Old Street TRP minutes - 25th March 2014

Old St Tenant and Residents’ Panel
Tompion Community Centre
Minutes of meeting Tuesday 25th March 2014, 7pm – 9pm
Elaine Smalley (Chair)
Lagonier House
Ian Harford
Dominic Fenton
Blanche Woodbridge
Frances Sullivan
Liz Smithson
David Hall
Mike Crilly
Dennis Kleinberg
Fozia Hussain
Irene Francis
Shirley Lefevre
Terry Lefevre
Gambier TMO
Theseus & Boreas Walk TRA
King Square TRA
King Square TRA
King Square TRA
Whitecross Estate TRA
Jessop Court TRA
Whitbread TRA
Margery Street Estate
St Lukes TRA
Pleydell TRA
Pleydell TRA
George Allan
Clerkenwell Ward
Pritpal Chhoker
Catherine Ellery
Jamil Ives
Bryony Willett
Jade Alogba
Old Street Area Housing Manager
Estate Services Manager
Multiple Debt Officer
Housing Business Plan Manager
Community & Service Development Officer
Martin Rutherford
Lorraine Whitbread
Joe Trotter
Councillor Klute
Jenny Goble
Patrick Neville
Popham Estate
Peregrine House
St Peters Ward
Wenlake Estate
Earlstoke Estate
Minutes and Matters Arising
(4.4) Popham Estate- CE advised that she met with MR yesterday
on site to address all issues.
MR requested via email that the following action points are carried
forward with full responses to be provided by the time of the next
panel meeting :
(4.4,a) 'Fob keys- Leaflets are being circulated by a company who
claim to be able to provide copies of fob security keys. MR provided
a copy of the leaflet to PC for investigation
(4.4,e) 'Elder Walk- MR provided PC with a photo of overflowing bins
at the top of the walk. He suggested that each resident on Popham
Estate is given a roll of 20 sacks as compensation for not collecting
refuse for 2 weeks.
4.6) King Square: LS informed that Terry Rawles has advised that
there is no money left in the budget to complete the outstanding
works. She wished it to be noted that Rob Forrest should not have
signed off the works. PC to investigate.
Greenaway Hse: FH advised that following the last panel meeting,
she was visited by a manager from MITIE. However, she has
received no further information since 5th February. PC informed that
the surveyors have fed back that they have identified a problem and
will now need to survey the whole estate to establish whether it is a
localised or mains issue. FH responded that a survey has already
been conducted and a problem with the cylinders was identified. PC
to investigate and request feedback.
Minutes of 28th Jan 2014 Agreed
Helping Hand/ Debt Campaign
JI gave a presentation on the council’s helping hand/ debt campaign,
which helps residents manage their debt.
Comments & Questions
3.2.1 DF advised that greater effort needs to be made to inform residents
about the help that is available. He suggested that publicity material
is enclosed with rents statements.
3.2.2 GW noted that not all residents use the internet and requested that
the information is made accessible via other channels.
ES suggested that the team liaise with Children Centres and
suggested posters for the notice boards.
3.3.4 ES queried what the council’s procedure was for dealing with tenants
who do not pay their council tax. She expressed concerns about
resources being wasted on sending bailiff notices to student let flats
on Lagonier Estate.
Council Tax
3.3.5 JI distributed leaflets and advised that tenants can contact the debt
team for further information on 0203 475 5080.
Housing Revenue Account (HRA)
BW provided a presentation on Islington Council’s Housing Revenue
Account (HRA)
20140109 housing
revenue account presentation.ppt
Comments & Questions
4.2.1 Bedroom Tax IH queried how the council profits financially from the
new bedroom tax legislation. BW advised that it is a central
government initiative and has not resulted in an increase to the
council’s rent charges, and therefore the council are no better off.
BW to prepare a worked example.
4.2.2 IH suggested that the council seek to purchase derelict buildings for
conversion to council properties.
4.2.3 MC queried whether the council’s new builds must be located within
Islington. BW advised that the council is looking into the potential of
sourcing properties outside of the borough, particularly to
accommodate those who are homeless. However, the council is
committed to keeping families together and therefore the primary
objective is to house people locally.
4.2.4 LS referred to the new King Square development and asked if the
council have the power to insist that the properties remain as social
housing. BW advised that legislation permits all secure tenants to
have the Right To Buy.
4.2.5 Heating Insulation: BW advised that external wall insulation projects
will begin this year on the following blocks:
 Gambier
 Halliday
 Ilex
 Arlington
King Square, Pleydell & St Lukes Estate advised that the previous
cavity wall installation was ineffective. BW to investigate and seek
out other options for future.
Whitbread Estate: DK advised that leaseholders are being charged
for “weeding costs” despite not having any grass on the estate.
Pleydell Estate: TL asked if there were plans to link up Pleydell
Estate to the new Bunhill Energy Centre. BW informed that the
council are aware of an expressed interest to return to a communal
heating system and are discussing this. However, there is currently
no budget for this and options will need to be explored for
implementing the pipework.
DH suggested that the council purchases gas and sells it to tenants
at a cheap rate. BW to look into this option and feedback.
Environmental Improvement & Estate Security Allocation
A brief discussion was held regarding the panel’s criteria for
allocating the annual environmental improvement & estate security
It was agreed that the panel will consider all blocks for funding.
Estates that do not have a representative at the panel meeting will
receive equal consideration.
Election for Chair & Vice-Chair
Elaine Smalley was nominated to remain as Chair of the panel.
Dominic Fenton introduced himself to the panel and nominated
himself for the role of Vice Chair.
All Agreed
LS queried when elections will be held for the role of Resident
Whitecross Street- DH expressed concerns about the vandalism of
gates and the use of the area near to Rowley House by local
businesses. CE advised that she is aware of the issue and has been
liaising with the commercial team. She will continue to follow this up
and will feedback to the TRA.
City Forum: GW highlighted an article in the Tribune and strongly
expressed her disappointment about the cutting of 20 trees within
City Park. ES advised that the Mayor of London’s hearing of the
proposed City Forum development will be held on 1st April and
suggested that residents attend.
Telephone Scam: GW alerted the panel to a telephone scam. JA to
circulate details to residents.
St Lukes Estate:
a) Estate inspection: IF queried if her estate inspection is going
ahead tomorrow as she has not received confirmation. CE to
consult with the relevant officer and contact IF.
b) Godfrey House: IF informed that an unknown individual is
consistently using a stone to leave the communal door open,
despite the presence of concierge staff. PC to notify Daniel
Tomey (Concierge Client Officer)
c) Slip Road- IF expressed concerns that contractors have
closed the slip road beside the Post Office. JA to contact
Highways for further information.
Margery Street:
a) Greenaway House: FH reported that the communal lights
have switched off. CE to ask QAO to investigate
b) Fobs: FH informed that she also observed a company
operating in Chapel Market that copies fob keys.
c) ASB: FH advised that she was visited by a police officer
yesterday regarding her ASB report and was given a victim
support card with details to hand over to the Area Housing
Office. FH provided information to JA.
a) Garage Lights –TL reported that the bulbs need to be
replaced. CE advised that this is the TMO’s responsibility.
b) Lift- SL informed that a block letter still hasn’t been sent to
all residents to inform why the lift has been shut for
approximately 5 days. CE to chase Barry Maude
c) Galway House kitchen extension - TL requested an update
and expressed displeasure about the delay in taking action.
SL emphasised that the extension has blocked the fire exit.
PC advised that the solicitors have contacted the TMO to
request a statement for court.
d) Recycling – Concerns that the recycling collection team
leave smashed glass on the estate. There was a general
perception that the recycling team leave the estate looking
messier after they have left.
a) DK informed that a planning application has been resubmitted
to build a hotel and a block of flats, and expressed concerns
about the loss of light to residents as a result of the
developments. He requested support from the panel in the
event that the TRA submits a formal objection to the
b) Shire House: DK queried when the scaffolding erected by flat
6 will be taken down.
Theseus & Boreas Walk: DF thanked ES and JA for their support
and encouragement. He also informed that he did not receive a
response from the Special Projects team after submitting an
application form for funding from the environmental & estate
improvement budget. CE advised that in future, DF should email the
application to Special Projects and CC Estate Services.
Bunhill Energy Centre: ES queried why a fire brigade was called to
the centre approximately 2 months ago. JA to contact energy team
and feedback.
Energy Team
Future Meeting Dates
JA circulated proposed future meeting dates.
Panel agreed.
Meetings will be held every 6 weeks, on the last Tuesday of the
Next Meeting Date
Tuesday 27th May 2014, 7pm