NED GCW OFFICERS DIRECTOR Daisy B. Wallace 451 Hornbrook Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-279-7118 [email protected] ASST. DIRECTOR Terri Groh PO Box 224 New Haven, NY 13121 315-963-2044 TREASURER Barbara Moleski 4487 Wilderness Way Syracuse, NY 13215 315-488-7691 SECRETARY Penny McNamara 1366 State Route 38 Owego, NY 13827 607-223-4153 [email protected] 2013-14 National Project Wrap Up! GOD IS GOOD through His faithful people! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2014-15 Intro Prayer Welcome Barb Linn! 2 Fall Refocus Flyer 3 Fall Refocus details & bios 4 Web sites Welcome Buffalo/ Niagara Regional Coach 5 2014-15 GCW Calendar 6 Fund Explanations Goal Challenge 7 Summer Renew & August Training Retreat Picture Overview 8-9 Great Commission Women Northeastern District SUMMER 2014 A GREAT Year with Let’s Have Coffee! The Great Commission Women (GCW) Executive Leadership Team set a goal last year of $18,000 for our 2013-2014 National Project, Global Grounds/Russia. It was a big step of faith for some of us since the most we have given is $15,300, but we took that leap of faith. It’s exciting that we not only met our goal, but have surpassed it by a several hundred. The National goal has not been met yet so there is still time to give more as long as it is in our NED GCW Treasurer’s hands by mid-week (Aug. 26). We thank SO many women’s groups, individuals and churches for promoting the coffee project and raising funds in a big way this past year. Blessings to all of you. Our GCW and International Workers (IWs) appreciate your sacrificial giving and generosity. $18,964.84 We are taking a bigger step of faith for our 2014-15 National Project that starts on September 1. The new project is “Tell Me a Story” and it is promoted on the inside of this newsletter. We had an e-meeting just last week and voted to raise our goal to $20,000 for the coming year of raising money for this project. Let’s get it done during the period September 2014 through mid -August 2015! We can do it and all for the glory of God to help our IWs and their story telling training and teaching others about Jesus. (see page 2). Designed by Terri Groh Will you be the one—kids for adoption? This past year has been an exciting and unusual one for our District with several new International Workers which means more Third Culture Kids (TCKs) needing churches to adopt them. The NED GCW also finds churches to adopt our Church Planter Kids (CPKs) and we had a new baby CPK for adoption as well. We also had a new TCK baby to be adopted too. The total needing churches to adopt them this past year is 15 — 1 CPK and 14 TCKs, including 4 “associate” TCKs. The wonderful news is that we have 12 of the 15 adopted by our churches, BUT the not-sogood news is that we need churches willing to adopt these 3 remaining Associate TCKs. They are a boy, age 17; girl, age 14; boy, age 12. Perhaps you already have a CPK or TCK and could adopt a second one. OR maybe your church has been thinking about adopting a TCK and loving and encouraging them throughout the year. Now is the time. Contact our TCK Chair Karen Spurling ASAP at: [email protected] OR 315-297-4182 Karen will have guidelines for you. We keep our TCKs until they graduate from college or get married (whichever comes first). PAGE 2 2014-15 GCW Theme and Emphasis Pray that when I open my mouth the right words will be given to me that I can be bold as I tell the mystery of the good news. YOUR beautifully messy complicated story MATTERS national web site— www.greatcomissionwomen. org. There are 4 billion oral learners in the world, makEphesians 6:19 (NIRV) ing up more than 60% of the Theme: Tell Me a Story world’s population, and Colors: Cinnamon brown, many of our International sage green, paprika red, Workers are working in this mustard yellow — all shades “oral world”. of these great colors! Project: To reach oral Spiritual Emphasis: Making learners worldwide with the Known the mystery of Christ. gospel through: Bible Study: “Jesus...Name >Storytelling development: Above All Names” A series of training/coaching workers in 12 lessons on the names of oral strategy Jesus. Can be easily used as >Story production: storya personal Bible study, group crafting internships/ study or in mentoring one-on- workshops one! This study is in the En>Storytelling technology: gage magazine or on our audio/video equipment, apps/broadcasting >Storytelling leadership in Africa: fund lead couple for up to two years. Goal: $333,000 This is an amazing opportunity for each of us to help make a huge difference in the world and in the Kingdom. Join with us to make it possible for oral learners worldwide to hear the “Greatest Story Ever Told” Thank YOU for participating in the 2014-15 GCW National Project, Tell Me a Story. Our desire is to assist the Alliance global team in reaching more than 4 billion oral learners worldwide. — tell it! GCW Core Value—Effective Fervent Prayer. Alliance Core Value—Prayer is the Primary Work of God’s People! Our International Workers depend on us living stateside to uphold them in prayer. We need to be praying people as we pray over their marriages, family, ministry, team health, daily strength and good health and safety, and that God will use them to further the Kingdom. The GCW loves to send out prayer and newsletters from our NED IWs to anyone who wants to be on the email mailing list. If you are not receiving these important requests and update on their lives and ministries, contact our Prayer Chair Cindy Prahst at [email protected]. She will gladly add you to her mailing list. We realize some of you get individual IW’s letters and Cindy sends all she receives out so you might get them twice. Better twice and just delete one than not at all. Uplift them as God brings them to mind. If you wake up in the night, pray. If you have some down time, pray. Pray for our IWs who might be going through difficult and trying times just as we are praying here at home. Let us be known as praying people of God. Thank you! WELCOME! The GCW of the Northeastern District welcomes our District Superintendent’s wife Barb Linn! We look forward to having you on our GREAT COMMISSION WOMEN NED GCW Leadership Team as Ex Officio and joining us. It’s great to have you back in the Northeastern District. We pray God’s blessings on you and Dave as you lead and we work together for God’s glory. We have been and will continue to pray for you both and for the adjustments and details in your move to the NED. SUMMER 2014 PAGE 3 PAGE GREAT 4 COMMISSION WOMEN SUMMER 2014 PAGE 5 >Check out our web site where you will find all the details you need for GCW Click on “ministries” and then “Great Commission Women” - On this page you will find a Refocus registration form, in case you have not received one, annual report forms for the NED, leadership team contact info, calendar of events, and more. >Also check us out on Facebook— and search for Great Commission Women of the Northeastern District. Welcome to the NED GCW Leadership Team! We are pleased to introduce to you our new Buffalo/Niagara Regional Coach from Lockport Alliance — Judy Button. Judy is a graduate of Nyack College and was a former MK (now TCK). She is not new to missions. Her parents , Ed and Ruth Thompson, were martyred in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. We ask you to pray for Judy as she learns the ropes of being a regional coach and for us as we mentor her in this position. 2014-15 DATES TO REMEMBER AND PUT ON YOUR PERSONAL AND CHURCH CALENDARS September 26-27: Fall Refocus on Missions, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center (details on NED website and page 3&4 of this newsletter) April 24-25: Spring Refresh Women’s Conference, Auburn Holiday Inn—details coming soon July 5, 3:00 p.m.: Summer Renew Celebration, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center PAGE 6 GCW NED—2014-2015 Calendar (a guide to help with budgeting, but monies can be sent at other times) SEPTEMBER 2014 2014-2015 Materials should be Fall Refocus - Delta Lake - IW International Worker (IW) Outout to all your regional churches Speakers, breakouts, teen activity fit–Suggest $3 per GCW woman by now OR take a love offering) Sept. 26-27 1 OCTOBER IW Outfit 2014 NOVEMBER National Expense Contribution $10 DECEMBER Christmas offering for Ouagadougou Guest Home, Burkina Faso (or up through May) JANUARY IW Outfit 2015 National Expense Contribution - $10 FEBRUARY 2015 IW Outfit 2015 APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 District Expense $25 JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 GREAT Send cards and gifts to your adopted CPK National Project-2nd call Help with The Development of Storytellers and Leadership for Storytelling in Africa IW Outfit COMMISSION WOMEN Send your adopted CPK a Valentine’s Day card Spring Refresh Women’s Conf., April 24-25 Anita Morrison Keynote Speaker Holiday Inn, Auburn National GCW Leadership Team meetings – Prior to C&MA General Council 2015-16 National Project to be announced in Engage Magazine coming in the mail soon! 3rd National Project Call help with The Production of Stories and Technologies for Telling the Story Local Church’s Annual Reports due by July 15. Make plans to distribute nation- Regional Coach’s Annual Real project theme 2015-2016 materials to churches in your re- ports due to District Director by July 25th gion FINAL 2014-15 National Project call – send by August 20th Send your adopted TCK a Valentine’s Day card Spring Refresh registration deadline coming up Get $$ in for National project JESUS Name Above All Names “Tell Me a Story”- District Direc- 12-lesson Bible Study – 12 names tor will report amount given so far of Jesus, the Master Storyteller By Amy Nehlsen at National Team meetings. Give until mid-August. tHE Make Spring Refresh Auburn National Expense Contribution Holiday Inn reservations now Spring Refresh early bird regis$30 tration deadline coming up in March MARCH Send Christmas packages or cards to TCKs Send Christmas cards to District International Workers IW Outfit 2014 2014 2014-15 National Project 1st call– Tell Me a Story-- goal of $333,000 to reach oral learners worldwide Coaches: materials should be distributed for 2015-2016 National project theme by now July 5 Summer Renew with International Worker speakers at Delta Lake - 3:00pm Pray & plan for 2015– 2016! SUMMER 2014 PAGE 7 EXPLANATION OF EXPENSES PLEASE NOTE: ALL MONIES FOR THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE SENT DIRECTLY TO OUR DISTRICT GCW TREASURER, PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO C&MA NATIONAL OFFICE IN COLORADO SPRINGS FOR EXPENSES LISTED BELOW (the NE District nor your church get credit if you send directly to the National Office) International Worker (IW) Outfit Gift – The outfit fund is paid to all our IWs to provide them monies covering their personal outfit needs, including clothing and other personal items. Breakdown is: $187.50/year/adult and/ or child age 12 and above; $125/child (age 11 and under)/year. We can meet this responsibility for our NE District IWs if each church gives towards this by a guideline of $3/woman in women’s ministries, a special love offering, or fundraiser. District Expense Fund (DEF) - $25/church/year due in May or any time throughout the year. This covers the cost of the expenses for our entire leadership team attending the annual leadership training retreat at Delta. This also covers expenses incurred by coaches up to $25 for materials and district operational supplies and expenses. In addition, expenses for materials, copying, and other administrative costs are covered under this fund. National Expense Fund (NEF) - $50/church/year due throughout the year that can be divided up to make it easier to budget. This expense covers the cost of all the national project materials, i.e., DVD, project cards; the Engage magazine and supplements received throughout the year and mailing cost, web site cost, National Director expenses for travel, etc. Ouagadougou Guest Home (OGH) – Overseas responsibility given to the Northeastern District GCW by national. Each district gets an overseas responsibility. It is suggested a Christmas offering be taken up for this, but it can be at other times from fall through June. We help with supplies for the home; i.e., linens, appliances, repairs, etc. This year we are giving towards more much-needed appliances — a washer and stove. National Project (NP): There are several times throughout the year to send in monies received towards the 2014-15 national project or you can send to the District GCW Treasurer at any time. These monies go the Great Commission Women (GCW) National Project: Tell Me a Story. Our desire is to assist the Alliance global team in reaching more than four billion oral learners worldwide through the four projects listed on the GCW project cards -- The Development of Storytellers, The Production of Stories, Technologies for Telling the Story, Lead- CHALLENGE TO ALL LOCAL CHURCHES As you will note, the NED GCW has set a goal to meet for the 2014-15 Tell Me a Story National Project. We would like to challenge you to set a local goal. We know some of you do set goals and have been for a while, but set one that is up and above what you’ve set in the past. Take faith-filled risks and trust for an astounding amount that can only be given for God’s honor and glory and not because of us. Looking forward to hearing from many of you about goals set and fund-raising ideas — send pictures of some of your meetings and/or ideas so we can feature them in our newsletters. It’s always good to share ideas. Praying for a great year in women’s ministries. PAGE 8 2014 Summer Renew Celebration, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center Family Camp, Sunday, July 6 Asst. Director Terri Groh welcome and opening prayer Leading Worship—Penny McNamara and Karen Spurling—NED GCW Leadership Team Director Daisy Wallace announcements and intros D.S. Wife Elaine Miller presenting Renew Offering — paying expenses for Rachel and Amanda Eggleton to attend Winter Camp for TCKs during their winter break from Roberts Wesleyan. Dr. Reneé Valach Bongolo Hospital Lebamba, Gabon, W. Africa Karen sharing about their family and conclusion of their work in Asia. Prayer Chair Cindy Prahst praying over CAC IWs and Karen, Renee Valach, Heather Wallace, and TCKs Rachel & Amanda Eggleton. 2015 Summer Renew Celebration, July 5, 3:00 p.m. — Mark Your Calendars and see you there! GREAT COMMISSION WOMEN PAGE 2014 NED GCW Leadership Training Retreat — August 1-2—Delta Lake Center Friday evening dinner, worship, greetings and challenge from District Superintendent Dave Linn, PowerPoint overview of National GCW meetings, Telling My Story devotional by Asst. Director Terri Groh, snacks, “pass the cup” icebreaker. Saturday breakfast & lunch, morning sessions with Director Daisy Wallace explaining 2014-15 theme, spiritual emphasis, Tell Me a Story National Project and challenging our leaders. Fun skits written by Terri Groh, Q&A panel with Director, Treasurer Barb Moleski, Outfit Chair Judy Ramsay, Project Chair Lorraine Regnier, TCK Chair Karen Spurling and moderated by Terri Groh. Annual Reporting and new forms with Barb Moleski. Concluded with communion led by Rev. Dave Linn, D.S. 9
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