LCP Leadership Practicum Proposal

LCP Leadership Practicum Proposal
LCP members must submit (and have approved) a Leadership Practicum Proposal to officially start their practicum project.
If you have any questions, please contact John Bowen, coordinator of leadership programs, at [email protected].
Personal Information
Please complete all required fields.
[Required] Name
[Required] Preferred Telephone Number
[Required] Preferred Email Address
[Required] Practicum Agency's Name
The Agency is the organization, program, project, initiative, etc. with which you will work to complete your leadership practicum.
[Required] Which Of The Following Is Your Agency?
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
] A Georgia College Recognized Student Organization (RSO)
] A Georgia College Unit (Department, Program, Office, Etc.)
] A Community Partner (Business, Non-Profit, School/Youth Group, Etc.)
] None Of The Above
[Required] Title Of Your Position With The Identified Agency
For example, President, Service Committee Chair, Project Coordinator, etc. Name your role if you don't have an official title.
[Required] Practicum Mentor's Name
The Mentor is an individual who works with your listed agency in some capacity and is in a position to provide you with guidance, support, and feedback throughout your
practicum experience. This individual may be a faculty/staff member or community professional who is responsible for the administration of the agency (director,
coordinator, etc.), a student who is in a leadership position with the agency, or a faculty/staff member or community professional who is serving as an advisor to the agency.
[Required] Practicum Mentor's Title
[Required] Practicum Mentor's Email Address
[Required] Practicum Mentor's Phone Number
[Required] How many hours do you anticipate working in your proposed practicum this semester?
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
] 15 to 30 hours (1 to 2 hours per week)
] 31 to 45 hours (2 to 3 hours per week)
] 46 to 60 hours (3 to 4 hours per week)
] 61 to 75 hours (4 to 5 hours per week)
] 76 to 90 hours (5 to 6 hours per week)
] 91 to 105 hours (6 to 7 hours per week)
] 106 to 120 hours (7 to 8 hours per week)
] 121 to 135 hours (8 to 9 hours per week)
] Over 135 hours (over 9 hours per week)
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