Zahira College – Colombo Primary Section Holiday Assignment 2nd Term - 2014 Part – I Subjects Arithmetical tical Concepts , Subjects: Arithme English Language, Sinhala / Tamil ( English Medium) Grade: 3 Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 1 of 17 st th 1 part of the assignment should be handed over on 7 July between 9.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. to the Head. Primary office. 2 part of the assignment will be given on the 17 July, nd th of Guidelines to the parents…. These holiday assignments should be completed by the students, parent can guide when necessary. The assignments should be handed over in A4 sheets as a booklet separately, for each subject in a decorative manner. If needed the students can paste / draw picture. foudmshkaf.a wjOdkhg wjOdkhg fuh ksjdvq ld,fha mejreula fõX fuh isik q a úisku a l< hq;=fõX wjYH wjia:djkays foudmshkag uÛ fmkaúh yelshX tla tla mdvug wod, mejreï fjk fjku A4 fld<j, ms<; s =re ,shd fmd;a msxphla f,i ilia lrkakX wjYHkï w,xldrj;a f,i ms<sfj< l, yelshX mejreï ish,a, isik q f a .a w;a wl=frka ;snh s hq;=hX mejreï I fldgi iïmQrAK lr cQ,s 07 osk fmXjX 9X00 – 11X00 w;r ld,h ;=< m%d:ñl wxYdOsm;s ldrAhd,hg Ndr fokakX mejrEï j, II flgi cQ,s 17 osk ,nd fokq ,efnz ngw;Nwhu; ftdj;jpw;F... ,J tpLKiwf;fhy xg;gilahFk; ,tw;iwg; gps;isfNs nra;a Ntz;Lk;. ngw;Nwhu; Njitg;gLk; NghJ kl;Lk; cjtyhk;. xt;nthU ghl xg;gilfSk; ntt;Ntwhf A4 jhs;fspy; nra;ag;gl;L Gj;jf tbtpy; ifaspf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; tpUk;gpd; myq;fhuk; nra;a KbAk; tpdhf;fSk; tpilfSk; gps;isfspd; ifnaOj;Jf;fshNyNa vOjg;gl Ntz;Lk;. gFjp I ,d; vy;yh xg;gilfSk; [_iy 7e; jpfjp fhiy 9.00 – 11.00f;F ,ilapy; Muk;g gpupT jiytpapd; mYtyfj;jpy; xg;gilf;f Ntz;Lk;. gFjp II w;fhd xg;gilfs; [_iy 17e; jpfjp toq;fg;gLk;. Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 2 of 17 Holiday Assignment Grade 3 – English Medium Arithmetical Concepts Part I (1) Identify the before and after number of a given number. Before Number Number After Number ………………….. 81 ………………….. ………………….. 53 ………………….. ………………….. 78 ………………….. ………………….. 69 ………………….. ………………….. 34 ………………….. ………………….. 21 ………………….. ………………….. 18 ………………….. ………………….. 39 ………………….. ………………….. 40 ………………….. ………………….. 18 ………………….. Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 3 of 17 (2) Order the numbers given in first column according to the instructions given in other two colums. Numbers From the smallest to the biggest From the biggest to the smallest 62 86 …………….. …………… 52 …………….. …………… 9 …………….. …………… 28 …………….. …………… 81 …………….. …………… 58 32 62 16 58 23 25 89 85 Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 4 of 17 (3) Solve the sums. 2 3 38 8 5 7 2 3 0 + 2 1 + 10 +1 3 + 1 4 +1 6 6 8 75 3 9 4 9 1 9 2 + 14 + 1 4 + 1 6 +1 5 18 7 7 8 8 8 3 7 -1 7 - 8 0 - 4 2 1 5 2 9 7 7 9 - 1 8 - 4 9 + (4) Subtract. 1 6 - 4 - 2 9 58 -1 8 - 22 - Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 5 of 17 (5) Draw the given times on clock faces. 1. 7.00 6. 5.00 2. 1.00 7. 8.00 3. 3.00 8. 2.00 4. 11.00 9. 10.00 5. 10. 6.00 6.00 (6) Use the numbers in the box and answer. 4 1 8 2 3 7 0 5 1. Write at least 5 numbers that one less than 100. 2. Write at least 5 numbers that one greater than 100. Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 6 of 17 (7) Write the way that you can pay the given amounts. 1. Rs. 13.00 ……………… 2. Rs. 8.00 ……………… 3. Rs. 16.00 ……………… 4. Rs. 11.00 ……………… 5. Rs. 9.00 ……………… 6. Rs. 19.00 ……………… 7. Rs. 5.00 ……………… 8. Rs. 4.00 ……………… 9. Rs. 2.00 ……………… 10. Rs. 18.00 ……………… Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 7 of 17 (8) Colour the sequence of 3 in blue. Colour the sequence of 5 in yellow. 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 8 of 17 Holiday Assignment Grade 3 – English Medium English Language Part I Fin’s Summer Journal Help Fin the Rabbit write his journal by putting the chopped up words together. Please write the words in his Summer Journal. im lemo mer ne ats re flo tra ound side wers playgr Eg: Summer 1. 2. 3. 4. ju nat vel sw ping nade out ure sum cam bo lax 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 9 of 17 C I S U M P R S D D M V G E L E E S P A P E R A H L Y O K T D E Y C U G V A C T M G A R H W R E S A R E A D D E S Q T O T R U L N L D H U B P J W U E C F N S E G S S N I O D O N M K Z G C R M F C M H P C Z H F E I Z Fill in the blank lines with the words from the puzzle. 1. My new teacher said,” to your new classroom.” 2. Have a seat at this 3.For our first lesson, we will learn about subtraction. 4. We will lots of chapter books this year. 5. I sit right next to my best Sarah. 6.There is a pink on the end of my pencil. 7. I used my to colour a picture of my pencil. 8. At the end of the day, we went outside and played on the 9. Don’t forget to sharpen your 10. I used my scissors to cut a sheet of 11. I brought an apple for my new 12.Be sure you follow all of the school 13. I bought pizza for 14.In class , we sang a silly song C R A Y O N S L H Crayo ns Music Read Paper Welco me Pencil Desk Math Teach er Lunch playgr ound Friend Eraser Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 10 of 17 ksjdvq ld,fha mejreï 3 fY%K a h s isxy, I fldgi (1) my; oelafjk jpk wh;a jkafka l=uk kdu mo jrA.hgo hkak bosrf s hka ,shkakX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ud,h ueiaid fõhkaf.dv fin<d l+Uh s d yekao bkaoh s dj OSjrhd (2) fuh ,shd we;af;a wkqm< s f s j<g ,shkakX wms<f s j<ghX th rgdjlg fldagq ;snzndX fldagq lE,s f.kdjdX .fya w;a;la f;dard .;a;dX w,xldr l+vj q ;ekqjdX 1. 2. 3. 4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 11 of 17 (3) ck lúh lshjd ms<; s =re ,shkakX Wfoa isgka jl=gq fldkao os. wf;a ;sfhk f.dhï ñáh nsu bfka ;sfnk f,akaiq fmdvsh w;g i;rjrï foúmsyf s gka f.dvg 1. 2. 3. 4. werm,a,d ;nm,a,d .ks,, a d hu,a,d os. wrskk a lshkafka l=ulao? nsu ;nkak lshkafka fudkjdo? bfka ;snf q ka fudkjdo? f.dvg taug lshkafka ldf.a msyf s gkao? (4) fm< fmd; 1 isg 11 olajd mdv mdvï lshjd my; wk=re j,g wod, jpk fidhd ,shkakX oka;c ‘i i’ ;d,qc ‘Y Y’ uqrAOc ‘I I’ 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 12 of 17 (5) my; i[a[l wl=re fhfok ne.ska ,shkakX jpk fol | - 1. 2. U - 1. 2. Û - 1. 2. ~ - 1. 2. (6) .e<fmk kdu úfYaIK moh fldgqj ;=<k s a f;dard ysia ;efkys ,shkakX nqrk lmá iq≥ r;= wirK 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX krshd .i uq, isáhsX 2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX n,a,d ymd fkdlhsX 3. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hdplhd mskg hula b,a,hsX 4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX j,dl=Z fifuka mdfjhsX 5. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX t<fok ;Kfld< lhsX (7) m%fya<l s d mqrjuqX Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 13 of 17 my<g: my<g o 1. ojig fojrla ueosh hq;=hX 2. u≥rejdf.ka je<fok frda.X yryg: yryg 3. wfma m%Odk wdydrhhsX jd (8) . ;= my<g: my<g 1. .ig ;j;a kulsX X yryg: yryg 2. wOsl jeis ksid we;sfõX (9) l ue u my<g: my<g 1. f,v fndalrk lDñfhlsX 2. fj<|dï lrk ;ekhsX yryg: yryg 3. hqo finZ fï i|yd fjfyfi;sXs Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 14 of 17 tpLKiwf;fhy xg;gil juk; - 03 – jkpo; nkhop gFjp – I (01) gpd;tUk; ml;ltiziag; G+uzg;gLj;Jq;fs;. xUik gd;ik mJ ..................................... ...................................... gpuhzpfs; gok; ..................................... ...................................... kyu;fs; Nkfk; ..................................... ....................................... glq;fs; rpWtd; ..................................... ....................................... cwtpdu;fs; (02) ghlg;Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s “ey;y gof;fq;fs;” vd;w ghlj;jpy; Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 15 of 17 (03) (04) (05) (06) Fwpg;gpl;Ls;s ew;gof;f tof;fq;fis tupirg;gLj;Jq;fs;. ghlg;Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s “jpUf;Fws;” vd;w ghlj;jpy; ,lk;ngw;Ws;s gadpiyr; nrhw;fis vOJq;fs;. fpuhkpag; ghly; xd;iw vOjp mjpypUe;J 5 tpdhf;fis jahupj;J tpil vOJq;fs;. tPjpr; rkpf;iQfspd; glq;fs; 15,id xl;b mjw;fhd tpsf;fj;jpid vOJq;fs;. gpd;tUk; gonkhopfisg; G+uzg;gLj;Jq;fs;. 1. xd;W gl;lhy; ........................................... 2. mb Nky; mb mbj;jhy; ....................... 3. Mw;wpNy Nghl;lhYk; ............................. 4. Nehaw;w tho;Nt .................................... 5. mlk;gd; nfhbAk; .................................. 6. kpd;Dtnjy;yhk; .................................... 7. #L fz;l G+id .................................... 8. Kaw;rpAilahu; ....................................... 9. ty;ytDf;Fg; ......................................... 10. rpW Jsp ................................................... Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 16 of 17 (07) gpd;tUk; glj;ijg; ghu;jJ ; fUj;Js;s Ie;J trdq;fs; vOJq;fs;. (08) gpd;tUk; jiyg;Gf;fspy; 5 trdq;fs; vOjTk;. vdJ tPlL ; j; Njhl;lk;. ehd; xU gwitahdhy; thndhypapd; gad;fs;. Zahira College – Primary – 011-7226333 Page 17 of 17
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