BALKANS: Floods - May 2014 Table A: List of all commitments/contributions and pledges* as of 02 February 2015 (Table ref: R10) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and appealing organizations. Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNICEF UNICEF (Croatia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF/Croatia) 10,100 0 Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNICEF UNICEF (Croatia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF/Croatia) 11,198 0 Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNICEF UNICEF (Croatia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF/Croatia) 35,106 0 Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNICEF UNICEF (Serbia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF/Serbia) 135,008 0 Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNICEF UNICEF (Croatia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF/Croatia) 149,952 0 Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNICEF UNICEF (Serbia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF/Serbia) 198,302 0 Austria Bilateral (affected government) Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - HCP and boats 0 0 Austria IFRC Bosnia and Herzegovina - IFRC emergency appeal 213,264 0 Austria FAO (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Immediate support for flood affected people (OSRO/BIH/401/AUT) 340,136 0 Austria Various Recipients (Serbia) Relief for flood victims in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina - 1 High Capacity Pumping Module / HCP); 4 rescue boats with team; 57 rescue people; 17 vehicles and 8 trailers (BMEIA-RS.7.08.47/0002-VII.3/14) 345,781 0 Austria Light for the World (Bosnia and Herzegovina) To support the affected population (RS.7.08.47/0002-VII.3/2014) 394,022 0 Austria Light for the World (Serbia) Relief for flood victims in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina - 1 High Capacity Pumping Module / HCP); 4 rescue boats with team; 57 rescue people; 17 vehicles and 8 trailers (BMEIA-RS.7.08.47/0002-VII.3/14) 401,107 0 Austria WVI (Bosnia and Herzegovina) To support the affected population (RS.7.08.47/0002-VII.3/2014) 475,543 0 Austria Austria RC (Serbia) Relief for flood victims in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina - 1 High Capacity Pumping Module / HCP); 4 rescue boats with team; 57 rescue people; 17 vehicles and 8 trailers (BMEIA-RS.7.08.47/0002-VII.3/14) 636,238 0 Austria Austria RC (Serbia) To support the affected population (RS.7.08.47/0002-VII.3/2014) 760,870 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 1 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Channel Description Belarus Bilateral (affected government) Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - Flood Response Team Belarus Bilateral (affected government) Serbia - delievered 4 mobile generator stations, 20 family tents, 5.000 blankets, 20.025 banks of canned meat to Serbia by Il-76 airplane. Canada IFRC Canada Donor Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD 0 0 330,000 0 Serbia - IFRC DREF for Serbia floods - water, shelter, NFIs, protection (M-013807) 27,372 0 IFRC Bosnia and Herzegovina - IFRC DREF for Bosnia and Herzegovina floods - water, shelter, NFIs, protection (M-013807) 27,372 0 Canada MAG (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Ensure safety of communities returning or working in areas contaminated by landmines and unexploded ordnance and which were affected by the floods and landslides in Bosnia and Herzegovina (D-001296) 91,827 0 Canada IFRC Serbia - IFRC emergency appeal for Serbia floods - water, shelter, NFIs, protection (D-000946) 156,538 0 Canada IFRC Bosnia and Herzegovina - IFRC DREF for Bosnia and Herzegovina floods - water, shelter, NFIs, protection (D-000947) 156,538 0 Canada SC Bosnia and Herzegovina - Save the Children response to the floods in Zenica-Doboj Canton - Bosnia and Herzegovina - water, education facilities, NFIs, protection (D-000947) 368,324 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNFPA (Serbia) Lifesaving reproductive health and emergency relief to flood affected population in Serbia 114,913 0 Central Emergency Response Fund IOM (Serbia) Emergency Support to the Flood-Affected Population in Central Serbia 116,930 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNICEF (Bosnia and Herzegovina) To protect the lives of people affected by floods through the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene promotion and child-friendly spaces 150,000 0 Central Emergency Response Fund WHO (Serbia) Life-saving health interventions, access to essential health services and emergency public health actions for flood affected communities in Serbia 236,115 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNICEF (Serbia) Provision of Hygiene Kits in Flood Affected Communities and Protection for Children in Collective Centers 262,685 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNICEF (Bosnia and Herzegovina) To protect the lives of people affected by floods through the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene promotion and child-friendly spaces 267,514 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNDP (Serbia) Facilitating Access to Water and Reducing Threat of Pollution in Seven Flood-Affected Municipalities 388,143 0 Central Emergency Response Fund IOM (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emergency Accomodation Project - Assistance to BiH Floods-Affected Populations 400,032 0 * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 2 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description Central Emergency Response Fund UNDP (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Mines Clearance in BiH Floods-Affected Areas 500,000 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNDP (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Debris management and clearance project-assistance to BiH Floods-Affected Populations 714,760 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNDP (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Debris Management and Clearance Project - Assistance to BiH Floods-Affected Populations 714,760 0 Central Emergency Response Fund WFP (Serbia) Immediate Response Emergency Operation Response to Serbia Floods 2014 755,313 0 Croatia Croatia RC (Serbia) Humanitarian aid 136,289 0 Croatia Croatia RC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Provide humanitarian assistance to the flood affected population of Bosnia and Herzegovina 136,289 0 Czech Republic Bilateral (affected government) Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - CZ HCP module 0 0 Czech Republic Bilateral (affected government) (Serbia) Urgent assistance to flood-affected regions (104789/2014-ORS) 120,907 0 Czech Republic Bilateral (affected government) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Urgent assistance to flood-affected regions (104789/2014-ORS) 130,982 0 Estonia Various Recipients (Bosnia and Herzegovina) High-capacity pumping module BaltFloodCombat together from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 85,766 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross Commission implementing decision on the financing of emergency humanitarian actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia from the general budget of the European Union / To provide emergency humanitarian aid to populations affected by the impact of floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia (ECHO/ -BA/BUD/2014/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 3.0 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations) 0 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department IFRC (Serbia) Serbia floods (ECHO/ -BA/BUD/2014/01002) 668,449 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department MC Scotland (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Restoring Households and Businesses (REHAB) in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia (ECHO/ -BA/BUD/2014/01003) 1,671,123 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department UNDP (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Revival of Water, Sanitation and Sewage facilities, and Livelihoods and Agriculture in flood-affected local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ECHO/-BA/BUD/2014/01001) 1,698,370 0 Finland IFRC (Serbia) Water, hygiene, food, shelter, NFI''s, psychosocial support 272,109 0 Finland IFRC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) AId to victims of floods in Bosnia-Herzegovina 272,109 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 3 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description France Bilateral (affected government) Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - relief team - Flood rescue using boats 0 0 France Bilateral (affected government) Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - relief team - POMPIERS DE L'URGENCE INTERNATIONALE 0 0 France IFRC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) IFRC Emergency Appeal 29,042 0 Germany Bilateral (affected government) Bosnia and Herzegovina - fire Flood Response Team 0 0 Germany Bilateral (affected government) Bosnia and Herzegovina - I.S.A.R. Germany 0 0 Germany Bilateral (affected government) ((Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emergency Mine Clearance in Seljuble after flooding (VN05 440.70 BIH 03/14) 39,810 0 Germany ASF (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Humanitarian aid for Bosnia and Herzegovina to the flood disaster (VN05 321.50 BIH 05/14) 44,269 0 Germany HELP e.V. (Serbia) Humanitarian assistance for flood victims in Serbia (VN05 321.50 SRB 02/14) 68,027 0 Germany HELP e.V. (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Humanitarian assistance for flood victims in Bosnia (VN05 321.50 BIH 02/14) 68,027 0 Germany DEMIRA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emergency mine clearance after flood disaster in Seljuble (VN05 440.70 BIH 02/14) 128,886 0 Germany Germany RC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Provision of NFI assistance to flood-affected people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (VN05 321.50 BIH 03/14) 133,420 0 Germany ASB (Serbia) Assurance of survival after the flood disaster (VN05 321.50 SRB 01/14) 136,054 0 Germany ASB (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Assurance of survival after the flood disaster (VN05 321.50 BIH 01/14) 136,054 0 Germany Germany RC (Serbia) Provision of food assistance to flood-affected people in Serbia (VN05 321.50 SRB 03/14) 192,588 0 Germany NPA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Humanitarian Demining and emergency marking to grant safe access in the District of Brcko,communities Dubrave and Dnji Rahic (VN05 440.70 BIH 05/14) 236,130 0 Germany THW (Serbia) Support of Serbia with High Capacity Pumping (HCP) and Water Puritication modules (WP) after heavy rains (VN05 321.50 SRB 04/14) 299,592 0 Germany THW (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Support of Bosnia-Herzegovina with High Capacity Pumping (HCP) and Water Puriticationmodules (WP) after heavy rains (VN05 321.50 BIH 04/14) 380,408 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 4 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description Germany DEMIRA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Humanitarian Demining in aftermath of flooding of communities Prud and Kopanice (VN05 440.70 BIH 04/14) 512,251 0 Greece Various Recipients (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Humanitarian relief 138,313 0 Greece Various Recipients (Serbia) Humanitarian relief 276,625 0 Hungary Bilateral (affected government) Serbia - relief team - Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services (HUNOR) with a 27-strong team, 6 boats, 1 rescue helicopter and seven vehicles on 17 May. A Hungarian Fire Brigade from Pomáz with 8 members, 2 vehicles and 1boat has been contributing to the rescue operations since 19 May. 0 0 Hungary ACT/HIA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Provide assistance to the people affected by floods 2,287 0 Hungary Private (individuals & organisations) (Serbia) Supporting the disinfection work of the Budapest Waterworks in the aftermath of the Serbian floods (through Budapest Waterworks) 4,505 0 Hungary ACT/HIA (Serbia) Provide assistance to the people affected by floods 5,336 0 Hungary HMCS (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Support the activities of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service in connection with the floods 8,969 0 Ireland World Vision Ireland (Bosnia and Herzegovina) To save lives and alleviate suffering (WOV ERFS 2014) 66,845 0 Ireland WFP (Serbia) In-kind - 12,000 blankets, 2,400 Jerry cans, 4,800 soap bars and 4 water cans (10,000L) 194,799 0 Ireland WFP (Bosnia and Herzegovina) In-kind - 200 Tents, 4 water tanks (10,000L),5 water tanks (5,000L), 2,500 blankets and 2,400 jerry cans 216,025 0 Italy WHO (Croatia) In-kind - Dispatch of 1 Interagency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK) and 1 Interagency diarrhoeal disease kit (IDDK)to provide assistance to floods affected population 17,289 0 Italy WHO (Bosnia and Herzegovina) In-kind - Dispatch of 2 Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHK) to provide assistance to floods affected population 34,578 0 Italy WFP (Serbia) In-kind - Multidonor humanitarian flight organized by WFP through the United - Nations Logistic Base in Brindisi(UNHRD): Dispatch to Belgrado of tents, water tanks, generators and inflatable boats to assist people affected by floods. 69,156 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 5 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description Italy IFRC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Multilateral contribution to IFRC to support Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina in rescue operation activities providing relief assistance to floods affected population, with a focus on water and sanitation, shelter, hygiene promotion, psychosocial awareness, recovery and livelihoods 138,313 0 Italy IFRC (Serbia) Multilateral contribution to IFRC to support Serbian Red Cross Society in rescue operation activities providing relief assistance to floods affected population, with a focus on water and sanitation, shelter, hygiene promotion, psychosocial awareness, recovery and livelihoods 276,625 0 Japan Bilateral (affected government) (Serbia) Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Serbia in Response to the Floods Disaster (through JICA) 97,523 0 Japan Bilateral (affected government) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emergency Assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in Response to the Floods Disaster (through JICA) 97,523 0 Luxembourg Bilateral (affected government) relief team - Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 0 Luxembourg Luxembourg RC (Serbia) Non-food items (hygiene kits, shelter)for 2.200 families (AH/CR/2014/0006) 68,027 0 Luxembourg CARE (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Distribution of food and non-food items to 200 families. Installation of 10 water pumps. (AH/CIL/2014/0002) 68,027 0 Luxembourg HI Luxembourg (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emergency mapping, marking and risk education (AH/HIL/2014/0004) 107,918 0 Luxembourg World Bank (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Technical assistance for recovery needs assessment and recovery planning (AH/BM/2014/0001) 203,804 0 Luxembourg World Bank (Serbia) Technical assistance for recovery needs assessment and recovery planning (AH/BM/2014/0001) 203,804 0 Malta UNICEF (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Humanitarian aid to the women and children affected by the floods in Bosnia-Herzegovina 34,050 0 Malta UNICEF (Serbia) Humanitarian aid to the women and children affected by the floods in Serbia 34,050 0 Netherlands Netherlands RC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Emergency aid for flood-affected populations in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina within the scope of the IFRC Emergency (26631 (DSH0118809) 285,326 0 Netherlands Netherlands RC (Serbia) Emergency aid for flood-affected populations in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina within the scope of the IFRC Emergency (26631 (DSH0118809) 339,674 0 New Zealand WHO (Croatia) WHO's health response to the flooding in Croatia 43,783 0 New Zealand IFRC Bosnia and Herzegovina - contribution to the emergency response through IFRC 253,593 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 6 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description Norway Bilateral (affected government) Balkans - Water purification units, tents, multipurpose, jerrycans, squatting plates, water tanks, water drinking emergency filter kit 190,000 0 Norway UNDP BHZ-14/0025/Bosnia-Herzegovina - UNDP Flood response 2014 - Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation 838,082 0 Norway WHO (Serbia) SRB-14/0026/WHO's response to the floods in Serbia (SRB-14/0026) 838,082 0 Poland Bilateral (affected government) (Balkans) relief team - Poland State Fire Service 0 0 Poland PAH (Serbia) Support to flood victims in the Balkans through the renovation of 3 schools in Serbia 96,649 0 Poland PCPM (Bosnia-Herzegovina ) Rehabilitation of a flood-damaged elementary school and assistance in return home to flood-affected population in Samac, Bosnia and Herzegovina 103,552 0 Poland PAH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Support to flood victims in the Balkans through the renovation of 3 schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina 161,082 0 Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF (Croatia) Humanitarian assistance (through UNICEF Hungarian Foundation) 4,403 0 Private (individuals & organisations) IFRC Bosnia and Herzegovina - IFRC Emergency Appeal - (through various IFRC National Societies) 1,620,074 0 Private (individuals & organisations) IFRC Serbia - IFRC Emergency Appeal - (through various IFRC National Societies) 2,387,442 0 Qatar Charity Various Recipients Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2,500 Beneficiaries 50,124 0 Romania Bilateral (affected government) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Food, drinking water, blankets, bedsheets, pillowcases for the population affected by floods. 136,773 0 Romania Bilateral (affected government) (Serbia) In-kind - Ensuring food, drinking water and temporary living conditions to population affected by floods. Helping to evacuate water from the flooded areas 148,586 0 Russian Federation Bilateral (affected government) (Serbia) In-kind - delivered by aircraft Ilyushin 76, to the flooded parts of Serbia via Russian-Serbian humanitarian center. The aid included 28 tons of food for babies and adults, large amount of sugar, sleeping bags, tents and another power aggregate. 0 0 Russian Federation Bilateral (affected government) (Serbia) In-kind - one power station, 10 water pumps, 30 boats, 2,500 blankets and also meat and fish cans, sugar, baby food and other necessities; other plane five water pumps, two mobile power plants, 10 boats, 3,200 blankets 0 0 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Bilateral (affected government) Bosnia and Herzegovina - Humanitarian aid after the recent floods 1,358,696 0 Slovenia Bilateral (affected government) Balkans - relief team - Flood rescue using boats 0 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 7 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description Spain IFRC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) DREF. To deliver assistance and support to some 10,000 flood-affected families, with a focus on relief, water and sanitation, shelter,cash transfer programing, hygiene promotion, psychosocial awareness, recovery and livelihoods. 40,816 0 Spain IFRC (Serbia) To provide of basic food and non-food items, water and sanitation assistance, RFL services and emergency sheltering for at least 7,120 evacuated people. 40,816 0 Spain Bilateral (affected government) (Croatia) In-kind - Provisión and transport of 1056 family hygiene Kits. 42,203 0 Sweden MSB (Serbia) Secondment of WASH specialist to Unicef/PDNA-team 22,577 0 Sweden MSB (Serbia) Secondment of GIS expert to UNDP 24,834 0 Sweden MSB (Serbia) Secondment of Debris Management Expert to UNDP 34,618 0 Sweden SC (Serbia) Immediate support to floodaffected children and families in Serbia 150,512 0 Sweden MSB (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Water treatment 1,120,939 0 Switzerland Bilateral (affected government) Boznia and Herzegovina - relief team SDC-HA for BiH 0 0 Switzerland Various Recipients Hochwasser Mai 2014 (7F-09115.01) 566,251 0 Turkey Turkey RC Bosnia and Herzegovina - 85.000 pieces sandbags 0 0 Turkey Turkey RC Bosnia and Herzegovina - 1,000 blankets 6,966 0 Turkey Turkey RC Bosnia - 432 psc. kitchen sets and 2,250 blankets 28,290 0 Turkey Turkey RC Bosnia and Herzegovina - baby diapers, hygiene kits, kitchen sets, blankets 37,138 0 UNICEF National Committee/Austria UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 80,214 0 UNICEF National Committee/Germany UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 131,752 0 UNICEF National Committee/Germany UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 131,752 0 UNICEF National Committee/Germany UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 133,690 0 UNICEF National Committee/Netherlands UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 135,870 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 26,738 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 27,174 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 40,082 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 8 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Uncommitted Pledges USD Funding** USD Channel Description UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 55,027 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 55,782 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 67,347 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 67,347 0 UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 122,449 0 UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 2,882 0 UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom UNICEF Humanitarian assistance 50,850 0 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC Bosnia and Herzegovina - in kind - Provide the needs of those affected, which included the following: Food parcels, 1500 health kits, milk, water, mattresses, blankets, shoes and gloves. Areas that have been covered: Areas of central Bosnia: namla, and Topitash, Bstrichak, Peugeot Vahan, as the first distribution Eastern Bosnia: Kladen, Tuzla, to Ukavts, Bijeljina and Janja [BOS-2014-001] 500,000 0 United Kingdom Bilateral (affected government) Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - UK ISAR Flood Response 0 0 United States of America Serbia RC Serbia/Floods - Disaster Response Funding Cable (USAID/OFDA) 150,000 0 United States of America SC Bosnia/Floods - Logistics Support and Relief Commodities, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (USAID/OFDA) 200,000 0 United States of America Mercy Corps Bosnia/Floods - Economic Recovery and Market Systems (USAID/OFDA) 700,000 0 United States of America CRS Serbia/Floods - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Shelter and Settlements, Agriculture and Food Security (USAID/OFDA) 900,000 0 United States of America Mercy Corps Serbia/Floods - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Economic Recovery and Market Systems,Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA) 900,000 0 United States of America UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina - Disaster Response Funding Cable (USAID/OFDA) 1,600,000 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) Bilateral (affected government) Balkans - Flood Response Team BaltFloodCombat (from Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania) 0 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Humanitarian assistance 125,475 0 Donor * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 9 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version Donor Channel Funding** USD Description Uncommitted Pledges USD 37,023,417 Grand Total: USD Contribution: the actual payment of funds or transfer of in-kind goods from the donor to the recipient entity. Commitment: creation of a legal, contractual obligation between the donor and recipient entity, specifying the amount to be contributed. Pledge: a non-binding announcement of an intended contribution or allocation by the donor. ("Uncommitted pledge" on these tables may indicate the balance of original pledges not yet committed.) Zeros in both the funding and uncommitted pledges columns indicate that no value has been reported for in-kind contributions. * Includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.). ** Funding = Contributions + Commitments (see last page for definitions) The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. Page 10 of 10 Click here to download the latest updated report version 0
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