fuwr*tr Canara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) ASSET RECOVERY MANAGEMENT BRANCH, CIRCLE OFFICE BUILDING, VIPIN KHAND GOMTINAGAR, LUCKNOW E.AUCTION NOTICE SALE NOTICE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES THROUGH E.AUCTION (ONLINE AUCTION) UNDER RULES 8(6) & (9) OF THE SEGURTTY INTEREST (ENFORCEMENT) RULES 2002 Notice is hereby given to the effect that the immovable properties described herein, taken possbssion underlhe provisions of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Lnforcement of Securiiy lnterest Act 2002 and Security lnterest (Enforcement) Rules 2002, will be sold through e-auction on the following terms & conditions. E auction arranged by the service provider M/s L-procurement Technologies Ltd. (abcprocure), Ahmadabad. Mr. Ram Sharma, Mr. Vi"n"l Tiwari dontact no. 079-40230829/ 830 / 828 t 8271 806 / 813 I 815 I 816 I 822. Or Mob No.08000023297 through the website......https:/lcanarabank.auctiontiger'net 1. Name and Address of the Secured Crediton: CANARA BANK, ASSET RECOVERY 2 Name and Address of the Borrower. M/S Hides lnternational Pvt Ltd 87-88 Shahpur, Kalpi Road, Panki KanPur. 3. Total liabilities as on MANAGEMENT BRANCH, CIRCLE OFFICE BUILDING, VIPIN KHAND GOMTINAGAR' LUCKNOW 31 .05"2012: Rs229684087.42 + interest + other expenses WEF 01"06.2012 4^ Last Date & Time for receipt of tenden documents: 17110114 upto 5'00 PM 5. Address in which the tender document to be submitted: CANARA BANK, ASSET 6" Date & Time 7. Po RECOVERY MANAGEMENT BRANCH, CIRCLE OFFICE BUILDING, VIPIN KHAND GOMTINAGAR, LUCKNOW of e- auction: Date 2OI1OI2O14; Time11.00 AM to 12.00 Noon (With unlimited extension of 5 minutes duration each till the conclusion of the sale) rtal of e- auction : https://canarabank. auctiontiqer. net '',. 1-,J-- h ).: ' :'''. .',,4;''r, t: i I 'i .; - '\ \-. .;'t, il i t,',. W.i , + .-*, :' ,;i, 'q$'i--r,-.r ,rrt{, :," , :" I 8. SL No 1 2 3 4 Details of Property/ies (with boundaries): Property address Boundaries EMT of land and building in the name of M/S KCK EXPORTS l-TD.Situated at plot No.461 & 462 at Fatehpur Rosnai, Rania, Tehsil Akbarpur. Distt. Kanpur Dehat" ARAZT NO.461N- Agriculture Land of Ravindra Kumar Pandey S-Agriculture Land of another persons E-Agriculture l-and of Chhedi Lal W-Aqriculture Land of Mohini Devi EMT of land and building in the name of Mr"Dalip Kapur situated at plot No.460 at Fatehpur Rosnai, Rania, Akbarpur, Distt. Kanpur Dehat. Area 10393.50 sq mtr (5 Bigha,l Biswa, 8 Biswansi) EMT of land and building in the name of M/S KCK EXPORTS LTD. situated at plot No.471 at Fatehpur Rosnai, Akbarpur Rani, Distt. Kanpur Dehat" Total area 1 .6660 hectares (16660 sq mtrs) EMT of land and building in the name of Sri Dalip Kapur, Partner M/s K.C. Kapur & Sons situated at part of plot No"21 Min. Vill-Seohara Govind Now known as Katghar, near Prabhat Market, Rampur Road Moradabad (area 963.21 sq.mt) ARAZT NO.460N- Land of Mr. Ravindra Kumar S- Others l-and ARAZI NO.462N- Agriculture Land of Ravindra Kumar Fandey S-Agriculture Land of another person E-Agriculture Land of Sunder Lal W-Kalpi Road E-Land of Mr. Kant Pandey W-Land of [tlr. Sunder Lal N- Nali thereafter Arazi of Dalip Kapur S- Chak Road thereafter other Arazi E- Chak Road thereafter Arazi of Sahdev Singh & others W-Chak Road then Arazi of Surendra Nath Srivastava & others N- Land measuring 144 feet from East to West, thereafter plot of land being part khasra No.21Min of Sri R C Sharma S- Land measuring 144 feelfrom East to West thereafter compound over the land being part of khasra No.21 Min of Sri Gurubux Singh E- Land measuring 72feet North to South, thereafter plot of land being part of khasra No" 18 of Sri Ram Swaroop Mali W- Land measuring 72feet from North to South and thereafter road leadino to Katqhar. 9" Reserve Price: Property serial number 1 2 3 4 Reserve price (in lacs) EMD amount (in lacs) 445.94 44.59 27 85 29.18 54.54 278.46 291.80 545.38 j'o toro,r,o* "*t' ot"* The sare shali be Rures, zooz , ,ro I * i#:'r:nfirll".".n?,1,1xlrTs prescribed in rhe security rnterest (Enrorcemenr) _ _,,.vr tt/ ") encumbrances Il:.pfoperty wil be sotd in d) i ,,as i i,th,.p,--;;ryfiun;"::,J The propert/;ll #aF e^r.i A^,-.. ,, "; *+il,ltl#ii'.I"'*1'#!h11ip;;gg ravour of Autt Fff 'r'trrr=rrt wlth Authorised officer, or price and the parricipatins bidders may ".ff in'-""xti1r$ijEdFffi';i":{iilx?-ffi ,iilffi 'qifrff :,!:i,"J#"5H.:#,?i,: ld'T;RrTl#tnrui,*x'!,.':lt*TlJ g1#":r,tfl;#;:';;#3'f ,ffiffiggma$gPssPkp otsital sisnature) tor obtainins payment of the fftel EMD amr the followir t p,, *, -' r"" ";;^"::,:"' ; lro_ t il;'.l** fi ill=.|:il oieitalJs-n#:ilh:?iji1f;': 1 !i' 'i iffi\'l u' ff H,il'f s:?:,.J bY nand or by av emai rtucknow emair Fn/n -*^.:, rr ,-"'*"paid throush il. p"rrnoffis '. S ,,, ff:ff9;*X#ililTi3;,[J3"?i'f,T,"fil::" _ ;j,il 3: Rrcs/NEFr, ,xmf ru:iii3,iilq$ii,*t11fi3rft 'gffi*t'x:t:r?Ti1!',,," "n';l3;n3^ r";,;,1{ii:'"},"r#ilio ogno:sll-ir"r]:"r"#uccessfur ,ly? ') tnalization of sa .. n,nn^, or enro ::;". - r*mrummru*ru t 't\ - 'nps://canarabank'auctio"t'g"i.i""l k) The successful bidder shall deposit 25% o.f the sale price (inclusive of EMD already paid), immediately on declaring him/her as the successiul bidder and the balance within 15 days from the date of confirmation of sale by the secured creditor. lf the successful bidder fails to pay the sale price within the period stated above, the deposii maOe by him shall be forfeited by the Authorised Officer without any notice and property shall forthwith be put up for sale again. l) All charges for conveyance, stamp duty and registration charges etc., as applicable shall be borne by the successful bidder only" m) Authorised Officer reserves the right to postpone/cancel or vary the terms and conditions of the e-auction without assigning any reason thereof. n) ln case there are bidders who do not have access to the internet but interested in participating the e-auction, they can approach the branch which as a facilitating centre shall make necessary arrangements" o) 'Forfurther details please contact sri P K upadhyay (M- g415066916) OR the service provider M/s e'procurement Technologies Ltd. (abcprocure), Ahmadabad. Mr. Ram Sharma, Mr' Vishal Tiwari contact no. oig-qoz3o82d/ 83b / s2B iezzt aoa t u3 t Bls t 816 t 822" or Mob No.08000023297 through the website......https://canarabank.auctiontiger.net; fasupport@abcproc u re.com Special Instruction/Caution Bidding in the last minutes/seconds should be avoided by the bidders in their own interest. Neithen Canara Bank nor the Service Provider will be responsible for any tapseslfailure (lnternet failure, Power failure, etc.) on the part of the bidder or vendor in such caies. In order to ward off such contingent situation, bidders are requested to make all the necessary arrangements/alternatives such as back -up, power supply and whatever else required so tfrat they are able to circumvent such situation and are -able to participate in the auction succe Place. Lucknow Date: 1510912014 OFFICER ,z'""n ,)u -' l l $+' :'.--. ..':; ,i\ 6''-.,. ,.t ffi*mFprrngilfi tFl [{{m,0*ltb'oet fitfr qd r{F ilt{tt,AffiB'rdr d{Fli$ lhldnos
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