BOARD OF TRUSTEES Juan Navarro, President Angela Fajardo, Vice President Sergio Hernandez, Jr., Clerk Shannon Thomas-Allen, Member Mercedes Ibarra, Member REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION LENNOX SCHOOL DISTRICT Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Lennox School District pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code will be held in the Board Room of the Lennox School District, 10319 Firmona Avenue, Lennox, Los Angeles County, California, on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 5:30 p.m., to discuss the items listed below. PRELIMINARY AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER – The Meeting will be called to order at 5:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by___________. Members Present __________________. Guests present _________________. II. OPEN SESSION III. APPROVAL OF TONIGHTʼS AGENDA IV. RECOGNITION/PRESENTATIONS Preschool Presentation General District Campus Security Assessment provided by ASCIP presented by Dan Alvarez of CPTED Safe Schools and Ms. Deborah Nobles of ASCIP Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Updates by Ms. Becki Blanco, Director of Instructional Services, and Mr. Kevin Franklin, Director of Fiscal Services V. REPORTS Five (5) minutes each for Items A, B and C: A. Lennox Students (ASB and Officers) B. Youth Trustee C. Lennox Parents (PTA/DELAC/SPAC/School Site Council) D. Associations I. Teachersʼ Association (LTA) II. California School Employeesʼ Association (CSEA) E. Superintendent 2/7/14 11:37 AM 2 VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Agenda Items This is the time during the Agenda when the Board of Education is prepared to receive comments of members of the public on any matter appearing on the Open Session portion of the Agenda. If you wish to address the Board, please complete a “Request to Address the Board of Education” form indicating which Open Session item you would like to address, and bring your completed form to the Board dais. B. Non-Agendized Items This is the only time on the Agenda that the public will have an opportunity to address the Board on non-agendized matters. If you wish to address the Board, please complete a “Request to Address the Board of Education” form indicating what topic you would like to address, and bring your completed form to the Board dais. The Board limits total time for public comment on any topic to 30 minutes. At this time the Board does not answer questions but may refer specific concerns to the Superintendent for attention. On these matters the Board is not agendized to discuss or act. The Board requests that any person wishing to make complaints against District employees file the appropriate complaint form prior to this meeting. Speakers are cautioned that under California law, no person is immune from liability for making intentionally false or defamatory comments regarding any person simply because these comments are made at a public meeting. When recognized by the President of the Board, please step to the podium, give your name and address, and limit your comments to three minutes. The Board limits total time for public comment on any topic to 30 minutes. VII. NEW BUSINESS – ACTION ITEMS A. Superintendentʼs Office 1. Adopt Resolution No. 13-20, for the creating of an Oversight Committee for the Local Classrooms Funding Authority (LCFA). 2. First Reading of Board Policy 0420.41, Philosophy, Goals, Objectives, and Comprehensive Plans – Charter School Oversight. 3. First Reading of Board Policy 2210, Administrative Discretion Regarding Board Policy. 3 4. First Reading of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5141.21, Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions. 5. First Reading of Board Policy 6142.91, Reading/Language Arts Instruction. 6. First Reading of Administrative Regulation 6159.4, Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Students. 7. First Reading of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6173.1, Education for Foster Youth. 8. Adopt Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3551, Business and Noninstructional Operations – Food Service Operations/Cafeteria Fund. 9. Adoption of Administrative Regulation AR 3554, Business and Non-instructional Operations – Other Food Sales. 10. Adopt Board Policy 4111, 4211, 4311, All Personnel – Recruitment and Selection. 11. Adopt Board Policy 4131, Certificated Personnel – Staff Development. 12. Adopt Board Policy 4231, Classified Personnel – Staff Development. 13. Adopt Board Policy 4331, Administrative And Supervisory Personnel – Staff Development. 14. Adopt Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6162.51, Instruction – State Academic Achievement Tests. 15. Adopt Resolution No. 13-19 Authorizing Compensation for Trustee Angela C. Fajardo for the Regular Board Meeting held on January 28, 2014, because of absence due to illness. 16. California School Board Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly Election for 2014. 4 17. Approve recommendations from the Superintendent as discussed at January 28, 2014 Board meeting on staffing needs for Common Core implementation and District staff: Common Core Specialist – two (2) temporary positions English Language Specialist – two (2) positions Categorical Program Assistant – District Office Assessment Specialist Fringe Benefits Specialist Chief of Staff Business Office 18. Approve service agreement with Grant Thornton to provide consulting services for Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) accounting standards for the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year. Cost to be paid with District funds. (Est. cost $4,750) Review Regular and Food Services Purchase Order Listings (Exhibit Bʼs), attached. Facilities 19. Award of Bid No. 2013/14-03, Sound Attenuation at Felton Elementary School. 20. Award of Bid No. 2013/14-04, Sound Attenuation at Lennox Middle School. 21. Approve Notice of Completion on Bid No. 2013/14-01 Temporary Classrooms at Lennox Middle School, LSD LAWA Project No. LMS-TC-2. 22. Approve Emergency Resolution No. 13-14 for two roofing repair projects at Jefferson and Moffett Elementary School Cafeterias. Human Resources Approve Human Resources Report (Exhibit A), attached. 5 VIII. CONSENT AGENDA At each meeting, the Board approves a group of routine action items typically referred to as the Consent Agenda. Items may be pulled and acted on individually. If any Board Member or the Superintendent requests that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda, it will be taken up in the order indicated on the agenda. Facilities Items 1. Ratify agreement with Adkan Engineering for a complete site topographical survey at Felton Elementary School including existing utilities and relevant property development or restrictions for Path of Travel ADA compliancy as part of the Felton Sound Attenuation project (as per Wendell Vaughn architectural services agreement approved on June 12, 2012). Cost to be paid with LAWA funds. (Est. cost $2,700) Instructional Services Items 2. Approve salary expenses for three substitutes, at the appropriate rate, not to exceed 6.75 hours each on February 11, 2014, to release LMS teachers to attend Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) training. Cost to be paid with LMS Title I funds. (Est. cost $498) 3. Ratify salary expenses for 28 substitutes, at the appropriate rate, not to exceed 6.75 hours each between February 7 and June 19, 2014, to allow seven teachers to participate in four District School Leadership Team meetings. Cost to be paid with Title I funds. (Est. cost $3,865) 4. Ratify salary expenses for Carlos Ramirez, LMSTA Campus Supervisor, and Oscar Cux, LMSTA Library Technician, at the appropriate hourly rate, not to exceed 40 hours each from December 13 through January 2014, to assist with setting up of teacher laptops. Cost to be paid with LMSTA Site Allocation funds. (Est. cost $3,000) 6 5. Ratify salary expenses for seven substitutes, at the appropriate rate, not to exceed 60.75 hours each (nine days each) between September 2013 and June 2014, to release seven LMS School Leadership team members to meet monthly regarding staffing decisions, adjunct duty list, school calendar, professional development, master schedule, discipline issues, and all other items related to school safety and operations per the LTA contract, Article 18. Cost to be paid with District funds. (Est. cost $8,190) 6. Ratify salary expenses for up to 100 substitutes, at the appropriate rate, not to exceed 6.75 hours each between August 19, 2013 and June 19, 2014, to allow teachers from all school sites to participate in school site Swun Math coaching consisting of demonstration lessons, co-plan/co-teach, observations and debrief, teacher collaboration and data analysis. Cost to be paid with appropriate categorical funds. (Est. cost $12,500) 7. Ratify stipend in the amount of $80 for Johanna Galaviz, former LEAP Program Leader, to provide sports coaching for the Huerta After-School Program during the month of November 2013. Cost to be paid with AfterSchool Education and Safety (ASES) funds. (Est. cost $80) 8. Ratify service agreement with Rosemond Seligson for educational and support services to Lennox students with disabilities for the purpose of assessing and evaluating assistive technology accommodations necessary to maintain compliance per the studentʼs Individual Educational Plan (IEP) beginning November 19, 2013 through the duration of the 2013 – 2014 school year. Cost to be paid with IDEA-Basic Local Assistance Entitlement funds. (Est. cost $2,500) 9. Ratify Full Network Membership Agreement with Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) to receive funds and technical assistance at Buford State Preschool for two (2) classrooms, effective September 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, at no cost to the District. 10. Ratify Full Network Membership Agreement with Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) to receive funds and technical assistance at Moffett State Preschool for three (3) classrooms, effective September 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, at no cost to the District. 7 11. Ratify Full Network Membership Agreement with Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) to receive funds and technical assistance at Whelan State Preschool for one (1) classroom, effective September 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, at no cost to the District. 12. Approve salary expense for substitute to cover Lennox School District teachers (as needed), at the appropriate rate, not to exceed 224 hours total, between February 12 and June 18, 2014, for the purpose of providing coverage to release teachers for six two-day Non Crisis Prevention Intervention Staff Development training. Cost to be paid with IDEA-Basic Local Assistance Entitlement funds. (Est. cost $5,000) 13. Approve salary expenses for 3 Buford teachers, at the teacher hourly rate, not to exceed 30 hours each between February 12 and June 18, 2014, to provide professional development training for teachers on how to use iPads with students. Cost to be paid with Buford Title I funds. (Est. cost $4,500) 14. Approve salary expenses for nine Lennox Enrichment After-School staff members, at the appropriate rate, not to exceed eight hours on February 22, 2014, to attend the Sharp International Drill and Cheer Competition. Cost to be paid with 21st Century and After-School Education and Safety (ASES) funds. (Est. cost $1,040) 15. Approve salary expenses for substitutes for all K – 5 teachers, at the appropriate rate between February 24 and June 1, 2014, to allow teachers to participate in trimester three Swun Math professional development. Cost to be paid with the appropriate categorical funds. (Est. cost $14,080) 16. Approve salary expenses for substitutes for all sixth through eighth grade teachers, at the appropriate rate between February 24 and June 1, 2014, to allow teachers to participate in trimester three Swun math professional development. Cost to be paid with the appropriate categorical funds. (Est. cost $2,090) 17. Approve salary expenses for five teachers, at the teacher hourly rate, not to exceed ten hours each between February 13 and June 1, 2014, to review and revise the current retention criteria. Cost to be paid with General funds. (Est. cost $1,200) 8 18. Approve salary expenses for two substitutes for two Transitional Kindergarten teachers for planning and professional development between February 12 and June 30, 2014, for the implementation of Common Core. Cost to be paid with General funds. (Est. cost $272) 19. Approve sending 20 Lennox School District parents to attend the California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE) conference in Anaheim, CA April 2 – 5, 2014. Cost of registration, meals and transportation to be paid with Title III funds. (Est. cost $16,000) 20. Approve salary expenses for Adrian Martinez, Substitute Teacher, at the appropriate rate, not to exceed six hours per day for 12 Saturdays between February 15 and June 14, 2014, to teach Mariachi music classes in the Saturday School Program. Cost to be paid with After-School Education and Safety (ASES) and 21st Century After-School funds. (Est. cost $1,560) 21. Approve salary expenses for up to ten teachers per site, at the teacher hourly rate, not to exceed 140 hours total between February 12 and June 18, 2014, to score writing assessments for the reclassification process. Cost to be paid with Title III funds. (Est. cost $5,500) 22. Approve the purchase of 1,200 Lenovo student laptop computers (as recommended by Measure L Oversight Committee) from CDW-G per the piggyback contract from Monterey County Office of Education CalSave Purchasing Cooperative Contract #523868 Technology Catalog Bid awarded to CDW-G. Cost to be paid with Measure L and Common Core funds. (Est. cost $1,070,253) 23. Approve service agreement with ! ! !1st Choice Android Smart-Phone Tutoring, to provide tutoring services for Felton, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $4,002) 9 24. Approve service agreement with ! # ! Tutoría, Maestros, Tabletas, to provide tutoring services for Buford, Huerta, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $17, 342) 25. Approve service agreement with ! # ! WE CAN Querer es Poder with NOOK TABLETS!!, to provide tutoring services for Buford, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $9,338) 26. Approve service agreement with ! A+ C A T (Computer Assisted Tutoring), to provide tutoring services for Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $4,002) 27. Approve service agreement with #1 Educando con Tabletas, to provide tutoring services for Lennox Middle School between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $1,334) 28. Approve service agreement with 1 2 3 MATH AND READING, INC., to provide tutoring services for Buford and Lennox Middle School between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $5,336) 29. Approve service agreement with A Plus Tutorial Center, to provide tutoring services for Lennox Middle School between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $1,334) 10 30. Approve service agreement with A Tree of Knowledge Educational Services, Inc., to provide tutoring services for Lennox Middle School between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $2,668) 31. Approve service agreement with Advance Reading Solutions LLC (dba UROK Learning Institute), to provide tutoring services for Moffett and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $2,668) 32. Approve service agreement with Alternatives Unlimited, Inc., to provide tutoring services for Buford, Felton, Huerta, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $48,024) 33. Approve service agreement with Brainiac Learning, to provide tutoring services for Buford, Felton, Huerta, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $66,700) 34. Approve service agreement with Club Z! In Home Tutoring: Romano-Shuster Incorporated (dba Club Z! Tutoring) to provide tutoring services for Buford, Felton, Huerta and Moffett Elementary schools, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Supplemental Education Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $206,770) 11 35. Approve service agreement with Community College Foundation, to provide tutoring services for Moffett between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $1,334) 36. Approve service agreement with ETS Educational & Tutorial Services LLC, to provide tutoring services for Buford, Huerta, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $13,340) 37. Approve service agreement with Milestones Family Learning Center, to provide tutoring services for Buford, Huerta, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $16,008) 38. Approve service agreement with Mobile Minds, Inc. (dba Mobile Minds Tutoring), to provide tutoring services for Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $2,668) 39. Approve service agreement with Studentnest, Inc. (dba, to provide tutoring services for Buford, Huerta, Moffett, Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Services (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $4,002) 12 40. Approve service agreement with The Southern California Learning Corp. (dba Sylvan Learning Centers), to provide tutoring services for Lennox Middle School and Lennox Academy between February 12 and June 18, 2014, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Cost to be paid with Title I Program Improvement funds under Supplemental Educational Service (SES) funds required to be set aside. (Est. cost $2,668) 41. Approve Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)/Schoolwide Plan for the 2013 – 2014 school year for Buford, Felton, Jefferson, Huerta, Moffett Elementary Schools and Lennox Middle School. Study Trips 42. LEAP After-School Program trip for 130 kindergarten through eighth grade students and 16 adults to Whittier High School on February 22, 2014, for the purpose of competing in the Sharp International Dance and Drill Competition. Cost of entrance ($181) and transportation ($2,100) to be paid with 21st Century and After-School Education and Safety (ASES) funds. (Est. cost $3,910) 43. Jefferson LEAP After-School Program trip for 60 third through fifth grade students to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, CA on March 4, 2014, as a culminating activity to the science unit study. Cost of entrance ($318) and transportation ($410) to be paid with 21st Century and AfterSchool Education and Safety (ASES) funds. (Est. cost $728) 44. LMSTA trip for 24 twelfth grade students and three adults to Knottʼs Berry Farm in Buena Park, CA on March 13, 2014, for the purpose of attending Physics Day to study and analyze roller coasters as part of physics. Cost of transportation to be paid with LMSTA funds. (Est. cost $660) 45. Moffett School trip for 74 kindergarten through second grade students and eight adults to the Metropolitan Education Theatre Network in Los Angeles, CA on April 4, 2014, for the purpose of a visual and performing arts presentation. Cost of transportation and entrance being paid by teachers, at no cost to the District. 13 IX. 46. Jefferson School trip for 62 kindergarten through first grade students and ten adults to the Bob Baker Marionette Theater in Los Angeles, CA on May 9, 2014, for the purpose of attending a theater presentation. Cost of entrance ($620) and transportation ($410) to be paid with Jefferson Kiwanis funds. (Est. cost $1,030) 47. Jefferson School trip for 62 kindergarten students and seven adults to the Long Beach Aquarium on June 5, 2014, for the purpose of learning about sea life. Cost of transportation ($410) and entrance ($420) to be paid with Jefferson Kiwanis funds. (Est. cost $830) 48. Jefferson School trip for 59 kindergarten students and six adults to the Long Beach Aquarium on June 12, 2014, for the purpose of learning about sea life. Cost of transportation ($410) and entrance ($420) to be paid with Jefferson Kiwanis funds. (Est. cost $830) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS This is the time during the Agenda when the Board of Education is prepared to receive comments of members of the public on matters appearing on the Closed Session portion of the Agenda only. If you wish to address the Board, please complete a “Request to Address the Board of Education” form indicating which Closed Session item you would like to address, and bring your completed form to the Board dais. When recognized by the President of the Board, please step to the podium, give your name and address, and limit your comments to three minutes. The Board limits total time for public comment on any topic to 30 minutes. CLOSED SESSION – Following any public comment on item(s) on the Boardʼs Closed Session agenda, the Board will adjourn into Closed Session at ____ p.m. to discuss the following matters pertaining to labor negotiations, property acquisition negotiations, litigation, personnel, expulsions, or other matters as authorized by the Government Code: X. Closed Session Agenda: A. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (Gov. Code §54957) B. Pupil Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion/Appeal/Readmit (Gov. Code §54954.5) (Two Cases) (Student No. 1814-32800-8) (Student No. 12914-12299-8) 14 C. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Gov. Code §54957.6) Mr. Kent Taylor, Superintendent and Mr. Bob Mata, Director of Personnel Lennox Teachersʼ Association (LTA) Classified School Employeesʼ Association (CSEA) D. Conference with Legal Counsel — Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code §54956.9b) Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (Five Cases) XI. REPORTING OUT OF ANY CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS XII. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS XIII. ADJOURNMENT Time:________ Mr. Kent Taylor, Superintendent Note: Any individual requiring disability-related accommodations or modifications, including auxiliary aids and services, in order to participate in the Board meeting, should contact the Superintendent or designee. 15 Human Resources Report (Exhibit A) February 11, 2014 CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL Employment, effective as noted: 1. Ratify the following BTSA Consultants, for the 2013 - 2014 school year: Amy Belier Christina Nersian Resignation, effective as noted: 2. Ratify resignation of Susan Castellanos, Substitute Teacher, effective February 5, 2014. CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Employment, effective as noted: 3. Selection of three Supervision Duty Aides (two Jefferson and one Felton), effective February 12, 2014. 4. Selection of Jefferson Health Specialist, effective February 12, 2014. 5. Selection of three Technology Aides, as follows, effective February 12, 2014. 6. Selection of Moffett Intervention Assistant, effective February 12, 2014. 7. Selection of three Special Education Instructional Aides, effective February 12, 2014. 8. Azucena Prestegui, LMSTA Intervention Assistant, effective February 12, 2014. Resignation/Termination, effective as noted: 9. Ratify resignation of Magdalena Quintas, Jefferson Supervision Duty Aide, effective January 31, 2014. 10. Ratify of resignation for Mayra Navarro, Huerta Special Education Assistant, effective February 10, 2014. 11. Approve resignation of Daisy Aguirre, Jefferson Intervention Assistant, effective February 14, 2014. 16 STAFF DEVELOPMENT 12. Ratify sending Oscar Cux, LMSTA Library Technician, and Carlos Ramirez, LMSTA Campus Supervisor, to attend the SB 1626 and Ed Code 38001.5 School Security Training in Rosemead on January 26 and March 26, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with LMSTA funds. (Est. cost $1040) 13. Ratify sending Yesenia Alvarez, LMS Principal, and Brenda Muse, LMS Campus Supervisor, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Crisis Response Training in Downey on February 5, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with District General funds. (Est. cost $124) 14. Approve sending Polo Marquez and Maureen Romero, LMS teachers, to attend the Historical Thinking and Writing for Common Core Conference in Irvine on February 13, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with LMS funds. (Two substitutes needed.) (Est. cost $471) 15. Approve sending Yesenia Alvarez, LMS Principal, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Street Gang and School Safety Symposium in Downey on February 20, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with LMS Title I funds. (Est. cost $106) 16. Approve sending Brian Guerrero, LMS Teacher/LTA President, to attend the QEIA Workshop in Burlingame, California on February 24, 2014. Cost of one substitute to be paid with District funds and reimbursed by CTA. (Est. cost $135) 17. Approve sending Maria Venegas, After-School Program Coordinator, to attend the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Cohort 9 Readersʼ Conference in Sacramento February 24 - 28, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with After School Education and Safety (ASES) funds. (Est. cost $130) 17 18. Approve sending Getsemani Marquez, LMSTA Teacher, to attend the Common Core Connection to Social Studies Conference in Alhambra on February 25, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with LMSTA funds. (One substitute needed.) (Est. cost $320) 19. Approve sending Becki Blanco, Director of Instructional Services; Lisette Pichardo, Buford Principal; Norma Martinez, Felton Principal; Maria Castellanos, Huerta Principal; Robert Estrada, Jefferson Principal; Michael Remland, Moffett Principal; Greg Tutt, Buford Teacher; Angelica Trujillo, Felton Teacher; Lisa Rubio, Huerta Teacher; Eileen Duffy and Alexandra Solomon, Jefferson Teachers; Jim Nadler, Milagro Pulido, and Patty Varela, LMS teachers; and Justin Catalan, Moffett Teacher; to attend the Mathematics K-8 Instructional Materials Fair in Alhambra on February 26, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with District Title I funds. (Nine substitutes needed.) (Est. cost $1,644) 20. Approve sending Ladislao Figueroa, Director of Child Nutrition Services, to attend the California Department of Educationʼs 5th Annual Food Distribution Program Expo in Pomona on February 27, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with District funds. (Est. cost $100) 21. Approve Jessica Gomez, Moffett Teacher, to attend the Southern California Conference for Pre-Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Educators in Pasadena on February 28 and March 1, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Title II funds. (Two substitutes needed.) (Est. cost $525) 22. Approve sending Fernando Estrada and Rocio Mendoza, Payroll Clerks, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Introduction to HRS Systems in Downey on March 4, 2014. Cost of staff development as, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with District funds. (Est. cost $80) 23. Approve sending Dina Gamez, Speech Pathologist, to attend the Legal Consortium Professional Development Conference in Whittier on March 6, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with IDEA-Basic Local Entitlement Assistance funds. (Est. cost $150) 18 24. Approve sending Ladislao Figueroa, Director of Nutrition Services, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Smarter Lunchroom Movement Conference in Downey on March 10, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Food Services funds. (Est. cost $25) 25. Approve sending Norma del Rio, Director of Special Education, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Suspension and Expulsion Process Workshop in Downey on March 14, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with IDEA-Basic Local Assistance Entitlement funds. (Est. cost $93) 26. Approve sending Fernando Estrada and Rocio Mendoza, Payroll Clerks, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Time Reporting and Payroll Processing Training in Downey on March 19, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with District funds. (Est. cost $80) 27. Approve sending Nellie Rios, Director of State Preschool, to attend the California Child Development Administrators Association (CCDAA) Conference in Long Beach on March 20 and 21, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Preschool funds. (Est. cost $300) 28. Approve sending Becki Blanco, Director of Instructional Services, and Michael Remland, Moffett Principal; Roy Lopez, April Mosby, Martha Sirolli, Claudio Ribas, and Fernando Vigil, Moffett Teachers, to attend the California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE) Conference in Anaheim April 2 - 5, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with District Title III funds. (Fifteen substitutes needed.) (Est. cost $7,993) 29. Approve sending Jennifer Molina, Child Nutrition Services Clerk, to attend the Integrating the new Federal Requirements Conference in Santa Monica on April 16, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Food Services funds. (Est. cost $37) 19 30. Approve sending Eddie Garcia, Director of the After-School Program; David Anderson, LEAP Coordinator; Edwin Maldonado, LEAP Program Assistant; Stephanie Castro, LEAP Academic Coach; and Mayra Bañuelos, Sandy Castro, Cristina Hernandes, Liliana Hernandez, Eric Mendoza, Brianna Moreno, Emely Morales, Cynthia Osuna, Daisy Otzoy, Joselyn Rivera, Jacqueline Paredes, Norma Portillo, Diana Sanchez, and Esmeralda Sanchez, LEAP Leaders, to attend the 2014 Best of Out-of-School Time (BOOST) Conference in Palm Springs April 30 – May 2, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with After-School funds. (Est. cost $23,001) 31. Approve sending Getsemani Marquez, LMSTA Teachers, to attend the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) An Introduction to Project Based Learning Conference in Downey May 20 – 22, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with LMSTA funds. (Three substitutes needed.) (Est. cost $451) 32. Approve Leticia Paz, Food Services Assistant Clerk, to attend the Integrating the New Federal Requirements Conference in Bellflower on May 21, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Food Services funds. (Est. cost $43) 33. Approve sending Ladislao Figueroa, Director of Child Nutrition Services, to attend the Successful Menu Planning: Transitioning to USDA Conference in Ontario on May 29, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Food Services funds. (Est. cost $87) 34. Approve sending Ladislao Figueroa, Director of Child Nutrition Services, to attend the Child Nutrition Administration Course in Ontario on June 23 - 27, 2014. Cost of staff development, as per Lennox AR 3350 Travel Expenses, to be paid with Food Services funds. ($1,586)
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