Centre For Inquiry Canada Annual General Meeting Agenda Date of Issue: May 26, 2014 Revision Date: May 26, 2014 Issued/Developed By: Eric Adriaans, National Executive Director Board of Directors Approval Affirming Signature: Date: Board Meeting Agenda June 14, 2014 - 3:00 PM (EDT) - Via: Skype Board Membership: Item # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kevin Smith Gary Fitzgibbon Genessa Radke Pat O’Brien Veronica Abbass Mike Gray Dorothy Hays Eric Adriaans – NED (Ex Officio) Detail Welcome Approval of Agenda Approval of Prior Minutes Board Roles and Terms Governance/Policy Matters Other Business Next Meeting Date In Camera Lead Chair Chair Chair Time Chair Note: The CFI Canada Board meets in camera each session to discuss any confidential matters relating to the NED and operational management of the organization. These sessions are not recorded in the minutes with any requisite communication being directed to the NED by the Chair of the Board. 9. Adjournment Centre for Inquiry Canada Mission: To educate and provide training to the public in the application of skeptical, secular, rational and humanistic enquiry through conferences, symposia, lectures, published works and the maintenance of a library. Centre For Inquiry Canada Board Minutes Date of Issue: June 14, 2014 Revision Date: June 14, 2014 Issued/Developed By: Eric Adriaans, National Executive Director Board of Directors Approval Affirming Signature: Date: May 22, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes June 14, 2014 - 8:00 PM (EDT) - Via: Skype Board Membership: Item # 1. 2. Kevin Smith Gary Fitzgibbon Genessa Radke Pat O’Brien Veronica Abbass Mike Gray Dorothy Hays Eric Adriaans – NED (Ex Officio) Detail Welcome Approval of Agenda Minutes and Motions Moved that the Agenda be accepted with edits as follows: No edits Moved By: Veronica Abbass Seconded: Genessa Radke 3. Approval of Prior Minutes Motion Passed Moved that the Minutes for May 22, 2014 be accepted, with edits as follows, and published with accompanying agenda and reports to the CFI Canada website. No Edits Moved By: Gary Fitzgibbon Seconded: Kevin Smith 4. Board Roles and Terms Motion Passed Discussion of Board Roles for the coming year. Proposal of roles to be filled and terms of office (though not necessarily in the appointed role). The board requires 3 persons on 1 year term and 4 persons on 2 year terms. When terms expire, individuals are able to stand for reelection Role Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary CAHR CAHEE CASS Name Term K. Smith 2 years P. Obrien 2 years G. Fitzgibbon 1 year G. Radke 2 years V. Abbass 1 year D. Hays 1 years M. Gray 2 years Resolved that the roles and terms as discussed and/or proposed shall be effective for the composition of this board. Moved By: Kevin Smith Seconded: Veronica Abbass Motion Passed Details of Nominators: 5. Chair: Gary, Kevin Vice Chair: Gary, Kevin Treasurer: Kevin, Genessa Secretary: Veronica, Pat CAHR:Kevin, Gary CAHEE: Genessa, Kevin CASS: Kevin – later confirmed by Mike 5.1 Bylaw submission and matters proceeding from adoption of Bylaws. Governance/Policy Matters 5.1 Bylaw Submission 5.2 Submission of T3010 Charitable information Discussion: NED advised that Bylaws will be Return submitted to CRA/Industry Canada. Moved that as needed 5.2 Submission of Charitable Return T3010 Discussion: NED confirmed that 2013 T3010 has been submitted and is being reviewed. 7. Next Meeting Date 8. In Camera Next meeting to be scheduled within one week to address elections process and policy for Council. In Camera Session not recorded in minutes – feedback provided to NED. Note: The CFI Canada Board meets in camera each session to discuss any confidential matters relating to the NED and operational management of the organization. These sessions are not recorded in the minutes with any requisite communication being directed to the NED by the Chair of the Board. 9. Adjournment Moved By: Veronica Abbass Seconded: Gary Fitzgibbon Centre for Inquiry Canada Mission: To educate and provide training to the public in the application of skeptical, secular, rational and humanistic enquiry through conferences, symposia, lectures, published works and the maintenance of a library.
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