4 Day Course Program: Pig Jaws – Human Cadavers – 2 Live Surgeries With Speakers Prof. Dr. Pascal Valentini and Prof. Dr. Saso Ivanovski Geistlich GeistlichCourse Course Brisbane Day 1 Hands-on Course Chermside 2 & Ackermann 3 Hands-on Course With With Speaker Speaker Dr. Karl-Ludwig Dr.Days Karl-Ludwig Ackermann Southport Day 4 Live Surgery The Hilton Brisbane Prince Charles Hospital Griffith Uni Health Centre Course Course I Master’s NDC I NDC Auditorium Auditorium Level Level 8 I 8August I August 19, 19, 2009 2009 The Choice Duxton Duxton Hotel, Hotel, October October 25th 25th 2010 2010thethe Practitioners will have the opportunity to Perth, “Develop their 1 st 1unique georges st georges terrace terrace Perth, Wa Wa skills“ both theoretical and practical, in the company of International Opinion Leader, Prof. Dr. Pascal Valentini, Mectron, the inventors Bone Surgery Practitioners Practitioners willwill have have the the unique unique opportunity opportunity to of “Develop toPiezoelectric “Develop their their skills“ skills“ and Geistlich Biomaterials, theinLeaders in Dental Bone and Tissue regeneration. both both theoretical theoretical andand practical, practical, the in the company company of International of International opiniopinion Leader, on Leader, Dr. Dr. Karl-Ludwig Karl-Ludwig Ackermann Ackermann andand Geistlich Geistlich Biomaterials, Biomaterials, the the Leaders Leaders in Dental in Dental Bone Bone andand Tissue Tissue regeneration. regeneration. Early Bird Discounts Available! Register by 15th March Join us to learn more on: Techniques, patient selection and complications in grafting Block grafting in the ramus - theory and harvesting techniques Planning sinus lifts combined with implant placement on a cadaver Complication management in Sinus Mid crest split and extractions using Piezosurgery 600Live + publications surgery with sinus lift and block grafting 20 years experience 2 reliable products furTher INforMATIoN Brought to you by Accommodation and Transfers: College of General Dental Practitioners The course fee includes free coach transfer from our (Singapore) conference hotel, Hilton Brisbane, to and from the venues 20 raffles Place #21-07/08 at Chermside (Days 2 & 3) and Southport (Day 4). ocean Towers Singapore 048620 The Coach will leave from the Hilton at 8am to email : [email protected] Chermside and on Saturday at 8.30am to Southport, Gold Coast, and return to the hotel in the evening. Sponsored by Geistlich Pharma AG Business unit Biomaterials Bahnhofstrasse 40 Ch-6110 Wolhusen A special conference rate of $245 per night (single occupancy)has been negotiated with Hilton Brisbane. To take advantage of our special group accommodation rate, please refer to our registration website for details. Co-Sponsored by RAyDent SuPPlieS (S) Pte ltD No 6 ubi road 1 Wintech Centre #04-01 Singapore 408726 Tel : 6741 5411 fax : 6742 3593 Registration & Course Enquiries Maureen Foley at Griffith8223 University, Jean Chng 3380 Brisbane T (07) 5678 0715 E [email protected] Lavinia Lopez 9665 8988 Doris Wong Nora Naib 9007 3735 9834 0252 Registration form also available online at www.henryschein.com.au/education HSH1674 Sinus Lift and Block Grafting 4-day course program on pig jaws and human cadavers including two live surgeries! Brisbane 14-17th May 2014 700+ publications 25 years experience 24 CPD hours LEADING REGENERATION CoursE PresenterS Prof. Dr. Pascal Valentini In 1982, Pascal Valentini obtained his D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) from the University of Paris VII. He then became Clinical Assistant in the Department of Oral nnamrekcA Surgery at the University of Paris VII between 1983 and 1987, and after he graduated in Oral Implantology in 1992, he became Clinical Assistant in the Department of Oral Implantology between 1992 and 1996. reKAePS giwduL-lraK .rD Currently Pascal Valentini is Adjunct Associate Professor of Implant Dentistry at University of Loma Linda, in California, USA and an Editorial Board Member - Clinical Oral Implants Research. He is the author of several articles in the field of osseointegration and bone regeneration with a special emphasis on maxillary sinus grafting techniques. He is a renowned international lecturer. He is also Program Director for European Post Graduate Oral Implantology at the University of Corsica, in Corte, France, and for the University of Liege in Belgium. Pascal Valentini is an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration and the President 6791 litnu 179He 1 mruns orf yarprivate tsitnedpractice deidulimited ts ,259to 1 noral i nrand ob ,implant nnamrsurgery ekcA rD of the European Academy for Osseointegration. e h 6 7 9 1 n I . y n a m r e G , z n i a M , y t i s r e v i n u g r e b n e t u G s e n n a h o J eht ta in Paris (France). .D.M.D eerged eht deriuqca eh 8791 ni dna eerged SDD eht deviecer ,zniaM ytisrevinu( yregrus laro ni noitasilaiceps 0891 litnu 8791 morf .)yregrus laro tnemtraped ni hcsriK lexA rD htiw rehtegot noegrus laro dna tsitned sa detaicossA .ynamreG ,tdatsredlif ni ecitcarp etavirp -tnalpmi-oirep fo dlefi eht ni krow latnemirepxe dna lacinilc 0891 ecniS Prof. Dr. Saso Ivanovski .ygolotnalpmi laicafollixam-ordna citehtsorp ,citehtsorptnalpmi ,ygolotnodoirep ,noitatilibaher laro ni noitasilaicepS Saso Ivanovski graduated with BDSc (Honours) from the University of Queensland .yregrus citehtsorperp Dental School in 1993. He subsequently completed a BDentSt research degree in 1995, .)IGD( ygolotnalpmI fo yteicoS namreG eht fo rebmeM draoB following which he was awarded a National Health and Medical Research (NH&MRC) latneD naeporue( ADe eht fo ygolotnodoirep ni tsilaiceps devorppA postgraduate scholarship and completed a PhD in 2000. This was followed by specialist .)noitaicossA training leading to the award of an MDSc in Periodontology in 2002. Saso was a htiw )WPA( ecneicS dna ecitcarP fo ymedacA eht rof rerutcel emit-traP NH&MRC postdoctoral fellow and a Senior Lecturer University .yrtinsiPeriodontology tneD dna eniatcithe deM laro fo yteicoS namreG eht of Queensland from 2003 to d2006. During this period, he was awarded a fellowship na scitehtsorp-tnalpmI“ margorp ‘stnedutsby ehthe t nInternational i serutcel lTeam acidofor ireP Implantology (ITI) and spent a year as a clinical fellow at the Eastman Dental Institute in London. In 2006, -tdlobmuh eht fo étirahC latipsoh ytisrevinu eht ta “scitehtsorp-Saso oireP was appointed the inaugural Chair and Professor of Periodontology at the Griffith University School .nilreBof yDentistry tisrevinu and Oral Health where he leads specialist in periodontology. .tpethe D ,m lu latiptraining soh ytprogram isrevinu eht ni 0002 eHe nucurrently J ecnis recombines rutcel tsthis euG position with his part time specialist practice in periodontics and surgical implant dentistry. Saso a Sfellow .yregisru laroofrof the International Team of Implantology enuJ ecn(ITI) is naand paJpast ,atafederal giiN ytpresident isrevinuoflathe tneAustralasian D eht ta roOsseointegration sseforP gnitisiV Society (AOS). Saso has published over 50 papers in the peer-reviewed international literature and has lectured .4002 nationally and internationally. He .n leads ilreBanytinternationally isrevinu sierecognised bnietS ehtresearch ta 500group 2 yaMwith ecnan is rinterest erutcein l tsthe euG biological aspects of osseointegration periodontal evoba fo sand dlefi lla ni snoregeneration. itacilbup elpitlum dna yllanoitanretni gnirutceL .snoitasilaiceps Sinus Lift and Bone Grafting Over view SPeAKer We often find that a number of our patients do not have the required bone volume for successful dental implant/prosthetic rehabilitation. The selection of the appropriate bone graft material and the application of Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann the most up to date augmentation procedures are extremely important in optimising the jawbone anatomy. Prof. Dr. Ivanovski course on Pig Jaws will focus on atraumatic tooth extraction using Piezosurgery as well as successful management of the extraction socket. Implant placement with simultaneous bone augmentation will also be practised during this course. Prof. Dr.Valentini’s Human Cadaver course is clinically focused and evidence based. It is divided into 3 parts: 1. 2. 3. Surgical techniques for maxillary sinus grafting lateral approach Utilisation of Piezo Electric Bone Surgery Dr Ackermann, born in 1952, studied dentistry from 1971 until 1976 Bone graft and direct loading of Implants at the Johannes Gutenberg university, Mainz, Germany. In 1976 he received the DDS degree and in 1978 he acquired the degree D.M.D. The final day of this course is dedicated to two live patient surgeries performed by Professor Ivanovski from 1978 until 1980 specialisation in oral surgery (university Mainz, and Professor Valentini. department oral surgery). Associated as dentist and oral surgeon together with Dr Axel Kirsch in private practice in filderstadt, Germany. Objectives upon completion of this course, each participant Since 1980 clinical and experimental work in the field of perio-implantwillprosthetic be ableandro-maxillofacial to: implantology. Specialisation in oral rehabilitation, periodontology, implantprosthetic, • To determine indications and contra indications of maxillary sinus grafting preprosthetic surgery. • To optimise the results of this surgery taking advantage of the sinus anatomy Board Member of the German Society of Implantology (DGI). • To utilise thespecialist Piezosurgery Approved inunit periodontology of the eDA (european Dental • To manage intra-operative complications of maxillary sinus grafting Association). • To be able tolecturer place implants withAcademy simultaneous bone grafting Part-time for the of Practice and Science (APW) with • Harvesting and Fixation of block grafts the German Society of oral Medicine and Dentistry. Periodical lectures in the students‘ program “Implant-prosthetics and Perio-prosthetics“ at the university hospital Charité of the humboldtuniversity Berlin. Guest lecturer since June 2000 in the university hospital ulm, Dept. for oral Surgery. Visiting Professor at the Dental university Niigata, Japan since June 2004. Guest lecturer since May 2005 at the Steinbeis university Berlin. Lecturing internationally and multiple publications in all fields of above specialisations. 3 MOdules - 4 day Course Program: Hands on Course: $5170 (Early Bird price $4510) Monday 25th October – WeD, AuG 2009 ObserveR AGeNDA only $1980 (Early19Th Bird price $1650) 2010 1 ) Socket Preservation 24 CPD Hours 2 )limited Atraumatic Hands-on strictly to 18 par extraction ticipants Obser ver strictly limited to 20 par ticipants 3 ) Socket preparation 4 ) Potocol for application of Biomaterials Venue details: within the fresh socket Day 1 - Wednesday 14th May 2014 5 190 ) Socket Hilton, Brisbane: Elizabethsealing St, Brisbane QLD 4001 tissue harvesting Hands-on Pig Jaw> Connective Course > Connective transplant fixation Atraumatic Tooth Extraction withtissue Implants & Bone and Grafting with Prof. Dr. Ivanovski 8:00am Registration Lecture 8:30am - 10:15am Introduction and Lecture 1 10:15am - Registration 10:45am Morning Tea 8.30am lecture ( 4 CDe ) 10:45am - Commence 12.00pm 2 9.00am registration : Lecture 8.45am 12.00pm - tea 1.00pm Lunch9.00am Start : to 1.00pm break 10.30am 1.00pm-4.00pm. Workshop Lunch 1.00pm to 2.00pm Register early to enjoy Discount Workshop - limited to 20 participants! After 5th Aug 2009 Member : S$ 70.00 – S$ 90.00 QUT - Prince Commence Charles Hospital, Staib Rd, Chermside Brisbane 2.00pm to 5.00pm Non-Member : S$ 90.00 – S$ 110.00 Hands-on Cadaver Course Lateral Window Sinus Augmentation & Block Grafting Techniques with Prof. Dr.Valentini hygenist : S$ 70.00 Registration 8:30am - Lecture 10:15am only Lecture 1 $295 Please note: Lunch is inc 10:15am - 10:45am Morning lecture only & Work Shop Tea ( 7 $195 CDe ) Limited Attendance in full-day registrations an Lecture (student) 10:45am - 12:00pm 2 registrationonly : Lecture 8.45am can be booked for half da Workshop $650 12:00pm- 1:00pm Lunch9.00pm to 5.00pm Start : registrations at $38 per h Full day $850 (lunch included) 5th15th Aug&2009 Days 2 & 3 Before - Thursday Friday 16th May 2014 1:00pm-4:00pm Workshop Member : S$ 110.00 CPD hours apply Non-Member : S$ 140.00 Day 4 - Saturday the 17th of May 2014 Auditorium ( Level 8 ) the NDC Duxton Hotel Perth 1 st georges terrace Perth, Wa Live Surgeries Block Grafting Singapore 168938 Sinus Augmentation with Prof. Ivanovski & Prof. Dr. Valentini 10:00am - 5:00pm Contact : 6741 5411 nareida Mitchell on 02 9697 6361 Venue : Griffith University Health Centre, Gold5Coast Campus, Cnr ofAvenue Olsen Ave & Parklands Drive, Southport Second hospital
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