Use of Technology Diffusion Modeling to facilitate Future Growth of Solar Energy in India Dr. V.V.N.Kishore Former Professor and Head Dept. of Energy & Environment TERI University, Delhi The diffusion of an innovation has been traditionally defined as “the process by which that innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system” Innovation: any idea, object or practice that is perceived as new (Apps to atomic energy, deo sprays to decentralized power) Members of a social system: Students of UoP, Business entities, Banks, Government agencies etc. Certain technologies/products need a “push” because of concerns such as environmental degradation, energy security etc. • MNRE: ‘N’ for New • Some MNRE programs: NPBD NPIC Energy Plantations Solar devices (cookers, water heaters etc.) Small hydro Wind Biomass gasifiers VESP RVE In the diffusion process, one research finding keeps recurring: the cumulative adoption vs time generally takes an S-shape (Sigmoid curve) Diffusion theory and Modelling 1 Cumulative Adoption Adoption per period 0 0 1 Key: Non-adopter; Potential Adopter A population of potential Adopters Each potential adopter is subject to a pressure to adopt The pressure may increase as others adopt 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time Idealised view of the adoption of a new technology – “S Curve” 5 The exact form of each curve, including slope and asymptote, may differ. Steep initial slope: rapid diffusion Gradual slope: slow diffusion Rate of diffusion is a function of: - Extent of economic advantage of that innovation - Investment needed for adoption - Degree of uncertainty/risk associated with that innovation - Government policies/influence of pressure groups etc. Fundamental diffusion model Different models of diffusion • External influence model [g(t)=const a] • Internal influence model [g(t)= bN(t)]; a variant also called Gompertz model, widely used for technology forecasting • Mixed influence model [g(t)= a+ b N(t)]; also called Bass model Diffusion models (cont.) Flexible diffusion models: -Floyd model -Sharif-Kabir model -Jeuland model -NSRL and NUI model -von-Bertalanffy model Diffusion models (cont.) • • • • • • Dynamic diffusion models Multi-innovation diffusion models Space and time diffusion models Multistage diffusion models Multi-adoption diffusion models Diffusion models with influencing/change agents Bass Model • Bass Equation (slightly modified for RET applications): In the context of RET diffusion analysis p - policy or push factors q - non-policy or other factors, m - total estimated RET potential and N(t) - represents the cumulative installations during the period t. 11 Bass Model (2) With the initial condition of N = N0 at t = t0, the above equation can be integrated to give: 12 Bass Model (3) • Parameter estimation, (a = p; b = q/m); Mahajan 1985 250 N(t+1) 200 150 Step I: 100 y = -0.002x2 + 1.39x + 13.36 R² = 0.95 50 ; 0 0 50 N(t) 100 150 200 250 N(t+1) Poly. (N( The values obtained from the direct curve fit indicated m close to actual final achievement Step II: Forced S – Curve for the given Potential - m was fixed as the technical given potential - p and q obtained by minimizing the SSE for the observed and fitted values by making a programme in Excel using the values obtained from Step I as indicative values 13 AP MAHA GUJ KAR Model results for wind energy T.N ( Wrong assessment of potential?) 15 Policy Variants Policy Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Karnataka Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Tariff Upto 2004, MNRE guidelines Rs. 1.75 with no escalation till 1999; 2004-5; frozen at 3.37 for 5 years, later increased to Rs. 3.5 for 10 years in 2008-09 Rs. 2.60 kWh (5 paise annual esc base year 2002-3 till 2004-05 MNRE guidelines with 5% escalation on 1994-95 prices fixed at Rs. 2.00 initially; however, increased to MNRE recommended tariff since 1994-95 MNRE guidelines with 5% escalation on 1994-95 prices fixed at Rs. 2.00 initially increased to Rs. 3.01 gradually in 200001; the tariff was lowered to Rs. 2.7 without escalation in 2001-02 till 2008-09; two tariffs Rs. 2.75 for commissioned prior to 15-5-2006- Rs. 2.9 for commissioned between 15-5-2006 and 18-9-2008; Rs. 3.34 for others 2% up to 2000. Rs. 2.25 till 1996-97 but linked to MNRE guidelines; Rs. 3.5 fixed in 2003 -04 with 0.15/kWh for esc for 13 years. 5% from 2001 onwards Since 2003-4 2% of energy – 0 to 50 Km Rs. 3.37 for 20 years from 2005-06 Wheeling 2% energy fed; not allowed since 2008-09 2% energy upto 1999 4% from 2002-3 2% till and increased to 20% ; reduced to 5% again 2% energy; From 2009-10 onwards 4% of energy- 50 to 200 Km Smaller investors (1WEG): 7% Banking 2%, 12 months till 200708 after that disallowed Third Party Sale Allowed for some period Land availability Mainly govt land Tenure of the policy Short term 5 – 10 years with frequent changes Other incentives Moderate Others : 10% 6 months Reduced to 1 month since 2009-10 Not allowed til 2004-05 and allowed after that. Govt and private Policy on hold for 3 years from 1999- 2001; 20 years High 12 months and 2% 5%, 12 months 6% of energy- above 200 Km 12 months Allowed Allowed since 2006-07 Always Allowed Govt. Land Private land Private land 40 years lease No specified; but remained consistent 13 years Moderate Moderate to High High 16 Non –policy Variants • • • • • Investment Climate Technological advancement Infrastructure Learning Others (capacity, institutional frameworks) 17 Development of CPI • Interpretation of parameters - • identifying RET diffusion factors Linking to the model coefficients Composite policy index – an indicative measure of influence of policies in a given set of environment A) Identification of diffusion factors B) Review of policy variants (Pr) C) Assigning of weights to policy type (wi ) D) CPI = Sum of (wi * Pr) • Correlating parameters obtained and CPI 1. t* vs. CPI 2. Normalised Growth Rate at the Time of Inflection (NGRTI) [(dN(t)/dt at t*/m)*100] 18 Linking CPI to Diffusion Parameters (Biogas) NGRTI (%) vs. CPI t* Vs. CPI 3 45 40 2.5 35 2 30 25 1.5 20 1 15 10 0.5 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Maharashtra (I) Karnataka West Bengal Madhya Pradesh CPI 0.847 0.753 0.733 0.574 t* 11 18 25 26 NGRTI 1.8 2.9 2.4 1.2 Uttar Pradesh (V) 0.313 39 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 19 Diffusion parameters vary depending on the subsidy instruments All India Wind Power t* (in years) 16 NGRTI 0.08 Biogas t*(in years) 27 NGRTI 0.01 -TI or t* in the case of wind is lower implying that the market based approach could accelerate diffusion significantly. -The value for t* for biogas is higher implying that the subsidy based, state run programmes take a long time to complete the diffusion. 20 Why diffusion modeling for RETs? • Almost all past programs based on linear approach (budget allocations, spending, subsidies etc. static) • No agreed/established method for phasing out subsidies (riding a tiger) • Recognition of the diffusion process can result in phased spending, with subsidies/tax benefits etc. focusing more on infrastructure development, market promotion, policy reforms, pilots etc. during the initial (gradual uptake) period • Hence funding/subsidies can be inverse S-curve, decreasing with increasing diffusion (probably done intuitively, but modeling can help) Cumulative Improved Chulha Installations in India (in Nos.) Best Fit for p=0.01, q=0.11, m=120 million) 140 120 80 60 40 20 Observed Fitted Observed Improved Cookstoves Diffusion in India (1985 - 2002) t* = 21 years 2061 2057 2053 2049 2045 2041 2037 2033 2029 2025 2021 2017 2013 2009 2005 2001 1997 1993 1989 0 1985 (in million Nos.) 100 The NPIC example: -considerable spending -Tall claims on gains -program closed down suddenly, Ics vanished fast, except for some efforts through regional/local efforts -restarted with some changes, but not moving fast 22 The NPBD: Can the subsidies ever be phased out? Biogas Installations Biogas Budget 4000000 4000 3500000 3500 3000000 3000 in Rs Millions in numbers 4500 2500000 2000000 1500000 2500 2000 1500 1000000 1000 500000 500 0 1981-82 1985-86 1990-91 1994-95 1998-99 2002-03 2006-07 Year 0 1980-85 1985-90 1992-97 1997-02 2002-07 2007-2012 Year 23 Solar water heating: Are we slow or fast? p q m 0.000239 0.1077 70000000 R2 0.94 t* 56.6 dN(t)/dt at t* 1548838.85 JNNSM Targets 25000 20000 15000 MW Series1 Series2 10000 Linear (Series1) Linear (Series2) 5000 0 0 -5000 2 4 6 years 8 10 12 What after 2022? • Will there be a market based uptake after grid parity is achieved? • 8 trillion kWh/yr required to achieve a per capita consumption of 5000 kWh. If solar can supply, say 50%, the equivalent capacity will be 2000 GW, compared with the target of 2 GW for JNNSM • Diffusion modeling combined with potential estimates can give an idea on how solar power might take off. Constant revision of models with field data can give a direction to future policies.
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