T.C ÇUKUROVA ÜNİVERSİTESİ MÜHENDİSLİK MİMARLIK FAKÜLTESİ BİLGİSAYAR MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ ...................-................. Eğitim-Öğretim yılı için İngilizce Lisans Ders Programı ve Ders İçerikleri (7 sayfa) ektedir. ......../......../................ Yrd. Doç. Dr. Çiğdem ACI/Yrd. Doç. Dr. Umut ORHAN Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı BİLGİSAYAR MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ 2014-2015 NORMAL ve İKİNCİÖĞRETİM İNGİLİZCE LİSANS PROGRAMI 1.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 101 CEN 103 CEN 105 CEN 107 CEN 109 TD 111 AİİT 101 Dersin Adı Algorithms and Programming I Introduction to Computer Engineering Linear Algebra Mathematics I General Physics I Turkish I Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkihs Revolution I Non-Technical Elective Teorik 3 3 3 4 3 2 Uygulama 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Dersin Adı Algorithms and Programming II Circuit Theory Mathematics II General Physics II Discrete Mathematics Turkish II Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkihs Revolution II Information Technology Ethics Teorik 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 Dersin Adı Object Oriented Programming Data Structures Electronics Digital Design Differential Equations Signals and Systems Non-Technical Elective Teorik 3 3 3 3 3 3 Kredi 4 3 3 4 3 2 AKTS 6 4 4 5 4 2 2 2 3 2.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 102 CEN 104 CEN 106 CEN 108 CEN 110 TD 112 AİİT 102 CEN 112 Uygulama 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kredi 4 3,5 4 3 3 2 2 AKTS 5 5 5 4 4 2 2 3 3.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 201 CEN 203 CEN 205 CEN 207 CEN 209 CEN 211 Uygulama 0 2 1 2 0 0 Kredi 3 4 3,5 4 3 3 AKTS 4 5 4 6 4 4 3 4.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 202 Dersin Adı Programming Languages CEN 204 Numerical Analysis 3 0 3 5 CEN 206 Microprocessors 3 2 4 5 CEN 208 Operating Systems 4 0 4 6 CEN 210 Probability and Statistics 3 0 3 6 Teorik 3 Uygulama 0 Kredi 3 Non-Technical Elective AKTS 5 3 5.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 301 CEN 303 CEN 305 CEN 307 CEN 309 Dersin Adı Data Management and File Structures Computer Networks I Internet Programming Computer Organization Computer Control Systems I Non-Technical Elective Teorik 3 3 2 3 3 Sayfa 1 / 7 Uygulama 0 2 2 2 1 Kredi 3 4 3 4 3,5 AKTS 5 6 5 6 5 3 6.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 302 CEN 304 CEN 306 CEN 308 CEN 310 Dersin Adı Computer Networks II Artificial Intelligence Systems Database Management Systems Software Engineering Computer Control Systems II Summer Practice I (20 İş Günü) Non-Technical Elective Teorik 3 3 3 3 3 0 Uygulama 2 0 0 0 1 2 Kredi 4 3 3 3 3,5 1 AKTS 5 4 4 4 4 6 3 7.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı CEN 419 Graduation Thesis * 0 4 2 5 Summer Practice II (20 İş Günü) 0 2 1 6 CEN 409 Automata Theory 3 0 3 4 Seçmeli Dersler Dersin Kodu CEN 401 CEN 403 CEN 405 CEN 407 CEN 411 CEN 413 CEN 415 CEN 417 Dersin Adı Computer Graphics Digital Image Processing Introduction to Robotics Microcontrollers Human-Computer Interactions Parallel Programming Introduction to Systems Programming Modeling of Computer Networks Teorik 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Teorik Uygulama Uygulama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kredi Kredi 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 AKTS AKTS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8.YARIYIL Dersin Kodu CEN 424 Dersin Adı Graduation Thesis Teorik 0 Seçmeli Dersler Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı CEN 402 Artificial Neural Networks CEN 406 E-Commerce CEN 408 Compilers CEN 410 Computational Biology and Advanced Topics CEN 412 Wireless Networks and Security CEN 414 Java Programming CEN 416 Algorithms and Computational Complexity CEN 418 Introduction to Optimal Control CEN 420 Signal Processing for Computer Engineers Sayfa 2 / 7 Uygulama 4 Teorik Uygulama 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 Kredi AKTS 2 Kredi 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 AKTS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CEN 101 Algorithms and Programming I Problem solving. Input-Operation-Output process. Analysis and design of algorithms. Definiteness, finiteness, effectiveness of algorithms. Algorithm Language. Contants, variables and expressions. Arithmetical, relational and logical operators. InputOutput statements. Conditional and iterative statements. Vector and matrix representations. String manipulations. Subroutines and Functions. Applications on a structural programming language. CEN 103 Introduction To Computer Engineering Number systems, Introduction to computer networks, IP addresses, Subnets, Subnet masks, Logic gates, Karnaugh maps, Basic probability. CEN 105 Linear Algebra System of linear equations, elementary operations, finding solutions of linear and homıogen systems of equations using elementary operations, matrices and special types of matrices, finding inverses of matrices in elementary operations, determinants, finding determinants of blocked and special types of matrices, using determinant for solving Cramer systems. Vectors in the plane and space, vector spaces, subspaces, linesr dependence of vectors, bases of vector spaces. CEN 107 Mathematics I Preliminaries, Functions, Limits and Continuity, Derivatives, Applications of Derivatives CEN 109 General Physics I Vectors, motion in one dimension, motion in two dimension, the laws of motion, circular motion and other applications of Newton´s laws, work and energy, potential energy and conservation of energy, linear momentum and collusions, rotation of rigid body about a fixed axis, Rolling motion, angular momentum and torque. TD 111 Turkish I What is language? The significance of the nation as a social institution. Turkish language among world languages and the history and phases of Turkish language. Turkish sounds and classification of audio features and sound knowledge of Turkish language and related rules. Turkish affixes and their applications, general information about the composition and application of a composition. Petition and resume writing. Spelling and punctuation. AİTT 101 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkihs Revolution I A definition of Revolution. The aim and the importance of the Turkish history of revolution General state of the Ottoman Empire the reasons for the decline Efforts to save the Ottoman Empire Phylosphy movements The First World War Mustafa Kemal in Anatolia and the Congresses The opening of the Great Turkish National Assembly National and International policy The Mudanya Treaty Lousanne Conference. CEN 102 Algorithms and Programming II Structural programming concept. C/C++ Programming Language, Fundamentals, Data types, Statements, String functions. Array manipulations. Procedures and Functions. Recursion. Sorting and Searching algorithms. Basic file applications. Dynamic variables and elementary data structures, Pointer, Stack, Queue, Linked list. CEN 104 Circuit Theory Circuit Variables and Elements, Resistive Circuits, Techniques of Circuit Analysis (Node/Mesh Analysis, Source Transformations, Thevenin/Norton Theorems, Maximum Power Transfer, Superposition), The Operational Amplifier, Inductance, Capacitance and Mutual Inductance, Response of First Order RL and RC Circuits, Response of RLC Circuits, Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis. CEN 106 Mathematics II Sequence and series of numbers, power series, Taylor series. Quadratic curves, polar coordinates. Analytic geometry in R , vector functions. Functions of several variables, partial derivatives, minimum and maximum problems. Multiple integrals and applications. Line integral, Green´s theorem. Surface integral, divergence theorem, Stokes´ theorem. CEN 108 General Physics II Electric field, Gauss´ law, electric potantial, capacitance and dielectric, current an resistance, direct current circuits, magnetic fields, sources of magnetic field, Faraday´s law, inductance. CEN 110 Discrete Mathematics Logic and Proofs, Sets, Induction, Algorithm complexity, Modular arithmetic, Combinatorial analysis, Graph Theory, Trees, Boolean Algebras, Automata, Grammars and Languages. TD 112 Turkish II Morphology, sentence structure, types of written and oral expression, expression disorders. Sayfa 3 / 7 AİTT 102 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkihs Revolution II The declaration of the Republic The importance of the leader and the staff in the revolution Constitutional solutions to the problems related to the Lausanne Conference The participation of Turkey in pacts and in international organizations Reactions to the new governmental structure Trials in the multi party system The Home and foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey Atatürk s foreign policy to inspire confidence in the future of Turkey Kemalism the Principles of Atatürk. CEN 112 Information Technology Ethics Introduction to Information Technology Ethics, Introduction to Ethical Theories, Intellectual Property and the Intellectual Commons, Freedom vs. Privacy, Freedom vs. Security, Hackivism, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information, Social Networking, Ethics of IT Organizations, Introduction to Morality, Cross cultural, Intercultural ethics, The impact of Information Technology on Productivity. CEN 201 Object Oriented Programming Programming Techniques, Philosophy of Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Implementation, Interface/Implementation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overriding/overloading, Constructors and Deconstructors, Object Oriented Analysis and Design. CEN 203 Data Structures Definition of the concepts “data structures” and “data models”. Run time and memory requirement analysis of algorithms. Insertion sort, Selection sort, Bubble sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Quick sort algorithms and their analysis. Sequential search, Binary search, and hashing algorithms and their analysis. Linked lists and their applications. Stack and queue data structures and their applications. Tree and graph data models and their applications. CEN 205 Electronics Semiconductors, Diodes, BJT and FET: Properties, Biasing, Equivalents. Amplifiers, Operational amplifiers. Oscilators. Transistor switching. Monostable, multistable, and astable circuits. Counters. Registers. Memories. CEN 207 Digital Design Number Systems: Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Number Base Conversions. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates. Simplification of Boolean Functions: Map Method, Tabulation method. Combinational Circuits, Binary Arithmetic Elements, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers / Data Selectors, Demultiplexers / Data Distributors, Comparators, Programmable Logic Devices. Synchronous Sequential Logic: Latches, Flip-Flops, Triggering of Flip-Flops, Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits, Design Procedure, Design of Counters. CEN 209 Differential Equations First order differential equations; separable equations, linear equations, Exact equations and integrating factor, Higher order differential equations; the method of variation of parameters, Constant coefficient equations, the method of undetermined coefficients/ Laplace transformation; basic definition and theorems. CEN 211 Signals and Systems Definition of signals and systems. Transformation of independent variable. Properties of signals and systems. Linear, timeinvariant systems. Convolution. Properties of linear, time-invariant (LTI) systems. Systems represented by differential equations. State-space analysis of LTI-causal systems described by differential equations. Fourier series. Fourier transform. Properties of Fourier series and Fourier transform. Filtering. Continuous-time modulation. Demonstration of amplitude modulation. The Laplace transform. Analysis of systems by using Fourier and Laplace transform. Continuous-time secondorder systems. Butterworth filters. Feedback. Sampling. Interpolation. CEN 202 Programming Languages Structure of programming languages. Describing syntax and semantics. Lexical and syntax analysis. Names, bindings, type checking, and scopes. Data types. Expressions, assignment statements, statement-level control structures. Subprograms. Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation constructs. Examples will be given for basic programming languages concepts using C based languages (C, C++, C#, Java), scripting languages (Perl, Python), a functional language (LISP) and a logic programming language (Prolog). CEN 204 Numerical Analysis Surveys and applications of numerical techniques related to matrix inversion, systems of linear equations and optimization, finite difference expressions, interpolation and approximation, numerical differentiation and integration. CEN 206 Microprocessors Introduction to 16 bit microprocessors, Intel 8086 microprocessor and programming model, Assembly for Intel microprocessors, introduction to 32 and 64 bit microprocessors, investigating Intel 80386 and upper 32 bit microprocessors, Assembly programming for 32 bit microprocessors, introduction to Intel Core2Duo and upper 64 bit microprocessors by investigating programming models, Operating system and Assembly programming language relations for 32 bit and upper microprocessors with application development in MASM environment. Sayfa 4 / 7 CEN 208 Operating Systems Operating Systems, History of operating systems, Process Concept: States & process control blocks, OS Kernel, Concurrent Processes, Mutual exclusion, Process Synchronization, Semaphores, Memory Management & Scheduling, Fixed & Multiple Portitioned multiprogramming, Virtual Memory, Paging & Segmentation, On demand paging & segmentation, Operations on Moving Head Disks, Disk Scheduling Policies, File & Database Systems, File System Functions, Blocking and Buffering, File Organization, Back-up & optimization, Database Systems & Models. CEN 210 Probability and Statistics Random Variables and Processes for Computer Engineering, Probability, conditional probability, Bernoulli trials, the concept of a random variable, distribution and density functions, specific random variables, conditional distributions, functions of one random variable, mean and variance, functions of two random variables, conditional expected values, stochastic processes, systems with stochastic inputs, the power spectrum, discrete-time processes, poisson process. CEN 301 Data Management and File Structures Overview of storage and indexing. Disks and files. Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) systems. Disk space management. Files of records. Tree structured indexing (ISAM, B+ trees). Hash-based indexing (static hashing, extendible hashing, linear hashing). Secondary key retrieval (k-d trees, grid files). External sorting. Data abstraction using entity relationship model. Introduction to database management systems concepts. CEN 303 Computer Networks I Computer networks and the Internet, What is Internet?, packet switching and circuit switching, delay and loss, protocol layers, application layer, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, MIME, IMAP, DNS, transport layer, multiplexing and demultiplexing, UDP, principles of reliable data transfer, TCP, TCP segment format, TCP congestion control, TCP flow control, Wireshark applications. CEN 305 Internet Programming HTML, CSS, DHTML, javascript,Server-side web pages, database applications. CEN 307 Computer Organization Description of the major computer parts, discussion of computer types: servers, embedded computers, general purpose computetrs, computer instruction set architecture, computer arithmetic, datapath design control design single cycle processor design, multi cycle processor design, pipelined processor design, memory system, main memory and cache system, input output devices. CEN 309 Computer Control Systems I Transfer functions and block diagrams. Modelling of the physical systems. State-space analysis. Stability of the linear control systems. CEN 302 Computer Networks II Router, IP addresses and protocol, Routing algorithms, Broadcast and multicast, Multiple access protocols, Error detection and correction, Link layer addressing, Ethernet, Switches, Security in networks, Basics of cryptography, E-mail security, SSL. CEN 304 Artificial Intelligence Systems Representation of knowledge. Search and heuristic programming. Logic and logic programming. Application areas of artificial intelligence: Problem solving, games and puzzles, expert systems, planning, learning, vision, and natural language understanding. Exercises in an artificial intelligence language. CEN 306 Database Management Systems Overview of database systems. Database design and E/R diagrams. The relational model. Integrity constraints over relations. Creating and modifying relations using SQL DDL. Schema refinement and normal forms. Relational Algebra and efficient query forming using relatinal algebra operators. Writing queries, constraints and triggers using SQL. Views. Database application development. Algorithms for relational operators. Evaluating relational operators. A typical relational query optimizer. Transaction management. Concurrency control. Crash recovery. CEN 308 Software Engineering Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Development Processes, Analysis of software requirements, Software Design, Interface Design, Software Implementation, Project Management, Software Quality and Standards, Software Testing, Software Maintenance UML Diagrams, Applications of UML Diagrams, Sample Applications. CEN 310 Computer Control Systems II Control systems analysis in time domain. Root locus. Control systems analysis in frequency domain. Control system design. Summer Practice I Practicing subjects which are learnt in lessons under probation of consultant. Sayfa 5 / 7 CEN 419 Graduation Thesis The students make an independent applicational project by utilizing knowledge learnt during their education, report and present it. Summer Practice II Practicing subjects which learnt in lessons under probation of consultant. CEN 409 Automata Theory Introduction to Finite Automata, Deterministic Finite Automata, Regular Expressions, Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, Regular Languages and Regular Grammars, Push-Down Automata, Context-Free Context-Free Languages, Turing Machines, Chomsky Hierarchy, Undecidability, Computational Complexity & NP-Completeness. CEN 401 Computer Graphics Introduction to computer graphics, 2D and 3D geometric transformations. Clipping. Two dimensional viewing.Three dimensional viewing. . B-Spline curves and surfaces. Bezier curves and surfaces. Projections. Surface modelling. illumination modelling. Color modelling. CEN 403 Digital Image Processing Mathematical Image Presentations, Image Sampling, Image Exchanges: Fourier, Karhunen-Loeve, etc.., Image quality enhancement: Statistical Methods, Ad Hoc Techniques, Image Restoration: Inverse Filtering, statistical and algebraic. CEN 405 Introduction to Robotics General descriptions. Transformations. Forward kinematics. Inverse kinematics. Jacobians. Trajectory planning. CEN 407 Microcontrollers The internal structure and operation of microcontrollers will be studied. The design methodology for software and hardware applications will be developed through the labs and design projects. students will understand the architecture of the PIC microcontrollers and how to write high-level languages, and embed the code in flash memory for stand-alone system for embedded system designs. CEN 411 Human-Computer Interactions This course will teach you about the importance of the human-computer interface in the design and development of things people use. We will touch on many of the perceptual, cognitive, and social characteristics of people, as well as methods for learning more about the people you wish to use your systems (analyzing the tasks they perform, the way they perform them, the way they think and feel about what they do, etc.). We will discuss the capabilities and limits of computers and other related systems, and discuss how that affects design and implementation decisions. CEN 413 Parallel Programming Parallel Architectures, Interconnection Networks, Flynn´s Taxonomy, Parallel Algorithm Design, Message•Passing Programming, The Message-Passing Interface, Amdahl´s Law. CEN 415 Introduction to Systems Programming Introduction to system programming; debugging; C review,Data types, bit models .Bit masking,Memory map Arrays, strings, string functions, command line arguments Pointers Structures, Program building ,Streams, buffers, pipes Devices, Code organization. CEN417 Modeling of Computer NetworksProbability theory and its application to networks, delay models in networks: Queuing models, Little's theorem, Markov chains and its application in the computer networks, M/M/1, M/M/1/K, M/G/1 queuing system models, priority queuing, networks of queues - Jackson's theorem, self-similar traffic CEN 424 Graduation Thesis The students make an independent applicational project by utilizing knowledge learnt during their education, report and present it. CEN 402 Artificial Neural Networks History of Neural Networks, Fundamental Neural Networks, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Classification, Single-Layer Networks, Multi-Layer Networks-Backpropagation Model, Radial Basis Function, Error Functions. CEN 406 E-Commerce Introduction to Electronic commerce (EC), EC tools; general concepts, tools and elements of EC, advantages of EC, Security and Legal Issues in EC, Marketting and retailing in EC, Technologies supporting EC, Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic payment systems. CEN 408 Compilers Lexical and syntax analysis, syntax-directed translation, type checking, issues with the run-time environment, code generation and code optimization. Sayfa 6 / 7 CEN 410 Computational Biology and Advanced Topics The course introduces computational for systems biology under 'real-world' conditions of limiting biological knowledge, molecular noise, and spatial effects. The focus is on systems identification for mechanistic models. Methods discussed include uncertainty evaluation, experimental design, abstract systems descriptions, stochastic modeling and analysis, and spatially distributed models. CEN412 Wireless Networks and Security Wireless Links and Network Characteristics, WiFi: 802.11 Wireless LANs, Cellular Internet Access, Mobility Management: Principles, Mobile IP, Managing Mobility in Cellular Networks, What Is Network Security?, Principles of Cryptography, Message Integrity, End-Point Authentication, Securing E-mail, Securing TCP Connections: SSL, Network-Layer Security: IPsec, Securing Wireless LANs CEN 414 Java Programming Object oriented programming and basic concepts, data types, arrays, strings, Search andsorting algorithms, recursion, Graphical objects and their applications, file and database applications in Java. CEN 416 Algorithms and Computational Complexity Algorithmic Methods, Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Divide and Conquer Algorithms, Algorithm Correctness, Asymptotic notation and functions, Worst-Case Analysis, Average-Case Analysis, Best-Case Analysis, Nondeterministic Algorithms. CEN 418 Introduction to Optimal Control Introduction. Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control. Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems. Discrete-Time Optimal Control Systems. Pontryagin Minimum Principle. Constrained Optimal Control Systems. CEN 420 Signal Processing for Computer Engineers Continuous time signals and systems, the Fourier Series, the Fourier transform, the Laplace transform, Discrete time signals and systems, the z-transform, the discrete Fourier transform, Computation of the discrete fourier transform. Sayfa 7 / 7
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