Gyu Eun Lee - vita - Research Experience for Undergraduates

Gyu Eun Lee
Rutgers University
 BPO Way
Piscataway, N.J. 08854 U.S.A.
Phone: not available on web cv.
email: [email protected]
: hp:// gl/
Born: March , —Republic of Korea
Nationality: South Korean
Permanent resident of the U.S.
Current position
Undergraduate student, Rutgers University, School of Arts and Sciences, New Brunswick
Major in Mathematics/Minor in Physics
Expected degree/graduation date: Bachelor of Science, May 
Research interests
Nonlinear analysis • Functional analysis  operator theory • Analysis of ODEs/PDEs
G  T
Geometric topology • Differential topology • Applications to analysis and differential equations
O 
Classical and quantum physics • Fluid mechanics • Algebraic topology
(projected) B.S. in Mathematics, Rutgers University
Honors track in Mathematics (Honors track advisor: Feng Luo)
Research experience
Summer 
Summer 
 Mathematics REU, Rutgers University. Advisor: Feng Luo
 Mathematics REU, Rutgers University. Advisor: Anders Buch
Honors  awards
John Bogart Prize in Mathematics, Rutgers University
Henry G. Sanders  Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics, Rutgers University
Weill Scholarship in Mathematics, Rutgers University
Professional activity
Fall 
April 
“Topological degree theory: finite-dimensional case, applications, and generalizations”, Student
presentation session for Fall  Directed Reading Program in Mathematics
“Homology and degree theory in non/quasi-linear analysis”,  Project AGER Undergraduate Research Symposium
C 
October 
January 
Mathematical Association of America - New Jersey Sectional Meeting, Rutgers University
 Joint Mathematical Meetings, Baltimore
Academic profile
S  
Calculus • ODEs • Probability • Computer programming • Classical mechanics ( semesters)
Introductory topology • Real analysis ( semesters) • Linear algebra • Complex analysis • Differential geometry (curves and surfaces) • History of mathematics
Measure theory and integration ( semesters) • Computational topology • Abstract algebra (
semesters) • Riemannian geometry • antum mechanics
Functional analysis ( semesters) • PDEs ( semesters) • Algebraic topology • Classical electromagnetism • Methods in nonlinear elliptic equations (projected, Spring )
Spring 
Fall 
Spring 
Spring 
Freshman-Sophomore Honors Seminar
Problem-Solving (Putnam) Seminar
Reading seminar in complex analysis
Junior-Senior Honors Seminar in mathematical general relativity
Non-academic activities
I 
Spring 
Directed reading in topological degree theory, with Ali Maalaoui (organized by the Directed Reading Program in Mathematics)
Independent reading in Fourier analysis, with Eric Carlen
Reading project in simplicial and singular homology and topological degree theory, with Ed Chien
Fall -Spring
Peer Mentor, Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University
Assisted TAs in administering Calculus II and Calculus III workshops. Graded homework and/or
C 
Spring - President,
Rutgers Undergraduate Mathematics Association (RUMA)
As president, revived the formerly inactive Rutgers ”math club.” Organized a faculty lecture series for
undergraduates (- lectures per semester), an undergraduate delegation to the  Joint Mathematics
Meetings in Baltimore, developed new website and mailing list, and represented the Department of
Mathematics at Rutgers Day.
Last updated: November ,  • Typeset in XƎTEX
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