EFH LCP Meeting 24 April 2014

EFH Local Children’s Partnership
Meeting Thursday 24th April 2014
Fort Hill Community School
1. Welcome, Introductions, Apologies and Housekeeping
Ali Beechurst
Amanda Kelly
Debbie Martin
Elizabeth Blair
Hayley Greenslade
Jayne Shelbourn-Barrow
Kayleigh Reading
Larissa James
Lynne Williams
Maureen Covacic
Sue Nash
Tabitha Gray
Everest Community Academy
Family Lives Hampshire
Action for Children Pebbles Children’s Centre
School Nurse for Everest and Feeders
Fort Hill Community School
HCC Children’s Services Early Help and Partnership
Merton Junior School
Merton Infant School
Chiltern Primary School
Basingstoke Voluntary Services
Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service
Stonham Floating Support
Carol Robertson
Carolyn Mealey
Christine Clayton
Ed Ives-Wara
Ian Milsom
Nicola Daniel
Pam Luck
Sue Hawkins
Susan Cox
Castle Hill Infant School
Marnel Infant School
Winklebury Infant and Junior Schools
BVS Youth Team and Basingstoke Young Carers
The Alliance
Action for Children Children’s Centres
HCC Services for Young Children (EYDAT)
Stonham Floating Support
Marnel Infant School
Although apologies were not received it was noted that the HCC Vertex was being
renamed as Dame Mary Fagan House at the same time as our meeting which is why
partners were not in attendance
As EIW was unable to be present at this meeting so he asked MC to chair the meeting in
his stead
2. Presentation: Early Help Hub for Basingstoke and Deane – Jayne ShelbournBarrow
As Jayne had to attend another meeting MC requested moving the Early Help Hub
presentation to the font of the agenda and this was agreed. A copy of the presentation is
attached to these Minutes
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Hubs will improve joined up multi-agency working for whole families requiring early
It is the intention to align the Supporting Troubled Families (SFT) and Early Help (EH)
Hub locally
Hampshire LCP Chairs will be discussing the Governance structure of the local EH Hubs
at their next meeting
There will be a single Early Help Assessment form replacing the CAF
All requests for support needs to go via HantsDirect
The Basingstoke and Deane Launch is being held on 6th May and we hope that
everyone will send a representative
Hot off the Press: The Basingstoke and Deane Early Help Hub will be based at Pebbles
Children Centre
This will not be open to the public – professionals will be able to ring for advice during
the morning but any requests for support must go via Hants Direct
MC thanked JSB for attending and answering our questions
MC then went through the list of attendees for the Basingstoke and Deane EH Hub and
was pleased to announce that only 3 EFH Schools had not yet booked. These schools
asked for booking information and were referred to page 3 of the Chair’s April Update
making note of the course code which will be need to book
3. Pecuniary or Conflict of Interest
 None
4. Last Meeting Minutes 16th January 2014
The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record
Matters Arising Not on Agenda
Still waiting for an invoice from BDBC for the EFH contribution to the LCP Conference –
ACTION: JB to send invoice to MC asp as all invoices need to be paid
Reminder to complete the Basingstoke and Deane LCP Services Directory and send to
Margaret Cox (see page 2 of the Chair’s April Update for full details)
The LCP Action Plan was submitted to HCC by the deadline after sending to EFH LCP
members for comments
The Public Health and Wellbeing Grant Recommendations have been accepted (see
page 5 of the Chair’s April Update for full details)
5. Presentation: EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service)
Traveller Education – Sue Nash
A copy of the presentation is attached to these Minutes
 Hampshire EMTAS is a dedicated multi-ethnic and multilingual team, with over 20
years experience of working closely with Hampshire schools to remove barriers and
inequalities in attainment and achievement. By working alongside you and using our
specialist knowledge, we can help schools to improve educational outcomes for
children and young people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) and Traveller
heritages, as well as those learning English as an additional language (EAL).
 Traveller is umbrella term– important we know which group we are talking about
o Gypsies are a recognised ethnic minority with an identifiable culture and
language which is unique to the UK.
o Roma are a relatively new group who have migrated to the UK from across
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Europe. Unlike UK Gypsies, Roma do not usually seek accommodation in
caravans or on sites but live in housing.
o Irish Travellers have a unique culture and language distinct from Gypsies and
other Travellers but are often confused with Gypsies because both groups can
be seen travelling around the county in caravans.
o Irish Travellers are hard working and guard their family values.
o Showman travel with fairs from place to place during the summer months.
Showman families are long established in Hampshire and there are sites in
many locations across the county.
o Circus – none that reside in Hampshire that we know of however we do have
families that travel through. Some speaking another language, children access
school at primary, families carry a range of sweatshirts. Secondary have distant
learning material from base school as more difficult to go into secondary for a
couple of weeks
o New Travellers are the newest group of Travellers and is drawn from a group of
people who have elected to leave the aspects of society they disdain and to live
a freer, simpler life travelling.
o Bargees – live on canals – none that we know in Hampshire
 Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children are at risk of serious underachievement. As
educationalists we should be questioning why there is little improvement in comparison
to other Ethnic Groups of pupils and what support we can offer pupils in order to
improve their achievement
 Traveller Education Officers support admission into school for new arrivals, provide a
link with parents, carers and communities, provide advice and guidance on settling in,
induction and transition
 Traveller Teaching Assistant (TTA) offer up to 10 hours of support which can include
in-class support, meetings and contact with parents and carers, together with regular
advice and guidance for staff working with a child
 The Traveller Education Adviser helps to develop inclusive approaches, foster positive
relationships and identify opportunities within the curriculum to value and promote
Traveller culture
 There is a DVD that provides essential information for the Traveller community on how
to make the most of pre-school, school and college. It’s divided into 10 chapter,
covering themes like benefits of education, school admissions and Gypsy traveller
culture in schools.
 You can contact EMTAS at Dame Mary Fagan House, Chineham Court, Lutyens Close,
Basingstoke RG24 8AG - telephone: 01256 330195 - e-mail: [email protected]
Q&A Session
 EMTAS work with SFT regarding travellers school attendance
 Education for All is free to schools as EMTAS funding comes from the school central
budget. There is a charge to Academies of £25 – AB asked for clarification on this
and SN agreed to discuss this issue and respond NB: SN has contacted AB direct
 SN gave information on a EMTAS working with Gypsy Roma and Traveller
Communities Conference on 9th June at the Apollo Hotel in Basingstoke
6. Top Tips for Starting School Parents EFH Project Update
Action for Children and Family Lives will be running a 3 hour session on Wednesday
evenings between 6pm and 9pm in each of the 5 Primary Schools with pupils starting in
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14th May
Winklebury Infant School
21st May
Merton Infant School
4 June
Castle Hill Infant School
11 June
Chiltern Primary School
18th June
Marnel Community Infant School
We are grateful to HCC Services for Young Children (EYDAT) for agreeing to circulate
the poster to all of the Pre-Schools/Nurseries in the area
7. Cluster Leave Form Update
 MC had sent CC the CVC form
 LJ explained that the EFH cluster has been meeting and agreed a common approach
regarding leave of absence requests
 A booklet showing the legal obligations, good practice and illness is being developed
 A Traffic Light letter has been introduced
 SN agreed to send LJ the codes for traveller absences
8. Youth Support Services Report
 With EIW absence this item was rolled over to the next meeting
 The schools asked for clarification on the letters that had been sent out regarding
Young Carers Support
o MC was able to explain that the BIG Lottery funding that has enabled
Basingstoke Young Carers to provide targeted support to schools comes to an
end in September and although the Lottery has praised the achievements this
particular young carers funding is not being extended
o The Heads asked for a meeting with EIW to discuss this issue – ACTION: EIW
to contact the EFH Schools to set up a meeting
9. Anti Bullying/Harassment Strategy
With SW absence MC agreed to circulate the Anti Bullying/Harassment Strategy with these
minutes as all settings and organisations which make provision for children and young
people should have in place policies and strategies to reduce harassment, address bullying
and ensuring systems are appropriate and robust in dealing with incidents of harassments
including support for victims of harassment. Basingstoke Local Children Partnerships will:
1. Develop an action plan to address issues of harassment
2. Organise training to staff working with children and young people
3. Support organisations to address harassment and bullying in a pro-active
preventative manner
Basingstoke Local Children Partnerships does support Hampshire Children’s Trust and will
endeavour through its action plan implement Hampshire Children’s Trust Anti Bullying
Policy whose over arching vision is that every child and young person, including those who
are vulnerable or disadvantaged, has the best possible start in life. ACTION: EIW to
circulate Strategy. ACTION: Everyone to send any comments direct to SW
10. Safety Net
 Safety Net is a multi-agency sharing application maintained by the Police. It is webbased and secure to restricted levels so no additional hardware of software is needed.
It was introduced following high profile deaths where information was available but not
 SFT has started to use this system to help agencies keep up to date with the families
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Many EFH members had not heard about Safety Net so it was suggested that we have
a demonstration at our next meeting
ACTION: EIW to invite Safety Net to the next EFH Meeting on 3rd July
11. Borough LCP Structure
 At both the Hampshire LCP Chairs meeting comments have been made about those
boroughs/districts that have more than one LCP. This was also discussed at the last
BACS meeting – BACS is the strategic body for Basingstoke and Deane that the 4 LCP’s
report to
 5 options were put forward as detailed on page 2 of the Chair’s April Update for each
LCP to discuss
 Members had a lively debate on the options especially as EFH had already gone
through this process and decided to remain as a separate LCP
 Following the EH Hub presentation and comments from HCC at the Hampshire LCP
Chairs it is obvious that greater integration between LCP, SFT and EH Hub is the goal
 Therefore it was suggested that a sixth option was proposed combining options 2 and
o Move to one borough-wide integrated LCP, SFT and EH Hub with 4 operational
LCP’s reflecting the local geography looking at local issues
 ACTION: Everyone to let EIW if you do not agree to this proposal otherwise
it will be given to BACS as the EFH decision on 5th June
12. Have Your Say Questions
No-one had any questions on the information already circulated
13. Round Table Update
Stonham Floating Support
 TG gave an overview of the services that Floating Support can provide
 They can accept any referral regarding tenancy issues in any property
 They can work with the tenant for up to 2 years helping with personal plans and
 Everyone was interested in this service and asked if TG could give a presentation at
our next meeting ACTION: EIW to put this on the July Agenda
 ACTION: If you have any questions please contact TG direct on
[email protected]
Children’s Centres – DM
 The Centres provide a range of courses such as:
 Cook and Eat
 Peep for 2's
 Incredible Years parenting program
 HENRY (Health Exercise Nutrition for the Really Young)
 WRAP (wellness recovery action plan)
 Baby Massage
 Stretch and Grow
 Go to http://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/our-services/pebbles-childrens-centre for
full details and to view the timetable
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Chiltern Primary School
 LW advised that the school is undergoing re-cladding to existing external facades of
the main building together with the replacement of windows and doors and installation
of new kitchen extract fan
 This means that 36 pupils in Year 6 will not have a permanent base during the works
so if anyone can help with a venue during this time please let LW know
 ACTION: Contact LW on [email protected] if you can help
EFH Update
 HCC has agreed that EFH LCP can carry over the 2013/2014 funding spend until the
end of June in order to cover the Top Tips Project
 Supporting Troubled Families Event is being held on 30th April at the Princess Hall in
Aldershot – details are on page 5 of the Chair’s April Update
 The BVS Volunteer Centre Celebration of Volunteering deadline for nominations is 28 th
April – details are on page 3 of the Chair’s April Update
10. AOB
 MC thanked HG for hosting the meeting and her hospitality
 Members said that they found this to be one of the best EFH Meetings
 Members also praised the Chair’s Update as it gives a range of information not
normally available to them in one place
Dates for Future Meetings between 2pm and 4pm
Thursday 3rd July 2014 - Everest Community Academy
Future Meetings
Future meetings need to be set after the BACS meetings on 18 th September, 11th
December, 19th March and 18th June
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