New Modular High Voltage LDMOS Technology Based on Deep Trench Isolation and 0.18um CMOS Platform Moshe Agam, Thierry Yao, Agajan Suwhanov, Tracy Myers, Yutaka Ota, Sallie Hose, Matt Comard ON Semiconductor, Gresham, OR, USA ([email protected], [email protected]) epitaxial layer (N-epi) is grown on a P+ substrate, followed by a highly doped N-type buried layer (BLN). On top of this stack a P-type epitaxial layer (P-epi) is grown. Each layer’s thickness and resistivity is optimized to reduce parasitic BJT gain and maintain sufficient breakdown voltage between BLN and P-epi and between pockets which are isolated by DTI. Abstract—This paper presents the challenges of integrating 70V and 45V lateral DMOS transistor modules into a 0.18um base line process. This integration is achieved with minimal impact on baseline process and circuit IP’s. Multi-epitaxial stack and Deep Trench Isolation (DTI) modules assure up to 140V isolation capability between different areas in the chip. Keywords—high power, LDMOS, DTI, deep trench, multi layer epitaxial, dislocations, stress, proximity I. B. DTI formation DTI is etched 40um into the silicon after the epi stack is grown. The trench is etched in a two-step process. The first step is to etch a trench 11um deep. A phosphorous- rich film is then deposited in the trench. We then performed an anneal to drive the phosphorus into the silicon sidewalls of the trench, which creates N-sinker. This N-doped layer provides the connection to the buried N layer (BLN). Following the formation of this N-sinker, the trench is then etched to the final depth. A high-quality thermal oxide is grown along the trench walls, and deposited oxide is then added. This oxide stack defines the DTI dielectric. The trench is then filled with a poly silicon stress relief layer. All of the epi and DTI construction is done prior to the standard CMOS processing to minimize the impact on the baseline devices. INTRODUCTION Integrated high power IC’s are largely intended for the automotive industry in areas of reduced emissions and fuel economy; advanced drive assistance systems; the enhancement of vehicle personalization and comfort, etc. High power IC’s are also used for medical applications such as ultrasound imaging and advanced power management controllers. A modular integration of high power devices with a foundry-compatible base line process has many advantages in terms of cost and design effectiveness. This integrative approach allows high density logic design, side by side with customized high power circuits. In order to achieve such integration, it is necessary to assign voltage marks to different areas in the chip and provide appropriate isolation between high and low voltage regions. This isolation is achieved by constructing a stacked multi-layer epitaxial substrate and by adding a modular DTI (Deep Trench Isolation) feature. This does assure up to a 140v potential difference between isolated pockets in the chip. This paper will discuss the integration of the high-power devices in a CMOS baseline process while addressing the challenges of this approach, and will present an overview of the construction of these high power devices. II. ISOLATION MODULES A. EPI and BLN modules Process integration and device architecture require a stack of multi-layer epitaxial growth on a P+ substrate to support critical high voltage and power requirements. An N-type 978-1-4799-3944-2/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE Figure 1 - Cross section of EPI layers, DTI, and N-sinker. 357 ASMC 2014 There are several aspects of the N-sinker and DTI dielectric formation which are important for the physical and electrical properties of the DTI isolation. Vpoly 0V DTI Vbd The N-sinker must be doped sufficiently high to provide a relatively low-resistance contact to the BLN. To determine the necessary resistance and lateral diffusion, tests were performed and evaluated based on the phosphorus concentration and anneal temperature, as shown in Figure 2. Top P-epi 50 40 30 20 VP-substrate 10 Figure 4 - Measurement of DTI breakdown voltage 5.0% 7.0% 9.0% 3.5% 5.0% 950 7.0% 9.0% 1050 C. Defect study During development, crystal dislocations were observed. Dislocation loops were found around the BLN arsenic implanted area. Studies showed that the cause of this dislocation was due to an excess of arsenic in the BLN layer which resulted in lattice mismatch. After DTI etch and Nsinker formation, these dislocation loops propagated outside of the BLN layer and aligned in a 45 degree direction from the trench bottom corner. Because the dislocation is related to the mechanical stress, it has pattern density dependency. Figure 2 - Resistance of N-sinker with different phosphorus doping (%) concentrations and anneal conditions (950°C and 1050°C). In addition, tests were performed regarding the DTI dielectric thickness that defines the coupling capacitance between adjacent pockets. The pocket breakdown voltage is dependent on this coupling capacitance. Figure 3 shows the dependence of breakdown voltage on the dielectric thickness. 200 Figure 5 shows a cross-sectional TEM picture of crystal defect generated by the high dose BLN implant step. Figure 6 shows cross-sectional SEM pictures after first DTI etch. Maximum BLN dose was determined to prevent the generation of crystal defects at minimum design rule patterns. 190 Pocket Breakdown Voltage 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 BLN DTI Oxide Thickness(um) Figure 3 - Pocket breakdown voltage on DTI dielectric thickness. The ratio between the thermal and deposited oxide process is also important, as thick thermal oxide puts stress on the wafer causing the wafer to bow. Too little thermal oxidation creates stress induced defects in the silicon. The ratio of thermal oxide to deposited oxide was optimized taking these factors into consideration. Figure 5 -Cross sectional TEM picture after P-epi and thermal treatment for high dose BLN. 358 ASMC 2014 Base line CMOS LDD, and well and Vt adjust implants were used to construct the source side of the transistor. Figure 8 shows the layout parameters which were considered to optimize the device operation. (1) Lg: overlap of the well implant and the poly gate from the source side. (2) Lacc: the overlap of the drain implant and the poly gate from the drain side. (3) Lepi: the space between the drain and source implants. (4) Lsti: the field distance between the isolated drain and the transistor drain edge. (5) Lpov: Poly overlap of field in the drain side. Figure 8 shows a cross section of NLDMOS device. Lg is optimized for low leakage and threshold voltage requirements. Lacc and Lepi are optimized to distance the drain current flow away from the STI interface, in order to reduce the probability of trap formation. Lsti and Lpov are optimized to achieve the operating voltage requirement with minimal impact on RDSON. Figure 6 –Cross-sectional SEM after N-Sinker formation. (a) BLN, high doping (b) BLN, low doping III. DEVICE ARCHITECTURE Lateral NLDMOS and PLDMOS devices were designed based on TCAD simulations. These devices were optimized to maintain the required operating voltage with an appropriate margin for ESD and minimal operating resistance (RDSON). Each device was constructed with additional two-deep implant layers, with the intention to share implants between devices to maintain low wafer cost (Figure 7). Figure 8 – Lateral NDMOS construction Figure 7 – process flow of key steps (NLDMOS and PLDMOS process steps are marked in green and red respectively) A drift layer was placed in the drain area to connect the isolated drain with the transistor gate. A resurf (reduced surface field) layer was constructed underneath the drift layer to balance the charges in the depletion region between the two layers in order to maintain the required breakdown voltage. Figure 9 – SEM cross section of Lateral NDMOS transistor (corresponding to figure 8) 359 ASMC 2014 IV. CMOS PROXIMITY The DTI process may introduce significant stress across the wafer. This stress can be measured in a wafer bow test during the process. DTI stress may also have an affect on devices which are placed in close proximity to DTI pattern. In this work, DTI proximity to transistors was investigated through configuration of large and small DTI pockets. The results of the study showed a parametric shift of PMOS transistors in relation to DTI proximity. A 50mv Vt shift was measured on PMOS transistors, (figure 10a) which were placed in proximity to DTI but had no significant effect for NMOS transistors (figure 10b). As the distance between the transistor and DTI increased, the shift was reduced, but was still noticeable compared to a reference transistor which was placed outside of any DTI proximity. Having this dependence can complicate the modeling of the PMOS transistors and is not desired. Figure 10b – Vt shift due to NMOS transistor proximity to DTI comparing large and small DTI pocket configurations It was found that this problem could be solved by adding patterns of shallow trench isolation in proximity to the tested transistors. This approach reduced the DTI dependence significantly for transistors which were embedded in a large pocket; however, this did not solve the parametric shift of single transistors in small pockets. The single transistor case can be addressed by keeping consistent layout and fixed DTI distance. V. TCAD STRESS STUDY Epi and DTI module processing appear to contribute greatly to final stress distributions across the wafer. Figure 11 demonstrates the stress evolution with the annealing temperature. Temperatures above 1050 C are required to significantly minimize the stress localized in the vicinity of DTI. Reduction of the residual stress is desirable for meeting stringent reliability requirements such as gate oxide integrity. Figure 11 - Silicon stress dependence on annealing temperature Figure 10a – Vt shift due to PMOS transistor proximity to DTI comparing large and small DTI pocket configurations VI. LDMOS DEVICE TARGETS Figure 12 presents the device targets which were achieved for 45V and 70V operations. Figure 13 shows how these devices compare to the figure of merit of similar smart power technologies. 360 ASMC 2014 BVDS (volt) RDSON (mΩ x mm2) VII. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY NLDMOS 45V 55 49 70V 82-90* 95-100 45V 55 130 70V 90 230 This paper discussed the challenges of fabrication of smart power ICs on deep sub-micron CMOS technology. Manufacturability of smart power products relies on the understanding of key device, defectivity and module integration sensitivities. Results demonstrate a strategy for defining manufacturable window for epi processing, BLN doping, device proximity to DTI and defect reduction via stress reduction and process optimization. PLDMOS Figure 12 – DMOS targets for BVDS and RDSON ACKNOWLEDGMENT * NLDMOS 70V device is currently released with 82V BVDS capability, but with further architectural improvement BVDS of 90V can be achieved. The authors would like to thank the ON Semiconductor failure analysis team for providing the cross sections which are described in the paper. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Hao Wang, Abraham Yoo,, H. P. 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