2013-2014 Third Quarter Division 68 Newsletter PNW DISTRICT KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN OUR #1 Priority Division 68 Officers Governor: Pamela Smith [email protected] Lt. Governor: Mikki Snell 971-228-8573 h 503-381-5695 c [email protected] Lt. Governor Designate: Stan Sherman [email protected] Past Lt. Governor: Jan Heck 541-994-6035 [email protected] Division 68 Committees Secretary: Ruthanne Taylor [email protected] Lincoln City Club Newsletter: Pres Hill [email protected] West Valley Club Membership Retention: Linda Freeborn [email protected] McMinnville Club Interclubs: George Leppin [email protected] Walnut City Club Risk Management: Roger Sprague [email protected] Lincoln City Club Eliminate Project: Kathy Tri Co-Chairs [email protected] Gretchen Power [email protected] Lt. Governor’s Message Hello Division 68! Just back from the Mid-Winter board meeting in Seattle (yes, I know it’s almost Spring!). Productive work for the PNW was accomplished. I had the opportunity to attend the opening ceremonies for the 65th Key Club convention. Those Key Clubbers know how to have FUN—it was hopping! I was also a privileged to meet International President Gunter Gasser from Austria, who attended both the convention and the PNW board meeting. The next Division Council meeting is May 3 at the Willamina Fire Dept. – 9 AM. Lincoln City will be hosting. The program is SIGN – Surgical Implant Generation Network- a PNW project which is not well known in our division but does “amazing healing work”. Joel Gillard will be presenting. We will also have much to be discussed, so please plan to attend with a good representation from each of our 7 division clubs. Club Leadership Training is coming in June. Presidents, secretaries and treasurers watch for details. Training is mandatory for incoming Presidents. Details at the Division Council meeting. Youth Protection Updates will also be discussed at the May 3rd meeting. Any new members since Sept. 2013 can attend the PNW District Convention for only $100, which includes 4 meals!!!). A wonderful opportunity! More at the Division meeting. My sincere condolences go out to Lew Pence at unexpected passing of his wife Jackie Ann (both faithful members of the Lincoln City Club). Jackie Ann and Lew graced so many Installations and meetings Jim and I attended in our Kiwanis life the past 2 years…Jackie Ann’s smile and warmth will be long remembered. In Service to Division 68…….Mikki -- 2012-14 LTG Division 68 Kiwanis Clubs Lincoln City—Meets Mist Restaurant, 2945 NW Jetty Ave. Thursday, 12:00 noon Satellite Club: Beachtown Coffee, 7am James Slentz, President 541-996-8442 [email protected] www.lincolncitykiwanis.org Manza-Whee-Lem—Meets Pine Grove Community Club, Manzanita, 2nd & 4th Wednrsday 12 noon David Dillon, President—503-368-6153 [email protected] McMinnville Meets at The Grand Ballroom, 325 NE 3rd St. McMinnville, Thursday 12:00 noon Debbie Beam, President 503-474-9441 [email protected] www.mcminnvillekiwanis.org Newberg—Meets Chehalem Park & Rec. District, 125 S. Elliot Rd., Thursday, 12:00 noon Roger Hirsch, President 503-537-8855 [email protected] www.newbergkiwanis.org Tillamook—Meets The Pancake House, Tillamook on Wednesday 12:00 noon Taylor Kittell, President 503-812-7868 [email protected] www.facebook.comKiwaniscluboftillamook Walnut City—Meets Jakes Deli, 1208 SW Baker St., McMinnville, Friday, 7:00 AM Laurel Adams, President 503-472-6988 [email protected] www.wckiwanis.com West Valley—Meets Coyote Joe’s Restaurant,142 NW Main, Willamina Tuesday, 12:00 noon Gail Moldovan Trujillo, President 503-565-3383 w [email protected] www.facebook.com/1144westvalleykiwanis “Alone we can do so little: Together we can do so much.” -- Helen Keller Kiwanis is a Global Organization of Volunteers Dedicated to Improving the World One Child and One Community at a Time Page 2 Division 68 Cont’d Lincoln City—Caribbean to benefit Doernbecher Children's Cancer Center. I understand there is another cruise upcoming, this time to Alaska. If you are interested, contact Roger. March was very busy getting ready for April & our annual Easter Egg Hunt & Annual Meeting. We had 4 members in attendance at the Region 5 Conference & we all found it to be very informative & worthwhile. If you are planning an interclub to Lincoln City, consider April 24. That is the day Miss Oregon will be at our noon meeting to introduce herself & tell us about her platform as Miss Oregon. This is always a fun meeting. Finally, we were saddened to learn of the passing of JackieAnn Pence, a long time member & past secretary of the Lincoln City Club. JackieAnn was also Division Secretary during Jan Heck's tenure as Lt. Governor. We ask that you keep Lew & the entire Pence family in your thoughts & prayers. There will be a memorial service for JackieAnn Pence on Friday, May 16, 2014, at 10:00 AM at St. Augustine's Church in Lincoln City. McMinnville Cont’d— and we collected disposable diapers for their diaper bank. This month we are collecting books, games, puzzles, and healthy snacks for the children served by Juliette’s House. Next month we will be collecting personal hygiene items for the area homeless which are distributed by the Community Compassion Fund. We also have a very important event coming up. Each of you is invited to join us as we celebrate the 90th anniversary of our club! It will be held on Thursday evening, June 19th, at the McMinnville Grand Ballroom. Formal invitations will be going out to your club soon. I hope you will be able to join us for an evening of good food, fun, and Kiwanis fellowship as we reminisce and commemorate this momentous occasion! Manza-Whee-Lem— Newberg—Newberg has been on the move! We’ve inducted 3 new members! Kevin Purcell was recently honored at the Newberg Chamber Awards Banquet as our 2013 Kiwanian of the Year. A suggestion for a Kiwanis program: President Roger Hirsch created and we played a Kiwanis "Jeopardy" game. We had two teams on oppoMcMinnville—After the hustle and bustle site sides of the room, and the first team member to hit the table answered the question. Here of the holidays, Noon Kiwanis took just a mois the link to the program I use(it'sfree): https:// ment to catch our breath and started right where jeopardylabs.com/ and here is the link to the we left off. We continue to serve meals at St. game I created: https://jeopardylabs.com/play/ Barnabas soup kitchen, assist the Red Cross enter-title167013. I had one category for Newwith blood drives, and keep the stretch of Hwy berg, but it would be easy to create a new game 99W entering McMinnville free of litter. We with your own questions. had four members attend the District Conference in Vancouver; Linda Schwichtenberg, Lucy King, Chuck Howell, and Larry Williams. Kiwanis One Day, had members working on They were impressed with workshops and the the local Habitat for Humanity construction site. ideas that were shared and brought back some great information to communicate with the club. Our Kiwanis One Day project was dedicated to Juliette’s House. We filled two pickup beds full of weeds, briars, and debris. After cleaning off moss and spreading 2 units of bark dust, they will be looking great for their Safe Kids fair at the end of the month. We will also participate in the fair by providing bicycle helmets, safety information, and operating the ever popular putt putt golf. We have begun a new project called “Kiwanis Cares”. Each month we choose a local organization to support and members bring needed items to the club meetings. The first beneficiary was A Family Place 2013-2014 Issue 3 Calendar of Events Coming Up In 2014 April 20-26– Canada-U.S. good will week April 20—Easter May 3—Division Council Meeting, West Valley Fire Hall, Willamina May 30-June 2—2014-2015 Lt governor Training June (TBA) Club President training Aug 2—Division Council Meeting Aug 21-24— 97th PNW District Convention, Portland, OR West Valley (Willamina) The first quarter of the year just seemed to fly by, We are excited to announce that We have installed a new member and our regular meetings are well attended. Our scholarship committee is well under way preparing to present three scholarships for the schools in our region: Sheridan High, Willamina High and the Sheridan Japanese School. We are also in preparation for the Fishing Derby that will beheld in June and the famous duck races. We had a great turn out for the Highway cleanup of both members and community Volunteers. Have made donations to various organizations. Eliminate Eliminate: When Eliminate started, there were 39 countries on the list to prevent women and children from dying of maternal and neonatal tetanus. By the end of September 2013, the fight was down to 26 counties. All of you make a difference and pledges and donations are up to $39 million. So keep up the good efforts to raise funds for this important international project!! Kiwanis is a Global Organization of Volunteers Dedicated to Improving the World One Child and One Community at a Time Page 3 Division 68 2013-2014 Issue 3 Tillamook—The Kiwanis Clubs of Tillamook and Manza-Whee-Lem have just concluded our biggest joint fundraiser of the year, KT Days. Our members poured out into the community soliciting businesses and individuals from state legislator to the local coffee shops for contributions to our annual Dollars for Scholars drive. The Clubs raised approximately $17,000 in donations and radio advertisement sales for this year's scholarships! On April 5, we set up a booth at the local home and garden show at the fairgrounds and raffled off donated gift items such as gift certificates and flower arrangements. Simultaneously, club members took over a local radio station to read our contributors' advertisements, to talk about Kiwanians' work and the generosity of the community, and to raise yet additional funds through donations to hear DJ's performance of requested songs or, famously, to see a particular member get a hair cut. Altogether, the Clubs were once again able to raise approximately $19,000, which will be given away as scholarships to graduating seniors of the three high schools in Tillamook County. Walnut City—Following the meeting on Friday, we had a very good community project for our Kiwanis 1 Day on Saturday. We cleaned the patio between the two city buildings on 2 nd St. Six members showed up and worked for some 3 hours along with two city employees. Also our pancake feed is coming up on April 19
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