APPLICATIONS FOR DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Department of Management Studies THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA From 13th January to 13th February -2015 DURATION: 04 Years Complete 02 years and earn Diploma in Management MEDIUM: 1st and 2nd years - Sinhala, Tamil and English 3rd and 4th years- English Study materials only in English ENTRY REQIREMENTS: Should complete 18 years of age on the closing date of applications and (a) THREE passes at the G.C.E. A/L examination in one sitting or (b) Successful completion of any foundation programme of the Open University of Sri Lanka or (c) Any other qualifications equivalent to the above acceptable to the Senate or (d) Successful completion of the Diploma in Management Programme of the Open University of Sri Lanka (Those who posses this qualification can directly enter to the 3rd year of Degree Programme) or (e) Successful completion of the Certificate Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management of the Open University of Sri Lanka.(students who sat for the final examination of this programme in 2014 can also apply on the basis of pending results) SELECTION TEST Candidates who possess qualifications other than (d) and (e) above need to sit for a selection test, which will be held on 21st February 2015. CENTERS: Academic activities will be conducted at the Colombo, Kandy, Matara, Jaffna, Anuradhapura, Batticaloa,Badulla and Kurunagala Regional Centres and Puttalam, and Vavuniya Study Centres. APPLICATION FORMS AND INFORMATION: Application forms and particulars could be obtained between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm on the payment of Rs. 750/= in cash, from following places. I. Public Information Office, Open University, Nawala on all days (except Public holidays) II. Regional Centres at Anuradhapura, Batticaloa, Jaffna, Kandy (Polgolla), Matara (Nupe), Badulla, Kurunegala, and study centres at Ambalangoda, Ampara, Bandarawela, Gampaha, Galle, Hambantota, Kalutara, Kegalle, Monaragala, Polonnaruwa, Puttalam, Ratnapura, Vavuniya and Kilinochchi on all days (Other than Sundays, Mondays and Public holidays). Applications can be downloaded from For further information - Public Information Office (Tel. 011-2881327, 0112881256) Submission of Applications Completed applications should reach to the Assistant Director/ Regional Officer/ Coordinator of the Regional Centre/ Study Centre from where applicant collected the application form. Closing Date of Applications 13th February 2015. Registrar The Open University of Sri Lanka Nawala, Nugegoda whÿïm;a le|ùu l<ukdlrK ämaf,daudj l<ukdlrK wOHhkfõoS Wmdêh 2015 ckjdrs 13 osk isg fmnrjdrs 13 osk olajd ld, iSudj( wjqreoQ 04 wOHhk udOHh ( m<uq jir fol id¾:lj ksu l< wfmaCIlhkag l<ukdlrK ämaf,daudj msrs kefï' m,uq yd fojk jir ) isxy," fou< iy bx.S%is ;=kajk yd y;rjk jir ) bx.S%is udOHfhka muKs' ^wOHhk o%jHh ilia lr we;af;a bx.S%isfhka muKs'& we;=<;a ùu i|yd iqÿiqlï ( whoqïm;a Ndr .kakd wjidk oskg jhi wjqreoq 18 iïmQ¾K ù ;sîu iy ^w& wOHhk fmdoq iy;sl m;% ^Wiia fm<& úNd.fhka wju jYfhka tla jrloS úIhhka ;=kla iu;a jS ;snSu fyda ^wd& YS% ,xld újD; úYajúoHd,h u.ska mj;ajk ´kEu mokï mdGud,djla iu;aj ;sîu fyda ^we& by; iqoqiqlïj,g iudk njg ikd;k iNdj úiska ms<s.kq ,nk fjk;a iqoqiqlï fyda ^wE& YS% ,xld újD; úYajúoHd,h u.ska mj;ajk ,o l<ukdlrK ämaf,daudj iu;aj ;snSu ^fuu iq¥iqlu iys; wfmaCIlhka Wmdê mdGud,dfõ 3 jk jirg Rcqju we;=,;a lr .kq ,efí'& fyda ^b& YS% ,xld újD; úYajúoHd,h u.ska mj;ajk jHjidhl;ajh yd l=vd jHdmdr l<ukdlrKh ms<sn| iy;sl m;% mdGud,dj iu;aj ;sîu (2014 j¾Ifha wjika m%;sM, wfmalaIdfjka isák isiqka ygo b,a¨ï l< yel'& f;dard .ekSfï mrSCIKh ()by; ^wE& iy ^b& ldKav j,g wh;a whoqïlrejka yer fiiq whoqïlrejka 2015 fmnrjdrs 21 jk osk meje;afjk f;dard.ekSfï mrSCIKhg fmkS isáh hq;=h' wOHhk uOHia:dk( fld<U" uykqjr" ud;r" hdmkh" wkqrdOmqrh, uvl,mqj, noq,a, iy l=reKE., m%dfoaYSh uOHia:dk j, iy mq;a;,u" iy jjqkshdj wOHhk uOHia:dkj, wOHhk lghq;= mj;ajkq ,efí' whoqïm;a iy úia;r( whoqïm;a iy wfkl=;a úia;r fm'j' 9'00 isg m'j' 3'00 olajd re'750$- la uqo,ska f.jSfuka my; ia:dkj,oS ,nd.; yel' i. m%isoaO ksjdvq osk yer wka ishˆ oskj, kdj," YS% ,xld újD; úYajúoHd,fha uyck iïnkaO;d ld¾hd,h' brsod, i|qod iy m%isoaO ksjdvq osk yer wfkla oskj, uykqjr ^fmd,af.d,a,&" ud;r ^kQfma&" wkqrdOmqrh" uvl,mqj" hdmkh noq,a, "yd l=reKE.," msysá m%dfoaYSh uOHia:dk j,ska iy wïn,kaf.dv" wïmdr" nKvdrfj<" .d,a," yïnkaf;dg" l¿;r" lE.,a," fmdf<dkakrej" fudKrd.," r;akmqrh" jjqkshdj" .ïmy" mq;a;,u iy ls,sfkdÉÑh hk wOHhk uOHia:dk' whoqïm;a fjì wvõfhka ,nd.; yel' jeäsoqr úia;r uyck iïnkaO;d iy f;dr;=re uOHia:dkh ^oqrl;k wxl 011-2881327 011-2881256& ii. whoqïm;a bosrsm;a lsrSu () ksis mrsos iïmQ¾K lrk ,o whoqïm;a" tu whoqïm;a ,nd .;a m%%dfoaYSh uOHia:dkfha fyda wOHhk uOHia:dkfha iyldr wOHCI $ m%%dfoaYSh ks,OdrS$iïnkaëlrK ks,OdrS fj; ,eîug ie,eiaúh hq;=h' whoqï lsrSfï wjidk oskh ( 2015 fmnrjdrs 13 f,aLldêldrS YS% ,xld újD; úYajúoHd,h kdj,"'
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