MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 5th MARCH 2014 AT 2.15PM, SHERWOOD COURT, KIRKBY IN ASHFIELD Present: Tenants and Residents Associations Cath Garrett Chair AFTRA / George Doreen Savage Secretary AFTRA / Carsic TRA Street TRA Steve Needham SAT Pat Housley SAT Pat Simms Coxmoor TRA George Slack Coxmoor TRA / Board Member Fred Bramley George Street TRA Barrie Hurst-Green Reach Out Residents Group Ken Cotham Hucknall Central Myrrha Hibbert Reach Out Residents Group / Gateway Dennis Mayoh Welbeck Community John Marriott Gateway Association Jenny Mayoh Welbeck Community Association Ashfield Homes Ltd Nicky Moss Tenancy Services Justin Catton Planned, Cyclical and Estates Manager Maintenance Manager Andrew Filer Interim Tenant Participation Officer Ashfield District Council Councillors Charlie Edwards – Community Protection Cllr Linford Gibbons Cllr John Wilmott Other Andrew Cowie – EMH Homes Apologies Kate Slack – Coxmoor TRA Teena Needham - SAT Cllr A Patrick Joseph Hughes – Coxmoor TRA Cllr C Butler All other Hucknall Councillors Please be aware that the above have been taken from the attendance sheet Please ensure that you have signed in at meetings to be recorded as present and receive minutes 1 1 Welcome and Introductions Cath Garrett (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting, with introductions being made around the table. 2 Apologies See page 1 3 Minutes and matters arising from the previous meeting The minutes were passed as a true representation of the meeting. ACTION Page 2 AF advised NM’s apologies had been added to the minutes from 4th September 2013, as they had been missed off. NM advised she had resolved an enquiry raised by Cllr A Patrick Page 3 A discussion about an event with Paddy Tipping is down as agenda item 4. A Lead Environmental Officer from ADC was not present at the meeting despite Sam Dennis committing to this. AF to coordinate with Sam Dennis. AF Page 4 Andrew Cowie from EMH Homes attended the meeting and advised they currently have around 600 properties within Ashfield, and there is also current expansion where they are taking over some smaller Housing Associations. EMH Homes are happy to work with community groups where they have stock such as around Stanton Hill and Coxmoor. If anyone would like further information from Andrew, please email [email protected]. 4 Policing in Ashfield Following on discussions from previous meetings, CG has been in contact with Paddy Tipping’s office to try and arrange a wider event giving community groups the opportunity to ask questions of Paddy Tipping on the ‘big picture’ questions about policing in Ashfield, and need to be pre-notified to Paddy Tipping so that he can give a full response. If there were specific local questions, there would need to be addressed through the local sergeant. This will be a Special Meeting, with Tuesdays or Thursdays the preference as per Paddy Tipping’s availability. CG to organise date with Paddy Tipping’s office, and coordinate with AF to book an appropriate venue. AF will then help with producing invitations, posters and flyers to help promote the event, making it clear that the questions need to be given in advance. A further discussion then took place on the availability of the Police attending local community group meetings. This included a discussion about Safer Neighbourhood Committee meetings which have a varied success rate across the District. CE advised that the Community Protection Team attend as many meetings as they can. They also do regular ring rounds with ‘key’ local residents such as reps from community groups to check on any local issues. CE added that the CPO’s also target work around public perception and feeling rather than figures of crime, which is how the Police work. This therefore means that although they work closely together, their priorities are often different. 2 CG / AF AF 5 Board update George Slack gave an overview of the discussions that took place over the January Board meeting. The full reports can be found on the Ashfield Homes website, or on request. It was agreed for the overview provided to have a short summary of what each report was for. AF is also to bring along some copies of the published minutes for members to look at. 6 AF Training and development AF gave an update on upcoming training courses that had already been arranged, asking for any feedback, and also for any future courses the group felt would be useful for their roles. Members felt the ‘Better Meetings’ and ‘Safeguarding’ sessions were particularly good. ‘Basic Emergency First Aid’ and ‘Tackling Community Issues’ were talked about as further sessions. CE advised that he provides training on community issues. AF to discuss with CE to potentially take this forward. Food hygiene was also mentioned, with PS advising that community groups can get this free through Vision West Notts College, so if anyone is interested they would need to contact them directly. A discussion on youth involvement followed mentioning the good work Catch 22 provide (including work with Carsic TRA), and that Notts County Council have a new officer who can support youth projects (details have been sent to TRA’s by AF already). CG also advised of a project the George Street Area TRA are starting with the youth of the area in commemoration and celebration of local people who lost their lives through the First World War. Cllr Jim Grundy and the British Legion are supporting them with this. 7 Tenant Participation update Andrew advised that the Complaints ’Designated Panel’ made up of AFTRA representatives is now up and running, and have just had their first case to review. Andrew advised the Tenants Gateway currently has 4 vacancies (1 x Sutton, 1 x Hucknall and 2 x Rural). In addition to this Myrrha Hibbert has currently been coopted as an Interim Board Member until the election process has been finalised. A further resignation has now seen a vacancy in Kirkby, meaning there are currently 5 vacancies. Andrew confirmed that there was some Mystery Shopping currently taking place with the Repairs Contact Centre, and Lettings Team. There are currently 12 TRA groups across the District (not all supported by AHL), with Hucknall Central and welbeck Community Association, now with a fully formed committee. ADC are also supporting a potential new group in Sutton to cover around Outram Street / St Michaels area. There are then a few that are struggling with lack of interest, such as Kirkby West, Holly Hill and Alfreton Road Area, with ongoing support being provided where possible. Work is ongoing to generally advertise and promote TRAs, with recent mail shots also going out to estates that had groups over recent years to gauge interest in setting further groups up, though very limited interest has been received back. Members felt that the lack of major issues in areas, fear of reprisal from being involved were barriers to people getting involved with a TRA. 3 AF It was felt that alternative less formal methods of Involvement should be investigated such as using Social Media. NM advised AHL are looking to review the Tenants Compact this year, so will be looking to do some wide consultation on this in the summer. AF also advised members that good feedback had been received on the recent Annual report, and thanked the relevant Gateway members who helped with this. The latest Tenant Magazine is currently being collated, so if anyone has ideas for articles or good news stories from their community groups, please forward these through to AF for consideration. 8 Future Items for Discussion Members discussed inviting a representative from the local Credit Union to help promote the work they do, and also to invite along someone to discuss Foodbanks in the District again to help promote these with the aid of TRAs. AF to coordinate. AF Cllr Wilmott advised he was also on the Board for the local NHS and the local Clinical Commissioning Group, so could coordinate a representative to attend if required. 9 Any Other Business FB raised concern over the types of smoke alarms in properties, and where they are located. JC to look in to and feedback at the next meeting. NM advised on behalf of Cllr A Patrick (who was unable to attend the meeting) that ADC are currently looking at a protential programme to replace storage heaters. Cllr Patrick will bring along further information to the next meeting. Dates of Future Meetings • 4th June 2014 • 3rd September 2014 • 3rd December 2014 4 JC
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