A Look Ahead for NAAC Committees Andrew Donovan is the

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A Look Ahead for NAAC Committees
to certify more NAAC members and expand certification
opportunities to other constituents of the compliance industry such
support professionals.
A year after attracting a record number of
members to its organization and attendees to its
annual Convention, the National Association for
Athletics Compliance (NAAC) is in store for yet
another banner year.
Following the lead of 2014-15 NAAC President
Josh White, senior associate athletics director at
the University of Nebraska Omaha, all 11 of the
organization’s committees are hard at work in an
effort to enhance the value and benefits of NAAC
membership to its 503 members (and counting).
First among those enhancements is the
diversification of committee representation,
thanks to a new policy instituted by the NAAC Officers whereby
members are limited to service on one committee, providing greater
involvement opportunities to more members of the organization.
The Advancement/Development Committee looks to renew all
existing sponsorships and welcome new partners in 2014-15 with
designs to increase sponsorship revenue. To accomplish this goal,
plans are in the works to enhance incentives through increased
sponsor exposure at the #NAAC15 Convention and through
additional opportunities to be unveiled throughout the year.
The Division I (DI) Reasonable Standards Committee expanded
and reorganized to allow for greater subcommittee focus on specific
initiatives. The group plans to complete additional reasonable
standards for distribution to the membership in addition to releasing
revisions of previously published standards based on
legislative changes.
The Division II (DII) Reasonable Standards Committee also
expanded its representation into the double digits. The committee
plans to assist the DII membership by releasing a master compliance
calendar for external reporting deadlines in addition to reasonable
standards related to countable athletically related activities, transfer
release forms and recruiting visits.
In an effort to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of
compliance professionals across the country, the Education
Committee will distribute timely educational resources to the
membership on a monthly basis. Planned topics include elite
student-athlete education, progress toward degree regulations,
National Letter of Intent (NLI) signing procedures and summer prior
to initial fulltime enrollment guidelines.
The DII Committee hopes to build upon the steady growth of its
representative membership and add value to NAAC affiliation
through the production of DII-specific educational materials and
enhanced convention programming. Working closely with the
Certification Committee, the group also expects to develop a DII
Education Certification Program.
Entering its second year of existence and looking to build on its
recent partnership with the Western Kentucky University sport
administration graduate program, the Certification Committee aims
AthLetiCs ADMiNistrAtioN
The Convention Committee expects to host yet another record
number of attendees at the #NAAC15 Convention through an
enhanced focus on professional development. Plans include
crossover programming with other NACDA associations and the
creation of a NAAC Mentoring Institute. This year’s Convention will
be held June 14-15, 2015, at the Orlando World Center Marriott
Resort in Orlando, Fla.
The Membership/Awards Committee expects to provide a record
number of stipends to the #NAAC15 Convention to a growing field
of stipend applicants. In addition to increasing the organization’s
membership numbers and diversity, the Committee will review the
stipend application process to ensure that the most worthy
applicants are provided the opportunity to attend the organization’s
annual gathering.
A year after the NCAA DI Board of Directors (BOD) invited two
compliance professionals to present at the October 2013 BOD and
Presidential Advisory Group meeting as representatives of the
compliance industry, the Legislation & Interpretations Committee
looks to continue discussions with NCAA leaders to create more
avenues for NAAC members to be involved in the legislative and
interpretive processes of the NCAA.
Along the same lines, the Strategic Initiatives Committee (formerly
titled Thought Leaders) will collaborate with the NCAA’s Academic
and Membership Affairs (AMA) staff on various joint initiatives with
an initial focus on interpretive discretion, the NCAA Regional Rules
Seminar and the role of the compliance review in the redesigned
Institutional Performance Program (IPP).
Finally, working collaboratively with each NAAC committee, the
newly-formed Marketing/Strategic Communications Committee
will regularly communicate each committee’s initiatives and
accomplishments to the membership along with other pertinent
organizational business. By establishing a more consistent and
timely social media presence through @naacconnect, the committee
expects to increase awareness of NAAC membership and
Certification as essential professional development tools within the
compliance industry.
Now is as good a time as ever to be a part of NAAC. The steady
growth of the membership and committee involvement coincides
with a time during which the voice of compliance professionals is
gaining greater traction in the ongoing evolution of the NCAA
legislative and governance structures. Join or renew your
membership for 2014-15 and experience the enhanced value and
benefits of an exciting, evolving organization.
Andrew Donovan is the associate athletics director for
compliance at Marshall and a member of the NAAC Board of
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