LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM ROUTING TITLE: 2014 Extended School Year (ESY) Staff Application and Selection Procedures and Assignments NUMBER: MEM-6238.0 ISSUER: Sharyn Howell, Executive Director Division of Special Education DATE: February 28, 2014 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Memorandum is to inform administrators, teachers, and classified staff of the procedures for: (a) applying for an Extended School Year (ESY) position; and (b) assigning District staff to an ESY program at a single-track school or special education center. MAJOR CHANGES: Includes new application procedures for Itinerant Resource Specialist summer positions to support teachers of students with disabilities in general education summer programs. BACKGROUND: California law mandates that school districts provide students with disabilities Extended School Year (ESY)/Intersession programming when students require special education and related services in excess of the regular academic school year and the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team has determined the need for ESY. The purpose of ESY/ Intersession is to provide special education or related services when an interruption of the pupil's educational programming may cause regression, when coupled with limited recoupment capacity, rendering it impossible or unlikely that the pupil will attain the level of self-sufficiency and independence that would otherwise be expected due to their handicapping condition. INSTRUCTIONS: I. General Information All Schools ESC Superintendents Administrators of Operations Instructional Directors School Site Administrators Special Education Service Center Administrators Staff Working with Students with Disabilities Includes A. Additional information is also available online at: http://sped.lausd.net/operations/operational-support. B. The summer school application period for administrators, teachers, and special education paraprofessionals is Monday, March 10, 2014 – Friday, March 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. The application period for classified clerical staff will begin Monday, April 21, 2014. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 1 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): C. Applicants for summer school positions must apply online at https://summer.lausd.net using an LAUSD single sign-on (the username and password used to log into District e-mail). D. Applicants must apply to one site and submit their online application by the application due date. Applicants may edit their application online until the application deadline, Friday, March 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. E. Applicants should carefully check MEM 6237.0: “2014 Special Education Summer Session Extended School Year (ESY) Sites, Programs, and Feeder Schools” to identify the ESY site to which they would like to apply. This should be done prior to starting the ESY online application. F. Administrators must follow selection guidelines for selecting and assigning ESY staff. 1. Only eligible personnel who apply on-line will be selected. 2. Administrators may select staff from official electronic rosters only. 3. Employees must receive a written notice indicating an ESY assignment. 4. Once assigned, all summer school 2014 staff are electronically issued a summer Personnel Employment Record Number (PERN) for payroll purposes. 5. Unauthorized positions will be closed immediately. 6. Administrators are to hire teachers based on the number of programs allocated by the Special Education Service Center-Operations. 7. Administrators may only select personnel in accordance with the collective bargaining agreements for each job classification. II. Administrator Selection and Assignment The following information is provided for District administrators interested in applying for the 2014 ESY principal position(s) available at stand-alone ESY sites. Administrators interested in applying for a principal position at a high-school credit recovery site, including high school sites co-located with ESY programs, please refer to MEM-6234.0: “High School Summer School Administrative Assignments and Application Process 2014” for more information. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 2 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): A. The following prioritized criteria will be used to select ESY administrators: 1. Principals: a. Principals currently serving at a location designated as a summer school site. b. Principals who are currently at a school not designated as a summer school site, and if more than one principal applies for that site, selection will be based on seniority and the criteria below. i. Principals who did not have a 2013 summer school assignment. ii. Principals with the least number of summer school assignments in the last five years. 2. Non-school based administrators with regular status as principal, and if more than one administrator applies for that site, selection will be based on seniority and the criteria below: a. Administrators who did not have a 2013 summer school assignment. b. Administrators with the least number of summer school assignments in the last five years. 3. Non-school based administrators with regular status as assistant principal, and if more than one administrator applies for that site, selection will be based on seniority and the criteria below: a. Administrators who did not have a 2013 summer school assignment. b. Administrators with the least number of summer school assignments in the last five years. 4. Assistant principals, after all applying principals are assigned, serving at a location designated as a summer school site. If more than one assistant principal from the summer school site applies for that site, selection will be based on seniority and the criteria below: a. Assistant principals who did not have a 2013 summer school assignment. b. Assistant principals with the least number of summer school assignments in the last five years. 5. Assistant principals who are currently at a school not designated as a summer school site, and if more than one assistant principal applies for that site, selection will be based on seniority and the criteria below: MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 3 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM a. Assistant principals who did not have a 2013 summer school assignment. b. Assistant principals with the least number of summer school assignments in the last five years. INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): B. Basis Assignment Overlap In order to avoid an overlap in assignments, the following are restrictions on the number of days that can be worked during summer school: 1. E-Basis administrators whose 2013-14 E-Basis ends on June 23, 2014 may be assigned from June 24 to July 11, 2014 (14 days). 2. B-Basis administrators do not have an overlap in basis and, therefore, may be assigned the entire ESY session from June 16 to July 11, 2014 (19 days). ESY Assignment Dates According to Regular Assignment Basis 6/13 6/16 – 6/23 6/24 – 7/11 E-Basis No No Yes B-Basis No Yes Yes C. Supervision of ESY During Basis Overlap In general, the on-basis site administrators are responsible for the supervision of their campus during the overlap dates. 1. If an E-basis administrator is assigned from June 24 to July 11, then a B-basis administrator must be assigned from June 16 to June 23 and on the curriculum development day, June 13. 2. To support the E-basis administrators until their regular basis ends, the Executive Director of the Division of Special Education (or designee) will assign a special education administrator for transitional coverage during any basis overlap period during the ESY session and for the curriculum development day, June 13, 2014 as a part of the B-basis administrator’s regular assignment or as Ztime depending on their regular assigned days. D. Administrative assignments may not be split; selected administrators must work all assigned days allowable. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 4 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): E. ESC/ISIC Superintendents of Instruction will have final approval of summer school administrators. ESC/ISIC Superintendents of Instruction will collaborate with the Director of Special Education Service Center-Operations, or designee, to select and notify selected and non-selected administrators for ESY administrative assignments. F. An ESY administrator position is a 6-hour assignment. 1. 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at elementary sites 2. 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at secondary sites and special education centers. G. ESY principals receive a total of thirty-two (32) hours per ESY site for planning and preparation. This extra time may be shared with other staff assisting with the planning and preparation of ESY under the direction of the ESY principal. All time must be used exclusively for the planning and preparation of ESY programs and completed outside of the employee’s regular assignment. This time must be time reported prior to June 13, 2014. The Division of Special Education will report this time centrally. Instructions and time sheets will be provided to the selected ESY principal. H. A meeting has been tentatively scheduled on May 2, 2014 for all selected ESY administrators. Representatives from pertinent offices (e.g., transportation, food services, instruction, related services, nursing, etc.) will be present to answer questions. Hiring procedures for teachers and assistants will be explained. It is expected that all administrators selected to be ESY principals will attend this important meeting. More information will be forthcoming. III. Teacher Selection and Assignment A. The priority and selection process for teachers to staff ESY is outlined in the LAUSD/UTLA Contract, Article XX. Teachers may only apply to a special education program that is within their credentialed area. B. Information about ESY instructional programs is available in MEM-6239.0: “2014 Procedures for Extended School Year (ESY) Special Education Programs and Services,” Division of Special Education. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 5 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): C. Applicants must initially apply to one site and, if not selected at that school site, must be available for all schools in that geographic area. Teachers must be qualified to teach the class to which they are assigned. D. Summer school principals will select the special education teachers from the online roster. The process to select teachers for ESY is as follows: 1. Factor 1 (Continuity) – an applicant whose regular students are anticipated (based on student applications) to comprise 50% or more of the class; a. If no teacher has 50% or more, use Factor 2; b. If more than one teacher has 50% or more students, use Factor 3. 2. Factor 2 – The most senior applicant whose regular students are anticipated to comprise 33% or more of the class; if more than one teacher has 33% or more students, then use Factor 3. 3. Factor 3 – Selection is based on priority (recency), then seniority. E. Continuity factors will be based upon student enrollment packets received at the Special Education Service Center-Operations, no later than March 28, 2014. F. Designated Special Education Service Center-Operations staff will assist principals with this process by providing the following: 1. A spreadsheet indicating the programs and number of classes authorized for each designated summer school site. 2. The name of the continuity teacher (if any). 3. If a class does not have a continuity teacher, the principal will be able to select from the online roster based on priority (recency), then seniority (Factor 3). G. Principals notify both the selected and non-selected teachers regarding summer assignments. 1. Teachers are paid for a four (4) hour assignment. a. 8:30 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. on elementary sites b. 8:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. at secondary sites and special education centers. 2. Selected teachers must report to work each day at least ten (10) minutes before their first class begins. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 6 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 3. Teachers must then serve for a full day of instruction, as appropriate, exclusive of nutrition/recess (for those assigned for a four-hour day). 4. Teachers must remain on site for at least ten (10) minutes after dismissal of their last class. 5. Selected teachers are also required to perform reasonable pupil supervision duties and other professional obligations, as assigned. 6. June 13 will be a mandatory six-hour curriculum development day for all selected ESY classroom teachers and administrators. 7. If specialized training is provided for the program to which the teacher is assigned the teacher must participate in the mandatory training. INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): IV. Office and Support Personnel A. School Administrative Assistant (SAA) 1. Each stand-alone ESY site will be authorized for one (1) school administrative assistant position during the 4-week ESY session. 2. SAA positions during ESY are a 6-hour assignment from June 16, 2014 and July 11, 2014. a. 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at elementary sites b. 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at secondary sites and special education centers. 3. Summer assignments for off-basis school administrative assistant positions is outlined in the LAUSD/Unit S Collective Bargaining Agreement, Appendix D, Section 6.0. 4. ESY principals select SAAs from the online summer school roster, and notify selected SAAs of summer school assignment. 5. Selected employees must work the assignment for the entire ESY session. 6. Training may be required for all SAAs assigned to ESY. B. Office Technician 1. Stand-alone ESY sites and high school sites with colocated ESY programs are provided 60 hours of clerical relief per site that may be assigned, as needed, between June 16, 2014 and July 11, 2014. 2. Summer school principals select office technicians from the online summer school roster and notify selected office technicians of their summer school assignment. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 7 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 3. Summer assignment for off-basis office technicians is outlined in the LAUSD/Unit D Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article IX, Section 6.0. INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): V. Special Education Paraprofessionals A. ESY assignments for paraprofessionals will be 4.5 hours. B. Additional time will be provided to employees assigned to provide bus support based on the actual assigned time. C. ESY administrators will schedule employees’ start and end times to ensure adequate program support is available throughout the school day. The assigned time for employees not provided a different start/end time from their administrator, will be: 1. 8:20 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. at elementary sites (4.5 hours) 2. 7:50 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. at secondary sites and special education centers (4.5 hours). D. The assignment of special education assistants/trainees and health care assistants, or other special education paraprofessional must be made in accordance with the LAUSD/Unit B Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XI, Section 7.0. 1. Employees who accept an assignment are expected to work the assignment for the entire period. 2. Determination of anticipated student enrollment will be based on student applications received to Special Education Service Center-Operations no later than March 28, 2014. 3. Special Education paraprofessionals’ regular school year assignment is based on the “School Matrix for Special Education Program Support,” (REF-5104.2) when available. 4. The assistant/trainee/health care assistant should review the School Matrix with the school administrator and specify on the online application the name of the student(s) he/she assists during the regular school year. E. Special Education Service Center-Operations, or designated special education administrators, will assist administrators in monitoring the allocation of program support. In the case that additional program support is deemed necessary; the Special Education Service Center-Operations will contact Classified Employment Services to fill the assignment. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 8 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 1. The special education paraprofessional assigned to support an ESY program may be released by the ESY administrator for the following reasons: a. The paraprofessional did not report to work on the first day of the ESY session. b. The student assigned to the paraprofessional did not attend by the second day of the ESY session. c. The class has been closed due to low enrollment or other factors. d. The class has sufficient levels of program support to meet the educational needs of the students attending. e. The employee is being released due to unsatisfactory performance, including excessive absenteeism. INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): F. Once it has been determined by the Special Education Service Center-Operations or school administration to release an assistant: 1. The principal will complete the Assistant/Trainee Release Form (Attachment A) and Release Notification Form (Attachment B) and fax them to the Special Education Service Center-Operations and Classified Employment Services. 2. If the assistant is being released for unsatisfactory performance, then the principal must also complete and attach the Classified Substitute Unsatisfactory Report (Attachment C). 3. Upon the release of an assistant/trainee, the principal must notify the assistant and direct the time reporter to immediately discontinue time reporting for the assistant. a. Both the Release Notification Form and the Unsatisfactory Reports (if applicable) are given to the employee for his/her records. b. Classified Employment Services will place the released assistants/trainees/health care assistants in the pool, unless the reason for the release was unsatisfactory performance. G. No substitute assistants will be provided for absent classified employees, except health care assistants. Health care assistants should follow nursing services procedures for reporting an absence. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 9 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): VI. Supervising Special Education Assistants (SSEA) A. Special Education Centers will be provided one SSEA position for their ESY program. B. SSEAs who have not received a Notice of Unsatisfactory Service in the last school year may apply for any school that has been established as hosting ESY. C. SSEAs shall be assigned at each school on the basis of priority followed by seniority in the job classification. 1. Priority will be defined to mean the hosting school's SSEA will have priority to that school site, regardless of enrollment. 2. If the current SSEA position is vacant or otherwise unfilled, or should it become necessary to "share" or otherwise reassign a SSEA, the District will choose from available applicants who have the most seniority in the job class and have indicated availability to work. D. Selection will be selected using the following procedure: 1. Priority will be given to SSEAs currently serving at a location designated as a summer school site. 2. If current site SSEA does not apply for ESY assignment, applies to a different site, or applies after the application due date, the site administrator will contact Classified Employment Services. Classified Employment Services will offer the assignments in seniority order to unassigned applicants who possess the required special skills, if any. VII. Substitute Teachers A. Special education teachers with a current assignment and scheduled to return with an active status in August 2014 who are interested in working as an on-call/day-to-day substitute must apply online at https://summer.lausd.net/. B. Special education teachers who apply as substitutes will only receive the substitute rate of payment, regardless of the length of service during the summer. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 10 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): C. Special education teachers who already applied online for an ESY teaching assignment and are not selected may also apply for substitute assignments with a paper application. 1. Interested applicants can download the application at http://www.teachinla.com/Substitute/index.html 2. The application must be faxed to the Sub Unit at (213) 241-8410 or (213) 241-8411 by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 9, 2014. No late applications will be accepted. 3. The paper application is only needed if you have completed an online application for an ESY teaching assignment. Contracted special education teachers who are only interested in a substitute assignment during ESY must still apply online using the online Substitute application. D. Refer to MEM-6042.0: “K-12 Teacher Summer Substitute Registration,” dated April 8, 2013 (update for this year forthcoming) for registration procedure. VIII. Itinerant Resource Specialist A. Itinerant resource specialist teachers will be available to support the teachers of general education summer programs to ensure accessibility for students with disabilities who participate in these summer programs. 1. Teachers apply online to the “Special Education Itinerant Programs (ESY)” application to location 1994, ITINERANT RESOURCE SPECIALIST. B. The Special Education Service Center Administrator for each geographic region will be designated as the program administrator and will follow the priority and selection process for teachers to staff ESY as outlined in the LAUSD/UTLA Contract, Article XX. 1. Teachers are paid for a four (4) hour assignment. a. 8:30 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. on elementary sites b. 8:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. at secondary sites and special education centers. 2. Selected teachers must report to work each day at least ten (10) minutes before their first class begins. 3. Teachers must then serve for a full day of instruction, as appropriate, exclusive of nutrition/recess (for those assigned for a four-hour day). 4. Teachers must remain on site for at least ten (10) minutes after dismissal of their last class. MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 11 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 5. Selected teachers are also required to perform reasonable pupil supervision duties and other professional obligations, as assigned. 6. Employees selected for an Itinerant Resource Specialist position must possess a CA driver’s license and be available to travel to various school sites throughout the geographic region assigned. INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): RELATED RESOURCES: MEM-6237.0: “2014 Special Education Summer Session Extended School Year (ESY) Sites, Programs, and Feeder Schools,” Division of Special Education MEM-6239.0: “2014 Procedures for Extended School Year (ESY) Special Education Programs and Services,” Division of Special Education REF-5104.2: “Directions for Completing the School Matrix for Special Education Program Supports” Special Education Policies and Procedures Manual, Extended School Year (ESY) Services 2008-2011 LAUSD/UTLA Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement, Article XX 2011-2014 LAUSD/UNIT B Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement, Article XI 2011-2014 LAUSD/UNIT D Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement, Article IX 2008-2011 LAUSD/Unit S Collective Bargaining Agreement, Appendix D ASSISTANCE: For further assistance regarding the information in this memo, please contact Oscar Rodriguez, Coordinating Specialist, Special Education Service CenterOperations, at (213) 241-6701, or via email at [email protected]. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Assistant/Trainee Release Form Attachment B: Release Notification Form Attachment C: Classified Substitute Unsatisfactory Report MEM-6238.0 Division of Special Education Page 12 of 12 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Division of Special Education MEM-6238.0 February 28, 2014 ATTACHMENT A EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) ASSISTANT/TRAINEE RELEASE FORM ATTENTION: Oscar Rodriguez, Coordinating Specialist Fax to Special Education Service Center, Operations at (213) 241-5168 and keep a copy at the ESY site. Date: School: ESY Principal: Location Code: ESC: Please list assistants/trainees who are released due to under-norm enrollment, student not enrolled, or other factors. ESY Program Teacher’s Name Number of Students Name of Employee Released Total Number of Paraprofessionals Released: Page 1 of 1 Employee # Position Type Reason Student Name (if applicable) MEM-6238.0 February 28, 2014 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Division of Special Education ATTACHMENT B EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SPECIAL EDUCATION TRAINEE/ASSISTANT RELEASE NOTIFICATION This form is to be signed and then submitted by the summer school Principal to Classified Employment Services to provide notification that a Special Education employee is being released due to non-attendance of assigned student, low class enrollment, or other factors. One form is to be submitted for each affected employee. Please give a copy to the employee for his/her records. TO: Unit B, Classified Employment Services 333 South Beaudry, 12th Floor Fax: (213) 241-6805 or (213) 241-6808 DATE: ___________________ FROM: ________________________________________________________________ School ________________________________ _______________________________ ESY Principal’s Name ESY Principal’s Signature This is to notify Classified Employment Services that the classified employee indicated below is being released from the ESY assignment due to the following factor(s). Please release this employee and add his/her name to the substitute pool. _____________________________________________ __________________ Employee/AA Name Employee No. Check all that apply: The classified employee did not report to work on the first day of the ESY session. The student assigned to the assistant/trainee listed below did not attend by the second day of the ESY session. ________________________________________________________________ Student Name The class indicated below has been closed due to low enrollment or other factors. ________________________________________________________________ Type/Name of Class The class indicated below has sufficient levels of program support to meet the educational needs of the students attending. ________________________________________________________________ Type/Name of Class The employee is being released due to unsatisfactory performance. Unsatisfactory Report (Attachment C) is attached. Page 1 of 1 The Classified Substitute LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Division of Special Education MEM-6238.0 February 28, 2014 ATTACHMENT C LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PERSONNEL COMMISSION Classified Employment Services FAX NO. (213) 241-6808 CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTE UNSATISFACTORY REPORT Substitute’s Last Name First Middle Person ID/Employee Number Job Title Date(s) Assigned: From: / / To: / / The specific reasons for this rating are: Excessive absenteeism Excessive tardiness Insubordination Rude / Discourteous conduct Verbal Threat No call / No show Incompetence / Inefficiency Other Comments: I certify that the above is correct and I have faxed a copy to Classified Employment Services. Signed: Principal or Section Head Location Name & Code Date To the Employee: Receipt of an unsatisfactory report may cause your name to be removed from the substitute list. If you disagree with this report, send a letter to the Classified Employment Services within seven calendar days of the date of this report explaining why you disagree. It will be added to your personnel folder and a determination will be made as to your status for future assignments. To the Supervisor: Please complete this form for a substitute employee whose performance is unsatisfactory. Provide a copy to the employee and fax this form to (213) 241-6808. Upon receipt of this form, this person will no longer be sent to your location. PC Form 5310 (Rev 08/10) *PC5310*
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