Bringing research to standards: experiences from Norman and the CEN/SABE TC-ENV team Valeria Dulio , INERIS, France SIPE Final Conference Brussels, 17 June 2014 NORMAN – Network of reference laboratories, research centres and related organisations for monitoring of emerging environmental substances • Former EU-funded project, established as a permanent network (NORMAN Association) since 2009 • >55 members from EU leading organisations (from 19 European countries and Canada) Mission: • Exchange information on emerging substances • Improve data quality • Promote synergies among research teams and more efficient transfer of research findings to policy-makers NORMAN & research projects DEMEAU EDAEMERGE CAPACITIES SOLUTIONS PHARMAS NORMAN network ……. NORMAN needs to interact as efficiently as possible with ALL the research projects dealing with emerging contaminants NORMAN activities to identify priority emerging pollutants Databases: Monitoring Toxicity Properties data Target screening NORMAN Validation protocol Measurement methods Usage data/ Use index Prioritisation Relevant pollutants Effect-Directed Analysis Nontarget screening NORMAN Massbank – identification of unknowns 4 NORMAN activities to improve harmonisation and quality of monitoring data Interlaboratory studies, some examples: Perfluorinated compounds (2010); Passive sampling for emerging contaminants (2011); Organophosphorous flame retardants (2012) NORMAN Protocol for methods’ validation • Developed during the NORMAN project (2009) • Check list criteria / indicators for validation of measurement methods: research level (intra-lab), routine level (inter-lab) • New Work Item Proposal submitted to CEN TC 230 (2011) • Approved as CEN Technical Specification (2014) 5 NORMAN activities to improve harmonisation and quality of monitoring data NEW (2013 – 2014) Comparative trial non-target screening of river water samples (2013-2014) • First time worldwide • In-depth study on methodologies used by laboratories Interlab study for comparison of a battery of in vitro bioassays for testing concentrated surface water samples spiked with selected pollutants • To verify whether bioassays on complex water extracts can be conducted in different laboratories with the same results and variability • To promote use of biotests for water quality monitoring at the level of European policy-makers 6 Environmental metrology: trends & challenges Trends in science => policies: Improving knwoledge about individual substances Improving knwoledge about complexity of our environm. •New compounds to be monitored •Analytically-demanding requirements •Data comparability •Non-target screening techniques •Integrated monitoring strategies (biological and chemical analysis) Challenges for standardisation Effective and efficient networking with stakeholders at EU and MS-level in order to identify the demands / standardisation needs; More flexible organisation of the standardisation process in order to respond more rapidly and exhaustively to new demands; Definition of protocols to allow inclusion of innovative approaches / novel technologies in the standards; Establishment of technical committees to deal more efficiently with cross-cutting issues (e.g. in analytics). 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 8 2009 CEN – all rights reserved Mission of ENV Team* Deliver advice to SABE on strategic standardisation issues related to environmental monitoring needs Improving networking with relevant interest groups (from science, industry and policy) Forecasting how environmental monitoring needs and standardisation needs will be affected by developments in environmental policy, science and technology in the medium- and long-term *ToR of the ENV Team (ENV N 290 - Final version of the Terms of Reference of the ENV Team, adopted at the ENV meeting of 25 September 2013) 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 9 2009 CEN – all rights reserved Methodology ENV will organise thematic discussions on relevant priority topics (identified by consensus in advance). ENV will produce concise position papers on each subject to be submitted to SABE as deliverables to advise CEN/BT. 1st ENV thematic session – 13 March 2014: Wastewater reuse and implications for future standardisation 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 10 2009 CEN – all rights reserved Stakeholders Standards Policy (FP) RTD Users/SMEs 2005 CEN – all rights reserved The SIPE project (ENV report to SABE meeting 26 Sept 2014) Main aim of the project: Create a platform to bring together science, policies/decision-makers, users and standardisation communities Strategic interest: A highly powerful tool to pull together environmental information on a give topic and improve interoperability among different sectors The scope of the system could be further extended Decision 2013/5 ENV invites SABE to encourage the maintenance and sustainability of the SIPE project on its conclusion. ENV encourages stakeholders to participate in the project by registering on the website 2005 CEN – all rights reserved THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !
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