JULY 16, 2014
Introductions and Welcome
Name Change: We will still keep the initials OPG but since the group has
now expanded to more than just prescribers (Opioid Prescribers Group) it
could now be called the Oregon Pain Guidance. A few other ideas were
mentioned including adding group to the end. There will be more
discussion at our next steering committee meeting. No one objected to a
name change.
Back 2 Balance Clinic: This behavioral health support clinic is in the
works as a resource and there will be more information to come.
Peer to Peer: Chronic Pain Support Group is held every Wed. at the
Rogue Valley YMCA in Medford from 3:30 – 5:00. They are interested in
having others speak. If interested please contact Michelle Marikos at
[email protected]
Department of Justice grant: Tonight will be the first joint meeting
between the OPG and our local community justice partners.
 Monty Hollaway from Jackson County Sheriff’s Office presented
information from 2013 on drug offenses and prescription drug overdose.
He agreed there are lots of moving pieces and we need to work together.
 Judge Patricia Crane gave a short presentation on family drug court and
then had two participants tell their stories of how they began to
experience pain, abuse prescription drugs and now attend family drug
 Kevin Walruff with Medford Police Department (MADGE – Medford Area
Drug and Gang Enforcement) gave a presentation on the numbers that
they are seeing of possession of controlled substances. He also let us
know that Hydrocodone and Oxycodone are the two highest prescription
drugs they see on the streets.
 Shane Hagey from Probation and Parole presented and explained how
the parole officers spend lots of time with those in probation and have
access to home visits.
 Other points of discussion: having pharmacists attend OPG meetings,
outreach to pediatricians who prescribe to youth (who could possibly
have a sports injury) and that veterinarians are prescribing high doses of
opioids for animals who have come out of surgery.
Something we can work on together – Jim sent out this email to the OPG:
Colleagues; We had a very successful OPG meeting last night. For those not present, we had over 50
participants, our usual folks plus representatives from local community justice: Sheriff, MPD, District
Attorney, Drug Court, Parole and Probation.
One of the discussion items was how to notify providers when a drug they prescribed ended being
involved in a crime (abuse, sales, diversion, for example). The police and others are willing to try and
provide you with that feedback, but want to be sure that you want that information. We agreed to
reach out to the medical community and compile a list of prescribers who want to be notified by law
enforcement when their controlled substances are involved in criminal activity. Here is what we need:
Your name
A reliable contact phone number
Some assurance that the person receiving the call will accept the information and transmit it to
We need to write something up, run it by our legal counsel, and then see how it works. Please provide
Michele [email protected] the preceding information and let’s get started.