平成 27 年度 皇學館高等学校入学試験問題 英 語 (注 意) 1 .指示があるまで、表紙をあけてはいけません。 2 .解答時間は 45 分です。 3 .問題用紙は、17 ページあり、解答番号は 1 4 .解答は、すべて解答用紙にマークしなさい。 ∼ 42 まであります。 第1問 次の単語の組み合わせア∼ケの中で、下線部の発音が同じ組み合わせのものは 何組ありますか。解答用紙にその数をマークしなさい。 ⎧ women ⎧ seat ア⎨ ⎧ far ⎧ shower オ⎨ ⎩ war ⎧ news ⎧ listen ク⎨ ⎩ hospital ⎩ light ⎧ ground カ⎨ ⎩ sugar キ⎨ 第2問 ウ⎨ ⎩ ready エ⎨ 1 ⎧ enough イ⎨ ⎩ wood 解答番号は ⎩ mountain ⎧ earth ケ⎨ ⎩ stopped ⎩ part 次の各単語の組み合わせア∼オの中で、アクセントの位置がすべて同じ組み合わせ のものは何組ありますか。解答用紙にその数字をマークしなさい。 解答番号は 2 ア be-gin in-vite al-ways a-gree fu-ture イ a-gain with-out ho-tel be-come thir-teen ウ broth-er se-cond lan-guage morn-ing sea-son エ an-oth-er un-der-stand to-geth-er im-por-tant sci-en-tist オ u-ni-form pop-u-lar dif-fer-ent beau-ti-ful res-tau-rant 1 第3問 次の英文の 3 ∼ 5 にあてはまる英語を 【解答群】 の庵 1 ∼庵 4 から一つずつ選び、 それぞれ解答用紙にマークしなさい。 (1) “What’s the (2) 4 today?” − 3 “It’s July 18.” is one of the most popular ball games in the world. A team has eleven players. In this sport players hit the ball with their feet or heads. Only one player can use his hands. (3) What is the eleventh month of the year in English? − It’s 5 . 【解答群】 (1) 3 庵1 day 庵2 month 庵3 number 庵4 date (2) 4 庵1 Baseball 庵2 Basketball 庵3 Soccer 庵4 Volleyball (3) 5 庵1 December 庵2 November 庵3 September 庵4 October 第4問 次の各文の 6 ∼ 10 に入る適切なものを、それぞれ庵 1 ∼庵 4 から一つずつ選び、 それぞれ解答用紙にマークしなさい。 (1) I like tennis very much, but my sister 庵1 (2) His dream is 庵1 (3) (4) She was very 庵1 (5) 2 庵2 excite 庵3 doesn’t 庵4 wasn’t to will be 庵3 to be 庵4 to do speaking 庵4 spoken to excite 庵4 exciting 庵4 won’t we in Hawaii is English. 8 庵2 speak don’t a pianist. 7 doing The language 庵1 庵2 isn’t to speak 庵3 to see you again. 9 庵2 excited 庵3 Our dream will come true someday, 10 庵1 庵3 will we . 6 庵2 will it ? won’t it 第5問 次の[A]と[B]の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように 11 ∼ 15 に入る最も適切なものを、 それぞれ 庵 1 ∼庵 4 から一つずつ選び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 ( 1 ) [A] [B] 庵1 ( 2 ) [A] [B] 庵1 ( 3 ) [A] [B] 庵1 庵3 Do you have anything to eat? Do you have any 11 庵2 you eat ? eating things 庵3 thing Go to bed but 庵2 庵3 before because I was so tired home that night. 13 庵2 庵4 that I couldn’t walk to walk that I can’t walk walking [B] Must I clean my room? ― No, 庵1 after I was too tired to walk home that night. ― No, you don’t have to. [B] 庵4 you do your homework. 12 Must I clean my room? ( 5 ) [A] food Do your homework before you go to bed. ( 4 ) [A] 庵1 庵3 庵4 庵2 庵4 you must not you can not The camera was expensive. The camera what 14 . 15 庵2 you don’t need to you don’t must I bought it last week. I bought last week was expensive. when 庵3 which 庵4 who 3 第6問 次の(ア)∼(ケ)の英文の中で、文法的に 間違っている文 はいくつありますか。 その数を解答用紙にマークしなさい。 解答番号は 16 (ア) How many book do you read a month? (イ) My grandfather started using computer when he was 70 years old. (ウ) Which is more big, your car or his car? (エ) Are you good at sing? (オ) The restaurant which is very popular among young people are near my house. (カ) I have known her since she is a child. (キ) Would you like another piece of cake? (ク) Those dictionaries are hers. (ケ) Who can run the most fast in your class? 第7問 次の対話が、自然な会話になるように 17 ∼ 22 に入る最も適切なものを それぞれ 庵 1 ∼庵 4 から一つずつ選び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 (1) A:How is your family? B:My mother has caught a really bad cold. A: 庵1 庵3 (2) I hope she is fine. That sounds great. A:This is very delicious. B: 庵1 庵3 4 17 庵2 庵4 That’s too bad. It’s not so cold today. Can I have another one? 18 No, you haven’t. No, thank you. 庵2 庵4 Yes, I’ve had enough. Yes, of course. (3) A:Shall we go for a drive this afternoon? B: 庵1 庵3 (4) 庵1 庵3 Yes, please. 庵2 庵4 Yes, let’s. Yes, we will. 20 Yes, I have gone there. Yes, I have been there three times. 庵2 庵4 No, I won’t go there. No, you have been there. A:I think e-mail is better than the telephone. B: 庵1 庵3 (6) Yes, we do. A:I’m going to New York for the first time next week. Have you ever been there? B: (5) 19 21 We can really talk to each other on the telephone. I’ll think about it. The line is busy. 庵2 庵4 Don’t worry. 庵2 庵4 You’re right. I don’t think so. A:I’m so sorry to be late. B: 庵1 庵3 22 The meeting hasn’t started yet. That’s all right. Sounds nice. Oh, that’s true. 5 第8問 日本文の意味になるように、それぞれ下の語句を並べかえて空欄 23 ∼ 30 を補い、 文を完成させなさい。(ただし、文頭にくる語も小文字になっています。) (1) 何か悪いことが起こるかもしれないと私は思います。 23 庵1 庵5 (2) 庵2 庵6 bad am may happen afraid 25 庵2 庵6 early train this morning. 26 庵3 庵7 catch got up 庵4 first to the むこうにある本を読んではどうですか。 Why 庵1 庵5 27 庵2 庵6 read over ? 28 庵3 the book there 庵4 don’t 庵4 anyone you 誰が窓を割ったのか知っている人はいますか。 29 庵1 庵5 6 庵4 I 私の夫は今朝、始発電車に間に合うように早く起きた。 庵1 庵5 (4) 庵3 庵7 something My husband (3) . 24 know does ? 30 庵2 庵6 the window broke 庵3 who 第9問 Smith さんが洋服屋で買い物をしています。Smith さんと店員(Clerk)との対話を読み、 以下の設問にそれぞれ答えなさい。 Clerk: May I help you? Ms. Smith: I’m looking for a sweater. Clerk: What color do you want? Ms. Smith: A brown one, please. Clerk: How about this? Ms. Smith: I don’t like it. Clerk: How about this green one? Ms. Smith: I’ll take it. Clerk: It is too dark. How much is it? It’s seven thousand and five hundred yen. Ms. Smith: How much is that hat? Clerk: Two thousand yen. Ms. Smith: I like it. Clerk: What color do you want? Ms. Smith: Black, please. And I’ll take three. Please wrap two for a present. Clerk: 注 Sure. 釈 wrap 「∼を包む」 設問1 Smith さんが買った品物として、正しいものを 庵 1 ∼庵 5 から一つ選び解答用紙に マークしなさい。 庵1 庵4 設問2 茶色のセーター 緑の帽子 解答番号は 庵2 庵5 庵3 茶色の帽子 31 緑のセーター 黒のセーター Smith さんが買った品物の合計金額として、正しいものを 庵 1 ∼庵 5 から一つ選び 解答用紙にマークしなさい。 庵1 2,000 円 庵2 7,500 円 解答番号は 庵3 9,500 円 庵4 13,500 円 庵5 32 75,000 円 7 第 10 問 次の英文を読み、以下の設問にそれぞれ答えなさい。 Benwasonlyeightyearsold,buthewasanuncle. Hissisterwasalreadymarriedandhadababy. Her baby’s name was Jane. Once she came with her baby and stayed at Ben’s home. (a) Jane was so young that she spent most of her time in a cradle. One day her mother and grandmother went into the garden to pick roses. They told her watch her. (c) (b) uncle to sit beside her and He was watching her sleeping in the cradle. Can I make a drawing of her sleeping?” worked for a long time. “How beautiful she looks! Ben said to himself. Then he tried. He When his mother and sister came back, he tried to hide the paper, but his mother saw it and asked what it was. He showed it to at the paper and cried, “He has made a picture of Jane! thought my child could draw so well.” and asked him, “Can you draw beautifully, she kissed him. (f) her. (d) Isn’t it beautiful? Then she showed Ben the roses in these?” She looked I never her hand (e) As he drew them so quickly and so When he grew up and became famous, he often said, “That kiss made me a painter.” 注 釈 was married 「結婚した」 drawing 「絵」 cradle 「ゆりかご」 hide 「∼を隠す」 pick 「∼を摘む」 draw 「∼を描く」 drew 「動詞 draw の過去形」 設問1 下線部(a)∼(f)がそれぞれ指すものの組み合わせとして正しいものを(1)∼(6)から 一つ選び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 解答番号は ( 1 ) (a)ジェーン (b)ベンのおじさん (c)ジェーン (d)ジェーン (e)ベンの姉 (f)絵 ( 2 ) (a)ジェーン (b)ベン (c)ジェーン (d)ベンの母 (e)ベンの母 (f)絵 ( 3 ) (a)ジェーン (b)ベンのおじさん (c)ベンの母 (d)ジェーン (e)ベンの姉 (f)絵 ( 4 ) (a)ベンの姉 (b)ベン (c)ジェーン (d)ジェーン (e)ベンの母 (f)バラ ( 5 ) (a)ベンの姉 (b)ベン (c)ジェーン (d)ベンの母 (e)ベンの母 (f)バラ ( 6 ) (a)ベンの姉 (b)ベンのおじさん (c)ベンの母 (d)ベンの母 (e)ジェーン (f)バラ 設問2 本文の内容に合うもの一つ選び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 解答番号は 8 33 (1) Ben’s mother was Jane’s grandmother. (2) Ben’s sister looked beautiful when she was sleeping. (3) Ben drew the sleeping baby quickly and beautifully. (4) Because his mother kissed Jane, Ben became a painter. 34 第 11 問 旅行者( traveler )が通行人( passerby )に道をたずねています。次の会話から、 旅行者が探しているホテルを庵 1 ∼庵 5 から選び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 解答番号は 35 庵4 庵1 庵5 庵2 庵3 Traveler: Excuse me. Passerby: Yes? Traveler: Would you please tell me where the Central Hotel is? Passerby: Oh, it’s on Green Street. Traveler: On Green Street? Passerby: Yes. Traveler: Sorry, I don’t know Green Street. I’m quite new here. Could you show me where I am on this map? Passerby: All right. I’ll show you the way. Now you are here at ★, all right? Traveler: Mmm... Yes. Passerby: Go straight on until you come to the third crossing. Now you are on Park Street. Turn right there. On the left near the corner is the Bank of Tokyo. Traveler: Yes. Passerby: Go straight down Park Street... Soon you’ll find the Bus Terminal on the right. Traveler: The bus Terminal here... Passerby: Yes... Then at the next crossing, turn left. You are now on the Green street. Traveler: Yes. Passerby: About one mile ahead, you’ll find the Central Hotel on the left. Traveler: I see. Thank you very much. 注 釈 quite 「全くの」crossing 「交差点」 9 第 12 問 Kate さんの自己紹介文を読み、その内容を正しく説明している人を庵 1 ∼庵 5 から選 び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 解答番号は 36 Hello, everyone. My name is Kate. I’ m fifteen years old and from Sydney in Australia. Have you ever been to Sydney? It’s one of Australia’s most famous cities. In Australia, I study Japanese at school, but I can’t speak Japanese well. I came to Japan four days ago. I have just come to this school. This is my first time to Japan, so I want to visit many places. First of all, I want to go to Kobe, because my brother lives there and I want to see him. He is studying Japanese at college. I haven’ t seen my brother for six months. I also want to visit my friend, Yumi, in Hokkaido. My hobby is listening to music. I’ m also interested in Japanese language and culture. When I finish school, I want to teach Japanese to students in Australia. Kate さん 注 釈 Sydney「(オーストラリアの都市)シドニー」 10 first of all「まず初めに」 庵1 Akira さん Kate はシドニー出身の 15 歳です。Kate にとって今 回が初めての日本訪問です。彼女のお兄さんは神戸 の大学で日本語を勉強しています。Kate は将来オー ストラリアの学生に日本語を教えたいと思っています。 庵2 Hana さん Kate はシドニー出身の 15 歳です。Kate は何度か日 本に来たことがあります。彼女のお兄さんは日本の 大学で勉強しています。Kate は将来日本語を教えた いと考えています。 庵3 Jiro さん Kate はオーストラリア出身の女の子です。彼女は神 戸の大学で日本語を学んでいます。そして、将来オー ストラリアで日本語を教えたいと考えています。 庵4 Kazuo さん Kate はオーストラリア出身の 15 歳の女の子です。 彼女のお兄さんは日本の大学で学んでいます。彼女 は北海道を訪れて、友達の由美に会いました。Kate は将来オーストラリアの学生に日本の良さを伝えた いと考えています。 庵5 Chika さん Kate はオーストラリアの女の子です。Kate は初めて 日本を訪れました。滞在して数週間がたちました。 6ヶ月会っていなかったお兄さんにも会えました。彼 は日本の大学で勉強しています。今度彼女は北海道 の友達の由美に会いに行くつもりでいます。 11 第 13 問 明子と Dave が、ニュージーランド研修旅行のポスターを見ながら話しています。 下記の会話を読み、設問に答えなさい。 Dave: 研修期間 7 月 29 日 ∼ 8 月 11 日までの 14 日間 募集人員 15 名 応募資格 英語に興味があり、ニュージーランドに行ったことがない生徒 説 明 会 5 月 10 日 午後 3 時 30 分から 会議室にて What is this poster, Akiko? Akiko: It is about a New Zealand Study Tour during summer vacation. Dave: That’ll be a good chance to learn English. Akiko: It’s two weeks. Dave: ( 37 ). The Tour will start on July 29 and finish on August 11. I see. Akiko: Fifteen students can go on the Tour. Dave: What kind of students can apply? Akiko: Students who are interested in English and have never been to New Zealand can apply. Dave: Is there any more information? Akiko: We can get it if we go to a meeting on May 10. Dave: ( 38 ) Akiko: Of course. Dave: 注 But I have to talk about it with my parents. Well, I hope you can study English in New Zealand. 釈 apply 「申し込む」 12 設問 ( 37 )と( 38 )に 入 れ る の に 最 も 適 切 な 文 を そ れ ぞ れ 一 つ ず つ 選 び、 解答用紙にマークしなさい。 ( ( 37 ) 38 ) 庵1 庵3 When is it? 庵1 庵2 庵3 庵4 Do you want to join the program? How far is it? 庵2 庵4 What weeks is it? How long is it? Do you want me to go to the meeting? Do you want to help me? Do you want me to help you? 13 第 14 問 次の英文は、天気に関することわざ( weather proverb ) について述べたものです。 これを読んで、設問にそれぞれ答えなさい。 There are a lot of old weather proverbs in the world. the skies carefully and made many weather proverbs. when they should go to the sea to catch fish. Long ago, people watched Some people wanted to know For these people, weather proverbs were very useful. Have you ever heard any weather proverbs? One of the most popular proverbs in Japan says, “If the west sky in the evening is (1) red, the weather will be nice the next day. If the east sky in the morning is red, it will rain that day.” This proverb is often said by people who live in the Temperate Zone of the earth, too. In fact, the red sky in the west in the evening means that the weather in the west is nice. In the Temperate Zone, the weather often moves from west to east because of strong winds from the west. So if the west sky is red in the evening, you can say you (2) will have good weather the next day. In the same way, if the east sky is red in the morning, nice weather may go away and bad weather may come from the west. So you can say it may rain that day. There are many other weather proverbs in different places of the world. are sometimes wrong. Proverbs But it is interesting to learn the workings of nature from proverbs. 注 14 釈 the Temperate Zone「温帯」 in fact「実際」 because of ∼「∼のために」 in the same way「同様に」 the workings of nature「自然の仕組み」 設問1 下線部(1)の具体的な内容を表すものを次の 庵 1 ∼庵 4 から一つ選び、マークしなさい。 解答番号は 庵1 庵2 庵3 庵4 39 夕焼けの時は次の日の天気が良くなり、朝焼けの時はその日雨が降る。 夕焼けの時は次の日の天気が良くなり、朝焼けの時もその日晴れる。 夕焼けの時は次の日の天気は悪くなり、朝焼けの時はその日晴れる。 夕焼けの時は次の日の天気は悪くなり、朝焼けの時はその日雨が降る。 設問 2 下線部(2)のように言うことができる理由を 庵 1 ∼庵 4 から一つ選び、マークしなさい。 解答番号は 庵1 庵2 庵3 庵4 40 Because strong winds will bring good weather from the east. Because strong winds will bring good weather from the west. Because strong winds will bring bad weather for the east. Because strong winds will bring bad weather from the west. 15 第 15 問 次の英文を読み、以下の設問に答えなさい。 People have told the story of Cinderella in many different ways. is always the same. love. But the main story A rich boy meets a poor girl who is pretty and kind. The boy loses the girl. Then he finds her again. After that they live happily. This story was first written more than a thousand years ago in China. many people have told it many times in new ways. help Cinderella. They fall in Since then, Some stories have animals which In a story from Scotland, a small cow helps her. In a story from China, her pet fish helps her. One story of Cinderella was written by the Grimm brothers. Cinderella’s life is hard. Her father doesn’t like Cinderella. She goes to the dance and meets a young man. In their story, But some birds helps her. Then she loses her fur shoe. But the most famous story of Cinderella was the one that Charles Perrault, a French writer, wrote in 1697. The pumpkin that becomes a coach was his idea. Cinderella’s glass shoe was his idea, too. Today, when a poor but good person gets love, money, or happiness at last, people say, “It’s a Cinderella story.” 注 釈 cow「牛」 Grimm brothers「グリム兄弟(ドイツの童話編集者の兄弟)」 fur「毛皮」 Charles Perrault「シャルル・ペロー(フランスの詩人・童話作家) 」 coach「馬車」 16 設問 本文の内容に合うように、次の英文の空所に入る最も適当なものを、庵 1 ∼庵 5 から一つ選び、 それぞれ解答用紙にマークしなさい。 ( 1 ) The oldest story of Cinderella was written 庵1 in Germany 庵2 in Scotland ( 2 ) In the Grimm brother’s story, 庵1 庵2 庵3 庵4 庵5 庵3 41 . in China 庵4 in French 庵5 in Japan 42 . Cinderella’s life is hard, but her father helps her. Cinderella goes to the dance with a young man. Cinderella has a pet fish. Cinderella loses her shoe made of fur. Cinderella has a pumpkin for eating. 17
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