 20 0.25Lx 0.5Lx 15 Lx 10 5 0 1 0.5 0 x ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 y 29 Model Problem 4: Fully Developed Flow in a Rectangular Duct For simple fully-developed flow the governing equation for the axial velocity w is " # 2 2 ∂ w ∂ w dp µ + =0 − ∂x2 ∂y 2 dz This corresponds to the generic model equation with φ = w, ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation Γ = µ (= constant), S=− dp . dz 30 Model Problem 4: Fully Developed Flow in a Rectangular Duct The symmetry in the problem allows alternative ways of defining the numerical model Full Duct Quarter Duct Ly Ly y x y Lx x Lx For the full duct simulation depicted on the left hand side, the boundary conditions are no slip conditions on all four walls. w(x, 0) = w(x, Ly ) = w(0, y) = w(Lx, y) = 0. ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation (full duct) 31 Model Problem 4: Fully Developed Flow in a Rectangular Duct The symmetry in the problem allows alternative ways of defining the numerical model Full Duct Quarter Duct Ly Ly y x y Lx x Lx For the quarter duct simulation depicted on the right hand side, the boundary conditions are no slip conditions on the solid walls (x = Lx and y = Ly ) w(Ly , y) = w(x, Lx) = 0 (quarter duct) and symmetry conditions on the other two planes ∂u ∂u = = 0. ∂x x=0 ∂y y=0 ME 448/548: 2D Diffusion Equation 32
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