SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES MOBRIDGE-POLLOCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 62-6 The Board of Education for the Mobridge-Pollock School District No. 62-6 convened pursuant to due notice at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 14, 2014 in regular session. The following members were in attendance: Bingo Kindt, Eric Stroeder, Jane Looyenga, and Gilbert Mickelson. Also in attendance were Superintendent Tim Frederick, Business Manager Kim Schneider, Principals Olson, Lenz, and Overland, representatives from the news media, community members, staff and students. Chairman Kindt convened the Board for its regular session by leading the Pledge to the Flag. Motions are unanimously passed unless otherwise stated. ACTION 14096 – APPROVE AGENDA Stroeder made a motion to approve the agenda as presented in accord with the recommendations of the administration: Motion seconded by Looyenga. ACTION 14097 – APPROVAL OF March 10 and April 1, 2014 MINUTES Motion by Stroeder to approve the minutes of the March 10th and April 1st meetings, seconded by Mickelson. ACTION 14098- CONSENT AGENDA -FINANCIAL REPORT & CLAIMS Stroeder made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes the financial report and the current claims. Motion seconded by Looyenga. The financial report of receipts, disbursements and cash balances for the month listed below: Receipts: Taxes $99,737.54 State Aid $191,352.00, Federal Sources $163,109.76 Interest on Investment $136.47, Misc. $3,772.25, Insurance Compensation $3903.44, Food Sales $36,762.14 Total: 498,773.60. Expenditures: Verified Claims and Expenditures $499,357.06. Cash Balances: March 31, 2014: General Fund $1,094,503.23, Capital Outlay $818,221.27, Special Education $143,035.72, Pension Fund $21,358.81, Impact Aid $305,918.15, Food Service $41,945.25, Unemployment $1426.78, Capital Project Fund $207,884.63. Trust and Agency Fund: Receipts: $25,923.46 Expenditures: $11,197.81; Balance $53,455.38. See Exhibit A – Claims Detail. OLD BUSINESS Superintendent Frederick recognized the district on the K-12 Accreditation (5 years), the completion of the 21st Century fiscal review and an update of the Impact Aid Program. He also congratulated the following teams on the academic achievement awards: GBB Team 3.28, BBB Team 3.37, Wrestling Team 3.40, Vocal Sm Group 3.56, BBB Cheer 3.77, Band Sm Group 3.43, One Act Play 3.53, Wrestling Cheer 3.36, GBB Cheer 3.01. ACTION 14099 – APPROVE RESIGNATIONS Mickelson made a motion to approve the following resignations and thank them for their service to the district: Kim Bruguier, Ron Pourier, Lori Kuehl, and Geraldine Opseth. Motion seconded by Stroeder. ACTION 14100 –APPROVE ADVERSITING FOR CLASSIFIED & CERTIFIED POSITIONS Stroeder made a motion to approve of the advertising of the classified and certified positions. Motion seconded by Looyenga. ACTION 14101 – APPROVE OFFERING MATH CONTRACT TO JASON PASCO FOR 2014-15 Stroeder made a motion to approve the contract to Jason Pasco for $30,709.00. Motion seconded by Mickelson. ACTION 14102 – APPROVE OFFERING OF JOM/TITLE VII CONTRACT TO MONICA WENINGER 2014-15 Looyenga made a motion to approve the contract to Monica Weninger for $26,920.21. Motion seconded by Mickelson. ACTION 14103 – DISCUSS/APPROVE MEMBERSHIP IN THE SDHSAA Mickelson made a motion to approve the membership in the SDHSAA for 2014-15. Motion seconded by Stroeder. ACTION 14104- APPROVE PLAN ADMINISTRATOR FOR 403(b)/457(b) Mickelson made a motion to approve of the administrator of the 403(b)/457(b) retirement programs to the OMNI Financial Group. Motion seconded by Looyenga. ACTION 14105-CANVASS/APPROVE SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION Business Manager Schneider presented the sealed poll books to the Board for their examination. The board conducted a canvass of the votes cast in the school election held on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 and certified the following results on motion by Mickelson, seconded by Looyenga. Polling Site #1-Pollock Polling Site #2-Mound City Polling Site #3-Mobridge H.Kindt 1 H.Kindt 585 H.Kindt 22 22 T.Wagner 9 T.Wagner 545 T.Wagner 18 J.Shillingstad 16 J.Shillingstad 554 J.Shillingstad DISCUSS PROPOSED CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES (SDHSAA) Activities Director Lenz explained some proposed changes in activities. Lenz will attend the official meeting and report final changes at a later date. ACTION 14106 – DISCUSS/APPROVE AMENDING SCHOOL CALENDAR Motion by Looyenga to approve the amendment of the school calendar. Due to the recent snow day taken, the school board will not add an additional day to the calendar, but will approve of the amount of minutes served as less than the amount that was originally stated. Motion seconded by Mickelson. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Middle School Principal Lenz reported on the attendance, Family Friendly Walk Through, the Smarter Balanced Testing, and Activities. Elementary Principal Olson reported on attendance and enrollment, concert dates, field trip and upcoming activity dates, Alliance for a Healthier Generation Grant – we are in the second year of the grant, Child Find Screening and Kindergarten Screening will be held together on April 23rd. High School Principal Overland reported on attendance and enrollment, Web Leveling, Dakota Step testing and the new Smarter Balanced Assessment, prom success, and spring concert success. ACTION 14107 – EXECUTIVE SESSION (AS PER SDCL 1-25-2, (1) PERSONNEL & (4) NEGOTIATIONS Motion by Mickelson to go into executive session at 7:50 pm for the purpose of personnel and negotiations. Motion seconded by Looyenga. Chairman Kindt declared the board out of executive session at 9:34 pm. ACTION 14108 – APPROVE OFFERING OF CERTIFIED CONTRACTS FOR 2014-15 Motion by Mickelson to approve the offering of the certified contracts for 2014-15 as recommended by the administration. Motion seconded by Stroeder. ACTION 14109 – APPROVE OFFERING OF EXTRA DUTY CONTRACTS FOR 2014-15 Motion by Stroeder to approve the offering of the extra duty contracts for 2014-15 as recommended by the administration. Motion seconded by Mickelson. ACTION 14110 – APPROVE OFFERING LETTER OF INTENT TO REHIRE/ESP FOR 2014-15 Motion by Mickelson to approve offering letter of intent to rehire/ESP for 2014-15. Motion seconded by Looyenga. ACTION 14111 -ADJOURNMENT Looyenga moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:39pm. Stroeder seconded. EXHIBIT “A”: GENERAL FUND: A & B BUSINESS, INC., ELECTION SUPPLIES, 78.83, A & B BUSINESS, INC., LAMINATING FILM - FD, 135.64, ACME TOOLS - BISMARCK, AIR FILTRATION SYSTEM, 659.99, AFLAC, CANCER INSURANCE, 509.10, ALCO STORES, INC., SUPPLIES, 2.98, AMAZON, SUPPLIES, 9.18, AMAZON, SUPPLIES, 206.90, AMAZON, SWING OFFENCE DVDS, 87.88, APPLETREE INSTITUTE, HEALTH INSURANCE & UNUM, 36, 303.82, BJ'S INSTRUMENT REPAIR, INST REPAIR, 31.80, INST REPAIR, 42.40, INST REPAIR, 120.00, CAPITAL CITY RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC, MATERIALS, 28.50, MATERIALS, 560.98, CARDMEMBER SERVICE, PIZZA RANCH, 345.52, CDW GOVERNMENT, INC, SUPPLIES, 335.43, SUPPLIES, 259.17, SUPPLIES, 148.64, CENTRAL DIESEL SALES INC, SUPPLIES, 25.99, CHEFS CATALOG, SUPPLIES, 39.90, CITY OF MOBRIDGE, WATER - FD, 470.01, COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 325.63, SUPPLIES, 124.65, COLE PAPERS INC., SUPPLIES, 1,667.80, CPI QUALIFIED PLAN CONSULTANTS, INC., 403(B) PLAN, 27.00, DADY DRUG, SUPPLIES, 60.58, DISCOVERY CENTER, ADMISSION ON 5/1,165.00, EPIC SPORTS, TRAINING HURDLES, 138.52, FABRA-TECH, INC., CLEANING SERVICE, 51.30, GRAHAM TIRE ABERDEEN, TIRES FOR 2009 INT BUS, 584.70, GRAND CENTRAL INC, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE, 1, 810.24, GUARDIAN-APPLETON, DENTAL & VISION INSURANCE, 2,591.11, HAUFF MID-AMERICA SPORTS INC, AWARDS, 897.75, TRACK AWARDS, 140.80, GOLF MEDALS, 39.80, PLAQUE , 79.15, HEARTLAND PUBLISHING, ELECTION ADVERTISING, 18.90, LEGALS, 90.64, HEARTLAND WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., GARBAGE, 901.00, HERITAGE FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT INC, REPAIR PROOFER, 470.13, HOMESTEAD BLDG SUPPLIES, WEIGHT ROOM CABINET, 62.18, HOUSE OF GLASS INC, SUPPLIES, 312.60, IMPREST, 4,636.03, JENSEN ROCK AND SAND INC, TIGER STADIUM, 376.50, SNOW REMOVAL - HS, 302.00, JW PEPPER & SON INC, ELEM MUSIC, 74.85, MUSIC , 22.94, MUSIC (1.95), MUSIC (8.75), MUSIC , 50.00, PPER & SON INC, MUSIC SUPPLIES, 4.90, JW PEPPER & SON INC, MUSIC SUPPLIES, 333.27, JW PEPPER & SON INC, MUSIC SUPPLIES, (250.00), MUSIC SUPPLIES, 1.65, MUSIC SUPPLIES, 217.85, MUSIC SUPPLIES, 48.00, MUSIC SUPPLIES, 72.50, MUSIC SUPPLIES, 25.99, KONE INC, ELEVATOR REPAIR, 497.90, KRAFT, DEBRA , SUPPLIES, 22.13, KRAFT, DEBRA , TUITION REIMBURSEMENT, 45.00, LINCOLN REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, LIFE INSURANCE, 230.68, LINDS HARDWARE, SUPPLIES, 277.49, LUCKY'S GAS & MORE, GAS 1,378.52, MARCO, INC., MAINT. CONTRACT 13208, 682.98, MAINT. CONTRACT 13055, 86.25, MAINT. CONTRACT 13425, 286.04, COPIER LEASE, 373.29, MARTIN, DAVIS , MOWING CONTRACT, 957.15, McLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY, ELECTION SUPPLIES, 35.65, MERKEL'S FOODS, SUPPLIES, 221.04, MOBRIDGE REGIONAL HOSPITAL & CLINIC, DOT PHYSICAL - GANT, 162.00, MOBRIDGE TRIBUNE, POW WOW POSTERS, 117.00, ELECTION ADVERTISING, 11.90, LEGALS, 98.70, JOB OPENING AD, 178.08, ADVERTISING, 95.40, MONTANA DAKOTA UTILITIES, NATURAL GAS, 12, 535.55, NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION, SUMMER INSTITUTE, 675.00, PAYLESS FOODS, SUPPLIES, 1,448.01, PFITZER PEST CONTROL LLC, PEST CONTROL, 100.00, REAL-TUFF, INC., SUPPLIES, 53.04, REAL-TUFF, INC., SUPPLIES, 62.40, RUNNINGS, SUPPLIES, 153.35, S.D.H.S.A.A, 2013-2014 PARTICIPATION FEES, 840.00, RULE BOOKS, 265.00, SAFETY SERVICE, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE, 272.40, SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS, LIBRARY BOOKS, 365.00, SECURE BENEFITS SYSTEMS, SECTION 125 PLAN, 83.75, SPORT SUPPLY GROUP, INC., SUPPLIES, 157.49, SUBWAY OF MOBRIDGE, LLC, SUPPLIES, 11.29, TAYLOR MUSIC INC, REPAIR TUBA, 40.00, SUPPLIES, 220.00, USI EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT SALES, REPAIR LAMINATOR, 242.69, ZAHN, LISA , SUPPLIES, 24.84. GENERAL FUND TOTAL: $80,174.93. CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: AMAZON, 4 IPAD BLUETOOTH KEYBOARD CASE, 139.80, GRAPHIC EDGE, THE , TRACK UNIFORMS, 971.94, REAL-TUFF, INC., STUDENT PROJECTS, 970.11, REAL-TUFF, INC., STUDENT PROJECTS, 180.75, RUNNINGS, SUPPLIES, 354.25, SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS, LIBRARY BOOKS, 208.00, CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TOTAL: $2,824.85. SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: ABERDEEN HEARING CLINIC, STUDENT SERVICES, 25.00, ALCO STORES, INC., SUPPLIES, 93.27, APPLETREE INSTITUTE, HEALTH INSURANCE & UNUM, 5,205.50, BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA HOTEL, LODGING, 221.98, BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA, LODGING, 50.00, CARDMEMBER SERVICE, TRAVEL, 112.08, CONVAID PRODUCTS, INC., SUPPLIES, 80.80, GUARDIAN-APPLETON, DENTAL & VISION INSURANCE, 520.83, LINCOLN REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, LIFE INSURANCE, 54.80, McCROSSAN BOYS RANCH, STUDENT SERVICES, 3,617.60, McCROSSAN BOYS RANCH, STUDENT SERVICES, 4,005.20, McCROSSAN BOYS RANCH, STUDENT SERVICES, 1,124.23, McCROSSAN BOYS RANCH, STUDENT SERVICES, 1,183.40, MOBRIDGE REGIONAL HOSPITAL AND CLINICS, PT SERVICES, 2, 785.00, OAHE INC., STUDENT SERVICES, 2,149.23, OAHE INC., STUDENT SERVICES, 2,149.23, OAHE INC., STUDENT SERVICES, 1,941.24. SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND TOTAL: $25,319.39. PENSION FUND: APPLETREE INSTITUTE, HEALTH INSURANCE & UNUM, 3,891.39, GUARDIAN-APPLETON, DENTAL & VISION INSURANCE, 381.58. PENSION FUND TOTAL: $4,272.97. FOOD SERVICE FUND: ALCO STORES, INC., SUPPLIES, 74.29, APPLETREE INSTITUTE, HEALTH INSURANCE & UNUM, 5,067.05, ARMSTRONG EXTINGUISHER SERVICE INC, SERVICE, 211.22, CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING, FOOD, 9,471.69, CASS CLAY CREAMERY, FOOD, 2,905.32, CASS CLAY CREAMERY, FOOD, 1,154.99, CHILD AND ADULT NUTRITION SERVICES - DOE, FOOD, 1,306.78, CHILD AND ADULT NUTRITION SERVICES - DOE, FOOD, 1,297.40, COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, FOOD, 179.52, EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO. INC., FOOD, 532.50, FARNER BOCKEN COMPANY, FOOD, 1,368.58, FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA-MINOT, FOOD, 782.95, GRAND CENTRAL INC, FOOD SERVICE VAN, 84.59, GUARDIAN-APPLETON, DENTAL & VISION INSURANCE, 227.92, KRAUSE FAMILY ORCHARD & NURSERY INC, FOOD, 88.50, LINCOLN REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, LIFE INSURANCE, 23.86, MERKEL'S FOODS, FOOD, 71.84, MOBRIDGE-POLLOCK SCHOOL DIST 62-6, FOOD, 37.64, PAYLESS FOODS, FOOD, 223.93, US FOODSERVICE, INC., FOOD, 3,821.32. FOODSERVICE FUND TOTAL: $28,931.89. __________________________________ Kim Schneider, Business Manager _______________________________________ Bingo Kindt, Chairman
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