HMADS Science Fair - Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School

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HMADS Newsletter
Spring 2014
SNAW6i Dy.ygadov
HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair
Dedicated in Memory of Dr. Albert Kapikian, Virologist
By Kristen Reed
Scenes from the HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair
Oakland Gardens, NY- The 26th Annual Holy Martyrs Armenian Day
School–HMADS Science Fair 2014- took place from Tuesday, March 11th to
Thursday, March 13th, and it was three days filled with nothing but Science,
Science, and more Science across its many fields.
This year’s Science Fair was dedicated in memory of Dr. Albert
Kapikian, a virologist, who passed away on February 24, 2014 at the age
of 83. Dr. Kapikian was a pioneering virologist at the National Institutes of
Health who discovered norovirus in 1972. In 1967 Dr. Kapikian was
appointed as the former chief of the epidemiology section of the
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a position he held for 45 years. Dr. Kapikian
often was called the father of human gastroenteritis virus research for his
work on improving the understanding and prevention of viral diseases that
affect the gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Kapikian received his medical degree
from Cornell University Medical College in 1956, and his numerous
accomplishments earned him the Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal in 2005, the
Maurice Hilleman/Merck Award of the American Society for Microbiology
in 2011, and the Children’s Vaccine Initiative Pasteur Award, among many
other honors. His father, Mr. Zareh Kapikian a survivor of the Armenian
Genocide, was a staunch believer in Armenian education and considered
the grandfather of HMADS. Students also learned about another loss from
the Science world Grigor Gurzatian, Astrophysicist, who was born in
Baghdad Iraq, of Genocide survivor parents and moved to Armenia, educated in Yerevan and passed away at the age of 91 in Armenia. Both scientists passed away in February of 2014.
On Tuesday March 11th we kicked off the start of the Science Fair with
Ms. Hripsime’s First Graders and Ms. Mayda’s Second Graders singing
“The Water Cycle Song” where we learned about the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Kindergarten, First, and Second
grades then presented their Science Fair Projects. We went “Under the
Sea” with the Kindergarten, traveled through the tropical “Rain Forest”
with the First grade, and went back in time with the Second grade and
walked with “Dinosaurs.”
Our special guest of the day was Pharmacist, Mr. Ted Guekjian, R. Ph.,
a current HMADS parent of Third grader Carolina. Mr. Guekjian taught the
students about the chemistry of soap making, and with the help of his wife,
the students even got to make their own soap to take home with them as
a souvenir. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guekjian!
In the afternoon we played Science Trivia where the students were
Ս.Ն.Ա.Վ-ի 26-րդ Տարեկան Գիտական Շաբաթը
Արդեն 26 տարի է, ինչ Նիւ Եորքի Սրբոց Նահատակաց
ամէնօրեայ վարժարանը կազմակերպում է տարեկան գիտական
շաբաթ, որին մասնակցում են վարժարանի տարբեր դասարանի
սաները, որոնք ցուցադրութեամբ ներկայացնում են իրենց
աշխատանքները։ Դրանցում ընդգրկուած են կենդանական և
բուսական աշխարհի, ծովային բազմազան կենդանիների,
ինչպէս նաև մարդու էվոլուցիոն զարգացման և այլ հետաքրքիր
Գիտական շաբաթին իրենց մասնակցութիւնն էին բերել նաև
ժիւրիի անդամները՝ ամերիկահայ համայնքի ճանաչուած
ինժեներ-գիտնականներ՝ Վահան Թանալը, Արամ Սեթեանը,
Յովհաննէս Մարտիրոսեանը և նոյն վարժարանի նախկին սան
Շանթէ Բաբումեանը։ Գիտական շաբաթի աւարտից յետոյ ժիւրին
ի մի բերեց բոլոր աշխատանքները։
Continued on page 2
Առաջին երեք մրցանակներին արժանացան Մարգարիտ
Սաքարը, Հայկ Փիրմազատեանը և Օլիվիա Ներսիսեանը։
Գիտական շաբաթի միւս մասնակիցները արժանացան
գովասանագրերի։ Օրուայ հանդիսութեանը մասնակցում էին
նաև վարժարանի սաների ծնողներն ու մանկավարժական
Այս տարուայ գիտական շաբաթը, որը տեղի ունեցաւ
մարտի 11-13-ին՝ նՏուիրուած էր հայ անուանի գիտնա-կաններ որոնք մահացան 2014-ի փետրուարին- Ալբերտ Գաբիկեանին և
Գրիգոր Գուրզադեանի յիշատակին։
HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair
Dedicated in Memory of Dr. Albert Kapikian,
Virologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 1-2
Սրբոց Նահատակաց Ամէնօրեայ
Վարժարանի 26-րդ տարեկան Գիտական
Շաբաթը . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 1
Յարգանքի Երեկոյ ՍՆԱՎ-ի Նուիրեալ
Անդամ՝ Արեգ Նշանեանին . . . . . .pg. 2-3
Message from the Principal . . . . . . . . .pg. 4
Nily Rozic Celebrates Accomplishments
of Women Principals Event Honors Women
of Distinction During Women's History
Month - 23 Principals Recognized
for Their Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 4
The Armenian Corner . . . . . . .pg. 5-6 & 18
From the HMADS Mailbox . . . . . . . .pg. 7-8
News From Our Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 8
Photo Collage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 9-12
Nursery, Pre-K & Kindergarten . . . . .pg.13
First Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 13-14
Second Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 14
Third Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 15
Fourth Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 15-16
Fifth Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 16-17
Sixth Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 17-18
HMADS Celebrates Vartanants
& Presidents Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 18
ՀԱՆԴԷՍԸ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 18
In Lieu of Flowers &
General Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 19
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 20
Continued from page 1
divided into the Green Team and the Purple Team, and answered questions which the teachers presented them with. Even though the Purple Team won by only 5 points, in the end, all the students
were and are winners because they have made us all proud for being young scientists eager to learn.
On Wednesday, March 12th the students had the chance to dress up as their Favorite Scientist
and present themselves, telling us who they chose, why they chose that person, and what that person is known for. Our special guest of the day was Dr. Mary Grigoratos, Orthodontist, our sixth grade
teacher Ms. Christina’s sister. Dr. Grigoratos was presented with many questions from the students,
and expanded their knowledge with her answers. Thank you Dr. Grigoratos.
On Thursday, the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth graders presented their Science Fair Projects. We
learned about “Endangered Animals” with the Third grade, traveled through the Human Body and
learned about the “Organ Systems” with the Fourth grade, experimented with “The Scientific
Method” with the Fifth grade, and learned about “Cells” with the Sixth grade.
In the afternoon our special guests arrived; our principal extended special thanks to all of them
as she introduced them: Mr. Vahan Tanal, P.E., AESA, NY-NJ Section’s Chairman of the Mentoring
Committee, and a former parent, Mr. Aram Setian, Physics / MBA, President of AESA, NY-NJ branch
and Project Manager Engineering and Quality Media Support, Mercedes Benz- USA, Mr. Hovhannes
Mardirossian, Nuclear Physicist, Vice President of AESA, NY-NJ branch and Chairman of Technology
and Education, and Ms. Shaunte’ Baboumian – HMADS class of ‘99, a graduate student at Columbia
University. Also joining the Science Assembly were: Mr. Robert Karapetian, a veteran photographer
and Mrs. Kariné Kocharyan, the president of the VOA, Armenian TV.
Mr. Hovhannes Mardirossian with the help of a Power Point Presentation explained the use of
LASER to the students. LASER stands for: L- light, A- amplification, S- stimulated E- emissions of
electromagnet, R- radiation. The students were so excited learning about something new, and
enjoyed the hands on materials that were passed around.
The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth graders participated in the HMADS Invention Center, 2014, and presented their inventions to their classmates, teachers, and special guests. After much debate and contemplation the winners were chosen. In 3rd place was Olivia Nercessian, Fourth Grade with the “Liter
Meter,” in 2nd place was Haig Piramzadian, Fifth Grade with the “Duo Shaker,” and in First Place was
Margaret Sakar, Sixth Grade with the “Home Use Bottle Shredder.”
Thank you to all of our guest speakers and special guests for supporting the HMADS Science
Fair and for expanding the minds of our students. Also special thanks are extended to our students,
teachers, and parents for working together to present such a wonderful week of Science.
Յարգանքի Երեկոյ ՍՆԱՎ-ի Նուիրեալ Անդամ՝
Արեգ Նշանեանին
Editors & Layout Designer:
Zarminé Boghosian
Elizabeth Keusey
Lydia Baghdassarian
Editorial Advisors:
Houri Ghougassian
Maro Jamgotchian
Janet Marcarian
Arc-O-Type Graphics, Inc.
Օքլանտ Կարտընզ- Նիւ Եորք - Ուրբաթ՝ Փետրուար
21, 2014-ի երեկոյեան Սրբոց Նահատակաց Ամէնօրեայ
Վարժարանի –ՍՆԱՎ- հրաւէրով Գալուստեան սրահին
մէջ հաւաքուած էին Արեգ Նշանեան ընտանիքի անդամներն ու բարեկամները, վարժարանին հոգաբարձութեան
անդամները, ՍՆԱՎ-ի Բարեկամներու Յանձնախումբին
անդամները, ուսուցչական կազմը, Հինդլեան Սանուց
Միութեան եւ Պոլսահայ Միութեան ներկայացուցիչները,
միասնաբար գնահատանքի արժանացնելու Տիար Արեգ
Նշանեանին երկարամեայ ծառայութիւնը ՍՆԱՎ-ի
ընտանիքէն ներս:
Արեգ Նշանեան եւ իր ազնուափայլ կողակիցը՝ Հիլտան առաջին անգամ ՍՆԱՎ-ի ընտանիքին ծանօթացան երբ իրենց որդին Ալէնը եւ ապա դուստր՝ Լորին մանկամսուրէն իսկ
աշակերտելու սկսան: Այդ տարիներէն սկսեալ Տէր եւ Տիկին Նշանեանները իրենց գործօն
մասնակցութիւնը բերին վարժարանին մէն մի յանձնախումբին աշխատանքներուն, եւ կը շարունակեն նոյն կորովով զօրավիգ կանգնիլ վարժարանին իւրաքանչիւր ձեռնարկին, հակառակ անոր որ արդէն իրենց զաւակները շատոնց աւարտած, մասնագիտացած եւ իրենց ասպարէզներուն նուիրուած են:
Երեկոն իր հայրական ներկայութեամբ կը պատուէր Միաց. Նահանգներու Արեւելեան
Թեմի Առաջնորդ՝ Բարձրաշնորհ Տ. Խաժակ Արք. Պարսամեան: Պատուոյ սեղանին Առաջնորդ
Սրբազան հօր սեղանակից էին Սրբոց Նահատակաց Եկեղեցւոյ հովիւ՝ Արժ. Տ. Աբրահամ Քհնյ.
Մալխասեան, օրուան մեծարեալ՝ Արեգ Նշանեան եւ իր ազնուափայլ տիկինը՝ Հիլտան,
Continued from page 3
Continued from page 2
Արեգին ծնողքը՝ Պոլսոյ Դպրեվանքէն ներս
իր բազմավաստակ ծառայութեամբ ծանօթ
մանկավարժ, գրաբարագէտ եւ Սրբազան
հօր ուսուցիչ՝ Տօքթ. եւ Տիկին ԱրտաշէսՍիլվա Նշանեանները, մեծարեալ ամոլին
զաւակները՝ Ալէն եւ Լորի Նշանեանները եւ
վարժարանի տնօրէնուհի Տիկ. Զարմինէ
Սրբազան հօր բացման աղօթքէն ետք
Տիկ. Պօղոսեանի հանդիսավարութեամբ
ընթացք առաւ օրուան յայտագիրը: Ան
թուեց բոլոր այն յատկանիշները որոնք
նշուած էին Արեգին հետ գործակցող
ուսուցչական կազմէն եւ յանձնախումբերու
անդամներէն այդ օրուայ մեծարեալին
համար նշանակուած հիւրերու գրքոյկին
մէջ: Արեգը բոլորէն խորապէս գնահատուած անձնաւորութիւն մըն է, եւ ճանչցուած՝ որպէս գործունեայ, նուիրուած,
հաւասարակշռուած, համեստ, ճշդապահ,
հետեւողական ժողովական, եւ հոգատար՝
յատկապէս վարժարանին վերաբերող
հարցերուն նկատմամբ: «Իմ ծանօթիւթիւնս
սկսած է երբ Ալէնը մեր մանկամսուրի
աշակերտ արձանագրուած էր: Անկէ ետք
Արեգ տարիներու իր ծառայութիւնը սկսաւ
ծնողական յանձնախումբին մաս կազմելով:
Տարուէ տարի հասաւ մինչեւ հոգաբարձութեան ատենապետութեան պաշտօնին: Երկու
զաւակները վկայուելով գացին, բայց ՝
վարժարանս կը վարանի աւարտականի
վկայական տալ Արեգին: Այս հաւաքոյթը
մեր բոլորին երախտագիտութեան համեստ
մէկ արտայայտութիւնն է, ձեր պատուական ծնողքին եւ ձեր սիրասուն զաւակներուն ըսելու թէ՝ եթէ անոնք որդիական եւ
զլացուած պահեր ապրած են - տեսնելու թէ
այդ պահերը ո՞ւր եւ ինչպէս արժեւորուած
են, ծառայելու ի փառս հայեցի դաստիարակութեան եւ Հայ Ամէնօրեայ Վարժարանին գոյատեւման»: Տիկին Պօղոսեան
հիւմորով դրուագ մը պատմելով աւելցուց թէ
այս հաւաքը պարզապէս միջնադադար մըն
է, Արեգին անցնող 25 տարուայ ծառայութեան, որպէսզի հանգստեան կոչուելու
գաղափարն անգամ սնուցանելէն հրաժարի,
բոլորովին մտքէն վանէ, եւ նո՛ր եռանդով
շարունակէ իր նուիրումը, որովհետեւ
ՍՆԱՎ-ը շա՛տ պէտք ունի Արեգին եւ
փորձառութեան եւ նուիրումին»:
Սիրոյ եւ գնահատանքի բաժակ բարձրացնելու հրաւէրը տուաւ վարժարանի
հոգաբարձութեան նախկին ատենապետ, եւ
հիմնադիրը՝ ՍՆԱՎ-ի Բարեկամներու հանգանակութեան յանձնախումբին, Տիար
Նուրհան Ատարեան:
Յաջորդաբար գնահատանքի եւ երախտագիտական արտայայտութիւններով ելոյթ
ունեցան Հոգաբարձութեան հաշուապահ եւ
ՍՆԱՎ-ի Բարեկամներու Յանձնախումբին
ատենապետ՝ Պրն. Յովհաննէս Մալիքեանը
եւ վարժարանին ներկայ ծնողներու
անունով՝ Տիկ. Լանա Գազանճեանը:
Տիկին Պօղոսեան յատուկ հպարտութեամբ բեմ հրաւիրեց վարժարանի շրջանաւարտներէն խումբ մը՝ գեղարուեստական
կոկիկ յայտագրով մը իրենց մասնակցութիւնը բերելու այս նշանակալից օրուան, եւ
միաժամանակ ականատես ըլլալու կամաւոր աշխատողներուն բերած ներդրումին եւ
գնահատանքի մէկ արտայայտութեան: Յաջորդաբար ելոյթ ունեցան Նիգոլ Մառք՝ ջութակով եւ Արթիւր Իբէք՝ դաշնակի ընկերակցութեամբ, անոնք հրամցուցին Կոմիտասի «Գարուն ա...» ն: Դալար Յովսէփեան,
որ Տիկին Հիլտայէն դաս կ՛առնէ, դաշնակի
վրայ նուագեց Շումանէն կտոր մը, իսկ Թալին Նիկտէլեան հրամցուց Վահագն Դաւըթեանի «Թէ հրաշքով..» բանաստեղծութիւնը: Գայանէ Ժամկոչեան արտասանեց
Համօ Սահեանի «Մեր Լեզուն» հայերէն եւ իր
իսկ ազատ թարգմանութեամբ անգլերէնով
փոխանցելով Սահեանի պատգամը հայախօս եւ անգլիախօս ներկաներուն:
Արեգ եւ Հիլտա Նշանեաններուն հրաշալի նուէր մըն էր, դարձեա՛լ վարժարանի
շրջանաւարտներէն եւ մեծարեալին զաւակները՝ այժմ գովազդային կալուածէն ներս
մասնագիտացած Ալէնին եւ դեղագործուհի
Լորիին համատեղ աշխատանքով, սահիկներու օգնութեամբ ելոյթը: Ալէն եւ Լորի
փոխն ի փոխ խօսելով իրենց ընտանեկան
առօրեան ներկայացուցին, ծնողքին մանկութենէն սկսեալ, համապատասխան նկարներով պատմեցին անոնց կեանքի ուղիին
մասին, Պոլսոյ Հինդլեանէն մինչեւ Նիւ Եորք
հաստատուիլը 1980-ականի սկիզբներուն:
Արեգ եւ Հիլտայի ծանօթութիւնը սկսած էր
գրասեղաններէն: Կեանքի պայմաններու բերումով
տարբեր ուղիներով շարունակուած էր
իրենց առօրեան եւ տարիներ ետք զիրար
դարձեալ գտնելով, Պոլսոյ մէջ դրոշմուած
սիրոյ բոյնը կը շարուանակուէր ծաղկիլ Նիւ
Եորքի մէջ: Ալէն եւ Լորի հիւմորախառն
գնահատանքով անդրադարձան իրենց
ծնողքին ազգային ծառայութեան եւ երկարամեայ նուիրումին խորութեանը, որուն
թերեւս 90 տոկոսը անպայմանօրէն առընչուած էր դպրոցին վերաբերեալ ժողովներով, կազմակերպչական աշխատանքներով, հեռաձայնային հետապնդումներով:
Եթէ առօրեայի այդ պահերը ժամանակին
իրենց մանուկ հոգիներուն մէջ պարբերաբար ընդվզում կ՛առաջացնէին, ներկայի հասուն մօտեցումով կ՛անդրադառնային այդ
նուիրումին կարեւորութեան:
Վարժարանի հոգաբարձութեան ներկայ համա-ատենապետներ՝ Տիկ. Արփի
Ճանտան եւ Պրն. Եդուարդ Կարապետեան
իրենց գնահատանքի խօսքէն ետք հոգաբարձութեան անունով Արեգին նուիրեցին
Դատախազի Մուրճը – առ ի գնահատանք
Արեգին տարիներու ժողովական եւ ատենապետ ըլլալու հանգամանքով եւ փորձառութեամբ, միշտ ալ ժողովները գործնական
ծիրին մէջ պահպանելու կարողութեան
Մեծարեալ Արեգ Նշանեանին հասած
էր կարգը իր սրտի խօսքը արտայայտելու
օրուան կազմապակերիչ յանձնախումբին,
ծնողքին եւ զաւակներուն:
Արեգ իր շեշտը դրաւ ԸՆՏԱՆԻՔ եւ
ԴՊՐՈՑ համատեղ գործակցութեան: Տօքթ.
Արտաշէս եւ Տիկին Սիլվա Նշանեաններուն
Պոլսահայ կեանքէն ներս եւ Արեգին դէպի
Հինդլեան Նոր Դպրոց առաջնորդող ընտրութիւնը՝ արդէն իսկ իր կեանքին հիմնաքարը ամրապնդած էր: Արեգ իր դպրոցական յուշերէն – Նիւ Եորքի Ֆրանսական
Լիսէէն կամ՝ Նիւ Եորք Համալսարանի օրերէն շատ աւելի, իր մէջ խորապէս արմատաւորուած կը գտնէր նախակրթարանի
գրասեղաններէն իր մէջ սերմանուածը:
Ահա թէ ուրկէ կը բխի Արեգ Նշանեանին ներշնչումն ու նուիրումի հոգին ՀԱՅ
ԴՊՐՈՑԻՆ հանդէպ: Անոր համար է որ գիտակցօրէ՛ն փարած է Նիւ Եորքի միակ
ամէնօրեայ վարժարանին՝ ՍՆԱՎ-ին: Հո՛ս է,
որ իր երկու զաւակներուն առաջին քայլերը
ուղղուեցան, հիմը դրուեցաւ անոնց
ապագայի մասնագիտական կեանքին: Հո՛ս
է, որ նոր սերունդը կը դաստիարակուի,
ազգային գիտակցութեան, լեզուի ու աւանդոյթներու պահպանման գծով կը լիցքաւորուի, եթէ անշուշտ ծնողներ գիտակցաբար իրենց զաւակները առաջնորդեն
դէպի նման վարժարաններ:
Առաջնորդ Սրբազան հայրը իր եզրափակիչ խօսքով բարձր գնահատեց Ալէնին եւ
Լորիին ելոյթը, իրենց ծնողքին ազգային եւ
ընտանեկան կեանքը շաղախող առօրեան
հրամցնելուն համար: Սրբազան Հայրը
շնորհաւորեց Արեգն ու Հիլտան, Տօքթ. Արտաշէս Նշանեան ընտանիքը եւ ՍՆԱՎ-ի
ընտանիքը, որոնք նման որակաւոր յայտագրով կը մեծարէին ու բարձր կը գնահատէին կամաւոր, նուիրեալ անդամներուն
արժէքներն ու զոհողութիւնը:
Տէր Աբրահամ Քհնյ. Մալխասեանի
Պահպանիչով իր աւարտին հասաւ
երեկոյեան պաշտօնական մասը, որուն
յաջորդեց կարկանդակի հատումը:
ճաշակաւոր սեղանին վրայ շռայլօրէն
տրամադրուած համադամ ուտելիքներով:
գլխաւորութեամբ՝ Մարօ Ժամկոչեանին եւ Նայտա
Ոսկերիչեանին ջանք չէին խնայած աչքի ու
ստամոքսի վայելք ապահովող ախորժաբեր
սեղանով մը գրաւելու հիւրերուն ուշադրութիւնը:
Երեկոն շարունակուեցաւ յիշատակի
նկարներով հարստացնելու արխիւները եւ
փոխադարձ գնահատանքի խօսքերով շնորհաւորելու օրուան մեծարեալ՝ Նշանեան
Հաղորդագրութիւն՝ ՍՆԱՎ-ի Գրասենեակէն
21 Փետրուար, 2014
Օքլընտ Կարտընզ, Նիւ Եորք
Message From the Principal ~ Dn0renovhiin Crasy.anen
April 1, 2014
We just left a harsh winter behind us, and are looking forward to
a beautiful spring with lots of green on our trees and flowers in our
gardens, all very well nourished from the winter snow…
Many special events went by since our December Christmas
Hantes. Snow didn’t deter us from celebrating Vartanants Day and
Presidents’ Day. We counted with Kindergarten and 1st grade students the 100 days of school. The 5th & 6th grade students participated in the Armenian Essay Contest sponsored by ARS.
Another exceptionally learning experience for our students is the
HMADS Annual Science Fair. We dedicated the HMADS 26th Annual
Science Fair to the memory of Dr. Albert Zaven Kapikian, (83) a virologist, who passed away on Feb. 24, 2014, in Washington DC. His
father Zareh Kapikian- a genocide survivor from Sepasdia- was the
Grandfather of our school and staunch supporter of Armenian education. Students learned not only about Dr. Kapikian, but also about
another genius in his own world. Born in Baghdad, moved to
Armenia in his youth; the world- wide renowned Armenian
Astrophysicist Dr. Grigor Gurzatyan, passed away in Armenia, at the
age of 91.
The HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair proved to be just another
mind opening, creative learning experience. I would like to salute and
congratulate all of our students and teachers for their excellent work!
Special appreciation and gratitude goes to the representatives of
AESA, Inc.- Vahan Tanal, Aram Setian, Hovhannes Mardirossian and
our own graduate Ms. Shaunte Baboumian for their encouraging
presence and presenting certificates to each student who had an
entry in the Invention Center.
We are just one year away from the centennial of a horrific historic event: the Armenian Genocide! Armenians all over the world
commemorate April 24, 1915 in various fashions. Please follow the
community calendar and participate to special events with your children.
” The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad
people; but because of the silence of good people.“
Ապրիլ 1, 2014
Սիրելի ՍՆԱՎ-ի Ընտանիք,
Խիստ ձմրան հրաժեշտ տալով գունազարդ
կարօտով պատրաստ ենք դիմաւորելու Ս.Զատիկ-Ս. Յարութեան
Գիտական Շաբթուայ ճոխ գիտելիքներով հարստացած
Մարտ ամսուն ալ հրաժեշտ տուինք պատրաստուելու համար
պետական քննութիւններուն:
ՍՆԱՎ–ի Գիտական Շաբթուան տարուէ տարի աւելի եւս
փայլուն յաջողութիւնը կը պարտինք դպրոց տուն, ծնողք-ուսուցիչ
անփոխարինելի համագործակցութեան որ մեծապէս գնահատելի
եւ շնորհաւորելի: Երրորդ տարին
ըլլալով ՆԵ-ՆՃ Հայ
գիտնականներու խումբը դարձեալ ներկայ եղաւ որպէս
դատակազմ եւ իւրաքանչիւր «Փոքրիկ Գիւտարարին» յանձնեցին
վկայագիր մը:
Ապրիլեան ծաղկող բնութեան եւ Հրաշափառ Յարութեան
հետ վերածնունդի տեսիլքով՝ յիշենք մեր սեմին հասած եղեռնի
100-ամեակը պատշաճ տեսլականով:
Ներշնչենք եւ առաջնորդենք մեր զաւակները վերածնունդի
գաղափարով շեշտը դնելով մարդկութեան բերած ներդրումին
Այս տարուայ գարնանային համերգը կը նուիրենք մեր մեծհայրերուն եւ մեծ մայրերուն որ տեղի պիտի ունենայ Մայիս
ամսուն սկիզբը: Տես մեր օրացոյցը:
Կրկին բոլորին կը մաղթենք ջինջ ու պայծառ օրեր,
վերանորոգուած ոգիով եւ յարատեւ կամքով մեր զաւակները
առաջնորդելու դէպի բարին ու օգտակարը եւ մանաւանդ
վերապրեցնելու մեր նահատակներուն յիշատակը:
Ձեր բոլորին կը մաղթենք`
Քրիստոս Յարեաւ ի Մեռելոց
Օրհնեալ է Յարութիւնն Քրիստոսի
Լաւագոյն Մաղթանքներով՝
Զարմինէ Պօղոսեան, Տնօրէնուհի
Nily Rozic Celebrates Accomplishments of Women Principals
Event Honors Women of Distinction During Women's History Month
23 Principals Recognized for Their Work
Queens, NY—In celebration of Women's History Month, Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (D,WFFresh Meadows) honored women principals of private and public schools across her district.
Twenty-three Women of Distinction were celebrated for their leadership and service to the community. “In today's world where women are discriminated against in the workforce and are rarely
represented in positions of power, it is important to recognize those that are blazing trails and
enriching our community,” said Assemblywoman Rozic. “Our women of distinction--female principals from across my district--represent a diverse cross-section of our community who ensure
that our students have a quality education each and every day.”
Principal Zarminé Boghosian of the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School said, “On behalf of my
Assembly Woman Nily Rozic
female colleagues, I feel grateful and honored that we, as educators are remembered by Assembly
with Principals of the District
woman Rozic on this very special occasion. We are so busy with our daily lives within the walls of
our schools that it took an insightful, caring female representative to recognize the importance of our work and input for which I am immensely grateful.”
Assemblywoman Rozic is the youngest woman serving in the state legislature. She is a co-sponsor of the Women’s Equality Act to ensure equity in
the workplace.
The Armenian Corner
Lovryr Digin S0siin ?a.gox6Mangamsovren
Yrgov,ap;i` 16 Tygd7, 20136in SNAW6i ‘okrignyrovn bad6
rasda/` Nor Darova3 yv Sovrp ?novnti hantesu5 yrcyrow yv odana6
vornyrow qantawa-yxin nyrganyru1 #ovnovar amsova3 un;axkin
sgsank sorwil 44Ini6i`` da-u yv a3t da-u barovnago. yv a3t da-ow
sgso. pa-yr1 Covnavorylow5 yrcyrow yv q0sylawar=ov;yamp sorwyxank
2yvyru5 ;ivyru5 ,ap;ovan 0ryru5 amisnyru yv darin1
Amen 0r gu gartank cirk mu yv amen meg ‘okrig a-i;u g`ovnyna3
xo3x dalov yv paxadrylov ir sira/ masu5 z0raxnylov hamar
q0sylawar=ov;ivnu or ,ad garyvor masnign e ha3yxi tasdiara6
gov;yan1 Sorwyxan Ah-amo.ezi –(Dinosaur) masin yrgov lyzovnyrow1
“ydrovar amsova3 un;axkin sorwyxan 44Re`` da-u1 Sorwyxank yv
d0nyxink Ka]n Wartan Mamigonyani masin covnavorylow5 yrcyrow yv
44Wartananx`` odanavorow1 Sorwyxan Povn Parygyntani masin covna6
vorylow timagnyr1 Sorwyxan Naqacahnyrov D0nin masin covnavorylow
naqacahnyrov temkyr yv sorwylow myr a-a]in naqacahin anovnu1
Covnavoryxin sirdyr or noviryn irynx ma3ryrovn yv usyn 44Ovraq
Ma3ryrov )r``1 “okrignyru sgsan gartal5 crko3gnyr dovn danylow yv
tasungyr6tasungyrovhinyrovn1 Anonk arten gu jan[nan irynx anovn6
nyru crova/ qavakardyrov wra3 yv gu grgnyn irynx maganovnnyru1
<ad mu ‘okrignyr arten grnan cryl irynx anovnnyru1
Mard amsova3 un;axkin sgsank sorwil 44Gen`` da-u1 Ampo.6
]axovxink ;ovan,annyrov cirku1 Covnavoryxin yv gartaxin 44Tbroxin
Me]`` crko3gu1 Cidagan <ap;ova3 un;axkin po.po] yv gogon tasa6
rannyrov ‘okrignyru hajo3kow nyrga3axovxin 44Acaragi Gyntaninyr``
u1 Dov’yrow ,inyxink yv nyrgyxink o[qar5 2i5 gow yv qoz1 Covnavoryle
ydk o[qarnyrovn wra3 meg a- meg ‘agxovxin povrtyru1 Badrasdyxin
cirkyr yrgov lyzovnyrow acaragi gyntaninyrov badgyrnyrow1 A3=m
hasank a3s dary,r]ani amynazpa. ,r]anu7 ,ovdow bidi sorwink
?a.gazarti yv Sovrp Zadigi masin badmova/knyrow yv 2y-a3in
Lovryr Dig7 Ani Manovelyanin Tasabahyren
Nor darova3 ar2agovrten ydk 2014 ;ovaganu sgsank nor
3o3syrow yv my/ qantawa-ov;yamp1 #ovnovar yv “ydrovar amisnyrov
un;axkin myr a,agyrdnyru sorwyxan Parygyntani5 Ka] Wartani5
Amyrigyan naqacahnyrov yv Siro3 0rova3 masin1 Anonk irynx tasy6
rov go.kin c/yxin5 covnavoryxin5 gartaxin yv sorwyxan odanavor6
nyr ov yrcyr hantes calow “ydrovar 246i Wartananx yv Naqa6
cahnyrov d0nyrov adynamarzankin ardasanylow (Mangabardez6
8Ka]n Wartan9 yv 8Parygyntan95 a-a]in 6 8Wartan Myr Ka]
Z0ravar95 yrgrort 8Ka]n Wartan Mamigonyan9)1
:yvagoqylow Mard amisu5 badrasdovyxank SNAW6i Darygan
Cidagan <ap;ovan5 or ,ad my/ qantawa-ov;ivn sdy./yx a,a6
gyrdnyrovn m0d1 Hajyli er dysnyl d.ox xovxapyra/ hydakrkrov;ivnu
sorwylov hamar cidagan anovnnyrovn ha3yrenu1 Cide|k in[ g4usynk fossil-in ha3yren7 caxek yv harxovxek yrgrort tasarani a,agyrdnyrovn
ov bidi sdanak badasqanu pra/o37 isg y;e g4ovzek cidnal octopusin ha3yrenu 2yzi bidi badasqanyn mangabardezi a,agyrdnyru
ov;nodn usylow1
2013-2014 dary,r]anu ir avardin [hasa/ d.aku gu badras6
dovin 2yzi nyrga3axnylov Yra=,dagan Yrygo3 mu Abril amsovn yv
amawyr]i hantesin1
Mangabardezi a,agyrdnyru arten sgsa/ yn gartal naqa6
tasov;ivnnyr (wyr]in cirken) yv ,ovdow bidi sgsin darywyr]i han6
tesi badrasdov;yan1
Lovryr` Dig7 Hovri >ovgasyanin Tasabahyren
Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aranu ‘agyx 2013 darin
Ga.anti hantesow1 Hantesi badrasdov;ivnu5 or gu sgsi pavagan
Myr A,agyrdnyru Gu Cryn
ganovq5 arten gu ;ylatre a,qadanka3in m;nolordi darpyr un;axk
mu1 Isg yrp isgagan hantesin 0ru gov ca35 yryqanyrovn my/amas6
nov;ivnu badrasd e pym par2ranalov yv paxa3a3dylov pymagan
SNAW6i Ga.anti hantesu dy.i ovnyxav Tygdympyr !^6in5 Srpox
Nahadagax ygy.yxvo3 srahin me]5 =amu &1#)6in1 #a3dacri a-a]in
pa=inu 3adgaxova/ er ?a.goxin yv Mangabardezin1 Tr0,agi
araro.ov;ynen5 Dn0renovhiin Pari Calovsdi q0sken yv Der
Aprahamin paxman 0rhnov;ynen ydk5 yryqanyru yrcyxin5 baryxin yv
qmpowin ardasanyxin1 Anonx 3a]ortyxin5 A-a]in yv 26rt tasa6
rannyrov a,agyrdnyru5 oronk nyrga3axovxin 8Amynen “okrig Ga.an6
ti ?a-u9 anclyren1 Qa.i avardin5 36rt tasarani a,agyrdnyru
miaxan 26rt yv A-a]in tasarannyrovn ‘agylov hamar 3a3dacrin a6
-a]in pa=inu qmpagan yrcyrow yv ardasanov;ivnow1
#a3dacri yrgrort pa=inin masin Emma Calsdyanu gu cre7 8$6rt
yv %6rt tasarannyru nyrga3axovxin Mowses Qorynaxii gyanku5 orovn
3a]ortyx anclyren qa. mu %6rt yv ^6rt tasarannyrov
nyrga3axova/5 8?nntyan D0nin Irav Imasdu9 wyrnacrow7 a3t
nyrga3axovmin ungyraxan anclyren kani mu yrcyr1 Yrp 3a3daciru gu
wyr]anar5 ^6rt tasarani a,agyrdnyru ardasanyxin 8Ga.anti
Irigovn9 odanavoru5 3ydo3 pym par2raxan $6rt yv %6rt tasaranny6
rov a,agyrdnyru yv yrcyxin Qorhovrt My/5 Jracalo3xi yv Ga.anti
Yrcyr` Dgn7 Anahid B0.osyanin .ygawarov;yamp yv Dgn7 Novart
Dadovryanin ta,nagi ungyragxov;yamp1 Yrp 3a3daciru wyr]axav5
Ga.ant Baban ygav yv polor a,agyrdnyrovn nover pa=nyx5 gyrank
ka.xry.ennyr yv polors ovraq caxink dovn91
#ovnovar %6in5 S7 ?nntyan Q;man yrygo3yan5 myr a,agyrd6
nyren ,adyr ygan ygy.yxi yv Sovrp Cra3in un;yrxovmnyr gadaryxin
in[bes nayv miaxan Ygy.yxvo3 Grdsyr Tbrax Tasin Badaraci
yrcyxo.ov;yan7 anor 3a]ortyx SNAW6i /no.nyrovn badrasdova/ undanygan Q;man hivrasirov;ivnu Calovsdyan Srahin me]1
?novnti tataren ydk5 2ivni badja-ow tbroxagan 0ryrov 3ajaqagi
tatarnyru qancaryxin a,qadanka3in m;nolordu5 pa3x a3t polorow
hantyr2 ovsovxi[nyru ’or2yxin bahyl irynx =ama6 nagaxo3xu1
Ha3yreni tasabahyrovn5 a-avylapar a,qadyxank kyraganov;yan yv
,arahivsov;yan wra31 A3sdy. gov dank meg6yrgov nmov, 36rt yv $6rt
tasarannyrov a,agyrdnyrovn crov;ivnnyren1
<aratrov;yan niv;n er` 8A-dov mu paxi badovhans yv
Ha3g A-akylyan5 36rt Tasaranen gu cre6
“okrig Jovdigu
8A-dov mu paxi badovhans yv dysa3 jovdig mu7 gar/ys an
gorsnxovxyr er ir hav ma3rigu1 Wazyxi anor m0d5 ,ad zarmaxa3 yrp
an sgsav ,ovni nman ha]yl1 P-nyxi jovdigu yv dari dovn1 #a]ort 0ru
,ad6,ad zarmaxa3 yrp dysa35 or an tar2yr er ’okrig5 cy.yxig
,ovnig mu19
Geri Baron5 $6rt Tasaranen gu cre6
8A-dov mu paxi badovhans yv dysa3 nor , ;a’a/ ein
ma3;in wra31 #angar/ dysa3 ;-[ovn mu5 or i]av ji,t ,a.aqin me]1
An gu ‘or2er tovrs cal7 dysa3 in[bes ;yvyru gu ,ar=er yv gu ‘or6
2er ;-[il5 pa3x odkyru gu mna3in ,a.aqin me]1Tovrs yga3 yv ;-[ov6
nin m0dyxa37 a-a] odkyren p-nyxi yv ka,yxi tovrs7 3ydo3 ;-[ovnu pyri
dovn5 gyragryxi5 qa.xa3 hydu5 na3yxa3 iryn yv ,o3yxi1
A3t 0r oro,yxi ;-[ovnu bahyl1 Ha3rigis usi5 or pyrynk my/ wan6
tag mu yv ;-[ovnu myzi bahynk19
“ydrovar amisu qorhrtani, e Wartananxi cry;e polor ha3
war=arannyrovn hamar1 SNAW6i a,agyrdnyru yvs a3t a-i;ow hantes
ygan Wartananx badyrazmi niv;u nyrga3axnylow5 in[bes nayv
antrata-nalow Miax7 Nahancnyrov Naqacahnyrov D0nin1
Wartananx d0nin a-i;ow tbroxu gazmagyrbyx adynamarzank5
orovn nbadagn er5 ‘oqanxyl dy.ygov;ivnnyr a3t jagadamardin
Continued on page 6
Armenian Continued from page 5
masin tasacirkyru meg go.m 2cylow1
Q0sagxov;ivnnyrov jampow a,agyrdnyru ha6
.ortyxin Wartananx badyrazmin bad6
ja-nyru yv avardyxin Wahan Mamigonyani
ga-awari[ n,anagovylow ov Novarsagi ta,6
Mard amsovan 8Cidagan <apa;96i
badrasdov;ivnnyru sgsan7 Mard amisu
SNAW6i hamar qantawa-ov;yan nor ,r]an
e1 Tasarana3in cidagan tasyrov go.kin5
a,agyrdnyru gu wyrxnyn qmpagan gam an6
hadagan /racirnyr5 gu badrasdyn xov6
xadaqdagnyr yv 2y-a3in a,qadanknyr
nyrga3axnylov hamar oro,ova/ niv;yru1 A3s
dari` !)6!$ Mardi ,apa;u dy.i ovnyxav
8SNAW6i 266rt Darygan Cidagan <apa6
;9u5 ygy.yxvo3 srahin me]1
A3s darovan wyrin garcyrov tasara6
na3in /racirnyrn ein` Martagazmov;ivn 6
$6rt tasaran5Cidagan My;odapanov;ivn
6%6rt tasaran yv Martga3in5 Gyntanagan
yv Povsagan darryrov P]i]a3in gazmov;ivnu
6^6rt tasaran1
Cidagan a,qadanknyrov un;axkin
a,agyrdnyru gu sorwin nor pa-yr5 harxyrov
m0dyxovmi darpyr 2yvyr yv 2y-k gu pyryn hanrov;yan
timax pyranaxi arda3a3dovylov war=ov;ivn5
garynal badmylov irynx sorwa/u am’o’ yv
tasavorova/ 2yvow1
A3t ,ap;ovan garyvor 0ryren megu gu
ta-na3 a3n 0ru` yrp a,agyrdnyru gu hava6
kovin srah sgsylov cidagan ba,ari mrxov6
mu1 Tbroxin a,agyrdnyru sgsylow Manga6
bardezen5 gu pa=novin yrgov qovmpi yv gu
badasqanyn irynx tasarannyrovn 3adovg
harxovmnyrov7 mrxovmu g\avardi ha3yren ci6
dagan harxovmnyrow yv crylow !) cidagan
ha3yren yv anclyren pa-yr1 A3s dari mrxa6
gix qovmpyrn ein Mani,agaco3n yv Gana[
qovmpyru yv777 Mani,agaco3nu 3a.;yx1
No3n ,ap;ovan garyvor a,qadanknyren
megn e nayv5 pyryl norov;ivn cidagan mar6
zin me] 6 SNAW6i Civdyrov sy.anin1
Tasarana3in a,qadanknyrovn go.kin a,a6
gyrdyrovn azad gamkin 2cova/ e pyryl ci6
dagan norov;ivn mu gam` yrgov yv nyrga6
3axnylov oro,ova/ 0ru a,agyrdnyrovn yv
/no.nyrovn1 Wyr]in darinyrovn a3s cida6
gan hnarknyrov nyrga3axman 0ru nyrga3
g\ullan nayv tadagazm mu1 A3s tada6
gazmin antamnyru pa.gaxa/ yn masnaced6
nyre5 oronk gamavor gov can lsylov yv dys6
nylov myr bzdig civdararnyrovn cor/yru1
Nyrga3axovmnyrovn avardin5 anonk g\oro,yn
;e amynahydakrkragan civdu o|r megn e yv
gu ;ylatryn ,ovga3 cdnylov cor/nagan a-a6
]in ka3lyru1 A3s dari 3–rt dy.u cravyx
)liwia Nyrsesyan5 46rt tasaranen5 26rt
hantisaxav Ha3g “iramzadyanu556rt
ar=anaxav ^6rt tasaranen Margre;
Sakaru5 orovn civdn er dovnyrov hamar
badrasdova/ wyram,agovmi mykyna3 mu5 or
3adovg e 8‘las;ik9 a-arganyrov7 a3t my6
kynan ,ad gu nmani a.pamani5 pa3x mia3n
8‘las;ik9 a-arganyr grna3 ,yrdyl1
Ha3 )cnov;yan Qa[u a3s dari Mard
amsovan hamar gazmagyrba/ er <aratrov6
;yan mrxo3; mu Aryvylyan A’i ha3 a,a6
gyrdnyrovn hamar1 Myr tbroxu yvs mas6
nagxyxav a3s mrxo3;in1 <aratrov;yan niv;n
8Y;e a-i; ovnynas a3s
amaHa3asdan a3xylylov5 o|r badmagan wa3ru
bidi ‘a’akis a3xylyl yv in[o|v91 Sdoryv
govdank ^6rt tasarani a,agyrdnyrovn
Aren A-akylyanu gu cre76
Y;e Ha3asdan a3xylym5 gu ‘a’akim a6
-a] ?i/y-nagapyrt yr;al1 Ys lsa/ ym5 or
?i/y-nagapyrtu ,ad a3xylovnyr g\ovnyna3
Ha3asdani me]1 ?i/y-nagapyrtu gu cdnovi
Yryvani m0d plovri mu wra35 Hraztan cydi
m0d1 A3s 3ov,ar2anu ,inova/ e !(^^6in so6
wydagan darinyrovn1 ?i/y-nagapyrti ,i6
nov;ivnu ampo.]axa/ e !(^& No3ympyrin7anor
:arqanyan5 S7 Kala,yan
yv ngari[
)wanes Qa[adovryan1
Ys ?i/y-nagapyrtu undryxi5 orowhy6
dyv ,ad badmov;ivn ga3 anor masin yv a3t
badmov;ivnu ,ad garyvor badmov;ivn mun e1
206rt taru ,ad wad yv dqovr tar mun er
ha3yrovn hamar1 Megovges milion ha3 my-av
!(!%i Xy.asbanov;ivnyan ,r]anin1 Amen
dari5 Abril 246in5 harivravor gam ha6
zaravor ha3yr g\a3xylyn ?i/y-nagapyrtu yv
gu havakovin ,ovr]u5 orowhydyv g\ovzyn 3i,yl
myr nahadagnyru5 polor a3n ha3yru5 oronk
my-an Xy.asbanov;yan un;axkin1
Nicol Isa.0lyanu gu cre76
Y;e Ha3asdan a3xylym5 gu ‘a’akim a6
-a] Mysrob Ma,doxi Madynataranu
yr;al1 A3s Madynataranu5 or gu cdnovi
Yryvani me]5 an Marc Giragosyani c/a6
crov;yan artivnkn e5 ,inova/` !(%(6in1
Madynatarani asdijannyrovn ji,t go.6
kin5 gu cdnovi myr ha3yren a3povpynu sdy.6
/ ar2anu5 Mysrob Ma,doxin7 ir ar6
2anin a-]yv5 /ovngi yga/ e ir a-a]in
a,agyrdu` Gorivn1 Mysrob Ma,doxi ar2a6
nin ydyvu` ha3yren a3povpynu bazal;i wra3
‘oracrova/ e1 Madynatarani tran m0d
ga3 :oros _oslinin5 Mowses Qorynaxiin5
Cricor Da;yvaxiin5 Anania <iragaxiin5
Mqi;ar C0,i yv Frigi ar2annyru1 Mady6
nataranin me] gan hazaravor cirkyr5
oronk gu ngaracryn myr m,ago3;u5 azcu yv
<ad badja-nyr gan ;e in[o|v ys
Madynataranu undryxi1 Amynagaryvor
badja-n a3n e5 or an gu qorhrtan,e ;e ys
o|w ym ipr ha31 Hon e or ha3yrovn taryrov
cidov;ivnu gu havakovi5 hon e nayv or abahow
gu bahovin a3t can2yru5 orbeszi in/i bes
a,agyrdnyr garynan yr;al5 a3xylyl yv avyli
lav jan[nal ha3 m,ago3;u1
Margre; Sakaru gu cre76
Y;e Ha3asdan a3xylym ,ad bidi ovzym
a-a]in ancam a3xylyl Qor Wirabu1 Qor
Wirabu a3n dy.n e5 ovr Cricor Lovsavori[u
pandargova/ er1 Min[yv a3s0r martig tygu mdnyn Qor Wirab7 an gu cdnovi Ara6
radyan Ta,din me]5 :ovrkio3 sahmanin
m0d7 ovni ^ my;r qorov;ivn yv $7$ my;r
la3nk1 A-a]5 Qor Wirabu lyxovn y.a/ e
02yrow yv mi]adnyrow1 Ys g\ovzei Qor Wi6
rabu dysnyl orowhydyv im amynasira/ Ha3ox
Badmov;yan tass hon badaha/ e1 Cricor
Lovsavori[i badmov;ivnu dy.i g\ovnyna3 hon5
yrp Drtad :acavor Cricorin g\use5 or
a.0;e asdova/nyrovn yv Cricor gu myr=e1
Cricoru krisdonya3 er isg Drtadu hy;anos1
Drtad ;acavor gu pargana31 Avylin` yrp
Drtad gu cidna35 or Cricorin ha3ru5
Anagu5 sbanna/ e ha3ru5 Drtad Qor
Wirab gu nyde Cricoru1 13 dari ydk
Qosrowitovqd5 Drtadi ko3ru5 tovrs gu hane
Cricoru Qor Wiraben yv gu dani Drtad
;acavorin m0d1 Drtadu hivant er yv
dar0rinag panyr g\uner1 Cricoru gu pov=e
Drtadu yv Drtad gu sgsi havadal #isovsin
yv gu 3a3darare krisdoneov;ivnu Ha3asdani
nor gr0nk1
Ys yrpyk [ym caxa/ Ha3asdan5 pa3x
y;e yr;am5 anba3man Qor Wirab bidi
a3xylym1 Ys g\ovzym dysnyl in[bes Cricor
Lovsavori[u hon mnaxa/ e 13 dari1 Ys an6
ba3man g\ovzym Ha3asdan yr;al1
Alisia Morjigyanin undra/ wa3ru`
Cava- ka.akn e5
;eyv badmagan0ren 3a3dni wa3r mu [e5
pa3x ^6rt tasarani Alisia3in ovnyxa/
dy.ygov;ivnnyru yv hon darova/ a,qadankin
cidagxov;ivnu` myz ,ad g\ovraqaxnyn1 A3s
crov;ivnu ir me] ovni cy.yxig badcam mu
Ha3asdanen tovrs abro. ha3 yryqanyrovn yv
irynx undaniknyrovn1
Y;e Ha3asdan a3xylym5 ,ad bidi ovzym
a-a]in ancam a3xylyl Cava- ka.aku yv
tbroxu1 Cava- ka.aku gu cdnovi
Cy.arkovniki Marzin me]7 an nayv
Cy.arkovnik Marzin ma3raka.akn e1 !(6rt
tarovn Cava-u gu go[over Nor Ba3aze;7
sowydagan ,r]anin gu go[over Gam05 isg
!((^6in anovnu y.av Cava-1
Cava-u m0d e Noradovz ka.akin1 Y;e
inkna,ar=ow yr;ank5 Yryvanen min[yv Cavamia3n meg ov ges =am g\a-ne1 Cava-u gu
cdnovi ly-nyrov me]5 pnag[ov;ivnu` 225)))
mart1 Ba3aze;en martig hon yga/ yn yv
anonk himna/ yn a3s ka.aku1
A3s ka.akin tbroxu5 or no3n anovnu
ovni5 tbrox mun e angar yv ;yraj d.ox yv
a.]ignyrovn hamar7 irynx dariknyru ^6en
min[yv !$ yn1 Tbroxi yryqanyrovn ;ivu ^% e1
A3s tbroxin me] a,agyrdnyru gu sorwin
unthanovr cidyliknyr5 nayv darpyr arhysd6
nyr5 in[bes` g0,ig ,inyl5 garyl5 daqdagi
cor/5 2y-acor/ yv arovysd1 Tbroxin me]
ovnin synyagnyr sorwylov a3s arhysdnyru5
ba-gylov dy.5 marzanki dy.5 ja,asrah yv
Qovmp mu ha3yr Niv Yorken g\ovzyn 0cnyl
Cava- tbroxin7 anonk ovnin 3an2naqovmp7
my/ ha3rs antam e a3t 3an2naqovmpin1 Amen
dari tramahavak gu gadaryn darpyr
panyrov hamar5 0cnylov Cava- tbroxin1
Wyr]yrs havakyxin 20 hazar dolar tbrox6
Continued on page 18
Myr Namagadov‘en
January 13, 2014
To My Dearest Mrs. Boghosian,
To the best principal and number one
in New York
God Bless you, love you and keep you,
Respectfully, Mrs. Lydia Hatchoyangrandmother of Christine & Ann Marcarian
Tuesday, December 17, 2013 4:02 AM Յարգելի Տկն. Զարմինէ,
Շնորհակալութեամբ ստացանք եւ ուրախութեամբ կարդացինք
ձեր ղրկած շնորհաւորական նամակը եւ նաեւ ձեր կողմէ
պատրաստուած վարժարանի խմբանկարով շնորհաւորական
քարթը, որ շատ սիրուն էր… Մենք ալ նոյնպէս կը
փոխադարձենք ձեր մաղթանքները, ձեր գլխաւորութեամբ
վարժարանի բոլոր ուսուցչաց կազմին եւ շա՜տ անուշիկ,
սիրունիկ աշակերտութեան։ Կրկին Երջանիկ եւ առողջ, յաջող
տարիներ կը մաղթենք։
Պոլսոյ Ուսուցչաց Հիմնարկ
Dec. 12, 2013
Dear Mrs. Boghosian
I would like to thank you for your wonderful “Mothers Tea” gathering. It was
a pleasure to join all the mothers and be amongst the presence of these
wonderful ladies. Please accept the enclosed check as a token of appreciation for the wonderful work that you are doing for the school.
Best wishes, Rachel Guirag
Dec. 26, 2013, Washington, DC
Սիրելի Զարմինէ ,
Կը շնորհաւորենք, կը գնահատենք եւ բարի մաղթանքներով
յաջողութիւն կը մաղթենք ձեր եւ դպրոցի անձնակազմին եւ
հոգաբարձութեան ազգօգուտ եւ հայրենանուէր գործունէութեան:
Աղօթարար՝ Տէր Վրթանէս Աւագ Քհնյ., եւ Երէցկին
Անահիտ Գալայճեան
Dear Zarminé,
May the true spirit of Christmas bring you Peace and Happiness and continuous progress in the service of Armenian Culture and Identity.
With love and prayers, Fr. Vertanes & Yeretsgin Anahid Kalayjian
So proud to be a part of HMADS school. The friendships built, the knowledge enforced, the confidence instilled in our children is incomparable. One
of the best decisions we made to send our kids to this school. Thank You,
teachers and staff for all that you do and here is to another great year.
Lilit Piramzadian- January 7, 2014
Dear Mrs. Boghosian,
The enclosed check of $500.00 is my contribution to the school in memory
of Dr. Allbert Z. Kapikian who recently passed away. Dr. Kapikian was my
classmate at Queens College, as we graduated together in June of 1952 in
the presence of our caring families and our mutual friend and mentor, the
very Rev. Fr. Torkom Manoogian. Dr. Zaven was a pioneer in medical
research and it was a very wise decision to dedicate this year’s HMADS
Science Fair to his memory.
May his soul rest in peace! Sincerely yours, Mary Selvinazian
Thank you Digin Boghosian,
It is indeed a pleasure for me to attend the HMADS Science Fair every year.
I can imagine all the hard work that the students, the teachers, administrators and most importantly you do in organizing this very worthwhile
event.Congratulations to you all, and thanks again for making us part of the
HMADS Family.
All the best, Vahan Tanal
Իրապէս տպաւորուած եմ, նոյնիսկ շատ մը բառերուն հայերէնը
չէի գիտեր: Ապրիք տղաք: Վարձքերնիդ կատար ուսուցչուհիներ:
Շնորհակալութիւն՝ Տկն. Մարի Եագուպեան
Կը քաջալերեմ այս գեղեցիկ, ուսուցանող եւ տպաւորիչ ձեռնարկը: Յաջողութիւն եւ յարատեւութիւն կը մաղթեմ:
Վարձքերնիդ կատար: Կարինէ Բարսումեան
Շատ հրաշալի տպաւորութիւններ ունեցայ այս հիասքանչ
գիտական ցուցահանդէսից: Ես սիրով կը փափաքիմ, որ իմ
փոքրիկներն էլ մեծանան եւ մասնակցեն այս գիտափորձերին:
Երէցկին Կարինէ Մալխասեան
How nice that at this level they are learning much more advanced material!
Prof. Marge Kyrkostas
Great minds and creative spirit…Keep up the great job kids!!
Harry & Arlene Mordjikian
Great Science Fair! Very informative and creative dioramas! Inventions are
also very good and useful – as always Great Job!! Congratulations to the
students and teachers. Job well done!
Dr. Scarlet Arakelian
As always, the students did a wonderful job with the displays and presentations. Congratulations to all, teachers, and administration.
Mina Hovsepian
The displays are outstanding! Good job, everyone!
Mrs. Elizabeth Keusey
Dear Zarminé,
Congratulations! Lucky to be in such a supportive and creative environment
that encourages them to explore science. Thank you for sharing the video.
Best regards, Christina Tabibian Gratz
Սիրելի Զարմինէ ,
Սրտագին Շնորհակալութիւն կը յայտնենք ձեր կատարած սրբազան առաքելութեան. կը մաղթենք առողջութիւն և յաջողութիւն.
Յարգանքներով՝ Յովհաննէս Մարտիրոսեան
Dear HMADS Parents & Faculty,
On behalf of HMADS Parents and Faculty I would like to extend my sincere
appreciation and very special thanks for Mr. Levon Sakar’s voluntary yet
professional work for ALWAYS after each Assembly and event to provide so
many beautiful photos for our school’s archives.
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Hasmik Sakar’s daughter Margaret Sakar will graduate
this year - I don’t know who will be next to secure memories in print for the
Continued on page 8
From the Mailbox continued from page 7
Thank You Levon - Shad shad shunorhagal yenkՇատ շատ շնորհակալ ենք:
Best wishes Zarminé Boghosian
Digin Zarminé ,
Taking these pictures was my pleasure; it gave
me the opportunity to try different things and to
come up with some ideas. I have also been tested by many parents on questions regarding photography and have hopefully given some helpful
With all the pictures that are posted, from our
many different events, I hope they will inspire
other parents to realize what a wonderful school
we have, and the outstanding job you do along
with your faculty to educate our children.
I am positive that there will always be someone
taking pictures, with whatever type of camera
they use, to add to the schools archives.
Thank you for your thoughts and kind words,
Levon Sakar
Alumni & Current Students’ News
Lovryr SNAW6i <r]anavardnyren
HMADS would like proudly to share the news of its graduates – thank you all
for sharing your news. Please send your info with a photo to Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian
at: [email protected]
We look forward to hear from you!
A note from: Serda Urganciyan, Class of 1984,
RA- Project Engineer - NYU Langone Medical Center - Kimmel Pavilion - Turner
Construction Company
Deegeen Boghosian, I just wanted to reach out to you to tell you I have been invited
by Mayor Bloomberg to participate in the 9/11/2013 ceremony tomorrow as a name
reader. I am currently directly involved in building the 9/11 memorial. I thought you
would like to know where your graduates are going in life. Please look for me on TV
tomorrow morning I will be reading the names starting with “S”.
Bachigner, Serda
Serda Urgnciyan-HMADS Class of 1984 - RA-Project manager, and Jacqueline
Baklajian- Baron, HMADS Class of 1983 – Pharm D., were featured in the HMADS
E-newsletter – see their detailed bios in the HMADS E-newsletters.
Congratulations to: Mr. & Mrs. Haigaz and Madlene Najjarian- their daughter,
Talar Najjarian, HMADS Class of 1998, received her Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in
Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and her Master’s
Degree of Science in General Education and Special Education from Hunter College
in the fall of 2013. Congratulations on your achievement, Talar! We wish you all the
best in the wonderful career you have chosen. God bless you!.
Mr. & Mrs. Ghevont & Lydia
Baghdassarian- on the wedding of their
daughter Talin Baghdassarian, Class of
1994, to Mr. Erick Alahverdian. The wedding was held on December 6, 2013.
Mr. & Mrs. Garbis & Zepur Diktas- on
the wedding of their daughter Sesil
Diktas, Class of 1997, to Mr. Ioannis
Barbagiannis– the wedding was held on
December 8, 2013.
Gayane Jamgothcian’s, HMADS Class of 2005, poem was published in the
Skipping Stones – A Multicultural Literary Magazine- April-June- 2014’s-literary-magazinefeatures-armenians-in-latest-issue/
Congratulations to Grandparents Mr. &
Mrs. Hovhannes and Sona Gebian on the
arrival of a grandson – Mark Hovhannes,
born on Dec. 12, 2013. Congrats to his
parents Harout & Arin Gebian and to big
sister Alexa in Nursery.
Wedding Cards
graphics inc.
Printing Services
Alex & Jackie love giving back...
10% of our real estate earnings from new
Holy Martyrs referrals will be donated to
the Church or the Day School,
whichever you prefer.
Wedding Invitation Specialist
Armenian & English
28 New York Avenue
Westbury, New York 11590
Tel 516 876 6525
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e-mail: [email protected] •
Character is doing what’s right when NO one is looking!
Christmas at HMADS ~ SNAW6i A_)RYA#EN
Scenes from Christmas Hantes held on Dec. 16, 2013
HMADS Students Read Holy Scriptures
on Jan. 5, 2014
Nursery Christmas Dance
Santa 2013 with HMADS Class of 2014
Armenian Christmas Eve Fellowship
Sponsored by HMADS
HMADS Alumni
& Teachers
Scenes from Christmas Hantes held on Dec. 16, 2013
Pianist, Nevart Dadourian with
Choirmaster, Anahid Boghossian
Christmas Cheers to the
Residents of Armenian Home, Flushing, NY
Christmas Cheers to the
Residents of Armenian Home, Flushing, NY
HMADS Parents after Serving Lunch
HMADS Science Fair
Science Fair Display
Jurors of the Invention Center
Science Fair Display
1st Grade –Presents the Rainforest
1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Winners: Margaret Sakar,
Haig Piramzadian, Olivia Nercessian
1st Grade Presents Favorite Scientists
2nd Grade Presents the World of
4th Grade Presents Organ Systems
3rd Grade Presents the Endangered
5th Grade Presents the Scientific Method
6th Grade Presents the Cells
2nd Grade Presents Favorite Scientists
HMADS Science Fair
5th Grade Presents Favorite Scientists
4th Grade Presents Favorite Scientists
Pharmacist Ted Geukjian,
the Chemistry of Soap Making
Nursery Presents Farm Animals
Scenes from the HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair
Dr. Mary Grigoratos with Students & Teachers
Samples of Science Fair Displays
Kindergarten Counted
100 School Days
Vartanants - Presidents Day - 100th School Day & Misc.
Scenes from the Celebrations of Vartanants Day,
Presidents Day and Paregentan
HMADS Celebrates School Choice Day
HMADS Youngest Student
Alexa Pulling Out the 1st of 7
Features of Lent
Track Runner
Michelle Ashbahian
proud of Her Medal
K Learning About Home
Book Fair at Barnes & Noble
story teller Lara Bardizbanian
Nicole Issagholian’s
Katch Vartan
Book Fair at Barnes & Noble
Social Media Safety by
Dr. Lynn Cetin
Taline N. with K.
Arch. Khajag Barsamian, Primate Adresses the Audience
HMADS Honors Arek Nisanyan
Surrounded by
Committee Members
Mr. & Mrs. Arek & Hilda Nisanyan
with Family
Alen & Lori
Nisanyan’s Tribute
to Their Parents
News from Mrs. Ethel’s Nursery & Pre-Kindergarten
Hye Bardez in Action
The Nursery children marched into the month of March, hopefully leaving the winter behind them, and embracing the coming of Spring.
They are moving ahead in their academics by leaps and bounds. All at their own pace of course, but very impressive for such young learners.
I continue to tune up their basic skills, while introducing new material. Sometimes their understanding of a concept or vocabulary just
amazes me. I began my reading program with the children who will be entering Kindergarten in September. They are all doing very well, and
are moving through the books quickly. The younger children are truly enjoying listening to the simple stories, and it is an excellent and motivating example for them. They want to read also. I am working more on phonics now, and have introduced rhyming with them.
This year the Nursery class went down on the farm to prepare our display for the annual Science Fair. They learned many new words,
and interesting facts about the animals that live on a farm. They made books about the farm animals and learned the Armenian words for
everything that we covered in English. We then constructed farm animals out of boxes, which they painted. It was great fun for all.
We are now all looking forward to Spring that the changes it will bring and getting ready for the year end hantess/graduation.
News from Mrs. Diana’s Kindergarten
This year our Kindergartens took a dive “Under the Sea” during the annual Science Fair! Each student chose a different sea creature to
study, analyze, and present to their peers! They were extremely excited about their projects and what they were going to learn from the Science
Fair! However, preparing for the fair hasn’t been the only mode of learning happening. Within the classroom, students learned the difference
between hibernating and migrating, and how weather affects us as humans. They also took a trip to the arctic and ventured into the world of
penguins and polar bears. Finally, they discovered the world of germs, and the importance of keeping themselves healthy, and in shape.
Within the past couple of months, our Kindergarteners gained a better understanding about their cultural world. They were introduced
to various customs during Armenian Christmas, and experienced a real Home Blessing in the month of January. In February, they celebrated
the 100th day of school, and shared a special presentation about the Presidents and Vartanantz Day. And in March, they truly enjoyed reading
upon the various adventures written by Dr. Seuss. They even created a Venn diagram distinguishing the differences and similarities between
the book and the movie of “The Cat in the Hat”. As the months continue, we still have a few more learning adventures to conquer until graduation!
News from Miss Hripsime’s First Grade
Our First Grade Class was enthusiastic to present the Rainforest for the 26th Annual
HMADS Science Fair! Science is a subject that our first graders look forward to and have
shown much interest in. From learning about penguins to the many experiments we have
done while learning about the different states of matter, their fascination has been clearly
evident. A class favorite was when we showed solid, liquid and gas by blowing a balloon
using baking soda and vinegar!
We have been learning about many influential people in our history like Martin Luther
King Jr., George Washington and Abraham Lincoln to just name a few. In addition, we
learned different counting patterns and how to show information through the use of pictographs and bar graphs. First Graders strive to express their thoughts by writing multiple
sentences and reading long and short vowels. We recently celebrated the 100th Day of
School with the Second Graders with fun filled activities designed to commemorate this day
with 100 steps, 100 seconds of silence and many more.
In honor of Science week, we have been learning about the rainforest and all the different animals that live there. Each student did
research on a rainforest animal and presented that information to the school. We all learned some interesting information such as how the
Kinkajou uses its sense of smell to communicate and that the Quetzal bird favors small avocados. In addition, we learned about Benjamin
1st Grade continued on page 14
1st Grade continued from page 13
Franklin and all that he has contributed in making our lives a better,
not to mention an easier, place to live. The First Graders expressed
their genuine interest and fascination that one person can make
such a difference and below are some of their thoughts on Mr.
Franklin’s inventions and.. being a president...
Vrej O.-My favorite invention was the Franklin stove because it makes
your house warm.
Lucine C.- My favorite invention was the long arm because it helps people reach for books up high. Also, the bifocals because it helps you see
far and near.
Larisa H. - My favorite invention was the lightning rod because it protects your house and he invented the flippers to help you swim.
Gary N.- My favorite invention is the long arm because it helps you get
far away things. He also made newspaper pictures and was the first person to put a cartoon in a newspaper.
Johnathan Z.-My favorite invention is the bifocals because it helps you
see far and near and the Franklin stove keeps your house warm.
Arpi Budaghyan- I would make sure everybody is safe. I would make
sure people eat healthy foods. I would make a law to make every kid go
to school. Everyone should play together and be nice. Haig Anastasian - I would make more jobs for people. I would help people make money. I would donate food and clothes. I would make sure
everybody drives well. I would make sure everybody is nice. I would
make sure kids are happy. I would make sure everybody is safe. I would
go bowling
Nikolas Yaziciyan -I would help people find a job and make sure everybody is safe. I would get everyone a house. I would go bowling.
News from Mrs. Mayda’s Second Grade
Thumbs up to 26th HMADS Annual Science Fair of 2013-2014! This
year’s science fair was dedicated to Dr. Albert Kapikian, an Armenian
American virologist. Our students from Nursery through Sixth grade were
interested and excited about the field of science. They were busy observing, investigating and searching for ways to explain and understand the natural and physical world. After listening to all class presentations and activities scheduled, I asked my students to respond in their journal about their
favorite class presentation and write about a fact they learned. Enjoy their
journal entries!
Alec Piramzadian: Our second grade researched the Mighty Dinosaurs who
ruled the earth millions of years ago. We learned that dinosaurs were one
of several kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era,
also known as the “Age of the Reptiles.” My assignment was to write a
report and make a diorama of the Stegosaurus. I learned this plated
dinosaur was a herbivore. It lived in the Jurassic Period, about 154 million
years ago. It had a swishing tail armed with strong spikes for protection. It
had a small brain and toothless beak.
Nectar Mouradian: The best day for me was on Thursday when the upper
grades described their inventions. I liked the Invention Center because it is
fun planning and creating brand new things. After carefully observing the
older grades present their inventions, our teacher gave us objects, such as
cardboard, construction paper, paper cups and plates, yarn and we tried to
create new products using our imagination in our class then we described
our inventions. I really enjoyed this activity.
Emma Issagholian: My favorite part was when the Fourth graders presented the human body system and explained the functions of the organs in our
body. I learned a human body is made up of billions of tiny cells. The brain
allows us to think, move, feel, see, hear, taste and smell.
Tomas Hovhannisyan: I was very interested when the Fifth graders presented their experiments using the Scientific Method. I learned the five steps:
asking questions, making a hypothesis, doing the experiment, collecting
data, and drawing conclusions and reporting your results. I liked the experiment comparing the types of cookie sheet and how it affects the way cookies taste.
Armen Aprahamian: I enjoyed the Kindergarten presentations of Life Under
the Sea. I especially liked the squid, an animal without backbone that swims
in the oceans. I learned that when in danger, a squid squirts a cloud of dark
ink to protect itself. It allows the squid to get away.
Isabella Keshishian: I liked the Kindergarten presentation about the dol-
phins because they are my favorite animals. I learned that dolphins are
mammals although they live in water, they breathe air through their blowhole, located at the top of their head. They have a thick layer of fat under
their skin called blubber, which keeps them warm.
Andrew Gorgissian: I like the First grade presentation of The Rainforest
Animals. Rainforest is a very warm and wet forest. I like the dioramas of
the lemur, the emerald tree boa, kinkajou and the red eyed frog. I learned
that a lemur lives in Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa. The emerald tree boa is green snake with white bands, a carnivore. It lives in trees and
shrubs near water.
Christina Andreopoulos: My favorite presentation was the Kindergarten’s
Jellyfish project because it was colorful. I learned that jellyfish are fish eating animals that float in the sea. There are 200 different kinds of jellyfish.
Next, I liked the Invention Center, especially the Home Use Bottle Shredder.
I liked it because in my house we have lots of bottles and if it is snowing we
don’t have to go outside and put them in the recycling bin.
Daniel Tereshchenko: My favorite was the second grade presentation
because I love dinosaurs. I like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, I learned it means
“tyrant lizard king”. It lived in the late Cretaceous period, about 66 million
years ago. It was 17 feet tall and 40 feet long. It was a carnivore (meateater). The T-Rex had razor sharp teeth and it ate large dinosaurs, like the
Triceratops. T- Rex is my favorite dinosaur because it was known as the
king of the dinosaurs.
Robert Nemztian: I liked Favorite Scientist Day, when we dressed as our
favorite scientist and shared one fact. I chose Paul Sereno, a famous paleontologist (scientist who studies fossils). He is a professor of paleontology
at University of Chicago. He is well known for discovering dinosaur fossils,
and especially the bones of Super Croc in Niger, Africa.
& Hye Bardez learning from Dr. M. Grigoratos
News from Mrs. Stephanie’s Third Grade
I am very proud of how much my third
graders have accomplished during the winter
months! We ended 2013 by presenting an
acrostic “Merry Christmas” poem, for our annual Christmas Hantes, along with Ms. Kristen’s 4th
grade class. We began the New Year 2014,
eagerly writing (and hoping to keep), our resolutions for the upcoming New Year. In addition, we
completed, just to name a few topics, our unit on
multiplication and division, The Animal Kingdom,
The States of Matter, English grammar and
usage, types of Communities and assorted reading skills. We completed the first of our three
class chapter books and are in the midst of our
second book. We have learned how to use various tools in reading and writing, such as word
webs, tables and charts, Venn diagrams and
other graphic organizers. We have also been
very busy reviewing and preparing for the ELA
and Math state tests.
We went on a field trip in January to see a
live performance of Jack Frost. This was very
appropriate, considering our very “frosty,
snowy” winter months! We celebrated
Vartanantz Day, once again, with a very beautiful
and moving school assembly. We also presented our annual Science Fair in March with wonderful display boards and creative dioramas on
the topic of endangered animals and their habitats. Once again, our school was chosen to par-
ticipate in the National’s School Project, which is
designed to share our youth’s talents with students from other schools. Each student wrote
Haiku poems on their favorite animals. If their
poems are selected, they will be printed in the
Young American Poetry Digest. Good luck 3rd
Our Class Trip by Anais Stepanian
On January 24, 2014, the HMADS students
from Kindergarten to 6th grade went to the
Bellmore Movie Theater to see a live performance of Jack Frost.
The play was about a young boy named
Jack Frost, who was loved by a young peasant
girl who believed in him. Jack Frost was a man
that nobody could see. All they could see was
his shadow. Once Jack knew this girl loved him,
he asked Mother Winter to make him human to
be with the girl. Mother Winter gave Jack until
12 noon to get a house, riches and a wife. If Jack
had all those things by then, Jack could be eternally human.
I liked the play because it was funny. Some
funny parts were the puppets talking and the
king riding on his fake horse!
I will not be late for school
I will eat healthy food.
I will play with my brother, Teddy!
I will try my best at school.
26th HMADS Annual Science Fair-2014
Anais Stepanian
Roses are red, violets are blue,
I can’t wait to do the Science Fair with you!
Nursery has Farm Animals
Kindergarten has Under the Sea,
And the First Graders have the Rainforest,
Just like me!
Third Grade has Endangered Animals
And plenty of more!
Fourth Grade has body parts, organs and skeleton!
The 4th, 5th and 6th grades have their
Inventions Galore,
And the entire school has Trivia for word wizards!
Green and Purple HMADS Teams
Armenian or English all well versed
If you want to learn, see and touch Science,
Now you know where you can go
And… we welcome you too!
Our 2014 New Year Resolutions
I will try my best to get 100% on
every test!
News from Miss Kristen’s Fourth Grade
What a winter we have had; between the
frigid temperatures, icy and snowy conditions,
and snow days - is it Spring yet?! The students
of the Fourth grade are cruising forward with
their learning as the days are finally starting to
get longer, and the weather is finally starting to
warm up little by little.
For the Science Fair the Fourth graders
learned about the Organ Systems of the Human
Body. Each student picked an Organ System and
presented a beautiful display board along with a
3D model of their organ system. I have to say
that my students have made me a very proud
teacher with their excellent work!
beats about 70 to 90 times a minute pumping
blood through blood vessels. Arteries carry
blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood
from other parts of the body back to the heart.
Blood flows from arteries to veins through narrow vessels called capillaries. The heart has two
sides, and each side has an upper chamber
called the atrium and a lower chamber called the
ventricle. The pulmonary artery carries blood
from the body into the lungs where carbon dioxide leaves the blood to be exhaled by the lungs.
Fresh oxygen enters the blood to be carried to
every cell in the body. Blood returns from the
lungs to the heart through the pulmonary veins.
The Circulatory System-Olivia Nercessian
The Circulatory System consists of the
heart, blood vessels, and blood. Circulation is
the flow of blood through the body. Blood is a
liquid that contains red blood cells, white blood
cells, and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen
and nutrients to cells. White blood cells work to
fight germs that enter the body. Platelets are cell
fragments that make the blood clot. The heart is
a muscular organ about the size of a fist that
The Digestive System -Shant Injoyan
The Digestive System is in charge of the
processes of getting food into your body, digesting the food, absorbing the nutrients you need,
and eliminating the materials you don’t need.
When you put food into your mouth, you start to
chew and begin a process of mechanical digestion that grinds food down. When you do this,
the body also starts to release enzymes that start
the process of chemical digestion and break-
down molecules. The food moves through your
digestive system and is eventually broken down
into compounds and nutrients that your small
intestine can absorb into the blood stream. The
material you don’t absorb continues into the
large intestine where water is removed from the
material and then whatever is left is eliminated.
The Endocrine System -Maria Papazian
The function of the Endocrine System is to
control the body’s daily activities and development. Hormones are chemicals that control body
functions. A gland that produces hormones is
called an endocrine gland. Your body uses
dozens of hormones to regulate your growth,
digestion, body temperature, and metabolism.
The hypothalamus sends nerve impulses to different endocrine glands in the body. The pituitary
gland is one of the major endocrine glands located underneath the brain. The hypothalamus is
the brain region controlling the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland secretes many different hormones, some of which affect other glands. The
4th Grade continued on page 16
4th Grade continued from page 15
thyroid gland affects metabolism. The parathyroid gland helps regulate the level of calcium in
the blood. The adrenaline glands help trigger the
“fight or flight” response. The pancreas regulates the level of sugar in the blood.
The Excretory System-Levon Rakoubian
Excretion is the process of removing waste
products from the body. Your kidneys are the
core organ of the excretory system. They act like
a filter pulling harmful molecules out of your
bloodstream and leaving the ones that are good
for you. Blood enters the kidney through an
artery and flows into capillaries. Sugars, salts,
water, urea, and other wastes move from the
capillaries to tiny nephrons. Nutrients return to
the blood and flow back out through veins. Urea
and other wastes become urine, which flows
down the urethra’s. Urine is stored in the bladder
and excreted through the urethra.
The Muscular System-Anahit Indzhigulyan
Three types of muscles make up the body;
skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth
muscle. Skeletal muscles are the muscles that
are attached to bones and move bones. Cardiac
muscles are only found in the heart. When cardiac muscles contract, blood pumps out of the
heart. When cardiac muscles relax, blood pumps
into the heart. Smooth muscles make up internal
organs and blood vessels. In the lungs they help
a person breathe. In the blood vessels they help
control blood flow around the body.
The Nervous System-Brianna Tahmisyan
The Nervous System has two parts; the
brain and the spinal cords. All other nerves are
the outer nervous system. The largest part of the
brain is the cerebrum which is separated into the
right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Both
sides contain control centers for the senses; seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. The
cerebellum is under the cerebrum. It coordinates
the skeletal muscles and helps in keeping balance. The brain stem connects to the spinal cord.
The lowest part of the brain stem is the medulla
which controls heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, and the muscles in the digestive system.
The Respiratory System-Davit Hovhannisyan
The process of getting oxygen in the body
is called respiration. Your respiratory system is
made up of your nose and mouth, a tube called
the pharynx, another tube called the trachea, and
your lungs. You have two lungs and the
exchange of gases between the circulatory system and respiratory system happens in the
lungs. When a person inhales, air is pulled into
the nose or mouth. Oxygen comes from the air
we breathe. Two muscles control breathing, the
lungs and a dome shaped sheet of muscle called
the diaphragm. To inhale, the diaphragm contracts and pulls down. To exhale, the diaphragm
relaxes and returns to its dome shape. We inhale
oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
The Skeletal System-Gary Baron
The body has a supporting frame called a
skeleton which is made up of 206 bones. The job
of the skeletal system is to give the body shape,
protect organs in the body, and work with muscles to move the body. The skeleton has different
types of joints. A joint is where two or more
bones meet. Immovable joints are places where
bones fit together. Nearly all 29 bones in the skull
meet at immovable joints. Partly movable joints
are places where bones can move only a little.
Ribs are connected to the breastbone with these
joints. Movable joints are places where bones
can easily move. Your hand and wrist, knee, hip
and neck are all examples of movable joints.
Joints are held together by a strong connective
tissue called a ligament. The skeletal system is
also made up of a strong connective tissue called
cartilage which is more flexible than bone.
News from Mrs. Vassalle’s Fifth Grade
H.M.A.D.S Invention Convention Michelle Ashbahian
On Thursday, March 13, 2014, we had the
closing ceremony for the 26th HMADS Annual
Science Fair by having Mr. Hovahnnes
Mardirossian speak to Kindergarten- sixth grade
students about lasers. Afterwards, the Fourth,
Fifth and Sixth graders presented their inventions.
Mr. Mardirossian is the Vice- President of
the Armenian Engineers and Scientists of
America. He explained that Laser stands for:
Light, Amplification, Stimulated, Emission of
Electromagnet & Radiation
In 1957, Charles H. Townes worked with
Arthur L. Schawlow in the Bell laboratories and
discovered the Laser. In 1958, Townes and
Schawlow got a patent for the laser. Mr.
Mardirossian told us what lasers are used for:
The lasers are used for consumers who shop.
For example, when you go grocery shopping and
you are checking out, the cashier scanning the
items is using a laser to scan the barcode of the
Lasers are also used in industry. For example, when police are trying to figure out how far
over the speed limit a car is going, they use a
laser gun. Medical Fields also use lasers. For
example, when a doctor performs surgery on
your eyes they use a laser to improve your eye
sight. Dermatologists use lasers to remove hair,
tattoos, and other skin blemishes. The laser will
“burn” off the tattoo. Entertainment fields use
lasers. For example, when DJ’s play music they
use the laser to project light.
My New Life in Plymouth Massachusetts Emma Galstian
My new life in Plymouth, Massachusetts
began in late November of 1620. When I got off
the Mayflower I was happy because the ship was
way too crowded but I was a little scared
because I didn’t know if the Indians would be
friendly. I learned about the Indians from John
Smith’s reports. I was afraid that the Indians
would hurt us.
During the winter we had many hard times.
The food ran out because we couldn’t plant any
crops since it was too cold. We didn’t have proper houses because it was too cold to finish them.
We survived because we believed it was God’s
will for us to survive. William Bradford’s strong
leadership helped the colony to survive. He was
our colony’s governor.
In the spring we started to grow crops. We
met an Indian named Samoset who learned
English from the early explorers. He introduced
us to Massasoit of the Wampanoag tribe. We
made a peace treaty with him. This kept peace
between us and the Wampanoag tribe. Another
Indian named Squanto helped us. He had been
captured by an expedition led by John Smith and
brought back to England. This is how he learned
English and was able to communicate with us.
Squanto brought us corn seeds, bean seeds, and
pumpkin seeds. He taught us how to catch eels
with our hands, and how to plant these seeds in
the rocky soil.
After we planted the crops we built simple
houses that had a kitchen. The most important
thing in the kitchen was the fireplace because it
kept us warm during the winter. During the fall
we threw a harvest festival. We invited Massasoit
and ninety of his followers. We ate deer, geese,
and pumpkins. We also played games ran races
and had wrestling contests. We had a lot of fun.
I was happy to live in Plymouth, Massachusetts
because I had religious freedom and I could worship the way I wanted.
26th HMADS Annual Science Fair Haig Piramzadian
The First and Second grade kicked off the
science Fair by singing “The Water Cycle” song.
5th Grade continued on page 17
5th Grade continued from page 16
It was about how water changes forms, moving
from a liquid to a gas and then back to a liquid in
the form of precipitation. The Kindergarten class
then presented their topic, “Underwater creatures”. Some of the sea animals studied were the
crab, jellyfish and the stingray. I learned that the
crab’s teeth are in its stomach and there are 200
types of jellyfish. I also learned that a stingray’s
mouth is at the bottom. The First Grade studied
the Rain Forest. I learned that toucans have
feathers on their tongues. The Second Grade
researched dinosaurs. I learned that the
Stegosaurus ate plants and had spikes on its tail
and that the T-Rex had very good eyesight. The
Apatosaurus had vicious teeth. In addition, the
second grade made fossils of dinosaurs.
The Sixth Grade spoke about Dr. Kapikian.
Dr. Albert Kapikian was a virologist. Virologists
are scientists who study viruses. He worked at
the National Institute of Health for 45 years. He
discovered the norovirus. This virus attacks the
gastrointestinal tract. The norovirus causes terrible vomiting and diarrhea. This can be dangerous since this can lead to dehydration. His discovery of the norovirus led to the rotavirus vaccine. This helped to protect children from the
norovirus, especially children in the daycare system who can get the norovirus very easily. Dr.
Kapikian was often called the “Father of human
gastroenteritis research” for his work on the
prevention of viral diseases.
News from Miss Grigoratos’s Sixth Grade
as the scientist of the month and learned in detail
about his accomplishments. After forwarding a
letter to him that was signed by the graduating
class, to our pleasant surprise we received a
“Thank You” letter from him. What an honor and
privilege …
Dr. Kapikian was a hero to many, especially to young aspiring scientists.
A Tribute from the Class of 2014
in Memory of Dr. Albert Zaven Kapikian
Presented at the HMADS
26th Annual Science Fair
HMADS joins the Science world to mourn
the loss of Dr. Albert Zaven Kapikian, who
passed away on February 24, 2014 in
Washington, DC area at the age of 83. He was a
pioneering virologist at the National Institute of
Health, in Washington DC. Who discovered
ROTAVIRUS, which eventually resulted as the
first rotavirus vaccine used for young children in
Day Care system. He was the former chief of the
epidemiology section of the Laboratory of
Infections Diseases. Dr. Kapikian held position
for 45 years. Among his colleagues he was
known as “a giant in the field of virology.”
In 1973, Dr. Kapikian along with his colleagues identified the hepatitis A virus. He was
also the first scientist to detect human rotavirus,
which can cause severe symptoms and dehydration in young children.
There was another side of Dr.
Kapikian’s character that many people also
admired. He was warm-hearted, proud of his
Armenian heritage, beloved by many and widely
respected human being. His father, Zareh
Kapikian, a survivor of Genocide from Sepasdiawas known as the grandfather of HMADS, and
staunch supporter of this school. In the recent
past, HMADS sixth graders honored Dr. Kapikian
Nikola Tesla- Alicia Mordjikian
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian- American inventor who was born on July 10, 1856 in what is now
Croatia. In the year of 1884 he came to USA and
worked with Thomas Edison. In the year of 1891
he had invented something called the “Tesla Coil”
which is still used in radio technology today.
Nikola Tesla also is the inventor of the Tesla
Electric car. He invented the electric car in 1931.
Ever since 1931 the Tesla Car Company has been
a big hit selling a lot of electric cars. Nikola Tesla
died on January 7, 1943 in New York City.
Robert Hooke- Aren Arakelian
Robert Hooke was known as an English natural philosopher, and architect. He was born on
July 28, 1635, in Freshwater located in Isle of
Wright, United Kingdom. He died on March 3,
1703, in London. Plant cells were discovered by
Robert Hooke in the 17th century. He published a
book in 1665 which contained history’s first term
“cell”, to explain the basic unit of life.
Robert Hooke’s most famous observations
were in the study of thin slices of cork, describing the pores, or the “cells” he viewed. It was
Robert Hooke who coined the word cell. His
inventions include the spring control of the balance wheel in watches, and the first reflecting
telescope. Robert Hooke’s field was in
Microscopy and Astronomy which lead him to
become very successful.
Louis Pasteur- Margaret Sakar
Dr. Louis Pasteur was born on December
27, 1822, in Dole, France. He died on September
28, 1895 in Marnes-la-Coquette at the age of 72.
He was an inventor, doctor, microbiologist, and
chemist. He discovered that microbes were
responsible for harmful alcohol. He came up
with the process of pasteurization.
Pasteurization is the process in which bacteria is
destroyed by heating beverages and then allowing them to cool. Pasteur also created the vaccinations for anthrax and rabies. Pasteur demonstrated that organisms, such as bacteria, are
responsible for harmful wine, beer, and even
milk. This is when he came up with the process
of Pasteurization. Pasteur also proved that
microbes were attacking healthy silkworm eggs,
causing diseases. The disease would be eliminated if the microbes were eliminated. In 1868,
Pasteur suffered from a brain stroke, but he still
continued his research, although he was partially paralyzed.
Lynn Margulis- Nicole Issagholian
The scientist I chose is Lynn Margulis. Lynn
Margulis was born on March 5, 1938 in Chicago,
Illinois and died on November 22, 2011 in
Amherst, Massachusetts. She was an American
biologist who developed the theory of how
eukaryotic organelles were once made. Lynn
Margulis also helped develop the endosymbiotic
theory. This is the theory of how organelles were
Lynn Margulis graduated from the
University of Chicago in 1957 with a Bachelor’s
Degree; she earned a Master’s degree in zoology
and genetics from the University of Wisconsin in
1960. She also received a Ph. D. in genetics from
the University of California in 1965. In 1999, she
won two awards; the William Procter Prize for
Scientific Achievement and the National Medal,
which was awarded by President William J.
Clinton. Even though she isn’t alive today, she is
still remembered in the life of science.
James Dewey Watson- Peter Agopian
James Dewey Watson was born on April 6,
1928 in Chicago, Illinois. He was a famous biologist. He did work on cancer research and mapContinued on page 18
6th Grade Continued from page 17
ping the human genome. He also did research with another scientist,
Francis Crick. In 1951, Watson and Crick accumulated research from
other scientists and built a model of DNA that was considered “correct.”
The model showed the parts of a DNA, such as the nucleotides and backbones. It also showed how DNA is replicated. In 1962, Watson shared the
Nobel Peace Prize with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins for their work
on DNA. James Dewey Watson is 85 years old today.
ՕՔԼԸՆՏ ԿԱՐՏԸՆԶ -ՆԻՒ ԵՈՐՔ . Երկուշաբթի՝ Փետրուարի 24-ին Նիւ Եորքի Սրբոց Նահատակաց Վարժարանում մեծ շուքով
նշուեց Վարդանանց Տօնը։ Դրօշակի արարողութիւնից յետոյ հնչեցին ԱՄՆ-ի եւ ՀՀ օրհներգերը։
«Մեր վարժարանը, որպէս ամէնօրեայ վարժարան, միակն է Նիւ Եորք նահանգում,- ասում է վարժարանի տնօրէն Զարմինէ
Պօղոսեանը։- Այս տարի Վարդանանց տօնը զուգադիպեցաւ ԱՄՆ նախագահների տօնին մօտ, եւ մենք որոշեցինք այն նշել
Վարդան Մամիկոնեանին նուիրուած շատ երգեր եւ բանաստեղծութիւններ են գրուել, որոնց կատարումով հանդէս եկան մեր
Վարժարանի հմուտ խմբավար Անահիտ Պօղոսեանի և դաշնակահարուհի Նուարդ Տատուրեանի ջանքերով հնչեցին
բազմաթիւ խմբային երգեր՝ նուիրուած Վարդան Մամիկոնանին, իսկ 6-րդ դասարանից Նիգոլ Իսաղօլեանի « Քաջ Վարդան
Մամիկոնեան» նկարը բոլորին զարմացրեց։
Ռոպէրթ Կարապետեան
Երկուշաբթի՝Դեկտեմբերի 16-ին, Նիւ Եորքի Սրբոց Նահատակաց Ամէնօրեայ
Ազգային Վարժարանի -ՍՆԱՎ- դահլիճը տօնական տեսք էր ստացել: Իրենց
օրհնաբեր ներկայութեամբ հանդէսը պատուեցին Հոգշ. Տ. Թովմաս Վրդ.
Կարապետեան, Հոգեւոր հովիւ Նիւ Եորքի Հայ Կաթողիկէ համայնքին, Ս. Սարգիս
եկեղեցւոյ հովիւ՝ Արժ. Տ. Նարեկ Քհնյ. եւ Երէցկին Թրթռեանները ինչպէս նաեւ Ս.
Նահատակաց Եկեղեցւոյ հոգեւոր հովիւ՝ Արժ. Տ. Աբրահամ Քհնյ. Մալխասեան:
Այստեղ էին նաեւ վարժարանի
հոգաբարձութեան անդամները, ողջ
մանկավարժական կոլեկտիւը, ծնողներ, բազմաթիւ հիւրեր, որոնք ներկայ
գտնուեցին Ամէնօրեայ վարժարանի սաների կողմից կազմակերպուած Նոր Տարուայ
եւ Ս. Ծննդեան տօնական հանդէսին:
Նոր տարուայ հանդէսը բացուեց Դրօշակի արարողութեամբ եւ Միաց.
Նահանգների եւ Հայաստանի Հանրապետութեան քայլերգներով : Բացման բարի
գալուստի խօսքով հանդէս եկաւ վարժարանի տնօրէնուհի, երկարամեայ
մանկավարժ՝ Զարմինէ Պօղոսեանը: Յետոյ ներկայացուեց տօնական յայտագիրը:
Առաջինը բեմահարթակ բարձրացան մանկապարտէզի եւ նախադպրոցական
տարիքի երխաները, որոնց յաջորդեցին միջին, բարձր եւ աւարտական
դասարանների աշակերտների ելոյթները, որոնք յաջորդաբար ներկայացրեցին երգպար, արտասանութիւն, փոխնիփոխ անգլերէն եւ հայերէն լեզուներով: Անգլերէն
փոքրիկ ներկայացումով բացատրեցին ամանորին ճիշդ իմաստը, իսկ հայերէն
փոքրիկ թատերախաղով խօսեցան Մովսէս Խորենացիին մասին: Խմբային երգերով
հրամցուցին Ճրագալոյցի եւ Ս. Ծննդեան երգերը եւ մաղթեցին որ «ո՛չ մի հայ
պանդուխտ չլինի. . . »:
Երեխաները միաձայն բացագանչեցին՝ Կաղանդ Պապան է գալիս:
Երաժշտութեան հնչիւնների եւ ծափերի ներքոյ բեմահարթակ է բարձրանում
Կաղանդ Պապան, որն իր հետ բերել է բազմաթիւ նուէրներ: Կաղանդ Պապը
շնորհաւորեց գալիք Նոր տարին եւ Սուրբ ծնունդը: Տիկին Պօղոսեան
շնորհակալութիւն յայտնելով Կաղանդ Պապին օգնական բարերարներին, որոնք
օգնել էին որ կաղանդ Պապը չմոռանայ եւ առատաձեռն ըլլայ բոլոր ՍՆԱՎ-ի
աշակերտներին նկատմամբ անխտիր եւ երախտաագիտօրէն ներկայացրեց զանոնք,
Օրդ. Դալար Այտըն, եւ Պարոններ՝ Տիգրան Չըրչեան, Ժագ Մինոյեան, Թոնի
Թահմիզեան եւ Ռուբէն Ասլանեան:
Նոր տարուայ տօնական հանդէսն աւարտուեց Սրբոց Նահատակաց
եկեղեցւոյ հովիւ, Արժ. Տ. Աբրահամ Քհնյ. Մալխասեանի օրհնաբեր
մաղթանքներով եւ փակման աղօթքով:
Նիւ Եորք
Armenian Continued from page 6
in cnylov hamar 3adovg ’oqatraga-k mu7
isg hima 25 hazar dolar gu havakynk cnylov
ylygdragan mykyna3 mu5 or bidi par2raxne
angarnyrovn ,ar=agan a;o-nyru yv tne a3t
‘oqatraga-kin me]1 Amen yrgov darin
ancam mu my/ ma3rs yv my/ ha3rs g\yr;an
Ha3asdan5 orbeszi a3xylyn tbroxin ov
yryqanyrovn1 Mynk ,ad g\a,qadink5 or
yryqanyrovn gyanku lav ulla3 hon1 Ys al gu
3ovsam5 or ,ovdow bidi a3xylym a3t tbroxu1
Իսկ 56rt tasaranen Միշէլ Աջպահեան
արտայայտուեցաւ aնգլերէն
Ծիծեռնակաբերդ Երթալ
If I had the chance to visit Armenia
I would visit Genocide Memorial –
Michelle Ashbahian
I would like to visit the Armenian Genocide Museum
Institute. I am currently in Fifth Grade, and since I was in
Kindergarten I have been learning about the pain the
Armenians went through. I know that next year will be the
100th year since the Armenian Genocide happened.
I’ve learned how the Armenians were being killed. I
am always being told “The Armenian Genocide was heart
breaking,” and I think if I lived through the Genocide I
would probably be saying the same thing. I think that it is
very important to know about the past. I would like to see
the pictures of the Genocide.
Sometimes my friends ask me why they never
heard of Armenia or Armenians. I tell them that most
Armenian families died in a Genocide made by the Turks.
If I were to visit Armenia I would visit first the Genocide
Memorial. I would have new facts to tell my friends so
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble,
Success keeps you Glowing,
But .... Only Friends ....Keep You Going !!!
Donations Received from December 1st, 2013 – March 31st, 2014
The Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School gratefully acknowledges receipt of the donations listed below. HMADS
extends sincere condolences to the families and heartfelt appreciation to all supporters of the Day School.
ՍՆԱՎ-ը Երախտագիտութեամբ կը նշէ բոլոր նուիրատուներուն անունները: Մեր բոլորին յարգանքը
հանգուցեալներուն յիշատակին, վշտակից ենք հարազատներուն եւ խորին շնորհակալութիւն կը յայտնենք ՀԱՅ
ԱՄԷՆՕՐԵԱՅ Վարժարանը կանգուն պահող բոլոր հաւատաւոր նուիրատուներուն:
Special Thanks to Ms. Virginia Hekimian, who accepted to be the HMADS
Annual Gala Booklet Chairperson in Memory of her beloved brother Mr. Harold Hekimian.
Mrs. Ida Tabourian - Ms. Diane Piranian
Total: $200.00
Mr. Roger Puccio- Mr. & Mrs. Levon Sakar
Total: $100.00
Mr. Jirayr Ozkahveci- Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Tokatlian, Mr. Thomas Merjanian,
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gulesserian
Total: $150.00
Ms. Shake Turabian- Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Galoyan,
Mr. Berj Haroutunian, Mrs. Mary Haroutunian,
Mrs. Mayda Haroutunian, Mrs. Takuhi Istepanyan
Total: $275.00
Mr. Noubar Kassabian- Mr. & Mrs. Hrayr Turabian
Total: $100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Sarven Hacikian, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Baron,
Mr. & Mrs. Hratch Arukian, Mrs. Lana Kazangian,
Mrs. Mayda Haroutunian, Mrs. Liza Andreopoulos,
Mrs. Grace Issagholian
, Mr. & Mrs. Garo Hovsepian,
Hrayr A. Ghazarian
(Istanbul- Avo Gazal’s Uncle):
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis Gazal, Mr. & Mrs. Arek Nisanyan,
Dr. & Mrs. Ardases Nisanyan
Total: $225.00
Mr. Hovanes Megerian- Mr. Alex Kalajian
Total: $100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Garabedian- $100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Hachadur & Talar Hashasian- $100.00,
Mrs. Lolita Babikian- $50.00,
Mrs. Estrella Farishian-$50.00,
Mrs. Mariam Attarian Bryer-$25.00
Special Thanks To Our Generous Donors For
Their Contribution Towards Santa’s Gifts
Mr. Dikran Cherchian, Jacques Minoyan, Tony
Tahmisian, Roupen Aslanian, Talar Aydin
C.A.R.S. $2,500.00
Armenian Students Association of America(AGBU
Young Professionals of Greater New York,
Armenian Network-Greater New York Region,
New York Armenian Students’ Association, AYFYOARF New Jersey “Arsen” Chapter,
AYF-YOARF New York “Hyortik” Chapter)
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Baron - $1,090.00
Mr. & Mrs. Siragan Varolian- $100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Hari Mordjikian- $100.00,
Ms. Armine Bardizbanian $75.00,
Mr. Robert Zarookian-$100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gabrelian- $150.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Milian- $75.00
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Bezdikian,
Fr. Nareg & Yn. Terterian, Mr. & Mrs. Garin Kaligian,
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Alajajian, Ms. Beatrice Sagatelian,
Dr. & Mrs. Alex Meneshian,
Ms. Victoria Mesropian Yekhpairian
Total: $1,050.00
In memory of Dr. Albert Kapikian
Mrs. Mary Selvinazian - $500.00
Compliments of Ms. Agnes Sagatelian,
1 Box of Heart shaped crackers
Mr. & Mrs. Nisan Minakyan - $7,000.00
Mr. Krikor Melkonian $500.00,
Mrs. Barbara Peters $500.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Kricor Marcarian $500.00,
Father Thomas Garabedian (St. Anns Armenian
Catholic Church) $300.00,
Ms. Rahel Guirag-$250.00,
Rev. Vertanes & Ytzgn. Anahid Kalayjian- $200.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Yeprem Nazarian- $200.00,
Mr. Dikran Cherchian- $150.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Hratch Arukian- $100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Milian-$100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Vahram Minassian- $100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Aram Nigogosian- $100.00,
Mrs. Lydia Hatchoyan-$100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Demir Eden -$100.00,
Mr. & Mrs. Hirant Kelekian, Mr. & Mrs. Glen
Heckman, Mr. & Mrs. Nerces Wartanian,
Mr. & Mrs. Garo Varjabedian,
Mr. & Mrs Garo Hovsepian, Mr. & Mrs. Vahan Tanal,
Mrs. Siranoush Saroyan, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Keusey,
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Andreopoulos,
Mrs. Lolita Babikian, Mr. & Mrs. Avedis Gazal,
Mr. & Mrs. Ashod Spendjian, Mr. & Mrs. Armenak
Iskanoglu, Mrs. Mary Haroutunian,
Mr. & Mrs. Antranik Ravul, Mr. & Mrs. Levon
Antreasyan, Mr. & Mrs. Hrach Arukian,
Mr. & Mrs. Vasken Ghougassian, Mr. & Mrs. Alex
Baron, Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Garabedian,
Mr. & Mrs. Hrair Ghazarian, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Halajian, Mr. & Mrs. Vahe Niksarli
Total: $4,675.00
Dr. & Mrs. Ardases Nisanyan, Mr. & Mrs. Arek
Nisanyan, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ashbahian,
Mrs. Rose Hartunian, Mr. & Mrs. Missak Boghosian,
Mr. & Mrs. Kricor Marcarian, Mr. & Mrs. Hovannes
Malikyan, Mrs. Arsakui Cetin, Dr. Lynn Cetin,
Mr. & Mrs. Yervant Jamgotchian, Mr. & Mrs. Hagop
Semerdjian, Mr. Nurhan Adarian,
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Gebian, Mrs. Arpi Candan,
Mrs. Irma Candan, Mrs. Tamar Yagliyan,
Mrs. Armine Giorgetti, Mrs. Victoria Keshishian,
Mrs. Nayda Voskerijian, Mr. & Mrs. Ara Hidir,
Mr. & Mrs. Manouel Rakoubian
Drs. George & Zirka Anastasian
Mr. & Mrs. Vicken Shekookian
Special Thanks to First Grade & Kindergarten
parents for the Reading Corner carpets
in the classrooms.
209-15 Horace Harding Expressway
Oakland Gardens, N.Y. 11364-1721
Calendar of Upcoming HMADS 2014 Events
Easter Recess School Closed
Classes resume
Morning Assembly Honoring Grandparents -10:00 am
Musical Night/Talent Show 7:30 pm
HMADS meets Drs. Hrair & Arda Jebejians from Cyprus- 7:30 pm
Memorial Day - School Closed
Nursery & Kindergarten Graduation 10:00am
6th Grade Graduation 8:00 pm
This newsletter was prepared with the highest attention to accuracy and detail.
We could not possibly claim that it is free of errors.
We earnestly apologize for any unintentional omission or accidental misprint.
We thank all our readers for their continuous support and contribution to HMADS.