SISKIYOU COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PARTNERSHIP (CCP) MEETING MINUTES Adult Probation, Day Reporting Center, 805 Juvenile Lane, Yreka October 20, 2014 Approved November 17, 2014 1. Call to Order/Introductions Chief Heie called the meeting to order at 12:20 pm; the quorum was established. The sign in sheet was circulated. CCP Executive Committee Members Present: Todd Heie, Chief Probation Officer; Mary Frances McHugh, Executive Officer Superior Court; Jon Lopey, Sheriff; Terry Barber, Director Health and Human Services Agency; Kirk Andrus, District Attorney; Martin Nicholas, Weed Chief of Police CCP Committee Members Present: Brandon Criss, Board of Supervisors; Carla Charraga, SDV&CC; Coleen Chiles, Victims Witness; Tom Odom, CAO Also Present: Jennifer Villani, Probation; Lori Wilson, Probation; Susan George, Probation; Amy Fernandez, Probation; Sandra Collings, Shasta Training and Consulting; Jill Phillips, Shasta Training and Consulting; Allison Giannini, Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office; Jeff Huston, Sheriff’s Office; Judd Pindell, HealTherapy 2. Time Slot Allocation for Presentations from the Public Carla Charraga reported that October is Domestic Violence Awareness month; invitations were extended and flyers distributed for an October 21st art exhibition and an October 29th candlelight vigil event. Chief Heie noted the 4th annual Realignment conference would be held in Sacramento in late January. Registration information has not been distributed to date. 3. Approval of Minutes: July 14, 2014 A motion was made and seconded to approve the Draft Minutes from July 14, 2014. Motion: Mary Frances McHugh Second: Kirk Andrus Approved: Unanimously 4. Budget Report Chief Heie shared that the Probation department is currently without a fiscal officer. Jennifer Villani reported spending is on track or below budget and the fund balance is healthy. Chief Heie reminded the group that the Realignment Allocation Committee (RAC) had been working on allocations at the time of the last CCP meeting. CCP based its 2014-2015 budget on a slightly lower allocation figure than that of 2013-2014. The document “Recommended AB 109 Allocation: 2014-15 and Beyond” was distributed to the group; Siskiyou’s budget figures are listed on attachment 7 of the document. There was a small increase to the 2014-2015 allocation and a decrease of approximately $90,000 to the growth funds, which can be absorbed through the fund balance. Jennifer added that the formula for the growth allocation is based on performance; which underscores the importance of tracking what we’re doing, who is being sent to jail and the effects on recidivism. Its anticipated next year will see a small decrease to the allocation 1 and a large increase in growth funds. Discussion ensued regarding availability of CCP funds for the jail. It was reported that CCP’s funds have all been allocated and the size of the current fund balance is largely due to unfilled positions, a situation which is not anticipated to continue. 5. FY 2014-2015 Community Corrections Partnership Survey Chief Heie noted the CCP Partnership survey was submitted for 2013/2014 last. Completion of the document will bring a $100,000 distribution. The survey submission date is December 15 and Heie suggested scheduling a meeting to work on the document. 6. Discussion on Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Annual Plan Addendum This agenda item was not addressed. 7. Discussion on Community Recidivism Reduction Grant Chief Heie noted the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is dispersing Recidivism Reduction Grant funds directly to counties. Siskiyou County has agreed to receive the grant funds and CCP will have $10,000 and need to develop an RFP process for non-governmental agencies. There is a 4year timeline and some data tracking requirements associated with the funding. 8. Discussion on Possible Purchase of Horse Arena for Onsite Equine Therapy Some preliminary conversation has been held regarding the potential to purchase a portable, covered horse arena to be sited in the Probation parking. A brief discussion ensued regarding costs, zoning, and the future potential of also having stables onsite. Judd Pindell noted an approximate cost of $50,000 for a structure designed to bear heavy snow loads and that the arena would be earmarked for use by Probation programs exclusively. 9. Discussion on Possible Revision of the Previously Approved 1FTE Deputy Probation Officer Position to 1FTE Division Director Position This discussion was initiated with Chief Heie reporting the population of juvenile probation has diminished and the adult probation unit caseload has more than doubled due to AB 109. Probation’s caseload is large enough to justify the position and The Deputy Chief cannot continue to do the very heavy administrative workload. This agenda item is for informational purposes and the item will need to be brought to the Board of Supervisors. 10. Consider Approval of Sheriff’s Office Request for Colby Toms to attend the January 19-22, 2015 Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Training in Sacramento at a cost not to exceed $1226 for training, lodging and per diem to be paid from the Planning and Implementation Fund (2101-203101-723000-1022) Allison Giannini reported Sacramento is the closest training location for MRT, a cognitive behavioral treatment system. The open entry, workbook based MRT format offers classes in anger management, drug and alcohol and parenting. Classes are run by a therapist with support from Sheriff’s staff for security. A motion was made to approve Item 10. Motion: Kirk Andrus Second: Todd Heie Approved: The motion carried, with Jon Lopey abstaining from the vote. 2 11. Consider Approval of Sheriff’s Office Request for Purchase of 9-Camera Security System for Jail Housing Units in an amount not to exceed $10,000 to be paid Planning and Implementation Fund (2101-203101-723000-1022 Sgt. Huston described the need for the camera security system due to increasing problems in the jail with drugs and assaults as a result of the makeup of the AB109 population and the inability to see into the housing units. With video footage prosecutions can be pursued and restitution sought. Using County funding, the jail will also obtain exterior audio and video surveillance upgrades. A motion was made to approve Item 11. Motion: Mary Frances McHugh Second: Terry Barber Approved: The motion carried, with Jon Lopey abstaining from the vote. 12. Consider Approval of Sheriff’s Office Request for Purchase of 1 Year Supply of Drug Test Kits for In Custody Jail Population in an amount not to exceed $2,000 to be paid from AB109 Primary Post Release Community Supervision fund (2101-203101 Activity Code #1020) Sgt. Huston explained to the group that as a result of design limitations, the jail couldn’t classify effectively. One solution for dealing with the issue has been creation of the worker and program units. An inmate has to sign a contract and agree to weekly drug testing to be eligible for these specialized units. A motion was made to approve Item 12. Motion: Mary Frances McHugh Second: Terry Barber Approved: The motion carried, with Jon Lopey abstaining from the vote. 13. Consider Approval of Sheriff’s Office Request to Revise the Previously Approved Purchase of 2 US Forest Service Surplus Vehicles for Purchase of 1 New Work Crew Vehicle in an amount not to exceed $45,000 to be paid from the Planning and Implementation Fund (2101-203101-723000- 1022) Allison Giannini reported the vehicle currently used for work crews is not suitable for reasons of safety and effectiveness and efforts to obtain surplus vehicles from the US Forest Service have been unsuccessful. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of finding a low mileage, used vehicle and the need to outfit the crew vehicle with safety equipment. A motion was made to approve the purchase of a fully outfitted work crew van in an amount not to exceed $45,000. Motion: Todd Heie Kirk Andrus Second: Kirk Andrus Approved: The motion carried, with Jon Lopey abstaining from the vote. 14. Report on Realignment Team for PRCs Offender Population Susan George reported the current caseload includes 55 PRCS, 20 mandatory supervision and 21 active arrest warrants; 4 releases from the State back to the County are anticipated for February. Information on recent PRCS details held in August and October was shared; one new felony resulted from October’s detail. The Realignment Team meets monthly and typically has a service provider or a group offering community resources presenting. George shared positive achievements: one involving a cornea transplant operation that resulted in sight being regained and another wherein a drivers license was obtained. Discussion ensued; a question regarding the impact of Prop 47 on caseloads was raised and further discussion was held on the topic. It was noted that if successful the Proposition would take effect the day following the election. 3 15. Sheriff’s Office Update on Day Reporting Center Programs Allison Giannini provided a DRC programs’ update. As a result of the Board of State Community Corrections visit to the DRC open House event, DRC programs have made changes and initiated evaluations. Program attendance is good and as a result of implementing selection criteria, equine programming now has an 85-90% completion rate. Current programs include: the firewood project, which will provide ½ cord of firewood to vulnerable populations; an expanded assortment of small animals and plans to offer livestock classes. Chief Heie added that the Governor sent BSCC staff and a press secretary to cover the DRC Open House event. While initially skeptical of the horse program, after observing they came away impressed with the efforts. The DRC is now featured on the BSCC website, 1 of only 4 sites to be highlighted. Jennifer Villani shared news that the pilot pre-trial release program will begin December 1st and she will report back to the group. 16. Next Meeting--day/time, agenda items The next CCP meeting date was set for Monday November 17, 2014 at noon Agenda Items: •Community Corrections Partnership Survey •Prop 47 •2013/2014 Annual Plan Update 17. Adjourn A motion was made to adjourn at 1:15 pm. Respectfully submitted: Sandra Collings, Shasta Training and Consulting 4
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