CLEAN COOKING WORKING CAPITAL FUND Strengthen supply of clean cookstoves and fuels by providing affordable working FDSLWDO WR HQWHUSULVHV DFURVV WKH YDOXH FKDLQ ODFNLQJ VXIÀFLHQW FROODWHUDO RU ÀQDQFLDO KLVWRU\ WR access traditional debt. OBJECTIVE Context Solution The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance) is a public-private partnership with a mission to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and protect the environment by creating a thriving global market for clean and FGmDJFOUDPPLJOHTPMVUJPOTXJUIBHPBMPGFOBCMJOHNJMMJPO IPVTFIPMET UP BEPQU DMFBO BOE FGmDJFOU DPPLJOH TPMVUJPOT CZ The Alliance is working with Deutsche Bank’s Community Development Finance Group to structure a $4 million not-forQSPmU SFWPMWJOH $MFBO $PPLJOH 8PSLJOH $BQJUBM 'VOE million initial capitalization via grants followed by subsequent NJMMJPOGVOESFQMFOJTINFOUT 5IFGVOEXJMMEFQMPZXPSLJOH capital loans and loan guarantees to enterprises that are not BCMF UP BDDFTT NPSF USBEJUJPOBM GPSNT PG EFCU mOBODJOH 5IJTGVOEXJMMNBLFBWBJMBCMFUPZFBSGMFYJCMFGJOBODJOH PG64%UPBUBDPODFTTJPOBMZFUTVTUBJOBCMF interest rate to cover the ongoing operating costs and credit MPTTFTPGUIFGBDJMJUZ5IFTFSBUFTBSFTUJMMVOEFSEJTDVTTJPO and the facility could include a one-year grace period for QSJODJQBMSFQBZNFOU5IFBJNJTUPPQFSBUFUIFGBDJMJUZGPS years, and to grow and adjust it over time based on the needs PGUIFTFDUPSBTJUDPOUJOVFTUPNBUVSF5IFFYJUTUSBUFHZXF FOWJTBHFXPVMECFUPSPMMUIFDBQJUBMJOUPBmSTUMPTTHVBSBOUFF GPSBMBSHFSTDBMFDPNNFSDJBMXPSLJOHDBQJUBMGVOE #BTFE PO UIF JOQVU PG PWFS MFBEJOH FYQFSUT BOE QSBDUJUJPOFST GSPN BDSPTT UIF HMPCF UIF "MMJBODF IBT JEFOUJmFE a market-based approach as the most sustainable way to achieve universal adoption of clean cooking solutions in Igniting Change: A Strategy for Universal Adoption of Clean Cookstoves and Fuels $PPSEJOBUFE BOE QVCMJTIFE CZ UIF Alliance, the report outlines a three-pronged strategy for creating a strong market for clean cooking solutions including: • Enhance demand by understanding and motivating QPUFOUJBM VTFST EFWFMPQJOH DMFBOFS BOE NPSF FGmDJFOU UFDIOPMPHJFTBOEQSPWJEJOHDPOTVNFSmOBODF • Strengthen supply CZBUUSBDUJOHNPSFmOBODFBOEJOWFTU- 5IF"MMJBODFXJMMCVJMEPGGJUTNFNCFSTUSPOHQBSUOFSCBTF JOPSEFSUPEFWFMPQBQJQFMJOFPGBQQMJDBOUTGPSUIFGVOE NFOU IFMQJOH FOUFSQSJTFT UP BDDFTT DBSCPO mOBODF FOIBODJOH NBSLFU JOUFMMJHFODF BOE DSFBUJOH JODMVTJWF value-chains and innovative distribution models to reach SFNPUFDPOTVNFST • Foster an enabling environment by engaging national and Challenge A key challenge for many clean cookstoves and fuels busiOFTTFTJTMJNJUFEBDDFTTUPXPSLJOHDBQJUBM.BOZUSBEJUJPOBM sources of capital, such as loans or lines of credit from large domestic and international banks, are out of reach for early TUBHFPSTNBMMFSFOUSFQSFOFVSTXIPMBDLTVGmDJFOUDPMMBUFSBM PS mOBODJBM IJTUPSZ GPS B MPBO &WFO JG UIFTF FOUFSQSJTFT BSF able to secure a commercial loan, interest rates are prohibitively high and therefore restrictive to the organization’s HSPXUI *O BEEJUJPO UIFSF JT B HFOFSBM MBDL PG LOPXMFEHF BNPOHTUMFOEFSTBCPVUUIFDMFBODPPLJOHTFDUPS Credit: Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves local stakeholders, building the evidence base for the CFOFmUT PG DMFBO DPPLTUPWFT BOE GVFMT QSPNPUJOH JOUFSOBUJPOBM TUBOEBSET BOE SJHPSPVT UFTUJOH QSPUPDPMT BOE FOIBODJOHNPOJUPSJOHBOEFWBMVBUJPO &DP'VFM"GSJDB &OWJSPmU Ranyee Chiang, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Deutsche Bank’s Community Development Finance Group QSPWJEFT mOBODJOH TPMVUJPOT UP FOUFSQSJTFT UIBU QSPWJEF FTTFOUJBM TFSWJDFT UP EJTBEWBOUBHFE DPNNVOJUJFT HMPCBMMZ 4JODFUIF(SPVQIBTTUSVDUVSFEEFCUGVOETXIJDI IBWF TVQQPSUFE UIF HSPXUI PG NPSF UIBO NJDSPmOBODF JOTUJUVUJPOT BOE TPDJBM FOUFSQSJTFT MPDBUFE JO DPVOUSJFT BSPVOEUIFXPSME5IFNJMMJPOUIFTFGVOETIBWFJOWFTUFE IBWF CFOFmUFE NJMMJPOT PG MPX JODPNF IPVTFIPMET UISPVHI HSFBUFS BDDFTT UP mOBODJBM TFSWJDFT BGGPSEBCMF IPVTJOH IFBMUIDBSFFEVDBUJPOBOEPUIFSCBTJDTFSWJDFT
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