Welcome Members and Guests Volume 46 Issue 17 February 4, 2015 www.KiwanisClubofGreaterNapa.org KIWANIS — A GLOBAL ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEERS DEDICATED TO IMPROVING THE WORLD ONE CHILD AND ONE COMMUNITY AT A TIME. “To me, football is so much about mental toughness, it's digging deep, it's doing whatever you need to do to help a team win and that comes in a lot of shapes and forms.” Tom Brady Bill Cinquini President He may want to add: “And sometimes that comes in a poor call by the opposing team coach.” The Pats did a good job but sometimes things turn on the most unexpected event. Saturday we helped launch the Napa Valley Circle-K Club. Making the event a success were Toni McIntosh, Anne Schramm, Mike Scully, Larry Stofer, Chris Butler, June Moroney, Ralph Giannini, and me. Attending were about 50 students from several schools in the region, including USF, Cal, S.F. State, Diablo Valley College, and of course Napa Valley College. It was an inspiring event and the Circle-K Club is off to a good start. (See photos on backside) A slight glitch (interesting word, meaning hiccup, bug, or malfunction) in our plan to relocate the shed from the Rands property to Enchanted Hills caused a change in plans for our K-Day this coming Saturday. Tony Fletcher and staff have come up with many other great work projects for us. However, there is a growing promise for a wet weekend. We have kind of forgotten that this is winter and we certainly need rain, so we may need to postpone the work day. More on this as the weatherman finalizes predications. We do not have a special speaker today but will discuss upcoming events and opportunities. I might also call on a few members to share 2 true and 1 false stories about themselves. Be prepared! Bill Cinquini - President Latest Eliminate Project News: Currently $73 Million has been raised towards the $110 Million Dollar goal set by Kiwanis. 35 Countries have eliminated Neonatal Tetanus Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa became a model club last year, and there are now a total of 878 Model Clubs around the world. Calendar of Events Saturday, February 7, K-Day at Enchanted Hills, Meet at 8:30 at Browns Valley School, Bill Cinquini, Chair. (If it rains, this day will be postponed) Wednesday, February 11, Dine and Donate at Mary’s Pizza Shack. Mary’s Pizza will donate 20% of proceeds for anyone who brings a flyer and eats at Mary’s Pizza on Wednesday, February 11th. They will also donate 10% of all Gift Card purchases, Chris Butler, Chair Wednesday, February 25, 2015, Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Evening Meeting. 6:00 pm at Filippi’s Pizza Grotto, 645 1st Street, Napa. (On the last Wednesday of every-other month we will have an evening meeting. Please bring your spouse or a guest.) Saturday, February 28, 2015, Cal-Nev-Ha Mid-Year North Convention, Monterey Conference Center, Monterey. Sunday, March 1, 2015, Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa, 5K Race, Mike Scully, Chair Tuesday, March 3, 2015, @ 7:30 am, Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Board Meeting at ParentsCan, 1909 Jefferson Street, Napa. Saturday, April 11, 2015 Kiwanis One Day, an international day of service with Kiwanis clubs around the world. Please put this date on your calendar and we will determine a worthy service project for our club. Saturday, April 18, 2015, Trivia Night to Support The Eliminate Project, @ Sylvan Learning Center. Thursday, June 25 to Sunday, June 28, 2015, 100th Annual Kiwanis International Convention, Indianapolis, IN. Thursday, August 13 to Saturday, August 15, Kiwanis District Convention, Sacramento, CA. THE SNOOPER KIWANIS CLUB OF GREATER NAPA P.O. Box 2625, Napa, CA 94558 PAST CLUB PRESIDENTS 1969-70 Glenn Griffin 1970-71 Bernard Silveri 1971-72 Loyd Gularte 1972-73 Ralph Armstrong 1973-74 Wm. Howes 1974-75 M. Heskett/Dan Healy 1975-76 Dan Healy 1976-77 Arthur Stewart 1977-78 Cor Grieve 1978-79 Ollie Schrader 1979-80 Bob Gilliland 1980-81 Will Hamilton 1981-82 George Scripture 1982-83 Jack Rands 1983-84 Rick Cowan/Mel Willback 1984-85 Mel Willback 1985-86 Chuck Reiland 1986-87 Walter Kalinowski 1987-88 Bob Easter 1988-89 Dave Hobaugh 1989-90 John Greenberg 1990-91 Peter Smith 1991-92 Michael Beard 1992-93 David Barker 1993-94 Ernie Sutton/Bill Hjerpe 1994-95 Bill Hjerpe 1995-96 Barbara Scheumann 1996-97 Mike Scully 1997-98 Bob Lockhart 1998-99 John Facey 1999-00 Al Dunkelberger/Dale DiGennaro 2000-01 Dale DiGennaro 2002-03 Bill Herbert 2003-04 Andy Lewis 2004-05 Al Dunkelberger 2005-06 Sharon Elliott 2006-07 Jeff Troendly 2007-08 Ralph Giannini 2008-09 Cliff Haggenjos 2009-10 Mark Vinella 2010-11 Toni McIntosh 2011-13 Theresa Comstock 2013-14 Dale DiGennaro KIWANIS MOTTO “KIWANIS” A global organization of volunteers that are dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. KIWANIS NAME The Name “Kiwanis” is a coined word taken from the language of an American Indian tribe which lived in the area where Kiwanis was founded. The original phrase was “Nunc Keewanis,” which means “self expression”, or “to make oneself known”. It was shortened and modified to become “Kiwanis.” 2014-2015 Officers President: Bill Cinquini 1st VP: Chris Butler 2nd VP: Anne Schram Secretary: Toni McIntosh Treasurer: Bill Herbert Imm. PP: Dale DiGennaro Board Of Directors Theresa Comstock - John Facey Ralph Giannini - Steve Harris Karen Smith – Larry Stofer Mark Vinella E-MAIL SNOOPER INFO TO: [email protected] 25 days until Our 5K Event is March 1, 2015. Please help us increase the number of runners/walkers by having sign-up sheets handy and putting up posters. Put it on your Facebook page or any social media you might subscribe to. Take a poster to your gym. Ask mike scully about special team pricing. Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa is having the first Eliminate Project fundraiser this year. This is a simple one, it only involves eating all you have to do eat at Mary’s Pizza Shack on Wednesday, February 11, give your waitress a flyer and they will donate 20% of their proceeds to our cause. They will also donate 10% of Gift Card sales to anyone who purchases a gift card and brings in the flyer. Great day to treat your office staff to lunch! Remember to bring a flyer. On Saturday, January 31st we celebrated the new Napa Valley College Circle K Club with Joe and Circle K clubs from the Cal-Nev-Ha District. Pictured are: Top row, left to right: Bill C., Toni, Chris, Joe, Dori, and Larry. Seated left to right, Ralph, June and Angela Apinyavat (Lt. Governor - Golden Gate Division Circle K). February Celebrations Birthdays Todd Steele, February 13 Jane Dunkelberger, February 20 Club Anniversaries Theresa Comstock, February 3 (5 Years) John Facey, February 10 (27 Years) Let’s not forget Jack Rands who would have been 96 on February 5th
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