'MEN IN THE NEWS' PROFILES MR. WALTER EVANS EDGE ON THE EDITORIAL PAGE FOLLOW DONOHUE'S SPORTS COMMENT IN'OR SO IT SEEMS' EVERY WEEK ON SPORT PAGE VI)!, XVI, No. 30 WOODBRIDGE, N. ,T., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, \<Xl\ PROM OUR PRICE THREE CENTS FIVE CROSSINGS BANNED BY STATE BOARD FRONT WINDOW $29,000 ALLOTTED I oc.il political wiseacres nre illiriF! « good laugh out of tho (',,.( tliat the Towiiship now has mo ntlorney»i instead of one, II nil seems to be getting into ivin more trouble than before. Along in the recent Dog Days, wlii-n the Taxpayers' Associn,!,,„ w « taking it easy and no „,„; watching tilings, particularly tlio Town Committee manu'C(l '° P11* Assistant Prosecutor 'liunos S. Wight "in the money", ostensibly to look after titles, In connection with tax liens. And this in spite of a positive announcement that Mr. McElroy would do nil tho legal work for $4,000. But * n e Town CommitI,.,, it out to do these little favors for the faithful. TO SCHOOL BOARD; SDRVEYXONTINUES Mr. Wight, of course, knew ,,,,,' <>ihcr worthy party workers immediately found ;iii,| almost elf two assistants. Thus it v.-ili nut be veryy difficult to soon ..•at up the 20 grand, appropriated :!»' current budget with Mr. ;:i;t in view. No doubt it will i-.•.. Receiver Lewis of the ..i N'alional Bank, to learn how ,;,• the party dependents are M looked after, while he is left ,iimr ii bunch of Township ,; that have boon in default •. .'. these many months. Bonds and cash totalling $29,233 wore delivered by Township Treasurer 0. j . Morgenson to the school.'system yesterday for September teacher salaries. But (the Board of Education, through J. IT. Thayer Martin, its counsel, will continue its fipht for a "proportionate share" of the township revenues, it was indicated last nitfht, in pursuance of the unanimous vote of the Board at. its last meeting. Mr. Martin, in the two weeks since he was retained to give legal aid in collecting long overdue funds, has "secured HO me figures and is asking for others," Ernest C. MofTelt, the Board's Finance Chairman said last night. In answer to a direct question, Mr. Moffett said he understood the system has a well .established right to sue the township if the money legally owed it is not paid and added, "If that becomes Death Hazards Which Must Go! MAIN,GREEN,FREEMAN STREETSINCLUDED IN THE ORDER; DEADLINE SEPTEMBER '35; P. R. R.WILL SEEK ISELIN STAY TUESDAY Martin Has Authority To File Suit \l Necessary: Moffett Supreme Court Will Hear Application For Review Of Elimination Decision SALARY FUNDS READY Factory Lane, Valentine't Crossings Must Also Be % j || Made Safe, Rules Commission Township Dream Of No Crossings COLONIA UNMENTIONED Nears A Reality REQUIRE NEW STATION But Larger Problem Of Securing Overdue Monies Remains Three Of Five Grade Crossings IN ROAD'S LEGAL FIGHT 7 Dangerous Spots Within N GREEN STREET PLAN Materials' Increased Cost Boundary Lines Banned Work Begins In December And Employe Pensions This Year By State Under Terms Of Order; To Be Used In Plea Battle By Railroad ' COST SEEN $1,500,000 For A Reversal Is Anticipated Woodbridge Township's Application for a review hopes of some time being The State Board of Public of the order of tho Board of free from the hazard of railState, Must Go. Public Utility Commission- way grade crossings on its Utility Commissioners today ers requiring the Pennsyl- main thoroughfares, are ap- directed the Pennsylvania Top left, Main Railroad to eliminate five vania Railroad to eliminate proaching realization. Inasmuch as the State Utility grade crossings in WoodStreet. Above, its crossing at grade in Ise( niimiitsion it directing the For years, the struggle, to bridge Township. I', rmsylvania Railroad to elimG r e e n Street. lin will probably be made achieve this end has been The order covers: imti' five grade crossings in before the Supreme Court on pursued by civic {croups and muni L e f t , Freeman WuoJbridge, at Green, Main and Freeman Street Tuesday.! cipal officials. In the offices of Fr.nm.-iii Streets and Factory Main Street Street. the Board of Public Utility ComThe Board some time ago Line and Valentine's crossing, Green Street missioners in Trenton repose ii would lie well for the Comdirected elimination of the p e a t stacks of petitions, letters, Factory LfUifi jmtnwcsilth to adopt some manmainline crossings at both individual pleas from tho local ner nf regulating bus and truck Valentine's Crossing. Iselin and Colonia, but the citizenry, all protesting against encroiichments on the transporUnder the order, the railcontinuance of the dangerous conrailroad in the present action tation husincis from which the road is required to begin r.iilroads must earn the million, is merely contesting the or- dition. This year, the Board hns dior more, the improvement is to den, as regarding the former. rected the elimination of seven work on the elimination not cost. It would surprise the What it intends to do about of these crossings. It has neces- later than December of this .ivcrnfje citizen to learn how the Colonia grade has not sarily been influenced by the lack year and it is directed that mucli taxes the railroads are of, State funds and the finanein the projects be completed by compelled to pay, in addition to been indicated. condition of the Pennsylvania (September 1..1935. the plans takinf; care of crossings after Although the Township Railroad reaching a decision I „ „ „ , n j u._ «._ cn-^t-^ in nimrrT n r n n r c tnwn and cities buiid up around the immediate necessity their rights of way. ill DUlMiE.1 riUIULO Brown To Hear Details Oi Siighiiy-Mysier'wus Raid has not been made a party 'egarding 1 Board estimate the improveto the action, Township >f ordering the grades removed. Tomorrow Night; Anderson Says School Board ?rojccl.i of this type involve tho ments will cost in excess of , Counsel Leon E. McElroy xpcmliluTC M.-si's. Larson and Hanson, in of p R sumss and the Strictly Forbids Liquor Of Any Kind stated last night he will ap- Board wns beset on one hand by $1,000,000. sin I'mefront of the Iloll'man van, necessary, Mr. Martin will Committeeman Asserts Tax The action resulted front -.'.•:il gain little or no advantage by of course have that author.he determination to promote pubply to the court for permisRate For Next Year :i.;iling Ex-Governor Kdgo to the ity." ic safety and on the other by its an application by the TownWILLIAM HANSEN HELD_AS THE BARTENDER sion to participate in the ari.'iipaign council, Mr. Edge has esponsibility to the State and the ship to the Board on FebruWon't Take Leap The salary funds delivergument. •••• i! on the public payroll so long ompany. askinp; that the cross•Even the Hopelawn Republican Club means nothing ed yesterday included $1,193 ;:i;i: the party workers nre apt to In addition to seeking re- Under the present laws, New 1 DRAFTS AjSTATEMENT to the widely-travelled and exceedingly efficient sleuths !:11i!-. he'd like to get back again,<(:in " cash and $28,130 in lief from the order in the Jersey and the railroad whose ings which have exacted a ii -nun' capacity. And the rather bonds. Mr. Moflfett said last working for D. Frederick Burnett, State Lkiuor Cominis- State courts, it is understood tracks arc ipvolvod, will divide the tremendous c toll' ins life and It was, so it seems, ii great coat equally. It is estimated that inni-ing report that 'Mr: Hoff- night he did not approve of sioner. that the railroad- is contem- nearly $1,5:00,000 will be repre- property damage be elimin| .nan, if elected, proposes to ap- paying the teachers and oth- big mistake. Leon E. McSlroy, t.,. Staggering as .the. announcement, may be, it's true plating- injecting a Federal sented in thft work of elimination ated. point Ex-Governor Larson to the enough, as Acting Recorder Brown will hear tomorrow that the Commissioners have mnp- Township Counsel, repre- "' Harry M. Gents, Chair- night. Highway Commission is not likely er school employes almost issue into its caseso that it Mr. Brown is to be told the" • ed out. sented the municipality. to meet with any widespread ac- entirely in bonds as he "real- man of the Finance Commit- details of the raid conducted last will be enabled !o'")fijrht the Deaths Spur Action i claim. Moiv harm than pood is izes the tremendous hard- tee of the Township Commit- Saturday upon the Grand Old A concerted move toward order also through the New impetus was given the ship, both in the Av).y of tee, hastens to make it Party's dance in the Hopelawn fsti'T to conic M|' this. the end which will be movement seeking the end of the United States Courts, even higher prices, red u m i real School. Said dance, Commissioner Sleuths from the office of ! income and personal incon- known that the information given Burnett's office will charge, was to the highest tribunal in the "death crossings" when early this achieved eventually under year Miss Harriett Short, socially he order, came as the result newspapers last week regard ing State Liquor Commissioner land. considerably enlivened by the nrominent school girl, wns killed f the tragic death of Miss Burnett arc as careless an Chief jvciiiencc" the practice in— the necessity for including about sale, in the school, of beer. The Insists Colonia Work :md later, Lewis E. Potter lost his Ho $125,000 in next year's budget to beer was drawn by one William WMs}., of iho local police, when jfliets on tho teachers. larriett Short, popular first (Continued on page 8) Meanwhile, John Bernit comes to pulling places sup- iindicated part of Mr. Mar- cover deficiencies neglected this llansen, 23, of 02 Howard street, ERA, Relief Cases, Health, ear student at the New Jer- ' liostMi to he "immune". Those !tin's survey of the situation hard, counsel for the Board, Hopelawn. And jiist no One inyear was in error. ey for Women, who Utility Boards Reach Newark hird* swooped down, volved in the affair at all had a stated in view of the fact Health Board Announces wasCollege There is, he continues, no lieensc. . struck by an express the other night, on no lesi an is devoted to determining J that the Pennsylvania has An Understanding Garbage Schedule Change rain. outfit than the Hopelawn Re- whal portion of tho tfnvn- atisc for fear of a jump in the Louis Lippitt, working out of .aken no action regarding publican Cluh, in the district of • ship's e;y$i tax collections KIT) tax rate. Mr. Gems is a 7 Deaths Cited andidutc for re-election. the Newark ABC oflice, was the Misunderstanding, if such he Colonia crossing that he ComiiiitU'iMnan Madia on—where 'arc turned over to tin,1 The Board'of Health anThe story, as unfolded last m;in who, in the jargon of the t was, among the MiddleIn its decision, the Board raids arc taboo. It was in that nounces that starting next vould insist that the order veek, was that the auditors had trade, 'knocked olf llansen and pointed out that since Aug. "mo section the Chief "got in Hoard. week, only one garbage colnfoimed the Committee when il the half-barrel of beer. At the ar- iex Water Company, the equirements be carried out. G, 1916, three persons were lection will be made in Woodwrong", by acting without I Voters Approve Budget .as preparing the budget that all raignment before Judge Brown, Emergency Relief Adminisbridge proper ami that, on ''ipt'iitting" to Mr. Madison i Mr. Moffett further made deficiencies would be covered if a postponement of a week was or- ration and its clients, the f this attitude is maintained, killed at the Avenel Street he project should start Mondays. first, Sympathy goes out to jtht; point that not only does Jd 35,000 were included. When dered and Hanson released in the rossing; since December 21, 3oard of Health, the Town(Continued on page 8) On Labor Day, when the the StaU'^CommiBiioner, whom he li)33 audit was finished, some custody of his counsel,. Parker E. ihip Committee and the State (Continued on page 8) 1933, three lost their lives garbage collectors got a day thi' Second Ward repreientativc jf the administration's fiscal ex- Nielsen, the attorney to the local Board of Public Utility Commisat Green, Street and on May off, the fact was kept u secret will doubtless attempt to remove erts figured that this sum was Board of Health. 3 More Dog-Tags Are Sold; with the result that practisioners seems to have been dissifruni office. The Chief must be 9, 1925, one person was killfl^a.OOO shy and decided that The Gossips Work Out everyone put out their : fjettinf; a great "kick" out of Why? How? It's A Problem cally mount would have to be taken up ed at Main Street. Since the party was exclusively, pated. refuse as was their wont and this one. Parker Nielsen, counsel for tho .)y the taxpayers next year. a Republican affair, the township's The Township's applicait stayed to decorate their You may not believe it at But, says Mrs. Cijenis, that i.s not best. gossips will assume you tho Board of Health, wrote to the front curb for three days. tion, in addition to the five first, but Township Clerk B. so. Whoeveri said there was a information on which Lippitt act\Vh:,t ho! We have an Ad from WTiich, Gays GERNS DENIES TALE ABC Agent Finds Beer In School OF $125,000 ERROR At Hopelawn Republicans' Dance WATER CO. TANGLE APPEARSJETTLED Truck-Car Collision Delays Traffic Here ie H'-alth Department. They're _ '•'•"iring the garbage collection! " , • aL'aiii and apuarentlv p pprefer I $ 1 0 0 D a m a g e E s t i m a t e d In householders w i s e So, Amboy Avenue Crash; •"!••• publishing the notiro.in Police Week Busy Independent, wiioro evcryy'll sec it. Therefore the inforDamage crftimated it $100 to a •I'li, appearing on page 8 t>f '•••'-w\ will not be, kept .secret, car driven by Ernest Nelson, Ii), !iiii|)i'iied once before—when of Amboy avenue, resulted last • Independent was overlooked. night from an accident at Main M'riinir the municipality wants trcet and Amboy avenue which 'i'upto to know about must, of bstructcd traffic for some min•• iiy, appear in these columns. tes. Nelson was driving the mahine, owned by his father, across <Wold friend, the N. R. A. is Vmboy uvi'iiue when it wns struck y a heavy truck, driven by Cliar«"t Joint! so well these days. In es B. Allen, of.i>H Kearney street fid the fJcw Dealers and Brain Tnistcrs have finally up-rooted Ceyport. d'lm-riil Johnson, after every.'.... ; " " as usual, engagei body el ae |,a(J tongr since dishe attention of tlie police in nios tuvi-ri-d that the Rosh darn I' the other cases entered on the imii; wouldn't work. loiter J during; the week. Twc vhere i stolen cars wore foum: ibandoned, one on Maple street II vet we've had no reaction ridge, on Tuesday, and an rither the County or State Monday at Florida Grovi ("•lief authorities as a result of (Continued on page 8) recent investigation of reportn'rcL'ularitics in the (Wiiod'li'e oH'icc. Director (!ernnii"o i* '.IPHI'SS re-reading tho , official iiirt which lie lias bei'iv iholdiiiK Or | ; or more, Hiis remind* u» of the prom' 1 ' Traffic Ordinance, variously referred to n» b«'nR, nrfi 1 '"'!; about to be presented! l '\ rourse of expert conijilera*""i; tcmnorarily pottponed and '"• If in order, and the '' Committee will i>ot «"t "'f'-Mded, we might ineiuire u "i if there is any new ex*'|s<! for further delaying a •"'alter so important. t mistake, made a mistake and ed came from no one else than the (Continued on page 8) shouldn't have said anything to the newspapers about it in the irst place. b No Date For Touhy Trial Mr. Gems' Statement Explanation of why it was a Says Prosecutor's Office mistake is contained in the following statement by Mr.j Gems. No date has been set fffr 'The report relating to the the trial of Mrs. Daisy ffouhy necessity for including ?12-1,!131.and. Fred Huber in thef ERA 52 in the 1935 budget was in erfood slip scandal here, the ror. The auditors set up as reProsecutor's office said in gards deficiencies the sum of New Brunswick yesterday. $259,257.71 before the budget Mrs. Touhy has been indicted was made up and the auditors on four counts, Huber on one. made known this amount as it apIn Perth Amboy, Everett peared then and which was placed Ryno, acting1 County Execuin the 1334 budget after being tive, said that P. N". Geroijichocked by Mr. Price. nm, on vacation, is studying "In the budget, $i:U,:i2f..7il the report of the investigawas placed under deferred items tion into the Woodbridgeand to this should have been adCurteret relief bureau and ded an item of interest, deficiency will probably issue the longknown as Budget Item No. 29, or awaited final statement fixing $7-l,8i)8,«7, making n total of responsibility for the situa?201),224.40. tion when he returns to his "The auditors in their report desk. (Continued on naire Madison IsStrictly On His Own In Campaign For Re-Election, Boys In The Back Room Declare 1 M«ybe it 1 , only rumor 9,064 in the present " T u ' r . h a boy. ia the bach roc, have de- elded that Howard Madi.on, know., to hit mtt, I V quote red unquote, i. due for the .kid. U Ilectiou now imminent and becoming im• - - „ by the minute. Madi.on. or quote red Mr. Joltn Ha«»ey representing 1 ""'f Walsh, of the Police ]"><•'•oiient, i» still "one up" on tihe w '.'i Committee. Rumored secret i||| l "l 'M 'd: these statesmen witl: |1 1 ' '" Pelernen, by which tin ll ''; was ix'rmitted. it is said. t< "am on the navroll for a time 'limit tlm iu ,blic Itnowinir mry>'.u- iibout it, (fives the Chief ai ll|1| l advantage over UIOHO who u ™t to oust him. And it alsc •'•'H the wiso ones, generally, »"ht r ' .Kooii laugh at the Towi , puffed witb pride, »'"|tt, it •«.«,, (or Ugal uktttri; l o j b t? t both .ho.eV.tion.. 1 ! *l»t ii rfl.W.K. . not-nuit. *le«r. So far . . I k . eting. of tho committee are concerned. ful. There have been, so the story goes, some stormy sessions in private but tq the naked eys, nothing, untoward has been allowed to get in evidence. > ( A few meetings ago, to be sure, Mayor August F. Greiner became a little impatient at one cj.f Mr. MudUon's suggestions "to do something" about something. • : "Wbut," said the Mayor, "do you propose that we do?" There apparently wasn't anything concrete in the way of an iden about the matter at hand, and Mr. Madison thought the "Committee a. a Whole," should have the suggestion. "But you," taunted the Mayor, "are the one who brought (he thing up in the first place." No significance, of course, may attach to this little colloquy. But it at least was raw material for the rumor factory and from there the machine* have been working overtime, fed at interval, with hushed words nf reprisal for something or other on the part of this colleague or that, a. campaign talk progressed. Mr. Madison', principal mentor., sponsors mid champion, are not at all concerned with the alleged situa ion. They laugh it off, jeer at the Jhought of il. But they, even, admit confidentially that some fallow by the name of Alexander who i* opposing Madison', bid for re-election i. a .well guy and "a strong candidate." Utility Commissioners, protesting that because of the lack of watein some indigent homes' around the Township he feared tljat an unsanitary condition would develop and in its wake, sickness or some other consequence. While this letter was in th mails, Mr. John Hassey, co-representative of the Second Ward oi the Township Committee, report ed dire tales of the alleged highhanded manner in which the water company was handling re(io clients. He made the rather no table suggestion that "somethingbe done about it." ' Commissioners Draw A Blank But by this time, the Utililj board had received Mr. Nielsen1;; letter and pi\t its sleuths on the trail. They found, apparently, little or nothing and' so informed Mr. Nielsen. • The Water Company pointed out that there had been something' of a" misunderstanding with the Emergency Relief officials regarding the payment of billa for those who had no funds to-finance their own water rent. Nothing important, it seems, and something which- could be easily settled. The jompany further puinted out that contrary to an impression which had gained some prominence, it did not turn off water in any home where there was sickness. They only asked that when such an ex cuse was offered its substance be determined by the health officials. In any event, there* seems to have been little purpose in all the letters, in Mr. Hassey's harangue and his idea of doing "something about it." Except, possibly, that it was political. NEWS INDEX Churclr News Pago 4 Society Newt Pi>K° 4 Woman's Features .... Page 12 Sports Page IS Editorial* • Pane 9 Theatre* .'.'. Page 7 Sewareu Ncwi Page Z Iselin News Page 2 Ford. News Page 10 Avenel News Puge 3 Port Reading New* .... Page S Colonia Newa • Page 3 Hopelawn News ....... Page 13 Kaubey Newt Page 13 RariUn Twn. Ntw» ,,,. Page 11 J. Dunigan has sold three more dog licenses. Since the attempt to regulate the dog situation on the loose dog, unowned dog, unfed dog, and vicious dog fronts hasjcompletely collapsed, the only explanation for the purchase of f/he throe tags seems to be a publicspirited desire to contribute the fee of one dollar per coipy to the sorely-taxed public treasury, Mrs. Irene Pfoiffer, 109 Lockwood avenue, bought two of the tag^-—one, for Joe and the other for Tim, both dogs 2 [years old. Mrs. Margaret Cook, of Porsiiing and Correja avenues, Iselin, acquired the other license, for Rover, also a two-year-old. 3 Couples Obtain Licenses From Dunigan This Week Throe marriage licenses were issued during the week. They were obtained by John Kovach, Throo[i avenue, Avenel, and Henniniu Kutcher, Keasbey Heights; by Joseph Magyar, Turtle Brook Hoad, Port. Reading, and Mary Chcrvenak, lil Marion'Street, Haguinun Heights, and by Andrew Karkas, 2G Hudson street, Carterct, and Annie Yovanovils, Larch Street, Avenel. Township Clerk, B. J. Dunigan issued tlm licenses. Eaton Announces Exams For Academy Candidates Congressman Charles A. Eaton, Fifth District, announces ho will hold a Civil Service competitive examination on October 20th to determine the nomination for his appointment to West IPpint Military Academy next year. Applicants desiring to compete must be bona fido residents of the Fifth District, between the agea of 17 and 22 at date of admission. Letter's of application should be uddresaed to tho Congressman at Box 126, Plainiield, N. J. not later than September 29Uh, ou receipt of which candidates will be furnished detailed information, There is no secret this time. Garbage, instead of beiiiK collected on Mondays atul^ Thursdays, will only be taken up on Mondays. So if you put it out on Thursday, the joke will be on you. The complete township collection schedule will be found on page 8. (Continued on page 8) Tomorrow's The Night! Daylight Saving Time ends, officially at 2 a. m. Sundayl1 The easiest thing to dp about it is to set your clocks back one hour tomorrow" night. 60-Year Old Amateur Pilot Gets Unexpected Aid After Crash Here phian found the take-off would require jcareful handling to prevent slippirig down into yawning gaps on both sides of his path. He stayed jn the ' straight a n d ' narrow, well enough, but devoted so much time to that end of tihe , that he didn't see a large picked Woodbridge Township as business tree looming in front of him until the scene of his crash. it WHS too late. Tlie distinctly unusual circumBy that time, the plane was stance that the township police some 50 feet in the air and alforce includes in Sergeant George though Scarborough tried desperHulint n crack flyer with a parti- ately to miss it, his right wing tipcular sympathy for grounded avia- ped the top of the tree with tors should save Melvyn Scarbor- enough force to send the ship into ough, GO, of 2000 Spring Garden a dizzy spin from which it finally Street, Philadelphia, the agony of fluttered down to the clay below. discovering an already damaged It hit with a solid smack and thephi n (i dismantled by thieves, bespectacled pilot rapped his head whether of the collector or of the against the instrument panel. His business type. glasses shattered and'his forehead ' It all happened Wednesday af- was cut. ternoon. Sca|;orough is a retired Plane III Bail Shape :ley;i(.oi' engVj'iur who has been The plane was in bad siluvpe. lying since WV.l in an old model The main struts in both- wiii"s wo-cylinder rtfehine. Wednesday iroke, the fuselage bent, the lande decided to&rift across New .ntf gear folded a bit and all, in ersey up to Asbury Park, look ill, it was rather* a sad spectacle, iver the hulk of Morro Castle with every guarantee that the Lhere and take some pictures from minute the ship was left unguardthe air. ed, it would be well stripped by So he started out bravely ambjtious souvenir-seekers. , enough. But when his instrument Under tlie circumstances, Sqrboard informed him he certainly u eant Balint felt a brotherly gesought to have arrived over his ture was indicated. ISo iie supershore objective, ho discovered he vised taking off the plane's wings, was lost. So Mr. Scarborough did folding them into a truck and towthe obvious and the sensible tilling ing the fuselage off to tho former. —he landed to find out juiit what Fords plant of the Pacer Airplane part of the country 4ie was visit- Co., in Which Balint i£as once Inr terested. . ing. Thoit) Clay Banks Scarborough was treated by pr. The spot lie selected was in the S. W. Fox. Ualint hazarded the' clay banks near Metuchen avenue. opinion yesterday Uhat if tUwt.fiQr It was a narrow strip Scarbor- year-old amateur navigator had ' " ough had for a,runway and, lifter not 'been gearing g j ' learning the direction in which would have come outftf His plane wreqked in a strange town 70 miles from home, a rather aged Philadelphian whose i hobby is aviation : can congratulate himself this morning1 that he Asbury° Park lay,, the Philadel-' up unhurt FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER28,1934 COLLUM'S GREA Brings You Th<? Years Lowest rnces On High Grade, Quality Furniture I LIVING ROOM SUITES! , Avenue anfl we moving to their inew home on Harding Avemw —Harry "pWher — — . _1L oTSilMsr ^S O i l » _ Avei. June, L. Hayes and T. JwviB, . ,, v... Scout ^,. vl •from out of town, motored to Or- Wo«dbridg« wroper, -anpeburf Thursday, irfierc they «iI• with tftoe Mine MUa Lil n By MARGARET POGYE1SA —John W«11BM Britton, fow- Trimty l*ne, a s the ( mtmth-ol<I Bon of Mr. awi Mm. leader. At ppeaent two mei"-have been held with twelv* mi, 'George 'George Britton, Britton, oof Sonera Avenue, here in attendance. They t,* pending t perABIES' AUXQJARY iin at t home h m e after per after spending G1RL5 SODALITY NAMES planned a c « d jwrty to t t V ^ •OKSORS CARD PARTY iod of time in St. «t«r'f Hospital 1 MISS MA.RV MeCANK New Bi Brunswick under d doctor 1 ! in the near itrtnne when dw* ^ 1 The ctfrd iMrtr held place will be announced l a w •i? 5ar>dalitv of fit •j- OJ ttit \ e«:rB.iii> |(;Brt t hum; heic their first i on F-ridcr was e Hcharie? Lambert, J«»n Kontin. ?easnr lirniday —Little Miw Joan Mtf>, ley Koneski Kon d Walter and t*. J* . eski, Stanley most*. o: :-tv. Parisr Hall. N e v motored to EJizabeth Church Btreet ha* been \]\\: ,*;;T RonetK Th<- -• - ~. oioptw fn- thf eonv. scorers of tnTVenrap ^ d n e s d p y . where ttiey were home for ttie pant several w ,.i • ' (were: • ' • „ inF.-V!.ar..:.1TbM_ M*torti B d ; rt ^ h^H^horoe,. o r o e . of of v w i w . ^ . le; • Akx-Cwifitaltv JKiR—j^rt,, Bt ; Ro»d, ha« been spendm? nrMw *!«" SliVanir. •• . Brown. Mrs. Aunt Davis; * Harry Fisher, Kich&rd Snoht, weeks at Ship Bottom, K. ,i TinTCiu-c Bovlar;: sec- BJV.E.n:Janice. neir. . Janice. .Mr. .Mr. A. A. Janke. Janke. Anne Anne E<i E<iWWBni Katen, Alfred Katen, M will return nMct week. JJoscarelh: Viekaio. . Donnellj, jiKha*. LoaiB LoaiB Fsber Fsberan anfl Steyt Donnellj-, Frank . i VBfc Steyt Donnellj- Frank fci jiKha* Marfmret Pop- •feaj aioMnrr ood. menAere of AAiance; Bilcii c c,.nrpe Wood. of the —Miss IlUdwd Biwers,K returned U veni. Chapter, Order De Anns AndTBhatich: M M^ r j c a i i Chapter De Mo- dale , Aywue, K. T., t e Mtumt hw r'.' " 1'iaiv' v e r r h c f u r . j m , t I ttende e - ] 8 T m „ „d b i d,.-, attended onpneiti, ^iis. ; Mr. and Mns. Wflliaiii }.•. jr.v,-. <>!. ,T'o-:y. .-or, irrltationa., »T- a n i . Mrs.J Sitier. »dun«-;iii -Elizabeft sgiven - .-. /• •' ,dun« in -jpuzni/cm ^ v " by -•-thfc - • -uhd. flallgiiter ,, . . j i t . , . MMary » _ Limn", < B r tr JK h«ir.'pr.;N<"remher'-.-a: anii. airs." IU^ICV. W T ' a r . n Bali Si-,,'coniimttefir: cr.arr- < , ">• "-m aflat an. I>eeora:inr. iiif-' shairma?;.. Liliiar . -....— r - - - . , "",;«'"Cobk: TefTesb*, " • • •„„„», _ - . - M \""\~~" J ehatfr h«t,' Prani MajMMirea,... Marie> i n t ;r"ftm at; cneretioii. mail. J5c!«:' Eoimsar.: men: R f " v J i o l t a e t Lili)ar: Sfciw sni;. EsiaMtt.. Be?h'ntirm iPnkt, Mar?- Vai" b*fliteS-"E. "&£fr orc,; Jin-tnt Antieraeu and Mir. imr 'tht1 p y«arr> of apr 07- 3ios* p r k W : — jhavfr. entersc hi?! school ait- eiiMRS BOSTOCK B0STES5 1 • By R U T H F O S T E H ' ; Flans Vert- ii«o'iWt to holfl AT A'PART) ' PHONEd toihth *'•] 4 C L i F F r 0AI) Cock 'K her. hon,^ ^ jerrniinp year,., anton?' -whisk are tte, Ko«rict 1 1 Prickr eve'ninc. o i i f k ATBriae Pricky evehmp.. 1 , ,) dance? ;t in heic onr* « monti . MISSES S M I T H , FOSTER Carts were played and higr. isooreF. M R S B O O A N GIVES |'the Parish Hall. M A K E H I G H SCORES weTE mad* bv: Mrs. Anna B O ^ - J - J J - ^ BRIDGE LESKW :v .fin-ware JSlliott, JWHOU., «ETC toek. Mrs...Edward MTE. J . Thomas Z«*tlemoyer of T h t Bewnren GiriV B r i a n ' -, REHEARSALS START Bem ami Miss Audrey ~ . Avenue was noatew t o t h e m e t M o n a a j wrejunj at i\n }•••„ ihar FOR ISELIN' MINIETREL •ns. 7 'sJror«n B-idr* Ctab'lart Wed- of MiwsBewriyandKbr.it v;.: Rehearsal* hftvi- befrnt ior « Bem Tin pnests mcludid:'Mr. and " e g d _ T B-'M'nowE e t her how*.! C«l of B w t JVWBM. HiFc h-. . - , .minrcre'. tr bf piver. by "the Fiis: ._r&. Edwwc Elliots of Ctek T r e - ' . j t o B o b c - t ' T . B t j p u n rf Frank-1»«« made l y Mi» t n iPre.=pyteriar Shurefc of lualit. ' Tht c»-T includes: Mr. Paintor. IHenTT B'uirr. Mrs. Garfield Gro-,, p_fcins»rurt«d" tht members i SinrtnftMX I K Enty, ,n 8 final lessor, rf contract bridge. ^ p ^ S S ^ ^ J ™ * " Mrs: LuL. Mrs. Eoch. Xrs. Jer- MTS.'Henry Biair. Mi& Garneiri "*Mrs. C. rolamreifc. Mr&. GropnT,. Misf JlarpBre: ..lardint. The . merabm prewnt wm: Mr^ Clifford!•*«««. .Vi_ Winkler. Mis. K< Mrs Gharie.- Bem, Km. Herman Mn.-Thom» A. Vincent, Mrs.: butrbarr Mw Safch^,.. na.^.-.-m.p,— .- F-red J Adams. Mrs. A. W. and Mtw Jean Tnerpes-.T • ce'.. E^e'iyr. &jaen. Aniti Peres. Has. llrs. Stallrnfri. Mrs. W. Bny Eveirr. Letw-y«r, Mary Muizer der. Mr. anc Mrs. Tilsor. HoineE. S ( . n e j d t M r 6 somufi j , H*nry, .Avenue-; MBBCT Montt :,' Mis Audrey Ber.r and MTE. Airne „"„ Harold P Hu^den. Mrs. T. Beveriy Coil, and Mw •":;. Derntcy Shoef?-.. Annt •Bonnet-Howell, Mrs. CharleV Deber l b s . ; »°r. <tf v E** A v e n u e ; , r Vjviar. LaVipna. Mr. Dudley A buRe: •snntxrr vas served tc T i l o n u l E iettiemoyer, Mrs, T » t e : Fister W C j i i r Bowl; itor. Ciifforc Painter. Bnb . 1 1 _ j ^ ^ j g a n d Mrs.'Morrison Chris- • Kaipn Conrwi 01JBetu-.!Lloyd Becker. Mr. Sbdem. Mr. ai: after nw care pimes. Plan*, wer« tnadf tc hold xne r i e rf s ^ - a r e c AJBC John F. i • Tne next me^tintr v a :Bair.. Mr.-Lul".. .'iohc Cmnsti. Otte at Eruper. Mr. Blair and ilr. Neary n e n me«inr n; thf homt of Mr. p r a r . „/ Woodbridpe: Mrs. A. F . ' nicmc on SundBJ-, Or.••.,Edwarii Ellin- of Oat g o f l e W o f p e r t h Aniboy; and Mrs. the , summer cattapt • Gennrt- Whitf ui Eahwer ii and Mrs. 1 ' j m ^ Harditnan of Roselle. ! Katenne 8»1», at i\tv; r. •with thi- assist- 'Tree. achiF 1 The ner. hnietinp vail be at the tne-Se,a. i ail'. piaiit ^t of Mr?,. M Eiai FlKE COMPANY Mm Uward ISELIN ITEMS • DOINGS IN SEWAREN. ii • PLANS A DANCE YOU'LL be m o d pleased with the designs and tht choice of coverings. AD tht new ideas are veil represented. These line suite* will modernize your home anrj makt it charming and iirahk. Many suites are priced at less ss than hall regular figures. Come while the as sortment is complete. C Special 3 Pc. Bed Outfits Every One the Season Lowest BED COIL SPRING and MATTRESS <* • - ' . ! ! ^ t ^Sr. T e t a f e U - ^P-CRcF" Tut- Iselii: A olunteerFixf Cinr.- -,H;T ]t,_ MEET AT. CLUB WOMEN'S Ci.OJ1. CLUB iiiy D: Hardinc Avenue is holtThe Sewaren I. HOLDS FIRST MEETIftG inp't Ballo-K-f'eii danct or. Saturj j ra n t j j i r e £ O bert T, Bc>- Ins.. met Tuaadar cviT.:r;j- a Tin ?'pni«r..:f Eepublicas Clu. day mehi, October 27. a t thtn n n .-their family of Prwik--Motor final I3nb..Frar.u o:_hciir. h«ic their i r s : refrain trdiur Avt'nut FrrenouFfe. -j ]r , p B ^ . w e r e the Sunday puefit* ven- madt l o r tat CBHIJH ; niff'tiiif' JIT :h; liepuhiiait: h ; h i? tr hf t masnueradt danpfdanpf y / ji^'Btipan'f parenw. Mr. and wore made l o a t h e can;;it.i: fi :::;rr'2r> "r. Oak Tret- Road or Eefre^imer-.i .. 7ir:r.ej for tiit mos; iieautifui MoTnier witr Mrs. Harold 31 nun- ana funnies: eostumt. Entcrtairnerved. cey presiding. Mrs •TDKOTL Fhjchr —The Third Ward T\-:: _,v ir , suet, fo-n:? WBJ apnninted sneia; chniriacy fnr msn; Iiemucratic Associatior ir.t: ] . *•:'.: ,„..„„.-„. ,dp-v,-em a t ojieratioii bureaus, cour.ry ur rnf onsiiinfr t'r.rw mumhf wizi dey evening- at t i e Por; -[a y Mr;-.. Mutter. Mr?.. Las;ti anc Mrj,. HtadgnaneM -srhere :>.ty ; dourhnuts. viL ksoic p ^ " " " . , o s ] 1 appie-.. Valker assistinr tier. -.nt LT.:I'( pvemnjr. _ M . . , a ! K , j l r s A F r c n i . j ^ , . p:KW; for £ tETC pETtJ' V. l-i j I". v:as deiidec it hold -vinter ilil. ?f E ' 1 * ' ^VrtTntf- KIlfTlt 5ilItl<il:T Tufefccay erecinir. Oclobtr. ; S.rt. McrriKir! Cfcris:;t -.:' Wt..-; MRS. CLIFTON ENTERTAINS v:r.r. t'ri'jndr1 ir. Mapirvnirti. niemiie-s. Thf- Tier, -meetinp wil". BRIDGE CLUE —Tne-t will' til' u cure unrry Avfr-^t at rtnera! c'r.a::-".;.- '•' St- htii. nr. MontU'.y a-. tv.rr r'einct Mri V/crret. "::":(T tir.trtair- u- :tif Sfwarei. Land i'.nc T-'svr tit- t ? t i r . a: ;':>.•. tmnit o: Mrs .loseiir. Fiichs pc tin Tutsacy Afteni'icr. —Tr.t T i i r i Ward *V ;,rr.,.-r.'j uiri "!;::• ^omiirrw fveriinr :"D' vr.iii. _. or. Ciiii. " ~ r i I.ojiC rl^:i;.!.iictr. Af-iKiatios !r.K We > Ciu-i- i ; ii'jr imn'.t Tii'.-saty nr,-'- .,,,_„-, - ,, ),,.„,. ,„ I'jan.- ver-. m;idi n iioic ET. af- nunr.. nEV a j , . - tfcesiEy r « r r _ ^ ? t ; ihe Avoirl teninn!. rt.-£. -party or. t h t ias: Stii :•!•;. Triost i n .l UVlL'llti. Vt-uiic-sc:;:- o: eacr. moD:r.. Tht —Miss. ICery Cor^tarioe C!trk ChnrifiF riuror>-.:ir.!., —11:-. anc ^IrK trsr -.7U-C na-r; v-il! in htjic CT the-Walter, i l r ?nrpt- 'Wilder, .M;;; :'f C-i? fioa-d hsi as her weokvt! 1 or '''.if1 ILoac; honii i-:' Mrs. A. NelfW. of Berk- Jr.. M - . *iid piest. Sist Hiif! Dayre '.-i ?:• tnri Mrs-. Vi.'rei: ?0VC"il. ilCTf t". t!li GrsyesEistiiPtr. vh;- frrrfriy reeiiv,! CnavifK 5ir:--Ty.nr.. T."i±'- Lii:t. X T. :i-:;',!- :t>; t:it- mr'n-.!?' MR AND MRS JA.NKE —."!..!.! Prefer cf East Av>'snnien:^ v-;:- -fT'/t srnrt. ENTERTAIN SOCIETY •:;;«- VTI;, wtf hurt recently by ^ •trc: ranit i-v thi Sir tnc i i r i . Annar V( K - I ; -.r-r^Ity <-ir which overSordnir .--•••emit- «r.tsraiinec T.'j-Ti{'[ r.;; i.'jt'.-r^'ir.e a rapi'.i:y —I»T a n c Mrs ." nuniits- n:* mcniiver- t>:" riif rvsn . i REPUBLICAN WOMEN Si<Vft limit; 7-;-.-.'iit;;.^niaii-jiTiHlri''RT 5-n"!:-"'.- n:r . " ^ J5P0NS0R CARD PARTT M:. _ .-; ir, Dili IliiiiL y iidit a: t i ^ r , unnit or. """ (V=rr-:r. C?.J • Tnt Vomer.'i- Ilrmiblieur Chit n^ifi 'oi 1c' <-''•;\:~i:. •ri'.T.i; ; rsu::;.- ev.jr.;r.p. heic E ca-ci narty "Wednesday zSWnis'iov n: liir 1 a. fiirniery Thosi pre?er.: vart- Mrs E. tenioor. a; tht- »nnn of Mrs,. Arriien iirs A. Haus^hiid. Mrs. thur N els oi.. ilrs. i hi. r*ff:ifi:r .To?et)h rii'jR>. Air= .-.r.nt Ti ^hc msmiicrF present verf: Mr:-,, ^ Eas Avcniif- hwl :i.L ui'.:n T- F.rehier. E 'Veickert A: raUlr i?" n "- ; F""-'K- K r s - • l o h l ! H l i 1 '- M r s ' puestF las' Friday Mr. MIL Mrs .lankfc. Mrs, ArtiiuT >lai:i:t.""* '•'• a l ' c Inaroit Sinuncty. Dnmthy Sh»hfi. ."ioim 0. Elmt o: Buyuiitif.. f!>-n-y . !alrt T, Mc~pr.sfiT.. Mr;,. Jnlinson. orly of W(Kidliritifi Avt-nix- fiwtt r oil Ile.r.!>et>. IKTK •crrest- :^_j Sn'ohf;. Mrs. ria^iu't- Bower, run. Ilai;t;t. !•:' r y ' ' f : no^ea-J MTS> A j i 6 r j,vj-(i;, Mrs. Myers, —Mr. tile Mrs., .lanics C.i.i*Tii' iV-; Lpr- CSiTistensen. (if Wdddbrruff Avs-mi<' lu.^t Ui• :' is:.' tv^junjr at tn< .Min,'. : .isi Mrs. Fred "Wuiker. Mrs. nount'cd tin- t-iipitp-f-nn-iii r GERMAN-AMERICANS imi.lankf:. Mr?. Genrsjc ii". Ia;ti Foster of Clif L',^:i d*u{riii.t'v, Eniilit- "i.t'tmnri. " 1 PLAN PART . WEDNESDAY rids'.- ,Mrf Gi'orev Tiirti'r Mrs•• t.or B. Kiirni:cvs!:i. .Ir.. r-f Ciirtt—Mr. und Sirs ET.LL.,-. ; TutCTOTmsiii-Anicrijai. S r Mrs. IJL^ ( 1 . -( tilt- puesu ni M" !.'• ?:y s.r( lunchiip - "Jirc pany on Edwart; T a a s a h t Mr>. -\!i;f7(>r. ti juir. i t c i f of ciif j ; 'ilic Hineffliiy i.: tin- Isehu Puhlic I Mrs. W e i e k e n . Mr.- Hai:s;'hild. • .Mr. 'an;: ASi iur.sjij; if Mrs. I > E ' " I ^ J ; arary or. Ciuh Tri'i- Uoac. Mrs. Genr?e Bennt't- . ; a l u j j ] , . . ilT1() j ; r s . H. Ji. CVmri —I>ivit; Balfftur cif l>- -' Tm i'lininiir.rt- n: .Mrs. 'WeiekA k c M r s . OTonii'ir Mrs. B . ClilT Ilnad visiicd Mr. atiu i mi ha.-, rt'tnrncc u I'- ;, fhjuriiuiy. Mr.--. Anns Iwvif. B r e e n . M r s . Baltw-t-^ni.. ^ ! - s . ,lr.- williuti-. Matriu-w? hf lr\-iiif •ersitv, rrtvideiKr: '• anc M-~- Biu-Kttr. ^.-iw1 rnt c(-nncratinr r tin- memtu'r.- r.- tht ,st- Mrs. Kerlinp, !.!• Aexy. :? v o r b n p (ii'.tpent.'y anc Tht- hish scorer? vt-n| Fiii Tnr,, fai:h:. .l:y. Mutzer and Mrs. Snusi-hihi: re, Mrs, MaTTi-ns-ur.. ' WTS. HELEN \'ARAKAY Shohfi. Dorothy Shnhf. yrs'..Frci»ENTERTAINS CLUE atid Mrs. Wilker; .iiinnt-nk, J1K. Mis? Helen ertter- .Taiike, I f e . MtLnch'.ii;. Mrs. Wiltamed. Sm member? o: tn< Grri?" liam . Brecn, Mrs". NiHins. Mrs. Brittst Oiut< Mowisy. ovtronp ai Bell and MTS. Tnussai:;.' nc honit- nr. Oafc Tret- Fuiac Mrs.. O'CShhUr \t-or. the dark Her quests o: thf pvenin? horse prize. Avert-: FJvt Martin, Virpinft Ancti:ii. Anr. Hunter. Marirare: ,lol!y. ... „-.' SCJiOOl. CLASSES .lean Montgomery ant. Hfk'.r. ^5a- REOPEW FOR THE YEAR ., , - - •„• i\oji nf RarwEy. Hark Gahnr, a:' Sunday Schoo- class.- rc,., 'iu'rf »'011m a * b fo n f o t "Piliinn: H E':i7jilie;i,. -i • • ,ioir the ' eoniine yen: «; S; d - v h o hxs wasted timt:, hope Siat-frartn .lolly OTiIiaMrayVwor. Telia's Church Sunar.v Rin 'Wtly on "tnniis antl :n.Mnrs: mm 'ir. thf- cere panis. and ham J. Brennar s? dirertnr of the Anr. PunTje1. of * giasaes,' with--ViBhnr 0TNeil;, sn- merits. , , . N o v Charlie nnt \r;?.t. iwrvisor, l l r . Trainor. aiwistani Nwsler, inventor ni th: nasupervisor. Miss Heier. Bcifmntm. mancnt wavt. itiidinc hair SERVICE* HELD secretars, and MLS? Vinit Kulesji. . author o: "Sior\ o: FOR MRS FINK measurer. THE : TRUTH ABOUT HAIR AND HAIR, TREATMENTS A Colonial Poster Bed, full or twin S> size, walnut, matogany or maple finisli; a nev type coil sprbg of{ tempered steel in rusttprool ena-i mal; and a, 45-Ib. cotton felt'matj: tres? wirh imperial edge, strongly tufted. A real quaHt? ottering. m&ttrew. Inut occasional tab^aa, carved, good size .95 USE McCOLLUMS -FRIENDLY CREDIT PAYUTER! AMES McCOLLUM -itey-fir-*! m eiwfc liti Bouipvarc whf- died «s-.j M r s . w jLniffir.. Sirs • Lc c . M>wrn>llK n^r Mrs Hess. Mrs, » . , fcAU>NESS DANDRUFF Thursdr-v a: t i-nuTMty -a; uit Penh AIHDOT j g Goodman Mist nirem-f Rov Hospiia'. ufreran OTieraiion. The'.taa. Mw;:SlelU Bako^ki, MiW OILINESS • THINNING HWR «>r\'ire< wert nalc iu tut- Woou- i Eifeec Johnson Mia? Ma-v ' ' " " ^ ! hridjjt Parlor or. Save; Ti«- hotly was cremawd ane. M;=:- Helen Bof- tried, to stop hair :ro(n laliinf a; tht Tlctsedaie Hill Ceii^eiary ir, Vioto n v n ' " •*'- m - - ; - . That it.as u>clei>;Ls tc trvicsiop or, • an animal trnm stu'dtiiru;' Vi'iiii: 11K. of the IJSot o: the Iselirl Circle of «» « » Cwnfili^^Ashfir'cX ynumu«df'i>-inal«-vou:v-alrr~the Tumec'? Companions. Shs _ yneal instructor. v,itr Miss .lean- plaa- fht hair ih.u lulls—in was weL kno^T amonjr the neopk- ;««e Johnson assximc at the or- complete thi hai: crowinc of Lsahn. Tht Warner's Ooh>, ' h i$ on that scisminc prr ,_iioK w^ht ir, & body Saturday njfrht t c pay their i a s -rest»ia&. —Mr. 5!he is survived by.Her hosbaad, Clifford VaTd of twc> married son* whti h«vt ware ths- £ru6st,« of Mr, their home? ir, lselis. & marnec .and Mrs. Arthur ,1ankt Sunriav daujrhter living out j of town anc 1 —Mr. ami- MTS;-.], . dauphteT-m-latr. tej-hvte \rtioaf h: Bath Rajnhati' the "law Alaht AlfaM Fink, riiod a ie« [u> PlamfieW Sunday and saw fbtsoS. I FOR BARK DANCE Another meeting of the COIR- „„„„ « ihi h«fc ai hineri, sneieiies of Si. • Cecelia "E thte. ChurchTOKheld Tuesday nijrht S; auniar Uactif whe*e wen junuer Jarfcer nwde wnere plan* pian* wew Buwe tjoidraf « for a tare* \/*tt. daw* oc Oarfw sfeenwou. The' origin*"-"'daw 1 Cm •Tim the Penhing f Avenm l*uhlic « » iast Salartav. Tht panv wiP School. The rommittet in d « w e be held a: tiit Ptoi* Hall ' '! has"ma^- eWwrnit* ^J»ns tci make , _ J l r . a ^ Uvi BeTae thf- affair aasunre tiw amuMDhert ^ a t a n i i j ^ j . c n j i ^ , l t n , l r l of afc oSa-iime catqiByteEi «taB«-. .movtc from tiierr Bont<-'ofe Coonert Praes will be a w d « ! far th* ' • •• " ' T —' mns! orieifl*!. t t » « ftti l»ip* r 3 l e ami ttic iuhnieat costumes. "V«tirti'villt- talen 1 *ril- ht wreA^meC «> ion laaadwell «s entenainnten: re wnict in t Tobacco 3Nk BOYS O V U 12 TO SELL THE tha; Pre-kei I pnnluHm: »»: han i: nuki»itt y fuLlustrnu>iuir Ncsslef* tei still. hu\ Prokcrai voui Jrupm mail tht below. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED — RENTED — SOU> — BOUGHT SUPER "nTEWRITER CO. 211 Hmhm SL ear. &mnfard PUoe, NEWARK Tel. 'Mtt*eU 2-00BO, 0051 £4 Hoar Service BLAKE'S STATIONERY ST(«a: WOQDBKIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1934 ium. After the contest, tea wan served by Mrn. Duel] Tiffany and Mrs. Leslie Those attending were: Mrs. Arfluir Saywoll, Mrs Aubrey Woodward, Mrs. Harry Ellin, Mrs. Charles Knjiuor, Mrs Buoll Tiffany, Mrs. 11. W. M e Clure, Mrs. Hanoroft,rj.,iviii(rst:on, Mrs. Joseph McAmlrcws Mrs C C. Mitchell, Mrs. Philip Dor, Bleylsor, Mrn, William Godson, Miss Ann IrvitiR-, Mrs. fluster, Mrs. Frank Pattisnn, Mrs. Fred Allioe Mrs. Dolly Miller, Mrs. Sophia Schimsh ..,, M Sh Mrs. Schwab,. Mrs Lyman Pock, Mra. Tbi'muis Henderson and Mrs. Margaret Soulo, COULDN'T WAIT ANOTHER MONTH! PAGE nnminpr: President, John vice-president, Mra. W. B. W* ruff; treasurer, John Stcnzel,.a William Denman, chairman of ttw By KATHLEEN FLETCHER publication committee. The 0f» By JEAN DE YOUNG ficc of secretary was left 1'OONE RAH. 7-1C38-W 0 MANHATTAN AVENUE PHONE WO. 8-2149-J until tho following meeting, hundred new books have been I led during the past year. MR AND MRS. GODSON HIRSTOPHERSON WEDDING donors have been Mrs. A. Dean of ' M CARL METZGER ADDRESSES JUNIOR CLUB HOLDS AT EGG HARBOR . frD BY FRIENDS Hahway, Mrs. William Axfonl (A WOMAN' SCLUB FIRST FALL MEETING ' ' • ; , and Mrs. William Godson The Avedding of Christopher Morristown, nnd Mr. and Mrs. TinAvenol Junior Woman's ..riven a surprise party in ./hnslopherson, son of Mr. and The Literature Department of meeting Fred Brauso and Mrs. II. Weaton "'•''',. of Uieir twenty-fourth wcd- Mrs. C. Chvistophorson, Montroso -he AVomnn's Club met for tho ' i A n h ""'" l t s l i r a t town. Thirty now chUdieB'a\ t off 1lthe winter at the homo of '''''",,mivcrsary at their home on Avenue, to Miss Elizabeth Kamrst time as a study irroup at the Imolis will be purchased in tha • ! l"rii,u.oln Highway last Tiies- uelson of EKU Harbor, took place ionic o f Mrs. Fredrick liocliley f tin- councilor, Mrs. A. K. •ht The ftHORts w e r e : Mr, iat<mlny in the Lutheran Church ft'ednesdny. Carl Metzirer talked Schmidt, Fifth Avenue, Tuesday. ( |,y 11 i l l William Pnrr and tfheir with the Rev. Ernest HoTil offici'ii CoiiHemporary Russian Liter- Miss Phyllis A*7.nmn of Jersey iture. Mr. MotzRer, n teacher of City, formerly of Avenel, prc- ! Mr. and Mrs. Sidney ating. The bride was byy NEW DEAL C L U B T as attended a 'Vouch and German in the local sided. ;]."„" and their daughter, Mr. Hiss M a i R t H l l f fe H aiRaret Hall of fepR HnrACCEPTS NEW MEMBER Mai-Raret Hall of Hnrifrh school, has just returned The meeting was in tho form of a Mrs Benjamine Loyell and Gcorjfc Christophcnson was The Colonia Women's New Deil G h rom a summer's study at the Uni- pi\j:inia pnrty and tin- young Indies ' son, n, Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur best man for his brother. The Democratic Club met at the home turned out in various brilliant 'crsity of Moscow. Jack Updike, Joyce and younp; couple loft for Lonir Island, of Mrs. C. C. Mitchell on Dover He. was well qualified to review colored suits. During the mo<-ting Maine, and on their return will rc- Road Wednesday afternoon. ' Ridley Godson. THE the recent past of Kussin and to I hey initiated plans for the winter sidu in % K Harbor. The meeting was in chiirgo of present a picture, of the political program. On October !l the club ,,,,= MITCHELL HEADS the president, Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, will celebrate its seventh birthsituation there today. He derARD PARTY SPONSORS Willinm Home, Washington who opened with tho Lord's prayscribed the country as n land fchnt day. The program committee of the Street, who Qi.ia been confined to er and Wie oath of allegiance, afPlans wore made for tin; candy s "up side down, since tho oneeter which the president extended v v Deal Club met Thursday af- his home, is recovering. booth which tiieJuniors will sponsuppressed peasant and worker is •,:rnf,()n at the home of Mrs. C. C. ' —'GCOTRC Lewis of Fairvicw a welcome to tho now member, tip and educated at the govern- sor nt the senior club hnztinr on You Can SEE and FEEL t b t .i^br-ll on Dover Road and se- Avenue has been ill this week with Mrs. William J. Byrne. ment's expense, while the aristo- October 12. Plans were also Mrs. Mitchell gave a short his:. i I'd Mrs. Joseph Me Andrews as an attack of grippe. diffsrtnet. Even befort tt ft crat and noble is down" The launched for a Hallowe'en dance to —Miss .Tulm (leRussey of West tory of flip club and its, achieveby the club nt the i-nil j to be il "f t n e c n r < 1 ' W r l y t o .speaker had a very inten-stin« exf laced up, tt hirgi tfc« tnMt the Colonia Country Club ments during its existence of 21 Road is recovering from a rehil of silverware and hand work ? hil.it vi'iiinfr of October 10th. cent illness at the Stamford Hos- months. This was followed by a las not been set, After the mect, - h e «" •1 if molded to It IT* M W on display at tin; close of his talk. resume of the activities of tihe'nnpital, Stamford, Connecticut. The tbenie of the department's ng Mrs. Schmidt served refreshin<[ Mrs. Edward Schuents, nssisted by Mrs. William —An international flower show tional government for the past models Ore 1*1*. study for the winter senson will Hallowe'en is still weeks ahead but these four Woodbridge Mr. and Mrs. Charles staged by the Colonia Citizens un- two years. Harth, assistant councilor. In- that of American lilcrature. girls just couldn't wait to don their holiday costumes. Left to .Mrs. Aubrey Woodward Rave n attend the wedding of der the direction (if Mrs. Fred The next topic of consideration right: Nancy Wight, Linden Avenue; Sally Ann Bartholomew, ."scliubet'K'n niece, Inn Jackob- Alb<'<> wns the feature- at the' Corn- brief review of a few of the chapwill be on Literature of the Amer- URS. SIESSEL HONORED Green Struct; Virpjnia Wight, and Mary Irene Bartholomew. i '(,, Theodore Carson, in Wood- muinty Centre on Thursday af- ters of Walter B. Pitkins boolt, T A DINNER-DANCE ican Indian from the standpoint, of "The Chance of n Lifetime," [.' Long Islnnd, Saturday. Members of the Sons and n. the Indian and American author. 1 The business meeting closed Mary Tyler and Raymond Prinz of Mrs. Henry Lavin, of West It will be led by Mrs. George )aughters of Liberty, Pr.idc of •The entire club was decorated Jersey Council No. 2i;i, hon;; iioiid attended the luncheon with flowers and a screen of with singing. Tea was served dur- Woodbridge. Lund, who lins spent some time >fcw ,i fushion show of the Wood- leaves hid four card tables each ing the social hour by the assistamong the Indiana of New Mexico )i cd Mrs. Charles Siessel at a —Mrs. Thomas Hynes of BerkMpper dance at the Cniftsnicn's and Arizona at her homo on the ;i|,,|. Women's Club at Bambcr- hohlintr eleven pots of barherrie ing hostesses, Mrs. Henry Lavin ley Avenue was a vistor at the lub on Friday evening. The oc'/.' Thursday. last Wednesday of October. In which wpn> pinned pictures to anil Mrs. Joseph McAndrews. Mision was to recognize the office Members present were: Mrs. home of her brother in Jersey City Ihi' executive committee ol represent various flowers. The Mrs, Berkley served refrosh- that Mrs. Siessel received in tho on Monday. ,. I'olonia Men's Republi conli'slnnts were j;iven 15 minutes Mitchell, Mrs, Charles Scott, Mrs. YOUNG REPUBLICANS lii-nls, while those present were —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Borlatter part of May as a State nn-t at the home of Arthur in which to write the names of Edward Sehuborg, Mrs. Howard CARD PARTY iking part in Kin informal disnis- Deputy. This appointment, was arc in their new home on GIVE 1 -A1i tin St. George Avonm the flowers represented. First Fletcher, Mrs. Howard Jennings, chard 011 of the evening's topic. A 'card party was held at the Hill Road. nade to the Friendship Council ..InV "if^lit to plan a rally. place was won by Mrs. Charles Mrs. irerman .Toroff. Mrs. Aubrey South Peter Murphy, formerly Younjr Republican Club House No. It! in South Amboy. This la ... |iri'sent were Arthur Hrown, Knauer. She received a china wa- Woodward, Mrs. Josenh McAn- of —Mrs. last Thursday. Miss Audrey Byrd COUT PATROLS Colonia, waa the pnest of Mrs. the first time that Council No. 243 drews, Mrs. Harry Ellis, Mrs. , ir Saywell, Harry Ludwig teiing pot. Joseph Taylor and Mrs. Charles acted as the general chairman. ,RE REORGANIZED has had a state executive. A rally commit-I Second place was wnn by Mrs. Henry Lavin, Mrs. .luhn .1. Train- C. Mitchell on Monday. : Hurry Lisle. Mrs. Florence Redd was the win- The regular meeting of Scout The chapter gave Mrs. Siessel v.-ii; appointed consisting cpf , Kidney Beaujnii who was awarded or, Mrs. Charles Davis. Mrs. A. —Mrs. Howard Fletcher of ner of the door prize. Those who tall, green floor lamp. The hull . L •!,••('. Mitchell, Harry Ludwig ', a potted lanlailn. There was a Uclibrrg, Mrs. William J. Ryrne. West Hill Road was a New York received the non-players' prizes roop 11 of Avenel was held Friay night in the basement of the ivns decorated with Fall flowers, Tho quests were: Mrs, C, ChrisHarry Lisle. tie for third place between Mrs. were: Mrs. Frank La Farr. Gcr- 'iTsbyterian City visitor on Tuesday. with Scout- nnd bouquets of flowers were cen\|p.i. Sidney I'inkham and William (ioilson and Mrs. Philip lopheison, Mrs. Thomas Hyiurude Nier and Frank La Farr. inster JosophChurch, —Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Saywell Joy, Sr., in chargercd upon the dining tables. Mrs. ISophia Sehunsbr-rg were Hen Hleyker a Mrs. Walter Good fellow, Mrs! Ed- had as their quests on Sunday Mr. The winners at bridge were: p _ . and. decided by r Tho Patrols were reorganized Siessel ami the past State Counciward Nelson and Mi=s Mchitnhel Charles Siessel, Edward Pomeroy, Mrs. Kichard I'infiehl of . draw .Mrs, Godson victor, for MeCarthcy. The next meeting and Mrs. Thomas Horton of NewRobert Brailhwaitc, Patrol lor led the line of march into tho which with she received a potted (reran.Monday. Miss Eva Butter, Mrs. William .•ith eader of the Bear Patrol, Ed- dining hall. About 100 guests were will be hold at the home of Mrs. •ai-k. Perna. Pinochle prizes were —Mrs. Joseph McAndrews was served. During tlhe supper music Lavin on West Hill Road on Tuesawarded to: Louis Varyo, M. Bar- vnrd Horton, Patrol Leader of t... day, _ October nth, and at this the luncheon and theatre guest of onyth, M. McNulty, Mrs. Frank flying Eagle Patrol; and Joseph was played by Jean's Melodies, mooting all prizes will be brought her aunt, Mrs. Amy Couch, of Benson, M. P. Fasso, C. J. Zullo Caisor, Senior Patrol Leader. Wil- and dancing was provided afteriam Toopfer will bo (roop scribe wards. Mrs. William A. Perna wa' Most in for the curd pai-ty to be held Brooklyn on Tuesday. —Mrs: Joseph Taylor of Wash- S Brookfield, Miss Helen Hcgc \ssistant scout master .Tosepl the chairman in charge of the af on October 10th a t ' the Colonin Styles and Leon Ramberg Those who re oy, Jr., gave instructions in first fair. ington Street and Republican comCountry Club. mittee woman from Colonia at- ceived the prizes for rummy were lid. After this the scouts engaged $6.00 Nier, tended t'he Republican Women's Frank Benson and Ernest —At a public meeting of tihe $8.00 SICKLE AND PINKHAM After the card playing1, refresh in a number of games. Ciub dinner at the Pines in MetuLibrary Association Friday two A regular feature for tho fourtl NAMED SCOUT HEADS ments were served by the com Friday in the month will be stunt new trustees were elected. The The Colonia Boy Scouts met nt ehon on Monday night. mittee. —Mrs. Harry Ludwig of McFarand entertainment night. Tonigh place of William Detweiler wa: the- Community Center Friday 1 bean test will follow the stunts filled for one year by William Den night witti Norman King in land Road entertained at an alum—'Louis Kromer, P. J. Donato, man. Mrs. S. N. Grcenhalgh, Sr. (•barge. The troop was divided inum luncheon Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. William J. Henry Luski, Carl Nier and John —Mi's. John Gardner of Bur- and Wilbur Dey were elected for i 182 Smith St., Perth Amboy into two patrols with Joseph Sickle Tjornelund were delegates of the and Edward Pinkham heading Brync of North Hill Road spent Avenel Fire Company No. 1 at the net street spent the past weok-eni five-year term each. The board organized Tuesday in Baltimore, Md., visiting friends them. The troop to date has 22 Tuesday in Philadelphia. —Mr. and Mrs. A. Rehberg of Firemen's Convention at Atlantic members. City, Friday and Saturday. Enfield Road, Mis3 Mary Baum of —-(Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wit 'North Hill Road, Mr. aad Mrs. —Mrs. Wiiiiam Stillman of In- Charles C. Mitchell, Mrs. Henry son, Jr., returned last Tuesday man Avenue entertained at lunchYour sweetheart or wife, Lavin and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph from their wedding trip to Virgin eon on Thursday the members of McAndrews of West Hill Road at- ia. They are residing at 21 Eas your lister or mother — all the executive board of the Rah- tended the Middlesex County Grand street, Rahway. appreciate the delicate color way Woman's Club of Rahway. Democratic Women's Club dinner and extravagant beauty of —Craig Senft of town and After luncheon the first board at the Wagon Wheel Inn on Tues- Brooks Matlack of Sewaren will these great blooms. And meeting of the season was held. day. more — women, don't forreturn at the end of this week, afAmong those attending were: Mrs. get the sincerity and devot w o w e k"s —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis and UCentury f . s P endof""i n gProgress « .?.'' thir •Ralph Marsh, president of the tion that you show when their family of Fairview Avenue board, Mrs. Aron Dean, Mrs. you tend or give them Chicago, 111. Harry Davis, Mrs. George Galla- were guests in Syosset, L. I., on "MUMS" from —Mrs. Hugh Me Vicker and hei Sunday. way, Mrs. C. D. Eldridgc, Mrs. Orchildren, of Philadelphia, ar —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenlando Doy, Mra. Jamcu Brown, sponding tho weok with her parMrs. William Dickinson, Mrs. Sid- nings of Fairview Avenue will en- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Locku SHE WOULD LOVE ONE FLOWERS OF QUALITY ney Greenhnljrh, Mrs. Charles tertain their son, Fred Jennings, and their famiiy of Rahway ave ALWAYS ON HAND! Curd. Mrs. I. P. Donaldson, Mrs. and their daughter-in-law, Edith, nue. OF "BAUMANN'S" /• ORCHIDS, GARDENIAS, Caster. Mrs. Kenneth Richie over the week-end. -—Miss Georgia Beam of Wood CORSAGES —Charles Knauer of Fairview LILIES OF THE VALLEY and Mrs, William Sf.ilman. "J (Vvunue Is on a tour of NjSw York bridge was tho Sunday guoct q] Mrs. George M. Leonard, who —Mr. and Mrs. William Stilman State. VLANT TULIP BULBS NMV FOR SPRING BLOOM from illness. entertained at luncheon on Satur—Joseph McAndrews of West convalescing —Raymond Voelkcr of George day Miss Stella Wright and otlh- Hill Fresh rested! Don't you wish Road has left for a visit to was operated on last Tues er of Iselin. several paper mills in Massachu- street day at the Perth Amboy Hospita you could say that you feel —.The field day under the di- setts. for appendicitis. rection of the Colonia Citizens —Mrs. J. McCormick of Princefreah-reated every morning? —•On Wednesday there will b< which was -cancelled due to vain ton Avenue has as her guest this Saturday, will take place tomor- week her sister, Mrs. Vito Greco, a service at the First PresbyterSt. George and Hazelwood Aves. RAHWAY, N. J. You can — everybody can — ian Church, at 8 p. m. for preparow. of Lockhavcn, Pa. ration to communion. —'Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BeauVwv Deliveries All Over Union & Middlesex Counties becauae this offer brings the —Miss Florence Schunsberg of —The Girls' Club dance tha ion of Hoffman Boulevard had as Cluiin-O-Hills Road has returned Phones Rahway 7-0711—0712—0713 famous Simmons Beautyreit their dinner quests Sunday, Mr. from a two weeks' vacations-spent was to have been held last Sa and Mrs, Peter Sensoning and son, at the home of friends in Buffalo, unlay at the home of Miss Rut Mattress within reach of every Stern of Avenel Street was pos of Raluvay. N. Y. poned because of the weather. I —Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Pock. home. It enables you to try it •—Miss Anne Irving has return- will be held tonight. North Hill Road, have returned ed to Colonia from her Summer —A committee meeting-of th from a motor trip through New home in Long Island, Maine. first — for 30 days — without Missionary Circle was held at the England. Their son, Edward, has —Mr. and Mrs. R. BarU of home of Miss Ruth De Young on expense or riak to you — and ri'turm-d to Rutgers. Fairvicw Avenue have returned —Mr. and Mrs. William Farr from a two week motor trip Tuesday evening to complete aryou need pay only 5c a day rangements for the card party and family of Hoffman Boulevard through New York State. which \vill be held at the home of entertained Mrs. Fair's parents, after that test assures you that —Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Mosca- Miss Esther Van Slyke on SaturMr. and Mrs. Charles' Ilurkhanlt, relli of Beech Street entertained day, October 13. Miss Van Slyke of Long Island, Saturday. the Beautyrest is all that is their son, Frank, and his wife, of is general chairman. She will be —Mrs. William Leila of Ohain- Rahway on Sunday. assisted by I Miss Marion Barth claimed for it. O-IIills Road has returned from a —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mueller and Miss Thelma Anderson, visit with friends in New York. of North Hill Road had as tlheir —Mrs. IC Perkins of Maple—The officers of flu- local P. guest on Saturday their son, Fred, wood spent Wednesday with her T. A., Mrs. Josenh McAndrews, and his wife, of Perth Amboy. daughter, Mrs. Francis Riak, and president; Mrs. Arthur Saywell, —Mrs. M. Gieger of Dover treasurer, anil Mrs. Bancroft Liv- Road attended the first meeting of family. •The miscellaneous booth ofimrston, secretary, attended the her bowling club in Elizabeth and school of instructions conducted was the guest of her sister, Mrs. he eoming Woman's Club BaBoneless by the members of the -executive Wendell, for dinner on Thursday. laar will hold a card party at the iome of the chairman, Mrs. Wilcommittee of the County P. T. A. —Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rollat the Woodrow Wilson Hotel' on injson have returned from East iam Barth, on Meinzer Street, on Thursday, where they were also H-iimpton and are in their new Monday evening. Those desiring LB to play are asked to bring- an arluncheon quests. hcjme on the estate of Mr. Rollin- ticle for the booth. —Mr. and Mrs. John J. Trainor son's parents. —Sunday will ibe Rally Day at of West Hill Road entertained on —Mrs. Joseph Naulty of Old Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Rene dc- Lincoln Highway has returned the Presbyterian Church. Special exercises for the Sunday Russey of Hasbrook Heights and home from a visit with 'her mother School and f,or everybody in the at Asbury Park. church aro scheduled at 11 a. in. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. An offering will be received, for LB Fletcher of West Hill Road were the Board of [Christian Education. the dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. We will deliver the B«autyroit of your choice, in Clarence Thees of Rutherford on the new pnitel shades of Rote, Green, Orchid, B^ue Barbara Thompson Injured Thursday evening., Tender Young Tender Juicy or Beige into your home without a down payment. —Miss Margaret! Stillman of In- While Playing At Her Home You try it for 30 days —» if yjou don't want it we man Avenue ha-d as her week-end guest Miss Muriel McAndrews of will take it back at our expense and the Simmons Little B a i| b aj r a Thompson, West Hill Road. daughter of Mr. and Mra. WilCompany will destroy! it. We take all the risk. G —Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reed- liam Thompson, Hipfh Street, met (Bottled in Bond) That's all, except that our arrangements with the LB er, who liave been visiting Mr. and with an accident, Saturday when LB Simmons Company permit us to sell only] a limited Mrs. John Trainor of West Hill she fell from a toy express wagon, VINTAGE OF 1929 Road left for their home in Lock- cutting a blood vessel at tOie back number of Beautyrests on these terms. l|Se sure to haven on Friday. of her head. Porterhouse get youn. —'A flower show has been plan- , Dr. C. H. Rothfuss attended OR nod at the Community Centre by the child, who is now improving the. Women's Co-operative ComSirloin mittee of Colonia Citizen's, Inc., for September 27th from 3 till o'clock. Mrs. Fred Albee will quickly relieved have charge, assisted by a commitwith"RRR',' Rub Fresh Made tee. It in. Stimulates —Mrs. Willinm Leila of Chuinlocal circulation. O-Hills Road has rcturnejl from I Its comforting tihe Cutskill Mounting ami is visit' warmth soothes 2 for $1.00 ing with friends in New York muscular aches and pains. Used for 87 years to relieve stiff u gal. $1.00-1 gal, $1.75 City. joints, neuralgia and eprainst —Miss Virginia Taylor is living While the Beautyrest is chosen Reduces inflammation. Penehe.r sister, Mrs. II. W. McPORT, SHERRY, CLARET, with trates. Does not blister. Clu.ro, of North Hill Road. Miss for many of tho wealthiest MUSCATEL, SAUTERNE, Taylor ia a teacher in a Ra'hway homes, eveu a limited income Public School. - The Soule house on West, Hill can afford to own one by this RIESLING, BURGUNDY Road lias been rented to Mr. and plan. You can't possibly miss Sc Mrs. Edward Johnson and their TOKAY family of Rahway, who will move a day — and you can't afford in about October 1st. to miss this wonderful oppor! _ M > . and Mrs. Buell TilTsrny hud as their guest last week DougSugar Cured tunity. Also a Full Line of las Galvin of New York City; —Miss Betty Hull of Kent Road wind colic and stomach d lutreu CHOICE LIQUORS has returned from u visit with more nuicldjy relieved with friends at Westport, Conn. "RRR". Tlie comforting —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schuwarmth of a tranpooijful in a LB berg1 and Mr. and Mra. Charles Duglau of hot water expdlt ga> vis were guests on Sunday at the and bring' you prompt relief. home of Mr. and, Mra. Thomas Gceat for that "morning after" ORANGES Long of Brooklyn. feeling ~ 82 MAIN ST., WOODBR1DGE IN • ABOUT COLONIA •AVENEL ACTIVITIES' t i l l . I l l ^ l L » U I I M . l ' * _ ^ r ( H L ' ' l t l - . i l II \ J L . i i _ - Nwm-Bush dlnkk-Fashioned OXFORD AVENEL ACTIVITIES UTZ- BOSTON SHOE CO. O n Most A n y Occasion . . . . TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY Pays for Your l Genuine Simmons "BAUMANN'S FAMOUS COLLECTION"- JOHN R. BAUMANN, MIST PACKERS OUTLET OF THE EAST~Now With SUNNYDAIE 12 121 WINES 12 12 Don't Delay PERTH AMBOY 170 Smith Street ONLY ONE MORE DAY! y2 LEGS OFC c RIB LAMB ROAST LEGS OR RUMP OF Here's The Great 30-Day Vi c VEAL VEAL LAMB CHOPS Chuck ROAST Free Trial Plan SWA1JI BRAND V2 c I Tender, Juicy GENUINE SIMMONS BEAUTYREST Fifths Chuck STEAKS Roasting IAMB STEAK 7 I Milk-Fed VEAL CHOPS SORE MUSCLES Chopped I BEEF CHUCKS OFC RADWAYS READY RELIEF LAMB TOP or BOTTOM SMOKED C HAMS LIMA BEANS 12 5: POD GAS PAINS ROUND t y ROAST Albert LEON &) Son FAMILY LIQUOR STORE LEMONS /\) BANANAS^ EVEN A LIMITED INCOME CAN PAY FOR A BEAUTYREST BY THIS PLAN PHONE WOBG. 8-0858 —Mr. and Mrs. Charles C, Mitchell of Dover Jtoad has as their week-end guest?. Mr. *%nd Mw. MUt •*»•• sand«rttag warmth 93-95 Smith St., Cor. King St., Perth Amboy, N. J, m CO-OPERATION WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28,1934 Woman s ClubOpens'34-35Season; Regular MeetingsMlStart Oct. 25 PAGE FOUR e{ AMONG Three Woodbridge Churches Present Special Rally Dayjxercises Sunday Various Group Chairmen Announce Meeting Dates FOr The Coming Year; Mrs. Knad 5. Bay, State Literature Head, Delivers Address To Gathering Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian Young Folks To Participate In Programs To Be Offered At The Morning Services; Committees Are In Charge YEAR BOOKS DISTRIBUTED AT FIRST MEETING By SADIE MARTIN BUSSINGER Thn activities of i h e W o m a n ' s Club were; resumed •-, t f r d a v w h e n a delightful l u n c h e o n w a s held a t L. i ; . ^ ' By SADIE MARTIN BUSSINGER j h e r e e r & Co. in N e w a r k . T h e now p r e s i d e n t , Air's, y,:, Three Woodbridge churches will observe Rally Day' ! Ham L. R a u p , w e l c o m e d t h e m e m b e r s a n d quests. on Sunday. T h e proKram c h a i r m a n , -Mni. J a m e s F. Chalmer>, ; ,,. At the^ Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian notmced t h e first meetiiiK s c h e d u l e d on t h e p r o g r a m will i',',. Churches, special committees-have prepared unusual prothe Birthday Party, Oclober 2~> at ' the Craftsmen's Club. grams which will be presented at the morning1 services. ' The canien chairman, Mr-1. The young people of the three churches will take part in Thomas Leahy, rc|Hiit'-d on th" the exercises, the programs for , • recent flower (-li'iw, while Mr-. Or' -which follow^ rav T. Frastr, chairman of the 'METHODIST Ameri^aTi Honif Dcpartrni.-nt. anA special program trill be ^ r e - < •noi(nct<l dcpartmenial meMinu'tented at th« Methodist Episcopal: will U' h'-ld the se'-ond Thursday Affair Will Be Held On Fri• C h a n * at the 11, o'clock services • '.feach month, with the exception by the Church School to inayrJ-1 day, October 5, At Club of the firs', wi'ck'. wh'-n on Friday. rate rally week. At 2 o'clock in j Headquarters October o. the irronp will niect the afternoon, the '1934-35 con-1 with Mr'! Konrad Stem. Myrtlf firmatipn class will'have its 6r-1 A i-iiblic hf-nefit card pru-ty M Avenue. , ' ganizatiori meeting. . I hi'ld Friday evcniriL'. OH,.),, 150 Grove Aveniie. William Fran* . r » , , . — . u M Tiie Epworth League will begin Mrs. S'amui-1 Henry annuiim-i-d R. S :•] "i nt the Democratic U, . and Dorothy Johmon. daufhten,of Mr. »nd M". the-new, setson with a devotional •he rwilnr mectint.' of tiie Art I>•• - Hiarters. ~'l Main Stn•••'t, W,, ,,i. service at.7 p. m.. with Mr. Stuart :>arimcnt will be ln-ld '.lie fir-.t • lidge. under the nu--pJK.'Schoonover in charge. The eveM"nday of each month. First Ward Women's Iji-m ning services will also be renewed Mrs. Fn.-d A. Hneir-. chairman ( ' l u l l . „ -• . on Sunday and a special program nf I,itera(;ire, -.tatcd m'-i-tin^ "f All the usual card trnm of songs has been arranged. thi- cr'Hip will be held the fint be in iday with valuable The Sunday morning program be ?e!ixU-'i. will be presented in Th'irwiay of tnch month. The nd r'-freshmente. Mr<.' CONGREGATIONAL follows: Th ?ipma Alpha Phi Sorority, the Mar' future, b-- the organiza- i Delegation From Township first nn-<-tintr will '«• held next Leahy and Miss Alice Parnl Prelude "Triumphal March," Tlnrs'iiiv nt her home in Tisdal<ip'r.i Alumnae Chapter, held its tion. Guilmant. Myrtle May Hcward Weds I first meeting of the season Mon- i On October S a White Elephant ; Attends Dinner-Dance Place. Mi=- Sarah .Ask-i.-w will b<The committee Processional Hymn "Marching the iru.'-t. Mr.-. II. I>. Clark, '-hair'day rich: at the home of Mrs. P. f-'ale will hv he'.d at ( the home of I James R. Moffett; To In Metuchen witti the Heroes'1, church school. man of drama, announced the Mrs. .1. Barron Levi. M | William L.r.iriuen in Grove ave- Mrs. William Thompson at -:!•'' • Scripture Lesson, Mark 4:31-34. Live In Jersey City mcetitiL's wiil he :.<-!d the la:-t Fri- Wethfrid(re, Mrs. .losfi.i, 'nue. Nineteen members were o'clock, with Mrs. C. Rj Brown Thetma Trail!. A large delcmtinn from i in charge. present. bndire Town-'::p attended th (l;n- lav of everv month. Mrs. A. I.. Mrs. Tc^sie Koch, Mrs. .], \ The Lord's Prayer led by the : Mis? Myrtle May How.ird. ; 1'ians were arranped to hold a r v -'-t j.n.v, Pints. Hulx-r. welfare r.-hainnan, (rave a field. Miss May Thomr.. dh superintendent, Percy H. Locker. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN .daughter of Mr?. William Wood- i benefit card party at the home of I -.--••']•' of H-irold G sp'cmlid report "f work aecom- Helen Bergen, Mifs Mar, A salute to the American and ruff Howard. West Green Street. Mrs. Grace' V. Brown tonipht. I The Junior C. E. will meet at Mi-tucher,. H'-Vmilton F. Kean. I'lishi-il throiit-'Linit the siiw.mer. Misc Frances Jordan. M Christian Flags. became the bride of James K, Plans were also furthered for the the church on Tuesday at t p. r.'... HorTm.in i -,l;'i-ites for (lov- I »e welfare com nut'(.•*.• will spon- Obnen. Mis? Elizabeth I BEGINNERS DEPARTMENT p-jhr.ca: with Mis-Anna Schwenzt-r. a^ | Moffett. son of Mr. and Mr?.' Mi-. Edwin Rudolpr,. o-';" States Senator. i O r a bakery ext/hancc, the reHallowe'en barn dance to be held "Rally Day Greetings", .Frank B. Mo!to:;. of Westfie'.d. October 20 at Mrs. W. A. Osborn's | the leader. All boy.- and girls of i-rni']- and U ' ' v< ' -eipts to be devoted to the milk S. Duniirnn. Mrs. Thnii.; Jamcf Lorch. respective i at the Pre?hvU'riar. Church. FriI M r . H'-nry Ijvin. M: junior asre are v.'elcme. barn in Green street. Mrs. Brown '"Twould Help", Norma lVas -i,on?(.red by the f»nd. t h e atT On Tuesday after school hour? the devotional service New Members j Saltier. Mrs. Willtirr. ' Droit and Robert Drummond. United'Women's Republican Club jicsduicui -TiH, a]tar and chBncc] v.w. conducted and the Missionary study propram and yesterday afternoon meetings nt" MMdlesev Co-inf Mrs. Mary The .new members vtk-omed to [Mr-. William Ryan. '•'. (Song—"Jesus Bid? V? Shine" ! banked with palms, fern? and ha-- was in charge of Miss Rose Willis. were held at the home of Mrs. H. F i-i-le president' « > in i-harsre the club were: Mrs. S. A. Bro- j Martin. Mrs. Joseph <;, ., (Miller). Mi.. S. Holland. Dunham Place, for o'f arra'iU'-omcnts. ' The speaker-- mann, Mrs. T. R. Jones, Mrs. Jul- i Kdw.-.rd Kilroy, Mrs. An.: who gave a reading of a chapter O t h e r Officers A r e I n d u c t e d !ket? of flower?. Mis. Ch:.rlc-.= Promotion exorcise?, of ihe Bethe newly oriranized group called jH. Acker played the wedding in the study book. "God's Candle: ginners Department. At Group's Banquet march and pave a half hour f.rj;an light-." Miss Frances Read was the Jewel.-. Yesterday's meeting included Mr. Hoffman. Senatorial! Crow. Mrs "William Gardner, i niond Mrs. ('. Ar?enha:-t 'V -. J Hansen. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Wednesday Night i was a little party for the small Kean and Representative Charles Mrs KArthur the assisting hostess. recital of Weddintr music T' ' n t ' w y c ' a r hooks will b'1 di«- Grausam. Mr-. J. Roh.de; '• Song, "In The Temple" M. folk-, an.i was greatly enjoyed. •V Eaton. quests were assembling. The Ladies' Association held its (KeiUland). Amoiij,' those who attended tributed at the criminjr birthday J. Trainer. Mrs. Wilha::. Harry S. Laper was in.-talkd The Christian Endeavor SociErnest C. Burrows, uncle o: the regular weekly meeting WednesRudolph Vo,.H;.;, Mi'. Sketch "The Peaceful War. as president of the Woodlmdyi' '-'ride, escorted her to "he altar. day afternoon at the home nf Mrs. e:ie- organized into a Senior from Woodbridt'e Township were: party. The annual Fall Confer- Mrs. : fare", L e R o y Peterson, Township Business-men's As-'>;ia- .She wore a cown of bridal !ae>.-. William H. Ynnrhees. with Mrs. Chiistian Endeavor Society at a Mayor Aiit'iist V. Greiner. Mr. and <-nce of the Third District will be Thoma.- I.evi. Mrs, Chr - V George Viatranai, Stephen tion Wednesday nipht. He suc- Princess style. Her veil of old I .aura ("oridinirinn entertaining. ir;eet;n:: held in the basement of Mrs. James S. Wipht, Mr. :-.nd held October 11. All club mem- Mrs. Hugh Quigley. Doboi, Jean Leonard, Paul ceeded Maxwell L":;UM. lace and tulle was arranged in It was planned to serve a cafeteria t i r church on Monday nipht. The Mrs' Roy E. Ander.-on. Mr. and b(-".v- were urjrcd by the president, j Mr--. Michael Fitzw.ri '•• !,l. P. Geritv. Mrs. M IK- .1 Drummond, and Teddy DrumInstallation tool: place at a cap effect and caught with <T- luncheon, open to the public. Oc- "iFi-.-er.- M-lei-tcd were: President, Mrs. Stanley C. Potter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Raup, to attend. mond. At. the conclusion of the busi- John Moll.'Mrs. A^'Peter.-,-!!. banquet held at the Golden Phea- anLre blossoms anil tiny pearls. tober IT. in the church dining W;!liam Butters; vice-president, Mrs, Hamilton Cutter, Mrs. Flor1 ; J. f^'atalano. Mrs. F. Mav.., Primary promotion exercises in- sant. One hundri- ! and twenty She carried Easter lillies-. !-"":r, from 11 :-!."> a. m. to 1 p. v\. Kathryn Holland; secretary, Rob- ence M. Hall, Mrs. F. F. Amies?, ness session it was voted to draw- T. Larkin, Mrs. E. A. V'w.r cluding the presentation of Bible?. puests were seated at V<wz tables Mrs. A. R. Martin, Albert P. Marten names from the club memberert Butters; treasurer, William The matron of honor. Mrs. W. Next week's meeting will !.(. in-M Song. "Rally Round the Church attractively .decorated with Fall tin! Mr. and Mrs. Barron McNulty. ship to act as hostesses at each F. BeaUy, Mrs. F. Mc|),,i Leslie Stuart, of Jersey City, a a: the home of Mrs. .Sti'man. Ellis. School," Church School. Mrs. S. M. Bussinger. Miss Ger- meetintr. with Mr.-. William Raup, Mrs. A. Jacobsrin flowers. sister of the bride, and the maid ('.•.;.,]- Street. Anthem "Open the Gates of the trud'e Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. Asher as chairman. Mrs. C. Kenny. Mrs. T-. Mrs. Thomas. Zetdemoy-.-r W.;L- of honor. Miss Winifred Moffett. eighteen young peo About ... The Sigma Alpha Phi Sorority Mary Mack, Mr Kit7. Randolph. Mrs. Garret Brod- Following the business, the Leahy, Mrs. Temple", Knapp. chairmnn of enttrtainmer.t ami a sister of the bridegroom, wore d 1 of Senior Christian Endeavoi wi'.l V.••' l ei a regular meetinc Tuc?VanTasse !. Mr'. M. Ferry. Mr and Mrs Derben Bursneaker. Mrs. Kntid S. Bay, state Offertory. Adrian De Young was master f-f ,1,'owns of autumn-green 1-ice. The r attend the County C. E. Beach [head Ulav r.:L ht.at S:l o'clock at the ' • ' - . . , ^r... T . - . - _ . . ,.i,..: ,,« r,f i ;r — » ^-.i v n , , « - > r — t 1 r t ^ - i '/'_ Scrrr-sucito. "Lit*!" Things". ' SuJesmam?. Mis; Biane'ne Huv.- -. me- of the president. Mis? Eliz- Party at Bradley uc-ach, Friday i L.'ioieuiew. : " . i t . a m i -«it.-. . , ' . , , * . -••-—• — . . « w . ^ ...... liam Fredericks. Brief speeches were made by i ard. a. MS'.er "1 the bride; Mr=. abeth. Trautwein. Amboy Avenue. niirht. Sept. '2 s . Trip will be mad J. Reimers. Mr. -and Mrs. Le Roy llrama. brnught a message from the pastor. Song, "Come to the Ivy Cover- "William Xelson and Harry Bern- Edward Giitre Eichhorn of Avenel. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the Federation for Mrs. Theodore bv car.-. stein. Miss Ruth Wolk, out-goim; i and Mrs. Georee Wan in LetTi-l of ed Church." the Church School. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Spcn- Grimley, who is the Federation ST. JAMES' secretary, pave a splendid report Flemrnjrton.'wore powned in rustBenediction. evening the Chris• president. On Sunday ver The Rosary Society nf St. of the year's work. Fred Bald! colored lace, fashioned alone Poftlude, "March in B Flat", Also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gem?. Mi?s Margot Larson representtian Endeavoi • Societies will have James' Church, ha? completed win, vice-president; Dr. Barrett, princess lines. They carried bouCosta, Mr. and Mrs. Leon McElroy. Her- ed L. Bamberger & To., with a plans for a 'public card p.-.rty to ci:argo of the services. The following conprised the treasurer, and setcretai-y. Mrs. fpiets of autumn flowers. 1 Installation of th'e oifiecr- and bert u m on Shrimpf. Mrs. Carrie Mundy. demonstration of interior dtcoralie he'd Wednesday niirht. Ociobe: The meeting of the First \\'--.~-i Louis Cohen, also spoke. program committee: Percy H. . , Lauritsen. ™. •.... 0. J. Mor- tiuns. Her talk was, "Expecting Harold Thorne of Oakhur.-t was 10. in St. .lames' auditorium. Mrs. committee chairmen will take William P, Mayor August F. Greiner adLocker. Mrs. Herman Quinn. Miss • ' jgensoh, Mrs. P. O. Dixon. Mr. and Youi Perso• nality In Your Home." Republican Club was held T .••-t!:e bridegroom's best man. The Joseph Mah'er and Mr-. Nathan place. day night at the club romr, :i Katheryn Spencer. Mrs. Frank dressed the croup, as did Andrew : u-hvrs were W. Leslie Stuart of Pattc-n were appointtd co-chairMisss Tiilie Davifon. Davison. former vice-I vice- Mrs. Thomas Roy. Mrs. Frank hose Present Amboy Avenue,, with presi.:." MacDonald, Mrs. Ralph Stauffcr. D. Desmond, and Commiueeman Jersey City. Franklin Coles Hav.s- men. president of, the Eastern District Stancik, Mrs. J. W. Shepiwd.Mr. A l l u ) n R . UK, ^ ^ ^ W ( . r e . _VUT_ 1 Among the guests wore: Mi-?. Harrv H. Ford in charge of :'•: vhn stressed the need of man and Robert Graeme Jr., of The decoration committee consist? 11"' ' and Mrs. James l-iler Miss Pearl _ _ _ Disbrow. of New Jersey C. E. Union will he w L R a u Mr? G All the- usual card uanii-s will be meeting. • Announcement o[ :: of Mrs. Albeit R. Btruen . ( f l o w -a1 ,local ' - ' , bank. Former Supervis- Kahv.-ay, Morpan' Pearsall of L'Uest speaker and install the offi- riler. James Samlahl Ml . fi F . A i Br je L rs. Mi-s. Samuel al meeting of the First1 Ward Hut.John H. Love gave Wtstneld. Edward ev=) and Mr?. Herman.. Quinn 1 aingl o cPrincipal Eich- in play with many valuable prize?. cer:-. Also Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Mad! l E d a r d Gape p e n v l . . Mrs A. F. Randolph. Mrs. also non-players', prizes. garian Club of the Second Distr:.: a most interesting talk. (rhancel decorations.) horn of Avene!. and George War-;• John ••- Hasse" -.-• -IF. D. Clark, Mrs. fi. F. Rankin. will be held tonight. The next regular meeting of the • Mr. Andrew Eliis will preside, ison, Mr. and• Mrs. The outstanding event of the A telegram of congratulation ren I.cffel of Flemingtoti. Mr. u.. andu Mrs while short talks, scripture and .HI. / Society will be October f\ > .•!,>. Albert Larson, Mr. \ [ \\Harrteil, " Mrs. Paul r s L Mrs. Florence M. llalj ga _• ;i week will be a Rally Social to be was read by( 0esidenr Lager from prayer will' he given by society Followinp the ceremony Mi'.\ "held in (he Chapel on Thursday Bently P. .Netf. sale3 manager nf and Mrs. Moffett received the — A benefit public card party, members. Special music will bo and Mrs. John Mouncey, Mr. and Hnwryliw, Miss Helen Hnwryliw. repoit un tiie HulTinan-Keari b.i.Mr?<."Eme?t Nier, Mr. and Mrs. ' ] _ Howard sponsored by St. James' Parish M r ? E m i K a u S | Mr5 sxening. Entertainment and re- Butler Association. sung by the Young People's Charles Seissel Mr. and Mrs..j e l . n t , 0 | M r s . George Robinson, ner Dance and Albert !.:::• :•. L".ie?ts at the church, after which candidate for tax collector .-:• '•-. freshment; will be free. The event Mr. Lager concluded the busi- a reception was held at the bride's .-as held at the home of Mr. and '. Choir. R , Daniel Rush, Mr. andd Mrs, Her- Mrs. ij T,,,.ian(i P Leeland Reynolds. Mrs. John H. Concannon, Grove f . V nnlds. Mrs. John will he open to all members of the ness session with a tribute to the home. Harry M. Gerns, prcsem •••.:::• ! Next Sunday morning at 11:00 bert Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Blair, Mrs. E. W. Kreutzberg, Avenue, on Friday night. Mrs. parish and their guests. members, who arranged the banThe young couple will reside at Joseph Maher and Mrs. Nathan a. m. Rev. Earl H. Devanny will Clark. Miss Helen Tuttle. Miss Mrs. K. Taylor, Mrs. I. T. Spen- mitteeman and candidate :• : :• • election, spoke, ;>„- did ll---:". quet, with Mr-. Thomas Zettle- I ii Gilford Court. Jersey City, fol'render the sermon topic. "Annual Audrey Bird and Stanley Brookmoyer. chairman, and the com- ; lowinsr their return from a wed- Patten were co-chairmen. Fifteen, ; Vacation Sermon.'' and in the field and other guests from the cer, Mrs. Whitney Leeson, Mrs. Rankin, candidate fur I- rev::.•.:. PRESBYTERIAN able* were in play. W. Danner, Mrs. James Chalmers. At the First Presbyterian mittee as~istir.tr: Morris Chopper. ilinir trip in the South. , Mrs. Frank Waiter, Mrs. Paul Prizes were won by the follow- i evening the Christian Endeavor Third Ward. Church at 9:30 a. m.., the exer- jMrs. James Lattanzin, Adrian De .installation service will be field Kingberry.,. Miss Helen Kingberry, ing: iYoung and Miss Ethel Tier. cises will be held in the Sunday ! with Miss Claire Pfeitfer in M Joscn h K in M i Mf)rris Bridge: Mrs. William TobrowSchool room. The following- pro-1 Plan Benefit ! charge. =ky. Miss Margaret Bergen. H. gram will be presented: no A benefit movie will be spon- , Monday night a meeting of the Pi L PPer, Mrs, 11 a n y Armstrong, Sithers. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. SulliProcessional:. "Hymn of the . jred bv the association on Oct. j LlUD Mrs. Maurice Traiman. mvan, Mrs. Howard R. Valentine, session in the manse at ;> o'clock Lights." The leader will be Miss 3 and -1 at the State Theatre. j Miss Irene Marie Fox. da .: Also Mrs. Charles Coil, Mrs. Mrs. F. Evan. Irene will be held. Eleanor Merrill. The call to worLocal talent was introduced by ': The choir members of the First Mrs. John C. W. Barnek.'V Jr., Myrtle Kipp. Mrs. A. F. Rankin. of Mr. and Mrs. Lai;«':v:. ship, by the leader and response; Carl Drourr, who sang "For All Presbyterian Church were enter- Schwartz, Mrs. Maurice P. Duni- : Tuesday the officers and Sun- Myrtle avenue. en.tertained the Mrs. J. E. Harned. Mrs. Albert Fox of Rahway. will bee..::.members 'of the Tut hymn. "Light of the World, We' We Know," and "Love in Bloom." [ tained by Mr. and Mrs. Asher Fitz pan. Mrs. Edward Gallagher. Pinochle: Mrs. Willia Boylan. i day School teachers will hold a noon bridge Club >day After- Hansen, Mrs. John Mossman, Mrs. bride of Ijiwrelice Fr.iiii".- ' • Hail Thee.." Scripture Lesson, Those present were: ! Randolph at their cottage at Cul • t a bridge \\\ J. Finn, Mrs, J. J, Dunne. pion,- Albert street, u-'.M. '•:; .meeting at the church at 8 o'clock, "The Parable of the Ten Virgins" Mayor A. F. Greiner. A. H. i ver Lake Saturday. 'Swimming. Mrs. Lawrence Fox. Mrs. Wilton ] luncheon this week ai her home. Mrs. Charles Farr, Mrs. W. II. day afternoon at 'f »''!•". "• by Robert Wand. Meditation and De Y'oung Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell hiking' and boating included the Keating. Mrs. F. Olcott. Mrs. j Harry More-craft. Mrs. Adam j Wednesday praye • will be held This was the opening of the club's Griswald, Mrs. I. J. Reimers, Mrs. Mary's Church, Centra! ;,•••: prayer; solo, '-Breathe On Me, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lager, day's spots. ill activities. A . p. Scheldt, Mrs. Olive Van i Rjihway, ' • Iin the church. Breath of God," by Jean Kreger. Miss Ruth Wolk, Mr. and Mrs. Among those present p r e s e t were Snyder. Twoscores tableswore were in play and Iderstine, Mrs. A. F. Solield, Mrs. Miss' Edythc Whit:-1. > li|o-h n-tnn: Mrs. Michael Dc Jov, ! Musical response will be made Harry Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. I Misses Louise L Morris, Ruth Lorch. high scores w,-r,. „,:„!,. !,y Mrs. (; yO rge .Urban Mrs. Frederick 'Nettark will be the br: ! ' " Thursday night, the Men's George R. Merrill Mrs. H. Sullivan. Mrs. Walter by the Young- Peoples' Choir Fred Baldwin,iDr. W. Z. Barrett Helen Lorch, Rosalie Xash, Claire Brotherhood will hold their month- mas Major. Others ind .Mrs. Tho- Turner. Mrs. A. L. Huber, Mrs. J. ;teiidant. Thomas ,1. i':i:i;i- ' throughout the profrram. and Mrs. W. Z. Barrett, Mr. and Pfeiffer. Lillian Edwards, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Xels AlberUon. ly dinner at the church with Fred Mrs. Chester Peck. Mi-. ent were Slillwell, Mrs. Paul Janderup. |act a? his brother's be-: :-..'.• Euchre: .Mrs. John Caulfield, The Lamp in the church: a Mrs. Louis -Cohen, M.r. and Mrs. Garret Bmlhead, Mrs. Whitney A. Briegs in charge of the busi- Campbell, Mrs. Ccdnc Leim E. Mrs. Thomas Leahy, Mrs. George, Harry Van Tassel, Mrs. .^"athan story, "The Church of the Lamps," William Xelson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Leeson, Mr. ;ihd Mrs. Emerson ness session. Mrs. Julian Grow ami Mr Ustrom. Huffman,- Mrs. Charles Seissel, : , Robert Disbrow. Patten, Peter Leahy-,Mrs:. James by Louis Farrell. Harry Gerns, Mrs. Martha Zettle- White, Arthur Levi, Walter Levi, How- M rs . MacCrory, Mrs. J. A. Comp- ! _ ard Jernee. Harding. Margaret Kelly. moyer, J. H. Love, Rev. Carl Mel- Stephen, Andrew and William Choir T° Sing ton, Mrs. P. Uonato, Mrs. Arthur land Mrs. George !>;-: : j The Breckcnridgc Auxiliary The next meet n-' wi'i '., Whist: Mrs. Anna Herron, Mrs. | The Lamp in the Home by the berg, Andrew Desmond, Miss Gen- Ellis and William Butters. — •• i'i-'d Xvlson. Mrs. Derlten Bartholo- avenue, entered Ntw V, I held its fij-st meeting at the manse A. J. Thompson. ievive O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. M. leader and! response answers, folvi-rsity on Tuesday. at the home nf Mrs. I.e»,, C: im]) . MU;Wi M ,.^ W endolin Leber. Non-players: Miss Anno Lan- ! Monday hig-ht with-Mrs. Earl H. lowed by musical response, " 0 —Or, and Mrs.'C. 1! Also Mrs. Thomas Wand, Mi^s gan; door prize, Mrs. Lawrence iDev.inny as hostess.(Twenty mem- hell, Green street. 1 ue-day. orHappy Home, Where Thou Art cannon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Braun, ''"'' 1-uuru Brodhelid, Mrs. Arthur F. left on Wednesday n.|1 bc-i-s were present. Fox; special award, Mrs. John F. 1 Loved the Dearest" by the Young George F. Rothweiller, Jr. I Dl — Geii, Mrs. James S. Wight. .\Ji-s. the S. S -Washington f" Plans for the year's program Ryan. Peoples' Choir. Also Carolyn Sullivan. Mrs. I'. 1 —Miss Lillian Edward returned N. V. Nicklas. Mrs. K. II. ,!V- Shetland and Wales. T were discussed and it was decided Tonight the Children of Mary Service of dedication. "His Ray Handcock, Mrs. W. E. Hab( | o study the book "Orientals, in to her home in Trinity Lane .iftvr vanny. Mrs. Orray T. Frase-r. Nlrs. t" return "November l!. The First Ward Republican Lamps Are' "We," by Miss'Norma ich". Mr. and Mrs, William Tob- Club will hold _a ,picnic at Maple Sodality will hold a public card America." .The next meeting will three weeks' spent a: the Ed Janus KatK|lmian, .Miss Lortaiiuparty'in the school auditorium at Cl^ase. Dedication hymn: "Take i-&ky, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kauf- Tree Farm. Rahway Avenue'. he held at the home nf Miss Grace cational Camp for busings girls Warte-r, Mi-s. A. J. Long, Mi's. - Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord," fol- man, Julius Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Avenel, Sunday beginning at 2 8:15 o'clock. There will be si .. Huber in Linden avenue, Mon- at Lower Twin Camji, N, J, N'iitiian Dulf, Mrs. Leon Camiibell, A. Hall, Mrs. St. Glair Inumber of prizes awarded in the lowed by the consecration' of of- M. Choper, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene p. m. This camp is umii U|!i-r- Mrs, William Tobrowsky. Mrs. Edith Prall, Mrs M-r: various card games and refresh- day night October S. fering; hymn, 'Follow the Gleam.' Long/ebarde, Mrs. R. Snowfiekl. vision of tht" govfi-p.mi-n! and Joseph Copcla: Harold Hayden, Mrs. Josi-ph Dia- Mrs. Public Service bus No. r>4 passes ments will be served. Miss Claire Pfeiffer will he in Mr. and Mrs. M. Tynipanick, Mrs. noted for its clas.-es in -ports, mond, Mrs. D .J. Dwyer. Mrs. F. Stubbs, Mrs. Thomas V.< the farm. The affair will take • The Misses Ruth McCann and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE charge of the program, and will; Christian Orr. •iramatics am! cnien^inmt-nt. place ruin or shine. Jane Snyder have charge of the 'IRST CHURCH OK CHRIST. be assisted by Mi?? Mary Levi.j Also Present affair. SCIENTIST Mrs. Jay Rutan and Miss Grace Also Miss Cecilia Obropta, Mr. A Branch of The Mother Church Huber. fs The First Church of Christ, ScienTRINITY —.Eiiiamiel. Klein hn~ returned tist in Huston, Mas;-. At Trinity Episcopal Church, to Philadelphia to enter his senior with Rev. Howard Klein, rector, Sunday Schnul, \> :M\ A. M. Sunday Service, ll:0n A. M. year ut the University of Pennsyl- communion will be served at 8:00 1 THEATRE—WOODBRIDGE' ' Weilnesday Testimony Mi-eting, ania and Arthur lpein has re- a. in. The church school will be :00 P. M. rned to enter his junior year at Pleaie mail dates not later than Tuesday of each week, to held at (1:45 a. m., Holy Eucharist .mherst College, Amherst. Mass., and sermon at 11 a. m., with the Thursday, Reading Room, 3:00 Sadi Martin Bussinger, Woodbiidge Independent TODAY \V an and TOMORROW TONIGHT—Public cardd party, 8:15 P. M., Children rjof Mary, , St. 'ter spending the Summer vaca- excention of the ^ast Sunday in j 5 P. M. t 8 1 5 P M James1 Auditorium; Meeting, First Ward Huiiparian Club. ion with their parents, Mr. and th month when morning priiyeirs. Joseph Klein of Barron avo- and sermon takes i place. l Second District, at Club Rooms; Card party, jSiprma Alpha Tlic General Anembly of the Province, Woodbrid';' ' The next. meet|ng of St. 'MarPhi Sorority, Phi Alumnae, at Mrs. Grace V. "Brown, Mam ue, included, met in Woodbridge on October S, 1676. Tin Street. Barrett, D. N. garet's Unit will ' be held at the meeting la.tid four dayi, during which time it w»» deSaturday—Annual Cake Sale, 2:30 P.M., Methodist Episcopal Church, nd Mrs. W. II. Mrs. home of Mrs. Oscar Large in H. Kinas, Irown. Mr. and cided that the Governor'i taUry Uiould be paid in "peat. Avenel, on October 3. " at home of Mrs. A. R, Bergen, West Main Street. Sunday—Rally Day Exercises at First-Presbyterian, First Congregj- Mrs. Marie T. Gorton, Miss Alice The annual visitation day of wheat or tobacco." A general Thanksgiving Day wa» orSurrett. John Xenieth, Miss Mag• Jional and Methodist Episcopal Church, with church serChrist Church Home of South :ie Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Francis dered to occur on the Second WednetcUy of November of vices at these at 11:00 A. M.;'at Trinity Episcopal, services with Amboy will be held Thursday, each year. K and 11 A. M.; musses at St. James' Church, 7:00, 9:00, uitli, JoseVh Kohan, Carl Drourr. October 1. Service will take place Mr. and Mrs. L. Beineix, Frank 10:30 A.M. Ruby Dick Job,, ilontecalvo, Mr. and Mrs. William at 12 o'clock, with luncheon at Tuesday—Tuesday Afternoon Study Club, Mrs. A. R. Bergen, 2 .). Boylan, Red Moyer, Charles 12:l!0,' and a special meeting at High and medium grade of P. M., AVest Main Street;'Card Party, Ladies' Democratic Japier", Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stone, -1:30. KEELER POWELL BLONDELL musical instruments. Private I Association, Third Ward, at .Suwaren School; Sunday School 'lint Manson. . Tonight ah organization meet ! lessons by Mr. Gutowski and i Election of officara, S P. M., Sunday School, Presbyterian Also Mi».- Vivian Mariana, ing will be held at the home o SUN. - MON. - TL'ES. Church; Meeting, Alpha Sigma Phi Sorority, al Miss Elizat'i Mrs. Williajn Thompson, HMi ussi.Miiui.-' u n ui! i i ^ t r u i n e i i t s . ,'oseph C. Jansak, Steve Macedbeth Trautwein, Amboy Avenue. w' Street, when plans .will be dis- 1169 E. Jersey Street at Broad uski.'Miss Gertrude M. Krewinkje - Wednesday—Meeting, St. Margaret's Unit, Mi-s. Oscar Large, Avenel; Up.tair. cussed for the formation of a ELIZABETH" CLARK MYRNA .Meeting-, Foreign Missionary Study, First Presbyterian Frederick Krewinklo, Mr. ajid ihumatic club. A jihiy, as yet t« Phone Eliz. 2-37S4 Mrs. Ray Signor, Mrs. J. E. llarChurch; Henetit movie, Businessmen's Association, State ued, George K. Wallace, Samuel Theatre. Thursday—Benefit movie, Businessmen's Association, State Theatre Gursty, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dragoset, Mr. and Mrs. V. Dniposet., Mary, I ' Men's Brotherhood Dinner at Presbyterian Church; Annua. Dunn, IN Herman Stern, Ernest W. Visitation day at Chribl Church Home, South Auiboy/ut 12 Grier,, Bill Perna, Abraham, KapWe ipecia o'clock. Have you been Brass, Reed and lan, li. Butter. Miss Bertha OhWe carry a Comcalled a "crank" Friday—Card Party, First Ward Women's Democratic Club, at Head 'ott. Edward F. Christian, Jacob relief and String Instruments about your feet? plete Line of Musiquarters. M, Nfewiiian, Edward Bleiweis^ Altion of Plm taught by a profesIf to —- drop in fred Muller. SPECIAL DATES cal Instruments. foot condition'|( our »lore and sional on each inOctober R—Meeting, Kosary Society; Meeting, Breckenridjje Auxtl *• TOM TYLER in Also .Miss Ethel Tier, Mrs. S. O u r orthopf! our modern X> iary, at home of Miss Grace C. Huber, Linden Avenue; Meet strument ing, First Ward Unit, Women's Republican Club Head \{. Bussinger, Mr. and Mrs. M. for ray machine will work X-RAY FITTING Special Re"A RIDER OF THE PLAINS" Klein. Mr. and Mrs. li. Cohen, Mr. check up your Enroll Now Octobtjr '' 9-*-Tuesd8y Afternoon bridge Club, Mrs. Leon Cumpb 11 •md Mrs. E. Bernstein, Mr. and •hoe fitting. pairing Mrs. A. I^ger, Miss Florence no extra ,ch»rs* Green Street. . , . " . ' , WED/. - THURS. — Private liernstcin, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Work Done October 10—Benefit Card Party, St. James,',Auditorium, Rosary So Lessons C-i'i'ty; Tea, Presbyterian Church, Mrs. C. R.r Qhase, 2 P. M llrost, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coppola. by Experts October 1 I—Meeting, Women's Missionary Society, M. E. Church lolln J. Hitting, Mr. and Mrs, V. \. Hooban, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mrs G. Bjornsen, Amboy Avenue. Smith. Mr. and Mrs James LattanO i t o n r 17 -CafLteiia lumhion, tliuuh basement, Congregationa /io,'Mr. and Mrs. Peter l.attan October 2(i Hallowe'en bain dance, Mrs "W. A. Osborn's Ban •'io. H. Geis, Mr. and Mrs.' K. .1. with H. B. WARNER Gillis, Mi and Mra. A. C. Oop. Rit? Theatre ^., Tel. Eliz. 2-8475 berg, Lou -Shull. October 12i»--PubUc CJutl purty, S t Marsaret's Unit, at^Piirisb, House, LARGE AUDIENCES EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT 1st Ward Democrats Plan Benefit Party New President Local Church Scene Of Pretty Wedding CHURCH ACTIVITIES Hoff man-Kean Party Attractslocal Folk US. Lager Installed 1st Ward Republican Club Hears Local Candidates Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Randolph Entertain Choir Members Mrs, Rarnekov Entertains '* Tuesday Afternoon , '? - p- L. F. Campion To Wi Miss Irene Fox On Sunday Ward Republicans Picnic For Sunday Yews NotesjjJVoodbridge S TAT E WOODBRIDGE CALENDAR -Little Known Fact —i ABOUT W00DBRIDG1 i A. GUTOWSKI DIZINNO'S MUSIC STUDIO GABLE LOY "Men In White" INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT SHOE FITTING mScholls I Foef ComfortService' No Extra Charge 1141 EAST JERSEY ST., ELIZABETH "SORRELL and SON" ,WDBRIDGB INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1934 News NotesjiJVoodbridge , PORT READING NEWS --Mrs. Dennis .!, Ryan, Grove |iivenne, is now rceupi'n,tin|r n t .the I erl.li Amboy Ilospitn.1 nftcr By MILDRED SCHIAVO WEBS CAMPION SUNDAY ^HlMnOE AVENUE PART OF FRIDAY ^ DINNER IN THOUSANDS OF WOODBRIDGE HOMES! PORT HEADING "M^^MM!1", . u mis, Mliel Holies, mstniclorleader, announces the whiteer camp KKADING D E ORT READING GROUP will open in " ' LUB CHANGE ™ D CONVENT.ON |lhc OF SHOW fl,0Rc who attende.l the Uic Children of Marv ! l h UAfK ,|(1ti: of the Buddies Social Minimi hremen's ' convention at. At-iplace l theh school ininth l 'auditorium ,,,w is chanced from OctoMy f 1>ort R p a < l i n p lln w i k vet'' w [ ° ? ) '""' " " '"' < '"'"^ n <, no,™ " to Ortoher !). Tickets are wore: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc-lim; wit* Hallowe'en and I,, from any member, m i . and H.I HI M I S , Steve Hut-;lar ti K an,Mr Mrs, danee orchestra will f u n l jsl ' • . a i l : ' 1 officers were installed nt l.e «"if,iui, melt, Mr. and Mrs. Kdwaril Uoody.ltlie music. meeting. They a r e : Peter Peterson,, st ,.h Schi-i 1 n*- Misses .Jane Goriiv nn.i ill., I^irry Waynes; vicc- avo, Michac-l Superior, Mrn. ^Kathleen Co, ,ov" . r e e L h a i , P •William trens- Martino and Misses Mildred'and nren and liavi; n inrpe committee )r(jre I l r a b ; secretary, •-.Ivirn .Sc'hiavo. assisting them. un-r. ,i ...-thn. —Mr. nlid Mrs. J. H. Thayox , the last meeting four mem-Mr. and Mrs. .1. Rchiavo visit- Martin tahway Avenue, returned '. , n .re admitted to the club. A "I Mrs. Concettn Maririj?a of Now- , ''\ Rf t ' w w «'l(s' visit with theii ulu-rship drive is under way. ark on Wednesday, dauirliters, Mrs. Gerry Kecne, at -7-Mr.iind Mra. E. W. Neir and I^ynii, Mass., and Mrs. Charles their daughter, Gertrude, of I'ntc-lmrd, nt M;irb«lhead, Mass CLUB MEETS Kiiesls o f Mr.Mrs. Prit.ehard and daupht MRS. MARTINO m l M U T z l o7'FoodbridS here"' W i t " W I " lrenUl ' f " » Se.win^ Club of Port Rcad- ^Avenue. lirlil its rcRular weekly nieet;,l (lie home of Mrs. Salvatorc 'lino of Wooilbridprc Avonno Wednesday afternoon. Those ! .-1'iit were: Mrs. Jose>ph Mor- S " ml , n , v —The birthdays of Mrs Wal'tei Mrs. Michael Sasso; Mrs. - M r . and Mr*. M. Barnayok habich, of town, I). Dwyor and •j,;,,.] Baranyok, Mrs. P. Mar-have- moved from, Woodbri(|KejJoseph White, brother-in-law of , Mrs.. Carmen J. Zullo, Mrs. Avenue to Lee Street. |Mrs. Habich, of New York? we?e lila llelininp and Mrs. William -Mi- and Mrs. Stephen Urban 1 celebrated Saturday nicht a t Wai spent Wednesday in New York, j l m Inn. Kahway7 nvemic Mr' —AinonR- those who attended Habich is the daughter of Mr 6 ' iiie dinner dance at the Hotel ,I>wyer and many friends and rela,I-MOCRATS HOLD Pmes wore: Mr at,. Mrs, Heed, lives from New York and town SOCIAL .MEETING Mr. and Mrs. C. Zullo; Mr. and were present. s|ii'i'inl meeting of the com- Mrs. M. SaSSo, Mrs Anna Galla-i The Saturday Evcnine Bridge ,,,,11,,. nf the Democratic Ladies B-IKM- Mr. and Mrs, Bright, and Club met last week at the home Third Ward Mrs. Anna Cromwell ,of M i M Qflace Foster, Linden .\... ,„ iation of the ffjiavenue. —Miss Kathleen Doodyy of Cliff f,,r ii curd party to be held on IT 'I at the Sewaren School Kond has enU'rH-as a student in HiRh score was awarded Mrs. ,'lii Tuesday nip-ht at the I'.lizahelh s f.ollepre in Morris- William Thompson. The members ]>,,;; Reading Headquarters on tow n. Miss Doody is a graduate present were: Mr. and Mrs John iV..."!lirid(re Avenue, Mrs. Mor-of the WoodbndKC Hifih School, McCreery, Mr. and Mrs Williim ,,i. Christie of West Avenue i, class of 193.1 Thompson, Miss Grace' Foster of , i;.-r;a! chairman. i) 7"i ••% ' " n l " ' a l ° !Ulfi ] u ' r son, town; Peter Smith of Perth AmMiss Irene Marie Fox •| i uinmittce consists of Mrs. Kalph. of Third Street, were visi- '»>.V and Mr. and Mrs. William Of Railway, who will become the bride of Lawrence F, CamMrs. S. Ilntniek, Mrs. tors of Mrs. A. C. Leone of Wood- C. Hnrley of Matawan pion, Albert Street, WoodbridRe, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock ! The next meeting will he held ..;v. Mrs. M. SasM, M r s . J .bndpe Avenue on Wednesday. at St. Mary's Church, Central Avenue in Rahway. , Mrs. K. Dwyer,- Miss Mury —'Misn Kathleen Soiners of ''it the home of Mr. and Mrs John c.n. Miss Jiisephino Casale, W oodbndKC was a recent visitor Mt'Creery, Church Street. Insanitary, Unsanitary one of tile many instances (sucr —Miss Helen Scott, of Ashland, i:,.l KiMTi-li, Mrs. J . Gill a n d "I the Misses Evelyn and Dorothy Insanitary is the preferred form as inactive, inapt, incapable) ir (•eis nf WoodbridRO. Avenue. Mass., is the (juest of Mr. and l.lrllicks. , although unsanitary also is found which tin- is givinjj.way to in- as i —Mr. and Mrs. A. Coppalo and Mrs. Frank Burns, Alice Place, ji) m o s t dictionaries. This is but prefix meaning not. son. Ralph, were the visitors of this week. | F P 1 I-UB WILL f'-iends in Bayonni' on Sunday. —Miss Charlotte Ullman, | R [ M MF. MEETINGS _ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Ullman, Grove avenue, re turn• V. I ' . Club will resume its BEAR DOWN ON BUSES • ' • > " • . - . . . , . , , , i.i.iucmi v hMi- « I • - - • - - • • ,7 ••'. T -.-,t^^t l-'tl- n i u till i H I ; i i 1TILI1 HH!|| r. fii-i!.i monthly meetings on Oe- W ihhldi wm^i,nn" of . u f ^ , N t n , "L t 0N ? b l c Scll,°,ol-in R ^ -N" V t- -. • I at the home of Miss I r e n e ons until a certilUnte is issued w h e l " ! [ r * ' 1 C '?• l l '''lel'c instructres.,. ; i' -ident. All m e m b e r s a r e y the Slate Hoard of Public lltil- 4 r v ^ " 7 ! l ! ) c t l ) ,,1',lx"w. <laup;h- 1 rofiit. : ityy Con,mi>si..ners to show that !.',. ' ^ ?, F I T 1 , 6 ™o nP ° Wr tl h, 'He e,p,ipn,enl and n (oJ f t '•"• ° i.l " < }'ll m S<im.llom lie enuiomenf ;.,„! insurance i,,^,,mn,,, ;;, ln( 1'<. ll" e "1 Port - ; ' - "Cter a visit witli pn,],erlv saferunrds pii^emn-r, is AC!. CARD CLUB M E E T S M 1 1 r.-.-ninnirnd.-l l.y llarrv XuC AT MRS. SASSO'S HOME ^ I i i An- Card Club im-t at t h ei : . . - h . p r e i d e n t , , f t h e S t a t e l ! , , a r d , , Gov.-rnor M o o r e |i,,i V ''/V ' ' ,I)onahue T. nf Mr-. JL Sasso nf A Street i a l e t t e r „ G daughter, Maris, Green ] I L11 <_» d h t M Tui'-liiy nifjht. Iliirli scores in Trenton, Mi is '••'iiiade liy Mrs. Mary Andrr- - P l e a s e m e n t i o n t h i ss p a p e r to M, Wl , ( . k _ anil Miss Antionettf Martino a d v e r t i s e r s ; it helps you, i t helps them, it helps vour jiaper. X p r e s e n i ' w e r e : Mr.-. Mary ii. Kn-dii Grmle, Madelyn Take ~ 0. E. S. Has Benefit Party ftsmen's On Monday to the " " NOTICE notice thnt B E N J A M I N frt i'tiWH'K intt'ruis ro appiy i:. •'. Peterson. I!, lli'^ran.-Towns-hip Coiiimiltee of the Town.. Mary Sasso, Antionette Mar- ship of Womlhridi;-!' for a Plenary Amerieiis Chapter, Order of the \ spaRhetti m p p c r was s e r - Retail Consumption license for Eastern Star held a benefit card : . A spnj;etti supper was ser-premises situated 011 Route 25, party Monday ni^lit at the Crafts: !ale in t h e i-veniiiR. Superhighway near Cloverleaf, men's Club. Mrs. Arthur Grolmvan Township of Woodbridire, N. J. and Mrs. Anthony (ioromiiios ()1 l t l '-i ' ' '""- < - 'f any, should be were co-chairmen. i ' ;J'-:iiiade immediately in writing to: Over twelve tables were in • Mrs. 1). Iletibus of I!1 "'*' !1!- •'• DuniKan. Town-hip Clerk, ,,lay and the prize winners were: WoudbriilK'v, N. •[• , „ , . „ , „ Hi-idge, Mrs. George Rothweiler, y •. A. ('. Leone and !\Iiss (signed) lU'.NJAMIN' DOWICK. Mis. C. Broum, Mrs M McCar. Mi'avo of WnodbridKe ,-\ve- \V. I. '.t--.:S; ltl-fi, thyT M ,.,. FnetoK, Mis. Paul KiiiK'i recent shoppers in Newbeny; ininochle, Mrs. Rose Levi, rl:.Mrs. Walter Coli|iilioun, Miss Ber—Mr. nmV Mrs; .]. Si-liiavo ami tha Ox'eriford; fan tan, Mrs. Artheir I'iiiiln-n. .laeob, Mary. Milthur Grohman, Mrs. K. Marks; dreil and I'l1. n :.i. hnd Mr. mid Miv. w CLASSIFIED RATES' U - )™'{< Mr;-.. ^ApN.^cJlyiiinn; sne•A. t'. l.i'iin a;;,I dauifhtcr, K111- A FACTORY STORE With Factory Price Factory price means the price of manufacturing only. Because of this you save at least $1.50 to $2.50 on new Fait hats at this new store. And remember — you ?et style and quality The same type of hat you usually pay more for elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. A. IHmuit of i of Mr • Vork were the fiiests CLASSIFIED ADS Cash Charpe ( ' i a l award, M\s,,-William Schmidt, aliiit-. ami Mi-.- Lillian lJ'Anolito .10 • atlend'-d the wcddillfr of F r a n k fi Consecutive weeks .OS >' " . 1 0 .12 CORK YOUR N E E D L E S lannarone ,,i' Newark ( ' n Sunday. 2 1 ' " ,]2 .11 When you leave your kniltinir Mir-. Harry Qiiinn and h e r Contract R a t t s For O n e Ycaf i ) l l t l i u | i ' l '"'' I i ' i "l the end of each ti i• 1 irl;11• r. Katharine, were ( h e r ,> ' line or more weekly .0, > P e r knittini; necille. This.will keep you (-••'--•is "!' Mr. and Mi>. II. Heck|,im,. ' from stubbing yourself a« you g 1 ,;iii nf Scwiiren on Tuesday. r throujrii your sowing .basMi-. Anthony Abate and Miss ' i! months . . lines or m o r e week- hunting ' ; i ' t a n d it will also prevent any I A Zullo nf Rahwav were t h e !v, .011 P e r Line. •>!•• nf Mrs. A. C. Leone on ' 'it' nionth.s fi lines weekly .07 Per P i t ucrh e s from beinf; dropped in ,ine. V° knitting. I'-ihiv nirht. Situations wanted and Lost and •—• ~~— - M ; - - Theresa C'redieo of New5 of All Wooabridge Town. • ith Amimy was the recent j;uest Found Ads are payable in Adship in the Independent, tho M i - Irene Gill of Old Road. value. most widely read paper Mr. ami Mrs. I!. Czajkowski Koxes for replies to be sent to in Woodbtidge f'artei-i-t visited h e r parents, the Woodbridfte Imlependent olVice -• and Mr.;. I!, Martino, of Amay be obtained without extra charge through the Classifieil Ad '''•1 i . " i i Monday niprht. dejiartnient. Mi>s I-'iances Hess of OKI Ads must be paid before Satur'•ad was t h e e;uest of Miss Hazel i iin or'•• kinan of Sewaren on Monday. day noon following insertion •Mr, ami Mrs. I \ Johnson of der to earn cash rates. • •c(lln-:dirl. Avenue visited t h e RELIABLE MAX, 27, DESIRES i'"-nti>n Fuir on W e d n e s d a y . employment. Can drive truck or. - Miv Salvutore M a r t i n o of car, or do inside work. Excellent, ••nil!,rid^e Avenue a n d Miss A n - references. Please write or call. '•M'-ti.- Martino of A S t r e e t went Michael Kupoha,fi:iGeorge street, ^'•'.vark 011 S a t u r d a y . Miss Genevieve Co|H)olo of '! i-'-n Str.-et visited Mrs. ,1. l l e r - \V. I. ''artfi-et 011 Sunday. LOST — LARCK lUljtO HOC',,, Grey, Wark niul Hniwn. Ki'w'ard. -11 Kiftli Stveel, Fm-ds. Tel. P. A. .l-2-l.'il-K. , W I. c.l-2H;i0-r>, VI'. FROM FACTORY TO YOU AT FACTORY (PRICE See these new models: Sailors, Velvet Tams, Chimes Coolie Hats, Berets, Chesterfields and many others. Hundreds of styles and sizes to choose from. H.&R.HATCO. 209 SMITH ST. OPEN EVENINGS PERTH AMBOY Of late the INDEPENDENT has become as much a part of Friday night's dinner in township homes as the coffee. In fact—one is lost without the other. The reason for this popularity is due in a great part to complete, unbiased news coverage and frank, fair editorial comment. Advertisers who are on the trail of elusive customers corner their prospects on Friday night through the advertising columns of the INDEPENDENT. At that time folks are at ease—with the week's work over and the pay-envelope either in their pockets or about to go there in the morning. Thoughts of Saturday's shopping naturally gets attention at that time. The advertiser who reaches his prospect on FRIDAY night through the INDEPENDENT is in a "soft spot" to say the least. Those not represented are "holding the bag." "A FIGHTING NEWSPAPER FOR FIGHTING ADVERTISERS" on ride tetter-you drive tetter- -you feel tetter in a KneeAction CHEVROLET JACK'S TAVERN -VMliOY SHADK AND AWNING Co. House and/Store Awnin(rs,j Window shades- liest niatenals, Ko'i-MHKibli; cost. 'l^'\ Elm street, Perth Amboy. tf. ; i AND BALLROOM i Market St., Perth Amboy FREE FOR SALE ; I'TRKWOOD for lire place, stove and furnace. Prompt delivery.) e Rahwuy 7-1 HS7-W.__ I=:::::::::n::;:.;;:.. PLAY ])en- i and 1 hi^n-t,i«»^ , 1 EVERY FRI. and SAT. SPECIAL SUPPER DANCING EVERY '•Kl- - SAT. - SUN. EVES. Music By "HASHIE HENRY" AND HIS "HI STEPPERS" JACK ISENBERG, M,gr. P. A. 4-230U : new. Also single, ibed with spring ami mattress. 4.r)(J ' street, Phone Woodbndge H-U»8.i. W. I. '.»-a«. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE. All improvements. Peter Crein-: or, Hi tir%n street, Woodbrulgc. | w'. i : j ^ ^ : _i SELLING OUT! NURSEHY STOCK—Shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreens, perenniial plants, rose n : l I ,ly bushes, flowurintf sJlirubs All i t saerilice prices. Township Bonds school, Sewarqi. j w . 1. :>-2S to " " HE Ownership Test is simplicity itself. Cb T rolet, through any of its dealers, will glfdly lend you a new car to.tlriva over the same routes and in the same way you drive every day. Chevrolet is confident you will like the freedom from jolts tliat Knee-Aclion brings-the restfulness of shock-proof Htc'etinK-the luxurious appointments of the big Fisher body-the getaway of an {10horaepower engine-the smooth, sur^ action of cable-controlled brakes-the refreshed feeling you enjoy when you arc through. In fact, Chevrolet The Old Reliable Sea Food Artist believes that the Ownership Tesij will prove to JOHN JACOBSON your complete satisfaction that the low-priced IS NOW AT The BRASS RAIL 280. MADISON AVE. STEAK AND CHOP HOUSE JIMMY WEINER ).| Chevrolet is the cur for you and yours. CHEVROLET MOTOlt CO., DETROIT, MICH. (.Wljtur* Chevrolet1' luw ddhtrettprice* and any G.M.A.C* terma "• A Gtntral Moton Vdnt ONE RIDE IS WORTH AJHOUSAND WORDS JEFFERSON MOTORS, Inc. 160-166 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE PERTH AMB0Y, N. J Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Distributots AlWftyi «t Your />.i .--.jsfj FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1M4 SIX • / / . — r . • „-•- , . • " * . , . 1 /S ffi SELLING? • © The big political show will start any day now with its promises^ mud-slinging and baby kissing. It's certain to be a"W3W"and more certain to bring confusion to those among us who exercise the right of franchise, indifferently and without the hope of a better day. How are you going to take your politics this year? From a spellbinder as pictured above? Or from th^ reams of campaign literature that will flood the t o p ship? If you really \vant your politics straight we advise you to read the INDEPENDENT. We have no political axe to grind nor have we anything to gain, regardless of the ktcome. We receive no "weekly envelope" from any group seeking to hold or gain power. So rely on this: any candidates supported by this newspaper, will in our estimation, be worthy of support. In following political developments in the INDEPENDENT you wilj/be given all the humor the show affords. At the same time you'll find we call a spade a spade and we don't pull punches- Finally, your politics will be served up unmasked and honestly. Two old trusty qewshounds.) Mabel and Malcolm Mouse, will be on the job as usual giving you the weekly "low down" on what's transpiring. "The Front Window" is a perfect place from which to view the showAbove all don't take this show,, as hilarious as it will be, too lightly. Remember. YOU pay the bills. Get your. copy of the INDEPENDENT every FRIDAY. Don't niiss a chapter in this vital political story which only too (requently is both ridiculous and expensive. "W00DBR1DGE TOWNSHIP'S FAST GROWING NEWSPAPER" a. ._£.....i I t ' v „ iff* FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,19,84 PAGE SEVEN Kay Francis And Leslie Howard, Now At Majestic loe^Medwick, Cartefet Boy, In Big League Baseball Picture Opening Tonight = tOWD MYSTIFIED ^ — " If STARS^ANTICS ~ 5 OftO St. Louis Fans See Filming Of Scenes On Card Diamond liHcd baseball fans in St. attending a game between iniinals and the Giants for a , iilimis Dny benefit, are still l,j,ii; their heads. ,. .:aw Tlubbcll pitch to Or.'inl| when Or.s'ntti was "half ,', ttiird base ho collapsed in , They, saw strange fumbles. ' mysteriously appeared on 1-ra They saw'ft player msh out "IJIJT"' the prostrate form of ,,,- who had fallen a few '.: from the base. Real Game Went On ,.« after this had.gone on for time, the mystified specta- M: .ITI.OOO or so of them—were filed'- that the 'real game I now po on; that what they'd up to this point were the (u't.inE1 for a motion picture! . for trim o.-i'nes were staffed I, ,,n the Diamond," Mctron-n-Mnycr's s e n s a t ionnl nil detective thriller, •which Saturday to the Strand •,,.. Based on the mystery In- Cortland Fitwimmonp, „• ,',f "70,000 Witnesses," it ,Hinted by Edward Sedg;m.| filmed throuph coopern: 'h<- Cardinals, much of the •i •nkintf place at their home If* Edmund Lowe and Victor McLaren in "No More Women" coming to the CRESCENT. This time they're deep «ea divers lighting for gold and "gals." Scene above is from "British Agent" starring Kay Francis and Leslie Howard and opening tonight at 9 p. m. at the Majestic, JEAN MUIRPLAYS IN STRAND MOVIE 'BRITISH AGENr HAILED AS PICTURE WITH A WIDE APPEAL; AT MAJESTIC It l»s always been a maxim of the theatre that "a Rood bill has something on it for everybody." This is but another way of snyinp; that successful entertainment must have a general, rather than a limited appeal. > "British Agent," the First National production opening tonight at the Majestic Theatre, was ini, r- Orsatti dropped, he waa spired by R. II. Bruae Lockhart's iiic of the victims of a :. i • mysterious murders in j., - iall team durinp the "Death on the Diamond" unfolds • :' n hotly contested scries, on the screen. It is a gripping myr.v-ltrious fumbles were all stery, blended with hilarious com:' th'1 screen play, written by edy, in u unique new form of en. - Thcw and Joe Sherman. tertainment. Many famous pro-.;• ,'tll this had been filmed fessional ball players appear with •-:1111s went into their real noted screen actors in the pro. — and the^St. Louis fan.< duction, which was staged by Meij'iifc understand it all yet tro fjoldwyn-llayer on a lavish will, however, when scale. 'Desirable' Called Dynamic, Colorful Film Tale Of Social Set novel that went through thirtythree editions in England an America. Lockhart's life during the Ru< sian Revolution was a spirited ac mixture of the very elements of "Desirable," Warner Bros.' dyhuman interest; dangerous advennamic and colorful drama of ture, romance, intrigue, suspense Broadway's • theatrical life and its and a dramatic background of decontact with New York's social vastation and death. It may npset, come to the Strnnd Thontn pear strange that Michael Curtiz, on Wednesday with an nll-stiir who directed the screen version cast headed by Jean Muir, (Joorgn with Kay Francis and Leslie HowBrent, Verree Tensdaic ami John ard, should find the love story deHalliday. velopment the most difficult pait of his task. The picture, based on the story by trie famous magazine writer, Briefly, Stephen Locke, a young Mary McCall, Jr., is filled witr adventurer, is,bending every ef highly dramatic and intensely fort to prevent the Soviet fiom emotional situations, with ropierdeclaring n separate peace with like dialogue and a climactic clnsV Germany. If be fails, it moans that between a woman of the world ani Ocrmany can withdraw her troopi her unsophisticated daughter thai from the Russian front and thiow fairly takes the breath. them into the offensive on the Western Front. This would be disFor the first time Miss Muii astrous for the Allies. appears in a role that calls foi gorgeous gowns and luxurioUF Stephen is in love with Elena, JOE (DUCKY) MEDWICK, Carleret's big league ba.esettings as well as a strong porynnng Russian girl who serves ball >lar who is appearing in "Death On The Diamond" opening trayal ;of emotional upsets. Ver the leather of the Soviet with a at the STRAND tonight at 9 p. m. During the course of the ree Teasdale, one of Hollywood' fanatical fcr\nr. picture Medwick beats out a hit to fir at and "slides" home with best dressed actresses, also wil The conflict between their love the winning run. His uniform number is seven. be seen in costumes that are tb and their political iVJenls i« ines| forerunners of fhe coming style capable drami". of the most noted of fashionabi "Even the utrugple of a whole designers. world against annihilation," said Curtiz, "does not move an audience as deeply as the struggle of role of the long-suffering sweettwo young hearts to save their Beginning today "Embarrassing that of a young man who refuses heart, who is not in favor of his love! It is, therefore, quite nec- Moments," starring Chester Mor- to take life seriously and who is "gags" and is forever trying to essary from a director's stand- ris, with Marion Nixon and a constantly playing practical jokes make Mm act more seriously. point to let nothing overwhelm on his best friends, causing countIt is a Stanley Bergenman prothe interest in Agent.' P™mment cast of film actors and less embarrassing moments and duction, adapted by Charles Loh love l i i 'British B fc mi.. -. i - ,1 • tactresses will be shown at the nearly losing bis sweetheart thru gue from the William Anthony duction could easily overpower it, Crescent Theatre. Chester Morris., Morris., popular popular Um'verUniver his antics. Miss Nixon, petite and McGuire story, "The Practical Chester unless the romance were given sal star, plays tile leading role, lovely screen actress, portrays tb Joker." careful development." TWO FEATURES ALWAYS EVERY SATURDAY NITE AT 9:00 P. M. HOT HARLEM NITE COLORED ENTERTAINERS FROM THE HOT SPOTS OF HARLEM SAT. • SUN.-MON.-TUES. PREVUE FRIDAY NITE AT 9:00 P. M. JOE "DUCKY" AON.. TUES. FRI. - SAT. - SUN. W a i his face red whan the |oke woi turned on him in thU fait and furloui comedy! m $f VICTOR I M'lAGLtN JOE Also "THE E. in CIRCUS CLOWN" BROWN Also The Thrill of Thrills "EAT 'EM ALIVE" NATURE IN THE RAW ON The American Desert PERTH AMBOV MADISON AVENUE Joe E. Brown Circus Clown In Crescent's Film Monday With all its color, its action, its blare and heraldry, the circus— both as seen in the ring and as lived behind the tent -drops—will be shown on the screen of the Crescent Theatre, where Joe E. Brown will appear in the First: National picture "The Circus I "Clown" on Monday. EDMUND >. JLOWE Chester Morris and Marion fiixon Play Feature Roles In 'Embarrassing Moments'; Opens At Crescent Today ON THE STAGE CRESCENT CONTINUOUS SHOWS DAILY TON1GNT at9P. M. PREVIEW 2 Features NO PRICE , ADVANCE i MEDWICK SEE HIM BEAT OUT A HIT TO FIRST BASE SEE HIS SLIDE INTO HOME PLATE . man s WATCH One of the greatest comedians in the history of filmdom, who has actually lived the life lie depicts, for Joe E. Brown was a circus acrobat as a boy, Brown has been given a vehicle that allows his marked talents full sway, and, supported by an exceptionally capable company, including the entire cast of the Al CJ. Barnes circus, he brings to his audience a screamingly funny comedy that is replete with love interest, thrills 'and action, and which at times has touches of patthos that stop the laughter with a hint of tears. WHO'S WHO Robt. YOUNG MADGE EVANS PENDLETON - TED HEALY AT THESE POPULAR PRICES 25 C TT I L L Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. JEAN MUIR GEORGE BRENT in "DESIRABLE" 25c zS 10c PREVUE TUES. NITE AT 9.00 P. M.' Of. : ' * ' • ' • • • • .. . . . * while fe.er heart demanded his lips...,. FRANCIS ^ H O W A R D NO. 7 THAT'S MEDWICK IN With ^ Madge Evans who plays the horoine of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "Death on the Diamond" coming Saturday to the Strand Theatre, was born in New York, July 1, and won fame in silent days a& a child star. Lnter ah-e became a Broadway stage celebrity, then returned to the screen. Among hor best known roles are those Madge Evans in "Takei til place among Iho poweriul drarom ol Ihli icrotn era . . charged wiih roalltm and •motional appiall" —Motion Picture Daily ADDED ATTRACTION WALTDINSEY SILLY SYMPATHY "WISE LITTLE HEN" "Stand U a n d Cheer, "Kugutive Lovers," "The Bliojv Off,"'"The Nuisance" and "Paris Interlude." Kduiutui Lowo mill Victor McLutflim, iiinjeuring together on the screen wfrain in a 'hectic tnlo of, lieep-Boa diving, Pai l amoui|t's,"No More Women," which is comiiig on Mtindiiy to tlic Crescent Theatre, have endorsed the attitude of Hollywood statisticians who view with alarm Ae comparatively bi'iof popularity enjoyed by "teams" Thrill lo the dti of your being al; this woman's tea*v drenched romance with a man H^waa 'her duly *o kilt I... A love soaring on winos of ecstasy c a continent l in death's LAStf TIMES TODAY— "AFFAIRS OF CELLINI" MICKEY MOUSE in "CAMPING OUT" PICTURES OF LINDBERGH KIDNAPER But although he had lost his organization, he had not lost his political sense. He realized that he couldn't win. A few of the bright young men whom he had attached back in the days when he was Governor didn't 'seem to be quite so bright any more. They thought he could'win hands down. Edge k'new better, so he became aloof, aparently in- ' different. He assumed the air of an expert and was even successful that a- few thought that if he would only come home in 1931 in time to make a few speeches for David Baird, Jr., that the Republicans would elect a governor that year. Mr, Edge did come home and he did make a few speeches. AMATEUR NIGHT WEDNJf, But the Republicans didn't elect a Governor. In fact, SEVEN (7) DAYS - STARTIN5' they never were beaten quite so badly. * NORMA SHEARER-FREDRle "THE BARRETTS OF WIMPt Woodbridge, County and Perth Amboy * * * • Anyone whose name and face have been in the public prints as often as Walter Edge's, isn't forgotten quickly. But he will be remembered mainly for his retirement from the United States Senate which made, possible the election ft bonds J of Dwight Whitney Morrow. .t . .• ' i _ By KATHERYS HAWKDC5 P- A. BIG SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY *»d SATURDAY LOWER PRICES FOR QiAUTrXEAI iSE TOWAMLES CLAJUt-iR. •as. >ws> as* l£r i.^- JMtJrs. B***i ^~* "*r**"° ^ r ^ *~ " &r*E4* fit^o Rftsi*. J^ha " ' • i i '' . .Zsax SszTt Marie Totb, MICHAEL DEJffTER HOST Tnm. Jferr Ls** "5**13: AT AJ« UaTROMPTV PARTY ra. J:«a I Xttr* x s i s u ^ a a B Mis. O r c i . •:1 ! J=d Traim* mnnc ROAST >:.- »trn: i t v- . . --T.,«: ' - . ,„ . ; •*•: M«i SABO DutifrAiMS j ~A Trt. r-f- .rstENDSON SUNDAY of'Mr. &>' \ T -.r'.. .:.:«« I« n r Mrs. i « PRIME RIB ROAST 2 9 FRESH PORK SAUSAGE MEAT « -c-;'£- ~ ? li* 'Mn Vl! i=. A m : ''?-«-* =-**&. J MR. A \ D MRS ESSES • ESTERTAW FWEJCDS • W^m". I J T " ^ 4 ~ y^' it 1 jarry it---: P*.s. Saw: i*4 m *•** * tP**1"-5 *=* K'~ Pr fitJ - S T «-'- ^-m-T t ; --M ir-3* rf »s# ^-^ks Aa-i«r**=- '.f ?*r-k A=- *r.j K=^ 5*r**t- MIM Ana Si«5Ana an<J j fA t Mrs. Hfaj? >fr. tli'M-T. Frari C-:*--:xi tr!i Mrs.- Har^ y - -5-- Y,*%. z^rj-i.- tlsfsr. Kr. 'f- Mr!. ~- >Kr j - i jfr. ar-i LAMB 14 " r 5 r*-5* r ~ i ^ FORDS RECS PLA.N REORGAMZATtON 25: LAMB CHOPS RIB LAMB CHOPS 27^ LAMB STEW r.rrd. , t ^ £ T « « ^ ' oi "Mr/asd MrtiMo94areTtniE^. ' :. _ ? # — ^ '"Uf'L/^'"'" ' ' iss Blaaeitrft r t - ^ J ^ « s «• / . - f ^ ^ ^ w QJ^ fridge" T W K I * ? j Mr. »wl Mr». Jaasti C<-.v.•.'-*• • " "^I_3i- tiji Mrs. J i i a Watson • eveaio^ ao«J Tif;t«d at tb« hcus* | JaiB» ; '*. L. I. ,, • i't "B"€T6; Ctair?. ^ ^ ^.^u^-^ ^- T v^ Jjorjs* of Mr*->of Mr. aad Mrs. Pa^i-Mill^T tfe^r^M —Mr. a&d Mrs. Ctar- ,',v,-f. i t 1 ? •^'•~* ^~',~'~?r~ "Wa^vi's p&r*n*^w Mr. arjd Mr?.; Mtal Ti^jni&j Petri &r.d fcerl** ** *"f* r f**'3yEt*r^ r---.v:.. X&^z,j iiansc^S'u^?, p^^^^. D^^b-ar. of N?"** Bajspsfcirg^; <iaagfet*r ET»1TB. a r t th* K ? S U i f**'"J' SSIWWT *Tftuir;* •. ^»; —Mr. and Mn. David ti&omU A ^:=r^ef liSE^^^slsS;J2 M R i DLTfHAM HO6TE5S TO WOMA.VS CLUB ir. p* M jtV rimS--S^V ' visitors of Mr.'and Mrs. j --"r-r iatisi-ss AM:.:* a*sihv" MRi STEVENS FETED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY ; . ! r;*." •:: ;:nc-r a: a r : r r r 19 FANCY TOP GRADE FRYING CHICKENS ie; Eirs. s Dtl- SHOULDER LB. nistjat: Mr ;-T»eaJj« as u:*:r MBgartw-it •f.i4T«.r«lan>*!J te ' Masa»c-siE• . t T-J^ ^ i ; )Cr •pitK.1 rww"i»i. AR esisraca ta » —-Mr-and Mrt G*orf« Waik«r j jt«/>u* of. d i i H "=^.f err*s i r Mis l e n »IT* 2 j -rere tbe rs«e&« «f Mr and Mn. •: —X M S i ' l b . A&Ot . ; ABt :Aclsn trti ga^s-fci T«T* - i i - ^ -B-»TS «= Miiler Jlsijercfc: rtras Am&'j?, tfcort ra<«b''m. " . O',f yE~S*i«k »W« t i e Satnrdajr 3 PURE PORK surFD \t% ; W.''ii~' ,'.:,- »«-.« JUESM-. Mrs. CElXSIUTEi BIRTHDAY ' f WHOLE 1," I " IT'IS- LB = Has S^^iin :;-•.-.' w-. a - 5 \£r=. Ana-r S*- 19' ORANGES S GRAPES 2 ^ \T tome1 ic. Pittsbargt, after a itw • __rharifc5.and Wil'iam Warso.. *•''•*:' dati visit wi:fc Sir. and Mr;. Ar-; —^ 0» j ^ r _a n : j J[A;_ Char!^= York ("iiv. irere -tie ir.sosis o noM Tfcoaspsen' of New Brins-; w ar? ,-. 0 - Mary Averse, .-p-=n: >rd. Mr*.. Arr.o'A rhristt-n.-. *i-ck Artnue. . S-jridiv at Asburv Park. ' Ford- ?>'C'r,dsy tTf-pinr. —Mr. ar.d 'Mrs. Walter R:T=- l_M:=i A-jsrJ.=:a Petenor cf —^'T. ar>d Mr=. Frank ?i ley. ih*ir daagfcter.-Eita, and :r_f:: Eas;*::. Pa., has returned r.orr.* vrer": N"t»-York Citv visitm-! sons. WSHam and . Walter. irwr ir-5r,a;r.e =orrit-_ •. - . . - . . fere the e^esu Sacda^ of her aunt arid Tnnc)e. 'Mr." r;',;al Vi:?ar!on frgm his ilutic ii-riie-fi mother scd fa:'--:. Mr. pies", 4 A ; sr' 'Jr r"':r'.'-s Tv!e . s;!ej-^ar. in R^vonne. —Mr. E*H! >'r.=. .Stephen Wr••''•'..a d MrsTTV^-.er Eije:-y. Sr.. c: •"i_i;r55 Caro!ir« fy'.er o: cf rF \f A^CTir Tottecvtlle. S. I. -ar.c ;M:^= .%Le'.a .'"lorsran t r n ="••: •'"-••r famMv have v"Hirn("i ' liiii*. "Mr?.' Cbsr.rs 25 SUNK1ST T=-; £.-.•£• :r.4:r t&t. A r i i r . Jr.. Mr —Mr. and ifts. Jarr.rs D'-cr.a ra irj-rr.-?... o; ^ " •;» ?va":er. Is'and "'•V~inei.:r;v. " : rrf "it th«?:r h u n t r a l w .it Mor^ji: sts Wscr.i>i8y " ^ \ " 5 i v - H a ' = i ~ •••:' N S T Brur.=- Bearh. ^'Kr^r^ir^Svrb'cs-Trf--WH««---^jv-\j(v-Ir.urEr.d"FTaV.-::= Et-ar, o f . —Mrs. Amlr»w Nel.-nn of Fif-'i DOZEN ' i Mi»r 5»ks&» DELT5CH RETURNS TO COLLEGE ££:••: I ^ ^ h . ;.:r, -:f Mr. a=i i,f-.; ihzz--X~ --' Mr Marjcrie Treachenny DATATftEQ ioon»->»« si.25 ISLAND r U l A I U L J 15 lbs 21c LONG PHONE YOUR ORDER-WO. 8-0522 FREE DELIVERY 100 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE :.-. ---r- ;•:=* •:- Tn-i S ^ T T : if- OFFICERS ELECTED :er £ -J:r^-:£T ^ ; : : : h - r.r=- BY BOV SCOUT TROOP -.._. .-• y r ".vr.ii z: :^e h-r-nie -:: Mr. ^..i v,;_ T . . . " ' . " : a::.: VJTT :•• hi- :-r.nr.ed > : : r fours iSiTr. a.::er r.d Mrs. :-.-,-. H^rrick - 1 " : : r • J " "( — l : ' " r • ^ - . . G*crge"s P . M . : i:'-cr a week- 3->V^""--.-"'I-i-'^ " I - - T.:'-V: --^.=-^--= .iiir.er- «.-^.i?*. _ Electricity Pleases Consumer At Less Than 6 Cents a Day •- i ~~ .5:-;ri.-*-. w : : " M:- ; .'.;- ; =rin I - Sinccr of R-.ilv r,\' : Prcf. Di<i?ft; o •:•; ReiTtreranon in " —Mr. arx Hrj. Alfred Kar. Jr.. s.r.i •s.-zz di_er.tir. Isbe'.la. vij::i *.h-= h:nit of >Mr. ar.-i Mri. z-rdy ? Jj'r.r. Ha^'sir.; tisrlr.i Marrc-e jzen: •.-i--:--ivi | " 7 - - " V . - ; - -•-:- Z':y:.S~~-~" ,:7:.';:;:':7i.;::::.-,,:: —j 7r-z-y '~\:~- -->-^.-^ y ^ ; :,v^:-^: "' """" ^ : : - ; " . v ^^^v- 1 "^ ^ : ; ; : - M r f H£rrr H e r r ,i ,--- p ; e i i a E t ?-,,; s. L • _ M - . srd Mr=. C^r'. r^.«r ar.d mo/.or PHONE Woodbridge 8-1710 Wi:!:s.m ; hive re:srr:e^ ':: t.-.-rir r.:is in Gr-;i: B*rr*cjrtc=. Mii.5.. af:*r a .. br:^f rin' 'aili ^-r. ar.d V'rs. Wa!- * CONSOIERof Pahlie Service elertricitv. li^inf in Mer\ L ehantviUe. rwenlly ^.TOte to the! eompanj"* Camden office expressing t U -satisfaction v.iLh the Kni-ice. Eic^rpU from this man"* letter referring to the question of rates are reproduced herewith: Svf~:iiT :r:.-r. -_ a. =*_ -..-: : -. n. JOAN ROBINSON 7^"-.":v.". vrri.1?:. ' ^ " t " E.VTERT.MNS ON BIRTJHDAY —Mr, izd .Mr?. P^cr Beg'ey • are-;«se «ipt:- ai:er j f^-ar day?: ;^r.: T-th fri-c? :- :h* Ci-^iUk. | —MLjj Arli-e-HerricV ir.d Mis'! !i&u Sehepti: — :•".-;re-i :c Asbaryi Park Sucday *v« : .r; i r i '.-iiiteii Ift not always pric* that count* mqt in printing. Sometimes it's speed. Our mod' ern, complete equipment mak« it po**tble "All this Blah'. B3^h: of Ute about the v=r voa ir* robbing me hai caa^d n e to look clowr i t my til! iici I iHl'; rather nirprL-ed to dnd ..hit current co=i a e for the month a total of 51.62, about 40 -enU per Keek, or ave, and ope-hiM cents] per day. Of « r a r « I realue that *e ire in the Ion? sJimmer davs When liahtj ire cot u-ed ai much is they r-dD be . Trftj, ir.f bare ib*tr r wt« after a »« nr^ r : t i Eap, iomAi £*.* •!•! Sivscs. Mrs. Xa- lit intst *srs "fr- PORTERHOUSE BACON r art • wot K t i e arm* i QTJAHTY * M» Ti* ROSAKY SOOETT HOLDS CAKD PA«TT FETE G I V E * 1 SHOULDERS GENUINE ] LADIES' AID SOCIETY HOLDS FOOD SALE i i Tbe l*4i«r' A>i &vi*«- FORDS SOCIALS • WAGNERMARKEfE SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK JEAN MACK HOSTESS TO MEMBERS OF CLUB J0L XSD mt5. ttAMER E.V7EKTAIS FTUESDS Cdebnttes Birthdiy for u» to give you price* as reasonable as any in town; to 'give you better workmanship and the quickest possible service. No matter what the nature ojf the printing job, iPor satisfaction call vinter. BnL • ^However,.b faime== to you mi the indoitry cf Whkb •you are a part I for one tee I that I lam setting the worth of my money. We ire only four in the family but one is t dreianaker and sues an electric maehine several, hoars daily and lometimei in the evening in addition to pre«iii? of dreii« by electric iron. The radio nm* most of the evening and ve-owi. and nie tvo cleaner* and the laundry work is done at home and ironing by electricity. Te have an electric ' *r*»her jmd 1 nuke the toait and the girls earl their hair by • electricity. • •• •• !• \ ; over ife* — E r a s Docnn of Leu ' K has for1 stkzi tia. of Dr. V. P. G-ria. ,; •. msd Jtr?. Wilier Jordan1; of Mr. a s i Mr?. Jaa:«: Woodbridge Independent I COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPARTMENT 1 BIRTHDAY J ^ S Tfc^nsas Gr«g«r was to a soar «tf tise X >,. appliaoces cd»troeto' operate last month l«* per day than I pa. for a f b a of beer-I like th* kind Uul ieD* let 10 e^nte—and leas titan a ei^ir. beesoi* I pref«;H ProioeUH «t tktee foi i qaarter. 1 am just a working man bnt ti ' kog m the politiqam kt me continue to woik 1 «m i«IKng to let tfaetn hre and ako-tbe fellows who make'and till the beer aad the «i|»s. 1 ooald bay them Cor S eenl* but 1 fifsre I am other cheated in quality « some poor gor along the line "» not gettiiii h»* share.* . Coan'Co'i***—HariT Loci, aoa-of to «EWr fs a sradtnt ac i ' * « r iocr.; ai TortrSe,.-Ver-' . tsA rsswi .My-., Jordan's { aaressu, Ms. asd Mr«. Chns Leff-' o'f fess Tbe party ieoksr y*ar Cj partna, Mr. a&d Mis. :-. —Mrs. 'Ctants Warfo tad bir •. of So«* Amboy. sun, W jtHim. w 4 Mn. Brw •«y- . Be^!e oa • y ? j Braiswjek , AT«E3€ . after., a .itwi-is-i jpe&t »tsi rtlaures is .,aad SCT*M1' *«»feafta*.' —Mr.- aad Mis. SCRANTON FRESH MINED 1 of &r&itk A t a a p '«f Mr. a»a Mri. HinsWHtle.cSi Tlwt* prafest wew: MaMtsajf. . r :Be--3*d Brook ca SatariaT Eiekt. Martk* Marti*, H*k« K*JS, Vii- — M»- *»<i Mrs. , —Mr.'aad Mrs, Jnh "Kr»w«' rassa ' S ^ M U , ' Msncrot ' B t a c - s a n t 'SM*!y-|a SEBVICE .'•riairf at * e l-Mse. of Mr. U J . - T M M ' JOSUMOB, ASiii Bam (b *J f c # « * Edward BaBrite 'E*. s&t psusf rf Mr. i Mrs. WsffiajB R»bisac» «{ Eatwaj' sak, Yu£* Kso^tikf ,SB& A Z M ^ Mwtiia < « Svuiay c r i * ' ° ! M T S ^ ? . Ctjjietl MeafB Ckuita G.ihe«»r, Miei*eJ tsJ' Aeir t&it EajEwad' Peteiwi Staaies, Hwarj Swo, Fnaai Km- 'Mas.***, Friiiy t a d £uai4ay a t ' « 4 , Peter Msasif,'SUakr Sestt, W t x1t a i ^ « ** ^ ^ • COAL and WOOD ' Akx Evcljn, «•*« due * Mn awl Mn. LESS ASH COAL MORE HEAJ WOOD CUT CONVENIENT SUES PROMfT DELIVERY COAi vV OOnBRlDGB INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1934 Spring Ttm nlno (1,19). WI1.I.UM H. KPIM.V, ClommliiAll dm able mention, Mrs. Andrew NOR-I I.ARA BARTON P. T. A. ! Iwffn nt llifi comer formsd liy <lrodthn (fir. Blunrr nf Tlfiiiklnc and Inptiraiirc t il Mint i fc tho Intnrnectlnti nf tlir, KnMerly lln*) of of •mly. EETS SCHOOL FACULTY Cnniplnlnniil, nml CON'UAH Ml'I.I.EIt i i v ilt'.-< i , l " , t , Hlnmt Spa S|>linp Itniitl with l ! v HO!',»h,irIy Tfi*> Blip i l i » Ti,\vii3lilp of Zinnias, host specimen, first, The teachers at the Clara Barton nnil ANNA MI'MjIIli, Ills vtlfn. ol. nl., llm? tit (1I*'IVII AvAnltt1, n.i tiliown mi itnlil ot,T(> to ho Fl, Fn, U\v llu- HJ\II' of Mrs, V. Wnethriok; second, Mrs. :hool were presented to the parnmp: runnliKT Jhcnrn (1) Westerly, Mum of HIP KnufheTly Him of Clrnve Avfly Uoll llnnsen; third, Minx Tilly, and lt.s of the children attendinR the iiup, fovfinty-thrro find ntnoty lmn- Hip <.nnts By KATHERYN HAWKINS honorable mention Mrs. Andrew •hool at the first rojful'ar meeting t In •Iroilthfi <73.!>l)'l Tprl to a nlnkn; tlionm f thi» ft lin\ iri I'oiinNogrady. Pompoms, first, Mrs. ' tho'Clarn Barton Parent-Tenchlrllv i'i) fimithprly «t rlfilit niiKlnH to (Jrovp [JAM STREET PHONE P. A. 4-2328-.1 1 by l.'iiinli Km'ti nnil Kill.'ll.ll. v fifty (50') frut to a ntnkn; Myron Kistler, and honorable s' Association held last Thurni rvfy,"l by J,nr. Til 10 IOTII PAY" OF (J) Knutrrly, rarnlli-1 with mention, Mis. lustier. ay night at 8:15 o'clock. This . K . April 2. 1913 mid Only V\cnu<,, itiip Ininilmil f!00') frpt A. 1'. l ! 3 l ADDRESSES LUB'S FLOWER SHOW l In tlin fl.Tk'n Hffko of dl Roses, single bloom, first, Mrs. eetinfr inaugurated the new club It I wo o'cl k Stnnilnnl Tlmp In 111,' In t!io nal.l W r s t r r l y llni> (if ty. nrc knoun find d'^lKim Iml ni nt the SliiTltff WTSTANDING SUCCESS MrDcrniolt, Bouquet, first, Mrs. rofjrnm which features many ariei-nnonIi nf 111 Mil ilny, ,'iv <tnr Hundred Anil Thlrly- Sim K|IIIIIB llnncl; nni! tlirn.-,- ( t ) Nnrthllrimawlrlt. ••'',',Vms" was the topic of the utstandinpf events. John Jacob; second, John Nagy; Mrs. Myron Kisler, ehnirinan of i-lKht (13") nml Oni> Itunilrrd Thtrty, J veil bv Mr?, William I, he garden de|)artment and the third, Mrs. A. Gelling and honorMeetings will be hold every scc, ' president of the Wood- lembers of the doparlment wen; able mention, Dr. K. K. Hanson. nd Tuesday of the month unless '",'.• Woman's Club, at Oic e.sponsible for the outstanding Mother's Cosmos, best specimen, first, therwise artnounced. ',;,,„ ,,f the Clnrn IlaHon •uccess of the first nmnial Fall Mrs, W. Me(!oy; honorable men- lub meetings will be the first •"•' . ,•, Club held at thn Clara !lower show of the Clara Biul.on tion, Mrs. llnnsen. lilnck and 'ridny of each month nt 8 o'clock ,'!'.,;„ School, with Mrs. William iVoman's I'lub lield I'Yidny nipht white arrangement, first, Mrs. nd executive iboard, sessions, ill, the fireliolis(! on Amhoy Av«:- McCoy; second, Mrs. Albrcktaon, Wednesday prccedinR the regular and honorable mention. Miss leotin^ at 2:;!0 o'clock. uie. Goodyear Welted, Mrs. William Testa, president , .,,|(|ition l<) I"!!1 tftl'v Mrs. This is the second venture of (leorgie Thoniall. f the association, stated that the I'ansies, lir.-t, Mrs. F. Wuoth' ,.xhibite«i some lovely old inch a natuVe sponsored by the i. nml told mlc-rcsting- inci- Woman's (Huh. The first was n riuk, and honorable mention, I\Iiss chool cafeteria will remain closed.' luring September. The October . ,,f some of them. Other Sprint; exhibit.' j Goorgie Thornall. .Scarlet snj^e, first, second and n eetinfr will be held at the Pis)''', liolh old 'and new, were on The prize winners were: Ilnhl-1 third, Mrs, John M. Shoe, and ataway School and a special ses'.in'v shown by members of (be as, best speeimen, first, Mrs. F. ion will be held Tuesday, October lonorable mention, Max Tilly. Levendosky; second, Mrs, LevonI, at (i o'clock. Coxcomb, largest specimen i-nnnerlion with some exn .lnsky, imii third, Mrs. M. DudThe aim of the association this . Miss 1!). I'1. Thoniall, a mom- anslty. I'oniH, single, first, Mrs. first, Mrs. M. Demcsnk. Arrange year "A New Deal for Uhe child" ,'f tin dub, «p«l<c on the linns Allirektson; second, Miss ment, first, C. Matthews; second —andis tihe officers .who have been C. Matthews, and honorable men '.• history of the quilt making Tough Ghambray ornie. Tbornall; third, Mrs. selected to serve are as follows: ,,,,. homo", some of her exhibits I.evendosky mid lionornble men- lion, Mrs. Stephen Papp. President, Mrs. 'William Testa; Old fashioned bouquet, first ,,„; bud; to the year 1800. tion Mrs. L. Anderson. Bouquet, first vice-president, Mrs. William s\rl Arthur I1'. Bums, program first, Mrs. F. Wuelndc; second, Miss C. Sprincel; second, Mrs. A Bennett; second vice-president, iii-mim, announced the season' Mrs. Lcvcndosky; third, Mrs; J. Ceiling;- third, Mrs. W. McCoy Mrs. R. H. Beck; recording secre,,.,•,•1111. It. was decided to hold Iierpman, and honorable mention, and honorable mention, Miss Rutr tary, Mrs. John Andersen; corre1 ,,iul sale tomorrow from 11 a. Mrs. \j. Anderson, Best collection, Shoe. secretary, Mrs. Louis J. Bubble bouquet, first, Mrs. Wil sponding m1 iil •> p. nu in the office of first, Mrs. F. Levendtjfsky; second, Kahn; treasurer, Mrs. Brace Eylinm Testa; and second, Mrs. II ,„!,.,; Holand on Amboy Ave- Mrs, Ijovcndosky; third, Mrs. Algert; 'historian, Miss Georgia Albiektson. Thornall. Two new members, M brektson, and honorable mention, Miscellaneous, first, Mrs.. A •',' Unthiase'n and Mrs, Ray Mrs, I.evendosky and George Program, Mrs. L. H. Tyler; Geiling; second, Mrs. A. Zimmer |,.j- were welcomed into the .lolly. Host single bloom, first, membership, Mrs. Hans Albertman; third, Mrs. Smoliga, an Mrs, I,. Anderson, and honorable publicity, Mrs. Oscar Kaus; ,b. •honorable mention, Mrs. MsCoy. son; 'and budget* Mrs. A. F. \i tlir conclusion of the meet. mention, Max Tilly. Outstanding feature, Mrs. \V finance Burns; publications, Mrs. Ernest Marigolds, brown and sold nr- McCoy, ', t jociiil hour was held with Schumann; reception ami hospi M. Shoe, Mrs. L. II rangemunts, first, Mr.s. R. J. GeilMr-. ',.,.Jnlni Asters, best specimen, fir tality, Mrs. Marinus Andersen Mrs Stephen Papp and iiiK"; second, Mrs. Stephen Papp; Mra. Myron Kintcv. welfare, Mrs. Charles E. Boland p. F. Tbornall acting third, Mrs. Alhcrktson, and honorBowl arrangement, first, Joh_. thrift, Mrs. Mary Fauroat. Nngy; second, Mrs. L, IT. Tyler; Legislation, Mrs. Arnold Non third, Miss Goorgie Thornall, and nenberg; juvenile protection an honorable mention, Miss Thorn- safety, Mrs. William Bryana health, Mrs. William L. Bennett UWH_ all. The judges were, Mrs. Thomas parent-Teachers' magazine, Mis: 14oz Canton Flannel Leahy, of Woodbridg-e, J. Wnhren- Gcorgie Thornall; movies, Mis dorff, of Perth Amboy, and Jacob Elizabeth PfeilTer; transportation, Mrs. Nathan A, Gross, and MothRtruve of Raritan Township. ers' Club, Mrs. Adam Zimmerman. Following- the business session, ON 50TH ANNIVERSARY a program arranged by Mrs. L. CLAUSENS HONORED , . are ready for you in your nearby ASCO Store. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clausen, H. Tyler was presented and reSr., celebrated their fifth wedding freshments were served. Nutritious Foods for the cooler weather — at prices unnivcrsary recently at their •M -nive you money. "lOiiH'. During the day warty DR. DE LONG DISCUSSES friends and relatives stopped in CHILD'S ESSENTIAL .NEEDS Where Quality Counts & Your Money Goes Furthest "The Essential Needs of the to wish them well and at 7 o'clock reception was held at Ye Cot- Child Tojtsiy" were discussed b; Dozen Selected Qetd'Siat FRESH Imitation Leather tage Inn for the family and close Dr. L. R. De Long, supervising | principal of the township schools friends. 1 Bound I'red P. Hanson acted as toast- at the first meeting of the Sand Hills Parent-Teachers' Associamaster for the evening, anVl Rev. Fred Zimmerman of Mctueheii tion. Thn meeting wan presided 1 pave the invocation. Mr. Zim- over by Mrs. Michael Milcsik. iaching, boiling "t use Mvery egg guaranteed. During the business session merman read ii poem which he had in the sick roiiin. composed in honor of the occa- which preceded the speaker, a resion and later spoke. Miss Mary port was given by Mrs. Harold Yoagor of Bonhamtown snnjr "I Peterson, chairman of memberI.ove You Truly," and "Moonlight ship, on the drive which is being LONG ISLAND and Roses." Two members of conducted by the association. The LBS Ihi' croup who had known Mr. and class mothers, Mrs. R. McCoy, Mrs. Clausen for over T.-10 years, Mrs. Peter Christiansen, Mrs. A. CWIi.u Chri.-k'iir.cri of I\ i:;oh,"an<i !OO!b. bag $1.29! Chris Anderson of Perth Amboy, Reinforced Heel t'ave brief reminiscences of forty following- appointed by the presipkg 5c 7c Prim Choice Rice dent: Mrs Nels Kistrup, Mrs, C. and Toe years ago. Ernest Christophet2 12-0/ tumblers 27c Hom-de-Lite Jellies sen and his orchestra played and Blanchard, Mrs. Nels Mathiasen | and Mi's. Willard Dunham. Mr. Christophersen later sanp;. ASCO Corn (('rushed or Golden Bantam) The president announced the During the evening congratula- Fall county council meeting will 2 No. 2 cans 27c tory remarks were made by Sam- bu held a t the Clara Barton School 3 No. 2 cans 25c Prim Brand Tomatoes uel Wiley of Metuchen, Peter on October 18, an all-day session. 4 tall cans 23c ASCO Evaporated Milk Fedderson of Perth Amboy, R. B. Announcement was also made of $5.00 Down 4 tall cans 23c Farmdale Evaporated Milk Itowell of Hichland Park, William the school of instruction to be STURDY AS OAK Spurlock of Nixon, Mayor J. Entile held at the Woodrow Wilson Hotel 1 $5,00 a Month 2.20 Weight Denim Overalls of Raritan Township, Philip Flynn in New Brunswick, starting Oclb of Perth Amboy, Soren Fedderson tober 27. Carrying Charge and Jackets Creamy of New Brunswick, Miss Marie The attendance prize was Erilcaen of Newark, Charles Henry awarded to Room No. 1. The hot New be&ttty and greater efficiency In ihh latest "Prosperity" iH'Vuinus and Nutritious—Try some baked with Macaroni. of Perth Amboy and Jens Jensen. lunch project was discussed and gas rangre.j Lustrous ivory porcelain enamel finish with blatk Among those present were; Mr. a questionnaire will be sent to all trim. Equipped with oven control and flash lifijhtcr. Insu9c Mueller's n <)-( nnd Mrn. Ii. W, Clausen, Jr., Willated to keep heat in. Easily cleaned. A r(erfect baker. See asking for. donation of liam, Robert and Donald Clausen, food and help in preparing pkfc 3 it; make your own comparisons—then judge! p p g same, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clausen, Le- R t i l h Reservations for th the luncheon to Roy and Miss Beverly' Clausen, be sponsored by the Association A nutritious dish for fall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. End, Miss will close on October 15. Christina End, Mr. ami Mrs. Chris Joint October Session Fedderson, Ray Fedderson, Mr. The October meeting- will be a 3-Pc. Sauce Pan Set and Mrs. Edward Wilson, Mrs. joint one of all the P. T. A.'s in 6 Cup Percolator Challenge Quality Margaret Dudlinir, Mable, Ooris, Raritan Township and will be held Heavy Aluminum Marjraret and Benjamin Dudlinpr. October 9 at the Piscataway From Coast to Coast Mrs. Harold Peterson Also: Mr. and. Mrs. William School. Knudson of Metuchen, Miss, Ruth will be in charge of transportation. Pfvill'ei- of Piscutaway. Elmer Fis- tion The cher of Fords, Mr. and Mrs. Chris officers and departo th Anderson, , Mr. and Mrs. Marimi.s ment heads for the new"year"are Ou kly a Andersen,_Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jen- j -^, , follows: President, Mi-s. P Michael Milcsik; vice-president, sen, Mrs. F. Hanson, Mrs. L. II;inson, Fred P. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Peter Christiansen; secreCharles Henry, John fhristensen, tary, Miss Mena Diamond,, and treasurer, Mrs. Carl Cold. The Hiss Carrie Christensen. Membership, Mrs. H. $4 Down; 55 MonthlyAlso: William Spulock of Nixon, chairmen: program, Mrs, Martin Mayor and Mrs. J. Enple of Rari- Peterson; Plus Small Carrying O'Hara; health and safety, Mrs. 5 Distinct Tumblers Forged Steel ASCO Tomato Soup can Sc tan Township, Miss 1Mary Erikson A. Kovatch; hospitality, Mrs. R. Head Charge and H. Erikson, Si ., of Newark, McCoy; welfare, Mrs*. Kalman; Crackled Finish ASCO Sliced Bacon \'z 11) pkg. 16c Hickory Handle Mr. and Mrs. A. Erikson of Eliz- ways and means, Mrs. Hans LarASCO Beans with Pork 4.cans 19c abeth, A. Erikson, Jr, and Miss son; reception, Mrs. Nels Kistrup; 10 Tube Receiver Cold Seal Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 pkg.s 15c Muriel Erikson of Fprds, Mr. and entertainment, Miss Sue PodelefElectric Dynamic Mrs. Peter Fedderson of Perth sky; budget and finance, Miss M. Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Rudihoc, and publicity, Mrs. J. Speaker of Carteret, Mr. and Mrs. William Cramer. Victor • 16 21c Murphy of Nixon, Joseph VanderAutomatic Volume After the business session rehocf and Mrs. R. Vanderhoef. Acme I /6 tin 27c freshments were served with Mrs. . Control ' Vuur quickest nnd surest source of coffee satisfaction Also: Mr. and Mrs. Soren Fed- Martin O'Hara and Mrs. R. McCoy is your nearby ASCO Store. derson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward An- acting as hostesses. Tone Compensator derson of New Brunswick, Rev. ASCO Pancake Flour (New Milled) pkg 10c and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman of Me—Mrs. Hans Peterson and Mrs. Super-heterodyne ASCO Table Syrup can 10c tuchen, Miss Henrietta Clausen, Jacob Anderson of Raritan TownMr. and Mrs. Charles Christensen ship were the g-uests Monday eveN.B.C. Graham Cracker* pkg 17c Circuit and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hanson of ning of Mrs. C. Andersen of Perth N.B.C. Ginger Snap* or Fig Bars 2 lbs 25c Gets Police Calls Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wiley Amboy. of Metuchen, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilbert's Floor —'Walter Allen and Thomas -i k I T ' S Ilowell and Walter K. Wood of Slaight spent the week-end as the !>t Highland Park, George Peterson house guests of Mr. and Mrs. can of Metuchen, Steve Strapko, Mr. Albert Armstrong of Atlantic " " ^ can . and Mrs. William Lund of Pisear» i -v Both for invay, Mr, and Mrs, Philip I'lynn, ity. <an 1 Babbitl s L e —Mr. and Mrs. Harry GallaPermanent Jlr. and Mrs. William Maloney nd Miss Martha Borup of Perth gher of Gold Street have left for AtJ Dulux Finish a two weeks' tour of the New Amboy. « _ ! < _ ) & ! can Cleanser ) England States and Canada. If you are a professional or amateur Crafts-: they will visit, a;t the • —,A son was born recently to While there nian, Dick has a real ; message for you. of Mr. Gallagher's sister ! Mr. and Mrs. James Fortier, of home and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pedaldoor Bring your problem to pick. He can help Caritan Townsliip,' at the Perth Bennuitti, of Toronto Amboy General Hospital. Mrs. Arnold Opene'r —Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. you. Watch him demonstrate Sears new Fortier prior to her niarrinRe was White and family motored to 0 S Cleanser (Magic Scouring Puds) 2 pkgS 25c__ 'I Miss Isabelle Miller, of Perth Am- Ifenhwst over the week-end, line of Craftsman and Companion Power boy. ! Dole Pineapple where they visited at the home of Tools. —Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Seel Mi- and Mrs. -Harold Sloe urn. Automatic :uid family of Amboy Avunue notored to Middletown, Conn., SAI.K iUlF Dome Light i.HANCiEltv t i p K10W JElt I'ost Toa»tie» 8-oz pkp; 7c over the week-end. —Richard SeKK'i'l.has returned Gold Seal Oats 20-oz pkg 8c to his studies at Princeton UniASCO Peaches (Sliced or Halves) 2 big cans 31c versity. Trigger Tray IN FIREPROOF BLDG. —Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Tompkins EXPERT CRATING AND PACKRelease itnd their daughter, Patsy are en- ING — REASONABLE PRICES poyiiiffi a trip to Chicago and JAS. MC COLLUM, INC. {Sttt Here's Your Chance to Get One ' Jalifoifnia, 129_IRV1NG ST. RAH WAY —M'ra. C. Bishop is entertiiinni(f her mother and father, Mr. iiul Mrs. J. Lasher, of Catskill, N. Y., for a few days. —Joseph Betzler and his niece, In our window is a super All-State Tire. To the nearest Miss Frances Betzler, of Troy, N. Chrysler and Plymouth Agency guess as to the mileage we will give a Super All-Stutc Tire Y., are spending' the week1 us the ID Smith St. EXTRA FANCY U. S. NO. 1 JONATHAN APPLES Phone 4-0181 K e s t s of "Mr. and Mrs,1 Joseph aiid Tube to fit your carl PERTH AMBOY 5 lbs. 23c — Bushel basket $1.95 Meyer of Amboy Avenue. $5.00 Down —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malier FANCY GRAPEFRUIT Fancy TOKAY GRAPES entertained a number of their CROSS COUNTRY BATTERIES 3 lbs. 25c 3 for 19c friends Monday night at curds. 2Q% Reduction During Sale -—Kenneth Neil.son in company $5,00 a Month NEW YORK STATE TOMATOES with a ifroup Qf friends ure on a r Plus Small Carrying lb 5c IS PLATE WITH YOUR OLD BATTEUY two weeks' motor tour of the Charge, Snow White West. They will stop in Chicago No. 1 Yellow to visit the World's Fair. CAULIFLOWER SWEET POTATOES —Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Movhea_ 19c HOURS 5 lbs. 19c tenson and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daily, 10 to 12, 2 to 6 and 7 to 81 Hobart Street Jamison motored to Princeton ^ e invit© you to stop in and look around — see our Wednesday, 10 to 12 only Sunday. Perth Amboy ''ne fresh merchandise—and then consider our fair —Mr. and Mrs!. John Milton l» ices. Prove to yourself that Quality Counts. and their children, Donald and 89 Smith Street Tel. 4-2027 Caroline, of Amboy Road live tourStore Will Be Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Until 9 P. PERTH AMBOY, N, J, K " Price. KttectlviT lu _ Our '[WtSRRBBXBk ing the Eastern Stales on their Storei in North Jertay and Vicinity. annual vacation, RARITAN TOWNSHIP WORK SHIRT New Fall Foods Suede Cloth Sport Jacket C Eggs 41 Eggs 29 U. S. No. 1 Grade White Potatoes Cheese 15 19' 23c Rich $1.15 GARMENT Macaroni or Spaghetti L ' 1 ( Del Monte Peaches largest can Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 2 0 c Pure L a r d l b . s *3 S1LVERT0NE 39 $OA.95 Lemon Iced Layer C a k e e, 4 9 ' 29 Peaches Coffee TSCO 10* 49 C 19' 16 23c Sx8 Curtain Stretcher Steel Braces '1.19 57' Combination Toatter and Waffle Iron •2.78 95' Regular $4.00 The "BIG 6" Wax Bab-0 2 " 2 V ™P COLDSPOT 39 i B Electriq Refrigerator Meet Dick Sanders ' y• 1V Lux Flakes pkg. 9c, 21c Lux Soap j 3 cakes 20c P & G Naphtha Soap 4 cakes 13c Juice 2 "£!W Scot Tissue Waldorf Tissue 3 2 20 f STORAGE 6"25 ^cot Towels pkg 10c : Towel Holders each %lc Eat More Fresh Produce ior Health "GOOD "USED CARS" • SEXTON o Sears Sell Good Tires FREE! M15 [. MANN & SON OPTOMETRISTS Sears, Roebuck and Co. -rs Hobart Street Perth Amboy M, WOODBRIDGE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. FAGE TWELVE I f e e Sables And Foxes, Even I! Your Whole Fortune IsIn'Em,MostBeTre«tedJustTooC«M»y ; To Achieve Correct 1934 Carelmnnt DOKT WASTE MONET ON FOOLISH EXPERIMENTS Steak And Potatoes Health Necklace Of Onions May Be Qmte Wrong IS Extreme But Scientists But It'sGood Dinner Declare I f s N o t A Bad Idea ARRANGES SUNDAY PROGRAM Don't Cringe A t New Style; Hamfcags This FaB Nonchalant Design In Furs jAre Large, Tailored; Acme Of Luxury This Year Most Carry^ Initials Ordinary Meat Cuts May Venice Congress Ratifies Ancient Ideas On Value Of Be Made Tender 'Doctor Bulb' As Aid In Preventing Disease; By Dressing j yitra-Violet Rays Seen The Reason h As ^ *"P g r t a » l A s U Fashion, Shops Are Reporting 10 OLIVE BY 8 POPULAR SIZE t . i r w l d . •'••• • ' '•,• '. > • . , ' . •• Ker*Chpof! st:!;riF'handbaps.. •';," - . ••;,- nw. '•' Handkerchiefs Gay And Sc Ate Sets This Season wives-have known a loBgtime) andifyoy weara You Can Dial Your Cocktail Now And So Solve Several Problems it and then drink it out of the ?h&ktr—1-ui this shaker drinking isn't as heathen as it sounds. We don't kr.o*>v who thought up the idea but. imagine it v.a; some one who pave a party one right f.r.d unsuspecting told the guests they could have any kind of a cocktail thc-v wanted. They must r.avt-. ! ch:'.-en difft-rtr.l or.e? an<i made a It'sUpToYou! iot i-i i-hbkc; "ivishxp in •bct^'i'tri ?hak:n<r.- r.rrvisary. Wh.at. ircirzr.Va-'.y. cid "he h.ott do •nit-h ~<h-' •.vas jc-:"; t ' the drir.k after a p . a - j ••va? f.'.'.i-i". A terrible r.rt-.i:-::;i .-.T so.u!;:r. was tnese srr.i.j : ^ ^ AICC O n e _, , Of r Success Of Permanent Depends On Care You Give It i r e sui yo' ^v permar.em deperds or. the condiiior. of your hair, the type uf '.vave yvo'^ cnoose and ".'K ctT-erator who rives it to you. Prv. iif'-ii-ss hair doesn't tikt L? <r::cc! a wave as healthy hair that ha-5 an adequate fupp!y of na:urai oil. Certain permancnt? are be?: for special type? of hair. And, as anyone car: te'.l you. ar. experienced operator who understar.d? the iinricacifci of proper winding is t^si'Mia'.. Generally fpcakinr. whether or TIOL your new wave i? flatt e r i n s r . i t - i s u p tci y o u . Y o u , %1-f. x^,fi nr*e to \vorrv abc.'Jt hot FoOflS .. FeU» . n , {That Is tasdy Reheated oil fhamr-oo= (you should have at least ?ix before you r. ake ar. ap,ointmen,,or.we^ t nt, appointment for a pc-miantnt and also about daih-brj5htr.tr. ing- on the plr.c-e ana tvr-; Decidmp P.ic-j ;? one of the few foods of wave is your own ---robirr.-.. 1 which is easily reheated and does tot . pot charrce fn flavor when reWhen you have fma".ly maJe heated. Left-over rice may be the appointment, dor.': be err.added to boiling salted -water. barras.se-:i about seen-.inc- toe Examine h five minutes., then ffussy. E drained and allowed to dry out make sure That, they are n;sde .and flurT. or rk-e may b- reheat- i'J' a reputable company 'each ; M in the over, by addint" a iir.le | one is stamrtd i s.n-1 t.iat they i water to the pan. covering and | nt-ver_ hav r beer; u-ed before, •heatinp ur.tfi the rrain? are the:-; i-et ir.at tht- o:x-rator r.iakt-s a • outrhly hot. j te?t cur! before he wir.ds your 1 hair. When t.rie neat r.as been 1 Here's How turned orT and '.he pads removTo mat-ch your rouge perfectly, ed, ask for an oi:—r.et soap pinch yi>ur cheek lightly and then and- .water—shampoo. It wil! rub a hot tin p":ate with, a clove of trarlic. put in a tablespoon of butter, a tea=noon of fait and a cart of paprika. Place the hot steal: in this hot dres^inc. then transfer it to a h"t platter. Serve irrirr.t -diattly with baked Fwett rotp.t'jts ar.d corn fritters. Corn Fritten To tm.-!i cup of raw corn C'Jt from the cob. allow out-half cut) of cracker crumb? mixed with '•Tit-half cup of milk. Add two beaten etrs? and s-eason wish salt ;-.nd pepper. Drop the baiter from a larsre spoon into a pan contiir.inir a little hot butter or olive oil. Co^k about live minute? or 'lniil hrnwri or, both side*. Another rood way to cook fre?h corn :.= to broil it. C'Jt r'rom the f-ob and cook the kernel? in b''ilinc water for three minutes. Drain them or. a towel, place in a buttered pan and toast under tht broiler until brown. Cucumber Salad Pare the cucumbers and .-!i:e them .thin. Cover with cold v.'Etrr and place in the re'frit'vrafr fr-r hah" an hour. Pat dry or. a v.vel nnd put in s =a!ad V-ow! with mild onions sliced "bin, and a few pieces r-f g-reen r.crper cut i 1 1'Jbor.f. Moisten with French dres?:n<r and cov-.-r with mint snipped nne with scissor;. ( ) Toothpaste Fine Cleaner For Silver and Leather onions without puttinp tr.em :nt necklactF. There Tr.>;re are are so many pood ways to put the Doctor Bulb on the table in tempting dishe= that we don't have u> worry for the present. Ever try scallopir.tr onions and apples for a supper dish'.' They art- pood served that way. the next tirrn.- yon Lave one '.-f those bit', thick, juicy steaks, dor.'t frv the onion?, i'us; take the bit". LAST March we introduced a new milk that, frankly, is the best we've ever produced . . . and that's baying something! ••'n-'crr "th? bi?per the onion • V , . ,,-; •uer'th • Q r Savor and cut the b:t on es, soa k in milk, and roll in flo'jr _ ar.d :.rv in deep fat for Frtr.c:'. fried oni on?. Onion Soup 1 If >'•ou are sh- JH of time onion soup coma; in cans for more nu-al? than the one which is perved '.!ib nor ninsr after the nijrht before. ? j r inkl e pan-san cheese f.Vtrr t he top of the piece of toast 1 • Buked Apples De'tftratve And Delicious As Well ; Eaked a ppi es. cooked with a Silver iewejv w hii-h. has s:rf,.v-.'r. • syrup mad C from cid-l'a-ihioned candi es. a re decodark and' tarrishe;i may have its ' red cir.nair; Peel '.'.'.stv:1 re - .~ved bv s;••rubbirtr i* '.v;:h rativv a? w el! as de iicio'.;s. t:-jth;.aste. ifu:.'iental'y. t .oth the armies an d nlac e th tr.i ir. a r ti'j'.viier r;:akv? an i-ic-c-lk-i!". civ;-:.- i . a k i n - ' d : ^ Eoil i t 0 t•innanion s(-r f-j.r ">vh:tv ;:.tei:t leather t >-. k- car.iiii-s wi th water ur..til thev etbooks. S^ake th v :-v-.v..:vr i n to ' form a ra t h t r jhic k ?yTUT' and the b.';[!•. ru:. har..: ar.: wit e on i pour it ove•r i he apf 'les. Bake in i the usual w ' a V . bastinir fr eauentlv. with a daniti c.t-t.-. • We're not boasting — really. We're just stating facts. And we're telling you about ' our better and richer Sheffield SEALECT — the milk that tastes like cream. Make this move right now . . . to Sheffield SEALECT. A mere phone call to our nearest branch will bring it to you whenever (and wherever) you say. As you may know, we first produced SEALECT Grade-A in 1913, after 72 years of experience. And when iye did, we started something —the grading of milk. WOULD YOUR TIRES PIONEER ACHIEVEMENTS 2. Certified raw milk. Well, we've taken another step now, and further improved this milk. And if you're one of the minority who haven't yet tried SEALECT, now's the time, when you're changing to new quarters, to change to this1 new milk! For it brings you more vigor , : . and more vitamins (because it's the cream in inilk that holds the vitamins). And it conies—every drop of it — from herds to which more natural cream-producing cows have been added. That's why it tasjes like cream. And from cow to capping its purity is protected by rigid inspection, pasteurization, and strict laboratory-control. A delivery system, developed through 93 Buys a k \tort 1. Commercially pasteurized milk, 3. So/f-cfird certified naVi. | GRADE-A MILK Drink more milk-ivs Skidding—cause o/ 5Vi time's inure accidents t h a n blou-outs-—becomes in^re dangerous as arinter a/i^roacfii-'S. For quickest stof>s buy " G o " GooA> s a f e s t b y $,400 iCbi-- When you must suddenly jam on y ur brakes, averting an accident often h-a matter of inches. Well, stop te^'.p "H slippery pavement show: on sin tires you slide 77^ farther, on • new tires you slide 14^- to farther than on new "G-3" <> year All-Weathers. That'^ Goodyear Margin of Sad-'.y-'1 big reason why more v-"'^ buy Goodyears than .my other tire. Since it COM * y'u nothing extra, why liot ba;ve this margin of safety oa your (••• ^ 30*3 4 Built with Supeftwist Cord, A lifetime g u a r a n t e e d , Gopdyear—fullovefj size—with Center I Traction lor quick | ops a n d tough thick tread fur long I mileage. Value you I get because Goodyear Dealen sell the m o s t t i r e s — by millions! 4.50-20 4.75-19 $3,65 $4.70 $5.20 4.40-21 4.5021 5.00-19 $4.45 $4.90 $5.55 fao« NOWI THE NEW TYPE " H " GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER RHODES 6ERVlf£| STATION Cor. A « B « 1 St TRUCK BALLOON AVENEL Designed for fast over-thehishway service on truck* wU trailer*. Now you can expect sensational reaulla. Phone for salesman. , LUND'S SERVICE STATION $55 New BmiuwJ'-1' A ' FORDS » subject to ch-dujt without notice. State Sale* T»», if »u), »(JdlUon«J. A . •i 1138 East Jersey St. Ritz Theatre Buiklir:/ ELIZABETH Telephone- EL. 3-7(5-1 GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY 5. Sealect Grade-A pasteurized nsilkP Sheffield Farms RANGE Hemmendinger, k , il. Against road hazards. 2. Against defects for life. , {eatures 4. Gradep milk. DUAL-FUEL years—prcnvd DOUBLY GUARANTEED SHEFFIELD BENGAL (,!* GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER 43% Longer NonSkid Mi No Extra Cost. years of constant growth, brings it to you promptly and courteously. A Bengll for the whole family to'enjoy wilh its coal oven, i u p i even and its fine gal broiler. The coal half is etpttUIly for winter - 4 o r food, for warmth, for plenty of good t o t water. Tlio gas half it eplendid for summer—keeping lhe kitchen cool and the cooked food boL Supreme Bengal is b(-JUtifal CDongh (or the finc:t home in the land. Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. Put it in your own kitchen! •'r-l.T- thn Tit-rn:ar,i-.rt w.-.1.'!- THIS NEW MILK! TKat't die Suprtmt Bmml y "l juicy ones and lice them so, fine you can scarcely see the slices and served them with :he steak." A bailed onion pie with a mashed pot i;;0 '-''."• :Ti anotner exce!:ent w av tc- Tr.ake a fro&d dish out r.-T tirn TF!.-- ir.^rred lents. For " 'i-jft r .E". r. boiled onions. -Ai- co r .k'njr a n d serve w:':h th;kk hot cream which [In this way you will nevy offend I odor, leave your hair soft, .-ilky thy a garish shade. I and easv to manaeeJ. it UNDER WATER ."1 dia! .-r.akt-v; we're talkir.c about. They :-'.ir.i about six inches hisrh and •;,";:". the diai or. the very top. which :? rabilec w.ti; ,-offie cozen . .. inimt-5 :.'. c-cc-i'.tii'iF. The shal;er ' cover, w'r.in turned over, become-?. a ?Tr.sr; -:-i:.c'i-r^si: £r]ti>s ar.d ^ s^^al'l one ride of the strainer iht shaker makes the : thine ship shape. The cor.tr^ptic.r. .hold? about three <irir.k-;. I They come in set? o; ;TO and i-four ivhk'h are held ::-?: ir: a ;tray an^^ car. be shaker, all to- : 'gether in spite of the fart that on* 'shaker may hold a rr.artir.i. or.-:ian ciransre blossom, one a, Man; hatpyi and another a bacar/k co--ktailr Our unfortunate/hoft: i? ido'ubtk-.-.'iy !:o-.v happy/with no ' shaker or drink...residdt problem, m KEETONTONS sa\;ants think theyTh:; <-o7!-jb:nation is all wrong j of them rdir.p so1 laboratory'esperuihave a aeutralimne effect oh com- <which floats in each soup T'*When you'use the jtr-etp"'/'-' • 1 ;.,„ v •'.--. . i n J * Meat i raon colds and related nasal d i ^ u"><" ,._•,. knoiv just how.** rfiould never expect thein ti.masqui--.": ' 1 No matter what nawe' tht'","-:"' c.'_r 'proteins'. atid carbohydrates,.'. But-it is disturbing, tV&, to onior. '•'•"> wy ann on Bz: sine* pearly all men,'..and consider where we might ber led. bears, i f i s always a little ~ — >- long ''— way, ' },^ - ' cu:'t'p a-let of T w e i > simply revel If- onions shouM c,otne into the •^ood g ^ ' s kitchen the oni';inode sufficiently'to break into ;r. *'• dinner'.like this,' it. is Only high society the perfqme.'^t a bkli is never e^nptjr. •"• • fjiif''iha- they should hare it once rtrould ' be—^ppressiyc-to -prft it . B u t if yoa 'weep'onion •<• p n prepare to B h ^j them", repare to th them nw ' in a while. Ev?a though'they --•'-" : - "AIM!, immediately* we b«- pp i d t l it may know-;thal ir, the eye*'.of the ;m i? wonder whether 'if onion evidently its vogue is about •-,'•' b u t ywi may save VV • 9rie'rti.fi i t 'is a »in. the? willlike fragrance >s good, is garlic better? wend, s byy keeping them vind"-" •'•'.;' it-nPnUhfleps.- ' • • * . • • Suppose, just suppow, «iat orupni ttears e r when t>eeliny ' ' '" With the exception of the steak, became a health fad like s p u w h ter when wr.ich is an eitrarapant item, all !>i>d carrots—*n onion a day and. .the other foods for this weal an] a]]'that sort of thing! 0 • _ ' •nexT.tnsive becauf-e they are so ! B u t to be a littje more senotjs, 1 .T-/ plentiful ' 1 this old Doctor Bulb, as the onion V{ ' Broiled Steak | has Jong been known, was credited • Tr-e ^teak should be at least 2 ^'th unusual health power ,cepwMi thick. Although porter-1 J 0 " " a P° ">? o n e o m o n ' w ; o u l d A fOUH-HOU StOVE house ;<r sirloin are the approved j be hungr up m a room to keep {» sutmtr Min Pffiff.r will be in charge of the R*!1T Day actiritiet, C-JI? for broilinp, less expensive i *™y sickness and to neutrahte " impurities of rooms filled people. p pp A FOUR-HOLE STOVE Hfak can be cooked to a state of 2! tht Firit Prttbyttrian Church on SuntJsv, Evidently, the old timers knew. tenderness youvinegar/using will soak it first in olive oil ifand the ! but they didn t know the 'why. •j«ua' rrtipnrtion of" three t a b l e - i A n ( J n o w t h e " w h > 1B explained O t AM OGHT-HOLI STOVE spcons of oil and one of vinegar, j—onion's intense rays are prePut in a flat-bottomed dish and , sumably of an ultra violet type. soak the steak in it for an hour, j Onion Duhei half a_r. hour on each side. Placf ; So while the savants are dtlva hot broiler ar.d broil about j n g a n ( j suggesting and we await fevtn minute? or. each ?ide. ' t ^ e word, we can enjoy O'Jr Dial your o^:n drink is The new motto. Choose h. dial Wbtri the ?teaV: if almo?t dnnu. i in*-' -latter- capacity,-which' lnaV:ef 1 pif.iis.!b}e|i'.itfc«Mjeport' that tttffity '(•cviaH 'fashion- w h e n - i t totnes 4a Thii» season the 'vpt(* potf to. tailQ'rt-d" tia4T&.''^tfi^ a £^>6d • healtfiv H1 >j\-£. indnsaremeirt or larger•The 'moFt • popular, decoration is l i e owner's initials. Calf, is the d£rtinie t a g .aiktetial, Faede for a«-ssup.'afternoon use, -with novelty leathers kluding and "oigsidn. nnmbfer of cmise, dance ! ostrich. r ,th«t t i e designs and sports- handl;«Khjefs fb*- i - We ing1 spld in 'the quality brackets this season sutpeSte taa* i of .ibexn come, fPoft' Parh and buyers of kerchiefs are in s most of tihewst from Vienna. I The .evolution of the haadbap pay moo4 iis something. Once women carThis .season's handkerchiefs 'ried change purses, t i e story art featuring- initials,-especial- poes, but )onp skirts catr.e in and ly monograms. "The dance ac- ;the purse hand found another occessories include net, •wita a cupation—lifting skirts to l;ee; 'them from dragging- in the e t m : . taffeta trim and much SCMT jSo a chain was fastened to :'r.e materials, swrh as chiffons., 'pocletbook and it was rjfr'trjdvi Most of the cruise numbers I from the wrist. Some p-tr;:-j? y'av I an opportunity in tr.t shirt-a-si-: teem to have a lace trim. Land skirt costume ani de:i:-:r. t K> new, Printed handkerchiefs are I the purse mig-'n: be ra-.r.i: or. ".r.~ » I t is not entirely a question of • important, more so than ,:n | belt. So de jnoney. VTe havt all t««n -sronMn. 1&33, beciuse of t i e new colors bap. dressed in handsome materiaif, Then wowitn wtr.t back ".: rich fors, even wearinp fine ;•&•»- and effects and because so d r y , who, nevertheless, vm so: many of them match new dress- | carrying their bap.- ard i- r.a:k Well dressed—simply because their es. Appliques, especially j strap to slip over" the hir.d «-i, clothes, expensive as they were. awtring-striped, which many (tised. Lonp handles and c-htir.s i tame back for a while. did not suit them. mistake for-prints, are moving Unless you are pretty sure in j Finjernail Aid your own mind what is in OK be- well among the special numi Beautiful nails 'are ever desircoming- to you—flat furs or lonc- bers. Although-the fastidious male :ab!e. Keep a little jar of zinc haired furs; tvaiAcoat, cape, stole or collar—it is best to let a frknri can .buy plenty of matched tie, oxide powder in the bath room cabinet. When tht hands 'an tell you. T%e better furriers ap- sock and handkerchief sets and preriat* that rjone of TIE can af- can match many of the Fall ;i.horoug-hly lathered with soap, dip ford to 'wasH- money en failure?. suits, he probably vr,Y. also be an oranjre stick in this powder on unsuccessful experiments, and interested in th* f^'.:. whites • and apply -under the nai's. It i; •will help you to se't-ct ju?t the woven especially fCT rr.ono- a poodj bleach and also helps to right furs for your t>7>e. heal abrasions. pramminp. Sot if y o i "srpc',8 hi "("MiiiiH. fart" j W ' n t ap-JH-ir'M tafc.-yh nblef <St yofcr -ftixfs casually, as if tber hac- fceec, -in 'M- family f<* years »nfi xbe ^Mb'-y furrier bftd just -whipped. lh«;a; iiSO'a M i shape/even thocpi cw y J t * j I* a .. vie* ssd <3e<?*T*tt jiurefcas* in"ToWnp your liU'i ssvih^s. . . After you stady- the • sepiitt* furs that ire making1 fashion headlines this Jai! :t viil be pretty. difficult to remember -what the oripnal animal looked like, so freely hare tfct cotters and sewers : turned out new shapes is eapdete,, collarette?;, rwnd collars, stole? mod teir. iii nations of cape and stole.. Now, instead of tie B3honette being built to shoulder an animal scarf, ih* anilhal warf is cat tip a»d manipulated to enhance the silhouette. Sri eff«i that makes you vract to get the new note into year cc'stume—new or; WHEN PEELING I.T-. way 10 make the family N e c k l a c e ' o f o n i o n s — w h e r e are t h e s e scientists ].-• •• r-;.d ;":;a:. Fan i« here is to serve l i n g us? As you m a y h a v e r e a d r e c e n t l y , world <?av;.>'•" ar.-wrwional old-fa&hioji.ed m e a l . w h o are c d e f e r r i n g over in Venice on r a d i o biology \•'••_, f iroiied steak and potatoes. fo3- b e e n devoting hoiirs of "study 'jto t h e v i r t u e of t h e hum'''-' • by srenerous Helpings,, of "onion, i t ss eeem m s it is a p p o w e r f u l r a d i a t o r (which onion, it (hic " important The ....... ,h fe an coat..lined 'with enniEf'" ., . for tfce simple reason that Desii'gTier? art p'rerry srachtJaht fibout the way* they lusdle precious.fUis. If you are one, to crinpe at the fight of •'imsMiequiB,drEppir.F £ silver fpx cape d o r p .the floor asif it'were just one pf'those things'yori inay FtiH prefer TO ' pi» of nisteria] and 'rills. • It i? . t a w ' yta-r .f j I f a k -Bide »nfi'-lauswpjBMf ftvr'-c Umt flMHrt*'tj§.' iipr.rtE.ch OILTVINEGAR '- GQQH FOR YOU TELEPHONE: PLADSFffiLD 636Q0 FRANK VAN SYCKLE'S TIRE STORE 152 J E F F E R S O N ^ CLAIRE GARAGE *9i RAHWAY AVE. _ P B R T H AMBOY PARKWAY GARAGE 4*9 A M B O Y AVE. WOOOfiRlDGE COMMUNIH SERVICE STATION) C<». IWrl * kUi- WOODBRIDCK I ^DEPENDENT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1934 —Mr. and Mrs. Frank AllgalKf —John Bognar, of Stamford, —Mr. ami Mrs. Ctalcn SimonMRS. HO3IC HOSTESS jonn., is a Riiest of his mother entertained a number of friendi-ap kiw have left their home on TO CLUB MEMBERS t a card party Friday evening;,'m Imith Street for a two weeks' .nd father, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen 'he guests included: Mr, and Mr*.:-,;!! Mrs. Hosic acted, as hostess to our of the New England States. ognar of Bnyvinw Avenue. tho members of her club Wednes—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fishor !. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Art- " —Mrs. George Lawry, Mrs. M. day afternoon at a tea. iliksen, Mrs. ' Lorotta Smalyak nd their son Michael were guests .ur Mamaty, Mr. and Mrs, C. J!i | By KATHERYN HAWKINS During the afternoon cards Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Han- : PHONE P. A. 4-2328-J fere guests of Mrs. Nora LawTy ff Maplewood, HOPELAWN REPUBLICANS en, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Snywere played nnd high scores made 17 WILLIAM STREET Sunday. f Jersey City. I MA ,'VBRATES V BIRTHDAY SPONSOR A DA.NCE by Mrs. Arnold Martell, Mrs. —Chris Cl'ark, Herbert Mundy, ler. —Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ennicw I C I • •„« Travera was hostes:.R to a A dance was hold by the Hope- Catherine Munroe, Mra. Amanda •Misa Mary Snyder haa re-' \!il IT ind their daughter, Doris, motor- ohn Petruski, and Michael SalaMISS DUNCH HONORED of friends on h e r fourth lawn Republican. Club at the Hanson and Mrs. Stephen Stew- MISS SULLY ENTERTAINS 'd to Asbury Park Sunday, where jik spent the week-end on a camp- ,urned home after a brief stay '• AT SURPRISE PARTY iinnivcrsary Monday. FRIENDS AT A PARTY h v art. Guests were present from Hopelnwn School Suturdny night. with her sister, and brother-inc , Miss Irma Dunch was the guest hey viewed the wreck of tho ng trip to Little Ferry. ' Vooms were decorated in Many novel features were present- Fords, Perth Amboy, South AmMiss Eileen Sully was hostess —George Ostermillcr, of New- aw, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Won-;K ',',,,1 blue with multi-colored ed for the quests' enjoyment. boy, Plain field and Anbury Park. to a number of her friends, Sat- of honor at a surprise party held MOITO Castle. .'s -Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Runn- ark is spending some time as tho ikic of Little Ferry. ' rs hanging from t h e ccil- Chris Peterson's orchestra pl'ayed After the games, Mrs. Morton urday night at her home on Crows nt her home on Oakland Avenue guest of hip grandparents, Mr. Ben Scholtfelt, son of Mr. .'••:•• •i'.. c a d i streamer w a s at- for the dancinp which started at Applegate of Asbury Park enter- Mill Road. The rooms were deco- Sunday night. The rooms were yik were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Papp of Tottenville nd Mrs. Stephen Kunnie of and Mrs. Anthony Scholtfclt, is • balloon which served as •8 o'clock. tained by singing several KongH. rated in keo,ping with the Fall sea- decorated in white and green S. I. Saturday night. ''lorida Grove Road. <i a confined to his home with the ; streamers nnd candy was attached ,„, t.h« little guests. The chairman of the affair wan She was accopanied at the piano son and hats and horns were the to the end of each streamer !\a ' ,', —John Snbo of. Bay View Ave—Mr, and Mis, Joseph Still) rippe. favors received by the guests. A i r i were played nnd pri7.es John Gi'ccowil.7... William Han- by Mrs. Oscar White. favors for the guests. A buffet nue was a recent visitor at Rocky nnd their daughter Mary spent —Mr, and Mrs. John Stasse of ' ^tullVd dogs were won by sen nnd William Larson were his Those present were: Mrs. Frank dancing contest was hold for tho supper was served. Dancing and Hill. •iundiiy us the guest of Mr, :rn<' Crows Mill Road and Mr. and T ninlt, Stanley Trav- assistants. Dawe, Mrs. John Keller, Miss liea- best couple doing tlie fox-trot, limes were provided. (iiiwro:.•—Mr. and Mrs. John Dudns of Mrs. T. J. Thomson of f'ranfoTd. Mrs. Theodore Steiner of Perth ••';: tricc Akerson, Mrs. Morton Apple- the waltz ,and the tango. The I Evelyn Mroczkowski. KeThose present were: Misses —Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank King Amboy inotore'd to Atlantic City ; , ate, Mrs. Charlotte Emmons, winners of the fox-trot were: Miss Emma Talent's, and Anna Tackacs Oakland Avenue entertained rel !!|.iiln were served fit a table MRS. PARKS HOSTESS ?: nnd their daughter Elsie nnd t.hei over the week-end. iirs. Ruth Macan, Mrs. Peter Millie Medvtcz and Arthur Dolan. of Carleret; M'ary Darah, Ma ntives from Passnic Sunday, • HI with Mickey Mouse and AT A LUNCHEON The winners' of tho tango were: son Frank, Jr., were entertainei, —Theodore Snho motored tr •Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wright -; Woody, Mrs. Catherine Munroe, ,. birthday cake with four Mrs. Stephen Parks enlerthilda Yuhas, Louise Dnrnb, Irene .. Mouse candles on it dec- ained a number of her friends at VTrs. Amanda Hansen, Mrs. Ste- Stephen Papp, and Miss Murk>l Vass, Elizabeth Docs, Eleanor Asbury Park to view the wreck ol by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Traino hnve returned to their home in. , Wilson, and the winners of the of Tottenville, S. I., Saturdaj Rhode Island after a brief visit ; i llir center of tho table. luncheon Monday afternoon. ihen Steward, Mrs. Oscar White, waltz were Miss Beatrice Hansen, Harhoe, Helen liarboe, Helei tlio MOITO Castle. ovetiing. with Mr. Wright's mother, Mrs. . ,]iihlren present wore: Ar- Cards were played and high scores •Irs. Michael Bernard and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles S«b( Kovacs, of Perth Amboy; Grnc and Charles Joy. A buffet supper —Miss Beatrice Jerard has re Fjmmn Wright of Smith Street. / Ti;ivinsky, ISe.at.rici: Keller, made by Mrs. Cole, .Mrs. Michael tarry Mayer. and Joseph nnd I. Bernard spen Vamos, Irma Dunch, Mary Her was served by the 'hostess nt midKeller, Louis Piskovsky, Parks, Mrs. Socbach and Mrs. Ap—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompecky, Hetty Dunch, Anna Kgri the week-end as the guests of Mr turned to her home after an ex ..,• T ravers, Estellc (iawron- pli'Kate. —Miss Lois Clark is enterlain- night. and Mrs. Fred Eichlcr of Slum tended stay with -Mr. and Mri= son and", their son Donald, Jr.j , , Those present were: Misses of Keasbey. I'n'lvn Mt'0C7.kow|-ki, Joan nfj Miss Hose Ward of Summit Michael Milkac of Richmond, Va have returned home after a two Those present were': Mrs. ArAlso Frank Rakossy, John ford, Conn. Millie Mcdvetz, Caroline Wilgus, •],,;,nor Martinson,' John Pipthur Sherman, Mrs.. Cole, Mrs. "or a few days. —Mr. and Mrs. John S7,abo o ' —Ml i s s Martha , Domicile. week's May with Mr. and Mrs., Arline Kennedy, Bo'artice Hflnsen, Taknes, Stephen Phillip, John Josephine Gawroniak and Si'ebnch, Mrs. Applcgatc, Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. .Stephen Clar- Muriel Wilson, Elizabeth Doland, Armstrong, George Gall, a n Oakland Avenue entertained Miss Caroline Lamp and Minnie Soo Martin Thompson of Bordentown, • • '. • Travel's. Michael Parks, Mrs. Frank Young1, dek, Mr. and Mrs. George Clar- Marjorie Hanson, Martha Papp, Michael T.akacs, of Carteret; Step Mary Sznbo of Perth Amboy, at I motored to Atlantic City ove Pa. \j.,i -Mi'. anil Mrs. Michael Mrs. Henry Eisner nnd Mrs. Ken- iick and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Georginia Sully. the week-end. —.Mr. and Mrs. E. Smibh, MisS hen Tarr, Goza Chir.i, Michael I-their home recently. '/onnell motored to Atlantic City ' Messrs. (Stephen Pappj Charles Orosz, George Jacob, A. Jacob, I ,',i.:, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen neth Morrison. ' —Stephen Jofnd and Stanley attic Smolif,'!i, Miss Arlinet-Miss Margaret Kiraly nnd vcr the week-end. •Livid an<l Mr, and Mrs. SlariJoy, Artlhur Dolan, Audrcw Krutz, Buddy Jacob, Anton Koltar, John iliss Ethel Kiraly spent Friday in ISmalley were the week-end guests udusdky, and Mr. and Mrs. Toth' 'I'riivinsky. HOPELAWN A. A. —Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tood are Russell Hopper, Michael Stanley, Litncr, John Matisz, Albert MilYork, where they visited with of relatives nt Beach Haven. motored to Connecticut over th« PLANS CARD PARTY ntertaining Mr, and Mrs. P. F. Carl Jackson, Arthur Sully, John ler, Stephen Chismar, of Perth riends. —Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sully cek-end wfliere.they visited a t Mr. and Mrs., William SecTimmley, and Miss Katherine Peterson, Henry Anderson, Frank Amboy; Alex Berecky, Stephen Plans for the card party to be of Crows Mill Roadwere the -—Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Futo :• havi' returned to their home Timmlcy of East Orange for sev- Michaels, Jack Modvetz. SukncR and Joseph SaWa'cs, of ind grandson, Patsy, were visi- guests Sund'ay of Mr. and" Mrs. he home of Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas.';'.viw York after a two weeks' held October 4 by the Hopelawn eral days. Keasbey and Johfa Varga and tors in Pennington on Thursday. Arthur Emerson of Asbury. Park. 3udisk. ' •• .; Athletic Association, were comJiJ.IJV nt the home of Mr. RceStephen Bores of Hopelawn. —Mr. -and Mrs. Peter Shinn;;: -,—Mr. and Mrs. William Hard CLARA DONNELLEY —Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McdJ o s e p h Dalina, Paul Kimash, :,'• brother and. sister-in-law, pleted at the last meeting of tho Also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yo, Michael Burchak, Joseph Klein, vet7, and their daughter, Millie ad as. their week-end gluestS) 1 organization. All panics will be and Mrs. Frank Scebach, of in play and many prizes have been ,verc guests Sunday of relatives FETED ON BIRTHDAY n Plainfield. Little Miss Clara Donnelley Mrs. Alex Berecsky, Andrew Vn- fohn Petcrcsnk and John Krayik motored to Asbury Park Friday Jr. and Mrs. 0 . Seimons of Eaa- / il.:l|a drove Road. mis and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew aw a baseball double-header at to view the wreck of the MOITO secured to award to the winners —Stephen Knowlton has re- was the guest of honor at a sur- Dunch of Keashey. \lis-; Aliila Young and Miss in the different games. on, Pa. Lhe Polo Grounds in Now York Castle. turned to his duties in Manhattan prise birthday party held at the !]:ll iu' Eisner have returned to -Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bright ,;: —John Sully, Andrew Krutz, between the St. Louis and New nftcr his annual vacation. Two 'home of her grandparents. Mr. ,':,. iiuines after an extended —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- weeks of ihis vacation were spent and Mrs. Clinton Donnelley of —Mr. and Mrs. Ch'ades Fluggi, York teams. and Michael Stanley spent Sun- ipent Saturday in Newark where ; | v with relatives in Pcnnsylson and Miss Phyllis Peterson with relatives in South Carolina. Perth Amboy. The rooms were Smith Street, spent Thrusday —.Walter Bertram of Crows day at Snndy Hook, fishing. hey saw a theatre performance. ;*! were the Saturday guests of Mr visiting friends in Asbury Park. Mill Road was the guest of friends i —Miss Arline Kennedy has roMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morri- nnd Mrs, Chris Peterson of New —Miss Ruth Video and Miss decorated in white and gold —Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wagner v'J —Thomas Sakowski is on his turned to her home in Keaabcy streamers and Krazy Kat cutoute Friday at a party in Mctuehen, i, jin.i family have returned to York City. Caroline Jennings of Perth Amnd Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Lako ; ? ; annual two weeks vacation from after spending the first part of were the favors. Games were —Miss Margaret Mandy liad as ].•,• ],nmo after a week-end spent • —Mr. and Mrs. Michael Culik boy motored to Atrtmry Park Monplayed and prizes won by Jane his duties as a salesman in New her recent guests Misses Margaret September at the home of hor were Asbury Park visitors, Sun- > •.,,. quests of friends at Man- »nd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins day to view the Morro Castle. Bamler, Carl Donnelley and York. Ho loft Friday on a tour of White and Anna Zilwi of Wood- aunt iind uncle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack day. -i , I•1 :• 1 1 . —Mr. and Mrs. William Jennwere the guests Sunday of Mr. and Kennedy of Middletown, Conn. Marjorie Lamp. An exhibition tap the Southern States. bridge. —Miss Elizabeth Boch was the • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parks Mrs. Andrew King of Jersey City, ings fo Hopelawn entertained on dance was given by little Miss —Miss Betty Wilgus visited —Misses Helen and Mary Ko—John Gunia and Michael Piat.,; yi-.• ii- son, Leonard, motored —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kobu Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Sally Jerard and several piano kowski spent the wcok-»nd on vacs of Fords were the guests friends in Trenton over the week Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. , \ i'liy Park Tuesday night to spent Saturday in Newark, when Arthur Jennings of Perth AmWilliam Hardy of New York City. •: numbers were played by Arthur fishing trip to Beach Haven. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen end. boy. ; . • «;tl'i Mr, and Mrs. Morton they visited with Mr. and Mrs Amundsen. —Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Kupsch —Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Linn Poyti. '.'::;'!<'. Milton Einhorn. —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ClauThose present were: Elsie King, and their son, Carl, of Spots —Mr. and Mrs. John Charonko and their daughter Evelyn were \\- and Mrs. A r t h u r Cole DR. WALTER FAGAN —.John Mount and Davi. sen, and their children Charles, Anna Amundsen, Wilhemina Bam- wood, were tho week-end guestf of Highland Avenue motored to the gifests Saturday of Mr. ant , • r guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, SURGEON CHIROPODIST Graham spont Monday ni^ht fish- Jr., and Everett, Mr. and Mrs. ler, Lorrotta Dunster, Jane Bam- of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andre Newark Sunday, where they were Mrs. Paul Locsks of Sayreville. ;, n Andrews of South Amboy FOOT AILMENTS ing at Reach Haven. Louis Hoffer and son, Louis, Jr., ler, Sally Jerard, Marjorie Lamp, letz of Crows Mill Road. —Mr. nnd Mrs, Andrew Dusta! the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M; irday. P . A. National Bank Bldg, —Mr. nnd Mrs. Jackson Hun Mrs. Martha Lehman and her Carol Mijos, Carl Donnelley, Artand Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Klein —Miss Doris Enniew has re- Kocsis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stutfill of New York were the guests o daughter, Margaret attended a hur Amundsen, George King, Room 403 —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyer Florida Grove Road motored t 313 State St. turned to her home after spend moved from their home on Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duersc: party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. HOUIlS: Dally 0:30 A. M. to D:0O P. M. Michael Summers, Donald Chris- ing some time as the guest of Mr, were the guests Saturday of Mr. Asbury Park Sunday where the; Bvcnlnga—Monday, Tiietiday, Friday Brunswick Avenue to their Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Charles Lehman, at Neptune Sat- ;onsen, Thomas Micock, Teddy and Mra. Anthony Blauti of Wil- and Mrs. Martin Nomus of As- viewed the wreck of the Morr> home on Cliffside Place, Phone Perth Amboy 4-1U2 Castle. —MY. nnd Mrs. Fred Rupperic urday in ihonor of their twentieth "'edersen, and Andrew Donnelley, mington, Del. bury Park. and their daughter, Emily, havi wedding anniversary. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eisner returned to their home on Howan. —Mr. and Mrs. Vincent SkidMis Benlricc Knye motuieil Street after a week-end visit with more spent they week end with \ liiiry Park Tuesday to see Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ruppcrick Mrs. Skidmore's parents, Mr. and . v.Ti-rk of the Morro Castle. of Piscataway. I Mrs, Arthur Frenzcl of New Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parks —Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hud- Brunswick Avenue, :•! ilieir son, Leonard, and Mr. nick and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I —Albert Locker and Arnold ;,i llr.= , Michael Parks and their Magyar were New York City visi- Keson spent Sunday in New York •!, .liilin, were the guests of rcla- tors on Saturday, They visited c\ iy w n e r e they visited Charles in Raston, Pa., over th the Museum of Natural History Me'tzer. i i '.ClHl. and Grant's Tomb. • •Mr. and Mi's. Harrv Ramos —Mrs. Carrie Meyer. <if HartA Danish American iv,a;qaer,ii iheir daughter, Evelyn, have adc d,-inc be held on October ford, Conn., formerly of Hope: ' returned from their slimmer '-'0 at the I«-ifayettc Country Club lawn was the guest of Mrs. James NEWS OF KEASBEY HOPELAWN NEWS OPENINGS [•alum spent in the Catskill | '.I.. imaiiis, X. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R o m Mr. and Mrs. (It-urge Dirner and Mr. and Mrs. r the guests Friday, Saturday were quests at the . , Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- of Mrs. Herbert Springer of Plain—Mr. anil Mrs. F r a n k Video ! lake iif Atlantic City. I field, Sunday night. and their d a u g h t e r Ruth are home Mr. and Mrs. 'Stephen Hutt — M r , and Mrs. P e t e r Zybloski, aft-ir an extended lioiir of the • returned to- their home on Elizabeth wort week-end puests eastern states :ind Canada. En, Street after a week-end if Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novitt. | route they stopped at Sudsbnry, 1 ,\ith Mrs. Uutt's brother •-•Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Niko N. H.. and visited Mr. and Mrs" -i-'.'r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. vitz and their son F r a n k and their Russell Hope, |.l;ii; luUuis, of Newark and ,)cr- laiiphU'r Mary were quests Sat- 1 —Mr. a n d ' M r s . Edmund Papp i'iiy. Onlay of Mr. and Mrs. Martin have returned to their home after • Mr. :inil Mrs. H e r b e r t Servix TlotT of Sprint: Lake, -i a week-end as t h e guests of Mr aii.l. Mr. mill Mrs. Willianv, j ' e i g c l A*—Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Teapu,o,)aml Mrs. E p a ^ t Duszon of Scrnnv . p !.:ii«- ..i the home Hit Mr. H&Ht Friday and .Saturday as ton, Fa. ' 1 Mr;, j* .'inries Kirkpatrick of gin-sts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles —Mr. and Mrs. Michael HiidsI'laiiitieliT'T'M'.-day night. Adnms a t Little Fery. kik, New Brunswick Avenue were —Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wc-nk the g-uests of Mrs. Hudakik's and their daughter, Claire and w t h c r and .sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Harris anil Mrs. Herbert Lank of Lonp; Isthi'ir' son J o h n ' of Little. Ferry, land Sunday and Monday, were New York City visitors Sun—Andrew D.afic and Patrick day. Si'i'lt-y spent Thursday and F r i —Mr. and Mrs. 0 Peterson of day imar Sandy Hook fishiiifr. New Brunswick were guests Fri- . —Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Borday of Mr. and Mrs. W. Larson. land and their son, John and Mr, ' - M r . and Mrs. Arnold Coots nnd Mrs. A r t h u r Borland of Long nnd Mr. and Mrs. -Ralph Byer of Island wore New Yuri; City viniFast Orange on S a t u r d a y visited tors on .'Saturday. While there t h e y S03 Lakeview Drive Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aekeison. saw a theatre performance. Riverside Park —Mrs. Fred . Ktirti'iihaus and —Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and 1 . ln-r daughtei- Carol visited Mata- Mr. and Mrs. ,B. Ranleer of New Follow The Arrows wan .Monday. Rrunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Martin --.Mr. and Mrs. Pete]- Devlin Mi-Michael. Mr. anil Mrs. Chris ';•• i: l):ii!y. I n c l u d i n g S u n d a y , and Mr. and Mrs. Michael And- Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Harry l-'i-'iin ' u in,li:3(.i p . M . rews motored to Princeton Sun- Hunt of Hopelawn, spent the day. woi'k-onil on a camping trip to ADMISSION FREE -•-Miss Mona Kridel ami Miss Hig,h Bridge. Lort'ttu Rei-nor wciv Ashury I'ar.k —-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dillion '! '•- -I 1,01)0 M o d e l H o n i e ;ind visitors on Sunday evening. entertained Mrs. Dillion's narents, ~ ' - ! l ' y A w a r d s w i l l lie g i v e n -Mr. nnd Mrs."Everett Clausen Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smoyikie away at the "U 1 - Vorii HOMK SHOW spent Sunday in Nt-wYork where of Long Island, Sunday and Mont h r y visited at the home of rela- day. Klizabelh Armory, 11 —Mr. and Mrs. James Ling'• '•"T 2'Jth to November 3rd. lives und later went to the tlieativ won were the week-cud jruests — - ; • " • • •. •• . of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schardt of Brooklyn. —Miss Arline Zukowitx, Miss Helen Fielek and Miss Beatrice Mundinn spent the week-end with friends in Philadelphia, Pa. TOWNSHIP COMMITtEE —Mr. and Mrs, William Belke, ; Pennsylvania Avenue anil Mr. and DEPARTMENT HEADS MAYOH Mrs. George Sicgel, New Bruns! Harold Bailey, Hoard of Health it.".i.5t F. Greiner. wick Avenue were Friday evenParker Nielsen, Health Atty. ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. ClarCOMMITTEEMEN ; J. A. Walsh, Ohref of Police ence Browne of New Brunswick. "iy M. Corns, 1st Ward. P.. W. Vogel, Recorder —Mr. and Mm. Alex Podner "'I Spencer, 1st Ward. entertained Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k C . A . Larson. Tax Collector k DON'T FAIL TO VISIT ELIZABETH'S 1934 MODEL HOME TOWNSHIP 0FHC1ALS I "^ii Iliissuy. 2nd Ward. "w:ird Madison, 2nd Ward. y"i- I'. Campbell, 3rd Ward. > " t Nier, 3rd Ward. I \!.iJ. Dunigan, Clerk O. J. Morgenson, Treasurer Clnrence Davis, Engineer L. E. MeElroy, Attorney Dr. S. W. Fox, Physician Jos. Sehiavo, Overseer of Poor Bayker of Hartford, Conn., over the week-end. —Aj baby daughter was born Friday to ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bagdy at their home on May .Street. Meetings first and third Mondays at 8 P. M. in Municipal Bulld'"g. 1 Main street BOARD OF EDUCATION Maurice P. Dunigan, Pres. Hoy E. Anderson, Clerk Morrison Christie Willard W. Dunham Mark D. McClain Marguerite Fits Randolph ! :r ' nest C. Moffett James Filer ^•lyiiiond, Mundy J. H. T. Martin, Counsel Victor C, Nicklas, Supervising Principal WEIL.COME NOW GENTIENENSUfPOSE VOU BOTH L t W E \T FOR«SORIWNNL 0WHER SERVICE OR SELF SERVICE NO WAITING TO BE WAITED ON FRIDAYANDSATURDAY September 28th, 29th, 1934 HIGHEST QUALITY FOR EVERY MAKE OF BURNER ^ PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE PREMIER OIL & GASOLINE SUPPLY BruttSwick Ave. COMPANY EAHWAY, N. J. Hah, 7-1263 — Night Phone Wdbgr. 8-0258 BUY IN CARTERET A A Few of Our Opening Specials EVAPORATED (REGULAR 25c) FINEST GRANULATED BLUE LABEL Swgar Milk 23 VEGETABLE DEP'T. PRUNES cans LARGE SIZE \ 7 COFFEE -MEATSRIB ROAST Ib 1 5 c BEETS can 11 CONDENSED MILK ROUND STEAK Ib 1 9 c CARROTS 14 OZ. BOTTLE CATSUP Ib 1 0 c GROUND MEAT 10c CHOICE UMBfflE PORK CHOPS Ib1 9 c CAN 9c SARDINES POTATOES JACK FROST SUGAR 1 0 c PORK BUTTS «> 1 7 c LEMONS 4X-Powder-Brown 3 pkgs 20c LEG VEAL 15* ORANGES BACON 22c FANCY COOKING SOUP 3-20 TOMATO APPLES VEAL CUTLETSIb 2 0 c PKGS CELERY Bunch 6 CORN FLAKES 2 1 3 'BOLOGNA >*1 r e DAIRY DEP'T. OVALTINE 29' FRANKFURTERS I D BUTTER? 28« VEGETABLE S O U P CAN TOILET TISSUE 4 for 1 9 c TOILET TlSSUE3for 1 9 c CROP EGGS doz. 2 5 c TOMATOES-1934 OR BABO 2 cans 1 9 c STRINGLESS BEANS Ib. 1 9 c CHEESE CLEANSER 2cans 5 c 2 -.31 BROOMS WARDS CAKE PEACHES RECEIVED OCTAGON CAN 19 FRESH DAILY PINEAPPLE SOAP LB STAR BRAND A BUNCH PORTUGUESE CENTER CUT CAMPBELL'S SUGAR CURED KELLOG'S GAUSE NORTHERN MUNICIPAL SERVICE STATION I N t . RAHWAY A V S . t H A l N S T , WOOPBRIDCC PHOHES 1180 19 NOTHING BUT THE ! BEST SELECTED OUR.CLA1M for a large mid complete stock of thu finest auto parts and uc .cessqries at very reasonable \ivkca will be. proven by o. visit to our shop. We serve you promptly and politely with EXACTLY the item you want for your car. Come in. today ior your heeds! -I A Cordial Invitation is Extended to Visit the Most Complete Model Market in this Vicinity AUGUSTO GIL, 25 Salem Ave., Carteret, N. J. T T Tim CTHDITC PHONE CARTERET 84069 LL1EU J I U K L O FREE DELIVERY CHOICE ROLL FUEL AND FURNACE OIL MEATS, GROCERIES, BAKERY I FRUITS and VEGETABLES I SOUVENIRS FRIDAY 50c SIZE •M'H-tmga third Monday at 8 P. M. in Barron avenue High EVERYTHINGUNDER ONE ROOF FANCY STORE ROSED ALE LARGEST CAN 3 * 25 RED DEVIL LIBBY'S LARGEST CAN 700 OTHER ITEMS JUST AS LOW i 7 !R 2S. 1 PAGE TTTETEEN 7 PTTi- vSJ?etnn.. T ; " "H i $ : nmnt T nmsrn OF Jk£W.iSfcSF! IAJC- in.'-iiui- f i t *•1 x "1 l iu&f V tre -Tt qif r* *i»f en-' l T 3wi A I > * J i cauw wierc i JIH>'*I-' ,f [irijawsn.. use 36* V Elihlf * U^ f JiS BT« CH IL and Enpvc Jit h^ M -veirbf i f <' »< <&ii 4Ot ' era.it.. n i "".^M" jriiut JD^ST* F -tiifm, tnrt Jomtrv j ' . ' f i t "P 3a ths Kunift * u - t "tin,! offitt >L £ • t " f • ^m^~WI^'-: >- M l 71UCH w t r it 11 T i n s ' * Kkd aa tns " U«T \ luoc WAX. ih ut r n » ' L rtitj C I I T » ' ^ L ^ i i « H t n . i r Purl , fe';\il#-••••:•••"...•.•: CtniETT N'.ir ."frsfj". nmfit by E i r yor. Aiitttit E-iri,'iiiti6fc. K " r I P ! ' «tt.. AHO J-l'U IltJFT I. t:iV:ie.T. ll-i madt t sK-ftufii!.*. t*rt«M yos i.*'1-! •fibs jvresi'tt : vTicr i-f st.;c vrf'm.H-;. fop ami ct:».-i ^-Jy I''"'. "—;;. n - O etc : :'~ : Firs: Aveuuf, Aveuuf, -v.^& j W, 1. 5>-23. i^^ IT'-;.. 1£. 3TT*F ;^ H i ; r i . i 7 . Cf.nTtih- •Con ;r;l..!l{.T.'.. FA r • Tt.. ittr *«'t * fiuit Er 3fiTH S i T OF . • WITT int. f * " : i i 1 it li/t ?:TV J * s. .i' : 1 Lit.* (:. Cit*£lir]£Ft IE tilt) i s i-iifCoiir.y. 3vt:. 11' ( I t TT1LT' Tin--.THE KELLY KIDS li uu- An'nur H ' • Ali?.t 5'ii.'.+' 'i-V..M ' * t r . •;; '..t.t ;.!,:LT t>r j Q l t i t !•: •..!-?:•..!..Iif. •' \. } f W . I . i - : < : : . :• - ; i v : 'CT. #'l • •EI-.VL-IjiT JTEE : i ' T 3 I>iT OF •: . - r BUi ;!•;• ::•_".!.i:-t i i t t i :;!• l r J S U i r i . STli-B .. t :fy ii-.im.;' 2 4 ; cii (['.ft' l i : * f : ; aiae <t' it-.' :•: li:t M'^I: :.: ;;:Wt'-f I E - I1* JOBS it. I'EM-N'ET, f- I'itH F . • Sfliri-.w. ix cB.o;c£Ky OK V E V . _ . •Bt'.ll-Mli WILLIAM H KELLT. Crm-' . C E O B <i E i l i i AN3OIKE2'TE-MJ*'i~, W >»J»IS --.><*iut 4<uM- m i i CBOEtVE, l i t wiltv M'.iiK-, r.tJt.n-•"-*••« Iiilui: liii-sct -i4 in l mirue ift,a i u u Ti. Pu- i w l i t s l i t ;>i m u n j n - jfc> ieereet (!• a u u i u « u t { t i t f*H t s a K I ' d i K c t a d * ^ 4 a*iivei*},"5->i'.4l M j u W i « M t f »iw ««iU.t.rj)i «,i) t >»( a r « i t 4_ T *T*l£CNE?r*4T, T H B . 1*?^ 1'AT O F l*t*5SbSTlS"j«ifi* i ! ^ ' M ' t AVfi&iw Jt.i? f # « ... M.t7 f*K liU it J. ' SUCH IS LIFE • • ' •' i' !td ** SU AD t ;.trf-m,I:t-r j.tnii-.L- &l£fcly-rj«'t Uft.. i}~m; vfid Wi^g «itli U ^ I I Oetuit? 1-3 Ul&'&ifta a i i S u n <•! .Vcu- -ittu. jttiiti' • „' ;iuri«i o> Iht »utik aJ.ui.1 t t i . JLHUS « . IfLT, i.-l -i* . n "I ^m * i tivu \*J« -*; IT' imTJWti t j rf'n&J* a. ( w W * f ^ ' l i t dvUM.u'; M l l fi!«lt AK-EJt »j»Ji,*Sltk t i t «u.:Lrl) .LLL a a « 3ML Amuujlft L *-H. U. U: U-t, J * INDEPENDENT PAGEFIFTE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1934 Legion Opens 3Or 4-Game Series With Amboy A. A. Sunday! Urbanski And Medwick May Work With Semi-Pro Foes At Stadium Face Orange Tomorrow In Amboy's City Stadium MAURICE F. X. DONOHUE 1wiceDelayed March On Rahway Nine Tomorrow Precede Beginning Of October Feud Betwen Clooney-Pappas and Mesich Combinations Exploration In The Morgue 0MERS' MANAGERJ^OSfS SIDE BET OF $100 II t lie Tigers can play a National League Club well inndolior in a World Series, there scorns to bo no particu". 11|li<.ction to an American Legion - 1'erth Amboy A. A. •",,1 lusting for the next three, perhaps the next four ligures Monk •isii'inhled •he !!• cnnsccii- u--, I'iijipiiM nnc) Hill ClooI,,, iVrthliins. The nerics, in'tc, is ill. It npc-ns this i,', liic Amboy Wty'Stii- lililV '' pilot of the Legion .squad MCMJCIC, TOWNSHIP PRIDES AID PERTH GLOVERS mUsts may he marked !>y But Rose Bowl Lions Earn Hill Urhanski, of the lios14-6 Decision Despite Drives, ia' slated to perform ..mhoyiuis, and Ducky |-v McdwfCft, of those rninpaKKirkleski & Co. 'Viu-'.lm.ils, .may w r i t for Mo', , in ,| the I-cpion. Hint, of Four' Woodbridge athletes L,. depends entirely on what again .saw service with the ,',,',« today, tomorrow and Perth Amboy. Clovers this '''pn- in the frenzied clawintj- week. And Harold Riinyon'n ','].{,' f,,r the National League Perth' Amboy professionals *, i MR. 'HITS' NOE is helping mash Woodbridge High " School's widely varied assortment of football candidates, into some kind of shape these, afternoons. That's fair * enough, because no mutter what is achieved by the Ghosts this Fall (and Frank Kirkleski keeps right on insisting it Iwon't be much) Mr. Noe will always be around to tell the jboys comforting stories about the first Woodbndge High ''team with which ho was associated. That was in 1024, sb 'the morgue testifies,.and quite a catastrophic .season it was. I . You must remember when considering this sad tale Ithat for the eight years preceding "24, the-township school I fielded no, team at all. The game was just abandoned. The importation of Mr. Herbert S. Liuiek us a teacher conspired to reawaken interest in the business in '24 and when the school'board suddenly appropriated $300 to help cover ,J expenses for the sport, Woodbridge was practically coil-, J ceded the championship of the State; — by local sports-1,* Here's the probable eleven which will start for Woodbrkllje Hiffh School tomorrow in the first frame of the Ghosts 103-1 campaign. The foe is Orange, the site City Stadium. Prom left to-ripht here are; in the lino, Joe'Hutteman, Tony Columhctti,. Stephen Hruska,.Steve Markulin, Joe Bartha, Earl Smith and Dominic Aquila. The bnck.1, from left to right are: Andrew Barcellonn, Jimmy Lockic, Captain Percy Wukovets and Johnny Angel. " . writers. . - ' Lauck, it would appear, was Roanoke College's favorite contribution to American. football. He was further equipped with a dazzling record at a Winchester, West Virginia, High School, allegedly as a football coach there, and his destined mission in the township obviously was to win a lot of ball-games. .vere again well-beaten—alEven with Lauck and the Board of Education's three ' "I'lny Rahway Tomorrow though there's no connection behundred clams, there stillremained much to be done. The li,.pi'il< for the series were coni- tween the two statement;;. The students were to raise an additional 200 potatoes strictly r i,.,|' this week, after a deal of second consecutive conqueror of Kirkleski Sends Green Squad Against Benkert Pupils Wilson Sets Fight Show on their own. They started fast—with $25 clips of Viola lt,,nin,r and liawinp. It will be the Red Shirts was a tenni led by Garden Staters Front Man M,,|i.(l hy a third attempt to Newt Wilder and entitled the Dunham and I. H. Gilhuly—and, as a matter of fact, assemIn First Engagement Of Football Year; Wukovets, '",l,.i,. the Legion - Rahwjiy A. Hose Bowl Lions. S~«ict Lions For October 30 Ired As Split Grows bled $125 within a week. So great dreams were dreamed ''niMUcnifnt tomorrow al'tcr- clipped the Clovers hy M-(i, and Captain, Only Returning Township Regular concerning the prospective duplication of W. H. McNair's In Amboy ,, ii\ Uahway. Four hundred attracted only an extremely disWith John Matera ,;, have been distributed ir appointing crowd out Wednesday teams here in 1915 and '16, which, so the ancients declared iin for nish money by custom- to watch the proceedings under A special effort to attract cut quite, a swath in county circles.' The Garden State Racing SPEEDWAY INFIELD ABANDONED AS ROME FIELD ,,.'.!• to sec this one, ueeord- the lights of the City Stadium. Woodbridge Township amaAssociation operating weekThe Parish House Field was the spot. It drew 35 can• ,',':he Soldiers and they want Tomorrow's "angle" football struggle between Or- teur boxers to the Knights didates for the first practice. ,,,.., t out cif the way, AlUioiiKh Jimmy Gerity, Wood- ly shows at the Speedway ange and Woodbridge High School elevens has been res• • • • • of Columbus Fall bouts will ["-,::•. Kahway affair and tho hridfic (luarterbnek, afrnin played here had better inspect can.! i fmir duels in the City Sta more minutes with the Clovers didates for the combined cued from the rocky surface and waving shrubbery of the be made this year, Wes WilLecture ., ,ri\inst the Amboyans' (alia? than any other township contribu- post of track manager, 'front Speedway. Tlie match, first for Prank Kirkleski's 1934 \nilmy l-'iekl Club) shouh tion to the Perthian fortunes, bi^ man,' promoter and general hot Woodbridge eleven, will be staged at the Perth Amboy son said yesterday. SINCE FOOTBALL is, as almost everyone realizes by Wilson, in charge of the ,, mightily toward slashing th< Frank Kirkleski was once more simon-pure fist-slinging for now, essentially a character-building game dedicated to ';,,„•. deficit for the year. Mi' the outstanding star of the match shot. Joe Orsini is about through. Citv Stadium. Game time is 2:15 o'clock. Joe is disgruntled at the wreck The "angle" in the business iiiilicated whnt he think for the Ambnyanf. Rookie Lund the Casey organization, said instillation of the finest qualities of upright manhood in its , •• it all on Tuesday nitrht b' saw. some •action at end and Cac-the drivers made of the track last lies, of course, in the simple fact he would stage his show on devotees and the distillation therefrom of any and all imhL' the deck with $100 oven cioln Tuesday, Oct. 30. Entries purities, the practice opened with a lecture. That was only worked dojrijedly at hk Sunday when they staged their that Ifeino Benkert, the sports iii-v ill » side boL'with I'appa." tackle position while in the scheduled show against his advice, are open now and will be accepted fitting;, particularly since this seemed a lecture which WAS tutor immediately preceding Kirk1,'ijr j,e cream store man. displeased over the slim budge'.s leski as coach of football here, is stnurirle. [until the 2!>th, the day before the a lecture, rivalling Ira Thomas when the aged Athletics' I'ln- Lciiion knocked ever Hi The losers' only touchdown of matches. Blanks for township St. Andrassy, Mesick ,j- Field Club last Sunday her the evening was scored while allotted him hy the Association now directing Orange. Neither scout is intoning his "Just For Fun" at his strongest. and indignant at tho pilots' 7-1 but that, didn't help itmeb ir p y coach naturally wants to lose to their second-strint,'hackfiuld was Th boys b were instructed id i up their h adolesd The to give Plan Pro Quintet; plunge toward blue ink in th on the field, but Kirkleski's spe- enil lack of appreciation for his office of the INDEPENDENT the other and both squads should cent dissipations at once or even sooner. The vices to • 'er<. The citizens present con Boys wanting to box who are not elt'orts. Legion Sponsor cial delivery forward passes and members of the A. A. U may fil be shunned ranged from smoking to eating between "utcd nniy $20..10 to tho c As for Al Lattanzio winning exhibit plenty of the old college his Rcncral offensive and defensive out registration cards at the irlicilly no aid at all. meals and staying up late at night. They even includ- . smartness jravi1 the Clovers the that feature last Sunday after Or- try. Woodbridge will have a ascy home in Amboy. Farnsworth Unavailable Ikiri\]03ivi 5*V0.«ti't IHS tttilii woli L sini imd announced definitely, poprofessional basketball team ed drinking—and in 1924, too. As plans stand now, Wilson I'iiciv wasn't a (Treat, deal to tliis which .should hiivo won the battle sitively and absolutely that the have much more and Benkert is this Winter. Bob St. An- id, four classes will be open: Maybe the list of candidates would interest you. I •_• ilefen-t'd arfrunH'ilt w i t h for tlifin. New Brunswick favorite could not meaning the blues in a very acdrassy and Monk Mesick will 20, 135, 147 and 160 pounds. can't vouch for all the spellings but here's the way an Hi-. Del F a r n s w o r t h did not click again, why Joe will tell you complished Fordliam Players Star share direction of the squad, fashion himself. )ther divisions will be established ,-ii I'm- Steve Anthony's invadCowliij,' mid Murphy, both pro- that was all a mistake. And a which will be sponsored by f the entries warrant it. Boxers anonymous assistant manager listed them: aiiil, Mesick now confesses, ducts of Kordham football idea?, mistake especially in the matter Which, if either, is fibbing should the American Legion. The Seldon Hoagland, John Shock, Ellis Moore, Clifford i-om both Middlesex and Mon,:;ili!y won't, work for t h e Le-<lid the job fen- the Lions, who of "those gear ratios by Johhny be demonstrated tomorrow. pair are busily engaged in nouth counties are eligible, ho Walling, George Tappen, Orin Gerns, John Yunker, David '<]. cither. Seems he's inc-xtric- were hampered ;dl niirlil by tholllesky of Elizabeth, whose rebuilt plots toward securing a satisIt'i Captain Wukovets ontinued. ;•. i-ntancU'd with Hiirhtstown. Gerity, Allen Thergesen, Everitt Mittle, Edward Dunigan, ' atrocious passing of Wildor, coach job toured the half-mile lap, even factory home court and, beOnly John "Percy" Wukovets, 8 Gold Watches Up M:;..• Mesko was t h e lucky itnin und cuplain lnst nijjlit nnd snan- in its present wretched condition, yond committing themselves -™~,Bgold »u wwatches ««™, p " * Cunningham, Elmer Vescey, Roland Lund, John In all four classes, L i:;in:itei| by Fords. He toiled in P«'i: hack with Columbia last Fail. in 2'J.H, a new record for the cur- fullback and captain, remains on to the venture, have revealed ill be given i th l i :-i!'!e pit for the full r o u t e ;ind the ttwo ffinalists, retros, Vincent Tomsu, Richard Coan, William Krug, Elsored in both the second | rent troupe. In the 15-mile fea- the township brigade from Kirk's no details. , i inilly blasted, principally vith losing semi-finalists also re- bert Richards, Albert Bowers, Allan Weygandt, Albert i ture, however, the gears just col- good 1933 outfit. The replaceand fourth periods and Joe Ste St. Andrasiy said yester,I:,M:. Zi'lai, t h e LcKion's slmrtlapsed ami Uk'sky once more ments for the boys lost through .g an as yet undesignated Jacobsen, John McCullough, Henry Neary, Edward Gori'ss, ' man's third period Clover scnr day that as much local talent : v,;;'. punched o u t two hits in wearily coasted into the pits. He's slice was not ill itself enough will be used as possible but to 'The Knights, Wilson announ- T h o m a s Desmond, Vernon Schade, Edward Dunn, Charles i! ;i:-irin\its a n d tbercby proilgraduation are uniformly young, been dogged by mechanical diffiswiti-ll the count. that the strictly Woodbridge ed, have arranged to permit any Jacobs, E. Galaida, Ted Leber, Thomas Fee, Fred Brown, | l , d \MW tliiTi?, vuii.>. Gi'orco The tiiLK-lidown which changed culties ever, since the weekly light and inexperienced, a for- dribblers would be reinforced i\ M:l:e Mitroku also -'-••• in the show to train at their George Deter, Donald Noe and Julius Kolb. shows started here. it from 7-" to 1.'! and then to Mby a variety of alien players. midable , combination, for any Mr '... "s delivery for Amboy headquarters nightly from li was'in* compiled until the last Yea, this was only ten years ago. Charles Boehm asLattanzio 29.4 Teams that he indicated as coach. s \ i :,;! in nil, it was rather 7 to 9 p, m. Helping the candilut" two-minutes of the engagement Lattanzin went out roaring for possible opponents included sisted Lauck in the terrible job of installing- football in a "• •..•: :iiion for t h e Mesick dates in their work will be Johnny til! i To meet the situation, the anil Ihi! {'lovers were always in that new record and cut it down South Amboy Sacred Hearts, school which knew it not at all. Ilossie and Russell Terrell. (nait there buttling doggedly, if not too to 2!l.l. In the feature, lie wasGhosts' mentor is threatening to Perth Amboy Y. M. H. A., ORSINI THREATENS Woodbridge-Orange Grid Game TOWNSHIP BOXERS TO LEAVERACERS Switched To Amboy City Stadium S0UGHTBYJCASEYS1 Money Ball!- M o liiiii-i-lf w a s n i o s l effecl- John unleash a flock of lateral pass Fords Firemen and suchffravelling aggregations as the Start: Bad House of David. THE MANAGER WAS Cliff Walling. He contrived, Although the men used will be paid for their labor, the before the season was over, to book five games. The first club will play under amateur of these was against the New Brunswick Seconds and rules, probably twice a week although the Zebras were told their varsity club would be man named Chicknowsky. He care of yuung Henry Guerand. will be Jimmy Lockie at quarter with one of the matches at played three years with Kirkleski (lUerand won the second five-mile and Andy Barcelona and Johnny needed, the reserve^ clicked by 12-0. The starting Woodhome. The schedule will open at Lafayette and was a bull of fire qualifying event and then punched Angles at the, halves. In the in the middle of November Lengyel Crew Bludgeons bridge lineup listed: Cunningham and McCullough at Wednesday night until carted off a valve through a cylinder. But trenches up front, Kirkleski will but practices, St. Andrassy Pals By 13-4 In ends; Shock and Tappen at tackle; Galaida and Yunker, the field with an injured neck in Orsini was satisfied that the kidprobably start Joe Hutteman and said, will start "shortly." guards, with Gerns the snapper-back. In the backfield, at least had the job percolating at Dominie Aquila at the wings, Earl the second half. Dancing will be provided beSeries Finale last. Gerity, Walling, Vecsey and Hoagland. There were four Wilder Hurt Smith and Tony Columbetti in the tween the halves of the fames. Matera, between whom and Or- tackle slots, "Big" Bertha and Wilder himself was hurt late in Triumphant again oveir the Pals Woodbridge, switches, sending our Mr. Noe in for'Wallthe struggle when he collided with sin^a real unpleasantness has de- either Hrusfca or Cacciola the Mesick said last week that and thereby a vktor in the series ing, replacing Galaida with Dexter and spelling Yunker Kirkleski's pile driving legs while veloped, met with other Associa- guards. That makes Steve Markhit baseball team this Sumbetween the two squads, Andrew and McCullough in favor of Tomsu and Thergesen, retackling the big Woodbridge tion officials last night and dis- ulin the centre. mer had been "enough of a Lengyel's Braves engage the spectively. coach. This hurt wasn't ton seri- cussed the situation presented by headache" but several conGood Next Year, Maybe ous, but the ex-Columbian had to Orsini's unwillingness to accept ferences with St. Andrassy, This team, vows their coach, Woodbridge Colored Giants SunWell, there was that respectable defeat in the opener. what the likeable. Italian says he promises nothing more brilliant retire for the evening. who hat been making feints diay afternoon at Grove Street South Amboy was next and that eleven's "baffling overhas been taking in the business of at such a promotion for two A rivalry t( four years standthan a good 1935 squad—which Field in what may or may not be head game" gave it triumph by 18-0. or three weeks, changed the ing will be resumed this Wednes- put-ting the GSRA over here. prediction helps the situation to s Monk's mind. Whatever happens, a show will moiTow not at all. In practice, day at the City Stadium when the the beginning of another feud, p , The team had lost two straight but the students brilliantly, for the winning coun- \ clocked in l(i minutes flat. ili.-,iMiting Percy Wukovets' tors. They had the cdpe, as a i Matera, whom the mustachioed plays, instruct his backs to throw ua-tery. He collected t w o . in matter of fact, in field play, but New Brunswick high-wheeler has plenty of forward passes and othp , u;i< supposed to be lost in the pay-olf on points. replaced as the most consistently erwise attempt to even up the R\i;l,yV lasT Appearance of t h e With Clowhijr and Murphy in successful entry, was Kecond. And dge in weight,and experience he !i|iaiirn with the- townshiplK'i'.-i, their brilliant raiding of the he was NOT working with Orsini's is conceding Benkert's machine. .-i- thi- liin man will be busy Clover line was a capable young car, which Joe entrusted to the With Wukovets in the tackfield in iiuw mi with t h e hijjh school 1'hc intielil practice p e r f o n n -,- i,f 1-ords led by .Hen (iloff, fip-fHrlitiT, w a s really t h e hlil'h'. nf t h e d a y . BRAVES TO ENGAGE GIANTS ON SUNDAY 27th In 29 Irradilitii'm t" being the l'Jth .iii:iil triumph, this was the 27th •I1: ctforts during the season, MAlwick's appearance, of i!--i., depends on the Cardinal's :ii''i:iloiN closing bid for a spot •In World Series. In any case, •• i'ar!eret maccmen will not ; ln-;'ure the second game. A- f.'i- pitchers, Herb Thorma'•• "in' of Montreal, is Mesiek's Last week's margin over the "•i. lie will work against Sun- Clovers meet the New Rochelle je staged here this Sunday, al- the Woodbridge boys have looked rallied behind it and, under the guidance of Charles bv Walsh, a House of David P r ° - Bulldogs, '•Eastern League cham- though the track was in extreme- quite as bad as they are supposed acquired and installed before the Pa's was nothing less than 13-4, pions in V.W2, and Central New ly bad shape yesterday. Last and all because the sky full in on Boehm, organized a rather raucous parade through to be. 'nmon'ow, the Legionnaires week's meet, ruined by the rain, the center of the town the nifrht before Lauck'a pupils 'the loseh-s in the ttiird inning, Whether combat whistles wil season is over. i- I'etc Orlick, of the West York State champs in '33, The Cluvers and Bulldogs bave lost quantities oi money for the wake 'em up is today a distinctly Discuss Reorganization wtien the Braves romped hither, engaged Linden. This really must have been quite hemocrats. met for four years straight, and sponsoring association. ubious affair. The loss of "Lit This problem of escaping the thither and even yon, compiling a parade. Boehm for example rode on horseback and >ame Mr. Medwick, by the each time the Bulldogs have mandangerous iSpeedway turf was 10 runs during the round. le" Bertha," who injured his el - ,' allowed himself to beaged to snare a triumph by a there were more than 200 students, together with one canvassed at the meeting of the The linkups: OW in a practice scrimmage with niplu'd for posterity in that small margin. At no game, has band. • Pain 8, C. (I) Bruves A. C. (18> efficient completeness to draw a Board of Education's Athletic il film "Death On The Dia- more than one touchdown.'been 11. H. wo weeks' banishment from the Committee, on Monday when deci- Tirimk, cf AB. U. H.1 A. B'onn, AB. • Nevertheless, Linden won by 20-0, although WoodIf 3 ijoniing to the Strand to- scured by either team. .earn doctor, has also cast a sha sion to seek the right to use the Boilnar, 2b . i 0 Golden, a s . . 4 bridge's best scoring threat of the season to date rolled ''. Carterct's favorite athItakosl, If i model field in Amboy was reach0 1. Zick, i b 3 ow on the proceedings. well-spottcd. He heats out Lom'lco, 31i 3 1 Komi, c( . . 4 down to the enemy's 30-yard line before fading. ed. Kirkleski said yesterday tha Fasaobly. sa 1 0 Bonalsky, p 1 '••Ii hit, later slides into the far as is1 possible, all of hi The problem of reorganization Zanilio, rf. p 2 • * ** 0 S. Zlck, 2b. 2 'ii a fast trip down the line lub's 'home games will be played of the system of sports control, J. Ra'sl, lh 1 .1 Scuttl, c. . 3 iiinl and otherwise conducts Pcm-otty, c 2 Iselin, Fords Squads Drill; t the Amboy Stadium. Matches giving 1 W'oy, rf, 3b 1 the students a larger voice Sullllic, D . . . 1 f with some gusto. His uni0 G. Po'ek. 3b 1 ivhich cannot be staged there be- in athletic decisions, was^also dis- Avenel Swings Door On Baseball Season " ^ i : Independent Elevens Prepare For Season ! 26 Work On Young Men's Club Under Limoli A. l"liok, li 1 a Walsh, rf.. 1 ' Ending: Happy YOU NEEDN'T be discouraged by this sad story cause of conflicts with the Amboy cussed with five hig-h school pupils the record, the Fords lineHigh School's schedule, will bo who are to bring back 1to the com- TotnlH . . . , | 18 23 1 3 nlhecause there's really quite a happy ending; i The fourth Scare t>y I inn) hifted to the Parish House Meld, mittee ideas of their classmates I';tl8 Perna Lists Final Duel Suns. C. | . 121 00_ A match, nevertheless, approached disaster. It was against K<' Allltrlcim l.l'l lull (1) rVhere bleachers may possibly be on the subject, j Briivps A. I*. . ..0110 All. It. 11. s-ulSouth River, which apparently was doing it even then. Indepejndent f o o t b a l l clay Against Es&ex,.Club 'JX1 •J 1 :i 0 4 The figures totalled 38-0 with one Sokoliski romping away eams ane taking shape in '> ii 0 1 From A Factory League If 2 I) 0 0 S for three touchdowns. Fords and Isplin with the ;> 1) 0 1 — -i U 0 — i 3 4 0 Avenel ends its baseball hitter's Young: Men's:Social Perth Amboy closed the campaign—and was'whipII 1 II 0 . . ..4 1 Club apparently the more ped by 2-0! Everyone appears to have been rather stagtl 1 0 season Sunday. 0 1 0 i 1 1 1 Wary Will Perna, manag- advanced. gerred, as well.theymigpt have been, not excepting BohnII i 1) I) — ( er of the club, has listed a sack, fullback and star of the Perthian club, who unreeled Tom Limoli said yesterday !t 27 ' 11 1 7 home match with a team he that the campaign for dough a run of 65 yards which should have, won the match. I i " l » I-VI«I Club (1) All. It 11 p 1. A. 10. declares to be champions of to iinane'e the Iselin outfit ii Tiger Coach Hedges A Bit Easiest Schedule Of Any He was trapped and felled with a yard to go, how.... i 1 ll 1 1 1 I II 0 0 the Essex County Manufac- moving along, though not at ;i '0 1 ever, and the punt blocked by the Woodbridge line, which With Proficient Mean Major College Faces If 0 1 I) , 1 1 turing League. Said team he the speed it might reach. had gone for a'safety, decided the day. •_> 1 0 3 0 Of Over-Confidence Nassau Brilliants candidates for II 0 calls "NNM" and he'll give Twenty-six i :< 0 1 • • • * 1) you any kind of assurance you 0 1 12 1 jobs are working with the II II 1 1 0 TEN YEARS AGO, a lot/ was happening. Heine one else in the trade believes will Down at Princeton, one of niuy desire that the Ncwarkers f 0 0 1 1 0 team and Limoli is scanning be the case. (1 4 0 are really hot. 0 Benkert was one of ther young stars on a Rutgers jugger. 1 the horizon for enemy clubs the best psychologists in the It's Smarter, Anyway To datu, Mr. Perna will intorm naut which featured gentlemen named Homer Hazel and business of coaching-football »1 8 24 111 The angle, of course, appears you, Avenel has won 20 and lost averaging 165 pounds. Ott( is loudly chirping that he to be tlt'jit it's much smarter to Bus Ten-ill. Heine neither knew nor cared that in a . . 00 ooo—i •1. That's not including a distinct- Boehme is the man for manager 20x J declare you'll be terrible and uhen decade he'd be coaching Orange. Nor that a promising .. ooa wants to be licked by either j y informal battle kvagod last Sun- to discuss details. Jilli'hli ll, /.Hill, bobj up with at least a fair record young Lafayette freshman back that year tagged Kirklesday against the Third Ward Re- Fords, Woodbridge ;i and Pert! Amherst, Williams or Washvtt < 5;l.y Mi'ak than it is to break-down'and con- ki would be tutoring football at Woodbridge where Benpublican Olub, no leas, in a contest Amboy. opponents! are csipeeiall ington & Lee. M r -1.1. U . l kiiulukl fess that everything looks juat too 1, Itmlnll!-. Um lll'i) distinguished chiefly by the fact sought by the YoKnir Men's outfit. i lovely—when tfliere's always loom- kert himself was, to enjoy no little success. Yes, it's Fritz Crisler, th'ut a keg of be.er reposed in the Out for the squad are: ing on the November horizon the A scholastic league waa being plotted by Boehm, • Backs: G. Hutteman, J. Line working with a veteran minediatc, vicinity of third base. spectre of, oullapse from anyone -quist, J. Hackett, C. Scott, A squad unbeaten and untied oflicinl score wus kept. embracing South River, Woodbridge; Metuchen, Club Schedules Pair NoAside of a number of causes. So Crisler from mournfully relating Dube, N. Ohlman, P. Ba'tkin, E South Amboy, New Brunswick and Perth Amboy. is mournfully intoninga very during 1933, wn° is predictutaiU of his sad experiences with Blyth, C, Umbertj R/Shohn. helm Stars Sunday Spencer Whatever happened to that one? Boehme also fielded complete dirge these lovely afterEnd«; E. Lindquist, E. Dube, ing all manner of dire calaHankin, of tho Sewaren noons, . • • a pretty soccer aquad, led by Norman Nelson and AlE. Kenny, O. Boehme, F. MoscaA A,, in tho matter ot a money twice trying to play that mities for what should be one of relli. Tlie official Princeton story fred Rodner. That's the cheapest and one of the most ui-anteo, ami with Bill Mesick, y double-header against „, the Legion, in the matter of A. Gill, C. Dube, B. the greatest elevens ever fielded and this, by the way, is in itself exciting team games in the book. What happened "",i.s Olympics, the Wood- that cancelled gamo for this bun- Marko, W. Gill. J. Retkwa. an astounding departure, since to it? -'1'1• I'idd Club has finally aban- ny Pernn has only two bits of GiiartU: L. Raphael, F. King, J. by Princeton University, The TiPrinceton has never before det-nu whole idea. Instead, the iformation for the eager inquJBi- •Mulligan, J. Limoli, si have tf»! easiest schedule scended .to the downright and The American Legion had a team for a while in '24, :lnz i« battalion has scheduled Centres: T. O'Neill, F.Batkin. any, major team in the country practically unanimous vulgarity On ii were .such s h worthies as . a Harvey, Havey, Donovan, Gilrain. Gilrain, , . i i . ;'S| n All-fitare in a double bill tor. The o'oinin'iUee in uh'a'rgi of yet Crisler retains his determined of mailing out press releases — One of 'um is that Avenel A. A. equipment is 'hopefully pricing •1 iinluy. The first gamo at opponents will be gunning for the sings a sad song, indeed. Tlm.su Bader, Faulkner, Hogan, Wand, Sullivan, Romond and I'jirk is Hated for 1 ;30 o'-will put a team in Uie Civic Bowl- uniforms if and d the th restt of f tho th gridid pessimism. And he has a prutty Tigers this year. That means this are samples of the Tiger's current Zullo. Coached, of course, by'the. ubiquitous Monk Me^ JII.H, 'n 1 lie Field Club pitchers will ing Loaifiio here. The other con- iron armed", Limoli continues, and good story, too. sick. Fall's squad musf lie better than. literary style: I|u niii;i "awn from Andy Barcelona, cerns the possibility of an inde- the troops will be outfitted -as soon The brilliant sophomores of 'S3 llast Today's feeling of superiority t season, particularly sine* Anyway, Mr, Noe will be able to assure the boys that " »ly Kahora and Ace Lallan- pendent basketball team. Mints as tho drive for money closes. is in direct contrast to the tnferall very vague now and hinges on •appears to hlave convine- iority complex which gripped if they win more than one game and score more'tha As for the Fords troupe- • are just under-conditioned, overv lies have retired from the possibility of Bfcuring tho Co-that's the Olympics, who are or- confident and downright careless football Pl Grimier points, they'll like that 1924 record. How aba: ' l&e year, with a lec- lotiia Community Centre or bomu under Tom Maikub. juniors of '34, the big Middle Well why pick (out that year? bimilar place for iiiiiiMer is 7. !!(•>. A . • . . '• 1 • . . . :t i; 1 i : l , • . . . :i ' ( I. 1 ; • . 3 1 .11. •1 • '• • . . . . ^ i f I '• • 1 ' • • . . i .'I ,1 ...... ','„•'• i- :i '" ":". , " B . ' ! ' , . '.•'KliHI. . IlllK ( J l ; | ip I ft ' ii 01)0 01)1 ••if, 111 W u k i 'let-— l l y l»-'-l.l»lcll •Ui, tories in S ]•:. Crisleri Invites An Early-Season Defeat For Veterah Array Of Princeton Stars PAG£ FOREMOST THRIFT STORE Criskf hmtes ANOTHER SATISFIED SCHINDEL SHOPPER IN WE ARE; DOING THINGS AT frna Swr: ? READ NEWSPAPER Report Below • A Cb inn Ffear*. 3»fa**5..JUr feat • a n p ' s s s b l r . • . "»^n>: c o i F -a*'"' • • - • . . „ WOODBRIDGE ALTERATION • te s« * a « - ; ' M O W T i « i * r T»£. ;Car5fe4S-Saii *''*irr!.i«*£prKp as fiefe^'S ~ s rori-WB'.-ps bio** : : ? . < 'faftif: us '.asta^ < « !«; ( £arii« .«iir ' ?a w s t i s s i • • ' ' Sctmdel Store Lxpansioc Program ' ' • "BABY • LESS THAN ONE YEAR IN PERTH AMBOY and Already EXPANDING Our SELLING S>ACE f o r a :. .^•artcn "ie*r 'Myttirftmii tike; • ;! -nicsc vis'' i.; ,dw fsc*' re'':r3s«i .Ssgfe A. ;-IT- -'T t r i ' x : ,5 BIGGER and BETTER SCHINDEL'S ^«-;-:-iits. t-f the Eirftaa i N wr^*-- liii fr.. sec -A *Iw J : m h 1 K*"&iass« •::" r -—:rr» lad Etfrv:. • , Two =--i c'st-i .••-.is.e^ ii« :•§ tr-s..?:-,? i : ; : V i rr:-:-:T. t_ .;- 5- l-*;*. AT PERTH AMBOY ClTli' STADIUM j - . Tke ««st wiiifc«arp T-1.;« -^ork fo-r asany local n*r. Th ^ b II! »;x TT c--rr~i :•: prcTTG*. pore jsil~. j " a : i •:..". r;^r Lnfarr's. c t l i r s i ' sore. HONEST FAIR DEALINGS and QUALITY, MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICES PERMISSIBLE . J»tl TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT ADMISSION 75c • 40c • 2oc T"«< drtirrr«ests -rfl py r=-;^g -i* sca^T aHv~*d then :^ -he ti.w-r-t. After e n e a s r ^ JL •Mash's k«art-> Jifec . F. 'Bliss WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 — 8:45 P. M. GERITY'S, MAIN STREET. W0ODBR1DGE YOUR CONFIDENCE IN SCHINDEL'S HAS ENCOURAGED US TO MAKE THIS LARGE EXPENDITURE TO MODERNIZE OUR STORE--WE HAVE EARNED YOUR CONFIDENCE BY r-::V; — i i i r e r . S t . Earry L « ~ :r.ii:«T ''.-is-i-i fcr Fill eac-;"-' fCCTCALL! NEW ROCHELLE BULLDOGS vs PERTH AMBOY CLOVERS ,' v tc "••; --\.'i Stem z'.-zxazz -~-.z^X last fiar'i .eactajs. ' B. C«p?L ± * ' 1 J « J 4 7, rf Sho . H3 :~.:± :act!es. acd A. - t""_" -:.i = A = tc th* w : - d :".:•:: -j.7; : - -.hr Eir; n-i West 5::^ •• —- - i : - ^.''-- f'-^iz^' tc -.'-.; ti.-'i^r:: ^-hi-h~5 - : - '.::i:;i •.= thr tzz'.t? : : ti= =.a:r. : . ; : : ^ 1 ':* -«;&:rd by rsr; - ^ H:r. School piajer, I T * I for the First T and Onty af :-:- UNDER THE N-R-A-COMPARISON WILL SHOW THAT WE PROVIDE OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SELECTIONS UNRIVALED IN PERTH AMBOYAND WE STRIVE TO MAINTAIN LEADERSHIP IN VALUES AT ALL TIMES- f. :•:: i--i th-r othe: :r. thi r^a: i-^ -";- -*-_; •;""'.?- '• t ~ "^™ iii^T ti <;ERSCO A DAY VISIT OUR NEW ENLARGED INFANTS' - CHILDREN'S AND WOMEN'S WASH DRESS DEPARTMENTS SHOP SCHINDEL'S AND SAVE 2ND FLOOR . NOW OPEN THIS NEW FULL-SIZED Women's 39c First Quality j. KELVINATOR SATURDAY RAYON UNDIES C _ J.5.Z - T . 0 ; cca.-ja ibs pirccifeg jia? No Down Payment Wctne-n'j 39c Rayon Stripe PURE SILK Vests • Bloomers HOSE Women's 39c First Quality „ SPECIAL MEN'S COAT and PULLOVER Men's 10c Large Size Handkerchiefs Men's 19c Dre*s and .00 WORK SHIRTS Values Reg, $1 Men's First Quality Pullover Sweaters * * . r* i"_tii> SATURDAY Here is the plan at a PAJAMAS W|0men's 79c New Fall glance: i :-T=:.:- ti *o whether "-he C-iar.:- , i If lie Cirtli itould win the f prot>t i t e Detroit. TK« | pay o i I M e c i 10c a doy f until Spring, g upo,». the node! yoo Mieci special reduced dcs!y poYirsenti imfeod of , 4 13 different modeii ond j i i e i fromvehich to choow. ragular pcy.nents w i l l on which sp«<ial reduced apply ur til next Spring. payments apply until next On so<ra rideis yoti sen Spring. M NEED TO WAIT-ENJOY YOUR KELVINATOR HOW ON THIS tfEOAi FALL MHERiATOR PLAN-EXCLUSIVE ON KELVINATOR (No Estra Chafgt For fn.;ta31atiop—Service or Meter '' TUNE IN WAAT (940KC) 1:45 P. M. DAILY ERSCO ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR SALES CORP. 293 North Broad St. ' 136 New Brunswick Ave. ELIZABETH PERTH AMBOY PIMCK £Yn, 2-2400 P A. 4-4010 OPEHEVEHINGS :.:^r..-; i i ?•: >i bstticg. Good pi'.'.'r.rr- -,2Tr h-iir. ki'^sra to szop :hir. vo'.d.. A.r.d o: ihc.r •piidwrs, I'should say :ha; ~'her. he is right. Bridges U i tn'jirh better- pitchar pitcht. thkii E l Eowe, ai:ho:»h the" earned run jiVcrMej Ti".;i -prolwily show that :r.e ivi, Uk=ani. Rabtwil. Schama^'r.er and Parmaler have lower iiver-ajirt i:.i?. ir.y 'of. the Tiger pitchers, Jiut a word about the Atkletics. Next ye*r U s 0 " iog to seen tliem as & real ; threat fci- tEe pcimut. • With- a brjliaii.:1 inreld and a nsighty ou:r.f|d. aU-they tt any time "niejej « s s tr.oiiirh of the rignt kir.d o: pitching to be right :B iht hick of things. Ai the f«son draws tola c!c'=r,' ; the pitching h.i> improvej to the place where it is eye kin* with the best in the iei'jruc. and =ir.oe it i; ' young; for cr.c r'.ost part. sh-^LiM be better iv. tr.r i-;-r.ii-s jesi'or.. AUTO RAC1S EVERY -SUNDAY WOODBRIDGE SPEEDWAY Garden State Racing Auo. AOHlS&tON 55c • 75c Men's SI.69 New Fall SPECIAL. $^.29 FELT HATS BOYS' 69c GR.ADE CHILD'S FUR TRIMMED BROADCLOTH Large Size-—Colored Bonder COATS SHIRTS Turkish Towels 49^ Regular S2.9S .00 $i .00 f. *~r* 59c HANDBAGS Large Assortment 25c Dresser Scarfs » Full Size—Plaid Sheet Vi. 69 C BLANKETS •**!<-*. ARRIVED IN TIME FORSATURDAY SELLING fALL ::i..r i i,; .1'.:>- :•.: -•:,:••: opposinoa 1 No down 1 Children's 59c Flannelette SATURDAY NEW LOT—144 ONLY HQOVERETTES ^:-rr Tii>" :• '.hi Worii S*ri.ifS- SPECIAL Mf\ DRESS SHIRTS 7 9 C " i ' h Worn. New Fall—All Wool Women's 59c Fait Color ™ 9C Men's 59c Chambray S1.49 d» 4 S K I R T S Erf" Sizes S2.49 A SWEATERS WORK HOSE 44c p* Broadcloth Slips Women's $1.29 New Fall SATURDAY SPECIAL Woman's Full Fashioned :h.re-e jtirters waj\ pr^tiy :: :irtd oat with cf e?e«; jt»--tfr in P u t i ! « ' s i:i. aad ta^T i MISS MARIE KOPCHA $3 . i 1,0 P . M- ' -akwros - S20IW ? SATURDAY 'ACCEPT Frmr Ixsc. f tmrmitei ' frr. Ed- • Str*efc ."•Xvi'' J«TWT•ir£ * f c i'r:~*rt':* t a i , is «i_ rfsa?, ti: £2 •i ; 1 Car- • ; *•;>» ,T-Z: kaar. ca. • • ' .-cte&ti by' .fcis'. p , : ! -.' • A r s ^ s i r s*fr-^s?' :f :?< "«":c'i- :£*=a«£ Fiinsai. C-.I OPEN WE NEK CRESSES f ALL SHCES ALL HEELS ALL SIZES Regular $3.94 Save a Dollar at Schindel's A gorgeous seltction of Bewejt ityles and colors \a sitins, crep«s, tr&vel pritftA And wc-oli. Sil<:* 14 to 52. New ityiei arriving An Opportunity To Save Now WOMEN'S NEW SPORT AND FUR TRIMMED COATS j'S B-uuiifal MISSES' NEW FALL STRAP PUMPS 1 and OXFORDS Fill otker lie "i i l k l i n e d Sec cuti »t U to 48- ! ! i. ; ! 97c pr. [ Far J n u u d ' ulual m t r . H*I dacerf r»prriiHy f^r »k; $ * ^ toll, 11 «t to X. I BOYS'STURDY OXFORDS and SHOES pr. AW»t 4«0 U M U S*tu^>T lift"'
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