Spotsylvania County Public Schools Together, we prepare our students for their future. 2014 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Dear Parents: We are pleased to offer high quality instructional programs and unique learning opportunities for our students this summer. The programs are supported by dedicated staff and are targeted to meet the diverse needs of our students and community. Each educational opportunity provided is designed to actively engage students to maximize student success. In the pages to follow, you will view wide ranging program offerings including enrichment opportunities, credit recovery for high school students, and instructional intervention/remediation. We hope that you will review the booklet and take advantage of educational opportunities that are aligned with the needs of your child. For additional information or clarification, please contact your child’s home school. Sincerely, S. Scott Baker, Ed.D. Superintendent 2014 Summer School Programs Registration Dates Elementary and Middle School Academic Programs Students are eligible to attend summer school if they meet specific criteria. Parents will be notified by school personnel, if eligible. NOTE: Parent Response Deadline is: Elementary - May 16, 2014 / Middle - May 21, 2014 High School Summer School Academic Programs Students are eligible to attend remedial summer school if they earn a cumulative average of at least a 50 for the year in the course he/she wishes to repeat. Registration deadline for both repeat sessions and new sessions is June 4, 2014. Registration Forms should be turned in at student’s home school. Late registration for all sessions will be one day only, on-site at Courtland High School, June 18 from 2:00—6:00 p.m. only. Registrations for any course sessions will be not be accepted after June 18th. Driver Education Registration Deadline: June 4, 2014—Registration to be turned in at home high school. (Offered on a space-available basis.) Enrichment Programs for Elementary, Middle, and High School Registration Deadlines: - Elementary Enrichment Registration should be turned in or mailed by June 13, 2014 to: Cedar Forest Elementary School c/o Peggy Taft—Elementary Enrichment Program 3412 Massaponax Church Road Fredericksburg, VA 22408 - Middle Enrichment Registration forms should be turned in or mailed by June 4, 2014 to: Battlefield Middle School c/o Summer Enrichment 11120 Leavells Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 - High Enrichment Registration forms should be turned in or mailed by April 30, 2014 to: Courtland High School c/o High School Enrichment Program 6701 Smith Station Road Spotsylvania, VA 22553 All forms are included in the back of this booklet. Summer School Programs 2014 SCHOOL INFORMATION Summer School Academic Programs Elementary Schools Elementary School .................................................... 2 Battlefield Elementary .................. (540) 786-4532 Elementary ESY ......................................................... 3 Berkeley Elementary ..................... (540) 582-5141 Brock Road Elementary................. (540) 972-3870 Middle School ........................................................... 4 Cedar Forest Elementary .............. (540) 834-4569 Middle School ESY ..................................................... 5 Chancellor Elementary.................. (540) 786-6123 High School Registration and Tuition Information Courthouse Road Elementary ....... (540) 891-0400 Courtland Elementary ................... (540) 898-5422 Harrison Road Elementary ............ (540) 548-4864 High School ............................................................... 6 Lee Hill Elementary ....................... (540) 898-1433 Registration Requirements........................................ 6 Livingston Elementary .................. (540) 895-5101 Tuition ....................................................................... 6 Parkside Elementary ..................... (540) 710-5190 Riverview Elementary ................... (540) 582-7617 Driver Education........................................................ 7 Robert E. Lee Elementary ............. (540) 582-5445 High School Courses .................................................. 7 Salem Elementary ......................... (540) 786-8218 High School ESY……………………………………………………....8 Smith Station Elementary ............. (540) 786-5443 Spotswood Elementary ................. (540) 898-1514 Wilderness Elementary ................. (540) 786-9817 Middle Schools Battlefield Middle ........................ (540) 786-4400 E-Credit Recovery …………………………………………….…....9 Enrichment Courses Elementary……………………………………………………...10/11 Middle …………………………………………………………….11/12 Chancellor Middle......................... (540) 786-8099 High …………………………………………………………………13/14 Freedom Middle ........................... (540) 548-1030 Registration Forms Ni River Middle ............................. (540) 785-3990 Post Oak Middle ........................... (540) 582-7517 Form A: High School Registration - New ............ 15/16 Spotsylvania Middle...................... (540) 582-6341 Form B: High School Registration - Repeat ........ 17/18 Thornburg Middle ......................... (540) 582-7600 Form C: Elementary Enrichment Courses ................ 19 Form D: Middle Enrichment Courses……………………..20 High Schools Form E: High Enrichment Courses…………….………21/22 Chancellor High............................. (540) 786-2606 Courtland High .............................. (540) 898-4445 NOTICE Massaponax High.......................... (540) 710-0419 Student Responsibilities and Rights Riverbend High ............................ (540) 548-4051 Summer school attendance is a privilege and, accordingly, students are expected to comply with the Spotsylvania County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct. Please refer to policy JFC on the Internet at Spotsylvania High.......................... (540) 582-3882 Summer School Programs 2014 This booklet provides information pertaining to the Spotsylvania County Public Schools summer programs available for students completing grades K-12 during the 2013-2014 school year. Registration for all programs must be handled through your child’s home school or as otherwise indicated. TRANSPORTATION/MEALS Refunds for tuition classes are only offered to parents/ guardians who withdraw students prior to the start of a class. (8th grade repeat, high school courses and enrichment only.) See page 6 for refund information. Meals will be available through the school cafeteria during academic and remedial summer school programs. If your child receives free or reduced price meals, these benefits still apply during the summer programs. Please see the chart below for services that are available for each program. ACADEMIC SUMMER SCHOOL Transportation is provided by the school system for students living in Spotsylvania County attending most summer school programs. The chart below indicates how to find bus information for each program. Program Information Chart ELEMENTARY/ MIDDLE SCHOOL REMEDIAL Elementary and middle summer school remedial programs are school-based, focusing on meeting specific academic needs of identified students. Program Transportation Elementary Academic Information is mailed home. Elementary Enrichment No Transportation Provided. 8th GRADE REPEAT SUMMER SCHOOL The 8th grade repeat program provides intensive intervention for students who have completed their 8th grade year and who would benefit from additional support before entering 9th grade. Students must be recommended for this program . Middle School Remedial HIGH SCHOOL NEW/REPEAT SUMMER SCHOOL The high school program is based on the regular school year academic program. Repeat courses are offered for high school students in grades 9-12 who need to re-take a course for credit, Standards of Learning (SOL) remediation, or new courses are offered for students seeking advancement. Students must meet prerequisites in order to be eligible to enroll. ENRICHMENT COURSES These courses are noncredit and open to all students enrolled in grades 3-12 during the 2013-14 school year. Classes are limited in size. All summer programs are contingent on school budget approvals, as well as sufficient enrollment, staffing, and space. Program information may change. For the most current information, please visit Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Parents are notified by phone by the home school. Breakfast Lunch Available Available (free/ (free/reduced reduced priced priced meals meals for qualifor qualified fied students) students) N/A N/A Available Available (free/ (free/reduced reduced priced priced meals meals for qualifor qualified fied students) students) 8th Grade Repeat Available Available (free/ (free/reduced Call your home school for reduced priced priced meals bus information. meals for qualifor qualified fied students) students) Middle School Enrichment Call your home school for bus information. High School Repeat/New Course Summer school routes will be communicated through the home school. High School Enrichment No Transportation Provided. None None Available Available (free/ (free/reduced reduced priced priced meals meals for qualifor qualified fied students) students) None None 1 Summer School Programs Program Information Spotsylvania County Public Schools is offering a fourweek academic intervention program for elementary school students from July 14 – August 7, 2014. The 2014 elementary summer school programs will be in session Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. In order to provide a more efficient staffing process, eliminate the need to combine multiple grade levels and better meet the needs of our students, we will be consolidating sites for the summer of 2014. If your child’s elementary school is not one of the host sites, your child will be transported to one of those sites. These programs will provide intervention instruction for students enrolled in grades K-5 during the 20132014 school year. Instruction will focus on language arts and/or mathematics skills. This year we will be running a split schedule each week. Two days will focus on reading and two days will focus on math. A student may be given the opportunity to attend summer school for two days each week or may be invited for all four days based upon their academic needs. Spotsylvania County Public Schools is providing this program at no cost to assist students. ESOL support will be available at selected sites. Further information may be provided by contacting your child’s home school. Student Expectations Students are expected to attend school regularly and adhere to all rules and policies established by the district and the summer school sites. Registration Elementary students identified for summer school will receive their invitation on Monday, April 28, 2014. Parents must complete the application and submit it to their home school no later than Friday, May 9, 2014 to register their child in the Elementary Summer School Program. If you are unable to take advantage of this opportunity, please return the form indicating that your child will not attend. This year we will also require the 2 Elementary Academic completion of a short survey for parents who decide not to take advantage of summer school. It is important for applications to be thoroughly completed before returning them to the school. Please contact your child’s school for questions regarding registration. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first -served basis. Students will be enrolled in their last grade completed during the 2013-14 school year. Class Cancellation Spotsylvania County Public Schools reserves the right to discontinue or combine classes (based on funding or enrollment), change instructors and/or change program location to another site. Classes without sufficient enrollment will not be offered. A minimum of 15 students per class will be required. Parents will be notified if such a change is necessary. Transportation Transportation information for elementary school students will be communicated to each registered student with a confirmation letter/email prior to the first day of classes. Transportation will be provided to all host locations. No requests for changes will be accepted after May 16th. Special Permission Transfer A few students are permitted to attend an alternative elementary school outside of their attendance zone during the school year. These students have followed the procedures and met the criteria according to School Board policy. However, special permission does not necessarily extend through the summer. Please check with your child’s school to determine if this impacts your summer school location. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Extended School Year (ESY) Summer School Programs for students with disabilities Elementary School Program Information Please Note: Extended School Year (ESY) refers to special education and related services beyond the normal calendar year for students with disabilities. Determinations for the appropriateness of ESY must be made by the student’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan) team. ESY is a set of activities designed to assure maintenance of previously learned skills that would be significantly jeopardized if the student did not receive ESY services. ESY services are separate from summer school programs offered by Spotsylvania County Public Schools. Students with disabilities are eligible to participate in summer school programs if they meet the criteria outlined. Legal Requirement Educators have a responsibility for development and delivery of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) defines FAPE as special education and related services that are provided at public expense in accordance with an IEP. ESY services may be provided as a part of the plan to provide FAPE. Session Detail July 7 thru August 7 Monday thru Thursday 5-Week Session Times: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Location Elementary - Courtland Elementary School IEP Team Considerations for ESY Participation English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) A student’s IEP team must take into consideration several factors in determining a child’s need for ESY Services. Determinations are made on an individual and yearly basis: ESOL students participating in summer school will receive targeted supplemental services based on the student’s language proficiency. The likelihood of significant or substantial regression of previously learned critical life skills from the current IEP. Limited or delayed recoupment of skills after services resume for the regular school year. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Policy on Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability The Spotsylvania County Public School Division does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. The Office of Student Support Services, 8020 River Stone Drive, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22407, has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided there under, is available from the ADA coordinator. 3 Summer School Programs Program Location Sessions Day/Times MS Remedial (rising 7th and 8th only) All Middle Schools June 23 thru July 9 Monday thru Thursday (Student Break on July 3 & July 10) 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 8th Courtland 1st - English Grade High School June 23 thru Repeat July 9 (selected (Student Break students) on July 3 & July 10) Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Courtland High School July 14 thru July 29 will be held at Courtland High School Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m—3:00 p.m., two 10-day sessions. First session will be English, second session will be Mathematics. Course offerings are dependent upon the availability of qualified instructors and sufficient enrollment. Tuition for eighth grade summer school is $125.00 per session. Information will be coming from your child’s home school; however, if you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) A non-credit bearing course will be offered to Middle School level I/II ESOL students. 2nd - Math July 14 thru July 29 ESOL Middle School—Academic Focus will be on providing students supplemental services which support language acquisition and academic vocabulary. Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Middle School Summer Remedial Program This course will use a variety of resources and media available to teach the academic vocabulary students need across the curriculum. Additionally, language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening will be addressed through the study of content vocabulary. Recommendation from an ESOL teacher is required for enrollment in this course. The middle school summer remedial program serves This course will be held at Courtland High rising seventh and eighth grade students and is based School during the second session of repeat sum- at each middle school. The program focuses on literacy mer school: July 14 thru July 29. Transportation will be and numeracy, with a concentration on preparing stu- provided. dents for the next academic school year. The program will be held Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m.— 12:00 p.m., one 10-day session. Tuition is not charged for this program. 8th Grade Repeat Eighth grade students needing intensive intervention and who would benefit from additional support in English and mathematics before entering 9th grade will be recommended for enrollment in summer school that should result in promotion to ninth grade. The program 4 Policy on Non-Discrimination The Spotsylvania County Public School Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination with regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or status as a parent. This attitude will prevail in all of its policies concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Extended School Year (ESY) Summer School Programs Program Information Extended School Year (ESY) refers to special education and related services beyond the normal calendar year for students with disabilities. Determinations for the appropriateness of ESY must be made by the student’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan) team. ESY is a set of activities designed to assure maintenance of previously learned skills that would be significantly jeopardized if the student did not receive ESY services. Legal Requirement Educators have a responsibility for development and delivery of a free appropriate public education (FAPE). IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) defines FAPE as special education and related services that are provided at public expense in accordance with an IEP. ESY services may be provided as a part of the plan to provide FAPE. IEP Team Considerations for ESY Participation A student’s IEP team must take into consideration several factors in determining a child’s need for ESY Services. Determinations are made on an individual and yearly basis: The likelihood of significant or substantial regression of previously learned critical life skills from the current IEP. Limited or delayed recoupment of skills after services resume for the regular school year. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs for students with disabilities Middle School Please Note: ESY services are separate from summer school programs offered by Spotsylvania County Public Schools. Students with disabilities are eligible to participate in Summer School programs if they meet the criteria outlined. Session Detail July 7 thru August 7 Monday thru Thursday 5-Week Session Times Middle - 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Location Middle - Courtland High School Policy on Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability The Spotsylvania County Public School Division does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. The Office of Student Support Services, 8020 River Stone Drive, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22407, has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided there under, is available from the ADA coordinator. 5 Summer School Programs DATES AND TIMES Location: Courtland High School New Course: Monday, June 23 thru Tuesday, July 29 (Student Break on July 3 & July 10) Repeat Courses: 1st Session: Monday, June 23 thru Wednesday, July 9 (Student Break on July 3 & July 10) 2nd Session: Monday, July 14 thru Tuesday, July 29 Times: 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Registration begins: April 22 Late Registration: June 18 at Courtland High School from 2:00-6:00 p.m. No registrations will be accepted after this date. Attendance Requirements Students may not miss more than two days from a new session, or one day from a repeat session, for any reason. More than the allotted time missed will result in the student’s dismissal from summer school and no credit will be awarded. Students must successfully complete the course requirements to receive credit. Tuition is non-refundable if a student is dismissed due to absences or discipline. Refunds will only be given if the parent/guardian withdraws the student prior to the first day of class. Approved refunds may be obtained from your child’s home school BEFORE summer school begins; from Courtland High School DURING summer school; or from your child’s home school AFTER summer school ends. Three tardies or early dismissals will be counted as one day absent. Any student arriving after 9:00 a.m. or leaving before 12:25 p.m. will be counted absent for the entire day. Requirement to Enroll in Repeat Courses Students wishing to take a repeat course for credit must have a cumulative average of at least 50% for the year in the course in which he or she wishes to repeat or seeks remediation. General education courses are described in the 2013-14 Program of Studies. Courses offered are listed on page 6 High School—Academic 7 of this booklet and are contingent on sufficient enrollment, staffing, and budget approval. Special Education Services Special education services are offered for students with disabilities needing additional support in the high school academic program. Information is provided on page 8 of this booklet. These courses are not offered to non-Spotsylvania County Public Schools students, and any student registering must have a current Spotsylvania County Public Schools IEP. Please contact your home school for assistance with course selection and registration. All forms must be turned into your child’s home school guidance department with payment for the course or courses your student is registering. SOL Testing English: Writing SOL assessment is offered July 14 thru July 25. This is offered to all students who need to retake this SOL test. The student does not need to be enrolled in summer school to participate. If a student is not enrolled, he or she must make arrangements with the Instructional Coordinator at his or her home high school to arrange testing. All other SOL assessments are given the last few days of each summer school session. These are only available to students enrolled in a retake or new course. Registration and Tuition Please register early. Enrollment information will be crucial to determine whether or not a class will be held. Registration for all courses begins April 22, 2014 and ends June 4, 2014. If you are unsure as to whether or not your child needs to take a repeat course, please contact your child’s school counselor. REGISTRATION DATES Registration deadline for both repeat sessions and new sessions is June 4, 2014. Late registration for all sessions will be one day only, on-site at Courtland High School June 18 from 2:00—6:00 p.m. only. No registrations will be accepted after this date. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Summer School Programs To ensure your child is placed in the correct course, a signature is required from a high school counselor, ESOL teacher, or special education department chair (or school representative) on registration Form A (page 15) or Form B (page 17) of this brochure. Incomplete registrations will be returned to the parent or guardian and may delay or prevent registration if the deadline has passed. Tuition is $125 for a repeat course and $250 for a new course. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, money order, personal checks or bank-certified checks. Tuition is non-refundable once the student begins the course. Refer to page 6 for refund information. Please note: Only those students who are enrolled in Spotsylvania County Public Schools will be allowed to attend summer school. Transfer Credit Any Spotsylvania County high school student planning to take a class at another summer school outside of the county for the purpose of earning a unit of credit to transfer back to their home high school must receive prior written approval from his or her principal in order for the credit to be recognized. Driver Education A student may enroll in classroom driver education (a 6-day class) if he/she has passed 10th grade physical education, but failed the driver education portion of that class. Driver education class is offered as a repeat course during the 1st session of summer school. The course begins June 23 and ends July 1. The daily schedule will be Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The cost for Driver Education is $70. One hundred percent attendance is required. High School—Academic High School Grading Student grades will be calculated according to Spotsylvania County Public Schools guidelines. Students enrolled in a new course who withdraw by July 9 may do so without receiving a grade penalty. Students who withdraw after July 9 receive a WF (withdraw failing) or WP (withdraw passing). A WF and/or a WP are considered failing grades. Grade point average (GPA) is calculated on the basis of all courses for which credit has been earned or attempted, including repeated courses. High School Courses Students may register for one new course only, or two repeat courses (one per session). Students do not have to register separately for SOL testing for those courses that require an SOL test. (SOL test information may be found on page 6 of this brochure.) The test is given as a part of the course. Courses listed below are samples of the typical offerings in past summer school sessions. Course Economics Personal Finance Algebra Functions & Data Analysis Health/PE 9 PE 10/Drivers Ed. English 11 Geometry English 11 English 12 World Geog. Geometry Earth Science Health/PE 9 PE 10 Algebra I World History Driver Ed. VA & US Gov’t VA & US History Geometry Pt I Geometry Pt II English 9 English 10 Biology Chemistry Type of Credit New (1st session) New (2nd session) New Code SOL Test 6120A* 6120B* 3134 New New New New Repeat (1st session) Repeat (1st session) Repeat (1st & 2nd) Repeat (1st session) Repeat (1st & 2nd ) Repeat (1st & 2nd ) Repeat (2nd session) Repeat (1st session) Repeat (1st & 2nd ) Repeat (1st session) Repeat (1st & 2nd ) Repeat (1st & 2nd ) Repeat (1st session) Repeat (1st session) Repeat (2nd session) Repeat (2nd session) Repeat (2nd session) Repeat (2nd session) 7300 7405 1150 3143 1150 1160 2210 3143 4210 7300 7405 3130 2216 7415 2440 2360 3144 3145 1130 1140 4310 4410 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes *Economics and Personal Finance must be taken concurrently. The cost of the combined courses will be $225. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 7 Summer School Program High School ESY ESY Program Information Session Detail Extended School Year (ESY) refers to special education and related services beyond the normal calendar year for students with disabilities. Determinations for the appropriateness of ESY must be made by the student’s IEP team. ESY is a set of activities designed to assure maintenance of previously learned skills that would be significantly jeopardized if the student did not receive ESY services. July 7 through August 7 Monday thru Thursday 5-Week Session Legal Requirement Educators have a responsibility for development and delivery of a free appropriate public education (FAPE). IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) defines FAPE as special education and related services that are provided at public expense in accordance with an IEP. ESY services may be provided as a part of the plan to provide FAPE. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) IEP Team Considerations for ESY Participation A student’s IEP team must take into consideration several factors in determining a child’s need for Extended School Year Services. Determinations are made on an individual and yearly basis: The likelihood of significant or substantial regression of previously learned critical life skills from the current IEP. Limited or delayed recoupment of skills after services resume for the regular school year. Times High - 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Locations High - Courtland High School A non-credit bearing course will be offered to High School level I/II ESOL students. Focus will be on providing students supplemental services which support language acquisition and academic vocabulary. This course will use a variety of resources and media available to teach the academic vocabulary students need across the curriculum. Additionally, language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening will be addressed through the study of content vocabulary. Recommendation from an ESOL teacher is required for enrollment in this course. Transportation will be provided. This course will be held at Courtland High School during the first session of repeat summer school: June 23 thru July 9. Transportation will be provided. PLEASE NOTE Extended School Year services are separate from Summer School programs offered by Spotsylvania County Public Schools. Students with disabilities are eligible to participate in Summer School programs if they meet the criteria outlined. 8 Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Summer School Programs E-Credit Recovery Program Information E-Credit Recovery options are for students who need course credit to earn a Standard or Advanced Studies diploma. This program is for a select group of students, who do not meet requirements for regular Academic Summer School admission. Courses will be offered in an electronic format, with a teacher to supervise. Students who are eligible will be recommended by their teacher(s) and contacted by the school counselor. Courses taken through this credit recovery program will be considered repeat courses. Students must have been previously enrolled in the course and received a failing grade. The grades earned will be calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average. Students may take up to two courses. The courses will be offered at Courtland High School. The program will be held: Monday, June 23 thru Tuesday, July 29 (Student Break on July 3 and July 10), 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The cost for students is $125.00 per course. Transportation will be provided. Please fill out the application on page 17 of this brochure and return to your school with payment. E-Credit Recovery Available E-Credit Recovery Courses COURSE COURSE# TYPE OF COURSE ENGLISH English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 1130 1140 1150 1160 Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat MATHEMATICS Algebra I Algebra II Geometry 3130 3135 3143 Repeat Repeat Repeat SCIENCE Earth Science Biology 4210 4310 Repeat Repeat SOCIAL STUDIES Geography World History VA & US History** 2210 2216 2360 Repeat Repeat Repeat **Must pass SOL prior to taking VA & US History Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 9 Summer School Programs Elementary Summer Enrichment Programs These camps provide enriching experiences and educational opportunities for rising 3rd-5th graders. Class sizes will be limited to 20 students. Please sign up as soon as possible to secure a spot in your preferred class(es). A minimum of 10 students is necessary for the course to be offered. Elementary Enrichment Programs CSI Science Simulation: An Introduction (offered 1st session only) Students will become crime scene investigators as they solve a mystery that involves experimentation and intrigue. The Case of the Missing Millionaire is both engaging and taps into higher level thinking as students learn to withhold judgment until all of the evidence is collected and analyzed. Mystery Disease (offered both sessions) Elementary Enrichment Programs will be offered at Courthouse Road Elementary School. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. A serious illness is sweeping through a small community. During this camp, students will become public health workers and track down the source of the illness. Your teammates and you will race against time to solve the problem before the outbreak becomes more severe. Come be a part of the solution! Transportation: Digital Photography (offered 1st session only) Location: Transportation will be the responsibility of the parent/ guardian. Dates & Times: 1st session - July 14 thru July 17, 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 2nd session - July 21 thru July 24, 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Registration and Cost: Registration is March 24 through June 13. Complete the application on page 19 and return to Peggy Taft as indicated on the application. $100.00 per one-week session Please contact Peggy Taft for other questions at [email protected] or 540.842.8032. NOTICE - REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THIS BROCHURE. - PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. - COURSE ENROLLMENTS ARE LIMITED, AT LEAST 10 STUDENTS MUST BE ENROLLED FOR A COURSE TO BE HELD. 10 This course is an introduction to basic digital photography and visual expression. Learn the art and technology behind digital photography. The workshop will cover exposure, composition and lighting, as well as how to print, save and enhance pictures. Students will experience various computer programs to enhance their photographs like Google Picasa, Microsoft Photo Story and Photosynth, Andrea Mosaic and Adobe Photoshop. (Students must provide their own digital camera.) “Once upon a…” (offered 1st session only) Students will be given the opportunity to read and act out high interest humorous fairytales while practicing their reading, research skills, and creativity. Students will engage in reader’s theater plays and even tackle their creative writing skills when they get to rewrite familiar fairytales. Finally, they will get to share their own tales they created in a storytelling festival. CSI Science Simulation: Advanced (offered 2nd session only) Student crime scene agents will engage in hands -on activities from clues left at a crime scene. Students will use the skills developed from the CSI Introduction course and participate in a week-long investigation to solve a crime. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Summer School Programs Elementary Summer Enrichment Summer Tech Quest (offered 2nd session only) This is the ultimate week-long computer exploration camp. Students will unlock the potential of 21st century skills through exploration of digital tools and online resources. Students are invited to discover the endless possibilities as they learn high-tech computer skills and have fun doing it! This is an excellent course to follow Digital Photography. Strategy Games with a Side of Chess! (offered 2nd session only) Elementary Enrichment Program Middle Enrichment Program Middle School Summer Enrichment Programs The Middle School 2014 Summer Enrichment Program is for rising 6th through 8th grade students. Class size will be limited to 18 students. Please sign up as soon as possible to secure a spot in your preferred classes. A minimum of 15 students is necessary for the course to be offered. Location: Courtland High School Dates: Let the games begin! Come on out and play and explore a variety of exciting games that tap problem-solving skills and creativity. Board games, strategy games, game apps, and computer games are all part of the fun. We’ll even learn to play chess, the game of Kings and Queens. Don’t miss this unlimited gaming opportunity! 1st Session: Monday, July 14 thru Thursday, July 17 Beginning Crochet (offered both sessions) able to Battlefield Middle School. Cash and money orders are also accepted. Guess what’s in? Crochet! Come and learn several basic crochet stitches as well as how to read a crochet pattern. Students will learn and explore making several small items to keep. But even better, this service learning project will involve making and giving a crocheted item to someone in need. STEM Design Challenge (offered both sessions) We build hands-on solutions to your engineering problems! Join us as we design, build, and test prototype solutions to engineering design problems. Can you design a thermal protection system that will protect space instruments from the radiation of the sun? Can you move marbles without carrying them? Which team can build the strongest bridge? Lego Problem Solving (offered both sessions) Join us for a fun week of investigating and problem solving using Legos! We will discover how to use Lego bricks and special components to create simple machines and moving parts. Students will develop teamwork and communication skills while working together to build a model that will allow them to complete a challenge. We will even use motors and remote controls to operate our inventions. Are you up for the challenge? Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 2nd Session: Monday, July 21 thru Thursday, July 24 Times: Classes will start at 8:15 a.m. and end at 2:45 p.m. Doors open at 7:45 a.m. for early drop-off. Cost: $100 per session. Checks should be made pay- Lunch: Students must pack a lunch. Registration and Transportation: Registration begins March 19 and continues through June 4. Complete the application and return it with payment to Battlefield Middle School, 11120 Leavells Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407. Transportation will be available on a limited summer bus route schedule. Please keep in mind this means longer rides and farther from home bus stops. Enrichment camp students will be sharing busses with high school summer school students. Please contact Kristen Weidle by email at [email protected] or at 540.834-2500 X1131. Email is preferred. Phone messages may only be checked once a week. NOTICE - REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THIS BROCHURE. - PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. - COURSE ENROLLMENTS ARE LIMITED, AT LEAST 15 STUDENTS MUST BE ENROLLED FOR A COURSE TO BE HELD. 11 Summer School Programs Middle School Enrichment Programs Cake Creations Beautiful birthday or wedding cakes are not as simple as they seem. In Cake Creations, students will learn what it takes to bake and decorate cakes for clients from the beginning to the final stage of baking and creating. Strategy and Adventure Games How would you like to ...Conquer the world in Risk? Explore a new land in Settlers of Catan? Save the kingdom in Shadows Over Camelot? Battle swamp trolls in Small World? Join us for a chance to play some familiar board games and learn the rules to some exciting new ones! Whether you'd like to match wits with Zeus, clash with Julius Caesar on the field of battle, or create your own world and monsters to challenge your friends, if you love games and strategy this is the choice for you! Claymation with iPads Have you ever thought what the other side of the story may be? Now is the time to make it come to life through Claymation with iPads! Demonstrate your creativity using critical thinking skills, forming clay characters and using iPads with iMovie, create your own version of famous fairy tales or stories. A fun packed week awaits you! Animal Dissection Learn the anatomy and physiology of frogs, shark pups, clams, crayfish, starfish, earthworms, grasshoppers, and more through hands-on dissection. Compare mammalian organs including sheep brains and cow eyes. 3D Art Do you like to draw, build, and paint? This art class will turn your ideas and drawings into 3D sculptures! You will explore different sculptures techniques including paper mache and then paint/decorate your final masterpieces. 12 Middle Enrichment Program Video Games and Robots Do you like to play video games or tell stories through online websites? Have you ever dreamed of building your own robot? Then this summer program is for you! We will be programming your own personalized video game with Scratch programming language by MIT and creating your own robot. Sea Perch Set sail to build and design a remote controlled underwater robot. You and your team will work together to build an underwater robot. See what it takes to build a submarine and maneuver around underwater mountains. Design Challenges: Design it, Build it, Crash it, Launch it. This class will focus on using hands-on activities involving designing, building, and testing machines in order to solve real world problems. Can you build a shock-absorbing system that will protect two “astronauts” when they land? Can you move marbles without carrying them? Who can build the strongest bridge with the given materials? CSI: Using Science to Solve Crimes If you like to watch CSI shows this summer class is for you! You will be collecting and identifying finger prints, casting shoe or tire patterns, looking at fibers under a microscope, and identifying blood and blood spatter patterns (no real blood will be used). You will learn the steps taken to secure, process, and reconstruct a crime scene. NOTICE - REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THIS BROCHURE. - PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. - COURSE ENROLLMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 18, AT LEAST 15 STUDENTS MUST BE ENROLLED FOR A COURSE TO BE HELD. - STUDENTS ARE ASKED TO PLACE THEIR TOP THREE CHOICES ON THE REGISTRATION FORM IN CASE OF A COURSE FILLING OR CANCELLATION DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Summer School Programs High School Summer Enrichment Programs German Immersion Week The German immersion week will be held almost entirely in German. It is designed to provide students who are committed to studying the German Language and Culture with an intense authentic communication experience. The focus is on the development of oral fluency and ease of expression. After this week the students will have gained much more self-confidence in their language skills as well as in culturally appropriate behavior. The students will be engaged in many hands-on activities like cooking, dancing, playing, exploring, and creating. Class size will be limited to 20 students. High Enrichment Program Lunch: As part of the experience, students will be provided with the opportunity to cook a healthy authentic German lunch at no additional cost. Bottled water will be available. Please feel free to pack a lunch if you wish. Transportation: Transportation will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Registration: Complete the application and return it with payment to Courtland High School or mail it to: Attn: High School Enrichment Program 6701 Smith Station Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553 Applications must be received by April 30, 2014. Refunds will only be processed through June 27, 2014. For other questions, please contact Frau Hoeninger at [email protected]. Prerequisite: Interested students should have completed at least two years of German. This includes rising high school freshmen. Students should be able to initiate and sustain brief conversations in the target language and be excited about interacting with peers and teachers in German. Location: Courtland High School Dates: 1st session: Monday, June 23 thru Thursday, June 26 2nd session: Monday, July 7 thru Thursday, July 10 Daily Schedule: Free optional German breakfast at 8:00 a.m.; classes will start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. NOTICE - REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THIS BROCHURE. - PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. - COURSE ENROLLMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 20 AND AT LEAST 15 STUDENTS MUST BE ENROLLED FOR A COURSE TO BE HELD. Cost: $100 per session. Checks should be made payable to Courtland High School. Cash and money orders are also accepted. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 13 Summer School Programs High School Summer Enrichment Programs French Immersion Week The French immersion week will be held almost entirely in French. It is designed to provide students who are committed to studying the French Language and Culture with an intense authentic communication experience. The focus will be on the development of oral fluency and ease of expression through exploration of the Frenchspeaking world. After this week, the students will have gained much more self-confidence in their language skills as well as in culturally appropriate behavior. The students will be engaged in many hands-on activities like cooking, acting, creation of art, playing, and exploring. Class size will be limited to 20 students. Prerequisite: Interested students should have High Enrichment Program Lunch: As part of the experience, students will be provided with the opportunity to cook a healthy authentic French lunch at no additional cost on Monday and Thursday. Bottled water will be available. Please feel free to pack a lunch if you wish for those two days. Transportation: Transportation will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Registration: Complete the application and return it with payment to Courtland High School or mail it to: Attn: High School Enrichment Program 6701 Smith Station Road Spotsylvania, VA 22553 Applications must be received by April 30, 2014. Refunds will only be processed through June 27, 2014. For other questions, please contact Madame Marshall at [email protected]. completed at least two years of French**. This includes rising high school freshmen. Students should be able to initiate and sustain brief conversations in the target language and be excited about interacting with peers and teachers in French. (**Special permission can be granted for students having one year of French, upon approval of their current French teachers.) Location: Courtland High School Dates: 1st session: Monday, June 23 thru Thursday, June 26 2nd session: Monday, July 7 thru Thursday, July 10 Daily Schedule: Free optional French breakfast NOTICE - REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THIS BROCHURE. - PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. - COURSE ENROLLMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 20 AND AT LEAST 15 STUDENTS MUST BE ENROLLED FOR A COURSE TO BE HELD. at 8:00 a.m.; classes will start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. Cost: $100 per session. Checks should be made payable to Courtland High School. Cash and money orders are also accepted. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 14 FORM A High School Application – New Courses You can register by mail, fax or in person at your home school. See pages 6-8 for complete registration details Student Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) SCS ID # Street Address City Grade 2013-2014 State Course Code Course Title Course Code New Course Title New Date of Birth Home Language Check one: Male Parent/Guardian Name Female Home Phone Please indicate following services required for access to summer services: Interpreter – Deaf & Hard of Hearing Hearing Impaired Address Work/Cell Phone Vision Impairment Learning Support (learning/emotional disabilities) Emergency Contact Name Home Phone Work/Cell Phone Physical Disabilities PAYMENT INFORMATION E-mail address: Summer 2014 Graduation Payment and any 2013-2014 report card must accompany registration form. Make bank-certified check, personal check or money order payable to Spotsylvania County Schools. Current School Yes No School Attending Next Year Tuition $ ____________________ must be paid in full before classes begin. Payment deadline: June 4, 2014 for new courses and repeat courses HIGH SCHOOL RANK CODES Code A – High School new credit course or repeat credit course previously failed Code B – High school repeat course previously passed Payment I verify that the above registered student has not been expelled from school attendance at any private or public school in Virginia or any other state for an offense in violation of school board policies relating to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or the willful infliction of injury to another person. I verify that the above registered student has been expelled from school attendance at any private or public school in Virginia or any other state for an offense in violation of school board policies relating to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or the willful infliction of injury to another person. Bank-certified check Money Order Personal check Cash FOR SCHOOL USE ONLY – SCHOOL OFFICIALS MUST SIGN BELOW IEP 504 Plan Course Verification E-Course Verification Teacher Initials ________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date School Principal Signature Date Counselor’s Signature Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs This student qualifies for reduced tuition Payment of 50% Payment of 10% Principal or Designee’s Signature 15 FORM A High School Application – New Courses 2014 Summer School Attendance Contract (New classes) I understand that due to the compressed schedule followed during summer school it is important for students to be at school and in class the entire school day. I understand that my student may not miss more than two days from a new course, for any reason. More than the allotted time missed will result in the student’s dismissal from summer school and no credit will be awarded. I understand that tuition is non-refundable if a student is dismissed due to absences or discipline. Refunds will only be given if the parent/guardian withdraws the student prior to the first day of class. I understand that any combination of three days tardy or early dismissals will be counted as one day absent. Any student arriving after 9:00 a.m. or leaving before 12:25 p.m. will be counted absent for the entire day. Any student arriving after 8:00 AM will be counted as tardy. Any student leaving before 3:00 PM will be counted as having an early dismissal. Examples that would violate the attendance policy for a new class: • Absent two days and any one tardy after 8 AM but before 9 AM. • Any two days tardy after 9 AM and any one tardy or early release. • Any two early releases before 12:25 PM and any other tardy or early release. • Any seven days tardy after 8 AM and arriving before 9 AM. • Any seven early releases after 12:25 PM but before 3:00 PM • Any combination of early releases and days tardy resulting in a total of seven. In each of these instances, I understand that the student would be dismissed for attendance reasons without refund. __________________________________________ Student’s Signature _____________ Date _______________________________ _____________ Parent’s Signature _____________ Date Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 16 FORM B High School Application – Repeat Courses You can register by mail, fax or in person at your home school. See pages 6-8 for complete registration details Student Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) SCS ID # Street Address City Grade 2013-2014 State Course Code Course Title Course Code Repeat Course Title Repeat Date of Birth Home Language Check one: Male Parent/Guardian Name E-Credit E-Credit Please indicate following services required for access to summer services: Female Home Phone Interpreter – Deaf & Hard of Hearing Hearing Impaired Address Vision Impairment Work/Cell Phone Learning Support (learning/emotional disabilities) Emergency Contact Name Home Phone Work/Cell Phone Physical Disabilities PAYMENT INFORMATION E-mail address: Summer 2014 Graduation Payment and any 2013-14 report card must accompany registration form. Make bank-certified check, personal check or money order payable to Spotsylvania County Schools. Current School Yes No Enrolled in a Virginia public school during 2013-2014 School Attending Next Year: Yes HIGH SCHOOL RANK CODES – SCHOOL USE ONLY No Code A – High School new credit course or repeat credit course previously failed Code B – High school repeat course previously passed I verify that the above registered student has not been expelled from school attendance at any private or public school in Virginia or any other state for an offense in violation of school board policies relating to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or the willful infliction of injury to another person. I verify that the above registered student has been expelled from school attendance at any private or public school in Virginia or any other state for an offense in violation of school board policies relating to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or the willful infliction of injury to another person. Tuition $ ____________________ must be paid in full before classes begin. Payment deadline: June 4, 2014 for new courses and repeat courses Payment Bank-certified check Money Order Personal check Cash FOR SCHOOL USE ONLY – SCHOOL OFFICIALS MUST SIGN BELOW IEP 504 Plan Course Verification E-Course Verification Teacher Initials ________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date School Principal Signature Date Counselor’s Signature Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs This student qualifies for reduced tuition Payment of 50% Payment of 10% Principal or Designee’s Signature 17 FORM B High School Application – Repeat Courses 2014 Summer School Attendance Contract (Repeat Courses) I understand that due to the compressed schedule followed during summer school it is important for students to be at school and in class the entire school day. I understand that my student may not miss more than one day from a repeat session, for any reason. More than the allotted time missed will result in the student’s dismissal from summer school and no credit will be awarded. I understand that tuition is non-refundable if a student is dismissed due to absences or discipline. Refunds will only be given if the parent/guardian withdraws the student prior to the first day of class. I understand that any combination of three days tardy or early dismissals will be counted as one day absent. Any student arriving after 9:00 a.m. or leaving before 12:25 p.m. will be counted absent for the entire day. Any student arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be counted as tardy. Any student leaving before 3:00 p.m. will be counted as having an early dismissal. Examples that would violate the attendance policy for a repeat class: • Absent one day and any one tardy after 8 a.m. but before 9 a.m. • Any one tardy after 9 a.m. and any one tardy or early release. • Any one early release before 12:25 p.m. and any other tardy or early release. • Any four times tardy after 8 a.m. and arriving before 9 a.m. • Any four early releases after 12:25 p.m. but before 3:00 p.m. • Any combination of early dismissals and days tardy resulting in a total of four. In each of these instances, I understand that the student would be dismissed for attendance reasons without refund. __________________________________________ Student’s Signature _____________ Date _______________________________ ____________ Parent’s Signature _____________ Date Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 18 FORM C Elementary Enrichment Application SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Elementary Summer Enrichment Camps (2014) Student Application (Rising Grades 3-5 Only) All Elementary Enrichment Camps will be held at Courthouse Road Elementary School _______________________________ ___________________ __________________________ Student Name (First, MI, Last) Current Grade 2013-14 Current School ___________________________________ _________________________ _____________ Address City Zip _________________ Check One: Date of Birth q Male q Female ___________________________________________ ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Home Phone ___________________________________________ ____________________________ Email Address Work/Cell Phone __________________________________ _________________ ____________________________ Emergency Contact Name Home Phone Work/Cell Phone ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1st Session Offerings: July 14th – 17th (check one) 2nd Session Offerings: July 21st – 24th (check one) ____ CSI Science Simulation – An Introduction ____ Mystery Disease ____ Digital Photography ____ “Once upon a …” ____ Beginning Crochet ____ STEM Design Challenges ____ Lego Problem Solving ____ Mystery Disease ____ CSI Science Simulation: Advanced ____ Summer Tech Quest ____ Strategy Games with a side of Chest! ____ Beginning Crochet ____ STEM Design Challenges ____ Lego Problem Solving Each session will run Monday-Thursday from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Please list any allergies or health concerns: _______________________________________________ I will be responsible for transportation of my child. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date PAYMENT INFORMATION: Make check payable to: Spotsylvania County Public Schools Payment: $100.00 per 1-Week Session * Applications will be processed in the order they are received. Refund requests will only be processed through July 2nd. th APPLICATIONS DUE BY JUNE 13 . Please mail completed student application form with payment in full to: Peggy Taft Cedar Forest Elementary School 3412 Massaponax Church Road Fredericksburg, VA 22408 For more information please contact Peggy Taft at: [email protected] or 540.834-4569 Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs Office Use Only: Applicant Accepted: ______ Check Number: ______ Application Copy: ______ (Sent to Serving School) 19 FORM D Middle School Enrichment Application Return this form to Battlefield Middle School 2014 Middle School Enrichment Registration Form Held at Courtland High School, 8:15 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. Programs are for RISING 6th through 8th graders Student Name: ____________________________________ Student Number: _________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________ Work Phone: _______________________ Email Address: _____________________________ Home School: _______________________ Bus Transportation is Required: _____ YES ____ NO We run limited bus routes in the summer so expect longer bus rides. Bus stops may be farther from home and located at entrances to the subdivisions. Additional information such as medical conditions, learning disability, etc. There is no nurse on site. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________ COURSE REQUEST: Please Indicate 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices (We will accommodate the first choice as much as possible but alternate choices may need to be considered) 1st Session, July 14th – July 17th 2nd Session, July 21st – July 24th ____ Cake Creations ____ Cake Creations ____ CSI ____ Animal Dissection ____ Animal Dissection ____ Sea Perch ____ Design Challenges ____ Design Challenges ____ 3D Art ____ Claymation with iPads ____ Claymation with iPads ____ Strategy and Adventure Games ____ Strategy and Adventure Games ____ Video Games and Robots ____ Video Games and Robots COST: $100 per session. ____ 3D Art PAYMENT: Cash, money order, or personal check. Please make checks payable to: Battlefield Middle School Mail your form to: Battlefield Middle School, c/o Summer Enrichment, 11120 Leavells Rd, Fredericksburg, VA, 24407 Application/payment must be received by 6/04/14. Refund requests will be processed through 6/11/14. FOR INFORMATION: Contact Kristen Weidle at [email protected] 540-834-2500 ext.1131 *Email preferred. Phone messages may only be checked once a week. Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs You will be contacted after registration closes with course confirmation and transportation information. 20 FORM E-1 High School Enrichment Application Return this form to Courtland High School 2014 German Immersion Week Registration Form Summer Enrichment Program – Held at Courtland High School Program is for RISING 9th through 12th graders Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student Number: _________________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________Work Phone: _____________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________ Home School: _________________________________________________________ I will provide my child with transportation to and from Courtland High School. Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************************************************************** FOOD PREFERENCES: Please indicate your choices for each day. There is no extra cost because the authentic German food is part of the curriculum. Feel free to pack a lunch. 1st session, June 23rd – June 26st 2nd session, July 7th – July 10th 06/23 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 07/07 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 06/24 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 07/08 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 06/25 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 07/09 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 06/26 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch at the Bavarian Chef ____pack food 07/10 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch at the Bavarian Chef ____pack food COST: $100 per session. Payment options include cash, money order, or personal check. Please make checks payable to Courtland High School, 6701 Smith Station Road, Spotsylvania, 22553. Application and payment must be received by April 30, 2014. Refund requests will only be processed through June 27, 2014. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Frau Hoeninger at [email protected] Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 21 FORM E-2 High School Enrichment Application Return this form to Courtland High School 2014 French Immersion Week Registration Form Summer Enrichment Program – Held at Courtland High School Program is for RISING 9th through 12th graders Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student Number: _________________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________Work Phone: _____________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________ Home School: _________________________________________________________ I will provide my child with transportation to and from Courtland High School. Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************************************************************** FOOD PREFERENCES: Please indicate your choices for each day. There is no extra cost because the authentic French food is part of the curriculum on Monday and Thursday of that week. Feel free to pack a lunch. 1st session, June 23rd – June 26st 2nd session, July 7th – July 10th 06/23 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 07/07 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 06/24 ____Breakfast ____ pack food 07/08 ____Breakfast ____pack food 06/25 ____Breakfast ____ pack food 07/09 ____Breakfast____pack food 06/26 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food 07/10 ____Breakfast ____ Lunch ____pack food COST: $100 per session. Payment options include cash, money order, or personal check. Please make checks payable to Courtland High School, 6701 Smith Station Road, Spotsylvania, 22553. Application and payment must be received by April 30, 2014. Refund requests will only be processed through June 27, 2014. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Madame Marshall at [email protected] Spotsylvania County Public Schools 2014 Summer School Programs 22
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