“SMART FLEXIBILITY: Advanced Materials and Technologies” Guideline for an exhibition at DISSENY HUB BARCELONA 25/06/14 - 20/12/14 The exhibition “Smart Flexibility: Advanced Materials and Technologies” pretends to explore the current capabilities provided by determined structures and materials to sensitize and adapt architecture to its environment. From this perspective the exhibition would be situated on the borderline between matter and structure, investigating the flexibility and intrinsic reactivity of some specific materials and advanced technologies. These contemporary works and projects involving materials, sensitive systems and articulated supports enable us to imagine the functionalities an intelligent and flexible architecture may provide. Wind and solar power harvesting, electrical and thermal energy generation, perception and adaptation to climatic conditions, to acoustics and lighting environment, user detection and modification of space according to his body, his movements or even his emotions, are the challenges of tomorrow’s spaces and so are the guidelines of the exhibition. Plaça dels Àngels, 5-6 08001 Barcelona +34 934 437 520 materfad.com mater.fad.cat Fad Barcelona @materfad ‘HYPERMEMBRANE’ - HYBRIDa SCP / Jordi Truco - Sylvia Felipe In order to do so, this event not only should congregates architects, designers and construction engineers, but also creators from other sectors (sports, fashion, automotive, etc.), whose projects and products are focused on smart flexibility. Exhibited projects should combine smart and flexible features smart matter flexible structure flexible matter smart structure membrane, film, textile... Plaça dels Àngels, 5-6 08001 Barcelona +34 934 437 520 materfad.com mater.fad.cat Fad Barcelona @materfad articulated, extensible, retractable... automated, reactive, self-adaptive... ‘HYPERMEMBRANE’ - HYBRIDa SCP / Jordi Truco - Sylvia Felipe photoluminescent, electroactive, shape memory... V. _NAME Hypermembrane _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) HYBRIDa / Jordi Truco - Sylvia Felipe _COUNTRY AND CITY Barcelona (ES) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) Sheets of composite material (resin and glass fibre), software-controlled actuators and polycarbonate finish _DESCRIPTION A European research and development project on selfsupporting and adaptive architectural systems. The shape of the structure is controlled by software designed as part of this project that allows it to be adapted to the use of the space and to find positions of balance to allow it to be self-supporting _WEBSITE www.cimne.com/hypermembrane/spacehome/1/0# 1 I.1 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ user position OUTPUT_ light emission _NAME Lotus Dome _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Studio Roosegaarde _COUNTRY AND CITY Waddinxveen (NL) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) shape memory metal (SMA) _DESCRIPTION A sphere whose surface, comprised of overlapping SMAs, opens and closes thanks to the beam from a revolving projector that points out the people it detects in the surroundings through presence detectors. _WEBSITE www.studioroosegaarde.net/projects/#lotus-dome 2 I.1 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ user presence OUTPUT_ acoustic emission and shape _NAME 4D - Pixel _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Studio Roosegaarde _COUNTRY AND CITY Waddinxveen (NL) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) Electronics, software and electromagnets _DESCRIPTION 4D-Pixel is an active surface that responds to voice and music _WEBSITE www.studioroosegaarde.net/project/more-works/photo/#4d-pixel 3 I.1 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ user presence OUTPUT_ shape and ventilated air _NAME Wind 3.0 _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Studio Roosegaarde _COUNTRY AND CITY Waddinxveen (NL) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) Fans, tubes, wood, sensors, electronics, software _DESCRIPTION Wind 3.0 comprises hundreds of fibres that interact with the visitor _WEBSITE www.studioroosegaarde.net/project/more-works/photo/#wind-3-0 4 I.1 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ user presence and acoustic emission OUTPUT_ shape and acoustic emission _NAME Liquid 2.0 _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Studio Roosegaarde _COUNTRY AND CITY Waddinxveen (NL) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) Steel, software, electronic sound, mechanism, sensors _DESCRIPTION Liquid 2.0 is an interactive living space that physically adapts to the sounds and movements of its visitors _WEBSITE www.studioroosegaarde.net/project/more-works/photo/#liquid-2-0 5 I.2 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ user presence OUTPUT_ light and sound emission _NAME Wall-E(motion) _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Diffus _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) textile, LED and sensors _DESCRIPTION Modular system that can be used as a curtain, space separator, sound and light installation _WEBSITE www.diffus.dk 6 I.3 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ user presence OUTPUT_ shape and smell _NAME Radiant Soil _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Philip Bessley _COUNTRY AND CITY Canada (CA) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) shape memory metal (SMA) _DESCRIPTION User detection through presence detectors activating the movement of the “branches” through retraction of a metal wire with shape memory _WEBSITE www.hylozoicground.com 7 I.4 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ movement OUTPUT_ shape _NAME My Thread Pavillon _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Jenny E. Sabin _COUNTRY AND CITY Philadelphia (US) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) textile with photoluminescent wires and technology + FuelBand Nike _DESCRIPTION By using technology + FuelBand Nike to collect data on the movement of runners during a previous workshop, the architect has transformed the patterns of these biological data into the geometry and material of the woven structure _WEBSITE jennysabin.com/?p=684 8 I.5 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ pressure OUTPUT_ vibration _NAME Vibe-ing _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Eunjeong Jeon, Kristi Kuusk, Martijn ten Bhömer, Jesse Asjes and Oscar Tomico _COUNTRY AND CITY Eindhoven (NL) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) merino wool embeded with electronic circuit boards, touch sensors and vibration motors _DESCRIPTION Vibe-ing is a self-care tool in the form of a garment, which invites the body to feel, move, and heal through vibration therapy. The textile structure contains pockets in which touch sensors and vibration motors are integrated. The function of the pockets is to align with critical pressure points on the body and they can be located differently on the body when it is worn in various ways. _WEBSITE www.tue.nl/en/university/column-2/departments/industrial-design/ 9 I.6 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ pressure OUTPUT_ color _NAME Unlace _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Eef Lubbers _COUNTRY AND CITY Eindhoven (NL) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) thermochromic thread, tactile sensors _DESCRIPTION The Unlace is an interactive lace lingerie garment. The pressure of an hand is sensed by the garment, after which the surrounding threads slowly heat up and change from black to skin color. _WEBSITE www.tue.nl/en/university/column-2/departments/industrial-design/ 10 I.7 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ pressure OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Slow Furl _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Mette Ramsgard Thomsen and Karin Bech (CITA) _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) shape memory metal (SMA) _DESCRIPTION Architectural membrane with touch sensors on a robotised dynamic structure that moves slowly under the user’s touch _WEBSITE cita.karch.dk 11 I.7 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO USER INPUT_ pressure OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Listener CNC Knitting _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Mette Ramsgard Thomsen (CITA), Ayelet Karmon, Dr. Eyal Sheffer, Ami Cang and Tzach Harari _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) textile with lead wires and touch sensors _DESCRIPTION Membrane with touch sensors and lead wires that allows user pressure on the fabric to be ‘interpreted’ and new and interactive shapes to be created through software _WEBSITE cita.karch.dk 12 I.7 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ any signal OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Strange Metabolism _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Mette Ramsgard Thomsen (CITA) and Toni Hicks _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) textile and robotised frame _DESCRIPTION Membrane on a robotised dynamic structure which develops movement according to a software-run electronic signal. _WEBSITE cita.karch.dk 13 II.1 ENERGY HARVESTING / GENERATION INPUT_ wind pressure OUTPUT_ electric energy _NAME Strawscraper _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Belatchew Arkitekter _COUNTRY AND CITY Stockholm (SE) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) piezoelectric fibres _DESCRIPTION Non-realised project of a tower whose façade is comprised of piezoelectric fibres. The wind moves the piezoelectric fibres, which generate electric energy. _WEBSITE belatchew.com 14 II.2 ENERGY HARVESTING / GENERATION INPUT_ solar radiation OUTPUT_ electric energy _NAME SmartWrap™ _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Kieran Timberlake _COUNTRY AND CITY Philadelphia (US) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) printed organic photovoltaic _DESCRIPTION Façade with flexible printed organic photovoltaic cells and flexible OLED panels inserted between two transparent films _WEBSITE www.kierantimberlake.com 15 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT III.1 INPUT_ electricity OUTPUT_ shape -> light environment and temperature _NAME PixelSkin02 _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Orangevoid’s Sachin Anshuman _COUNTRY AND CITY London (UK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) Shape memory metal (SMA) _DESCRIPTION The physical prototype consists of square units divided into 4 triangular panels activated by 200mA (milliamperes) SMA wires which, when power is or is not applied, heat up and either contract or relax. A microcontroller regulates 20-times-per-second supply. _WEBSITE www.orangevoid.com 16 III.2 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ solar radiation OUTPUT_ colour->light environment _NAME OR2 _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) OR Project _COUNTRY AND CITY London (UK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) photochromic ink _DESCRIPTION First example of photoreactive technology on an architectural scale. It creates a shaded space in daytime and a translucent one in night-time. _WEBSITE orproject.com 17 III.3 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ temperature OUTPUT_ shape -> light environment and temperature _NAME Bloom _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) dOSu STUDIO ARCHITECTURE _COUNTRY AND CITY Los Angeles (US) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) nickel-magnesium thermo-bimetal _DESCRIPTION Structures made from thermo-bimetal layers with different expansion coefficients which, when heated by solar radiation, contract or relax to allow the flaps to open and regulate air intake and temperature. _WEBSITE www.dosu-arch.com 18 III.4 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ any signal OUTPUT_ shape and light emission _NAME Phototropia _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Manuel Kretzer _COUNTRY AND CITY Zurich (CH) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) electroactive polymers _DESCRIPTION Architectural experimentation maquette with OLEDs, photovoltaic cells, electroactive polymers _WEBSITE materiability.com/phototropia/ 19 III.4 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ any signal OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Shapeshift _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Manuel Kretzer _COUNTRY AND CITY Zurich (CH) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) electroactive polymers _DESCRIPTION Architectural experimentation maquette with electroactive polymers _WEBSITE materiability.com/shapeshift/ 20 III.4 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ any signal OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Animated Textiles _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Manuel Kretzer _COUNTRY AND CITY Zurich (CH) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) electroactive polymers + textile _DESCRIPTION Architectural experimentation maquette with electroactive polymers and textiles _WEBSITE materiability.com/animated-textiles/ 21 III.5 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ any signal OUTPUT_ shape and light emission _NAME The Interactive Samples Book _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Diffus _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) textiles with... thermochromic ink, electroluminescent wire, Shape Memory Materials, touch sensor, photocell, fibre optic, photovoltaic cell, LEDs, piezoelectrics _DESCRIPTION An interactive book of textile samples _WEBSITE www.diffus.dk 22 III.6 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ wind strength and direction OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Reef and Reef.2 _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Aurélie Mossé (CITA) _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) electroactive polymers _DESCRIPTION Decorative ceiling modules made from electroactive polymers. The system captures the wind conditions outside the room via a sensor and directs a signal to the electroactive polymers, which modify their shape. _WEBSITE cita.karch.dk 23 III.7 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ solar radiation OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Constellation Wallpaper _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Aurélie Mossé (CITA) _COUNTRY AND CITY Copenhagen (DK) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) electroactive polymers and photovoltaic film _DESCRIPTION Non-active wallpaper prototype comprised of two active layers. One captures solar radiation, transforming it into electric energy stored in batteries; the other is cut to overlap and open or close by measuring the level of stored energy. _WEBSITE cita.karch.dk 24 III.8 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ humidity OUTPUT_ shape _NAME HygroSkin - Meteorosensitive Pavilion _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Achim Menges in collaboration with Oliver David Krieg and Steffen Reichert _COUNTRY AND CITY Stuttgart (DE) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) Humidity responsive veneer-composite _DESCRIPTION The project explores a novel mode of climate-responsive architecture. The dimensional instability of wood in relation to moisture content is employed to construct a metereosensitive architectural skin whose the apertures respond to relative humidity changes within a range from 30% to 90%. _WEBSITE icd.uni-stuttgart.de 25 III.9 PERCEPTION / ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT INPUT_ temperature OUTPUT_ shape _NAME Climatology : Macro Wooden Velcro _AUTHOR(S) AND COLLABORATOR(S) Elaine NG Yan Ling _COUNTRY AND CITY Beijing (CN) _MATERIAL(S) AND TECHNOLOGY(IES) textile/wood and polymer/metal with shape memory _DESCRIPTION Textile sculpture that responds to ambient conditions (humidity, temperature, light) by modifying its shape _WEBSITE www.elaineyanlingng.com 26
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