The egalrBerlage eB ehT 4 public 102 llaevents f stnevfall e c2014 ilbup E4.9 FILNANNE DOOG E DE HTRU 9.4 12.9 FOGILLES ERUTUF PERRAUDIN EHT 9.21 TS18.9 AP EKENNETH HT NI SI ERFRAMPTON UTCETIHCRA ( TNELUI HCRAE26.9 S)ERJING ITAP 9.81 09.10 1.9 D MANUEL ENIMREAIRES TED EBMATEUS OT 9.62 024.10 1.42 SRIANNE TCEJORMAKKINK P TNECER NI13.11 ECAPBEN S EHVAN T = CBERKEL* ILBUP EHT DE14.11 TCEJPASCAL ORP 11.3FLAMMER 1 NEEWTEB LA 28.11 CIHPHEDWIG ARGOIB HEINSMAN 11.41 GNIVIL Y12.12 RATNJEAN EMOM&1LUC 1.82 T LARNAUDIE CURTSNOC C 8.1 ILB DAVID UP ROVAN F OTSEVEREN SEFINAM ERUTCETIHCRA EIV ELLEB AL ,HO 21.21 LAIRETAM ECRUOS 1.8 The Berlage will present a series of public events exploring the dialog between thinking and making in architectural practice. From September 2014 to January 2015, leading and emerging architects and designers at the forefront of innovation will present their recent work. They will focus on how innovative forms of research influence their work. The series aims to stimulate and contribute to the international debate on the relationship between thinking and making in architectural practice, expressing the Berlage’s central commitment to link theory and practice. * The Berlage’s fall design master class, entitled “Architecture without Architects…Architects without Architecture?”, will be led ot tnemby noBen rivnevan tliuBerkel b eht foand pihwill snoitake talerplace eht gn irolp13 xe to tam fitlum raey2014. -eerhtItawill ,efipromote L dooG eahTdesign-driven fo trap era stn eve cilbuponesehT from 21roNovember discourse ,stcejorp hcraeser dnthe a ngchanging ised fo serole iresof a fthe o gn itsisnoCin .dorder lrow yto rardefine opmetnew noc efields ht dna ,snconditions oitaripsa laof nowork. srep ,stiusrup evitcelloc architect and —stxetnoc larutluc tnereffThis id ni master dna sela cs tnis ereopen ffid nto o— oh noinumber tseuq dnof a lexternal aever ot participants. smia ti ,stneve cilbup dna ,sranimes class aw limited ..doohilevil dna ytilativ laicos hcirne dna etubirtnoc nac ngised nabru dna erutcetihcra deton on these esiwreevents, hto ssealong lnu ,ciwith lbupprogram eht ot neupdates, po dna eeplease rf era svisit e llA For more information The egalrBerlage eB ehT 4 public 102 llaevents f stnevfall e c2014 ilbup 4.9 URTHE ED E GOOD NNANLIFE 9.4 NI12.9 DUATHE RREP FUTURE SELLIGOF 9.21 ARCHITECTURE NOTPMARF HTIS EN INNE THE K 9.PAST 81 18.9 PATIENT IUL GNI(JRE 9.)6SEARCH 2 26.9 SUET TO AMBE SEDETERMINED RIA LEUNAM 09.10 1.9 RECENT KNIKKAM PROJECTS ENNAIR 024.10 1.42 THE *LEPUBLIC = THE KREB NAV NESPACE B 11.31IN BETWEEN REMMAL13.11 F LACPROJECTED SAP 11.41 LIVING NAMS14.11 NIEH BIOGRAPHICAL GIWDEH 11.82 CONSTRUCT EIDUANRAL C 28.11 UL &MOMENTARY NAEJ 21.21 MANIFESTO NEREVES NAFOR V DIV PUBLIC AD 1.8 ARCHITECTURE 12.12 OH, LA BELLE VIE 8.1 SOURCE MATERIAL .ecitcarp larutcetihcra ni gnikam dna gnikniht neewteb golaid eht gnirolpxe stneve cilbup fo seires a tneserp lliw egalreB ehT tneserp lliw noitavonni fo tnorferof eht ta srengised dna stcetihcra gnigreme dna gnidael ,5102 yraunaJ ot 4102 rebmetpeS morF dna etalumits ot smia seires ehT .krow rieht ecneuflni hcraeser fo smrof evitavonni woh no sucof lliw yehT .krow tnecer rieht eht gnisserpxe ,ecitcarp larutcetihcra ni gnikam dna gnikniht neewteb pihsnoitaler eht no etabed lanoitanretni eht ot etubirtnoc .ecitcarp dna yroeht knil ot tnemtimmoc lartnec s’egalreB del eb lliw ,”?erutcetihcrA tuohtiw stcetihcrA…stcetihcrA tuohtiw erutcetihcrA“ deltitne ,ssalc retsam ngised llaf s’egalreB ehT * o esruevents ocsid nare evirpart d-ngof iseThe dae tomoLife, rp lliw tI .4102 rebmultiformat mevoN 12 oexploring t 31 morf ethe calp ekat lliw dnof a lthe ekrebuilt B naenvironment v neB yb Thesenpublic Good a three-year relationship to .krow fo saspirations, noitidnoc dnand a sdthe leficontemporary wen enfied ot world. redro nConsisting i tcetihcra eof htafoseries elor gof nig nahc eand ht research projects, collective pursuits, personal design .stnaitpiaims citraptolareveal nretxeand fo requestion bmun dehow—on timil a ot different nepo si sscales salc retand saminsidifferent hT seminars, and public events, cultural contexts— architecture and urban design can contribute and enrich social vitality and livelihood.. stneve/ln.egalrebehtAll .wwevents w tisiv are esafree elp ,and setad pu mto arthe gorppublic, htiw gunless nola ,stotherwise neve esehnoted t no noitamrofni erom roF open
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