Resolution #3: BOD Expenses at AGM’s – Kingston Region Division RCMPVA Resolution #3: Subject: KINGSTON REGION DIVISION RCMPVA - AGM2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) EXPENSES AT AGM’S BACKGROUND FACTS: The RCMPVA is a National Organization with an Administrative Office located in Ottawa, maintained/financed by the National Membership Annual Dues, and by Grants from the RCMP and other recorded sources noted in the Treasurer's Reports. All Operational/Administrative Executive Positions in the RCMPVA National HQs (and DIVISIONS) are staffed with Volunteers, all Active Members in Good Standing, who should not anticipate compensation for their participation. EXCEPTION: 1) Executive Director – full time salary is paid from RCMP VA National 2) Administrative Assistant – part time salary is paid from RCMP VA National- Until the Fall of 2012, the RCMP paid the salary of the Administrative Assistant (37.5 hrs./wk. = $51,000 per annum). Because of Force budget reductions, this arrangement was discontinued. BOD ACTION: Because of a projected Budget Deficit, 1) The Executive Director's position remuneration was reduced to 60 paid hrs. Per month. This was reviewed by the BOD and changed to 90 hrs. Per month. Actual Salary 2013 = $45,575.73 / Budgeted Salary for 2014 = $61,020.00 2) Increased their Per Capita Membership Annual Dues by $10.00 (from $22.00 per annum to $32.00 per annum). There is also an Annual Insurance cost levied per Active and Life Members as well, and 3) Projected 2013 and 2014 Budgets. Year 2013 (+$3,136.13), and Year 2014 (-$51.090.59). The members of Kingston Region Division are unable to identify any evidence of cost cutting measures having been taken by the BOD. The members of the Kingston Region Division have questioned the need for such a high level of expenditure by the BOD at a time when finances are limited and membership dues have been increased by 45%. The resolution is an attempt to have this issue brought before the full membership for discussion. The commitment by the BOD is appreciated, however, the travel expenses incurred by their attendance at the 2013 AGM has surfaced criticism at this time of fiscal restraint. It must be recognized that the rank and file do not see the amount of work conducted by the BOD members and the AGM expenditure is open to the perception that it is a back door means of garnering recompense. The Kingston Region Division proposal is that a policy be established giving guidelines to future expenditures by the BOD. The authorization to charge meal expenses in line with government Treasury Board guidelines smacks of an attitude of entitlement considering this is a volunteer organization that does not have unlimited resources. 1 Resolution #3: BOD Expenses at AGM’s – Kingston Region Division RCMPVA WHEREAS, the RCMPVA Constitution requires a Yearly AGM (this will also be a requirement under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporation’s Act) which is hosted across Canada on a Volunteer basis by Divisions within the RCMPVA, wherein, it has been the practice of BOD Members (9) having their costs paid from RCMPVA funds (annual membership dues) to attend the AGM’s wherever it is held. The 2013 National RCMPVA, AGM Budget for Attendees: 14 persons attended the AGM 2013 in Saskatoon. 9 were BODs, 3 Committee Members (Ian Atkins, George Savage and Larry Power), Jack Briscoe, Executive Director and Ron Lewis, National Advocate, for a total cost of $26,984.69. WHEREAS, all members of the Board of Directors (BOD) are entitled to attend and be heard at every meeting of members, Kingston Region Division submits that in view of existing and forecast deficits at the National level, it should not be necessary to pay the expenses for all BOD members attending AGMs. WHEREAS, the BODs meet and discuss matters regularly (video conferences etc.), document all the activities of each Board Member and circulate all the meeting minutes, regularly throughout the calendar year, all BOD Members should be sufficiently conversant with all Operational/Administrative activities/issues of the RCMPVA for addressing the Membership at the AGMs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it should only be necessary for four (4) members of the National BODs to attend the AGMs and have their expenses paid accordingly. It will be up to the BODs to determine the paid attendees (four (4) members) to each AGM: DURING THEIR BUDGETING/PLANNNING PROCESS. Bryan Neville, President Kingston Region Division RCMP Veterans’ Association 2
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