MINUTES of the Meeting of the Royal Burgh of Kirkcudbright Community Council in the
Town Hall, Kirkcudbright on Wednesday 8 October 2014 at 7.30pm
Mr G Calvert
Mrs L Garbutt (Provost) (in part)
Rev D Irving
Mr J Johnson
Mr D McHale
Mr P Smith
Mr B Thomson (Chair)
In attendance:
PC B Bruton (in part)
PC L Tait (in part)
Mr D Collins
Ms C Mackay
Mr C Wyper
Police Scotland
Police Scotland
Incorporated Trades of Kirkcudbright
Mackay Secretarial Services
Dumfries & Galloway Councillor
Mr A Bain
Mr R L Forbes (Treasurer)
Mr S Gillespie
Mrs P Gilroy
Mrs J Maitland
Galloway News
Dumfries & Galloway Councillor
Dumfries & Galloway Councillor
Minutes of the previous meeting on 10 September 2013
These were approved, proposed by Mr Johnson and seconded by Mr McHale,
although Ms Mackay apologised for getting Mrs Cerbaushas’s name wrong again
and undertook to amend the minutes and try harder next time.
Business arising
Kirkcudbright in Bloom – Mr McHale wished to formally record the
committee’s thanks to Mrs Margaret Hannay, who had helped a lot with the
Academy garden.
Street Sweeping – Mr Wyper reported that he is liaising with the DGC to try and
secure some help for Mr True to deal with all the leaf litter in town and has sent
some pictorial evidence of the mess of this to the DGC.
Bridge Closure – it is confirmed that the date of the total closure of the bridge is
now from 8am on 3 November 2014 until 4pm on 14 November 2014.
East Lodge Development Site – Mr Wyper reported that an on site meeting is to
be set up and could confirm that the Herries fencing is to be removed and
replaced with a wire fence. Ms Mackay had written to the Planning Enforcement
Officer but was not aware of a response, as yet, and Mrs Garbutt was not present
at this point in the meeting.
DGC Customer Services & Library – Mr Wyper has been asked to investigate
how the telephone is answered now that these services are combined, with some
confusion arising because no reference is made to the library on answer.
Pavement at High Street – the DGC has responded to our complaint about the
concrete patches to say that these are temporary measures until the next financial
year when a more suitable solution will be implemented.
Council Chamber – Mrs Gilroy had complained about the state of this at the last
meeting and it was acknowledge that it is now considerably tidier and cleaner and
that new light bulbs are now in place. Thanks to the hall keeper and cleaner for
their efforts.
Hole in Banking at Janefield – High water has ingressed all the rabbit warrens
in this part of banking which has caused it to subside. Although DGC state that,
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under the terms of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 or the Land
Reform Scotland Act 2003, they do not have a responsibility to undertake repair
works, they do feel it is appropriate to do some maintenance to the core path and
are arranging to fill in the warrens with concrete.
Manhole at 2 Fergus Road – repair works will be carried out in the near future.
Provost Lamp – John Enos will liaise directly with Mrs Garbutt about this.
Police: PC Bruton reported some anti-social behaviour problems, with
youngsters drinking down at the Harbour and others with high powered catapults
at Barrhill Wood, all of which has been dealt with. Unfortunately, there had been
a bogus caller incident when an elderly lady at Rossway Road had almost been
scammed, if it hadn’t been for the quick actions of the staff at the building
society. PC Bruton urged everyone to report any suspicious activity, especially
around elderly neighbours. There have been reports of forged £20 in Newton
Stewart and in Ayrshire but so far nothing locally, but everyone should be aware.
There were no questions for PC Bruton or PC Tait and they left the meeting.
Membership of Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway
There was considerable discussion about whether or not the KCC should join this
organisation. There was some concern about how the organisation had been
formed and that this was a service which was costing quite a bit of money to run
but duplicating efforts of such organisations as the Councils for Voluntary
Service. It was agreed that Ms Mackay should write and ask for some clarity
around what they do, especially for Kirkcudbright, which is not already
accessible and how the money they have is being spent. A decision on whether to
join or not was deferred until a response to this has been received.
Appointment of Fund Raising Convenor
It was agreed to carry this item forward to the next meeting when Mr Forbes
would be present, as he had indicated a willingness to be involved.
Reports Cont/…
Dumfries & Galloway Councillors: Mr Wyper reminded the group that it is
obliged to adopt the new model constitution following completion of the fourth
periodic review of the scheme for establishment of Community Councils. Ms
Mackay confirmed that she wished to make the next meeting an EGM to do this –
to which there was unanimous agreement. Ms Mackay also alerted the group to
an interesting change in the constitution – that 16 is now the minimum age to
become a Community Councillor and that any member missing more than half
the meetings annually (whether having submitted their apologies or not) would be
deemed to have relinquished their tenure. It was agreed that Ms Mackay would
write to the Academy to make them aware of this new clause and to see if this
could be tied into the Young Scot Aware scheme so that some youngsters might
be encouraged to join. It was also agreed that Ms Mackay would write to Mr
Bain to formally ascertain whether or not he will be returning as a Community
Mrs Garbutt joined the meeting.
Mr Wyper reported that there are changes proposed to the community planning
system; that the traffic calming measures requested for Merse Croft have been
refused; that Police Scotland have issued notice that armed response unit
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procedures will revert to what they were before, to avoid over-use of armed
police, which is apparently happening at the moment; circulated the proposed
latest budget savings (Ms Mackay to put in the correspondence envelope); the
Local Development Plan has been adopted and can be viewed on line (copies can
be purchased for £30); and finally that, at a cost of £9,000, the secure door entry
system at the Council offices at English Street is being replaced, although there
was nothing wrong with the existing system.
Chamber of Commerce: This meets on Monday 13 October 2014.
Kirkcudbright Forum: This has commissioned an economic benefits evaluation
to assist with fund raising in future.
Incorporated Trades: This held its annual meeting last week which was poorly
supported with only eight members in attendance. Mr Thomson has stood down
as Deacon Convenor after eight years and has been replaced by Mr Ian Swan.
The Kirking of the new Deacon Convenor will take place on Sunday 19 October
2014 to which all Community Councillors are invited. Mrs Garbutt wished to
record the KCC’s thanks to Mr Thomson for all his efforts as Deacon Convenor,
especially for his part in raising the profile of Kirkcudbright.
Kirkcudbright Community Trust (KCT): This had met today and Mr Johnson
reported that everyone, and particularly the GPs, are becoming increasingly
frustrated with the lack of progress and the lack of response from the NHS. It has
been agreed to approach the end users to see if they would be willing to put some
finance up at this stage so that at least work with the appointed architect could
progress. Mr McHale confirmed that Glasgow School of Art is still interested in
the Sherriff Court building.
Kirkcudbright Academy: There was no-one present.
Community Centre: This had met on Monday 15 September 2014 at 7.00pm.
Mrs Garbutt and Mr McHale had attended to give an update on the Kirkcudbright
Community Trust and St Cuthbert’s Trust. Work on the Cochran Hall has started
and arrangements with the school to use the Community Centre are working well.
St Cuthbert’s Trust: There will be a members’ meeting on 19 November 2014
at 7.00pm in the Church Hall. The commissioned feasibility study is already
underway and should be available in six months time. A fund raiser – Messiah
for All and workshop – will take place on 7 March 2015, and members will have
a stall at the Vintage Fair on 18 and 19 October 2014.
Stewartry Area Committee (SAC)
The papers for this are not yet available.
Common Good Fund (CGF)
There were no applications to review and Mrs Garbutt confirmed that the
committee will meet on 14 October 2014, when it will receive an investment
report from Stephen Hinton-Smith.
General – Millburn House, Millburn Street – felling of one Arizona Cypress, one
purple leaf cherry, one red alder and one Lawson Cypress tree; 33 Castle Street –
installation of three replacement timber sash and case windows on front and one
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on rear; Land adjacent to 5 Barrhill Avenue – erection of a house and garage.
Wind Turbines – Land to South West of Plasco Farm, Dalbeattie – erection of
three wind turbines (76.5m to tip). Mr McHale also reported that the Chapman’s
Howe application has gone straight to appeal at the Scottish Government as DGC
failed to meet its timescales for a response.
10. Correspondence
• Letter from South West Scotland Sectarian Project – inviting the KCC to
discuss any issues locally. It was agreed that no-one had been exposed or
heard of any local sectarian issues but that the KCC would be happy to meet
with the Sectarian Project team if they wished. Agreed that Ms Mackay
would write to that effect and invite them to attend a meeting if they wish.
• Notice of a public procession on 19 October – Annual Kirkin of the Deacon
Convenor or the Haill Six Incorporated Trades of Kirkcudbright.
• Scottish Youth Parliament posters – Mrs Garbutt to put up in the library.
• Email from Loreburn Housing Association to let the KCC know that the
planning application for the development at St Cuthberts is now submitted.
• Community Council Training – data protection and the amended scheme for
the establishment of community councils – Tuesday 18 November 2014 at
7pm in Castle Douglas Primary School. Mrs Garbutt to try and attend.
• Notice that the Local Development Plan has now been adopted. Copies are
available online at or hard copies can be purchased
for £30 from the Development Planning team.
• Invitation to attend a Scottish Government Community Engagement event
and observe a formal committee meeting – agenda includes Community
Empowerment (Scotland) Bill and Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland)
Bill. Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries on Monday 27 October 2014.
• Stewartry Area Papers from 17 September 2014.
• Survey of Community Councils – Ms Mackay to complete.
• Letter from Scottish Woods ref Senwick scoping plan. Mrs Garbutt to
11. Any other competent business
• Remembrance Day Parade – Mrs Garbutt to reconvene with Mr Smith, Mr
Nick Jackson, Mr Ian Swan and Rev Irving to formulate a plan for this and to
ensure that the KCC assumes responsibility for arrangements going forward.
• Trophy Cabinet for the Academy – Mrs Garbutt confirmed that she had
spoken to the DGC about handing over the cabinet in the Chamber to the
Academy but has not as yet received a response.
• Etched Glass Doors at Johnston School – Mrs Garbutt has spoken to Dr
Devereux about this but a timescale for removal is required to allow further
investigation. Mr Johnson thought this was done in February or March 2010.
• Citizen of the Year – this will be on the agenda for the next meeting, at
which the boxes will be emptied and votes counted.
• Town Hall Development – Mr Calvert said how gratifying it is that the DGC
has backed the plans to develop the Town Hall into an art gallery of national
significance and has also underpinned this with a substantial financial
contribution. It was agreed to write and thank them.
12. Date of the next meeting
Wednesday 12 November 2014 at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm.
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