Wendy M. Erb Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Anthropology Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 Education M.A./Ph.D. | Anthropological Sciences | Stony Brook University 2012 Thesis: Male-male competition and loud calls in one-male groups of simakobu (Simias concolor) on Siberut Island, Indonesia Committee: Drs. Carola Borries, Julia Fischer, Charles Janson, Ryne Palombit, Patricia Wright B.S. (Magna Cum Laude) | Zoology (Spanish Minor) | The Ohio State University Advisor: Dr. Tom Waite 2001 Professional Appointments Project Manager | USAID supported project for research & education in Indonesia 2013–present Postdoctoral Associate | Anthropology | Rutgers University 2013–present Study Abroad Program Assistant Director | Center for Global Education | Rutgers 2014 Adjunct Assistant Professor | Anthropology | Lehman College - CUNY 2012 Research & Fieldwork Orangutan long calls and stress | Tuanan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 2013–present Collected behavioral, ranging, and acoustic data from flanged male orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii); fecal and urinary samples for analyses of health and energy status Orangutan energy & stress | Hominoid Reproductive Ecology Lab, U New Mexico 2014 Analyzed urine samples from flanged male orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) to assess energy status and stress, including: C-peptide, cortisol, creatanine, and testosterone Collaboration with Drs. Erin Vogel and Melissa Emery Thompson Acoustic analysis of loud calls | Cognitive Ethology Unit, German Primate Center 2006, 2009 Analyzed simakobu (Simias concolor) loud calls recorded during 2005-2008 fieldwork, Collaboration with Drs. Julia Fischer and Kurt Hammerschmidt Dissertation data collection | Pungut Station, Siberut Island, Indonesia 2005–2008 Collected behavioral, demographic, ranging, acoustic data from 10 simakobu groups; botanical data from 15 permanent plots; monthly phenological data from 400 trees and lianas; 150 fecal samples for DNA analysis; Created herbarium of 150 specimens; Trained 8 guides and students Pilot study of lemur seed dispersal | Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar 2004 Collected behavioral data from several groups of red-fronted brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus), Collected and analyzed fecal samples, Conducted seed germination trials Wendy M. Erb | [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 | July 2014 Publications Erb, WM. Ranging and intergroup interactions in one-male and all-male groups of simakobu (Simias concolor) (in prep) Erb, WM, T Ziegler, NS Lestari, K Hammerschmidt. Loud calls as honest signals of male energy status in simakobu (Simias concolor). (in prep) Erb, WM, JK Hodges, K Hammerschmidt. 2013. Individual, contextual and age-related acoustic variation in simakobu (Simias concolor) loud calls. PLOS ONE. 8 (12): e83131. Erb, WM, C Borries, NS Lestari, JK Hodges. Annual variation in ecology and reproduction of wild simakobu (Simias concolor). International Journal of Primatology. 33 (6): 1406-1419. Erb, WM, C Borries, NS Lestari, T Ziegler. 2012. Demography of simakobu (Simias concolor) and the impact of human disturbance. American Journal of Primatology. 74 (6): 580-590. Erb, WM, K Ossi-Lupo, G McCabe, D Fernández. 2011 Annual meeting of the American Society of Primatologists. Evolutionary Anthropology. 21 (1): 3-4. Lestari, NS, WM Erb. 2011. Identification and composition of feeding plant species of simakobu (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut Mentawai Archipelago. Widyariset. 14 (2): 323-332. Erb, WM. 2008. Conservation Small Grant Award Report: Behavioral ecology of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia. ASP Bulletin. 32 (1): 8-10. Erb, WM, EM St. Clair, M Jonas. 2006. From syntax to synapomorphies. Evolutionary Anthropology. 15 (4): 119-120. Abstracts of Conference Presentations Erb, WM, T Ziegler, K Hammerschmidt, C Borries. 2012. Loud calls as honest signals of male energy status in simakobu (Simias concolor). International Primatological Society 24th Congress. Erb, WM, C Borries, NS Lestari, T Ziegler. 2011. Demography and dispersal of Simakobu (Simias concolor) and the impact of human disturbance. 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists. American Journal of Primatology 73: 28. Erb, WM, T Ziegler, K Hammerschmidt. 2010. Are male loud calls costly signals in a folivorous primate (Simias concolor)? 47th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society. Erb, WM, T Ziegler, K Hammerschmidt. 2010. Do loud calls reflect energy status in male simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor)? 79th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141: 101. Erb, WM. 2008. Male-male competition in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor): The role of loud calls. International Primatological Society 22nd Congress. Primate Eye 96: 24. Erb, WM. 2006. Patterns and variation in long-distance communication of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) on Siberut Island, Indonesia - a pilot study. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Assoc of Physical Anthropologists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129: 87. Erb, WM. 2005. Preliminary investigation of seed dispersal by red-fronted brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 126: 100. Wendy M. Erb | [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 | July 2014 2 Teaching & Mentoring Course & Lab Instructor ANT 171 (Intro to Human Evolution) | Lehman | 1 section 2012 Lab Instructor ANP 120 (Intro to Physical Anthropology) | Stony Brook | 6 sections 2009, 2006 *Presented lectures “Primate Mating Systems” and “Introduction to the Fossil Record” BIO 150 (The Living World) | Stony Brook | 1 section 2004 BIO 201 (Organisms to Ecosystems) | Stony Brook | 2 sections 2003 Teaching Assistant ANT 296 (European Traditions) | Stony Brook 2010 ANT 102 (Introduction to Cultural Anthropology) | Stony Brook *Presented lecture “The Mentawaians: Past, Present and Future” 2005 ANT 295 (Sex and Human Nature) | Stony Brook 2004 Mentor Simakobu Population Genetics | Universitas Indonesia 2009–2012 Initiated and advised research project for Master’s student thesis (Fauzan Syamsuri) Applied Math & Statistics 575 (Internship in Consulting) | Stony Brook 2010 Developed and oversaw research project for Master’s student internship (Sybil Baby) Field Instructor Primates, Ecology, & Conservation in Indonesia | Java & Borneo, Indonesia 2014 Organized and co-led study abroad program for Indonesian and American students Behavior & Conservation of Bolivian Primates | Tahuamanu Station, Bolivia 2014 Organized and co-led primate field course for Bolivian students and professionals Trash Education & Community Clean-up | Tuanan Village, Indonesia 2013 Organized and led trash education workshop with children from local community Primates, Ecology, & Conservation in Indonesia | Tuanan Station, Indonesia Organized and co-led field course for Indonesian and American students 2013 Field Research Methods | SCP Field Station, Siberut, Indonesia 2007–2008 Organized and led semi-monthly research methods course for Indonesian students English | SCP Field Station, Siberut, Indonesia Organized and led nightly 1-hour English course for local community 2007 English | Centre ValBio, Ranomafana, Madagascar Organized and led weekly 3-hour English course for local community 2004 Wendy M. Erb | [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 | July 2014 3 Grants & Awards “Direct and indirect fitness benefits of cooperative behavior in wild saddleback tamarins” (co-PI’s Leila Porter & Anthony Di Fiore) 2014 Goldberg Research Grant – The Nacey Maggioncalda Foundation, $10,000 “Babysitting monkeys provide clues about human evolution” (co-PI Leila Porter) RocketHub (Crowdfunding), $2,425 2014 “Behavior & conservation of Bolivian primates: A training & professional development workshop for Bolivian Biologists” (co-PI Leila Porter) Primate Action Fund - Conservation International, $5,000 2013 “Fitness benefits of cooperative behavior in Bolivian saddleback tamarins” (co-PI’s Leila Porter & Anthony Di Fiore) The Leakey Foundation, $22,000 2012 Sherwood Washburn Prize for Outstanding Student Research – “Do loud calls reflect energy status in male simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor)?” th 79 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, $750 2010 American Dissertation Fellowship, Alternate American Association of University Women (AAUW) 2010 “Population genetics of simakobu (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia” Primate Action Fund - Conservation International, $3,500 2008 “Male-male competition in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor): Strategies & signals” (co-PI Carola Borries) National Science Foundation DDIG (BCS-0752504), $12,818 2008 “Behavioral ecology of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia” Margot Marsh Biodiversity Fund - Conservation International, $10,000 2008 “Behavioral ecology of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia” Primate Conservation, Inc., $2,500 2008 “Behavioral ecology of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia” Primate Action Fund - Conservation International, $4,000 2007 “Behavioral ecology of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia” American Society of Primatologists, $1,500 2007 “Behavioral ecology of simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) in northern Siberut, Indonesia” Margot Marsh Biodiversity Fund - Conservation International, $22,000 2006 “Intergroup aggression & long-distance communication in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) on Siberut Island, Indonesia” Primate Action Fund - Conservation International, $2,500 2005 “Intergroup aggression & long-distance communication in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) on Siberut Island, Indonesia” Primate Conservation, Inc., $2,000 2005 Wendy M. Erb | [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 | July 2014 4 “Intergroup aggression & long-distance communication in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor) on Siberut Island, Indonesia” Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook, $700 2005 Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention National Science Foundation 2005 Primate Interest Group Student Prize, Honorable Mention – “Preliminary investigation of seed dispersal by red-fronted brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar” th 74 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists 2005 Invited Presentations Dept. of Anthropology Speaker Series | Rutgers University 2013 “Male-male competition and loud calls in one-male groups of simakobu (Simias concolor)” Dept. of Biology | Universitas Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia 2013 “Male-male competition and loud calls in one-male groups of simakobu (Simias concolor)” Seventh Grade Science Classes | AI Root Middle School, Medina, OH “Primate diversity & conservation: Lessons from Indonesia” 2012 Dept. of Veterinary Medicine | Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia 2008 “Male-male competition in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor): Strategies & signals” Dept. of Reproductive Biology | German Primate Center, Göttingen, Germany 2007 “Male-male competition in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor): First findings & future directions” Dept. of Forest Resources Conservation | Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 2006 “Male-male competition in simakobu monkeys (Simias concolor): Strategies & signals” Workshops, Panels, & Seminars Wednesday Workshops in Anthropology | Rutgers University 2013 Co-led workshop for Anthropology graduate students: “How to get a postdoc (and make the most of it)” USAID-supported Rutgers-UNAS Planning Workshop | Rutgers University 2013 Co-led and organized workshop to promote forest management and biodiversity through research and education partnerships between Rutgers University and Universitas Nasional Communicating Science Workshop | Stony Brook School of Journalism 2010 Participated in hands-on workshop (featuring Alan Alda) to improve scientists’ communication skills with the help of experienced science communicators and journalists General Education Assessment Panel | Stony Brook Provost 2003 Participated in panel that assessed effectiveness of teaching methods in undergrad biology, Results of study used to improve campus- and statewide undergrad science curriculum Wendy M. Erb | [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 | July 2014 5 Fields of Interest Animal communication | Biodiversity conservation | Human-wildlife conflict | Primate health & energetics | Primate mating strategies | Primate socioecology | Sexual selection | Tropical ecology Graduate Coursework Biometry | Conservation Genetics (Columbia U) | Elementary Indonesian II (Columbia U) | Fundamental of GIS in Ecology & Conservation (Columbia U) | Human Evolution | Primate Behavior & Ecology | Primate Conservation | Primate Evolution | Principles of Ecology | Principles of Evolution | Science & Romance of Wine | Theory & Methods in Primatology Languages English | First language Spanish | Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking Indonesian | Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking Professional Service Ad hoc reviewer | Graduate Women in Science Ad hoc reviewer | Oxford University Press Website administrator | Behavioral Ecology Group | Stony Brook Ad hoc reviewer | International Journal of Primatology Ad hoc reviewer | Primate Conservation, Inc. Treasurer | Behavioral Ecology Group | Stony Brook Alternate Senator | Graduate Student Organization | Stony Brook Ad hoc reviewer | Evolutionary Anthropology 2013 2012 2011–2012 2009–2012 2010 2005–2006 2005–2006 2005 Professional Memberships American Association of Physical Anthropologists American Society of Primatologists Animal Behavior Society Center for Human Evolutionary Studies International Primatological Society Professional References Dr. Carola Borries | Department of Anthropology | Stony Brook University [email protected] Dr. Leila Porter | Department of Anthropology | Northern Illinois University [email protected] Dr. Erin Vogel | Department of Anthropology | Rutgers University [email protected] Dr. Patricia Wright | Department of Anthropology | Stony Brook University [email protected] Wendy M. Erb | [email protected] | (848) 932-9393 | www.rci.rutgers.edu/~wme11 | July 2014 6
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