STANDARD POWER PS2L Series Programmable Test Equipment 02-PSL-SO Electronic Loads for Flexibility, Accuracy and Protection Acme Electrlo Corporation, a leacler in Ule manufacture 01 custom and standard power 5upplies, designed and built in-housE! pl"09rammable test equipment to assure high-quality attlnda.rd& for productIon, This line of programmable test equipment he.s bee" used successfully In our research and development laboratories, receiving in'SpGCtion, produotlon test- Ing, and quality assurance functions. pOwer conversion customers. noUns th& versatility and lIexlblllly of this test equipment, suitable In 60 many applications, were instrumental In convincing us to oHer this product line. Thanks to th9Sl;O pElre&ptjv~ customers, you. too can employ the PSaL Series to solve your power testing r&qulremenls, Four models offer a choice of capacities up to 50. 150. 1000 or 1500 continuQu$ watts of DC output and up to 1800 watts pulsed output. The PS2l Senes Is a highly reliable, sImple to use, banol'l-top design. The p$2l.. 1000 model is also rack mountable. Besides the standard features common to the PSzl Series, toolvidual units offer added flexibility and versatlHty to suit your applications. Ana of course, lhe P$?L Senes i$ available from Acme ElectriC'S nationwide network of electronic distnbulors. Standard FBStUr8S • Constant resistance/constant current regulation bettar than 1% • All units programmable • Front-panel controls • High reliability • CirCUit protaction per general specifications. • Full range of units fo' most applications Ona Year Warranty Acme Electric warrents that its programmable loads wiil be free from defr;;cts In material and workmanship. Acme I::lect(IC ',111m repair or replace these proCiucls It found to be defective, within one year from data of manufacture. See 02-SPi·05 tor a complete copy of the limited warranty sumtNlrized hera, If''''' /1111& Acmo EIBCl,.lo Corporellun Indicating LOI'IOS Ps2L 1000 Charaoterlstlcs The PS 2 L 1000 provides DC IO<:ldiflg capa.bilities, both static and d~·na!niC. for an Infinite nurnr,81 of voltage-cur· rent combinations, both as constctiit current and constani roS!stft!'1Cf' in addition, lhe 1"'.'0 le·..els of eilher Portable Load. PS2L 50, PSiL 150 Characteristics The pSlt 50 and PS 2 L 150 are light-weight, portable, single level DC power loads. Range seiectcble, both units EIre internally biased by the power supply under tast and require no AC o~rating power. Load current can be controlled on the unit or prOgrammed externally. 00 LOAD tlAFE OPERA."NG CURR£NT AREAS lJI PS~L 30 current or resistHnce re'Tlain at Ine!t settings Without oontinuai readjust- (;I) rnent For dynamic loading. these solio- .PS'1.100 Btate loaas accept a prografTlmec 20 input for external connection (']1 a -signal generator. Dyna,(¥- current ch<:lngas can btl monitored direCtly on the PS~L without use of an 9:.181' 10 nat shl,ml. Conveet.lon cooling permits full operation up to 25 C. Derating date is available for forced-air applications Q up 10oo"C, 10 20 30 40 SO 60 modes is comroliing !flG !G;jd C,wen! LOAD VOLTA.Oe Porfltbi. Loads __. Maxir'fllJl'Yl Load/rIg F'ow&r (Watts) Maximum Lead Cl,lrrenl (Ad,) -==t-__ _ _.L_~ZL 50 _~ __ l~PS~L. 1~~ +___150~__ ~O ___ __3~_ ~_ _ _ ~O_ _ _.-L.~ 50 MQlO;iml.lrTl l.ond Voltagc (Vdc) " ~ilngy (sV) Constant Resistance Range (5Vl External Programming Capability ~ Programming Input Resistance Square Wa,,!_Re$pons~ __ ........ ,,",, -_. 1rn,A.·1OA 10mA-30A 0.50 ·5KfI 0167U·500H -r.'~ "" '-- ---------45 4.0 MInimum load Voltage -ivoq Constant Current meIer functions both as a dU<1! scala voltmate, and a GtWWi! n,eier for direct r'3Mir;gs An LED u!,;piay Indioates whit:'! of two operati)r>d! Th9 -~~~~ .___ ~ __ .slalic'Dyn9mic ..- 15KlJ 150 usec!~~~~ J~js;o~§ec!'OA I Reverse Polarity Protection 1·12A Fuse 1.. 3-12A, '~"(,A Fuse and any prolec{ivp siiutdown !l"lO\Je WhiCh occur. The unit is forced-air c['G!ed. and is designed for a standa'c 19 inch rack mounting (If hl'f'['h !(lP liRA PS~L 1500 Characteristics, The highly versatile PS;'L i ~.n(\ 'an test vil1ually any VJwer SLOP'y In either constant c\.;n~nt Or cops tan! re!w,lanCe modes When festng batteries and capaci;or bank.S, the disct1arqe current ,$ user-selec f aJ;"1jj In addition, The ~ront Pano': P$2L 60 I Jack terminals ExtElrnal Program ----R:C;FF--:l-=.l "--- Mode Selection Switch Load Adjust Pot R.oFF.I~ -~ .. ----~~._.-.- 10 turn, precision, 'liire wO:,.tnd Voltage Range SWitch 4-30,30'60 I "I ! 5, 12.24,48 ~- O'C·25'C COnVftC!lOfi Cooled I Operating Ambient Phy,Ie.' Data: Dlm$n$iOns 0f'l, H, 0 (In.)] Welshl PS2L 150 Pos.,Neg scrfJW Il'l'rMlals LOad Current CIrCUit breaker restino ,11 the- oan also be eCCunpi'5~:eJ constant-cUfrant mode. DQrating data available lor CJpo,ali"f> 1(') !'S"C ps 2 t 1500 can bo uS'ild to test DC voltagn regva!ors iT; static mode up to 1500 watls A built-in pulse control allows a user to vary repetition rat€' and duty factor Up to 1800 watts total pulse Input IS Ii 50% duty cycle Prec:ision adjustments are rnad,;i perrnmed at through ten-turn potentiometers Tria PS"L 1500 provio0S static testing in either constant current or constant rJ;Os\stanC:l;l mod",s ",no dynamic tesling USing El constant ourrent puised load. PS~L 50 I 3.44 )( 5.63' x 3.25 I 1.51bs. I PS~L 150 11.0 x 538 l( 3.0Ibs. 5.0 Addilional standard features Includa fuli luur-d'~llljI5DI!:iY fot VOltage and current, true short circuit testing from the front paM!, and scope outputs for sampling ·. .·.' .............~·i ........ i' t': • r: . . . . . 0- • ...:!,c' L~d. . . : \ .. \1. Indicating MRI -., '" ',' PS 2 l1000 PSlL 1500 1000 1500 (1800 pulse) Maximum I.nslf1 ~"rr~r'lt (A<'le) 110 30C Maximum Load Voltage (vae) 60 --_._._---- 30 Mal(lmum LOading Power (y 55"C (Watts) -- t Minimum L.oad Voltage {Vdcj --~------~-~ 1.0~OOj81 ClJRAFNT _.~.- t .____ ,~~~~___ ~ ____ 32·4(} 1 Volt!10 Amp Remote Programmi!'\9 Input Load Current SiQnal Output SAFE OPEAAl\NQ AReAS Del.OAD 1.5 .-.-.- Overvoltage Shutdown (We) ------ 1VOlll3{) Amp ... PS'L 10QQ 300 ] __L.oad_ - .. ~~V'A~p_L~fmV'Amp CoM~ I t . , sec/Amp 0 e aac'A I + Square Wave Response ->'-".-, > ISQ /J sec _•.• - - - - - -- /J I PS'l16OO mp A/worse Polarity ProtectMi CllCuluy AC F'ower ReQuirements Operating Amblant I Ov"'l'\It>lt~o;o R~verll9 Polarity I UMBrvoltQgG Overvoltage Thormal Trip Overpower I AC Power Fusing j -,---- . 1151230 Vac. 41-B3 H~. 2/J.j'i,A-- I --._~. O':·C·!>I;i"C ~an COiiiiHWOiJ5 • ISO"!. min' CVClE) PUlSFO COOli'lg ~----,.---,- PS 2 L 1000 Front Panel Dual scale volt/amp meter, ::!:2<>1o accuracy, mater range switches: 7.5 and 75 Vdc, 15 and 150 Mc LeO display: OperaUonal mode and status ot the protective circuits Current monitor output - 250 • 200 BNC, connection Program termlntlls - jack input Current lavel control potentiometers (3 ea ) 150 5-position mode/levei switch C-'lntral AC power. ON/OFF switcl) and fuse holders (2) Rear Panel • AC line cord, load bus terminals PSlllL 1500 Front Panel • Digital volt/amp meter.!. 1% accuracy, meter function $wlli;h 0,3000 -Ioils. 100 0-300.0 amps • LED Indicators shOWing metering mOde and status of the proteC\lVa C"';U" • Current monitor output -- BNG connection • Enable Switches: Static dynamIC load current, Pulsed current mode, Constant curren, mode, External Input, Stl0rt circuit and static reSlstanGe rangIng (1-10-100AN) • Level controls: Constant current, Constant resistanoe, Pulsed current Pulsed duty cycle and Pulse frequency • AG power On/off 60 Rear Panel • AC line cord and fuse holder, load bus terminals and external programming termlnat strip 20 30 40 LOAO VOLTAOe pEj 2 L. Phyelwi Dlta Olmensions rN, H, 0 (In.)) .'.......-~-_ Welgh\ 10 ...- 1000 , : I PS2L 1500 ~:~_~.~,~.~_~~.bO I 10.0 x 57l:i Ie 21.0 25 Ib$ S2tbs I 60 60 MOUNTING SPECIFICATIONS 5.75 ~_:.T ~ .. -- NOTE: FlybU8f. rpO\Jntlng feet Md 0.63 ~.., h€lIgllt Sr,,}wn. A' Oii~enSlons In Inches L__ ~. _~~~ l-------""- ~J II~ 1lJnJ\cme Electric IIJ Power ProduGl3 Group Saahll'n SIll.,.: ~ 4, lila)! 54, lumberton. NC 2B3!Xl Toll Free: 1-800-247-71;;07, Witi'll" NC, (911:11 '738·9202 TeJe~: SS6~, FAX: (919) 7a9·0024 WHtern~: &416 Al'flolia Eemen Dnw. Saft lbktt City, UT 84116 Tel"phOnJ;t' (716) Qea-2~1;KI. Thle(. 532493, FAX. (rIa) !)ea-3948 WMIIJrn $II": ~16 AA1tt!!a Eatnan Prlli6 s~n Laf(e C'\y. UT 84116 Telephone, (801) 5311'0227, Telex 389467. FAX (801) 539002E IJnAcme Eloclrlc ElectrDnlo ()19ll'~buUun TOil Free; 1-000-643-2233, WIthin UT: taD,) 539-0227 1010)(; ;x,1Mti7, fAX: (B01) 531l.()231 • Eerrtern Se16ll: 20 WalElr Streei. Cuw. NY 14121
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