SRI C HANDRAS EKHAREN DRA SARASWATH I VI SWAMAHAVI DYALAYA st qqtrrq vc{fr (Accredited with 'B' fuilTorkfllolr Grade by NAAC) (University established under section 3 of the UGC act 1956) Enathur iGnchipuram - 631561 Tel: Off: 044 - 27264306,2726430L Fax 27264285 E-mait: Dr.G.P.Raman Co ntro I I er of Exam i nati o n s coe [email protected]. in Qffice of the Controller of Examinations Ref. No. SCSVMVTCOEI2I14-2O1SI Date :21-07-2O14 NOTIFICATION A public viva-voce exarnination for Mr.G.Jayamanikya Shastri will be held 10.30 a.m. on Monday, 4th August ZOl4. Name Topic Mr.G.Jayamanikya Shastri ..VIVIDHADARSANES U AVAYAVAVADAVIMARSAH" Date 04.08.2014 (Monday) Time 10.30 a.m. Department Sanskrit and Indian Culture Venue Department of Sanskrit and Indian Culture, Seminar Hall, Sri chandrasekharendra Saraswathi viswa Mahavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram. A copy of the Ph.D. thesis submitted by Mr.G.Jayamanikya Shastri is kept in the Library for reference. Research scholars and specialists in this field of research are cordially invited to attend the viva voce and take part in the discussion. ^4fuwnttI Assrstant Copy l. 2. 3. w+"'5. 6. 7. 8. Registrar to: The The All vice-chancellor. Registrar. tt I rdt 7 i -r- L'^,-j",, ?ifl Ir'? controltef of Examinations i Controller of Examinations,'' SCSVMV-Universitn Enathur' J(anchipuram-63156 I ' Deans & All Heads of the Departments, for favour of information and for display in their Notice Boards. The Director, Research and publications. The Finance Officer. The Librarian. The Research Guide. The Candidate. l4,P4q ,,1 ,*r/ra\t. Ei*,,r sRr cHANDRASEKHAREN DRA sARASWATHT vrswAMnnevt ovnuW * ,yr/*1j,,, fuo*Tortdilffi \i1.-\*#*/ -$i=;lr.-:; / st qqidt=q R-*,sfi (Accredited with 'B' Grade by NAAC) (University established under section 3 of the UGC act 1956) Enathur Kanchipuram - 631561 Tel: Off: 044 - 2726436,2726430t Faxz 27264285 E-mail: coe [email protected]. in Office of the Controller of Examinations Dr.G.P.Raman Control ler of Exami nations Date:21-O7-2014 Ref. No. SCSVMVICOEI20I4-?O1 5l NOTIFICATIONA public viva-voce examination for Mr.S.Sathish Kumar will be held at 12.00 noon on Monday, llth August 2014. Name Mr.S.Sathish Kumar Topic "An Efficient Approach to Digital Angiographic Blood Vessel Detection" Date I1.08.2014 (Monday) Time 12.00 noon Department ECE Venue Department of ECE, Seminar Hall, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram. A copy of the Ph.D. thesis submitted by Mr.S.Sathish Kumar is kept in the Library for reference. Research scholars and specialists in this field of research are cordially invited to attend the Viva Voce and take part in the discussion. *#,#-taar Copy to: l. 2. J. The Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar. r #{ -- ,:ri{,r, Controllh'bf Examinations Controller of Examinations, SCSVMV-University, Enathur, Kanchipurarn-G3l56I. Deans & All Heads of the Departments, for favour of information and for display in their Notice Boards. The Director, Research and Publications. The Finance Officer. The Librarian. The Research Guide. The Candidate. All 'r 'r^* al.r/4,. YY9- SRI CHANDRASEKHARENDRA SARASWATHI VISWAMAHAVIDYALAY * qqMq vtwfrfrqilTdri{fltffi (Accredited with 'B' Grade by NAAC) (University established under section 3 of the UGC act 1956) Enathur Kanchipuram - 631561 Tel: Off: 044 - 27264306,2726430L Fax:27264285 E-mail: coe [email protected]. in Office of the Controller of Examinations Dr.G.P.Raman Controller of Exami nati ons Date:'21-07-2014 Ref. No. SCSVMV/COEI201 4-20151 NOTIFICATION A public will be held at 10.00 viva-voce exarnination for Mr.V.Ramesh a.m. on Wednesday, 6ft August 2014. Name Mr.V.Ramesh I oprc 'oDesign of Multidimensional Data Model for the Study of Data Mining Techniques in Agriculture" Date 06.08.20 14 (Wednesday) Time 10.00 a.m. Department Computer Science Applications Venue Department of Computer Science Applications, Seminar Hall, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram. A copy of the Ph.D. thesis submitted by Mr.V.Ramesh is kept in the Library for reference. Research scholars and specialists in this field of research are cordially invited to attend the Viva Voce and take part in the discussion. *{ i! "':o ^ {rii Assistant R"m, Copy to: l. 2. J. { 5. 6. 7. 8. The Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar. */ { ;,,}} Controlt6i of Examinations Controller of Examinations, SCSVMV-UniversitY, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631561 & All Heads of the Departments, for favour of information and for Notice Boards. in their display The Director, Research and Publications. The Finance Officer. The Librarian. The Research Guide. The Candidate. All Deans {-tY . " '*^nrXffi4 r':fit \"r. SR I C HAN D RAS E KHAR END ;.; RA SARASWATH I VI SWAMANAVI DYALAYA; *q;reW{ vtwfifuryT6rkflffi (Accredited with 'B' Grade by t"'v'1 \T} NAAC) (University established under section 3 of the UGC act 1956) Enathur Kanchipuram - 631561 Tel: Off: 044 - 27264306,2726430L Fax:27264285 E-mail: coe [email protected]. in Office of the Controller of Examinations Dr.G.P.Raman Controller of Exami nati ons Date :21-07-2014 Ref. No. SCSVMVTCOEI2O14-20151 NOTIFICATION" A public viva-voce examination for Mr.T.Giri will be held at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 20m Augu st 2014. Name Mr.T.Giri Topic "Industrial Relations in Select Public Sector Undertakings in Visakhapatnam" Date 20 .08.20 | 4 (Wednesday) Time I1.00 a.m. Department Management Studies Venue Department of Management Studies, Seminar Hall, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram. A copy of the Ph.D. thesis submitted by Mr.T.Giri is kept in the Library for reference. Research scholars and specialists in this field of research are cordially invited to attend the Viva Voce a1d take part in the discussion. ,"1 ij# Assistant Registrar Copy to: l. 2. 3. \A/t 5. 6. 7. 8. - "/-' -'.\.t,,. t? conf,oir.lffiB*u*H#;1," -Controller of Examinations, SCSVMV-Universitn Enathur, Kanchipuram-G31561 The Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar. All Deans & All Heads of the Departments, for favour of information and for disolav in their Notice Boards. The Director, Research and Publications. The Finance Officer. The Librarian. The Research Guide. The Candidate. .
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