SS1 MATHEMATICS (First two weeks)T1 2014/2015 SESSION. TOPICS: NUMBER BASE SYSTEM. i. Conversion from one base to base 10 ii. Conversion of decimal fraction in one base to base 10 iii. Conversion of number from one base to another base iv. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of number bases. Application to computer programming EXERCISES. INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions. 1. 2. 3. Convert the following decimal numbers to the base indicated i. 212 to base two ii. 1414 to base seven iii *iv 9999 to base twelve *v 1018 to binary base Convert the following base numbers to a decimal base each. i. 432five ii. 101101two *iv. *v 100three T41Etwelve iii. 1732eight Evaluate the following exercises leaving your answers each in the given base. i. 7275eight + 654 eight + 1334 eight iii. 323five x 34five 4. 21051to quinary base Convert ii. 11001two - 111 two + 1010 two * iv 1010001two 1001two the bicimal 11.01two to decimal . ENGLISH: TAICO September Challenge. Home Self-Study Unit: Senior Secondary (SS) In response to the sudden pronouncement regarding forced school closures in Nigeria it is most important that you spend quality time at home on the challenges we have set you. In total the time you should profitably spend upon them amounts to approximately 12/15 hours over a two week period to fit in with your family circumstances and arrangements. Do as much as you can. Do not forget that, as seniors, you must also read as much as possible and include modern fiction, classics, African writers, newspapers and magazines in your selections. There is a widespread neglect of reading among young people in this “digital” age and this is seriously harming their ability to communicate effectively and stunts their intellectual development. Speak English often and discuss issues with your parents, tutors, siblings and/or friends. There are optional challenges in reading and writing for those of you who find more time and inclination to devote to your studies. Refer to these notes with an adult if possible to make sure you understand what to do. You are allowed help with the tasks as long as the “helper” makes a note that the work was completed “with support”. They should also specify the level of support: little, some, considerable etc. Parents are encouraged to comment upon your attitude towards work and the effort you are making. The work you do will be of great benefit to your learning and also to your teachers who will build upon the progress you make and differentiate future challenges to best meet your needs. The tasks set should be given your fullest attention as they will be assessed and included in determining not only the level you are working at but what your next targets should be in order to grow success. The self-study pack is designed in such a way that you can respond to the challenges on many levels and you may find that on some you take a straightforward basic approach whereas on others you are able to give greater detail and develop your ideas more fully. Don’t worry if you find anything difficult we need to know what you can’t do in order to accelerate your progress! Discovering only what you CAN do is a waste of your time. You should WELCOME feedback which moves you forward. Develop a positive attitude towards your learning. The following suggestions are examples of success criteria. Follow them closely. Reading Comprehension Read questions very carefully and make sure you understand exactly what is required before you begin. If in doubt, ASK. You should answer all questions using complete sentences. Remember: When answering more complex questions on texts you should attempt to first make your POINT then, if possible, give an EXAMPLE from the text to illustrate your point and finally EXPLAIN the relevance of the quotation you chose. Writing Skills Make sure all your written work is completed with an audience (reader) and purpose in mind. This is a measure of how effective your use of language is. Choose your words and tone well. Know what success looks like before you begin a task. Use the appropriate vocabulary to effectively describe, persuade, explain etc. according to the task. Develop your ideas fully before rushing on. Use precise language. Make effective vocabulary choices… don’t use “said” if “muttered” or “roared” is more appropriate. Use paragraphs effectively to group sentences. Write neatly using one size and style. Join your letters correctly. TAICO SS Home Self Study Pack. September 2014 SS Challenge 1 Using commas in lists accurately and effectively. It is easy to go wrong with commas and thereby lose valuable marks. Use them only when you are sure that they are correct. This challenge will develop your skills. Challenge 1 Introduction: 1)Commas replace and or but in a list of items. The final and, without a comma, is usually kept before the last item. In her school bag Kasia kept exercise books, textbooks, pens, pencils, a calculator and her mobilephone. 2) Commas also divide a list of adjectives used to describe a person, place, thing or idea. Here is a list by Charles Dickens describing the miser Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! 3) You can also divide a list of verbs (Scrooge again!) The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened gait. his 4) Here is Dickens again, this time describing a steam train journey of the 1840s in his novel, Dombey and Son. Here the commas divide a list of phrases. Away, with a shriek , and a roar, and a rattle, through the fields, through the woods, through the corn, through the hay, by the heath, by the orchard, by the park, by the garden, over the canal, across the river, where the sheep are feeding, where the barge is floating, where the dead are lying, where the factory is smoking, where the stream is running, where the great cathedral rises, away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle. Read the sentence aloud, pausing for breath at each comma. What does the rhythm of this long sentence remind you of? Now you try it! Attempt 2 or 3 examples for each. Challenge 1 a) Write some list sentences of your own. First, try some with nouns. Make your own choices or use the following: My best friends are… (add the list) My dream football team would include… (add the names) b) Now try using lists of adjectives. A _____, _____, _____, woman entered the room. c) Finally try lists of verbs. To -demonstrate her fitness, Taleyah… ( swam, jumped, ran, rode) Add a word or two to each verb to make it livelier: “swam ten lengths”, for example. d) Read the extract from Dombey and Son again. Write your own description of a car journey or a bus ride or a cycle ride in the same style, writing a list of things that you see as you pass. TAICO SS Home Self Study Pack. September 2014 Challenge 1 continued A list sentence can be very powerful in serious writing and in speeches. In Gulliver’s Travels by Swift, Gulliver visits a land where horses are the intelligent rulers and men their ugly slaves. Gulliver tells the horse king about the terrors of human warfare. I gave him a description of cannons, pistols, bullets, powder, swords, bayonets, battles, sieges, retreats, attacks, bombardments, sea fights; ships sunk with a thousand men, twenty thousand killed on each side; dying groans, limbs flying in the air, smoke, noise, confusion, trampling to death under horses’ feet; fields strewn with carcasses left for food to dogs, and wolves, and birds of prey… The commas hammer home the horrors of human war. e) Imagine that you were talking to the horse king. List for him some of the latest weapons and methods of fighting today and horrible scenes of modern warfare. Use this opening if it helps: I told the king about… (Continue the list) Can commas ever be exciting? They are sometimes, in great speeches. On 4 June 1940, Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, made an important speech. It was to inspire the nation to face the then very likely threat of an invasion by Germany’s Nazis led by Hitler. At the time everything seemed hopeless but he was determined to resist the oppressors and fight on no matter what happened. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender… f) Imagine your home town has been invaded by an alien species who want planet earth for themselves. You and other human survivors are about to attack their spacecraft. As leader of the defence force, you need to get everyone ready for the attack. Write the last paragraph of your speech. Use a list with powerful commas to inspire your listeners. SS Challenge: Writing for different purposes Choose a minimum of 3 which are the most challenging for you 1) Write a letter to Grandma thanking her for a birthday present. She was unable to attend your party so include details of what she missed. Remember to refer to members of your family when giving her your news and include questions for her to reply to. 2) Create a cartoon character, and draw a short comic strip which illustrates his/her character. 3) You have been asked to write a report of a school trip (real or imagined) for the TAICO Year Group magazine. .Give details of where, what, when, who etc. Make sure it is entertaining and interesting for your young readers. 4) Write a short story which illustrates the proverb “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. It should not be literally about birds! 5) Write a persuasive speech highlighting why your school friends should vote for you to represent them on the School Council. 6) Write a review of your favourite movie including brief details of the genre (type of film e.g. “Thriller”, “Romantic Comedy” etc.), plot and actors. Explain why it’s so good and why you think others should watch it. 7) Write instructions for someone to prepare a simple meal. 8) Write a summary of a T.V. programme you have watched and enjoyed. GOVERNMENT SS1 Topic 1: MEANING AND SCOPE OF GOVERNMENT A. B. C. D. Definition of government Attributes and functions of government Importance of government Assignment: explain five (5) roles of the Nigerian government to the socio-economic development of the country. Topic 2: STATE AND NATION A. B. C. D. E. Conceptual clarification Attributes of a state Differences between a state and a nation State and government Assignment: identify and explain five (5) characteristics of Nigeria as a state. CIVIC EDUCATION SS1 1. Write explanatory notes on at least ten (10) examples of values you know. 2. Explain five (5) roles of community service on the socio-economic and political development of Nigeria. ECONOMICS SS1 Holiday Assignment INSTRUCTION: Read the following topics and answer the questions given below TOPICS: Meaning and concepts of economics Importance of economics 1. (a) (b) 2. (a) (b) 3. What is Economics? Why is the study of economics important? Explain the term “Scale of Preference” How does a scale of preference help individuals, films and government to take a rational decision? Distinguish briefly but clearly between a. Opportunity cost and Money cost b. Economic resources and non economic resources COMMERCE S. S. S. 1 WEEK ONE SCHEME OF WORK 1. Meaning of Commerce 2. Scope of Commerce 3. Function of Commerce Revision Questions 1. Explain the meaning of commerce 2. State and explain the importance of commerce to National building 3. With the aid of diagram, illustrate the scope of commerce 4. Explain four commercial activities that facilitate buying and selling BIOLOGY (SS1) Scheme for 2Wks: Topic: Meaning of Biology, History of Biology, living things and characteristics, and organization of life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define the term Biology. Briefly describe the history of Biology. List eight sub-disciplines or branches of Biology. Write short note on organization of life. State the characteristics of living things. SSI TASK (FRENCH) A. CARTE POSTALE Vous êtes en vacances au bord de la mer. Vous envoyez une carte postale à un(e) ami(e). Parlez lui de vos activités quotidiennes, des gens qui sont avec vous, du temps qu’il y fait et votre date de retour. (40 à 50 mots) B. COMPREHENSION : MON AMI Je m’appelle. Je vous présente mon ami Préféré. Il s’appelle Uche Okoro. Il a douze ans comme moi. Ses parents, monsieur Agu Okoro et madame Lora Okoro viennent de l’Est du Nigeria. Son père est cultivateur et éleveur des chèvres. Sa mère produit et vend du foufou. Mon ami est de teint claire. Il parle Igbo qui est sa langue maternelle, anglais et un peu de français. Il est chrétien et moi Bello, je suis musulman. Mon ami est court et moi je suis élancé comme mon père. Uche est le plus fort de notre classe. Il aime le football. Nous l’appelons Daniel Amokachi parce qu’il joue bien au football. QUESTIONS 1. Qui parle dans le texte ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Uche Okoro a quel âge ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Quelles sont les professions des parents d’Uche Okoro ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Ses parents viennent d’où ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Uche parle quelles langues ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ACCOUNT Introduction to Accounting History of Accounting (a) Define Accounting (b) Define Book – keeping (c) Differentiate between book – keeping and accounting 2. (a) Trace the history of accounting (b) Mention four users of accounting information (c) Explain the following terms: Assets Liabilities Capital SSI TASK (FRENCH) A. CARTE POSTALE Vous êtes en vacances au bord de la mer. Vous envoyez une carte postale à un(e) ami(e). Parlez lui de vos activités quotidiennes, des gens qui sont avec vous, du temps qu’il y fait et votre date de retour. (40 à 50 mots) B. COMPREHENSION : MON AMI Je m’appelle. Je vous présente mon ami Préféré. Il s’appelle Uche Okoro. Il a douze ans comme moi. Ses parents, monsieur Agu Okoro et madame Lora Okoro viennent de l’Est du Nigeria. Son père est cultivateur et éleveur des chèvres. Sa mère produit et vend du foufou. Mon ami est de teint claire. Il parle Igbo qui est sa langue maternelle, anglais et un peu de français. Il est chrétien et moi Bello, je suis musulman. Mon ami est court et moi je suis élancé comme mon père. Uche est le plus fort de notre classe. Il aime le football. Nous l’appelons Daniel Amokachi parce qu’il joue bien au football. QUESTIONS 1. Qui parle dans le texte ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Uche Okoro a quel âge ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Quelles sont les professions des parents d’Uche Okoro ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Ses parents viennent d’où ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Uche parle quelles langues ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
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