NOTES 100x100x4mm SHS 50x50x4mm SHS-Verticals 50x50x4mm SHS-Diagonals 6000 50x50x4mm L DETAIL 'A' 3000 1. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated. Min 300mm depth Stone pitching at approaches with 100mm thick 1:3:6 concrete top course 2. This drawing must be read in conjuction with all other relevant drawings. 25Y16-1-200 B1 3000 Splice 100x100x4mm SHS Splice Splice Splice 42000 Splice Splice Determined on site 5. Y=Square twisted bars of yield strength 460N/mm . Min 3000mm 6. Reinforcement cover to be as below: a) Columns 50mm b) Foundations 50mm 7. All steel to be cleaned off all mill scales and rust before being painted with two(2) coats of red lead and one coat of gloss paint. 500 500 5000 5000 Founding level on rock to be approved by Eng. Founding level on rock to be approved by Eng. FOOTBRIDGE SAFETY CAGE AND SUPPORT DETAILS 1:100 5000 C Y 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 col1 col2 25Y16-2-200 B2 8. All bolts shall be black bolts of property class 4.6 to BS 4190 9. All bolted joints to have a hole 2 mm. larger than the bolt shanks and to be fitted with washers at each bolthead and nut. C 10. All steel to conform to KS-02-104 and ASTM A500 grade 250 25Y16-4-200 T2 11. All steel sections shall be straight ,free from bends and twists before and after fabrication unless required to be curvilinear 1500 2000 1500 4. S. E. to inspect excavations. Fixed reinforcement to be checked and approved before concrete is cast. 3000 Min depth 300mm River bed 3. Structural concrete to be grade 25/20. Suitable cement to sand to aggregate ratio 1:121 :3 by volume. Concrete to have 25N/mm 2 strength at 28 days. 25Y16-3-200 T1 MS 6mm Chequered plate deck welded onto cross bearers using 6mm fillet weld 42000 Y DECKING TOP VIEW COLUMN BASE DETAILS 1:50 50x50x4mm SHS @ 700 c/c 1500 Y 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Cover: Bot:50 mm Sides:50 mm Top:50 mm Cols:50 mm 2000 1500 1:100 50x50x3mm RHS 100x50x4mm RHS @ 1500 c/c 100x50x4mm RHS @ 1500 c/c 50x50x6mm L (LATERAL SUPPORT MEMBER) 5 7 7 5 Y10-8 Y 6mm Fillet weld all round DECKING BEARERS AND WIND BRACING BOTTOM VIEW 1:100 100x100x4mm SHS 100x100x4mm SHS 50x50x5mm L 6 6 6 5 50x50x5mm L 7 9 DETAIL 'C' 11 11 200x65x6mm thick M.S Gusset plate with 2No 50x50x6 mm L 4Y20-9 + 4Y20-10 + 4Y12-11 4Y20-5 + 4Y20-6 + 4Y20-7 100x100x4mm SHS 75x75x6 mm L Splice 5 9 10 10 10 10 9 6mm Fillet weld all round 7 SECTION: col1 50x50x4 mm RHS 11 11 1:25 Y10-12 ISSUES TO REVISIONS DATE BY DESCRIPTIONS GRP. LDR. C.S. ENG. 31Y10-12 500 75x75x6 L 50 75x75x6 L APPLICATION 9 No. 31Y10-8 TO DATE SECTION: col2 1:25 2No.-75x75x6mm L 70 50x50x4mm SHS 2100mm Clear 35 2200 6 REFERENCE DRAWINGS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SECTION 'C-C' DESCRIPTIONS No. 1:50 mm 0x6 5 50x DETAIL 'D' CLIENT ELGEYO MARAKWET COUNTY 2100mm c/c JOB No. L PROJECT TITLE DETAIL 'E' 50 x5 203x203x46kg/m UC DETAIL 'C' 500x500x18mm MS plate 6mm Fillet weld all round 6mm thick MS Gusset plate 1:5 2600 L 50x6mm thick, 160mm long x4 50 SH S STANDARD FABRICATION FOR 18M SPAN FOOTBRIDGE S SH x 50 DRAWING TITLE 500x500 RC column SECTION 'Y-Y' FOOTBRIDGE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT AND DETAILS 1:20 50x50x5mm L 220 6mm 50x 50x 5mm Fillet weld all round 50x50x5mm L 0x 4 50x50x5mm L 100x100x4mm SHS 100x100x4mm SHS Bolt holes at 50mm c/c TYPICAL SPLICE DETAIL CI/Sfb 1:10 50x50x6mm L 50 50 RPW&T. 100 10 6mm Fillet weld all round DETAIL 'E' 1:5 DRG No. FILE No. 100x100x4mm SHS (Deck joist) 100 300 40 100 260 SCALE(S) 40 100 203x203x46kg/m UC FootBRDS/CALCULATIONS FIGURED DIMENTIONS ONLY TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS DRAWING APPROVED BY 8mm Fillet weld all round 203x203x46kg/m UC ______SD/STR01 100 50 THE C.O RPW&T SIGNATURE 150 8mm Fillet weld all round 150 100x50x4mm RHS 100x100x4mm SHS 1:5 DRAWN 100 100 DETAIL 'D' X 150 500x500x18mm MS plate 500x500 RC column 150 DESIGNED 500x500 RC column SECTION 'X-X' (ANCHORAGE PLATE DETAIL) 1:5 DETAIL 'A' (ANCHORAGE PLATE DETAIL) 1:10 DETAIL 'B' (ANCHORAGE PLATE DETAIL-SLOTTED) ELGEYOMARAKWET COUNTY 1:10 ROADS, PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT DATE
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