Unedited version 18 February 2014 Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention Work programme for 2014 – 2018 Draft work programme of the CGE for 2014‐2018 Output/products Activities Implementation timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(a): Identify and provide technical assistance regarding problems and constraints that have affected the process of and the preparation of national communications and biennial update reports Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(g): Provide information and technical advice based on, where possible, lessons learned and best practices in the process of and preparation of national communications and BURs by non‐ Annex I Parties 1. Technical report synthesizing 1. Compilation of information on constraints, problems, lessons learned the problems and constraints, and best practices reported in: lessons‐learned and best‐practices 1.1 Past CGE and NCSP surveys, complemented with X X X X X additional CGE questions 1.2 National communications X X 1.3 Biennial update reports X X X 1.4 Reports and other publications by the CGE and the X X X X NCSP as well as other relevant institutions and agencies such as WRI, UNEP, UNDP, etc. 2. Synthesis of the compiled X X X X X information 3. Technical advice and X X X X X support with respect to 2(g) Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(b): Provide technical assistance and support to non‐Annex I Parties to facilitate the process of and preparation of their national communications and biennial update reports Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(c): Provide technical advice to non‐Annex I Parties to facilitate the development and long‐term sustainability of processes of the preparation of national communications and biennial update reports 1. BUR training materials in other 1. Translation of CGE BUR UN languages training materials in other UN X X X 2. Updated CGE training materials languages 1 Draft work programme of the CGE for 2014‐2018 Output/products Activities Implementation timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 3. E‐learning courses 4. A pool of national experts trained on the preparation of BUR and NCs 5. Technical reports on the hands‐ on training workshops 2. Update of CGE training materials to take into account X X X X X latest science and development under the Convention 3. Development, operation and maintenance of e‐learning X X X X X course 4. Conduct regional hands‐on training workshop on the preparation of biennial update reports 4.1. Latin America and the X X Caribbean 4.2. Africa X X 4.3. Asia and the Pacific X X 5. Conduct regional hands‐on training workshop on vulnerability and adaptation assessment 5.1. Latin America and the X Caribbean 5.2. Africa X 5.3. Asia and the Pacific X 6. Conduct regional hands‐on training workshop on national greenhouse gas inventories 6.1. Latin America and the X Caribbean 6.2. Africa X 6.3. Asia and the Pacific X 7. Conduct regional hands‐on training workshop on mitigation assessment 7.1. Latin America and the X Caribbean 7.2. Africa X 7.3. Asia and the Pacific X Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(d): Provide recommendations, as appropriate, on elements to be considered in a future revision of the national communication and BUR guidelines 1. A paper on recommendations 1. Revisit CGE on possible elements to be recommendations on elements considered in a future revision of to be considered in a future X the national communication and revision of the national BUR guidelines communication guidelines 2. CGE recommendations on elements to be considered in a X future revision of the BUR guidelines 3. Analysis of the developments on reporting for non‐Annex I Parties since the X adoption of 17/CP.8, as necessary 2 Draft work programme of the CGE for 2014‐2018 Output/products Activities Implementation timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(e): Provide technical advice and support to Parties, upon request, and information on existing activities and programmes to facilitate and support the preparation of national communications and BURs Decision 19/CP.19, 2(f) Provide technical advice and support to Parties, upon request, on the provision of information on steps to integrate climate change considerations into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions 1. Compendium of information on 1. Compilation of information existing activities and on existing activities and programmes to facilitate and programmes to facilitate and support the preparation of support the preparation of X national communications and national communications and BUR in collaboration with BURs 2. Compendium of information on GSP/NCSP steps to integrate climate change 2. Compilation of information considerations into relevant on steps to integrate climate social, economic and change considerations into environmental policies and relevant social, economic and X actions environmental policies and actions in collaboration with GSP/NCSP 3. Update of information on 1 and 2 above in collaboration X with GSP/NCSP 4. Technical advice and support with respect to 2.e and X X X X 2(f) Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(i): Develop and organize appropriate training programmes for nominated technical experts based on the most updated training materials 1. UNFCCC training programme 1. Development of the TTE X for TTE training programme 2. Pool of experts nominated to 2. Conversion of the TTE the RoE trained and certified as training programme into a the technical experts for X web‐based training conducting the technical analysis programme of BURs 3. Certification workshop/exam for the X X X X technical experts 4. Revision of the training programme X Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(h): Provide guidance and periodic advice to the secretariat to assist it in fulfilling the selection criteria for the composition of the team of technical experts 1. Periodic guidance and advice to 1. Consideration of periodic the secretariat on the selection of technical report on the X X X the TTE, as appropriate selection of the TTE, as appropriate Other elements of the work programme X X X X X 3 Draft work programme of the CGE for 2014‐2018 Output/products 1.1 Participation in the technical assessment of submissions from Parties on proposed forest reference emission levels and/or forest reference levels 1.2 The TTE training programme covers the technical analysis of data and information used by Parties in the estimation of anthropogenic forest‐related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest carbon stock and forest‐area changes 2. Representation in the executive committee of the Warsaw international mechanism 3. Long‐term strategy addressing capacity building needs of non‐ Annex I Parties in fulfilling their reporting requirements, including long‐term management plan of the CGE and provision of technical assistance 4. Updated 5‐year work programme and annual work plan for the year 5. Progress reports on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts, and communication and outreach of its activities Activities 1. Participate in the technical assessment of submissions from Parties on proposed forest reference emission levels and/or forest reference levels 2. Identify elements for the TTE training programme covering aspects relating to the technical analysis of data and information used and reported in BURs by Parties in the estimation of anthropogenic forest‐related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest carbon stock and forest‐area changes 1. Participate in the work of the executive committee of the Warsaw international mechanism 2. Stocktaking of activities undertaken by the CGE on vulnerability and adaptation 1. Develop long‐term strategy , feedback and revision (including from SBI) 2. Implement relevant elements of the long‐term strategy 3. Review and revise, as appropriate, the long‐term strategy 4. Explore the potential additional workshop at the sub‐regional/national level, subject to availability of resources 1. Review and revise the 5‐ year work programme, including development specific work programme for the year 1. Meetings of the Consultative Group of Experts 2. Side‐events of the Consultative Group of Experts Implementation timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2018 X X 4 Consultative Group of Experts work programme for 2014 Draft work programme of the CGE ‐ 2014 Output/products Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(a): Identify and provide technical assistance regarding problems and constraints that have affected the process of and the preparation of national communications and biennial update reports Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(g): Provide information and technical advice based on, where possible, lessons learned and best practices in the process of and preparation of national communications and biennial update reports (BURs) by non‐Annex I Parties 1. Technical report synthesizing the 1. Compilation of information on constraints and problems, lessons learned and best practices reported in: problems and constraints, lessons 1.1 Past CGE and NCSP surveys, to be X X X learned and best practices complemented with an additional new survey 1.2 National communications X X X 1.3 CGE and NCSP/GSP reports, and other X X X publications (WRI, UNEP/UNDP) 1.4 Information shared at workshops, X X X presentations 2. Synthesis of the compiled information and X X prepare a report 3. Technical advice and support with respect to 2(g) X X X X X X X X X X X X referred to above Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(b): Provide technical assistance and support to non‐Annex I Parties to facilitate the process of and preparation of their national communications and biennial update reports Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(c): Provide technical advice to non‐Annex I Parties to facilitate the development and long‐term sustainability of processes of the preparation of national communications and biennial update reports 1. BUR training materials in other UN 1. Translate BUR training materials in Spanish and languages French, and Arabic subject to availability of X X X X X 2. Updated CGE training materials resources 3. E‐learning courses 2. Update of CGE training materials on vulnerability X X X X X X X X X 4. A pool of national experts trained and adaptation assessment to take into account 5 Draft work programme of the CGE ‐ 2014 Output/products on the preparation of BUR 5. Technical reports on the hands‐on training workshops Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov latest science and development under the Convention (toolkit) 3. Development, operation and maintenance of e‐ learning course 3.1 Develop and optimize the e‐learning content X X X X materials and proficiency tests 3.2 Develop beta version X X X X X 3.3 Limited release and testing of the beta X X version 3.4 Revise the beta version based on testing X X results 3.5 Deploy of the e‐learning programme 4. Webinars X X 5. Regional hands‐on training workshops on the preparation of BURs 5.1 Defining structure and content of workshop X and the evaluation survey 5.2 Hands‐on training workshop for the Latin X America and Caribbean region 5.3 Hands‐on training workshop for the Africa X region 5.4 Hands‐on training workshop for the Asia and X Pacific region 5.5 Evaluation of feedback from workshop X X X participants and lessons‐learned from workshops Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(d): Provide recommendations, as appropriate, on elements to be considered in a future revision of the NC and BUR guidelines 1. A paper on recommendations to 1. Revisit CGE recommendations on elements to be be considered in a future revision of considered in a future revision of the NC guidelines X X the national communication and BUR Dec X X 6 Draft work programme of the CGE ‐ 2014 Output/products Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec guidelines Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(e): Provide technical advice and support to Parties, upon request, and information on existing activities and programmes to facilitate and support the preparation of national communications and BURs Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(f): Provide technical advice and support to Parties, upon request, on the provision of information on steps to integrate climate change considerations into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions 1. Compendium of information on 1. Compilation of information on existing activities X X X existing activities and programmes to and programmes to facilitate and support the facilitate and support the preparation preparation of NCs and BUR of national communications and 2. Compilation of information on steps to integrate BURs climate change considerations into relevant social, X X X 2. Compendium of information on economic and environmental policies and actions steps to integrate climate change 3. Technical advice and support with respect to 2(e) considerations into relevant social, and 2(f) X X X X X X X X X X X X economic and environmental policies and actions Decision 19/CP.19, paragraph 2(i): Develop and organize appropriate training programmes for nominated technical experts based on the most updated training materials 1. Identify elements and develop concept note on 1. UNFCCC training programme for the training programme, including structure, TTE X X content and delivery of the training materials as 2. Pool of technical experts trained and certified as the technical experts well as the exam eligible for conducting the technical 2. Develop the materials for the training as well as X X X X analysis of BURs the exam on the basis of the concept note1 3. First draft of the training programme materials X for comments 4. Revision and approval of CGE of the draft X X material 5. Conduct a training workshop to test the X X 1 This will be developed with the assistance of the secretariat. 7 Draft work programme of the CGE ‐ 2014 Output/products Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X materials 6. Revision of the material based on the feedback from the workshop participants 7. Finalize and publish the training materials on the UNFCCC website 8. Conduct a certification workshop/exam for the technical experts Other elements of the work programme 1.1 Participation in the technical 1. Create a working group on REDD+ from which a assessment of submissions from member will represent the CGE in the relevant Parties on proposed forest reference sessions of the technical assessment of submissions emission levels and/or forest from Parties on proposed forest reference emission reference levels levels and/or forest reference levels 1.2 The TTE training programme 2. Provide input to the design of TTE training covers the technical analysis of data programme covering aspects relating to the and information used by Parties in technical analysis of data and information used and the estimation of anthropogenic reported in BURs by Parties in the estimation of forest‐related emissions by sources anthropogenic forest‐related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest carbon stock and stocks, and forest carbon stock and forest‐area forest‐area changes changes 2. Representation in the executive 1. Representing the CGE in the loss and damage committee of the Warsaw Executive Committee international mechanism 2. Stocktaking exercise on what the CGE has done on vulnerability and adaptation to present to the loss and damage Executive Committee 3. Long‐term strategy addressing 1. Identify elements (outline) of the long‐term capacity building needs of non‐Annex strategy X 8 Draft work programme of the CGE ‐ 2014 Output/products Activities I Parties in fulfilling their reporting requirements, including long‐term management plan of the CGE and provision of technical assistance 4. Revised rules of procedure 5. Strategic partnership with key stakeholders 6. Progress reports of the CGE for consideration by the SBI 7. Communication and outreach to Parties and other interested stakeholders Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2. Formulate long‐term strategy X X X X 3. Feedback and revision within CGE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4. Report proposed long term strategy to SBI in December 5. Explore the potential additional workshop at the sub‐regional/national level, subject to availability of resources 1. Revision of the rules of procedure 1. Collaboration with key stakeholders involved in the process of and the preparation of national communications and BURs 1. CGE meetings Oct Nov Dec 1. Side events 9
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