The New England and Bermuda District Yankiwanian Vol. 40 No. 5 July, 2014 Page 2 Yankiwanian July 2014 The New England and Bermuda District Yankiwanian New England District of Kiwanis International Vol. 40 No. 5 - July 2014 OBJECTS OF KIWANIS • To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. •To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. GOVERNOR George Delisle • To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards. GOVERNOR-ELECT Glen Cefalo •To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship. IMMEDIATE PAST GOVERNOR Frank Dennett •To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities. Published quarterly by The New England District of Kiwanis International Sharon J Binette, Editor Editorial submissions must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Next Issue Deadline Sept. 15 Submit articles and photos to: [email protected] NEDK 118 Union Avenue, Suite 11 PO Box 687 Framingham, MA 01704 Business: (508) 875-4724 Fax: (508) 875-0262 [email protected] Entire contents copyright © 2014 by the New England and Bermuda District of Kiwanis. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the New England and Bermuda District. •To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill. The six permanent Objects of Kiwanis International were approved by Kiwanis club delegates at the 1924 Convention in Denver, Colorado. Through the succeeding decades, they have remained unchanged. In This Issue 2.......................Objects of Kiwanis 3.............Governor George Message 4......Gov. Elect Glen Cefalo Message 5..........Candidate for Gov-Elect Bart 6.........Foster Parent Appreciation Day 6....K-Kids Important to Kiwanis Family 7. ....Danvers Kiwanis Raises $1,500 7...Trauma Bears Donated to Local Fire Dept 8........Key Club Governor Introduction 9...Augusta Club Presents Dr. Alice Savage Diamond Zeller 10........Dover Foxcroft Upcoming Events 11..........2013-14 Hanson Builders Club 12..............Kiwanis are Teachers Too 13 ...............Circle K Installs Offiers 14..Kiwanis & Key Clubs - Partners in Service 14.PLGC Notice 15......Mt. Washington Valley Kiwanis Honors Sierra Abrams 15........Kiwanis Rotary Bike Rodeo 16..Westbrook Kiwanis Annual Golf Tournament 17...................First Lady KFNE Project 17............................KFNE New Address 17...................KI Approves Grants 18.........Project Eliminate Gift Form 19............Eliminate Project Report 20. District Convention - Warcick, RI 21. ........Official Call to 96th Annual District Convention 22 &23.............Convention Program 24......Convention Registration Form 25........................... Delegate Form 25. ..................Danvers Bike Rodeo 26. .............Monsignor Clark School 26...............Key Club Raised $1,000 26..........Division 5 Project Outreach 27............... District Office Supplies 28...........Irving Talbert Outstanding Secretary Award 29.....Fun and Fellowship - Bermuda Cruise 30. ..............................Fisher Cats 31. ......Brattleboro Golf Tournament Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 3 “The Formula” - Creating New Kiwanis Clubs and several leaders from around the district. Governor-elect Glen attended a similar training in St. Louis in June. This is a start, but there is much work to be done. For this program to succeed we need to identify and train one This will be my last message to new club counselor and one club you as governor. Governor-elect builder from each of our 26 diGlen Cefalo will be installed in visions. Many of these key roles August in Warwick, RI, and he remain unfilled. will take the reins of the district on October 1. Between now and Please consider whether your then, I will continue to do all in Kiwanis experience and knowlmy power to bolster our mem- edge might suit you for one of bership and the strength of the these jobs in your division. If so, New England and Bermuda Dis- please contact your lieutenant trict, and to pave the way for an governor, or contact Formula eminently successful 2014-2015 chairman Adam Wright, adam@ Kiwanis year. Glen and his team It’s time for are working hard to prepare for all of us to make the decision to their new roles, and I am confi- move forward and return our dent they will be ready to serve membership numbers to where they should be. when the time comes. The reasons for the decline, while of academic interest, should not be our main concern. Rather, we need to concern ourselves with reversing the trend by any and all means available to us. By George Delisle District Governor During my nine months as your governor, I have placed a great deal of emphasis on the need for membership growth. Those of you who have attended any of my official or unofficial visits have heard me speak about the problem of declining membership and lost Kiwanis clubs. These are not new problems. It has been many years since our district hit its membership peak of more than 10,000 in the early 1990s. Our numbers have been on the wane ever since. Why is this happening? I’m sure a sociologist would point to many factors – changing demographics, the decline of the manufacturing economy, population shifts from New England to other parts of the United States, increasing demands on our time, the “Great Recession” which has still not fully released its grip on New England and more. However, this year is not over. We still have fully a quarter of the Kiwanis year still ahead of us. That’s three months in which to extend the benefits of Kiwanis membership to new clubs and new communities. Kiwanis International has inaugurated a new growth initiative known as “The Formula.” It is a structured program with a goal of creating a new Kiwanis club in every division of every district in the Kiwanis world. This year has been one of team building and training. I attended a training session in Pittsburgh, PA, in May along with District Formula Chair Adam Wright Page 4 Yankiwanian July 2014 We need your help! upcoming Relay for Life walk. A FIRST for the island, and over 2000 are signed up to walk! This looks like a long lasting friendship for the New England and Bermuda district. Next year on May 22, 2015 we will be sailing to Bermuda to participate in their annual Bermuda Day Parade. There will a Kiwanis float with children, and we are in need of Kiwanians to walk along with the float. This is a milestone event celebrating the 100th year of Kiwanis, 40th year of Bermuda district, and the 96th year of New England district. So check your calendar, mark it down, and come with us. This will By Glen Cefalo Governor Elect be so much fun! Plus, if 4 members of your Divisions 3, 7, 19, 20, and 24 are in need club come it counts as a inter club. of Lt. Governors for the next fiscal year. If you are an enthusiastic Kiwanian with the If your Division/Club participates in a padesire to do more, then you may be the per- rade, please tell us so we can come and son we are looking for! This is a great op- march with you, and also help get the word portunity to meet lots of wonderful people, out for Kiwanis. There will be information and to work within your division on some packets to hand out available this year to fun and exciting Kiwanis projects. Please help celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Kicontact your current Lt. Governor if you wanis are interested. Training will held on June Remember to sign up early for the district 6-8 in Mansfield, MA. convention on August 21-24th in Warwick, Governor George, first lady Geana, myself, RI, and thanks for being a Kiwanis Memand 47 other Kiwanians and family mem- ber. bers cruised to Bermuda this past month. If you weren’t with us you missed a GREAT Glen A Cefalo time! Thanks to Bob Tandy, Lt. Gov. Al- 2013-2014 Governor-Elect tama, and the rest of the Bermuda Kiwanis New England & Bermuda District family for a fantastic time, great food and of Kiwanis entertainment. While in Bermuda, we par- 508-776-0510 ticipated in a service project for the local cancer hospital, assembling tents, and labeling and wrapping tee shirts for their Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 5 Candidate for Governor Elect Bart Stevens Candidate for Govenor-Elect As I sit here and type this, I do so on what we have long been waiting for – an absolutely stunning day here in beautiful Maine!! 80 degrees with a crystal blue sky and a nice little breeze keeping those pesky bugs at bay! Summer is now upon us and I trust each and every one of you is trying to enjoy it to the fullest!! Busy time of year for most us as we gear up for all those great projects our clubs have going on. If you happen to be in central Maine on August 9th be sure to swing by and check out our 37th annual auction, live from 4-7pm, under the big top at Inland Hospital, a very generous supporter of ours! It has been a busy spring for the Stevens family. Pat and I made it to each of the Regionals that were held, as well as countless other caucuses and meetings around New England. A couple weeks back I spent the weekend with the 2014-15 LTG class-intraining, a great group of dedicated volunteers who gave up one of a few (thus far) beautiful weekends; all for the betterment of their Clubs and the District. In our spare time, Pat and I got word that our oldest son had proposed to his girlfriend (and she accepted) with a wedding to look forward to next August! Now that we are well beyond the halfway point of the current administrative year, it is time to start think- ing District Convention! Although there are no contested races at this point in time, it is still critical that we come together with a great turnout. Governor George and his Team have been working hard putting together some great educational programs for this year’s event, along with planning a fun time for all. Continuity remains a key ingredient as we move from one administration to the next. As we prepare to welcome the new Governor, Governor Glenn, we must not forget that this is merely a change in figure-heads. The work of the District must continue uninterrupted and much of the success of our Clubs depends upon it. Having served as Functions Chair for 11 Governors, it never ceases to amaze me what a great slate we generally move forward. Each Governor has goals they wish to accomplish, but each realizes much of their success rests upon relationships built over the years. Each current Governor seems to have developed a great rapport with their predecessor, and as such works hard at maintaining that same rapport with the next administration. If elected, rest assured I will continue this trend! These past dozen or so years have provided me with great insight into personalities, both in my professional real estate and my Kiwanis lives, and I feel I have gained some valuable knowledge as to what works and what doesn’t work quite as well. I look forward to learning and sharing even more in the years to come. I truly encourage you all to talk up the Convention and to make every effort to attend. This is one of our few opportunities to come together to learn, and more importantly, to SHARE. The life-blood of our District is our local Clubs, and the countless individual ideas which make up these Clubs. From the smallest to the largest, each Club strives hard to make a difference, and THIS is what Kiwanis is all about. Shifting gears just a bit now!! Please, please register early for your rooms. The registration deadline for rooms is July 21, and there are NO guarantees this will, or can be extended. It is the peak summer season and the room rate is a good. You can always cancel if it becomes necessary, but you may not be able to add a room after the deadline. As has become something of a tradition these past few years, we will be hosting an outing on Thursday night before the convention begins on Friday morning. This is an opportunity to come together to just plain have some fun before we jump into the education and business sessions. We have done boats and trains in the past while in Rhode Island, so this year we are going just a little bit more low-key. At 5pm on Thursday, August 21st we will board our deluxe motor coaches which will whisk us away to beautiful Newport. After a 30-45 minute ride (never know about that RI traffic!), we will enter the Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant for an evening of fun and relaxation. Now in its 31st year, this locale is a favorite of locals and tourists alike. A family run business, they cater to your needs as if you were a member of their own family. We will enjoy a great buffet, a wonderful play and a fun filled cabaret. The buffet is prepared on-site and does not skimp on quality or selection. A full liquor service is available at an additional charge for those who would like to partake. After dinner we will stroll into the comfortable theater for a Broadway-worthy play entitled “Murder at the Howard Johnson’s”. After the play it is back to the dining room, or the lounge, for a delightful Cabaret!! ENJOY A GREAT BUFFET--A WONDERFUL PLAY--A FUN-FILLED CABARET--AND MOTOR COACH TRANSPORTATION all for the GREAT price of just $60 per person. Guaranteed to be a fun filled, relaxing evening! On Friday morning it’s down to business!! Please sign up early for this annual opportunity of networking, learning, and sharing!! I look forward to seeing each you, old friends as well as new friends, and I APPRECIATE your support, your vote, and your friendships. Bart Stevens Candidate for Governor-elect Page 6 Yankiwanian July 2014 Foster Parent Appreciation Day Q: What do EGGS and the Kiwanis Clubs of Berkshire County have in common? A: Both are dedicated to improving the lives of children. The EGGS Foundation (Education, Grants, Gifts, Scholarships for Foster Children) was founded in 2003 with the mission to provide resources to enhance life experiences for Berkshire County foster children. Through the years, EGGS has granted more than $100,000 to these children for musical instruments and lessons, prom dresses, class rings, family vacations, class trips, driver’s ed, computers, summer camp and so much more. swing, climbing wall, mini golf, KidZone, Euro Bungy trampoline and laser trap. The Kiwanians provided each child with a wristband admission, made sandwiches and assembled bag lunches for all participants, managed the registrations, and generally enjoyed the day almost as much as the children. “It is heartwarming to know that the Kiwanis Clubs of Berkshire County were able to provide such a wonderful day for so many children,” Sheffield Kiwanis member Pat Salvi said. Sadly, the EGGS Foundation had to close its virtual doors at the end of 2013. Fortunately, the founder contacted Sheffield Kiwanis last fall with the hope that one special project would be able to continue – the annual Foster Parent Appreciation Day. The members of all three Berkshire County Kiwanis clubs embraced the idea of partnering on this project, and the balance of the EGGS Foundation money was granted to them as start-up funding. Working with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) and KidsNet, a program of MSPCC, the Kiwanis Clubs of Berkshire County – K-Kids Important to Kiwanis Family It is my pleasure to be serving as the district Kkids administrator this year. It is a new experience for me and I look forward to working with you. In January, I spent a weekend in Indianapolis with other advisors from around the world for training with our sponsored youth groups. The young ones are an important part of our Kiwanis family. I encourage those clubs who do not have a K-kids to look at the benefits of chartering a club. For additional information, please contact me by email at [email protected]. Sheffield, Lee and Pittsfield – joined forces to host this fun day for the children. The day is special for many children as it may be the one day of the year that siblings who have been placed in different foster homes have to spend the day together. Foster children, their siblings and foster parents spent a warm, sunny June day at Jiminy Peak Mountain Adventure Park in Hancock, taking advantage of activities including Mountain Coaster, Alpine Slide, giant Yours in Kiwanis, Kim I Michaud K-kids Administrator Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 7 Danvers Kiwanis Club Raises $1,500 The Danvers Kiwanis Club was asked by the Danvers Texas Roadhouse to team up for a great event. The Danvers Kiwanis club did not hesitate when asked knowing that Kiwanis has had a long standing relationship, Over 100 people showed up to support the cause. There was country line dancing food and fun!! The event raised $1,500 that President Elect Gayla Bartlett and Club Secratary Kay Maurice presented the check at the camp. They also got to do a camp clean up with the gang from Texas roadhouse. It was a great event and a great day of team work. Some of the Kiwanis gang at the event with Andy The Armadillo Check Photo L_R Michael Smith Director of Special Events for Camp Sunshine, Gayla Bartlett President Elect. Kay Maurice Club Secretary, Michael Halpern Market Partner for Texas Roadhouse. Kay and Gayla in Action Cleaning up the play ground Trauma Bears Donated to Local Fire Department The Kiwanis Club of Lewiston-Auburn recently donated trauma bears to the Minot Fire Department. Ruth DeCoster, an Auburn resident who belongs to the Kiwanis Club, presented the bears to Ben Limerick, left, training officer and president of the West Minot Fire Company, and firefighter Jacob Green, center. “When there is a young child experiencing trauma during an emergency,” DeCoster said, “the bears are used by EMT staff for two purposes: first, to help calm the child, and secondly, to help create an immediate bond between the EMT and the child in stress.” Trauma bears were also donated this year to several other fire departments in Androscoggin County. Kiwanis Club is an international community service organization. Community service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world the club is located. The Lewiston Auburn Kiwanis Club meets the first three Wednesdays of each month from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at Fusion Restaurant at the Ramada Inn in Lewiston. On the fourth Wednesday of each month, a dinner meeting is held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at The Vil- lage Inn in Auburn. All are welcomed to attend. Those interested in learning more can visit Membership questions can be directed to club president, Sarah Glynn, at sarah@oxfordhillslaw. com. Page 8 Yankiwanian July 2014 Greetings New England and Bermuda District of Kiwanis! gestions on how to make the District work better. I care about Key Club a lot, and as Governor, I will promote the District wherever I go. NED the Lobster goes with me to every Key Club event, and every chance I get I try to educate more people about Key Club and what we stand for. Malcom Badger, Key Club Governor My name is Malcolm Badger, and I am the 2014-2015 New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs Governor. I live in Jackson, NH, and I am a member of the Kennett High School Key Club in North Conway, NH, which is sponsored by the Mount Washington Valley Kiwanis Club. I am now on my 4th year of being in Key Club, and I have been Freshmen Representative, Sophomore Representative, and Lieutenant Governor of Division 5 before being elected as District Governor. One of my goals for this Key Club year is to have a board that works well together. In my opinion, it is much easier to get through problems and conflicts when everyone is on the same page, and everyone works well together. I want to be friendly, easy to talk to, and I definitely will be open to sug- Promoting Key Club by doing more projects with our District charities is another one of my priorities, and Camp Sunshine especially has a special place in my heart. I have volunteered at two Bereavement sessions at Camp, and they were both lifechanging experiences. I am looking forward to working with the New England District of Kiwanis, and I can’t wait to meet some of you at Kiwanis District Convention in Rhode Island! Yours in service, Malcolm Badger Governor- New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs (603)-733-8600 [email protected] Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 9 Circle K Governor Hello Kiwanians! My name is Rachel Shanley, and I am the 2014-2015 District Governor of the New England District of Circle K. I recently graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Human Services, and will be starting Northeastern University’s Master of Education, Higher Education Administration program in the fall. When not in classes, I love participating in all things Circle K, including fellowship events, service projects, fundraisers and Kiwanis Family relations! In the past, I have held the positions of District Editor and Greater Boston Lieutenant Governor in New England Circle K, and was also a Lieutenant Governor and Convention Chair in the California Nevada Hawaii District of Key Club International. I hope to continue my leadership and participation in the Kiwanis Family by joining a Kiwanis club once I graduate! This year I hope to meet many of you and share with you the many benefits of sponsoring or partnering with a Circle K club in your area. Circle K is an amazing organization, full of college students who are very invested in their communities and making the world a better place! Over the next year, we hope to build our relationship with Kiwanis through hosting a Kiwanis Family picnic in the Fall, inviting all Kiwanis members to come to our Fall Conference (October) and District Convention (March), and attending as many Kiwanis events as possible! Also, this year we have a ton of college students who are interested in starting Circle K clubs at their colleges, which means we need your help sponsoring these new Circle K clubs! If your club has any interest in sponsoring a Circle K or just has a service project or fundraiser you need volunteers for, please feel free to email me at rshanley. [email protected] or call me at 408-679-9115. In Service, Rachel Shanley New England and Bermuda District Circle K District Governor Page 10 Yankiwanian July 2014 Augusta Club Presents Dr. Alice Savage with a Diamond Zeller I would like to recognize the Augusta Maine Kiwanis Club as the outstanding clubMay in New 30Eng& 31, June 1 land and Bermuda District for the month of June. 2nda Annual Piscataquis On June 5th the club presented Diamond Zeller May 30 & 31, JuneHeritage 1 to Dr. Alice Savage for her efforts on behalf of The Hot Air Balloon Festival Eliminate Project. They also2nd presented a Zeller to Annual Piscataquis Heritage Valleythe Fairgrounds, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine their president-elect PaulPiscataquis Michaud bring club total to 11 Zellers. – Founders: Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft Maine Hot Air Balloon Festival and Piscataquis Chamber Commerce –Dover-Foxcroft, Piscataquis ValleyofFairgrounds, Maine The club held a yard sale and raised $1980 for The Celebrating ourKiwanis Heritage Local Agriculture, Artisans and Tradesmen Founders: ClubThrough of Dover-Foxcroft Maine – Eliminate Project to bring their total funds raised and Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce – *Live Music*Balloon Glows* Movie Night* to $58,194 saving 32330 lives. Celebrating our Heritage Through Local Agriculture, Artisans and Tradesmen 3 Days of Fun For The Whole Family Congratulations to club President Richard Max- Glows* Movie Night* *Live Music*Balloon well, Eliminate Division Coordinator Kim 3 Days of Fun MiFor The Whole Family chaud and Lt. Governor Jacqueline Harjula for their efforts on behalf of The Eliminate Project. Saturday, June 28th – ANNUAL MAINE WHOOPIE PIE FESTIVAL Clubs should support The Eliminate Project to have fun and improve community relationships Downtown Dover-Foxcroft and save lives at the same time. Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft and Aktion Club of Mid-Maine – Concessions at Dover-Foxcroft Fire Station Saturday, June 28th – ANNUAL MAINE WHOOPIE PIE FESTIVAL Check for updates: Downtown Dover-Foxcroft Respectfully, Get ready to join the FUN at the 2014 Maine– Whoopie Pie Festival Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft and Aktion Club of Mid-Maine Concessions at Dover-Foxcroft Fire Station Check for updates: Dan Bennett District Coordinator Get ready to join the FUN at the 2014 Maine Whoopie Pie Festival Dover July Foxcroft 24th, Upcoming 25th, 26th -Events ANNUAL KIWANIS AUCTION PISCATAQUIS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS July 24th, 25th, 26th - ANNUAL KIWANIS AUCTION FAIRVIEW AVENUE DOVER-FOXCROFT, MAINE - Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft 50/50 RAFFLE: Need not be present to win. To purchase your tickets contact: PISCATAQUIS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FAIRVIEW AVENUE DOVER-FOXCROFT, - Sponsored theKiwanis Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft Tim Hague at 564-8126MAINE or 951-0715 or by any member Thursday,50/50 July 24th 6:00 to 9:00 PM Friday, July 25th 6:00 to 9:00 PM Saturday, July 26thcontact: - 4:00 to 9:00 PM RAFFLE: Need not be present to win. To purchase your tickets Watch updates: or Tim Hague atfor 564-8126 951-0715 or any Kiwanis member Thursday, July 24th - 6:00 to 9:00 PM - Friday, July 25th - 6:00 to 9:00 PM - Saturday, July 26th - 4:00 to 9:00 PM Watch for updates: Saturday, August 2nd – Annual Shiretown Homecoming Celebration Town of Dover-Foxcroft Saturday, – Annual Shiretown Homecoming Celebration Our ClubAugust volunteers2nd their services in support of the Shiretown Homecoming Committee Kiwanis Club and Aktion Club Floats of in the Parade and concessions on the Public Beach Town Dover-Foxcroft at the Public in Beach at Greeley’s Landing, Homecoming Dover-Foxcroft Our ClubFIREWORKS volunteers their services support of the Shiretown Committee Check for updates: Kiwanis Club and Aktion Club Floats in the Parade and concessions on the Public Beach FIREWORKS at the Public Beach at Greeley’s Landing, Dover-Foxcroft Check for updates: Yankiwanian April 2014 Page 11 2013-14 Hanson Middle School (MA) BUILDERS CLUB HMS Builders Club began in September with election of officers and a HMS fall grounds spruce-up + cleanup. The year-round recycling team has kept the school’s dumpsters loaded with recyclables. Builders also helped to run the Fall HMS Game Night. In October Builders volunteered at the WhitmanHanson Educational Foundation Kids Fitness Festival. Builders sold chances on a Halloween Boo Basket and proceeds were given to a needy Hanson family. Halloween Treats were also donated to the Hanson Senior Center. November proved a busy month. $400 was raised for Eliminate, the Kiwanis/UNICEF effort to eradicate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus. Builders sold Kiwanis Christmas wreaths in December and raised $300 for a Dollars for Scholars scholarship and distributed holiday cards to the HMS faculty. In January Builders reorganized and began planning 2014 events and activities. February was the month devoted to the Hanson Senior Center. They took Valentine greetings and goodies to the Center and had lunch with seniors. Builders also sold 300 Valentine carnations to help fund this proj- ect. In March Builders collected money, food coupons, and food items for the Hanson Food Pantry. In April, they helped GREEN HANSON pick up litter around town for Kiwanis One Day/Clean Up Green Up and began preparing for a May Penny Drive. The penny drive was for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society and raised $770. Builders also provided spring cleaning services during May for the HMS Faculty. The end of year installation and farewell meeting for 8th graders was on June 6th and 11 departing members received KPTI Key Club Bears, an annual tradition. Builders joined Key Club at a table to help the sponsoring Kiwanis Club of Hanson at the First Annual Hanson Day at historic Camp Kiwanee on June 8th. The camp was purchased by the Campfire Girls with a loan from the Kiwanis Club of Boston and was originally called the Kiwanis Club of Boston Camp for Campfire Girls before the town purchased it as a recreation area, including the Needles Lodge and several cabins on the property. It is a favorite spot for weddings, reunions, and other events. Faculty Advisors: Josh Lopes & Carolyn Pires Kiwanis Club of Hanson Advisor: Gret Lozeau Page 12 Yankiwanian July 2014 Kiwanians are Teachers too! them without fail, whether it’s at the start of the bike-riding season (the suggested time,) or midway through the summer. They contact the people at KPTI and get all the materials – everything from safety handouts for parents and coloring sheets for kids, to stickers that can be put on helmets. You can visit the KPTI website at and download many materials. You can call the KPTI office and ask questions. By John Maihos KFNE PResident I remember graduating from high school and remarking to one of my teachers that she has a few more years to go before she could graduate too. She just smiled; I’m sure that she had heard that before. It’s true. Our teachers stay in our school systems and the students advance through. While these services are all “free,” it is important to remember that Annual Gifts from Kiwanis Clubs, and individual donations from Sustaining Kiwanians to the Kiwanis Foundation of New England (KFNE) is what keeps the machine running. KPTI is our foundation’s signature project, and we are thankful for ev- Aren’t we, as Kiwanians, a bit like the teachers? We volunteer in our community and the youth advance through. If your club sponsors even one program that involves young children, you’ve experienced this. Whether it’s Key Club or a Kiwanis Bike Safety event, we are the “teachers;” the kids progress through the system, retaining some of the knowledge we’ve shared. How does the teacher do it? Think about it…year after year; the same questions, the same wise-guy students, the same challenges. The answer is that the teacher gets motivation from the challenge of teaching! When a student grasps a concept… that “aha” moment… that’s the reward. When a student tackles problems differently, with the spirit of adventure and discovery… that’s the reward. When the teacher watches the student graduate… that’s the reward. some times to get everyone to settle on a date, and volunteer to help… but we do it. Why do we do put ourselves through the same thing over and over? It’s that smile that the youngest of kids beams when she goes through the obstacle course, maybe a bit unsure, but she completes it! It’s the innocent attentive look that a child displays when an adult who they look up to talks about the importance of wearing a helmet. It’s the “aha” moment when a kid learns to be aware of his environment at a railroad crossing. It’s the eye contact from the parent who shows thankfulness that Kiwanians are in the community to help save the life of their child. The next time you plan a Kiwanis Bike Safety Rodeo, remember all the positives. Remember why we are doing this. It’s not a mandated community service exercise; it’s a chance to save a kid, a family, from a traumatic accident. We will eventually “graduate” from Kiwanis, but our journey is a life’s journey and a life’s love – just like our teachers. The Kiwanis Foundation of New England relies on Annual Gifts from clubs to maintain the programs at KPTI, grants to Kiwanis Clubs, and scholarships to New England & Bermuda students in our Sponsored Leadership Programs. You and your club can still get your annual gift in. Visit KFNE. ORG for details. ery member’s voluntary donation of $25 each year, and every Kiwanis club’s voluntary gift of at least $10 per member. Kiwanians are like the teachers. We run a rodeo and do the same thing; we deal with the same set up and Year after year we conduct Kiwanis same teeth-pulling that it takes Bike Safety Rodeos. Some clubs do Circle K Club Installs Officers The Johnson & Wales Circle K Club had their installation on Thursday, May 15th, at The JWU Wildcat Center on Shipyard St., off Allens Avenue in Providence. Lt. Governor Bob Kinney, and Past Presidents Bob Chavenson (in Red Jacket) and Jerry Reis were in attendance. Left to Right: Scott Cox (President), Karl Uzcategui (Atlantic Division Lt. Governor Governor)), Jennifer Vargas (Vice President), Tessa Scott (Club Historian), Keisha Toussaint (Club Secretary), Anny Giang (Treasurer) and Sooin Ji (Immediate Past Treasurer) Treasurer).. The club meets every other Tuesday, downtown campus. The Circle K Club and volunteers had spent the day working on various projects for the betterment of the community. They had painted shower curtains, socks and more to be donated to KPTI and others, and also had written letters to personnel in our armed forces. A great start to a new administration. Congratulations to all! The Fall River Club is very proud of everyone in the new club! Above: Lt. Gov. Karl opens the meeting, and conducts the installation of officers. Right: The man that never sleeps, Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Bob Kinney, congratulates incoming and outgoing officers and members. Page 14 Yankiwanian July 2014 Kiwanis and Key Clubs - Partners in Service Kiwanis of Manchester, NH is A video showcasing the partnerproud to sponsor four (4) Key ship debuted at the event. Clubs in area high schools: Manchester Memorial and West, Bedford, and the Derryfield School. A strong partnership has developed that involves active participation from the Key Clubs at service events presented by Kiwanis. In recognition of the Key Club’s commitment to the partnership, Kiwanis of Manchester hosted a special evening to acknowledge a group of outstanding Key Clubbers. Photo: (top) Asad Pasha, Bedford is presented with an award for meritorious service to his club, school, and community. Jerrod Boussard, Key Club Lt. Governor and a member of the Memorial Key Club and Michelle Chretien, Kiwanian and Chair of the recognition event. (Bottom l to r) Donna Le, Memorial, Eric Desmarais, West, and Tessa Coleman, Memorial share $2500 in scholarships awarded annually by Kiwanis of Manchester. Emma Efrati from Memorial is presented with her award for meritorious service. Absent was Cassie Roveto, who earned the meritorious service award representing West. bottom line. Special thanks to Professional Auctioneer, Frank Eaton from Variety Auctions in Epsom, NH for volunteering his services. $19,000 for the Kids of Manchester, NH (Photo attached) The 46th Annual Kiwanis Charity Auction took on a new life as one of the Club’s major fundraisers. A longstanding an outdoor event, this time a scaled down, but more profitable auction was held at the Club’s regular meeting venue. The silent and live bid items included autographed celebrity and sports memorabilia, getaways, appliances, services, and lots of gift cards. The Auction was topped off by a special raffle of 100 bottles of wine valued at $1000 won by Kiwanian Dottie Gove and her husband, Andy. Sponsorships also contributed significantly to the Grandson and Granddad – Newest and longest serving members. (photo) At 24, Chris Grant is the youngest member of the Kiwanis of Manchester, NH and one of ten new members joining the Club since the start of the fiscal year in October. Stan Grant recently celebrated his 55th anniversary making him the longest serving member of the Club. Together the Grant’s represent a continuity of service to Kiwanis and the youth of Manchester that crosses generations. PLGC - Notices Under the PLGC By Laws: 1. Article VIII – Nominations and Elections of Officers and Directors: 2. Article IX – Meetings: At the Annual District Convention - 22-24 August 2014. (Nominations, Elections and Amendments will be held at the annual Breakfast Meeting of the PLGC). 3.Article XII - Amendments to PLGC By Laws. Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 15 Mount Washington Valley Kiwanis Honors Sierra Abrams IN THE PHOTO: From Left to Right – Abby O’Haire (K-Kids Pine Tree School Advisor), Sierra Abrams, Diane Gamache (K-Kids Pine Tree School Advisor), Marie Lee, (Kiwanis Club President) The Kiwanis Club of Mount Washington Valley announced this week, that Sierra Abrams of Pine Tree School is the recipient of the Kiwanis International Foundation K-Kids Leadership Award. Sierra was nominated by her K-Kids advisors Diane Gamache and Abby O’Haire. This award is a testament to Sierra’s leadership, community service and character. Along with receiving a medallion and certificate from Kiwanis International, Sierra received $100 from the MWV Kiwanis to donate to a charity of her choice. Sierra is one of eight students to receive this award in the country. Kiwanis and Rotary Annual Bike Rodeo The Norway-Paris Kiwanis Club and Oxford Hills Rotary Club partnered up for their Annual Bike Rodeo. Each year, according to AAA, approximately 200 children under the age of 15 die as a result of bicycle crashes. Thousands more are treated in emergency rooms for bicycle related injuries. While bicycle helmets have been shown to reduce the risk of head injury by 85%, only 5% of all children cyclists nationwide use bicycle helmets. Many children and their parents are unaware of these statistics and the basic techniques for staying safe while riding a bicycle. The Norway-Paris Kiwanis Club has sponsored an annual Bike Rodeo in ongoing effort to teach children and their parents bicycle safety skills in a fun family setting. In addition to providing a safety check of your child’s bicycle and ensuring each child receives a free and properly fitted helmet, this year’s Bike Rodeo has expanded to include a variety of “stations” where your child will learn – and practice – proper hand signals and bike safety skills. Each child who completes the course will be entered in a raffle to win a free bicycle donated by Hannaford!! Local law enforcement personnel will be on hand to help familiarize riders with the keys to proper bike safety, and will help run participants through various obstacle courses to hone their skills. This widely popular annual event will be expanded again this year to include a special station for fingerprinting children, sponsored by the local Masonic Lodge, and a Car Seat Safety Check conducted by the staff from Stephens Memorial Hospital and The Family Birthplace. Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will be available to provide free hands-on seat inspections. “It’s the responsibility of every single parent, caregiver or anyone who transports children in their vehicle to make sure their passengers are safely restrained – every trip, every time,” said Carol Welsh, RN, Prenatal Outreach Coordinator for Stephens Memorial Hospital’s Family Birthplace. “When it comes to the safety of a child there is no room for mistakes.” Welsh stated, “Car seats, when installed correctly and used, are extremely effective in saving children’s lives. Proper use of a car seat reduces the risk of death by as much as 71% for infants. However, car seats are complicated to install and use and there are many models to choose from. Even the most conscientious of parents may make mistakes. It has been found that nine out of ten car seats are not installed or used correctly, and that only 5% of children who should use a booster seat actually do.” Page 16 Yankiwanian July 2014 2014 Tournament Registration Form Participant Types (circle one) Individual Foursome Team Name__________________________________ Player #1 11th Annual Westbrook Kiwanis Kids Charity Golf Scramble July 21, 2014 8:30 am Shotgun Start 18 Hole Scramble Located at: Name: __________________________ Handicap: _____ Address: ________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ____ Zip: _______ Phone: __________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Player #2 Name: __________________________ Handicap: _____ Address: ________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ____ Zip: _______ Phone: __________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Player #3 Name: __________________________ Handicap: _____ Address: ________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ____ Zip: _______ Phone: __________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Player #4 Golf and Recreation Center 60 Val Halla Rd Cumberland ME 04021 Westbrook Kiwanis Supports: • • • • • Name: __________________________ Handicap: _____ Address: ________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ____ Zip: _______ Phone: __________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Scholarships for Westbrook High School Students My Place Teen Center Westbrook Little League Bide Rodeo Helmets Kids Emergency Assistance • Clothes for Kids • Key Club Activities • Eliminate Project Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 17 KFNE First Lady Geana Project It is hard to believe that almost a year has gone by since George was elected Governor of the New England and Bermuda District of Kiwanis. I have had such a great time traveling with George when I was able to. It was fun to meet and talk to Kiwanians I had never met before and to visit with Kiwanians I have come to know over the years. I would like to thank all of the clubs and individuals who made a donation for the silent auction at the convention in North Conway, New Hampshire in November. My First Lady’s Project for the year was the Kiwanis Foundation of New England Grant Program. Through your generous donations we were able to raise over $4,000. I am happy to say that several grants have been given out and you will hear about them and see video of them at the District Convention in August in Warwick, Rhode Island. There will not be a silent auction at the convention in August this year. There will be a presentation of checks and this will be at the KFNE Luncheon on Saturday, August 23, 2014. I am once again asking for your support whether it be for the Red Jacket Program or for the First Lady’s Project, the grant program. If you or your club would like to present a check, please let me know. It would be most helpful if you would let me know if the donation would be for the Red Jacket Program or the First Lady’s Project or just a general donation to the Kiwanis Foundation of New England. Once again, I thank you for your previous support and l look forward again to your support at the convention in August. It has been a pleasure to serve as your First Lady and as the Secretary of the Kiwanis Foundation of New England. I forgot to put 1 thing in the piece for the Yankiwanian. After I ask for people to let me know if they will be making a presentation would you please add my e-mail address for them to get in contact with me. It is [email protected] New KFNE Address We would like everyone to know that the KFNE Office in Framingham, MA is now closed. The new mailing address is: Kiwanis Foundation of New England P.O. Box 2307, Westfield, MA 01086-2307 The new phone number is (508) 919-6353 KI Approves Grants At our February board meeting, Kiwanis International Foundation approved 27 grants for a total of more than $582,000 to support Kiwanis-family projects. Two clubs in the New England and Bermuda district received grants, the Dover-Foxcroft club for its backpack food program and the Greenfield club for phase four of its reconstruction project at Camp Kee-Wanee. Grants were also extended to Key Leader, Circle K International, and Aktion Club. These grants are made possible by gifts to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, which includes Annual Club Gifts, participation in Skip-A-Meal, and general contributions to Kiwanis International Foundation. To make a gift now, click here (link: For more information about Kiwanis International Foundation grants, click here (link: http://www.kiwanis. org/foundation/impact-and-programs/kiwanisfamily-grants). your Kiwanis-family club affiliation when submitting funds online. Give quickly and securely at Don’t forget to include Donor to be credited Phone (with area code) Email Preparer name Country State/Province Thank you for supporting The Eliminate Project and for doing your part to change the world! The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA U.S. & Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS Please allow three weeks for the award to be prepared and delivered. If you have any questions, contact the campaign office at 1-800-Kiwanis, +1-317-217-6213 or [email protected]. Return this completed form via email, fax (+1-317-471-8323) or mail: Phone (with area code) Postal code Kiwanis-family program affiliation: CKI City Ship award to: Number of club members Key Club Security code Discover Recognition certificate(s) will be emailed to the point of contact to be personalized and distributed. Email (required) Anticipated presentation date Recipient name(s) Address Builders Club year Recognition information: Club number K-Kids / American Express Pay by check: Make check payable to the “Kiwanis International Foundation” and include “The Eliminate Project” on the memo line. Name Aktion Club Eliminate Week Other month Visa Name as it appears on credit card Expiration date Card number Mastercard Pay by credit card: Club name Club associated with this gift: Funds raised through: Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Show Your Love, Save a Life Total funds 1K Club: US$1,000 For per-member average (select only one) Bronze Club: US$10 per member Silver Club: US$25 per member Gold Club: US$50 per member Club recognition Recipient name (required) Elimidallion: US$625 (SLP members and advisors are eligible) Individual recognition Do your part. Make your mark. Give to The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. For Service Leadership Program members, clubs and advisors The Eliminate Project gift form for Kiwanis-family members Page 18 Yankiwanian July 2014 GIEP-613-1 (8/13) Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 19 The Eliminate Project Report Thank you to all the clubs and SLP that have donated to The Eliminate project. To date we have raised/pledged $535,134 saving 297,297 lives. Six of our clubs have joined the Global Service Society by pledging $350 or more per member for The Eliminate Project pledging $223,888 and they are as follows; Platinum Club Scarborough $1582 per member Model Clubs:Augusta, Beverly, Danvers and Norwalk $750 per member. Silver Club Newport $665 per member Fourteen clubs have raised between $ 3,000 to S19, 000 each for a total of $95,963 and they are as follows; Meriden, New London and Weston CT, Lower Cape, Mashpee, Natick, Pembroke, Taunton, Sheffield and Westfield MA, Rockland ME, Hookset NH, St. Johnsbury, Montpelier and Hardwick VT • Twenty nine clubs have raised between $1000 to $3000 each for a total of $58,307. • • Twenty eight clubs have raised between $300 to $1000 each for a total of $15,037 • • Thirty nine clubs have raised less than $300 each for a total of $4865 This represents 76% of the clubs in the New England and Bermuda District Non clubs gifts total $61,591 Not to overlook the efforts of our SLP clubs. They have raised $75,483 to date with 150 clubs participating. 18 clubs have raised more than $1000 each with 5 raising $2,000 or more and they are: New England Key Club District $4076, Wentworth Intermediate $3695, Lynnfield H/S $2245 Northeastern University $2223 and Ledyard H/S $2057. The next 12 months are crucial for Kiwanis International to reach the goal of raising/pledging $110 million by International’s 100th Anniversary in June 2015. Worldwide The Eliminate Project has raised $53 million to date. The New England and Bermuda goal is to raise/pledge a total of $1 million saving 555,555 lives and we have the potential to reach this goal. If a club were to sign a Letter of Intent and send it to International this month they would have 5 years to raise the funds and it would help UNICEF stop this horrific disease in the remaining 25 countries were tetanus kills 58,000 babies every year. We can reach this goal if 12 clubs sign a Letter of Intent to become at least a Silver club this will raise $263,000. If 54 clubs sign a Letter of Intent pledging to raise $1,000 per year for 5 years would raise $270,000. There are 38 clubs that have not yet taken the opportunity to join in the effort to save lives with a donation to the project. Potential is unlimited. Your club can raise fund thru fund raisers, club treasury, club foundation, individual gifts and joining The Walter Zeller Fellowship with a gift of $1290. Please contact me to discuss your individual club potential and help the District reach our goals. Respectfully submitted, Dan Bennett 978-828-0296 [email protected] Page 20 Yankiwanian July 2014 District Convention, Warwick, RI Kiwanis fun and fellowship, with some serious business mixed in, will be the order of the day at the 96th New England and Bermuda District of Kiwanis Convention August 21-24 in Warwick, RI. Charles, governor of the West Virginia District of Kiwanis, who will offer some unique perspectives from Kiwanis’s smallest district (just 1,024 members in 50 clubs). The beautiful Crowne Plaza at the Crossings will provide the setting for a full weekend of social activities, delegate sessions and educational opportunities, culminating with the installation Saturday evening of 2014-2015 District Governor Glen Cefalo and his board. Saturday’s buffet breakfast will precede the meeting of the Past Lieutenant Governor’s Committee, which will be followed by a presentation on a new District project near and dear to Governor-elect Glen Cefalo’s heart – training for infant car seat installers. There will also be a session on the status of The Eliminate Project by District Eliminate Chair Dan Bennett. Saturday will feature the return of the Kiwanis Foundation of New England luncheon, with a briefing on the most recent projects of your Foundation and an opportunity for clubs and individuals to honor members with KFNE Red Jackets. Attendees will hear about the Foundation’s continuing support of the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, progress toward the long-planned Hap Gerrish Pediatric Trauma Registry, and the latest developments in the Foundation’s club grant program. Be sure to come and meet your KFNE board members. The convention begins Friday morning at 8:30 with the traditional opening session, followed immediately by presentation of distinguished club and division awards for the 2012-2013 Kiwanis year by Past Governor Frank Dennett. Awards for club growth, Interclubs and club newsletters for the current year will also be presented, as will the prestigious Irving Talberth award for club secretary of the year. The district education team, led by Education Chair Wanda Baril and Master Trainer Foster Crawford, has prepared a full lineup of training and education opportunities for your convention Friday. Highlights will be an orientation session for first-time convention attendees presented by Immediate Past Governor Frank Dennett; an introduction to “The Formula,” Kiwanis International’s world-wide membership growth initiative by District Formula Chair Adam Wright and Kiwanis International Region One Formula Coordinator Denny Kiroff; and a session on public relations, publicity and social media by Maine “Woman of Achievement” and WAGM television personality Shawn Cunningham. Friday will also feature a Service Leadership luncheon, where Key Club Governor Malcolm Badger and Circle K Governor Rachel Shanley will preside over a session highlighting the amazing work done by our Service Leadership Program members, including K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K and Aktion Club. At Friday’s dinner for outgoing lieutenant governors and committee chairs, Governor George will recognize some of the outstanding achievement of the 2013-2014 board. Guest speaker will be Sherry After lunch, the House of Delegates will convene to elect the 20142015 district leadership and consider proposed Bylaws changes. Be sure to select delegates for your club and report their names to district secretary Bill Jenkins before the convention. On Saturday evening we will install Governor Glen Cefalo and his new leadership team. The convention will close Sunday morning with an informal breakfast, followed by the first official meeting of the new Board of Trustees. The Convention is a great opportunity to learn more about Kiwanis and to get to know your District leaders. Register at, and make hotel reservations by calling (401) 732-6000. You must mention Kiwanis to get the convention rate of $100 per night plus tax, and reservations must be made by July 21 Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 21 New England District Kiwanis 118 Union Avenue, Suite 11 P.O. Box 687 Framingham, Massachusetts 01704 July 1, 2014 Official Call to 96th Annual New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis Int’l. Convention In accordance with the New England District of Kiwanis International Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 4, please find this to be the Official Call to the 95th Annual New England District of Kiwanis Convention to be held August 21, 22, 23, & 24, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza at the Crossing, 801 Greenwich Avenue, Warwich, RI 02886. The business of the convention shall be to elect the 2014-2015 Officers of the New England District, to act on any proposals for amendment to the District Bylaws, act on any Resolutions to come before the Convention and to take any other action properly brought before the Convention, in accordance with the Bylaws of the District. Each Kiwanis Club in good standing in the New England District shall be permitted three, (3), delegates and three, (3), alternates who must be elected in accordance with the Bylaws of the District. All officers and Past Governors of the District, who are active, privileged or senior members of a Kiwanis Club of the District shall be Delegates-at-Large to the Convention. Also a Past Lieutenant Governor may represent any one club in his/her present division, not otherwise represented by three, (3), delegates, provided he/she is a member of a Kiwanis Club in good standing, and the club within his/her division has chosen him/her a delegate at a duly held Board of Directors meeting of such club. Lieutenant Governors-designate shall be Delegates-at-Large to the Annual District Convention. Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws, which shall be submitted only by a club in good standing or by the New England District of Kiwanis Board of Trustees, shall be received by the District Secretary at least sixty, (60), days prior to the date of the Convention. All resolutions submitted thirty, (30), days prior to the date of the Convention shall be referred to the Committee on Resolutions for its consideration and recommendation to the Convention. No resolutions other than those submitted or originated by the Committee on Resolutions shall be considered, unless consideration thereof shall be recommended by two-thirds, (2/3), vote of the members of the Convention present at any session. Respectfully submitted, William T. Jenkins District Secretary New England & Bermuda District Convention Thursday, August 21st Registration Open Welcome event 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm Plaza Foyer Newport Playhouse & Cabaret Theatre Friday – August 22nd Registration Open Delegate Credentials Registration Open Exhibit Tables Open Breakfast: On Your Own – No Program 7:30 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 7:00am – 8:00 am Plaza Foyer Plaza Foyer Grand Foyer Opening Session 8:30 am – 9:00 am Tiverton 2012-2013 District Awards 9:00 am – 9:45 am Tiverton ALL ATTENDEES ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND -- 5-Year Plan for Growth – “The Formula” 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Tiverton Denny Kiroff, Kiwanis International Region One Coordinator Adam Wright, New England & Bermuda District Formula Chair 2013-2014 New England District Board Meeting 10:00 am – 10:50 Rhode Island Publicity, Public Relations & Social Media Shawn Cunningham 11:00 am – 11:45am Narragansett Welcome to the Convention - First Time Attendees Past Governor Frank Dennett 11:00 am – 11:45 am Rhode Island Service Leadership Programs luncheon 12:00 Noon- 1:30 pm Salon 1-2-3 Kiwanis Foundation of New England Board Meeting 1:30 pm – 2:15 Narragansett “Hit the Road Running” - Incoming Presidents Foster Crawford, Master Trainer 1:30 pm- 2:15 pm Rhode Island Past Governors Committee Meeting 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Salon 4 Division Caucuses 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Tiverton Leadership Reception for Club Presidents/Lt. Govs Governor George Delisle 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm To Be Determined Social Hour 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Grand Foyer Outgoing District Officers and Lt. Governors Dinner 6:30 pm -9:00 pm Salon 1-2-3 Hospitality Room Open 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm Barrington & Greenwich Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 23 Saturday – August 22, 2014 Registration Open Delegate Registration Open 7:00 am – 1:30 pm 8:00 am – 1:30 pm Plaza Foyer Plaza Foyer Buffet Breakfast and Past Lt. Governor Annual Meeting 7:30 am – 8:30 am All attendees invited laza Ballroom Past Lt. Governor Committee Meeting 8:45 am – 9:30 am laza Ballroom Child Safety – Car Seat Installation 9:00 am – 10:00 am Salon 4 ELIMINATE – How far have we come? Dan Bennett, District Coordinator 9:30 am – 9:45 am Salon 5 Meet the Candidates & House of Delegate Etiquette 11:00 am to 11:50 am Salon 1-2-3 KFNE Luncheon Noon – 1:45 pm Plaza Ballroom House of Delegates 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Salon 1-2-3 Reception for 2014-2015 District Officers & Board 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm Tiverton Social Hour 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Grand Foyer Banquet - Installation of 2013-2014 Officers and Board 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Hospitality Rooms Open 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm lon 1-2-3 Barrington and Greenwich Sunday, August 23, 2014 Breakfast Governor George Closing 2014-2015 District Board Meeting 7:30 am – 9:00 am Rotunda 9:00 am – Noon Tiverton Thank you for attending the Convention Have a safe trip home and best wishes for an exciting year ahead in Kiwanis! N.E. District of Kiwanis 2013-14 96th District Convention N.E. District of Kiwanis 2013-2014 96th District Convention Crowne Plaza at the Crossing 801 Greenwich Avenue Warwick, RI 02886 HOTEL ROOM, RESERVATIONS - (CONTACT HOTEL DIRECTLY) Crowne Plaza at the Crossing 801 Greenwich Avenue Warwick, RI 02886 August 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2014 Meals & Registration Form (Online Only) For meals & registration use this form as a reference guide. You can register multiple attendees on the RegOnline website. Logon to RegOnline at For Room Reservations Call: 401-732-6000 Reservations can be made Monday thru Friday Confirmation Only by E-mail 8:00 AM till 5:00 PM only When making reservations you must indicate you are attending the New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis Convention to receive the Kiwanis rate. If questions call the District Secretary at 617-899-9916 ([email protected]). Deadline to register for this room rate is July 21, 2014 or until rooms are sold out Room rates are $100.00 ++ single or double Deadline for meals registration on the online system is August 19, 2014. Walk-ins are welcome, with meals being available on a “space available basis” The room rate is guaranteed 3 days before the Convention and three days after for those looking for a little vacation time in Rhode Island. Room type not necessarily guaranteed, based on availability only. Function Chair Bart Stevens --- E: [email protected] Name ________________________________________________ Guest/s Name/s___________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Tel. (day)_______________________________________ City/State ____________________________________ ____________ Zip Code ______________________ Kiwanis Div. & Club ___________________________________ Kiwanis Title (if any) ______________________________________ Registration fee (for Kiwanians only) Before 8/9/2014 After 08/08/2014 $35.00 $40.00 Thursday Musical Venture $60.00 $65.00 Friday 2013-2014 SLP Luncheon $21.00 $24.00 Baked Scrod $34.00 $38.00 Boneless Chicken $34.00 $35800 Saturday PLGC Breakfast (Open to All) $16.00 $18.00 Saturday KFNE Luncheon $24.00 $28.00 Fillet of Sole $38.00 $42.00 Chicken Cordon Blue $38.00 $42.00 $16.00 $18.00 Friday Awards Dinner Saturday 2014-2015 Board Dinner Sunday Morning Breakfast Vegetarian alternative available upon request for Friday or Saturday dinner (no price difference). ****************************************************************************************************************** In the Online Reservation system you can use either PayPal or a credit card for payment. Walk-ins must either have cash or a credit card. Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 25 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OF DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO THE 96th ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE NEW ENGLAND & BERMUDA DISTRICT KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Crowne Plaza at the Crossing, Warwick, RI August 21, 22, 23, 24, 2014 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following members are duly elected delegates of this club to the above New England District Convention. In accordance with the by-law provisions, each chartered club in good standing in the District is entitled to three (3) delegates, one of whom shall be the President, and three (3) alternatives, whose names appear below and are elected to serve in the event that the delegates cannot attend. (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) NAME ADDRESS 1. Delegate _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Delegate _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Delegate _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Alternate _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Alternate _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Alternate _________________________________________________________________________________________ Kiwanis Club of _________________________________ (Signed) _____________________________________________ President Dated ________________________________________ (Signed) _____________________________________________ Secretary Send copy to: District Secretary, New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis, 1 Harpers Hollow, East Sandwich, MA 02537 Danvers Club Bike Rodeo The Danvers Kiwanis Club Bike Rodeo was held on June 21. We had a wonderful time and we were able to fit 67 children with helmets. We had our partners the Danvers Police and Lahey Hospital there to fit hepmets. The Kiwanis along with the Explorers ran the opstical courses for the children. They were so proud and excited to get their certificate of completion. This is a wonderful time for Kiwanis members to conect with each other and show the community what we do. We also gave out extra road race t-shirts so everyone was in the Kiwanis logo! Events like this and seeing all the smiles on the childrens, parents and our members faces make me so proud to be a member of Kiwanis!! Page 26 Yankiwanian July 2014 Monsignor Clarke School The MSC Builders Club did many service projects school community who is acquiring a Habitat since early April. Below is a summary of some of home. • Holy week walk for hunger: our entire the projects that they have done: school community walked laps around our school • Cereal drive and food stacking event at RI on a very chilly morning during holy week raisCAN: 165 pounds of cereal were donated from ing awareness and donations for a local homeless the community. Twenty one club members had a shelter. tour of the facility and then stacked/organized the shelves on a day off from school. The organization was low on toiletries so two moms went out and Key Club Raises $1,000 purchased 70 pounds of items during the event. • South Kingstown Town Beach Clean up: After a year of fundraising, the Ridgefield High our group alone picked up over 500 pounds of School Key Club has made it to their $1,000 goal trash/debris on the beach for the Danbury Hospital Kids Care Club. Fund• Earth Day clean up event at Christ the King raisers included several bake sales over the course Parish: we helped make this first annual parish of the year, including an especially successful one event a success by working approximately 18 man at the Ridgefield Town Holiday Stroll. In addition hours to clean up the church grounds • Peanut butter drive to support local chari- to a money donation, the Key Club has drawn sevties including the Johnnycake Center, Domes- eral ‘superhero drawings’ to be given to the chiltic Violence Resource Center and the Welcome dren. It is our hope, that these drawings will put House. a smile on the children’s faces. We are very happy • The MCS community has also participated to have reached our goal, and look forward to conin other events including the CRS food packing tinue fundraising next year! event in which over 10000 meals were packed. Several of our middle school students participated Mary Lodigiani and Kent Rapp, Co-Presidents in this wonderful event. • Habitat for Humanity: our parents/staff Loren Euvrard RHS Key Club Advisor volunteered 120 hours to support a family in our and Kiwanian Division 5 Outreach Program On June 7th Kiwanis 36 members from Division 5 gathered at the local Baptist Church where they put together packages of macaroni and cheese. Each packet serves 4-6 people. They packaged 10,500 servings. Clubs that were in attendance were: Norway-Paris, Saco River Valley, Sanford, Scarborough and Westbrook. Some of the clubs were able to distribute some of the boxes of mac and cheese they had packaged to their local food pantries. Approximately 20 boxes were also donated to the Good Shepherd Food. The event was organized by Ava Adams and Robert Talley. This will become an annual division 5 project! The project raised over $2,000 Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 27 District Office Supplies Available As many may know, with the retirement of long-time Administrative Secretary Fran De Sousa, the opportunity to restructure the way we support the District is here. Since many of the things that Fran did well, supported by Joan and Ann, have been automated, thus reducing the need for a physical office. While other line items will increase we will be able to significantly reduce our out-of-pocket cost related to the office and support personnel, dodging the need for a dues increase and should let us provide additional support to our programs. Registration for conferences and conventions now require online access but there is out-of-pocket cost with each registration. Consideration is being given to passing part of this cost on to the registrant. The three ladies provided accounting support, telephone coverage, conference and conventions support, LTG education manuals and a depository for district documents. When Fran took a six month family medical leave prior to her retirement, I assumed the accounting support and have retained it. Now Ann and I have been scanning documents and uploading them into Just Cloud with the intent to provide limited searchable access for interested members. If you have ever visited the Framingham office you saw the wall of Governors. Now pictures of governors from 1918 to 2014 resided in the cloud. District Boards, financial statements, tax returns, etc. are also there. The history of the district, with revision 4 are there (if you have copies of versions 2 and/or 3 please send to me). It is also interesting to see the 96 years of accumulated data now residing in 39 banker boxes waiting to be shredded. With the imminent closing of the office there is a lot of equipment and furniture to be disposed. Review the following list and let me know if there interest. If you want a picture of an item before making a bid that will be provided to you via an email request. If you are the high (or only) bidder your donation will go to KFNE. This is a cash and carry. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3’6” x 6’5” Wooden 6 Drawer Desk 4’10” x 2’6” Desk with 3 Drawer Computer Table Extension 7’10” x 3’7” Conference Table Red Barrel Chairs (3) Office Chairs (Swivel) (2) Table Chairs (3) White Floor Lamp Electric Typewriter (Brothers) and Typewriter Tables (2) Minolta (Bizhub 200) Copy Machine (110v) with Toner HP Color Scanner (new) Canon Fax Machine Electric Stapler Metal Cabinets (3 shelf) 36” x 42” x 12” (3) Metal Cabinet (4 shelf) 3’ x 6’ x 12” 4 Drawer Metal File Cabinets (7) 4 Drawer Fire Proof Metal File Cabinet 20” x 31” x 56” (HEAVY) Pigeon Hole Metal Cabinet 30” x 36” x 12” 2 Door Metal Cabinet 3’6” x 72” x 18” Have you heard of the Irving Talbert Annual Award for the outstanding club secretary? It is awarded each year at the DCON. If you know of a secretary that is deserving consideration please let me know by August 1, 2014. My contact information is as follows: William Jenkins, District Secretary, New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis, 1 Harpers Hollow, East Sandwich, MA 02537-1506, [email protected] Page 28 Yankiwanian July 2014 NEW ENGLAND & BERMUDA DISTRICT OF KIWANIS ANNUAL “IRVING TALBERT OUTSTANDING CLUB SECRETARY AWARD” GUIDELINES A good secretary is important to every Kiwanis Club. The New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis has instituted the “Irving Talbert Trophy” in recognition of the District’s Outstanding Club Secretary. The recipient will receive this award, named in honor of Irving Talbert, who was our first permanent District Secretary. The winner’s name, club and year the award was presented will be printed on a plate on the base of the large, silver, cup. Usually the cup is also displayed at the District Convention. The winner will retain the cup until the following year. Lieutenant Governors or clubs wishing to submit nominations should contact the District Secretary prior to July th 30 . Each division/club will submit names of nominees to the District Secretary for selection of the award winner. Recordkeeping and reporting make up the main criteria for the selection of the outstanding secretary. The guidelines are as follows: 100% of the following: th 1. District and International dues paid by November 30 . th 2. Online monthly reporting is current through June 30 . 3. Certification of Election of Delegates to International Convention 30 days prior to the convention. 4. Certification of Election of Delegates to the District Convention. st 5. Certification of Election of succeeding year’s club officers by May 31 . Any two of the following: 1. Attendance to the International Convention. 2. Attendance to the District Convention 3. Attendance to a Mid-Winter Conference or a Regional Conference 4. Attendance to a Governor’s Visit to your Division. 5. Attendance to the Lieutenant Governor’s Training Conference The following points may be kept in mind when making a recommendation: Keeping Records: 1. Maintaining complete records on membership and club and Board meetings. 2. Reminding committee chair people to report to the Secretary. 3. Inform Treasurer of member billing and accounts payable. Reporting: 1. Submitting all required reports promptly, accurately and thoroughly. 2. Report all new members and those who have left the club (with the reason noted) 3. Answer all correspondence promptly. 4. Report financial obligations of club to the Board for action and prompt payment. Other Considerations: 1. Assist with club bulletin and other member communications. 2. Number of years of service as Club Secretary. 3. Assistance given Club President and Lieutenant Governor. Yankiwanian July 2014 Page 29 Fun and Fellowship - 2014 Bermuda Cruise Fun, fellowship, great food and the spirit of Kiwanis service were all in evidence during the recent 10th annual New England and Bermuda District’s cruise to Bermuda, with Governor George Delisle’s official visit to Division 26 as a highlight. More than 50 Kiwanians, spouses, friends and family members were aboard Norwegian Cruise Lines’ Norwegian Dawn when she sailed from Boston Friday, May 16. Cruise Chairman Bob Tandy and wife Deb once again served as organizers and hosts most beautiful beach and rated as the #8 beach in the world by TripAdvisor. With the beach as a background, Division 26 Lieutenant Governor Altama Burgess presided over the formal program. The presidents of the St. George’s and Hamilton Kiwanis Clubs presented reports onm their recent activities before Governor George addressed the members present on the importance of membership growth. A troupe of the island’s famed Gombey dancers performed for the assembly thanks to Cruise Chairman Bob Tandy. The Gombey is a centuries-old Bermuda tradition reflecting the island’s blend of African, native, Caribbean and British cultures. for the week-long excursion. The Dawn arrived at Bermuda’s Royal Naval Dockyards on Sunday morning, May 18. Cruisers were at liberty to explore the shops and recreation facilities at the Dockyards, or to visit the National Museum of Bermuda, just a short walk from the pier. Taxis, buses and water taxis were available to transport cruisers to any part of Bermuda. On Monday morning, someof the cruise participants were taken to the Bermuda Cancer and Health Center for a service project in which Kiwanians assembled tents in preparation for the 2014 Appleby Bermuda Half Marathon Derby which was run on May 26. En route back to Boston, cruise participants enjoyed a group dinner in the Norwegian Dawn’s La Cucina Italian-themed restaurant on Wednesday, May 21. The Dawn returned to Boston on Friday morning, May 23, leaving all who participated refreshed, relaxed and full of great memories. Governor-elect Glen Cefalo and Cruise Chairman Bob Tandy have already started planning for the 2015 Bermuda cruise, which will depart Boston on The official Governor’s Visit was Friday, May 22 to allow particiheld Monday evening (May 19) pants to march in the 2015 Berat scenic Horseshoe Bay, wide- muda Day parade on Monday, ly considered to be Bermuda’s May 25. Page 30 Yankiwanian July 2014 3rd ANNUAL KIWANIS DAY WITH THE FISHER CATS KIWANIS DAY Support Kiwanis International’s ELIMINATE PROJECT Purchase a ticket from your local Kiwanis Club for $10 and $4 from that ticket will support Kiwanis International’s efforts to eradicate maternal/neonatal tetanus. Sunday, July 20 v. Portland (Red Sox affiliate) First 1,000 fans receive a free Fisher Cats hat Ticket orders are due to your local club by Tuesday, July 1 **Make individual checks payable to your local club** Club Treasurers: Please submit one check for all your club tickets payable to: NH FISHER CATS Mail to: NH Fisher Cats | C/O Tom Gauthier | 1 Line Drive | Manchester, NH 03101 Sunday, July 20 | 1:35pm New Hampshire Fisher Cats vs. Portland Sea Dogs (AA-Boston Red Sox) (Make checks payable to YOUR LOCAL CLUB) PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR LOCAL CLUB BY JULY 1 KIWANIS CLUB OF BRATTLEBORO 2nd Annual Golf Tournament Thursday July 17, 2014 Brattleboro Country Club Brattleboro, Vermont 12:00 Noon For more information and Registration Form Please Contact: Kiwanis Club of Brattleboro C/O Patti Hurd 221 Main Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 (802) 275-3904 [email protected]
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